Japanese war crimes were the most brutal crimes committed by a people in history

they are HTNs and top 0,001% of pindoses
View attachment 3100392that's how average pindos looks


90% from German losses inflicted by the Soviet Union

Tell me who stormed Berlin, killed 90% of all German soldiers, and after which invasion did Japan announce its surrender?
90% LMAO. January to May 1945 1.3 million German men lost in western europe in 5 months

German land captured by anglos are 2x of russians captured.

WASPs are wise and worthy men. By using and supporting USSR in eastern front they wasted less man.
In other words they wasted worthless russian soldier

USSR spent 8.7 million men while US and UK spent 800K in europe and pacific. 10x difference is crazy.

USSR is a poor country that doesn't even have trucks to transport katyushas, that can't even produce as many motorized vehicles as the US provides, that can't feed its planes without American fuel.

The majority of soviet ace pilots flew the p-39, which the US gave to the soviets and not used itself.

America's shittiest airplane became a favorite of Soviet pilots.

You will never even realize what a pathetic country you live in.
90% LMAO. January to May 1945 1.3 million German men lost in western europe in 5 months

German land captured by anglos are 2x of russians captured.
The British did not captured any land at all
WASPs are wise and worthy men. By using and supporting USSR in eastern front they wasted less man.
wasps are subhumans.
let me remind you that the losses of Britain and Germany are 1 to 2.5 in favor of Germany
In other words they wasted worthless russian soldier

USSR spent 8.7 million men while US and UK spent 800K in europe and pacific. 10x difference is crazy.
because these poor countries practically did not fight with Germany
USSR is a poor country that doesn't even have trucks to transport katyushas, that can't even produce as many motorized vehicles as the US provides, that can't feed its planes without American fuel.
Do I remind you how poor the United States is that people who lived there came to work in the USSR because the US had such low wages that it was impossible to feed one person, let alone a family, with this money? You called it the "American industrialization of the USSR", in fact it is called the Great American Depression
The majority of soviet ace pilots flew the p-39, which the US gave to the soviets and not used itself.
these planes could not even take off because the United States was technologically 20+ years behind the USSR (and is now lagging behind), nevertheless, most Soviet pilots flew on domestic aircraft
America's shittiest airplane became a favorite of Soviet pilots.
when? Even Stalin said it was just useless metal
You will never even realize what a pathetic country you live in.
pathetic in terms of what? USSR is the greatest country in history while USA is just a shamefull shithole
  2024 08 05 124928
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3669578 586E2D96 0174 4813 8A1F 59FF3934909A
4310799 1723718974524
American patriot
Gigacoping at its finest. Full of wrong information.

British besides even Canadians captured land. LMAO.

''let me remind you that the losses of Britain and Germany are 1 to 2.5 in favor of Germany''
British were superior in terms of air force and naval power and wiped out Germans. Nigga still claims this bullshit. I said only in 5 months Anglos killed or captured 1.3M German personnel while UK lost 380K personnel in 5 years.

Dont need to talk about naval wars. Anglos slayed.

''Do I remind you how poor the United States is that people who lived there came to work in the USSR because the US had such low wages that it was impossible to feed one person, let alone a family, with this money? You called it the "American industrialization of the USSR", in fact it is called the Great American Depression''

In the interwar period and during the war, the American people and the US were richer than the Soviet people and the Soviets


From the ammunition fired by the Red Army howitzers and the explosives in the bombs dropped by their airplanes to the gunpowder in the bullets of the soldiers in the Second World War;

all explosives, smokeless gunpowder and more than half of the raw materials for these were produced with materials supplied by the United States.

as part of the lend-lease to the USSR in World War II;

622,100 tons of railroad rails were supplied to the USSR in World War II, which corresponded to 56.5 percent of Soviet domestic production during the war years.

1900 locomotives were supplied, which was 2.4 times the Soviet domestic production during the war years.

11,075 wagons were provided, 10.2 times the Soviet domestic production during the war years.

3,306,000 motor vehicle tires were supplied, 43.1 percent of Soviet wartime domestic production.

387,000 tons of copper were supplied, 82.5 percent of Soviet domestic production in the war years.

328,100 tons of aluminum were supplied, 1.25 times the Soviet domestic production in the war years.

375,833 trucks were supplied, more than the Soviet domestic production during the war years.

32,200 motorcycles were supplied, 1.2 times the Soviet domestic production during the war years.

664,600 tons of canned meat were supplied, 1.08 times the Soviet domestic production during the war years.

51,000 jeeps were supplied to the USSR. 427,284 motor vehicles were supplied to the USSR, while the Soviet Union was able to produce 265,600 motor vehicles during the war.

the standard truck of the Red Army in the Second World War was the American Studebaker truck.

2.23 times the amount of tin, 1.38 times the amount of cobalt and

8,071 tractors,

281 armed ships/boats,

2 icebreakers,

5,500 artillery tractors,

128 cargo ships,

8,000 trucks

472,000,000 artillery and naval shells,

38,100 metal cutting machines,

99 minesweepers,

903,000 detonators,

35,580 radio stations,

9,351 aircraft radios, (far more than the domestic production of the USSR)

200 telephone stations,

3,776 sea mines,

2,500,000 phones,

2,000,000 kilometers of telephone cable,

15,417,000 pairs of boots,

7,784 engines for ships and boats,

2,074 radar,

127,000 tons of gunpowder,

1,200,000 tons of explosives and explosive raw materials, supplied.

