I've given up on the PSL dream



30:30:40 Facial thirds Pill
Jul 12, 2019
The fact of the matter is that Slayers/LadiesMen are born not made
You could point me to an example of some Love Island type Brit who looked bad in the past compared to how he looks now and say that he made himself into a slayer because he improved his looks but the reason he improved his looks is because he was a natural NT jack the lad who went along with his mates when they started tanning+tatting+gymcelling but he always had the brain programming to attract superficial girls, he just needed the substance.


Honestly maxxing out your physical potential is just as much about your brain wiring as anything else.
Nearly all of the guys I naturally feel comfortable around (besides from PSLers) are a bit unusual but also self accepting and not status hierarchy crab climbers
They simply dont looksmax or do anything to maximize their physical potential, they dont even address fixable failos.
When I was in secondary school 1-1.5 decades ago, all of the NT sporty guys were "looksmaxxing" with bi-weekly haircuts and piercings and talking about taking protein powder and creatine, a side effect of being NT and wanting to be a player with girls is competing in terms of appearance, looksmaxxing is nothing new.

Guys who are inclined to run niche game weren't just friendless losers who woke up one morning and decided to alter their entire appearance over night
They likely had a friend group who were experimenting with different styles to varying degrees and they started implementing these things gradually themselves then went all in.
Someone like this is slaying hard but would be rated as a turbo incel here (he would be slaying much less without status but he would be slaying something)



If you've had no style beyond basic clothing your whole life and you try to replicate this to a T it will not help you whatsoever, you will completely fail because it will be inauthentic and as soon as you try to talk to someone else with this style you will realize you are nothing like them mentally.
They develop this style/niche because of their mental state, you cant try copy the style then fraud the mental state after.

I went on the most frequent amount of nights out in a 10 days span that I ever have in my life recently and it really reaffirmed some things for me
If you are a non NT sub Chad trying to compete in a nightlife envoronment based on nothing but your appearance you will fail
The sub Chads who succeed are giga NT and just have a ladies man vibe that they were born with, women can relate to them and they can make girls feel the necessary emotions in a very short amount of time to make her wet.
I went back to a place with random people after the club one night and a 5'8 MTN-HTN who was chatty ended up slaying.
At one point I thought I could slay a foid but I could see his NTness just drawing the foid towards him and getting her more interested. I also couldn't speak their native language so was at an extreme disadvantage.

Non-ladies men have always reproduced by being forced to be around a girl through outside circumstances over a long period of time during which her attraction to him can grow because her subconscious thinks he would commit to her if they have sex because he's part of her "tribe" as they see each other often so he wont disappear and leave her raising the child alone.

I will use myself as an example of a 6'4 HTN who's looks are close to attracting foids, but not good enough, there's a feeling of so close but yet soooo far.
I made a thread before about how having 2SD height and 1.5SD face makes you exceptionally hard to double mog but it doesn't matter how hard it is because it still happens in a nightlife environment while single mogs which are enough to render you invisible occur all day long.
I got heightmogged by a 200cm Dutch guy, there wasn't enough difference between our faces to say who mogged but many will prefer him, he also framemogged me.
He was hanging with a group of Italian girls, these girls also approached me so I was hanging with them for a while and talking to the Dutch guy
This made me think they were just approaching tallcels and it was one of the few times in my life height niche may have actually came into play but I wont go into the story now.

I also got mogged by a legit Chad who was around 191cm, at this height he renders heightmogs uneless since no girl on earth is going to pick a lesser faced guy in exchange for a height taller than 191cm.
I was talking to him for a while and subconsciously using him to draw in some foids then I asked him if he was going to pull and predictibly he said he had a GF.
My plan worked though and some foids came over so I pulled her and stayed with her for longer than any other girl over the course of the nights but I just couldn't get aroused enough by her to be ruthless and get her back to mine even though she seemed fairly high interest.

When you are competing for women of your own race, you cannot stand out as a 6'4 HTN in a nightlife environment because your looks aren't enough to compete with Chads or SubChadLadiesMen or GirthMaxxedGymcels or NicheMaxxedWhites or NicheMaxxedEthnics

Even though I was low inhib from the alcohol and reasonably NT, there is just a bridge that cant be closed when talking to women if you were born a non ladies man
You cannot and will not ever be able to make them feel any emotion in a short space of time
Even if they feel some attraction by looking at you, it will never be enough to compensate for the lack of attraction you make them feel while interacting with them.
The only way I was able to slay in the past was because I kept dropping my standards until the girls I approached seemed keen and I relied on the feeling I made them feel from the initial attraction to carry the lack of interaction attraction I could create.
I was also way more ruthless in brute forcing the slays in the past while on roids because I would just keep repeatedly asking a girl I wasnt particularly attracted to, to come back to my place 10 minutes away whereas I just cant do that anymore when I am on the fence regarding my attraction to a girl I pulled, I'd rather just let the chance pass because I cant cope with reminding myself what sex feels like but not getting it with a girl I'm properly attracted to.

In my recent nights out I tried approaching some girls who were objectively unattractive but looked okay to me at the time because of some slight kink I had for a feature of theirs.
I approached a slightly chubby, short LTB and despite being persistent with her and getting her number she showed zero enthusiam during the interaction.
She wouldn't even tell me her full name and abbreviated it so I tried guess it and she looked so miserable telling me her full name. I text her about 20 mins after getting her number confirming who I was and asking if she was still in the venue but she didn't reply, when I looked at her whatsapp pic the next day I realized she is objectively not attractive.
Doe this mean that unattractive girls are MORE resentful towards decent looking men approaching them than attractive girls are?
I question if things have changed for me since the surgery in the sense that I could dumpster dive when I had a craniofacial deformity so LTBs were accepting of me but now those same LTBs would actually rather reject me to take me down a peg since I have no deformity that allows them to feel sympathy for me?
I also approached a woman just on the basis of her being slightly chubby and blonde without seeing her face properly.
I asked her if she spoke English then I got a good look at her face for the first time (looked 45 jfl) and she looked at me in disgust and responded in an extremely rude manner and walked off. The guy I was with at the time was even in disbelief at how rude she was.
Is this a case of the less attractive foids holding the most resentment and wanting to take guys down a peg?

I swear I didnt get any blowouts from the better looking girls I approached but it was so hard for me to find goodlooking girls who were my type
The first girl I kissed on one of the first nights was the best looking and it made me feel like a mogger since many guys around me on the dancefloor appeared to see it happen but she was in a rush to get away and refused to give me her number but took mine and said she would text if she wanted me.
One of the girls in the group of Italian foids who approached me was objectively goodlooking but despite some touching of her arm I didn't escelate.
Her arm was stick thin so I just couldn't get aroused by it because all I could think of was how skinny girls are typically dry in bed and unfeminine, add her influencer-esque face to this and I am convinced neither of us would be able to get aroused even if I got her into my bedroom. (Id be aroused physically but not mentally)

Will write more about how it's over in a while
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  • +1
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos|, LooksOrDeath, hopecel and 21 others
even if I'm LDARing I wanna still look good
  • +1
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Reactions: twojei, hopecel, Eren and 9 others
I actually think your biggest issue is overthinking every little damn thing.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: shalomnigga, LooksOrDeath, hopecel and 33 others
Ive given up on everything
  • +1
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Reactions: hopecel, Deleted member 30985, RAMU KAKA and 8 others
like I said time and time again, if you have issues with being 6’4 and HTN, you are clearly not a HTN.
  • +1
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Reactions: DOHC, shalomnigga, LooksOrDeath and 31 others
dnrd but agree
  • +1
Reactions: Swarthy Knight, borismonster and Deleted member 61895
Fuarrk was waiting for this thread

