It's probably over even for Chadlites in 2020 and beyond. [srs]

Deleted member 2527

Deleted member 2527

Jul 21, 2019

Hypergamy is through the roof and only getting worse.
  • +1
Reactions: PrisonMike, MammothActuary, born to die 2002 and 5 others
Bloatmax and slay like @LondonVillie
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: CursedOne, shimada, BigBoy and 11 others
fuck woman
it’ll just continue until a major crash in the dating market takes place. When this crash happens is up in the air but it will happen.
  • +1
  • Love it
  • JFL
Reactions: MammothActuary, Bennett, TylerDurden and 2 others
Tbh I think the top 30 or so % will always be used for at least betabucks.
  • +1
Reactions: PrisonMike, Bennett, 6'4 looksmaxxxer and 3 others
it’ll just continue until a major crash in the dating market takes place. When this crash happens is up in the air but it will happen.
it's not a speculation bro, it will never happen within the market itself
  • +1
Reactions: Usum
Cope tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: DidntRead and Deleted member 1862
Betabux is just <high-tier normie w/ money. If you're above that looks level and make a lot of money, you won't get betabuxed unless you're retarded.
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy, Bennett, 6'4 looksmaxxxer and 1 other person
Betabux is just <high-tier normie w/ money. If you're above that looks level and make a lot of money, you won't get betabuxed unless you're retarded.
jfl, high tier normie + good status is already good, why needed to be a "betabux" ?
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy
Who cares, I have no influence on any of this.

Just looksmax and do the things you like in life. Rest is cope.
  • +1
Reactions: johncruz12345, HighIQcel, BonesAndHarmony and 7 others
jfl, high tier normie + good status is already good, why needed to be a "betabux" ?
Making money is really important for life. A lot of people overlook the M in LMS. I'm gonna money max hard in these next years. Not wageslaving though, or nothing illegal
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 685 and Deleted member 3043
Making money is really important for life. A lot of people overlook the M in LMS. I'm gonna money max hard in these next years. Not wageslaving though, or nothing illegal
i do agree but what is this betaxbux meme ? if you'r a high tier normie at 30+ yo ie slightly above 5 psl + good status/job and fair good amount of money, you'r in the top 10/100 give or take. no need to be a cuck for a woman, unless you go for whores/fucked up stacies in their mind.
  • +1
Reactions: Germania
Making money is really important for life. A lot of people overlook the M in LMS. I'm gonna money max hard in these next years. Not wageslaving though, or nothing illegal
Why aren't you still focussing on cryptocurrency, there's still a huge window for oppurtunity
Yeah. That's why I gave up on women. Men make better women anyway.
  • JFL
Reactions: BigBoy and Usum
i do agree but what is this betaxbux meme ? if you'r a high tier normie at 30+ yo ie slightly above 5 psl + good status/job and fair good amount of money, you'r in the top 10/100 give or take. no need to be a cuck for a woman, unless you go for whores/fucked up stacies in their mind.
Lots of NuMales get betabuxed. But they're a different species. I didn't really want to talk about "betabuxing" etc coz I don't care about that. Was more stating how having good cashflow is really underlooked and underrated here.
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy, Bennett, DidntRead and 1 other person
Lots of NuMales get betabuxed. But they're a different species. I didn't really want to talk about "betabuxing" etc coz I don't care about that. Was more stating how having good cashflow is really underlooked and underrated here.
i completely agree.
what's "numales"?
Why aren't you still focussing on cryptocurrency, there's still a huge window for oppurtunity
Because RISK. The game works the way it does. Crypto is no more of an opportunity than anything else that trades even though crypto is so volatile and enticing. There's a risk associated with the potential reward and Crypto is quite dangerous especially when trading with a small bankroll and in a non-professional environment. If I ever get properly rich, like 10m€+ net worth, I'll probably wait for an economic collapse, wait the 1-2 years until everything begins to recover and then invest in the VTI and live on easy mode, doing nothing and profiting on the yearly compound gains. Reinvest dividends also.
i completely agree.
what's "numales"?

the weird ones where their mouth takes up their whole face and they can open it like 10x as wide as a normal person
Because RISK. The game works the way it does. Crypto is no more of an opportunity than anything else that trades even though crypto is so volatile and enticing. There's a risk associated with the potential reward and Crypto is quite dangerous especially when trading with a small bankroll and in a non-professional environment. If I ever get properly rich, like 10m€+ net worth, I'll probably wait for an economic collapse, wait the 1-2 years until everything begins to recover and then invest in the VTI and live on easy mode, doing nothing and profiting on the yearly compound gains. Reinvest dividends also.