Now let's take a look at the Soviet ace pilots:

aleksandr i. pokryshkin,
He shot down 59 planes, 48 of them while flying with the p-39.

nikolay gulaev
He shot down 57 planes, 41 of them while flying a P-39.

grigori a. rechkalov

He shot down 56 planes, 50 of them while flying a P-39.

dimitriy b. glinka
He shot down 50 planes, 41 of them while flying with the P-39.

aleksey smirnov

He shot down 34 planes, 34 of them while flying a P-39.

Ivan I. Babak
He shot down 33 planes, 32 of them while flying a P-39.

mikhail s. komelkov
He shot down 32 planes, all of them while flying a P-39.

a. klubov
He shot down 31 planes, 27 of them while flying a P-39.

boris b. glinka
He shot down 31 planes, all of them while flying a P-39.

The luftwaffe dominance of 1941 and 1942 would turn into a mutual suppression of the soviet and german air forces in 1943. the first time the soviet air force achieved air superiority in a battle on a scale of more than a thousand aircraft was at the kuban bridgehead, where they fought against the luftflotte 4'.
At the Kuban bridgehead in 1943, the most widely used aircraft of the Soviet air force was the P-39, more widely used than any other Soviet aircraft.

So was the aircobra, which was overwhelmingly flown by soviet ace pilots, the most important aircraft of the soviet air force?

no it was not. the soviet air force never had aircobra in such large quantities as the yakovlev and lavochkin fighters, because the usa did not build that many aircobras.

yakovlevs and lavockhins were the most important aircraft in the soviet air force's effort to establish air superiority.

Even after the sscb lost tens of thousands of aircraft in operation barbarossa (during which time factories were being moved behind the ural mountains) they still had over a thousand operational fighters and over a thousand bomber/close support aircraft.
the soviet problem was the same whether the soviets had more than a thousand operational aircraft in the second world war or more than ten thousand :
aviation fuel.

In 1940, the USSR produced 883,600 tons of aviation fuel, but only four percent of it was 78 octane b78 fuel.
After Operation Barbarossa, 70 and 74 octane aviation fuel became scarce, let alone 78 octane.

yakovlev series, (yak-1, yak-3, yak-9) klimov m-105 engine, the engine of petlyakov pe-2 and lavochkin lagg-3,
A total of 129,000 were produced by the USSR during the war.

The shvetsov ash-82 shvetsov ash-82, the engine of the lavockhin la-5 and la-7, was produced in a total of 70,000 units, 57,898 of them in wartime.

And how many octane of aviation fuel did they run on?

kilmov mk-105: 95 octane to 100 octane.

ash-82: 90 octane to 100 octane.

If the soviet industry could not even produce 78 octane in the required quantity, how could it produce 90 octane+ aviation fuel for a war in which tens of thousands of planes fought?

It couldn't.
The fuel and tetraethyl lead were supplied entirely by the United States.

when the armies of the Axis entered the USSR, after tens of millions of people, after tens of thousands of kilometers of railways, after the mines in Smolensk, which provided 55% of all Soviet coal production, after the mines in Smolensk, which provided 55% of all Soviet coal production, and after the Germans took control of the Donetsk basin, Soviet coke production was drastically reduced. kerosene was needed for the production of toluene*
and in the first half of the 1940s, 14 million tons of oil were needed to produce enough kerosene to produce 70,000 tons of toluene. the s.s.c.b.'s oil production had fallen from 33 million tons a year before the invasion to less than 20 million after the invasion.

At this point, US aid for explosive raw materials was one of the main factors that saved the soviets.

However, unlike kerosene, the USSR lacked the catalytic cracking chemical rectors to produce anti-ignition/octane-enhancing compounds such as isooctane or tetraethyllead, so it was dependent on the components supplied by the US and the refineries built by the Americans on Soviet soil.

Five years after the end of the war, in 1950, the only place in the USSR where these components could be produced were still the refineries built by the Americans.

The US supplied the USSR with more than 2,000,000 million tons of aviation fuel, of which 1,164,143 tons were above 99 octane.

Two-thirds of Soviet aviation fuel was supplied by lend-lease.

fuel, motor vehicles, railroads, locomotives, radar, gunpowder, explosives/raw materials,

and, of course, food.

4,500,000 tons of food were supplied to the USSR, enough to feed an army of 10 million men for 1,688 days.

In 1941-42, the USSR lost 41.9 percent of its arable land. 7.6 million of 11 million horses were killed or captured; 17 million of 31 million cattle, 20 million of 23.6 million pigs, 27 million of 43 million sheep and goats were destroyed.

505,000 hectares of orchards and 153,000 hectares of vineyards were destroyed; 137,000 tractors, 49,000 combine harvesters, 46,000 grain planters and 35,000 harvesting and threshing machines were destroyed or fell into enemy hands.

