Its incredible what i have done in a year looking back on it (long thread and after this i will delete (I hope))

(Water reply) but bluepill advice only works because of blackpill, you are white and your bone structure is fine therefore you can slay
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(Water reply) but bluepill advice only works because of blackpill, you are white and your bone structure is fine therefore you can slay
I know but it put me from MTN ( based on results) to HTN (based on results)
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It really isnt man, i have seen my friend a literal 5'5 indonesian get more girls but he is into PUA and all that stuff
Lol even I know a 5'6 nigga who fucked the hottest girl in my batch. Brutal shit
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Lol even I know a 5'6 nigga who fucked the hottest girl in my batch. Brutal shit
I will say it is questionable how he gets these results. He always gets em when they are drunk or jut going through a break up
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I will say it is questionable how he gets these results. He always gets em when they are drunk or jut going through a break up
Well the 5'6 guy in question is rich asf too so there is that and yes he targets vulnerable girls
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I guess I need to get rejected by LTB asap to unleash the inner sigma inside and turn my life around.
  • JFL
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I guess I need to get rejected by LTB asap to unleash the inner sigma inside and turn my life around.
I still hate her guts but also am thankful for waking my ass up
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@moggathon where you at
your eyelashes ascend your eye area so much ngl, how much did oral min help them?
Last edited:
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This photo was taken two days before my life changing embarrassment :
View attachment 2799071

This what i looked like a year ago and this is roughly when it all began
I was a young naive grasshopper waighing at a 270 pounds with a 40% bodyfat. and I had one goal for senior year which was to go on a single date. So who was my target but the pick me LTB. I asked her out looking like this and I STILL remeber the look on her face of disgust and then covered it up and smiled and said yes out of pity (I was so inexperienced i did not know this at the time).
She tried so hard avoiding me until the date it was painful, and then the day came and we went to a cheap mexican resturant and I was hype and then disaster happened. She got her MOM to call her and bail her out. I was shook and I was searching for how i fucked up. Up until this point in my life i was told looks dont matter, so i searched on youtube and was fed the bluepill and was dissatisfied so like a baby dark triad I looked into manipulation and PUA. Specifically Robert Greene which was indecisive and did not help at all. But I was losing weight radically at this point in time about 5 pounds a week.
View attachment 2799082
I didnt have a ton of muscle at all, and with all the wight loss it was just as much fat as muscle but this will come back later

Then I found wheat waffles and started getting into the blackpill and then to FACEandLMS then I found the forum. I then Started actually changing things but in the summer i was rotting hard and just worked out and played video games like a subhuman.
Then i went off to college, and i tried rushing a fraternity that was starting a colony. The night before bid day ( basically the day you actually have ties to a fraternity. I got wasted and hit a shit ton of a delta-8 pen and started yapping about zygo bones and dentistry to girls at the party. (Learned from this so fucking bad)
As you can prolly tell i got cut, but then the best thing i ever did happened. I started an Ostarine cycle at this point my physique was looking like this.
View attachment 2799089

a good frame but no definition at all. I started the cylcle at 10 mgs per day except on weekends and at 6.5 mgs of Enclo and eventually upped it to 20 mgs
I also learned just to unclench my fucking teeth JFL adding atleast half a point PSL to myself and stopped frauding and coping and put in some work. Notably started oral minoxidil to improve a fading hairline corner, this was the third best thing after the cycle and unclenching. This was a eye pic at the time

View attachment 2799098
View attachment 2799095 I looked like this at this point in time notice how the hairline was so high, my face grew a bit thanks to puberty but still.
I did not have a social life at all besides my friends back at my hometown. and at the end of the cycle i got a better physique, looking roughly like this.

View attachment 2799099View attachment 2799106

Is it perfect? not even close but certainly way better than before. (I also tried growing out my hair but it was always greasy even with shampoo so i got a fade taper

The only thing lacking at this point was a social life, so i decided to join a frat and ironically a better one.
and shit took off man, once i got in the bar things were so easy. I got my first kiss at the pledge party and quite a few dates from it. I always kept fumbling about two weeks in after sleeping with them (partially because i didnt care about LTRing a MTB and then my shitty dick game). Now i know @moggathon is going to come in this thread and try to say im KHHV but I will put a video at the bottom. but I started looking like this at the beginning of pledging
View attachment 2799125

Things were all right except the hair then i got that fixed ( the frat also forced me lol)
View attachment 2799128View attachment 2799129
And that was it. GAME OVER. I slayed right after getting the haircut (bluepill advice worked JFL)
Massive improvement
  • +1
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from the first picture alone i can tell you are low class genetic trash that will never get anywhere in life
  • JFL
Reactions: tombradylover
from the first picture alone i can tell you are low class genetic trash that will never get anywhere in life
alright boss, projection halo is strong eh
Is 6’3
Blue eyes
Take roids
Lost fat, gained
Is in university, probably just started
Frat = US maybe?