Met @drlooksmax yesterday and from the sounds of it the nightlife seemed fucking brutal

What did the legit Chad look like?
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  • +1
Reactions: borismonster, humanoidsub7 and 6ft4
like I said time and time again, if you have issues with being 6’4 and HTN, you are clearly not a HTN.
He is HTN but behavior is his problem
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: RAMU KAKA, Lonenely sigma, fuse and 11 others
Fuarrk was waiting for this thread

Met @drlooksmax yesterday and from the sounds of it the nightlife seemed fucking brutal

What did the legit Chad look like>
@ascension Brutal, FG tagged the wrong drlooksmax

@dr_looksmax is da real one
  • JFL
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Reactions: borismonster, poopoohead, infini and 3 others
My Nazi aesthetic increased IOIs in bar
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: hopecel, RAMU KAKA, piec and 6 others
Fuarrk was waiting for this thread

Met @drlooksmax yesterday and from the sounds of it the nightlife seemed fucking brutal

What did the legit Chad look like>
shut up Bilbo no one invited you to the party, fuck off
  • JFL
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Reactions: hopecel, borismonster, incel194012940 and 3 others
He is HTN but behavior is his problem

Man told me on Lookism he had a body count in the 160s with 3s, 4s and 5s and didn't feel it was anything to write home about.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: nofap, borismonster, Deleted member 3573 and 1 other person
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster, Mrxshmallow, poopoohead and 1 other person
Also @6ft4 club game is legit dead. You were probably better off staying in bars or doing street approaching at night

If I were single I wouldn't step foot in another club with the intention of slaying; you're just setting yourself up for disappointment
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: borismonster, poopoohead and Crisick
  • JFL
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: kviijjjjj, hopecel, borismonster and 3 others
Also @6ft4 club game is legit dead. You were probably better off staying in bars or doing street approaching at night

If I were single I wouldn't step foot in another club with the intention of slaying; you're just setting yourself up for disappointment

He's an older Millennial and too used to the club and bar scene.

Did you go clubbing with him in the Lookism days?
  • +1
Reactions: Eren and borismonster
He's an older Millennial and too used to the club and bar scene.

Did you go clubbing with him in the Lookism days?
We went in Belgium over a year ago

Then in UK recently:

  • +1
Reactions: MakinItHappen
The fact of the matter is that Slayers/LadiesMen are born not made
You could point me to an example of some Love Island type Brit who looked bad in the past compared to how he looks now and say that he made himself into a slayer because he improved his looks but the reason he improved his looks is because he was a natural NT jack the lad who went along with his mates when they started tanning+tatting+gymcelling but he always had the brain programming to attract superficial girls, he just needed the substance.

View attachment 2822585

Honestly maxxing out your physical potential is just as much about your brain wiring as anything else.
Nearly all of the guys I naturally feel comfortable around (besides from PSLers) are a bit unusual but also self accepting and not status hierarchy crab climbers
They simply dont looksmax or do anything to maximize their physical potential, they dont even address fixable failos.
When I was in secondary school 1-1.5 decades ago, all of the NT sporty guys were "looksmaxxing" with bi-weekly haircuts and piercings and talking about taking protein powder and creatine, a side effect of being NT and wanting to be a player with girls is competing in terms of appearance, looksmaxxing is nothing new.

Guys who are inclined to run niche game weren't just friendless losers who woke up one morning and decided to alter their entire appearance over night
They likely had a friend group who were experimenting with different styles to varying degrees and they started implementing these things gradually themselves then went all in.
Someone like this is slaying hard but would be rated as a turbo incel here (he would be slaying much less without status but he would be slaying something)

View attachment 2822579
View attachment 2822580

If you've had no style beyond basic clothing your whole life and you try to replicate this to a T it will not help you whatsoever, you will completely fail because it will be inauthentic and as soon as you try to talk to someone else with this style you will realize you are nothing like them mentally.
They develop this style/niche because of their mental state, you cant try copy the style then fraud the mental state after.

I went on the most frequent amount of nights out in a 10 days span that I ever have in my life recently and it really reaffirmed some things for me
If you are a non NT sub Chad trying to compete in a nightlife envoronment based on nothing but your appearance you will fail
The sub Chads who succeed are giga NT and just have a ladies man vibe that they were born with, women can relate to them and they can make girls feel the necessary emotions in a very short amount of time to make her wet.
I went back to a place with random people after the club one night and a 5'8 MTN-HTN who was chatty ended up slaying.
At one point I thought I could slay a foid but I could see his NTness just drawing the foid towards him and getting her more interested. I also couldn't speak their native language so was at an extreme disadvantage.

Non-ladies men have always reproduced by being forced to be around a girl through outside circumstances over a long period of time during which her attraction to him can grow because her subconscious thinks he would commit to her if they have sex because he's part of her "tribe" as they see each other often so he wont disappear and leave her raising the child alone.

I will use myself as an example of a 6'4 HTN who's looks are close to attracting foids, but not good enough, there's a feeling of so close but yet soooo far.
I made a thread before about how having 2SD height and 1.5SD face makes you exceptionally hard to double mog but it doesn't matter how hard it is because it still happens in a nightlife environment while single mogs which are enough to render you invisible occur all day long.
I got heightmogged by a 200cm Dutch guy, there wasn't enough difference between our faces to say who mogged but many will prefer him, he also framemogged me.
He was hanging with a group of Italian girls, these girls also approached me so I was hanging with them for a while and talking to the Dutch guy
This made me think they were just approaching tallcels and it was one of the few times in my life height niche may have actually came into play but I wont go into the story now.

I also got mogged by a legit Chad who was around 191cm, at this height he renders heightmogs uneless since no girl on earth is going to pick a lesser faced guy in exchange for a height taller than 191cm.
I was talking to him for a while and subconsciously using him to draw in some foids then I asked him if he was going to pull and predictibly he said he had a GF.
My plan worked though and some foids came over so I pulled her and stayed with her for longer than any other girl over the course of the nights but I just couldn't get aroused enough by her to be ruthless and get her back to mine even though she seemed fairly high interest.

When you are competing for women of your own race, you cannot stand out as a 6'4 HTN in a nightlife environment because your looks aren't enough to compete with Chads or SubChadLadiesMen or GirthMaxxedGymcels or NicheMaxxedWhites or NicheMaxxedEthnics

Even though I was low inhib from the alcohol and reasonably NT, there is just a bridge that cant be closed when talking to women if you were born a non ladies man
You cannot and will not ever be able to make them feel any emotion in a short space of time
Even if they feel some attraction by looking at you, it will never be enough to compensate for the lack of attraction you make them feel while interacting with them.
The only way I was able to slay in the past was because I kept dropping my standards until the girls I approached seemed keen and I relied on the feeling I made them feel from the initial attraction to carry the lack of interaction attraction I could create.
I was also way more ruthless in brute forcing the slays in the past while on roids because I would just keep repeatedly asking a girl I wasnt particularly attracted to, to come back to my place 10 minutes away whereas I just cant do that anymore when I am on the fence regarding my attraction to a girl I pulled, I'd rather just let the chance pass because I cant cope with reminding myself what sex feels like but not getting it with a girl I'm properly attracted to.