This plunged the USSR into another famine and food crisis, but the lend-lease prevented this from happening again as it had 10 years earlier.

georgi konstantinovich jukov said of American aid, “we would be in dire straits without american gundpowder; we would not be able to fire as much as much as ammunution as we needed. without american studebakers we would have nothing to carry our artillery on'' and

''we received 350 thousand cars and what cars ! we had no explosives, gunpowder. there was nothing to load rifle catridges with. the americans really helped us out with gunpowder and explosives''.

US saved Soviets ass and this Slavic villager still copes.
You're a fucking retard. The imperial japanese economy was based around a few large corporations who would work with the government to both make money and strengthen the state. They also had an emperor.

Muh commie.:forcedsmile:

Also japan today is the least open first world country. You're flat out wrong on every point.
Yes but they still changed their right wing ideology since then u nigger. Stay below America
japanese war crimes were the most sadistic but nazi war crimes were the most psychologically disturbing
  • Hmm...
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View attachment 3098593

As the japanese conquered all of British, Dutch and Spanish colonies in southeast asia in a very rapid amount of time, they tortured, raped, massacred and experimented on the civilians of those nations, including millions of british, american, australian and dutch people. Their war crimes in “Unit 731” will be remembered as the worst war crimes committed by a nation.
Ricemen got revenge for white boys stealing rice foids
Ricemen got revenge for white boys stealing rice foids
More like the other way around. That’s a past event. Whites steal rice bandit women like candy from a baby
The British did not captured any land at all

wasps are subhumans.
let me remind you that the losses of Britain and Germany are 1 to 2.5 in favor of Germany

because these poor countries practically did not fight with Germany

Do I remind you how poor the United States is that people who lived there came to work in the USSR because the US had such low wages that it was impossible to feed one person, let alone a family, with this money? You called it the "American industrialization of the USSR", in fact it is called the Great American Depression

these planes could not even take off because the United States was technologically 20+ years behind the USSR (and is now lagging behind), nevertheless, most Soviet pilots flew on domestic aircraft

when? Even Stalin said it was just useless metal

pathetic in terms of what? USSR is the greatest country in history while USA is just a shamefull shithole
View attachment 3100441View attachment 3100443View attachment 3100445View attachment 3100446View attachment 3100448View attachment 3100451
California alone produced more aircraft than USSR

Texas alone produced more petrol than rest of the world

Michigan alone produced more motorized vehicles than Germany and USSR combined.

America was an industrial monster during the war. The Americans won the war.

California alone produced more aircraft than USSR

Texas alone produced more petrol than rest of the world

Michigan alone produced more motorized vehicles than Germany and USSR combined.

America was an industrial monster during the war. The Americans won the war.

View attachment 3100676View attachment 3100678View attachment 3100679
The Americans were sitting overseas and for 4 years they could not harm Japan, they lost. I will not even talk about the fact that initially Hitler was sponsored by the United States and set him against the great USSR
Especially since your aircraft are shit. I will remember the Korean War, Black Thursday, there was a battle between the Americans and the Soviets, the Soviets did not suffer any losses when all 12 US aircraft were destroyed by the Soviets
The Americans were sitting overseas and for 4 years they could not harm Japan, they lost. I will not even talk about the fact that initially Hitler was sponsored by the United States and set him against the great USSR
Especially since your aircraft are shit. I will remember the Korean War, Black Thursday, there was a battle between the Americans and the Soviets, the Soviets did not suffer any losses when all 12 US aircraft were destroyed by the Soviets
Both aircraft and pilot quality US mogs hard.

Look who fucks who?

Korean war: Kill death ratio of Americans against Soviet pilots were 1.8. Easy.

Check detailed information there
So who mogs who? US aircrafts brutally destroy Soviet titanium waste scraps.

I forgot to mention steel production.

Both aircraft and pilot quality US mogs hard.

Look who fucks who?
View attachment 3100708
I don't understand what you mean, here are the victories of airplanes over gravity, that is, for you pindos, if the plane took off, then this is already a victory
Korean war: Kill death ratio of Americans against Soviet pilots were 1.8. Easy.

Check detailed information there
So who mogs who? US aircrafts brutally destroy Soviet titanium waste scraps.
According to the last commander of the 64th IAK, Lieutenant General of Aviation Sidor Slyusarev, the loss ratio, exceptionally favorable for the Soviet Air Force, in 1950-51 it was 1:7.9 (for one lost Soviet aircraft, almost eight American ones were shot down)
Why were 12 Pindos planes and 0 Soviet planes shot down in a direct battle on Black Thursday alone? Because your aviation is shit.
Direct Soviet losses — 315 people.
US losses — 36,914 people killed, over 92,000 wounded and 8,000 missing (0ver)
I forgot to mention steel production.