the weird ones where their mouth takes up their whole face and they can open it like 10x as wide as a normal person
Feb 09' - Invest €10,000,000
Feb 10' - €16,190,000 - 61.9% profit
Feb 11' - €19,687,040‬ - 21.6% profit
Feb 12' - €21,281,690.24‬ - 8.1% profit
Feb 13' - €23,090,633.91 - 8.5% profit
Feb 14' - €29,140,379.99 - 26.2% profit
Feb 15' - €32,170,979.51 - 10.4% profit
Feb 17' - €36,192,351.95 - 12.5% profit
Feb 18' - €41,621,204.74 - 15% profit
Now - €43,868,749.80 - 5.4% profit


Market crashes, ~1-3 years where everything is undervalued, then another 8-13 year surge. Repeat and keep your money compounding. Very low risk and effort.
Because RISK. The game works the way it does. Crypto is no more of an opportunity than anything else that trades even though crypto is so volatile and enticing. There's a risk associated with the potential reward and Crypto is quite dangerous especially when trading with a small bankroll and in a non-professional environment. If I ever get properly rich, like 10m€+ net worth, I'll probably wait for an economic collapse, wait the 1-2 years until everything begins to recover and then invest in the VTI and live on easy mode, doing nothing and profiting on the yearly compound gains. Reinvest dividends also.


the weird ones where their mouth takes up their whole face and they can open it like 10x as wide as a normal person

Feb 09' - Invest €10,000,000
Feb 10' - €16,190,000 - 61.9% profit
Feb 11' - €19,687,040‬ - 21.6% profit
Feb 12' - €21,281,690.24‬ - 8.1% profit
Feb 13' - €23,090,633.91 - 8.5% profit
Feb 14' - €29,140,379.99 - 26.2% profit
Feb 15' - €32,170,979.51 - 10.4% profit
Feb 17' - €36,192,351.95 - 12.5% profit
Feb 18' - €41,621,204.74 - 15% profit
Now - €43,868,749.80 - 5.4% profit


Market crashes, ~1-3 years where everything is undervalued, then another 8-13 year surge. Repeat and keep your money compounding. Very low risk and effort.
Look at the magnitude of the economic surge since 2009 compared to 2001-2008. Mogs the shit out of it. And everyone thought the Property bubble was huge; before that everyone thought the dotcom bubble was huge. Each bubble gets bigger and bigger as time goes by. No one even acknowledges how insane the economic growth has been in the last 10 years. There'll be bigger recessions and bigger booms. Just need to be smart and not get cajoled into making silly investment decisions within the market, because the reward/risk will be higher and things can backfire. Just ride the wave. But have enough money first. People who did this literally had to do nothing. Vanguard have like 5.1Trillion $ in assets under management and the VTI specifically has 823B worth of investable assets. So people are basically investing into an exchange traded fund and inflating it, making it more bouyant.
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  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: RAITEIII, InZayn and Deleted member 3043
Because RISK. The game works the way it does. Crypto is no more of an opportunity than anything else that trades even though crypto is so volatile and enticing. There's a risk associated with the potential reward and Crypto is quite dangerous especially when trading with a small bankroll and in a non-professional environment. If I ever get properly rich, like 10m€+ net worth, I'll probably wait for an economic collapse, wait the 1-2 years until everything begins to recover and then invest in the VTI and live on easy mode, doing nothing and profiting on the yearly compound gains. Reinvest dividends also.
What makes you think we are currently in a bubble? Market has been flat for over a year now, Price/Earnings ratio's are nowhere near anything crazy like during the dotcom bubble, etc. People aren't suddenly going to stop buying new phones.

I agree with risk-taking and currently have 220k dollars invested by leveraging student loans. So far I've been totally flat this whole year though and a recession will wipe me out due to my leverage. Not that I care cuz it's just student loans so whatever, but still I'd rather be rich.
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extreme cope

op probably thinks he's a chadlite with that plastic face of his and he's not satisfied with the attention he's getting :lul:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: BigBoy, Deleted member 2810, Deleted member 2846 and 5 others
What makes you think we are currently in a bubble? Market has been flat for over a year now, Price/Earnings ratio's are nowhere near anything crazy like during the dotcom bubble, etc. People aren't suddenly going to stop buying new phones.