In my recent nights out I tried approaching some girls who were objectively unattractive but looked okay to me at the time because of some slight kink I had for a feature of theirs.
I approached a slightly chubby, short LTB and despite being persistent with her and getting her number she showed zero enthusiam during the interaction.
She wouldn't even tell me her full name and abbreviated it so I tried guess it and she looked so miserable telling me her full name. I text her about 20 mins after getting her number confirming who I was and asking if she was still in the venue but she didn't reply, when I looked at her whatsapp pic the next day I realized she is objectively not attractive.
Doe this mean that unattractive girls are MORE resentful towards decent looking men approaching them than attractive girls are?
I question if things have changed for me since the surgery in the sense that I could dumpster dive when I had a craniofacial deformity so LTBs were accepting of me but now those same LTBs would actually rather reject me to take me down a peg since I have no deformity that allows them to feel sympathy for me?
I also approached a woman just on the basis of her being slightly chubby and blonde without seeing her face properly.
I asked her if she spoke English then I got a good look at her face for the first time (looked 45 jfl) and she looked at me in disgust and responded in an extremely rude manner and walked off. The guy I was with at the time was even in disbelief at how rude she was.
Is this a case of the less attractive foids holding the most resentment and wanting to take guys down a peg?

I swear I didnt get any blowouts from the better looking girls I approached but it was so hard for me to find goodlooking girls who were my type
The first girl I kissed on one of the first nights was the best looking and it made me feel like a mogger since many guys around me on the dancefloor appeared to see it happen but she was in a rush to get away and refused to give me her number but took mine and said she would text if she wanted me.
One of the girls in the group of Italian foids who approached me was objectively goodlooking but despite some touching of her arm I didn't escelate.
Her arm was stick thin so I just couldn't get aroused by it because all I could think of was how skinny girls are typically dry in bed and unfeminine, add her influencer-esque face to this and I am convinced neither of us would be able to get aroused even if I got her into my bedroom. (Id be aroused physically but not mentally)

Will write more about how it's over in a while
Read every molecule
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: borismonster, fukmylyf and ascension
This just reaffirms my subconscious thoughts of “even after I do everything in my power to look good” I will still be an incel, It takes every bit of willpower to not want to kys when you know that shit
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: borismonster, HTN_When_Lean and ascension
We went in Belgium over a year ago

Then in UK recently:

@the BULL told you NT is mandatory even if you are good looking

@6ft4 also why do you bother with clubs? If you are legit 6'4 HTN you could just use OLD...
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  • +1
Reactions: hopecel, fuse and borismonster
Also @6ft4 club game is legit dead. You were probably better off staying in bars or doing street approaching at night

If I were single I wouldn't step foot in another club with the intention of slaying; you're just setting yourself up for disappointment
clubbing women are disgusting af
  • +1
Reactions: hopecel, fuse, borismonster and 1 other person
The fact of the matter is that Slayers/LadiesMen are born not made
You could point me to an example of some Love Island type Brit who looked bad in the past compared to how he looks now and say that he made himself into a slayer because he improved his looks but the reason he improved his looks is because he was a natural NT jack the lad who went along with his mates when they started tanning+tatting+gymcelling but he always had the brain programming to attract superficial girls, he just needed the substance.

View attachment 2822585

Honestly maxxing out your physical potential is just as much about your brain wiring as anything else.
Nearly all of the guys I naturally feel comfortable around (besides from PSLers) are a bit unusual but also self accepting and not status hierarchy crab climbers
They simply dont looksmax or do anything to maximize their physical potential, they dont even address fixable failos.
When I was in secondary school 1-1.5 decades ago, all of the NT sporty guys were "looksmaxxing" with bi-weekly haircuts and piercings and talking about taking protein powder and creatine, a side effect of being NT and wanting to be a player with girls is competing in terms of appearance, looksmaxxing is nothing new.

Guys who are inclined to run niche game weren't just friendless losers who woke up one morning and decided to alter their entire appearance over night
They likely had a friend group who were experimenting with different styles to varying degrees and they started implementing these things gradually themselves then went all in.
Someone like this is slaying hard but would be rated as a turbo incel here (he would be slaying much less without status but he would be slaying something)

View attachment 2822579
View attachment 2822580

If you've had no style beyond basic clothing your whole life and you try to replicate this to a T it will not help you whatsoever, you will completely fail because it will be inauthentic and as soon as you try to talk to someone else with this style you will realize you are nothing like them mentally.
They develop this style/niche because of their mental state, you cant try copy the style then fraud the mental state after.

I went on the most frequent amount of nights out in a 10 days span that I ever have in my life recently and it really reaffirmed some things for me
If you are a non NT sub Chad trying to compete in a nightlife envoronment based on nothing but your appearance you will fail
The sub Chads who succeed are giga NT and just have a ladies man vibe that they were born with, women can relate to them and they can make girls feel the necessary emotions in a very short amount of time to make her wet.
I went back to a place with random people after the club one night and a 5'8 MTN-HTN who was chatty ended up slaying.
At one point I thought I could slay a foid but I could see his NTness just drawing the foid towards him and getting her more interested. I also couldn't speak their native language so was at an extreme disadvantage.

Non-ladies men have always reproduced by being forced to be around a girl through outside circumstances over a long period of time during which her attraction to him can grow because her subconscious thinks he would commit to her if they have sex because he's part of her "tribe" as they see each other often so he wont disappear and leave her raising the child alone.

I will use myself as an example of a 6'4 HTN who's looks are close to attracting foids, but not good enough, there's a feeling of so close but yet soooo far.
I made a thread before about how having 2SD height and 1.5SD face makes you exceptionally hard to double mog but it doesn't matter how hard it is because it still happens in a nightlife environment while single mogs which are enough to render you invisible occur all day long.
I got heightmogged by a 200cm Dutch guy, there wasn't enough difference between our faces to say who mogged but many will prefer him, he also framemogged me.
He was hanging with a group of Italian girls, these girls also approached me so I was hanging with them for a while and talking to the Dutch guy
This made me think they were just approaching tallcels and it was one of the few times in my life height niche may have actually came into play but I wont go into the story now.

I also got mogged by a legit Chad who was around 191cm, at this height he renders heightmogs uneless since no girl on earth is going to pick a lesser faced guy in exchange for a height taller than 191cm.
I was talking to him for a while and subconsciously using him to draw in some foids then I asked him if he was going to pull and predictibly he said he had a GF.
My plan worked though and some foids came over so I pulled her and stayed with her for longer than any other girl over the course of the nights but I just couldn't get aroused enough by her to be ruthless and get her back to mine even though she seemed fairly high interest.

When you are competing for women of your own race, you cannot stand out as a 6'4 HTN in a nightlife environment because your looks aren't enough to compete with Chads or SubChadLadiesMen or GirthMaxxedGymcels or NicheMaxxedWhites or NicheMaxxedEthnics

Even though I was low inhib from the alcohol and reasonably NT, there is just a bridge that cant be closed when talking to women if you were born a non ladies man
You cannot and will not ever be able to make them feel any emotion in a short space of time
Even if they feel some attraction by looking at you, it will never be enough to compensate for the lack of attraction you make them feel while interacting with them.
The only way I was able to slay in the past was because I kept dropping my standards until the girls I approached seemed keen and I relied on the feeling I made them feel from the initial attraction to carry the lack of interaction attraction I could create.
I was also way more ruthless in brute forcing the slays in the past while on roids because I would just keep repeatedly asking a girl I wasnt particularly attracted to, to come back to my place 10 minutes away whereas I just cant do that anymore when I am on the fence regarding my attraction to a girl I pulled, I'd rather just let the chance pass because I cant cope with reminding myself what sex feels like but not getting it with a girl I'm properly attracted to.