View attachment 3100714
So what? The USA did not fight with Germany, my friend (more precisely, they fought with them in Africa with sick Wehrmacht soldiers and the Americans had to shamefully capitulate) they just sat across the ocean and tried to enrich themselves. So I didn't understand what steel had to do with it.
I don't understand what you mean, here are the victories of airplanes over gravity, that is, for you pindos, if the plane took off, then this is already a victory

According to the last commander of the 64th IAK, Lieutenant General of Aviation Sidor Slyusarev, the loss ratio, exceptionally favorable for the Soviet Air Force, in 1950-51 it was 1:7.9 (for one lost Soviet aircraft, almost eight American ones were shot down)
Why were 12 Pindos planes and 0 Soviet planes shot down in a direct battle on Black Thursday alone? Because your aviation is shit.
Direct Soviet losses — 315 people.
US losses — 36,914 people killed, over 92,000 wounded and 8,000 missing (0ver)

So what? The USA did not fight with Germany, my friend (more precisely, they fought with them in Africa with sick Wehrmacht soldiers and the Americans had to shamefully capitulate) they just sat across the ocean and tried to enrich themselves. So I didn't understand what steel had to do with it.
Information pollution is information pollution in any case, even if it is deliberately presented as true.

Objective sources give a ratio of 1.8 in favor of the US. the lowest claims are 1.3 in favor of the US

It's ridiculous that you believe this stupid Soviet lie. ROFLMAO.
Information pollution is information pollution in any case, even if it is deliberately presented as true.

Objective sources give a ratio of 1.8 in favor of the US. the lowest claims are 1.3 in favor of the US

It's ridiculous that you believe this stupid Soviet lie. ROFLMAO.
these shitty biased liberal sources cannot be objective by definition
explain to me how you calculated that the loss ratio is 1.8 if even your Pindos sources say that the total loss ratio of the sides during the war was 1:3.4 in favor of the Soviet Air Force? You even said today than Ukrainians lost 70k men and Russians lost 600k:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: (keep in mind that 70k Ukrainians die in a month, and 600 thousand Russians could not have died in any way, since so many people were not even mobilized)
these shitty biased liberal sources cannot be objective by definition
explain to me how you calculated that the loss ratio is 1.8 if even your Pindos sources say that the total loss ratio of the sides during the war was 1:3.4 in favor of the Soviet Air Force? You even said today than Ukrainians lost 70k men and Russians lost 600k:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: (keep in mind that 70k Ukrainians die in a month, and 600 thousand Russians could not have died in any way, since so many people were not even mobilized)
at this point you are just a brainwashed (russian state media) slavic villager. i will no more waste a time writing an answer.

Keep coping boy.
at this point you are just a brainwashed (russian state media) slavic villager. i will no more waste a time writing an answer.

Keep coping boy.
muh muh brainwashed bro we anglo aren't subhumans trust me bhai and our military is not shit trust me bhai:soy::soy::soy::soy:
muh muh brainwashed bro we anglo aren't subhumans trust me bhai and our military is not shit trust me bhai:soy::soy::soy::soy:
British Isles and descendants (Chad)


Slavic villagers (Incel)


Who mogs who? Who looks more subhuman? LMAO BRUTAL MOG.

Global Hawk 1
1280px X 47B operating in the Atlantic Test Range modified
B 21 Plant 42 hangar
Lockheed Martin F 22 scaled

Fed bois do a little trolling v0 8ft25uwsjkr81

Battle of Khasham shows whose military is shittier. LMAO



  • fed-bois-do-a-little-trolling-v0-8ft25uwsjkr81.webp
    63.5 KB · Views: 0
British Isles and descendants (Chad)

View attachment 3100872View attachment 3100873

Slavic villagers (Incel)

View attachment 3100877View attachment 3100880View attachment 3100882

Who mogs who? Who looks more subhuman? LMAO BRUTAL MOG.

View attachment 3100903View attachment 3100904View attachment 3100884View attachment 3100885

View attachment 3100908

Battle of Khasham shows whose military is shittier. LMAO

Slavs just can't accept Anglo superiority. It's fucking hilarious. They smash their keyboard like an autistic baby when you mention british. Sensitive subject for them. I'm Spanish btw and even I accept it.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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Gigacoping at its finest. Full of wrong information.

British besides even Canadians captured land. LMAO.

''let me remind you that the losses of Britain and Germany are 1 to 2.5 in favor of Germany''
British were superior in terms of air force and naval power and wiped out Germans. Nigga still claims this bullshit. I said only in 5 months Anglos killed or captured 1.3M German personnel while UK lost 380K personnel in 5 years.

Dont need to talk about naval wars. Anglos slayed.

''Do I remind you how poor the United States is that people who lived there came to work in the USSR because the US had such low wages that it was impossible to feed one person, let alone a family, with this money? You called it the "American industrialization of the USSR", in fact it is called the Great American Depression''

In the interwar period and during the war, the American people and the US were richer than the Soviet people and the Soviets


From the ammunition fired by the Red Army howitzers and the explosives in the bombs dropped by their airplanes to the gunpowder in the bullets of the soldiers in the Second World War;

all explosives, smokeless gunpowder and more than half of the raw materials for these were produced with materials supplied by the United States.

as part of the lend-lease to the USSR in World War II;

622,100 tons of railroad rails were supplied to the USSR in World War II, which corresponded to 56.5 percent of Soviet domestic production during the war years.

1900 locomotives were supplied, which was 2.4 times the Soviet domestic production during the war years.