I agree with risk-taking and currently have 220k dollars invested by leveraging student loans. So far I've been totally flat this whole year though and a recession will wipe me out due to my leverage. Not that I care cuz it's just student loans so whatever, but still I'd rather be rich.
I feel pretty out of it atm because I had to take a ton of Panadol coz by back hurts like shit. So apologies in advance if my replies are shitty. Risk management / trading / finance is my area and I have a few diplomas and degrees in Capital markets, investing, trading etc.

What I've learned is that everything is centered around risk/reward. Emotion destroys anyone's ability to invest and trade rationally. Just by observing pretty much all big indexes like the SP500, Dow Jones etc, we can see that equities are the highest they've ever been. We're not in a "bubble" that has stigma attached like, dotcom, CDOs and all those things in the past that were to blame for the economic downturns. But it's just clear how extended we are and we're due a big crash. Almost every countries debt is the highest it's ever been, every second, right now. Japan are in like 1qdr yen worth of debt. A crash WILL happen. I'm not claiming I can predict when or whatever.. but you will be fine. Leveraging student loans sounds scary as fuck... US have $6T+ in college debt and I wouldn't say it's a good idea to invest in anything with such a risk. Why not just invest your money and not borrow anything? Leverage fucked me so hard in the past. It's all rigged. People looking to lend you their money so you can lose it all along with your margin so they can take back everything. P/E ratios don't matter too much to me. It is concerning when you see multiple companies in an emerging field with crazy revenue. That's not happening right now but it's just becoming a matter of "what goes up must come down". See what happened with General Electric at the moment? They've been overstating their earnings since 2016 (or probably forever)... They got bailed out in 2008 and were probably still cooking the books back then. The US let banks fail.. Citizens took the hardest hit. It'll just happen again. People will want to profit on the way down too with PUT options, shorting everything and making use of newly created financial derivatives like the "Credit Default Swap" which was used to make money off the failure of Collateralized Debt Obligations. I'm just rambling here and wish I wasn't dopey rn because this is an interesting topic. It's all zero sum. Winners and losers. Goldman Sachs win, the trillion dollar investment firms who offer index funds and ETFs will win, BitMEX in crypto are winning right now; just look at how nicely their liquidation fund is growing.

Essentially, big money moves the markets. Nothing else. News and forecasts are made public for dummies who read the Wall St Journal to get duped. People actually believe news moves the markets, or whatever else. It's a game of psychology. If you have people investing in indexes with leverage, they take on risk; they have a liquidation price or stoplosses. The conglomerates who have the big money simply move the price of the underlying, with their HUGE sums of money, in the direction of the lay-men investors' stoplosses/liquidation prices; then they grab their liquidity, basically taking their money right from them and then planning to push the price of all assets trading against USD, in the next direction, towards the huge stoploss/ liquidity pools of the masses of retail traders, to again, destroy their position and take their money. It's never just a "Black Swan Event". Oooh the market just took a weird turn and unfortunately my position was stopped out. People think "Ohh it's because of oil.... It's because Trump said this or that...." It's not any of that. It's because the smart big money HUNT your positions, always, and it's automated and incredibly calculated. Unless you're doing something very low risk and low reward, and respecting time as a factor to grow your investment, you'll get fucked. Leverage will bite you in the ass. I lost $43,000 on 1 leveraged trade. The day Bitcoin reached it's ATH of $19554 was 17th Dec 2017. On that day, there was the most amount of google searches of "How to buy bitcoin", "Is bitcoin a good investment", and news and media outlets like CNN, CNBC, ABC were pumping out tons of hype to buy bitcoin, saying that "Certified Financial Analysts" are predicting it'll reach $30,000 in the next few weeks. They had "Eric Finman" on the station that day and making him say how buying BTC changed his life and flaunting him as the 15 year old bitcoin millionaire whiz kid. These stations knew well that big money conglomerates were going to dump the shit out of BTC in the next days... they just needed to ensure there were enough dumbasses buying into their selling pressure to ensure they could sell the most BTC they could without having to sell more of it at a lower price. Basically, Bitcoin price wasn't choosing its direction by its own will, or because of some bullshit news. Only massive amounts of money moves the price of anything that trades, and that's the only possible way for these price changes to happen. You'll be played on your fear/greed, your impatience/patience, your understanding of risk/reward with time being a function. Leverage is some really nasty stuff man. Again sorry for my low IQ reply, I'm pretty doped up rn.
extreme cope

op probably thinks he's a chadlite with that plastic face of his and he's not satisfied with the attention he's getting :lul:
Brutal @cocainecowboy suicide-pill #2
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: RAITEIII, Mayorga, 6'4 looksmaxxxer and 2 others