In my recent nights out I tried approaching some girls who were objectively unattractive but looked okay to me at the time because of some slight kink I had for a feature of theirs.
I approached a slightly chubby, short LTB and despite being persistent with her and getting her number she showed zero enthusiam during the interaction.
She wouldn't even tell me her full name and abbreviated it so I tried guess it and she looked so miserable telling me her full name. I text her about 20 mins after getting her number confirming who I was and asking if she was still in the venue but she didn't reply, when I looked at her whatsapp pic the next day I realized she is objectively not attractive.
Doe this mean that unattractive girls are MORE resentful towards decent looking men approaching them than attractive girls are?
I question if things have changed for me since the surgery in the sense that I could dumpster dive when I had a craniofacial deformity so LTBs were accepting of me but now those same LTBs would actually rather reject me to take me down a peg since I have no deformity that allows them to feel sympathy for me?
I also approached a woman just on the basis of her being slightly chubby and blonde without seeing her face properly.
I asked her if she spoke English then I got a good look at her face for the first time (looked 45 jfl) and she looked at me in disgust and responded in an extremely rude manner and walked off. The guy I was with at the time was even in disbelief at how rude she was.
Is this a case of the less attractive foids holding the most resentment and wanting to take guys down a peg?

I swear I didnt get any blowouts from the better looking girls I approached but it was so hard for me to find goodlooking girls who were my type
The first girl I kissed on one of the first nights was the best looking and it made me feel like a mogger since many guys around me on the dancefloor appeared to see it happen but she was in a rush to get away and refused to give me her number but took mine and said she would text if she wanted me.
One of the girls in the group of Italian foids who approached me was objectively goodlooking but despite some touching of her arm I didn't escelate.
Her arm was stick thin so I just couldn't get aroused by it because all I could think of was how skinny girls are typically dry in bed and unfeminine, add her influencer-esque face to this and I am convinced neither of us would be able to get aroused even if I got her into my bedroom. (Id be aroused physically but not mentally)

Will write more about how it's over in a while
your looks aren't the issue bruh. its all in ur fucking head. Just by reading this I can imagine how u act in clubs. yes looks matter but ur "vibe" is what really draws woman in. I SomaliMax, by the looksmaxxing committee, declare you as a mentalcel.
  • +1
Reactions: LooksOrDeath, fuse, borismonster and 2 others
The fact of the matter is that Slayers/LadiesMen are born not made
You could point me to an example of some Love Island type Brit who looked bad in the past compared to how he looks now and say that he made himself into a slayer because he improved his looks but the reason he improved his looks is because he was a natural NT jack the lad who went along with his mates when they started tanning+tatting+gymcelling but he always had the brain programming to attract superficial girls, he just needed the substance.

View attachment 2822585

Honestly maxxing out your physical potential is just as much about your brain wiring as anything else.
Nearly all of the guys I naturally feel comfortable around (besides from PSLers) are a bit unusual but also self accepting and not status hierarchy crab climbers
They simply dont looksmax or do anything to maximize their physical potential, they dont even address fixable failos.
When I was in secondary school 1-1.5 decades ago, all of the NT sporty guys were "looksmaxxing" with bi-weekly haircuts and piercings and talking about taking protein powder and creatine, a side effect of being NT and wanting to be a player with girls is competing in terms of appearance, looksmaxxing is nothing new.

Guys who are inclined to run niche game weren't just friendless losers who woke up one morning and decided to alter their entire appearance over night
They likely had a friend group who were experimenting with different styles to varying degrees and they started implementing these things gradually themselves then went all in.
Someone like this is slaying hard but would be rated as a turbo incel here (he would be slaying much less without status but he would be slaying something)

View attachment 2822579
View attachment 2822580

If you've had no style beyond basic clothing your whole life and you try to replicate this to a T it will not help you whatsoever, you will completely fail because it will be inauthentic and as soon as you try to talk to someone else with this style you will realize you are nothing like them mentally.
They develop this style/niche because of their mental state, you cant try copy the style then fraud the mental state after.

I went on the most frequent amount of nights out in a 10 days span that I ever have in my life recently and it really reaffirmed some things for me
If you are a non NT sub Chad trying to compete in a nightlife envoronment based on nothing but your appearance you will fail
The sub Chads who succeed are giga NT and just have a ladies man vibe that they were born with, women can relate to them and they can make girls feel the necessary emotions in a very short amount of time to make her wet.
I went back to a place with random people after the club one night and a 5'8 MTN-HTN who was chatty ended up slaying.
At one point I thought I could slay a foid but I could see his NTness just drawing the foid towards him and getting her more interested. I also couldn't speak their native language so was at an extreme disadvantage.

Non-ladies men have always reproduced by being forced to be around a girl through outside circumstances over a long period of time during which her attraction to him can grow because her subconscious thinks he would commit to her if they have sex because he's part of her "tribe" as they see each other often so he wont disappear and leave her raising the child alone.

I will use myself as an example of a 6'4 HTN who's looks are close to attracting foids, but not good enough, there's a feeling of so close but yet soooo far.
I made a thread before about how having 2SD height and 1.5SD face makes you exceptionally hard to double mog but it doesn't matter how hard it is because it still happens in a nightlife environment while single mogs which are enough to render you invisible occur all day long.
I got heightmogged by a 200cm Dutch guy, there wasn't enough difference between our faces to say who mogged but many will prefer him, he also framemogged me.
He was hanging with a group of Italian girls, these girls also approached me so I was hanging with them for a while and talking to the Dutch guy
This made me think they were just approaching tallcels and it was one of the few times in my life height niche may have actually came into play but I wont go into the story now.

I also got mogged by a legit Chad who was around 191cm, at this height he renders heightmogs uneless since no girl on earth is going to pick a lesser faced guy in exchange for a height taller than 191cm.
I was talking to him for a while and subconsciously using him to draw in some foids then I asked him if he was going to pull and predictibly he said he had a GF.
My plan worked though and some foids came over so I pulled her and stayed with her for longer than any other girl over the course of the nights but I just couldn't get aroused enough by her to be ruthless and get her back to mine even though she seemed fairly high interest.

When you are competing for women of your own race, you cannot stand out as a 6'4 HTN in a nightlife environment because your looks aren't enough to compete with Chads or SubChadLadiesMen or GirthMaxxedGymcels or NicheMaxxedWhites or NicheMaxxedEthnics

Even though I was low inhib from the alcohol and reasonably NT, there is just a bridge that cant be closed when talking to women if you were born a non ladies man
You cannot and will not ever be able to make them feel any emotion in a short space of time
Even if they feel some attraction by looking at you, it will never be enough to compensate for the lack of attraction you make them feel while interacting with them.
The only way I was able to slay in the past was because I kept dropping my standards until the girls I approached seemed keen and I relied on the feeling I made them feel from the initial attraction to carry the lack of interaction attraction I could create.
I was also way more ruthless in brute forcing the slays in the past while on roids because I would just keep repeatedly asking a girl I wasnt particularly attracted to, to come back to my place 10 minutes away whereas I just cant do that anymore when I am on the fence regarding my attraction to a girl I pulled, I'd rather just let the chance pass because I cant cope with reminding myself what sex feels like but not getting it with a girl I'm properly attracted to.

In my recent nights out I tried approaching some girls who were objectively unattractive but looked okay to me at the time because of some slight kink I had for a feature of theirs.
I approached a slightly chubby, short LTB and despite being persistent with her and getting her number she showed zero enthusiam during the interaction.
She wouldn't even tell me her full name and abbreviated it so I tried guess it and she looked so miserable telling me her full name. I text her about 20 mins after getting her number confirming who I was and asking if she was still in the venue but she didn't reply, when I looked at her whatsapp pic the next day I realized she is objectively not attractive.
Doe this mean that unattractive girls are MORE resentful towards decent looking men approaching them than attractive girls are?
I question if things have changed for me since the surgery in the sense that I could dumpster dive when I had a craniofacial deformity so LTBs were accepting of me but now those same LTBs would actually rather reject me to take me down a peg since I have no deformity that allows them to feel sympathy for me?
I also approached a woman just on the basis of her being slightly chubby and blonde without seeing her face properly.
I asked her if she spoke English then I got a good look at her face for the first time (looked 45 jfl) and she looked at me in disgust and responded in an extremely rude manner and walked off. The guy I was with at the time was even in disbelief at how rude she was.
Is this a case of the less attractive foids holding the most resentment and wanting to take guys down a peg?