11,075 wagons were provided, 10.2 times the Soviet domestic production during the war years.

3,306,000 motor vehicle tires were supplied, 43.1 percent of Soviet wartime domestic production.

387,000 tons of copper were supplied, 82.5 percent of Soviet domestic production in the war years.

328,100 tons of aluminum were supplied, 1.25 times the Soviet domestic production in the war years.

375,833 trucks were supplied, more than the Soviet domestic production during the war years.

32,200 motorcycles were supplied, 1.2 times the Soviet domestic production during the war years.

664,600 tons of canned meat were supplied, 1.08 times the Soviet domestic production during the war years.

51,000 jeeps were supplied to the USSR. 427,284 motor vehicles were supplied to the USSR, while the Soviet Union was able to produce 265,600 motor vehicles during the war.

the standard truck of the Red Army in the Second World War was the American Studebaker truck.

2.23 times the amount of tin, 1.38 times the amount of cobalt and

8,071 tractors,

281 armed ships/boats,

2 icebreakers,

5,500 artillery tractors,

128 cargo ships,

8,000 trucks

472,000,000 artillery and naval shells,

38,100 metal cutting machines,

99 minesweepers,

903,000 detonators,

35,580 radio stations,

9,351 aircraft radios, (far more than the domestic production of the USSR)

200 telephone stations,

3,776 sea mines,

2,500,000 phones,

2,000,000 kilometers of telephone cable,

15,417,000 pairs of boots,

7,784 engines for ships and boats,

2,074 radar,

127,000 tons of gunpowder,

1,200,000 tons of explosives and explosive raw materials, supplied.

Now let's take a look at the Soviet ace pilots:

aleksandr i. pokryshkin,
He shot down 59 planes, 48 of them while flying with the p-39.

nikolay gulaev
He shot down 57 planes, 41 of them while flying a P-39.

grigori a. rechkalov

He shot down 56 planes, 50 of them while flying a P-39.

dimitriy b. glinka
He shot down 50 planes, 41 of them while flying with the P-39.

aleksey smirnov

He shot down 34 planes, 34 of them while flying a P-39.

Ivan I. Babak
He shot down 33 planes, 32 of them while flying a P-39.

mikhail s. komelkov
He shot down 32 planes, all of them while flying a P-39.

a. klubov
He shot down 31 planes, 27 of them while flying a P-39.

boris b. glinka
He shot down 31 planes, all of them while flying a P-39.

The luftwaffe dominance of 1941 and 1942 would turn into a mutual suppression of the soviet and german air forces in 1943. the first time the soviet air force achieved air superiority in a battle on a scale of more than a thousand aircraft was at the kuban bridgehead, where they fought against the luftflotte 4'.
At the Kuban bridgehead in 1943, the most widely used aircraft of the Soviet air force was the P-39, more widely used than any other Soviet aircraft.

So was the aircobra, which was overwhelmingly flown by soviet ace pilots, the most important aircraft of the soviet air force?

no it was not. the soviet air force never had aircobra in such large quantities as the yakovlev and lavochkin fighters, because the usa did not build that many aircobras.

yakovlevs and lavockhins were the most important aircraft in the soviet air force's effort to establish air superiority.

Even after the sscb lost tens of thousands of aircraft in operation barbarossa (during which time factories were being moved behind the ural mountains) they still had over a thousand operational fighters and over a thousand bomber/close support aircraft.
the soviet problem was the same whether the soviets had more than a thousand operational aircraft in the second world war or more than ten thousand :
aviation fuel.

In 1940, the USSR produced 883,600 tons of aviation fuel, but only four percent of it was 78 octane b78 fuel.
After Operation Barbarossa, 70 and 74 octane aviation fuel became scarce, let alone 78 octane.

yakovlev series, (yak-1, yak-3, yak-9) klimov m-105 engine, the engine of petlyakov pe-2 and lavochkin lagg-3,
A total of 129,000 were produced by the USSR during the war.

The shvetsov ash-82 shvetsov ash-82, the engine of the lavockhin la-5 and la-7, was produced in a total of 70,000 units, 57,898 of them in wartime.

And how many octane of aviation fuel did they run on?

kilmov mk-105: 95 octane to 100 octane.

ash-82: 90 octane to 100 octane.

If the soviet industry could not even produce 78 octane in the required quantity, how could it produce 90 octane+ aviation fuel for a war in which tens of thousands of planes fought?

It couldn't.
The fuel and tetraethyl lead were supplied entirely by the United States.

when the armies of the Axis entered the USSR, after tens of millions of people, after tens of thousands of kilometers of railways, after the mines in Smolensk, which provided 55% of all Soviet coal production, after the mines in Smolensk, which provided 55% of all Soviet coal production, and after the Germans took control of the Donetsk basin, Soviet coke production was drastically reduced. kerosene was needed for the production of toluene*
and in the first half of the 1940s, 14 million tons of oil were needed to produce enough kerosene to produce 70,000 tons of toluene. the s.s.c.b.'s oil production had fallen from 33 million tons a year before the invasion to less than 20 million after the invasion.

At this point, US aid for explosive raw materials was one of the main factors that saved the soviets.