Hypergamy is through the roof and only getting worse.
Women have to discover looksmaxing. If girls' looks levels rise we will have higher quality choice, as even low tier girls will be fukable.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 275
Women have to discover looksmaxing. If girls' looks levels rise we will have higher quality choice, as even low tier girls will be fukable.

you kidding bro women have been frauding their looks with makeup forever
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: HighIQcel, BigBoy, InZayn and 2 others
you kidding bro women have been frauding their looks with makeup forever
Ikr, but fakeup is not enough. They need to discover our autistic shit.
all my mates are married or in serious ltr, im seeing a girl on my terms and meeting eager women weekly

you just bring nothing to the dinner table
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5912 and 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Abaoloute shit theory.Makes 0.0% sense.
Sry brah If youre decently attractive you will be able to get girls
  • +1
Reactions: BonesAndHarmony, Germania, DidntRead and 1 other person
its all about locationmaxxing
what do you mean by that

where are you meeting these 'eager' ladies 'weekly'
like here where i life, theres a strong ethnic halo (aka any type of foreigner are superior to whites)
Maybe it's just me, but I see average or slightly above average guys all the time with (goodlooking) girls.
Maybe it's just me, but I see average or slightly above average guys all the time with (goodlooking) girls.

probably moneymaxxed or sugardaddymaxxing
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel
That's why im coping with food
Abaoloute shit theory.Makes 0.0% sense.
Sry brah If youre decently attractive you will be able to get girls
This tbh. If you do all soft looksmaxing from this forum and live an enjoyable life. (Job/study for money, hobbies, social life, positive and energetic mindset <-- very important) you will have no trouble attracting girls.
  • +1
Reactions: DidntRead and 6'4 looksmaxxxer
probably moneymaxxed or sugardaddymaxxing
nope stop using that as an excuse, maybe it is like that in USA, but here in central EU you see legit below average guys with good looking females

as bluepilled it sound ; socialcirclemaxxing/socialskillsmaxxing and beeing NT can get you almost any girl here
  • +1
Reactions: Mayorga, DidntRead, Deleted member 2621 and 1 other person
Go outside
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel and Deleted member 685
I feel pretty out of it atm because I had to take a ton of Panadol coz by back hurts like shit. So apologies in advance if my replies are shitty. Risk management / trading / finance is my area and I have a few diplomas and degrees in Capital markets, investing, trading etc.

What I've learned is that everything is centered around risk/reward. Emotion destroys anyone's ability to invest and trade rationally. Just by observing pretty much all big indexes like the SP500, Dow Jones etc, we can see that equities are the highest they've ever been.
Yes but that's normal for an ever growing population, economy and considering inflation. Just because equities are at an ATH, doesn't mean they are overvalued.

We're not in a "bubble" that has stigma attached like, dotcom, CDOs and all those things in the past that were to blame for the economic downturns. But it's just clear how extended we are and we're due a big crash. Almost every countries debt is the highest it's ever been, every second, right now. Japan are in like 1qdr yen worth of debt. A crash WILL happen. I'm not claiming I can predict when or whatever.. but you will be fine. Leveraging student loans sounds scary as fuck... US have $6T+ in college debt and I wouldn't say it's a good idea to invest in anything with such a risk. Why not just invest your money and not borrow anything? Leverage fucked me so hard in the past. It's all rigged. People looking to lend you their money so you can lose it all along with your margin so they can take back everything.
Debt is high because interest rates are low. I pay 1.25% yearly interest on my leverage and 0% on my student loans. I have never had a job, have no savings, and somehow have 220k dollars in equities. It's a weird situation but one of calculated risk imo and I expect more money like this to flow into the equity market.

P/E ratios don't matter too much to me. It is concerning when you see multiple companies in an emerging field with crazy revenue. That's not happening right now but it's just becoming a matter of "what goes up must come down".
Tech stocks that have lead most of the gains of the SP500 are not at ridiculous valuations. Companies like google, facebook, amazon, apple, microsoft are making tons of money. It's not just speculation like it was with the dotcom bubble where P/E ratio's went absolutely insane.