I swear I didnt get any blowouts from the better looking girls I approached but it was so hard for me to find goodlooking girls who were my type
The first girl I kissed on one of the first nights was the best looking and it made me feel like a mogger since many guys around me on the dancefloor appeared to see it happen but she was in a rush to get away and refused to give me her number but took mine and said she would text if she wanted me.
One of the girls in the group of Italian foids who approached me was objectively goodlooking but despite some touching of her arm I didn't escelate.
Her arm was stick thin so I just couldn't get aroused by it because all I could think of was how skinny girls are typically dry in bed and unfeminine, add her influencer-esque face to this and I am convinced neither of us would be able to get aroused even if I got her into my bedroom. (Id be aroused physically but not mentally)

Will write more about how it's over in a while
you're MTN, I saw you.
  • JFL
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Even though I was low inhib from the alcohol and reasonably NT, there is just a bridge that cant be closed when talking to women if you were born a non ladies man
Lmao, clearly u have a personality problem. You probably come off as weird and desperate, try to go to the club to have fun and they will come to you. Also try talking to women as if they're people.
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster
What did the legit Chad look like?
Had an anteface with forward growth but quite a square jaw, ergonomic faced Chad
He was from Finland, I'm not sure if it's just the looks halo effect of a mogger but he was a nice guy
I need to stop hating on Scandis for being wide faced block skulls jfl, I did plan on going to Finland for the foids but probably gonna get mogged more than anticipated

Also @6ft4 club game is legit dead. You were probably better off staying in bars or doing street approaching at night

If I were single I wouldn't step foot in another club with the intention of slaying; you're just setting yourself up for disappointment
Of the 3 nights with DoctorLooksmax
On the first night the club was the only busy venue and it was actually good fun
On the second night we tried some other venues including a club but decided the club from the previous nights was the best option because we were at least able to approach in there easily, the bar we went to upon someone's recommendation wasn't suited for approaching.
On the third night I only made it out of bed at 9:45 in time to buy vodka for pre drinks so we couldn't be bothered taking a chance on another venue when we knew what we were getting with the same one.
Got in the venue after 12am but unfortunately it had the least plentiful foids of any night

When I was in the other city by myself I went to a club twice on my own and I liked the vibe on the first night particularly but couldn't get into the approachers mindset.

I just wanted to test out my SMV while clubbing in a different country but have uncovered that the response I get will be pretty much universal.
I would've said my home country is the easiest place for me but shit got drastically harder in 2023 compared to 2019
Also there is no such thing as standing out as a Western Euro in EE
I assumed that people would be able to tell my pheno was quite different from theirs but nobody had an inclination of where I was from. I feel like many just assumed me to be EE until I failed to respond in Polish and had to speak English.
Honestly Asians and Blacks have more apparent SMV than me in EE since they stand out while I'm just another white face in the crowd that fell short of being a Mogger

This is why I will have to put Celtic Mogger theory on the shelf, even if I managed to make it go viral on tiktok or mainstream, there just aren't distinct enough differences between Europeans (generally) for most people to recognize if someone has the Celtic pheno, therefore you cant benefit from the manufactured halo irl when people cant even tell you belong to that pheno
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  • +1
Reactions: HTN_When_Lean and forevergymcelling
OP is a real one. Definitely put yourself on my radar (and gaydar) with this thread. It's so over for non-ladies men.

All of my worst experiences have been with ltbs and ethnic foids. They seem to genuinely hate me. Some men complain about being in the "friendzone," but I'm in the enemy zone with these women. They look at me as if they want to fight me, as if I raped their mothers.
Goodlooking white girls are ironically far more receptive to me, and all of my experiences with them have been positive. Even when things didn't work out, we always left on good terms.

My advice is stop lowering your standards. Go for the girls you're actually attracted to. Hypergamy isn't real. Women want to be with a guy who is worse looking than them so they can hold power in a relationship.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: hopecel, nofap, borismonster and 4 others
Exact same experience.
Have you ever considered going into armed forces?

mogs but in a social, niche aesthetic sense. Alt/ industrial vibes. Tattoos are shit quality and thoughtless shit but at least have symmetry and direction, which can't be said for most.

@averagejoe was right in having to sort everything out in your life unironically and then it will attract women after, gaining natural curiosity.
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  • +1
Reactions: Eren, fuse and borismonster
OP is a real one. Definitely put yourself on my radar (and gaydar) with this thread. It's so over for non-ladies men.

All of my worst experiences have been with ltbs and ethnic foids. They seem to genuinely hate me. Some men complain about being in the "friendzone," but I'm in the enemy zone with these women. They look at me as if they want to fight me, as if I raped their mothers.
Goodlooking white girls are ironically far more receptive to me, and all of my experiences with them have been positive. Even when things didn't work out, we always left on good terms.

My advice is stop lowering your standards. Go for the girls you're actually attracted to. Hypergamy isn't real. Women want to be with a guy who is worse looking than them so they can hold power in a relationship.
I can relate. I've been approached by an Anglo stacylite and, an Anglo HTB on another occasion to dance, while working security at clubs. Nothing serious, just playful dancing. However sub HTB of all ethnicities view me as if I committed a crime against them.
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster, ascension and fukmylyf
I can relate. I've been approached by an Anglo stacylite and, an Anglo HTB on another occasion to dance, while working security at clubs. Nothing serious, just playful dancing. However sub HTB of all ethnicities view me as if I committed a crime against them.
then gimme a like bro. We don't fw them hmm reacts
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster and Zizou
your looks aren't the issue bruh. its all in ur fucking head. Just by reading this I can imagine how u act in clubs. yes looks matter but ur "vibe" is what really draws woman in. I SomaliMax, by the looksmaxxing committee, declare you as a mentalcel.
Even if I say my failures are all due to my behavior then I'll have people saying that all a 6'4 HTN needs to do is show up to the club and he'll slay.
I know that girls are repulsed by my behavior but I am also leaving room for my failures being due to girls not liking my appearance because obviously it will be the case that a decent percentage of girls prefer guys who look different to me.
When I have been drinking I can act NT to a decent extent in the sense I can hold and lead a conversation and I am also lower inhib than most guys when it comes to approaching.
I can hold eye contact when drunk, phsyically escelate etc but they have a 6th sense for non NTness that sends alarm bells ringing and makes them want to escape my presence.
I remember once talking to a girl outside a shop who asked me for a lighter while I was drunk and when I moved the convo onto asking questions about herself I could sense the panic in her body going into over drive as she wanted to get away from me (I also had a black eye this time)
So now that you've told me that my vibe is the issue, what do you want me to do with that information when it's less changable than looks?
I've changed my body mass and facial bone positioning by drastic amounts, do you really think that someone can change their vibe in their late 20s after practicing countless approaches and interactions in their life that got them nowhere (not saying you think that just posing the question)
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  • +1
Reactions: HTN_When_Lean
@6ft4 also why do you bother with clubs? If you are legit 6'4 HTN you could just use OLD...
OLD is dead and size is rendered completely useless through a screen, my results are worse with OLD than irl, 6 boosts spent in EE and zero girls replied to more than 2 messages

Lmao, clearly u have a personality problem. You probably come off as weird and desperate, try to go to the club to have fun and they will come to you. Also try talking to women as if they're people.
I was having fun, no girl is going to come to me.
I was just walking around when the Italian girl approached me but I felt no attraction from her towards me

Exact same experience.
Have you ever considered going into armed forces?
No and I never will

OP is a real one. Definitely put yourself on my radar (and gaydar) with this thread. It's so over for non-ladies men.