However, unlike kerosene, the USSR lacked the catalytic cracking chemical rectors to produce anti-ignition/octane-enhancing compounds such as isooctane or tetraethyllead, so it was dependent on the components supplied by the US and the refineries built by the Americans on Soviet soil.

Five years after the end of the war, in 1950, the only place in the USSR where these components could be produced were still the refineries built by the Americans.

The US supplied the USSR with more than 2,000,000 million tons of aviation fuel, of which 1,164,143 tons were above 99 octane.

Two-thirds of Soviet aviation fuel was supplied by lend-lease.

fuel, motor vehicles, railroads, locomotives, radar, gunpowder, explosives/raw materials,

and, of course, food.

4,500,000 tons of food were supplied to the USSR, enough to feed an army of 10 million men for 1,688 days.

In 1941-42, the USSR lost 41.9 percent of its arable land. 7.6 million of 11 million horses were killed or captured; 17 million of 31 million cattle, 20 million of 23.6 million pigs, 27 million of 43 million sheep and goats were destroyed.

505,000 hectares of orchards and 153,000 hectares of vineyards were destroyed; 137,000 tractors, 49,000 combine harvesters, 46,000 grain planters and 35,000 harvesting and threshing machines were destroyed or fell into enemy hands.

This plunged the USSR into another famine and food crisis, but the lend-lease prevented this from happening again as it had 10 years earlier.

georgi konstantinovich jukov said of American aid, “we would be in dire straits without american gundpowder; we would not be able to fire as much as much as ammunution as we needed. without american studebakers we would have nothing to carry our artillery on'' and

''we received 350 thousand cars and what cars ! we had no explosives, gunpowder. there was nothing to load rifle catridges with. the americans really helped us out with gunpowder and explosives''.

US saved Soviets ass and this Slavic villager still copes.
You literally wrote all of this US propaganda just for us to not read any of it. Soviet union did literally 99.9% of the work. That’s it. There’s nothing more to it. Anything else is just straight up propaganda and cope.
Slavs just can't accept Anglo superiority. It's fucking hilarious. They smash their keyboard like an autistic baby when you mention british. Sensitive subject for them. I'm Spanish btw and even I accept it.
IMG 8173

Yeah their history of getting their country conquered by literally every empire that existed.
Some of the things humans have gone is fucking vile. There's one torture method where they chuck men in a giant metal bull and heat the bull up and roast the victim alive. That along with the cartels is horrible. Whenever I go abroad I hail the holiday as a success if I don't end up on BestGore :forcedsmile:
View attachment 3100949

Yeah their history of getting their country conquered by literally every empire that existed.
But they conquered you and your family for the last 500 years and currently destroying your country as we speak while speaking about it in their language. You are finished
  • Hmm...
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Since when is it propaganda to speak objective facts? Accept reality. Stop cope.

in fact, the US navy first supplied naval vessels to the USSR and trained Soviet crews in Alaska, then they set up Soviet fleets which, together with the US navy, provided shipments of American goods from Alaska to the Soviet Union.
The Soviets then captured the Japanese islands with their fleet of American ships and landing craft. @Putin

These are Russian (Muhhh western propaganda)

If you dont have russian translate it bitch.
  • Hmm...
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View attachment 3100949

Yeah their history of getting their country conquered by literally every empire that existed.


Anglosphere - Wikipedia

-Responsible for the industrial revolution

-Succeeded in making his language the language of the world

-World domination for the last 300 years (Never seen before)

-Rust belt mechanization revolution

-The US and the UK are where most inventions and innovations have been made in history

-Father of capitalism and libertarian thought

-Top research institutions and universities

-Places where life is most complex and huge.
Where opportunities, jobs, education are the best

-It is where the postmodern world is built.

-Winner of two world wars (pacification of Germany, Italy and Japan)

-Winner of Waterloo (pacification of France)

-Winner of the Cold War (Soviet collapse and pacification of the Russians)

-Successful in spreading its genes around the world-colonial success

-Pacification of the Iberians, Dutch. The sole masters of the oceans - the largest navy

Sole ruler of India - destruction of other European powers there

The core of the world press and finance

Two global alpha cities London and New York

Best intelligence agencies CIA and MI6

Best in sports (olympics) and also inventer of sports (volleyball, rugby, tennis, table tennis, badminton, basketball, snooker, golf, cricket, baseball, football, soccer, hockey, ice hockey, curling, skateboarding, snowboarding etc.)

First modern nations are UK and US (the reason for the above is also)

The most advanced and world-dominating in movies, TV series, music, etc. - total cultural domination

most articles published and books published per capita

B-b-b-but Latin alphabet LMAO

Keep coping continental Europeans. You got brutally destroyed by Anglos
  • Hmm...
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Anglosphere - Wikipedia

-Responsible for the industrial revolution

-Succeeded in making his language the language of the world

-World domination for the last 300 years (Never seen before)

-Rust belt mechanization revolution

-The US and the UK are where most inventions and innovations have been made in history

-Father of capitalism and libertarian thought

-Top research institutions and universities

-Places where life is most complex and huge.
Where opportunities, jobs, education are the best

-It is where the postmodern world is built.