You took advantage of your environment but this does not work everywhere, and you are especially lucky to still be in uni + have access to frats
Enjoy while you still can
  • +1
Reactions: Mr. President
Is 6’3
Blue eyes
Take roids
Lost fat, gained
Is in university, probably just started
Frat = US maybe?

You took advantage of your environment but this does not work everywhere, and you are especially lucky to still be in uni + have access to frats
Enjoy while you still can
Exactly how it is going, i just want to say its not over for everyone. The love of a good women is incredible
  • +1
Reactions: cheerio
U look much better now bruh. Good shit congrats on improving and enjoy the fruits of ur labor
  • +1
Reactions: Mr. President
6’3 fat fuck lost weight wow so hard to do bro congrats!!!
i think fat dudes who get handsome after losing weight are probably my #1 hated group. it's the

"gee whiz, all i had to do is lose weight ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. whelp, see ya later!"

of it all. meanwhile, i'm 40 and having my face endlessly cut apart just to look normal.
i think fat dudes who get handsome after losing weight are probably my #1 hated group. it's the

"gee whiz, all i had to do is lose weight ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. whelp, see ya later!"

of it all. meanwhile, i'm 40 and having my face endlessly cut apart just to look normal.
Yea because he didn’t have to do anything I’m skinny and I’m ugly asf I gotta do lefort 8 to save my face and this dude just had to stop eating McDonald’s all day ascends on top of that he’s 6’3 what a joke
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Im proud of it

This photo was taken two days before my life changing embarrassment :
View attachment 2799071

This what i looked like a year ago and this is roughly when it all began
I was a young naive grasshopper waighing at a 270 pounds with a 40% bodyfat. and I had one goal for senior year which was to go on a single date. So who was my target but the pick me LTB. I asked her out looking like this and I STILL remeber the look on her face of disgust and then covered it up and smiled and said yes out of pity (I was so inexperienced i did not know this at the time).
She tried so hard avoiding me until the date it was painful, and then the day came and we went to a cheap mexican resturant and I was hype and then disaster happened. She got her MOM to call her and bail her out. I was shook and I was searching for how i fucked up. Up until this point in my life i was told looks dont matter, so i searched on youtube and was fed the bluepill and was dissatisfied so like a baby dark triad I looked into manipulation and PUA. Specifically Robert Greene which was indecisive and did not help at all. But I was losing weight radically at this point in time about 5 pounds a week.
View attachment 2799082
I didnt have a ton of muscle at all, and with all the wight loss it was just as much fat as muscle but this will come back later

Then I found wheat waffles and started getting into the blackpill and then to FACEandLMS then I found the forum. I then Started actually changing things but in the summer i was rotting hard and just worked out and played video games like a subhuman.
Then i went off to college, and i tried rushing a fraternity that was starting a colony. The night before bid day ( basically the day you actually have ties to a fraternity. I got wasted and hit a shit ton of a delta-8 pen and started yapping about zygo bones and dentistry to girls at the party. (Learned from this so fucking bad)
As you can prolly tell i got cut, but then the best thing i ever did happened. I started an Ostarine cycle at this point my physique was looking like this.
View attachment 2799089

a good frame but no definition at all. I started the cylcle at 10 mgs per day except on weekends and at 6.5 mgs of Enclo and eventually upped it to 20 mgs
I also learned just to unclench my fucking teeth JFL adding atleast half a point PSL to myself and stopped frauding and coping and put in some work. Notably started oral minoxidil to improve a fading hairline corner, this was the third best thing after the cycle and unclenching. This was a eye pic at the time

View attachment 2799098
View attachment 2799095 I looked like this at this point in time notice how the hairline was so high, my face grew a bit thanks to puberty but still.
I did not have a social life at all besides my friends back at my hometown. and at the end of the cycle i got a better physique, looking roughly like this.