All of my worst experiences have been with ltbs and ethnic foids. They seem to genuinely hate me. Some men complain about being in the "friendzone," but I'm in the enemy zone with these women. They look at me as if they want to fight me, as if I raped their mothers.
Goodlooking white girls are ironically far more receptive to me, and all of my experiences with them have been positive. Even when things didn't work out, we always left on good terms.

My advice is stop lowering your standards. Go for the girls you're actually attracted to. Hypergamy isn't real. Women want to be with a guy who is worse looking than them so they can hold power in a relationship.
The only way I slayed in the past was by lowering my standards and low tier girls used to be receptive to me
I have gone for lower level girls I was genuinely attacted to (chubby English chavs at incelcon) and they came to nothing
I have gone for goodlooking girls and they just fuck off after I kiss them or try get their contact details
I have gone for plain faced slim girls because they show me some interest but cant bring myself to escelate enough to get things towards a slay because my attraction isn't strong enough
I am just not goodlooking enough or NT enough to maintain the interest of a girl I'm attracted to, I'm not even talking first night slay but even just have them stay in contact and meet up again after getting there number
  • So Sad
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When Ive said im the shortest at my local uni (Lodz) at 178cm noone believed me and everyone called me muh low iq schizo slavoid
  • JFL
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Reactions: hopecel, borismonster and poopoohead
I am just not goodlooking enough or NT enough to maintain the interest of a girl I'm attracted to, I'm not even talking first night slay but even just have them stay in contact and meet up again after getting there number
i can relate. Even some the girls I've fucked turned hostile or ghosted me for no reason. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong because none of them give me any feedback. There's never a big fight, discussion, or event leading up to it. They just switch up on me.

Last girl i dated (colombian mtb) for 3-4 months literally went no contact when i asked her why she was acting distant. We have a class together every week and it's like we're complete strangers. She started acting different after i bought her a gift card for christmas. She probably wanted some nigger that would beat her ass instead. I hope the cunt gets hit by a truck.
  • JFL
Reactions: infini
I saw OP he’s like a high ltn
  • JFL
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This makes sense tbh. Culture and niche are going to matter, so for example mainstream women I’m guessing would be into thugmaxxed dudes and athletic popular guys etc. So understandable if someone who just has decent looks going for them but has no personality gets curved.
  • +1
Reactions: hopecel, borismonster, HTN_When_Lean and 1 other person
No and I never will
Could be a behaviour or NT/socialmaxx that we need. Just saying it as an avenue... it's the mentalitymaxxing. I've applied for Royal Marine Commando just.

If you've got a story with the craniofacial deformity by all means use it as a story to gain emotion. I've done it with my ptsd, its a socially acceptable thing these days, one of the only advantages. Women are absolutely open about their surgeries/ looksmaxxing when you get in the door.

My first reply was a response to the first half, this one for the second. Will read the comments after swimming now.
Oofies must pay.

When you are competing for women of your own race, you cannot stand out as a 6'4 HTN in a nightlife environment because your looks aren't enough to compete with Chads or SubChadLadiesMen or GirthMaxxedGymcels or NicheMaxxedWhites or NicheMaxxedEthnics
Funny GIF

He's giving you a run for your JFL money now @ReadBooksEveryday @pneumocystosis
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@the BULL told you NT is mandatory even if you are good looking

@6ft4 also why do you bother with clubs? If you are legit 6'4 HTN you could just use OLD...

NT isn't mandatory. But expressing an authentic version of oneself is very tricky and requires a lot of skill and finesse. That's why people play it safe and go full-retard with the NT. Guys like OP can't lie to themselves though.

You only need to be vaguely able to connect on the NT wavelength imo to get through.

I don't think it's as extreme as people make out on here.
Non-ladies men have always reproduced by being forced to be around a girl through outside circumstances over a long period of time during which her attraction to him can grow because her subconscious thinks he would commit to her if they have sex because he's part of her "tribe" as they see each other often so he wont disappear and leave her raising the child alone.
Forced proximity theory is so legit

It’s literally a trope in romance books jfl
  • +1
Reactions: borismonster
i can relate. Even some the girls I've fucked turned hostile or ghosted me for no reason. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong because none of them give me any feedback. There's never a big fight, discussion, or event leading up to it. They just switch up on me.

Last girl i dated (colombian mtb) for 3-4 months literally went no contact when i asked her why she was acting distant. We have a class together every week and it's like we're complete strangers. She started acting different after i bought her a gift card for christmas. She probably wanted some nigger that would beat her ass instead. I hope the cunt gets hit by a truck.
They'll never give you closure. If you ask them they'll give you a bullshit answer, and even if they tried to be honest they're not conscious enough for that to be possible. Not to mention its a bad look that'll only strip you of more dignity.

You answered your own question about the Colombian girl. When it happens for the first time or the first few times its easy to chalk it up to a one-off anomaly. However, the longer you live the more you'll realize its no coincidence at all as you can look back and realize with 100% certainty all of the times you treated women well you were ultimately punished for it, and when you treated them poorly they responded positively to it, no exceptions.

It sounds counterintuitive but kind gestures as simple as buying that card will only backfire. I can guarantee if you had dogged her out and been abusive she'd be pining for you instead of ghosting you. When you actually understand how dark female nature is you'll realize that you truly can't take them seriously, and if you do you'll always suffer for it.

6ft4 said:
Non-ladies men have always reproduced by being forced to be around a girl through outside circumstances over a long period of time during which her attraction to him can grow because her subconscious thinks he would commit to her if they have sex because he's part of her "tribe" as they see each other often so he wont disappear and leave her raising the child alone.
Women start seeing good things that don't even exist, coming up with reasons to fuck the subhumans in their immediate proximity. Likewise they could be dealing with someone of extreme LMS but because he is a stranger she subconsciously looks for any possible reason to disqualify him. Naturally as humans we are supposed to be in small close-knit tribes with a strong aversion to outsiders. No matter how unnatural modern life becomes there are some things about our deep-rooted human nature that cannot be undone and this is a huge one that no one acknowledges.
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  • +1
Reactions: borismonster and fukmylyf
I'm not going to claim I am leaving here because I know it's impossible for me to ever leave however...
I will abandon my propaganda campaigns, they may be amusing threads to read back over in the coming years but my ambitions to funnel them into the mainstream psyche have died after realizing that they are never realistically going to benefit me
Foids just distinguish between goodlooking and non goodlooking European men, pheno halo is probably miniscule in reality
Blonde Chadlites destory Dark Haired HTNs and girls dont give a fuck if the guy looks EE or NWE so long as they find him attractive.
They dont have a pheno pedigree hierarchy and the success of the lowest pedigree races confirms this.