-Winner of two world wars (pacification of Germany, Italy and Japan)

-Winner of Waterloo (pacification of France)

-Winner of the Cold War (Soviet collapse and pacification of the Russians)

-Successful in spreading its genes around the world-colonial success

-Pacification of the Iberians, Dutch. The sole masters of the oceans - the largest navy

Sole ruler of India - destruction of other European powers there

The core of the world press and finance

Two global alpha cities London and New York

Best intelligence agencies CIA and MI6

Best in sports (olympics) and also inventer of sports (volleyball, rugby, tennis, table tennis, badminton, basketball, snooker, golf, cricket, baseball, football, soccer, hockey, ice hockey, curling, skateboarding, snowboarding etc.)

First modern nations are UK and US (the reason for the above is also)

The most advanced and world-dominating in movies, TV series, music, etc. - total cultural domination

most articles published and books published per capita

B-b-b-but Latin alphabet LMAO

Keep coping continental Europeans. You got brutally destroyed by Anglos
French raped and cucked Anglos for thousands of years, you still cry about the French. Remind you that French was the official language of England for 400 years. The kings of England all spoke French while only peasants of England spoke English.
But they conquered you and your family for the last 500 years and currently destroying your country as we speak while speaking about it in their language. You are finished
I am not even Indian but the fact that India now surpasses England in gdp should be embarrassing for Anglos and proves they’re just fucking subhumans.
  • +1
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French raped and cucked Anglos for thousands of years, you still cry about the French. Remind you that French was the official language of England for 400 years. The kings of England all spoke French while only peasants of England spoke English.
Another gigacope.

The Celts were the first settlers of the island and were occupied by the Anglo-Saxons and Normans, but it was the Anglo-Saxons who made the most impact. Not the Normans.

The Normans influenced England but this influence did not last long. (Ends in 14th century) The Celtic and Anglo-Saxon peoples had the most influence on the islands.

Until Waterloo, no clear superiority was established between England and France

The French cry the most. There must be some reason why some French people in France refuse to speak English. It's like they can't bear to be defeated.

At the end of the day we all write in English (Anglo language) in this forum. So stop coping and accept reality.
I am not even Indian but the fact that India now surpasses England in gdp should be embarrassing for Anglos and proves they’re just fucking subhumans.
Comparing what 67 million people produce with what 1.4 billion people produce makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?
I heard they had put people into hypothermic state with ice cold water then threw them into boiling hot water to see if it could save them. Another where they set a man on fire “to see how long a human can stay alive while burning”
Since when is it propaganda to speak objective facts? Accept reality. Stop cope.

in fact, the US navy first supplied naval vessels to the USSR and trained Soviet crews in Alaska, then they set up Soviet fleets which, together with the US navy, provided shipments of American goods from Alaska to the Soviet Union.
The Soviets then captured the Japanese islands with their fleet of American ships and landing craft. @Putin

These are Russian (Muhhh western propaganda)

If you dont have russian translate it bitch.

"Project Hula was a program during World War II in which the United States transferred naval vessels to the Soviet Union in anticipation of the Soviets eventually joining the war against Japan, specifically in preparation for planned Soviet invasions of southern Sakhalin and the Kuril islands. Based at Cold Bay in the Territory of Alaska, the project was active during the spring and summer of 1945. It was the largest and most ambitious transfer program of World War II.":ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You proved to me yourself that the United States does not know how to fight, that they even had to come up with a program to transfer the naval court of the USSR in order to defeat Japan
the fact that you have supplied 4% of the USSR's industry under Lend Lease all the time does not mean that the USSR won only because of this, especially since your Lend Lease machines were of shitty quality. As I told you before, lend Lease is not a help, but a sale. The USSR bought all this with its own money, Germany received supplies from the USA in the same way under Lend Lease.
The United States supplied trucks to the USSR the most, note that they began to make some more or less large deliveries in 1944, when Germany had long begun to lose ground, so even if these trucks helped, they only accelerated the victory of the USSR (and then not by much)

At the end of the day we all write in English (Anglo language) in this forum. So stop coping and accept reality.
Trust me, there are two reasons why everyone here writes in English.
1. Anglo-Saxons are recessed and look ugly, and this is an incel forum, so this forum is more created for them.
2. Russian is an international language on a par with English and is the second most used on the Internet. It's beautiful and melodic, but so complex that you won't be able to speak it even in a few decades. So another reason for the popularity of English is its simplicity.
Slavs just can't accept Anglo superiority. It's fucking hilarious. They smash their keyboard like an autistic baby when you mention british. Sensitive subject for them. I'm Spanish btw and even I accept it.
  2024 08 05 124928
we are so superior hehehe fucking slavs your dick is so tasty!!!!
"Project Hula was a program during World War II in which the United States transferred naval vessels to the Soviet Union in anticipation of the Soviets eventually joining the war against Japan, specifically in preparation for planned Soviet invasions of southern Sakhalin and the Kuril islands. Based at Cold Bay in the Territory of Alaska, the project was active during the spring and summer of 1945. It was the largest and most ambitious transfer program of World War II.":ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You proved to me yourself that the United States does not know how to fight, that they even had to come up with a program to transfer the naval court of the USSR in order to defeat Japan
the fact that you have supplied 4% of the USSR's industry under Lend Lease all the time does not mean that the USSR won only because of this, especially since your Lend Lease machines were of shitty quality. As I told you before, lend Lease is not a help, but a sale. The USSR bought all this with its own money, Germany received supplies from the USA in the same way under Lend Lease.
The United States supplied trucks to the USSR the most, note that they began to make some more or less large deliveries in 1944, when Germany had long begun to lose ground, so even if these trucks helped, they only accelerated the victory of the USSR (and then not by much)

View attachment 3101885
Where did you find this chart? LMAO.
When you are brainwashed, you can believe such Soviet lies.