View attachment 2799099View attachment 2799106

Is it perfect? not even close but certainly way better than before. (I also tried growing out my hair but it was always greasy even with shampoo so i got a fade taper

The only thing lacking at this point was a social life, so i decided to join a frat and ironically a better one.
and shit took off man, once i got in the bar things were so easy. I got my first kiss at the pledge party and quite a few dates from it. I always kept fumbling about two weeks in after sleeping with them (partially because i didnt care about LTRing a MTB and then my shitty dick game). Now i know @moggathon is going to come in this thread and try to say im KHHV but I will put a video at the bottom. but I started looking like this at the beginning of pledging
View attachment 2799125

Things were all right except the hair then i got that fixed ( the frat also forced me lol)
View attachment 2799128View attachment 2799129
And that was it. GAME OVER. I slayed right after getting the haircut (bluepill advice worked JFL)
proud of you my by boy
  • Love it
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This photo was taken two days before my life changing embarrassment :
View attachment 2799071

This what i looked like a year ago and this is roughly when it all began
I was a young naive grasshopper waighing at a 270 pounds with a 40% bodyfat. and I had one goal for senior year which was to go on a single date. So who was my target but the pick me LTB. I asked her out looking like this and I STILL remeber the look on her face of disgust and then covered it up and smiled and said yes out of pity (I was so inexperienced i did not know this at the time).
She tried so hard avoiding me until the date it was painful, and then the day came and we went to a cheap mexican resturant and I was hype and then disaster happened. She got her MOM to call her and bail her out. I was shook and I was searching for how i fucked up. Up until this point in my life i was told looks dont matter, so i searched on youtube and was fed the bluepill and was dissatisfied so like a baby dark triad I looked into manipulation and PUA. Specifically Robert Greene which was indecisive and did not help at all. But I was losing weight radically at this point in time about 5 pounds a week.
View attachment 2799082
I didnt have a ton of muscle at all, and with all the wight loss it was just as much fat as muscle but this will come back later

Then I found wheat waffles and started getting into the blackpill and then to FACEandLMS then I found the forum. I then Started actually changing things but in the summer i was rotting hard and just worked out and played video games like a subhuman.
Then i went off to college, and i tried rushing a fraternity that was starting a colony. The night before bid day ( basically the day you actually have ties to a fraternity. I got wasted and hit a shit ton of a delta-8 pen and started yapping about zygo bones and dentistry to girls at the party. (Learned from this so fucking bad)
As you can prolly tell i got cut, but then the best thing i ever did happened. I started an Ostarine cycle at this point my physique was looking like this.
View attachment 2799089

a good frame but no definition at all. I started the cylcle at 10 mgs per day except on weekends and at 6.5 mgs of Enclo and eventually upped it to 20 mgs
I also learned just to unclench my fucking teeth JFL adding atleast half a point PSL to myself and stopped frauding and coping and put in some work. Notably started oral minoxidil to improve a fading hairline corner, this was the third best thing after the cycle and unclenching. This was a eye pic at the time

View attachment 2799098
View attachment 2799095 I looked like this at this point in time notice how the hairline was so high, my face grew a bit thanks to puberty but still.
I did not have a social life at all besides my friends back at my hometown. and at the end of the cycle i got a better physique, looking roughly like this.

View attachment 2799099View attachment 2799106

Is it perfect? not even close but certainly way better than before. (I also tried growing out my hair but it was always greasy even with shampoo so i got a fade taper

The only thing lacking at this point was a social life, so i decided to join a frat and ironically a better one.
and shit took off man, once i got in the bar things were so easy. I got my first kiss at the pledge party and quite a few dates from it. I always kept fumbling about two weeks in after sleeping with them (partially because i didnt care about LTRing a MTB and then my shitty dick game). Now i know @moggathon is going to come in this thread and try to say im KHHV but I will put a video at the bottom. but I started looking like this at the beginning of pledging
View attachment 2799125

Things were all right except the hair then i got that fixed ( the frat also forced me lol)
View attachment 2799128View attachment 2799129
And that was it. GAME OVER. I slayed right after getting the haircut (bluepill advice worked JFL)
I mock you for being racist a lot but ngl I’m mirin super fucking hard dude good job
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good shit nigga
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I’m genuinely happy for you man 🙌
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  • JFL
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