I am never going to put my face to my PSL username again therefore I can't benefit from having historical influence in the PSL community and have a youtube channel take off because of me shilling it here.
I may make a channel based on theories I've spoken about here but wont make them traceable to me
I've also claimed I would do this for years so chances are I never will and others will continue to profit of PSL info/theories
I wish I could delete all of the hateful things I've said on here and start a fresh account but since the posts will never be deleted I can never reveal any info about myself or start a fresh account since my posting style will immediately be linked back to my old posts

I'm not going to try fraud my way to becomming a mogger by paying to stage vids of me with foids like I had planned
You really are wasting your time if your face isn't at least top 1% or else exceptionally highAppeal/trendy/NT looking which mine clearly is not.
I could make a separate thread on this but even if my face is in the top 20% in objective terms, the amount it appeals to foids just due to what my face expresses/says about me is in the bottom 50%. This is arguably my(your) true rating.
Congrats @Bozoogway You've made me crack and got me to admit I'm no higher than LTN

I'm not going to try get good pics of myself and morph them for instagram because it will make no difference
Instagram is the only dating app but mine is fucking dead despite my best efforts, there's no such thing as follower farming in 2024, the time for that was 6+ years ago, only foids you meet through common connections matter.
I'm going just going to take some holidays on my own and take pics of buildings I dont give a shit about and post them to instagram like the ultimate normie.
Yes you can say the fact I plan to even take the pics means I still want someone to pay attention to my instagram and I am therefore still pandering to foids but if I am going to travel the world as a solo loner just to tell myself I've done it, I may as well take pics to document it.

As far as pursuing foids goes, I aim to not step foot in a club intoxicated again because it leads me to the belief that trying may actually pay off if I'm "lucky"
Like a degenerate gambler, I spend my money and my time and my health abusing my body with alcohol with the hopes of getting a lotto win by slaying a foid I'm attracted to but it NEVER happens.
I might still enter clubs solo and sober as a humiliation ritual to punish myself for the bad things I've done and inflict an extreme feeling of discomfort by wandering around alone and feeling like everyone is judging me.
I made a thread on how being seen alone as a tall male is a double failo and I'm going to induce that failo on myself as punishment and to make others feel better about themselves by having someone to mock.

I always struggled to wrap my head around the concept of "anxiety" as if it was something that normies feel coming on from time to time whereas I just recognized a feeling of extreme discomfort whenever I've been in social settings with strangers as default.
The idea that it's something that can come every once in a while made no sense for me, it's just my default state of extreme discomfort in the presence of multiple strangers that only switches to a feeling of numbness when I am completely alone
Well I am going to induce this feeling to the maxmium degree by being sober at all times in the most uncomfortable environments just to observe how many IODs I receive as foids recognize I have freak energy
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 23558, infini, poopoohead and 1 other person
I'm not going to claim I am leaving here because I know it's impossible for me to ever leave however...
I will abandon my propaganda campaigns, they may be amusing threads to read back over in the coming years but my ambitions to funnel them into the mainstream psyche have died after realizing that they are never realistically going to benefit me
Foids just distinguish between goodlooking and non goodlooking European men, pheno halo is probably miniscule in reality
Blonde Chadlites destory Dark Haired HTNs and girls dont give a fuck if the guy looks EE or NWE so long as they find him attractive.
They dont have a pheno pedigree hierarchy and the success of the lowest pedigree races confirms this.

I am never going to put my face to my PSL username again therefore I can't benefit from having historical influence in the PSL community and have a youtube channel take off because of me shilling it here.
I may make a channel based on theories I've spoken about here but wont make them traceable to me
I've also claimed I would do this for years so chances are I never will and others will continue to profit of PSL info/theories
I wish I could delete all of the hateful things I've said on here and start a fresh account but since the posts will never be deleted I can never reveal any info about myself or start a fresh account since my posting style will immediately be linked back to my old posts

I'm not going to try fraud my way to becomming a mogger by paying to stage vids of me with foids like I had planned
You really are wasting your time if your face isn't at least top 1% or else exceptionally highAppeal/trendy/NT looking which mine clearly is not.
I could make a separate thread on this but even if my face is in the top 20% in objective terms, the amount it appeals to foids just due to what my face expresses/says about me is in the bottom 50%. This is arguably my(your) true rating.
Congrats @Bozoogway You've made me crack and got me to admit I'm no higher than LTN

I'm not going to try get good pics of myself and morph them for instagram because it will make no difference
Instagram is the only dating app but mine is fucking dead despite my best efforts, there's no such thing as follower farming in 2024, the time for that was 6+ years ago, only foids you meet through common connections matter.
I'm going just going to take some holidays on my own and take pics of buildings I dont give a shit about and post them to instagram like the ultimate normie.
Yes you can say the fact I plan to even take the pics means I still want someone to pay attention to my instagram and I am therefore still pandering to foids but if I am going to travel the world as a solo loner just to tell myself I've done it, I may as well take pics to document it.

As far as pursuing foids goes, I aim to not step foot in a club intoxicated again because it leads me to the belief that trying may actually pay off if I'm "lucky"
Like a degenerate gambler, I spend my money and my time and my health abusing my body with alcohol with the hopes of getting a lotto win by slaying a foid I'm attracted to but it NEVER happens.
I might still enter clubs solo and sober as a humiliation ritual to punish myself for the bad things I've done and inflict an extreme feeling of discomfort by wandering around alone and feeling like everyone is judging me.
I made a thread on how being seen alone as a tall male is a double failo and I'm going to induce that failo on myself as punishment and to make others feel better about themselves by having someone to mock.

I always struggled to wrap my head around the concept of "anxiety" as if it was something that normies feel coming on from time to time whereas I just recognized a feeling of extreme discomfort whenever I've been in social settings with strangers as default.
The idea that it's something that can come every once in a while made no sense for me, it's just my default state of extreme discomfort in the presence of multiple strangers that only switches to a feeling of numbness when I am completely alone
Well I am going to induce this feeling to the maxmium degree by being sober at all times in the most uncomfortable environments just to observe how many IODs I receive as foids recognize I have freak energy
  • Love it
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like I said time and time again, if you have issues with being 6’4 and HTN, you are clearly not a HTN.
Legit IK 5'8 MTN niggas that get approached and slay (obviously not by higher then MTB girls but STILL). Ur telling me 6'4 htn (which is chad smv) is struggling in any way shape and form even if non NT?? Something isn't adding up
  • +1
Reactions: LooksOrDeath, borismonster, Allornothing and 3 others
Legit IK 5'8 MTN niggas that get approached and slay (obviously not by higher then MTB girls but STILL). Ur telling me 6'4 htn (which is chad smv) is struggling in any way shape and form even if non NT?? Something isn't adding up
The larping on this forum...

  • +1
Reactions: tombradylover
The fact of the matter is that Slayers/LadiesMen are born not made
You could point me to an example of some Love Island type Brit who looked bad in the past compared to how he looks now and say that he made himself into a slayer because he improved his looks but the reason he improved his looks is because he was a natural NT jack the lad who went along with his mates when they started tanning+tatting+gymcelling but he always had the brain programming to attract superficial girls, he just needed the substance.

View attachment 2822585

Honestly maxxing out your physical potential is just as much about your brain wiring as anything else.
Nearly all of the guys I naturally feel comfortable around (besides from PSLers) are a bit unusual but also self accepting and not status hierarchy crab climbers
They simply dont looksmax or do anything to maximize their physical potential, they dont even address fixable failos.
When I was in secondary school 1-1.5 decades ago, all of the NT sporty guys were "looksmaxxing" with bi-weekly haircuts and piercings and talking about taking protein powder and creatine, a side effect of being NT and wanting to be a player with girls is competing in terms of appearance, looksmaxxing is nothing new.

Guys who are inclined to run niche game weren't just friendless losers who woke up one morning and decided to alter their entire appearance over night
They likely had a friend group who were experimenting with different styles to varying degrees and they started implementing these things gradually themselves then went all in.
Someone like this is slaying hard but would be rated as a turbo incel here (he would be slaying much less without status but he would be slaying something)

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If you've had no style beyond basic clothing your whole life and you try to replicate this to a T it will not help you whatsoever, you will completely fail because it will be inauthentic and as soon as you try to talk to someone else with this style you will realize you are nothing like them mentally.
They develop this style/niche because of their mental state, you cant try copy the style then fraud the mental state after.