Number of total trucks produced by USSR was 265.000 during ww2.
US gave over 400.000.
Trust me, there are two reasons why everyone here writes in English.
1. Anglo-Saxons are recessed and look ugly, and this is an incel forum, so this forum is more created for them.
2. Russian is an international language on a par with English and is the second most used on the Internet. It's beautiful and melodic, but so complex that you won't be able to speak it even in a few decades. So another reason for the popularity of English is its simplicity.
English is superior to bullshit slav language. No need to write much.
Where did you find this chart? LMAO.
When you are brainwashed, you can believe such Soviet lies.

Number of total trucks produced by USSR was 265.000 during ww2.
US gave over 400.000.
5% before 1943 bhai
This list was provided by your anglo bro @Akhi
  • +1
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English is superior to bullshit slav language. No need to write much.
what is English better than great Russian? Russian is the most beautiful language in the world (it's no secret, everyone agrees with this), Sentences are more informative, The ability to replace letters in words and the order of sentence members without losing meaning, A variety of word formation
English is shit
IMG 8173

How can anglo subhumans be proud when they don’t have any identity and they’re just a product of different european ethnicities conquering their island and raping them for thousands of years? They don’t have any real identity. England was made and named by the romans, their alphabet is latin, their language comes from the danish, their dna is made up of different types of europeans that conquered them, these guys don’t have any identity, everything they have belongs to others or others have created it for them because they were too useless and subhuman to make anything in their own. @byvw @Putin
  • +1
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View attachment 3101151

How can anglo subhumans be proud when they don’t have any identity and they’re just a product of different european ethnicities conquering their island and raping them for thousands of years? They don’t have any real identity. England was made and named by the romans, their alphabet is latin, their language comes from the danish, their dna is made up of different types of europeans that conquered them, these guys don’t have any identity, everything they have belongs to others or others have created it for them because they were too useless and subhuman to make anything in their own. @byvw @Putin
What a gigacope. You dont seem to understand. Roman invasion didnt change the original genetic makeup of British Isles. But anglo saxon invasion changed. As i said before British Isles are more celtic and slightly less anglosaxon.

Viking DNA in island is below 5 percent. Even those of viking ancestry have dominantly celtic or anglosaxon ancestry.

Their language doesnt come from a Danish. That is not how language familys work. It is just a Germanic language of Germanic tribe.

Their DNA has nothing to do with Roman or Viking DNA.

I have already written an message about who fucks who. I will not copy it again.

All mortals, obey and submit to the anglo-celtic, the sole rulers of this world. Otherwise you too will perish at their hands.

"anglo-celtic democracies typically do not retaliate with total war until driven to it.
but once they are, they abandon all restraint and compromise, and mechanically grind to victory.
mercifully, once unconditional surrender is complete, then they just want to be friends again"
Didn't read a single word but Jews do worse to white children in basements all across the world every single day.
Where did you find this chart? LMAO.
When you are brainwashed, you can believe such Soviet lies.

Number of total trucks produced by USSR was 265.000 during ww2.
US gave over 400.000.
its true, idk where u get those numbers from
its true, idk where u get those numbers from
The chart you provided is just a bullshit Soviet cope.

I have confirmed it from more than 10 Soviet and US sources, but you can find it with a simple google search.

I have posted some sources both in English and Russian above. Check them.
The chart you provided is just a bullshit Soviet cope.

I have confirmed it from more than 10 Soviet and US sources, but you can find it with a simple google search.

I have posted some sources both in English and Russian above. Check them.
On 22nd June 1941, the Red Army had around 270,000 trucks, and received another 745,000 during the war. Out of these, 150,000 were new domestic production, 221,500 trucks drafted from the industry and agriculture sectors, 60,600 captured enemy's trucks and 312,600 lend-lease trucks.

source: Operation Barbarossa Vol. 3 by Askey

In any case, this soviet propagandist @Putin denies the importance of U.S lend-lease, which Stalin himself even admitted to. Without the U.S I could converse with him in german.
US is a country founded by British colonists. LMAO

America's industrial development and superpower status has nothing to do with the Jews. Almost all the innovations and scientific progress in this country have been made by people of British origin.

“Muhh German scientists, muhh Jews” keep coping boy
Without german brain-drain due to the empowerment of the Nazis, U.S wouldn't have had the capability to develop the atomic bomb. The underlying science needed for the mere idea of atomic bombs come from germans too.

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