See what happened with General Electric at the moment? They've been overstating their earnings since 2016 (or probably forever)... They got bailed out in 2008 and were probably still cooking the books back then. The US let banks fail.. Citizens took the hardest hit. It'll just happen again. People will want to profit on the way down too with PUT options, shorting everything and making use of newly created financial derivatives like the "Credit Default Swap" which was used to make money off the failure of Collateralized Debt Obligations. I'm just rambling here and wish I wasn't dopey rn because this is an interesting topic. It's all zero sum. Winners and losers. Goldman Sachs win, the trillion dollar investment firms who offer index funds and ETFs will win, BitMEX in crypto are winning right now; just look at how nicely their liquidation fund is growing.
GE is a shit run company and the current company stock valuation represents that. If anything it shows that the market is working and shit companies are getting shit valuations.

Idk man, everyone knows that the only way to get rich is to invest your money. I have never invested in crypto because that is too much speculation, only in profitable companies that I believe will be profitable in the future aswell. Mostly tech-based, but I have recently acquired a few european banking stocks due to their recession-like valuations.

Essentially, big money moves the markets. Nothing else. News and forecasts are made public for dummies who read the Wall St Journal to get duped. People actually believe news moves the markets, or whatever else. It's a game of psychology. If you have people investing in indexes with leverage, they take on risk; they have a liquidation price or stoplosses. The conglomerates who have the big money simply move the price of the underlying, with their HUGE sums of money, in the direction of the lay-men investors' stoplosses/liquidation prices; then they grab their liquidity, basically taking their money right from them and then planning to push the price of all assets trading against USD, in the next direction, towards the huge stoploss/ liquidity pools of the masses of retail traders, to again, destroy their position and take their money. It's never just a "Black Swan Event". Oooh the market just took a weird turn and unfortunately my position was stopped out. People think "Ohh it's because of oil.... It's because Trump said this or that...." It's not any of that. It's because the smart big money HUNT your positions, always, and it's automated and incredibly calculated. Unless you're doing something very low risk and low reward, and respecting time as a factor to grow your investment, you'll get fucked. Leverage will bite you in the ass. I lost $43,000 on 1 leveraged trade. The day Bitcoin reached it's ATH of $19554 was 17th Dec 2017. On that day, there was the most amount of google searches of "How to buy bitcoin", "Is bitcoin a good investment", and news and media outlets like CNN, CNBC, ABC were pumping out tons of hype to buy bitcoin, saying that "Certified Financial Analysts" are predicting it'll reach $30,000 in the next few weeks. They had "Eric Finman" on the station that day and making him say how buying BTC changed his life and flaunting him as the 15 year old bitcoin millionaire whiz kid. These stations knew well that big money conglomerates were going to dump the shit out of BTC in the next days... they just needed to ensure there were enough dumbasses buying into their selling pressure to ensure they could sell the most BTC they could without having to sell more of it at a lower price. Basically, Bitcoin price wasn't choosing its direction by its own will, or because of some bullshit news. Only massive amounts of money moves the price of anything that trades, and that's the only possible way for these price changes to happen. You'll be played on your fear/greed, your impatience/patience, your understanding of risk/reward with time being a function. Leverage is some really nasty stuff man. Again sorry for my low IQ reply, I'm pretty doped up rn.
It's true that news analysts and forecasts are mostly just bs rambling and big money moves the markets. But we live in a time in which 3 minutes of browsing on the internet can acquire you quarterly earnings reports and outlooks of all the big companies, professional analysts share their knowledge for free on the internet aswell.

However you can see that a large majority simply invests in market-broad ETF's to get those 7% yearly historical gains without having to care about the financials of individual companies. Which is a valid strategy imo.

I don't know anything about cryptocurrency tbh so can't really discuss without about those things. I did get really unlucky with a few equity investments because big money wasn't giving the right value to the company I was invested in. I held it for 2 years without gains, then sold because I figured this shit was broken and I was losing out due to opportunity cost. The thing trippled half a year later for no real reason except big money finally getting into play. So yeah sometimes you get fucked over, sometimes you get lucky. In the end, on average, you should be getting lucky though I suppose. Only way to get rich.
  • +1
Reactions: x30001
nope stop using that as an excuse, maybe it is like that in USA, but here in central EU you see legit below average guys with good looking females

as bluepilled it sound ; socialcirclemaxxing/socialskillsmaxxing and beeing NT can get you almost any girl here

how to social circle max after college/school
how to social circle max after college/school

Guy starts with the importance of looksmaxing so seems legit tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: DidntRead and Deleted member 2527
how to social circle max after college/school
thats my problem too, you shouldve had one in school

its so fucking over after the age of 20 + no active socialcircle
Women have to discover looksmaxing. If girls' looks levels rise we will have higher quality choice, as even low tier girls will be fukable.