I went on the most frequent amount of nights out in a 10 days span that I ever have in my life recently and it really reaffirmed some things for me
If you are a non NT sub Chad trying to compete in a nightlife envoronment based on nothing but your appearance you will fail
The sub Chads who succeed are giga NT and just have a ladies man vibe that they were born with, women can relate to them and they can make girls feel the necessary emotions in a very short amount of time to make her wet.
I went back to a place with random people after the club one night and a 5'8 MTN-HTN who was chatty ended up slaying.
At one point I thought I could slay a foid but I could see his NTness just drawing the foid towards him and getting her more interested. I also couldn't speak their native language so was at an extreme disadvantage.

Non-ladies men have always reproduced by being forced to be around a girl through outside circumstances over a long period of time during which her attraction to him can grow because her subconscious thinks he would commit to her if they have sex because he's part of her "tribe" as they see each other often so he wont disappear and leave her raising the child alone.

I will use myself as an example of a 6'4 HTN who's looks are close to attracting foids, but not good enough, there's a feeling of so close but yet soooo far.
I made a thread before about how having 2SD height and 1.5SD face makes you exceptionally hard to double mog but it doesn't matter how hard it is because it still happens in a nightlife environment while single mogs which are enough to render you invisible occur all day long.
I got heightmogged by a 200cm Dutch guy, there wasn't enough difference between our faces to say who mogged but many will prefer him, he also framemogged me.
He was hanging with a group of Italian girls, these girls also approached me so I was hanging with them for a while and talking to the Dutch guy
This made me think they were just approaching tallcels and it was one of the few times in my life height niche may have actually came into play but I wont go into the story now.

I also got mogged by a legit Chad who was around 191cm, at this height he renders heightmogs uneless since no girl on earth is going to pick a lesser faced guy in exchange for a height taller than 191cm.
I was talking to him for a while and subconsciously using him to draw in some foids then I asked him if he was going to pull and predictibly he said he had a GF.
My plan worked though and some foids came over so I pulled her and stayed with her for longer than any other girl over the course of the nights but I just couldn't get aroused enough by her to be ruthless and get her back to mine even though she seemed fairly high interest.

When you are competing for women of your own race, you cannot stand out as a 6'4 HTN in a nightlife environment because your looks aren't enough to compete with Chads or SubChadLadiesMen or GirthMaxxedGymcels or NicheMaxxedWhites or NicheMaxxedEthnics

Even though I was low inhib from the alcohol and reasonably NT, there is just a bridge that cant be closed when talking to women if you were born a non ladies man
You cannot and will not ever be able to make them feel any emotion in a short space of time
Even if they feel some attraction by looking at you, it will never be enough to compensate for the lack of attraction you make them feel while interacting with them.
The only way I was able to slay in the past was because I kept dropping my standards until the girls I approached seemed keen and I relied on the feeling I made them feel from the initial attraction to carry the lack of interaction attraction I could create.
I was also way more ruthless in brute forcing the slays in the past while on roids because I would just keep repeatedly asking a girl I wasnt particularly attracted to, to come back to my place 10 minutes away whereas I just cant do that anymore when I am on the fence regarding my attraction to a girl I pulled, I'd rather just let the chance pass because I cant cope with reminding myself what sex feels like but not getting it with a girl I'm properly attracted to.

In my recent nights out I tried approaching some girls who were objectively unattractive but looked okay to me at the time because of some slight kink I had for a feature of theirs.
I approached a slightly chubby, short LTB and despite being persistent with her and getting her number she showed zero enthusiam during the interaction.
She wouldn't even tell me her full name and abbreviated it so I tried guess it and she looked so miserable telling me her full name. I text her about 20 mins after getting her number confirming who I was and asking if she was still in the venue but she didn't reply, when I looked at her whatsapp pic the next day I realized she is objectively not attractive.
Doe this mean that unattractive girls are MORE resentful towards decent looking men approaching them than attractive girls are?
I question if things have changed for me since the surgery in the sense that I could dumpster dive when I had a craniofacial deformity so LTBs were accepting of me but now those same LTBs would actually rather reject me to take me down a peg since I have no deformity that allows them to feel sympathy for me?
I also approached a woman just on the basis of her being slightly chubby and blonde without seeing her face properly.
I asked her if she spoke English then I got a good look at her face for the first time (looked 45 jfl) and she looked at me in disgust and responded in an extremely rude manner and walked off. The guy I was with at the time was even in disbelief at how rude she was.
Is this a case of the less attractive foids holding the most resentment and wanting to take guys down a peg?

I swear I didnt get any blowouts from the better looking girls I approached but it was so hard for me to find goodlooking girls who were my type
The first girl I kissed on one of the first nights was the best looking and it made me feel like a mogger since many guys around me on the dancefloor appeared to see it happen but she was in a rush to get away and refused to give me her number but took mine and said she would text if she wanted me.
One of the girls in the group of Italian foids who approached me was objectively goodlooking but despite some touching of her arm I didn't escelate.
Her arm was stick thin so I just couldn't get aroused by it because all I could think of was how skinny girls are typically dry in bed and unfeminine, add her influencer-esque face to this and I am convinced neither of us would be able to get aroused even if I got her into my bedroom. (Id be aroused physically but not mentally)

Will write more about how it's over in a while
This only applies to men who have been losers their whole life. Not many people are like that
  • So Sad
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Reactions: Pikabro and poopoohead
Legit IK 5'8 MTN niggas that get approached and slay (obviously not by higher then MTB girls but STILL). Ur telling me 6'4 htn (which is chad smv) is struggling in any way shape and form even if non NT?? Something isn't adding up
Multiple people have confirmed I am HTN irl yet none of them have ever said that my "height halo" pushes me into the realm of Chadlite SMV, nevermind Chad SMV.
There is no moving between SMV brackets due to "height halo"
It's only a theory that exists in the mind of forum users but not in practice.
Looks theory is and always has been bullshit if you're sub Chad
  • +1
Reactions: mogstars and poopoohead
They'll never give you closure. If you ask them they'll give you a bullshit answer, and even if they tried to be honest they're not conscious enough for that to be possible. Not to mention its a bad look that'll only strip you of more dignity.

You answered your own question about the Colombian girl. When it happens for the first time or the first few times its easy to chalk it up to a one-off anomaly. However, the longer you live the more you'll realize its no coincidence at all as you can look back and realize with 100% certainty all of the times you treated women well you were ultimately punished for it, and when you treated them poorly they responded positively to it, no exceptions.

It sounds counterintuitive but kind gestures as simple as buying that card will only backfire. I can guarantee if you had dogged her out and been abusive she'd be pining for you instead of ghosting you. When you actually understand how dark female nature is you'll realize that you truly can't take them seriously, and if you do you'll always suffer for it.
I dunno mate, women can ghost abusive or manipulative HTN+/ chad exe's hard. We'll see how mine goes.. the bitch.
Women start seeing good things that don't even exist, coming up with reasons to fuck the subhumans in their immediate proximity. Likewise they could be dealing with someone of extreme LMS but because he is a stranger she subconsciously looks for any possible reason to disqualify him. Naturally as humans we are supposed to be in small close-knit tribes with a strong aversion to outsiders. No matter how unnatural modern life becomes there are some things about our deep-rooted human nature that cannot be undone and this is a huge one that no one acknowledges.
Oofy-doofy theory, alphafuxbetabux? I just got IOI from a gal walking past who looks like my ex only to see the pram pushing, child carrying soy sack of shit who looks like the guy shes with following up after just now as I type this outside on a main road
Pedigree is features not colouring ( to an extent)

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