Yes but that's normal for an ever growing population, economy and considering inflation. Just because equities are at an ATH, doesn't mean they are overvalued.

Debt is high because interest rates are low. I pay 1.25% yearly interest on my leverage and 0% on my student loans. I have never had a job, have no savings, and somehow have 220k dollars in equities. It's a weird situation but one of calculated risk imo and I expect more money like this to flow into the equity market.

Tech stocks that have lead most of the gains of the SP500 are not at ridiculous valuations. Companies like google, facebook, amazon, apple, microsoft are making tons of money. It's not just speculation like it was with the dotcom bubble where P/E ratio's went absolutely insane.

GE is a shit run company and the current company stock valuation represents that. If anything it shows that the market is working and shit companies are getting shit valuations.

Idk man, everyone knows that the only way to get rich is to invest your money. I have never invested in crypto because that is too much speculation, only in profitable companies that I believe will be profitable in the future aswell. Mostly tech-based, but I have recently acquired a few european banking stocks due to their recession-like valuations.

It's true that news analysts and forecasts are mostly just bs rambling and big money moves the markets. But we live in a time in which 3 minutes of browsing on the internet can acquire you quarterly earnings reports and outlooks of all the big companies, professional analysts share their knowledge for free on the internet aswell.

However you can see that a large majority simply invests in market-broad ETF's to get those 7% yearly historical gains without having to care about the financials of individual companies. Which is a valid strategy imo.

I don't know anything about cryptocurrency tbh so can't really discuss without about those things. I did get really unlucky with a few equity investments because big money wasn't giving the right value to the company I was invested in. I held it for 2 years without gains, then sold because I figured this shit was broken and I was losing out due to opportunity cost. The thing trippled half a year later for no real reason except big money finally getting into play. So yeah sometimes you get fucked over, sometimes you get lucky. In the end, on average, you should be getting lucky though I suppose. Only way to get rich.
Yep, ride the wave, but safely. Wish I could reply properly to you atm but I'm like OD'ing on paracetamol xD. Appreciate your insight! And yeah if we were rich, then investing in some too big to fail index fund would be the best option. My friend manages a lot off money for some of his clients and had an amazing 2018 but a shite 2019 so far. Picking stocks or trying to learn how to create the "perfect portfolio" is probably a waste of one's time since it's rare that anyone can out-preform the market in the longrun.
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  • +1
Reactions: DidntRead and Deleted member 685
thats my problem too, you shouldve had one in school

its so fucking over after the age of 20 + no active socialcircle
Defeatist attitude. You can always improve on your current situation. Stop comparing yourself to others and compare yourself to who you were in the past and what you are doing to make progress towards who you want to be in the future. And keep in mind that people always underestimate what they can do in a year's time, and overestimate what they can do in a week's time. Discipline > short bursts of motivation.
  • +1
Reactions: Rasputin, Mayorga and Deleted member 685
They literally don't need to looksmax. That's the thing. So many fucking ugly bitches these days. Glad

Yep, ride the wave, but safely. Wish I could reply properly to you atm but I'm like OD'ing on paracetamol xD. Appreciate your insight! And yeah if we were rich, then investing in some too big to fail index fund would be the best option. My friend manages a lot off money for some of his clients and had an amazing 2018 but a shite 2019 so far. Picking stocks or trying to learn how to create the "perfect portfolio" is probably a waste of one's time since it's rare that anyone can out-preform the market in the longrun.
I need more money...
I need more money...
Do something enterprising then. Don't fall victim to any bullshit or try trade in the markets because you'll just get sold a dream before you get wiped out.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 685
it already is
Do something enterprising then. Don't fall victim to any bullshit or try trade in the markets because you'll just get sold a dream before you get wiped out.
I work at the supermarket rn but it doesn't earn that well. Idk what else I could do at 17 lol
Defeatist attitude. You can always improve on your current situation. Stop comparing yourself to others and compare yourself to who you were in the past and what you are doing to make progress towards who you want to be in the future. And keep in mind that people always underestimate what they can do in a year's time, and overestimate what they can do in a week's time. Discipline > short bursts of motivation.
nah bro im far away from defeated, it might sounded like that lol

i have couple friends but not a legit circle

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