Japanese war crimes were the most brutal crimes committed by a people in history

Without german brain-drain due to the empowerment of the Nazis, U.S wouldn't have had the capability to develop the atomic bomb. The underlying science needed for the mere idea of atomic bombs come from germans too.
Short Answer

The average person's lack of knowledge about WW2 can lead them to believe in such myths.
So you talk nonsense like this

In reality, the Germans were far from being able to build an atomic bomb.

Moreover, the atomic bomb was not an important factor in the course of the war. There were more important innovations that affected the course of the war, and these were made by the British and Americans of British origin. For example, the Anglo-Saxons were far more advanced in radar, artillery and fire control systems, fighters, bombers, petrochemicals, electronic warfare, telecommunications, navigation and mapping systems, tank destroyers, motorized engineering, guided munitions, incendiaries and air-to-surface rockets, medicine, firearms, navy, sonar, etc. The Japanese or the Germans had no chance of winning. And these technological and scientific breakthroughs in the Anglo-Saxon countries were largely made by people of British origin. "Muhhh German scientists" is the biggest cope.

I could explain the above paragraph at great length, but that is not the point.

Now about the atomic bomb.

Detailed answer
In 1942, three years after the first test at the University of Columbia, a stack of 29 prototypes using radium-beryllium as a neutron source to bombard uranium with neutrons was built under the football stadium at the University of Chicago.
On December 2, 1942, 16 days after the approval of the construction of the los alamos national laboratory, which would take over from the lab at the university of california berkeley, the lab that had provided the most innovation for the manhattan project, the us nuclear weapons development project,
the first artificial nuclear chain reaction on this planet was achieved in that pile, Chicago pile-1.
The cp-1 pile was deemed unsafe. within three months the pile was dismantled and reassembled at its original location in the argon forest, as cp-2.
The facility in the forest, like the one under the stadium, was run by the metallurgical laboratory of the university of chicago's met-lab. the physicists were led by arthur jeffrey dempster, the man who discovered u235.

The uranium used in the Chicago pile-1 was provided by the ames research and development project, part of the manhattan project.

The uranium metal was made from uranium from Belgian Congo. In 1942, there were 1,200 stores of uranium from the Congo on Staten Island, New York.

After Congo, Canada supplied the most uranium to the Manhattan Project.

cp-1 had paved the way for the bomb. it was almost certain that plutonium would be produced in a reactor made of natural uranium and a bomb would be made. henceforth, the emphasis was on the carbon decelerator reactor model. heavy water studies were put on the back burner.

On February 16, 1943, with the approval of Major General Leslie Groves Groves of the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), construction of the plant began at Hanford. (The USACE, with a construction history stretching from Incirlik Air Base and Kennedy Space Station to the Panama Canal, had completed construction of the Pentagon that same year.)

groves was the man in charge of the manhattan project.

at hanford, north of richland, washington, plans are drawn up for 3 reactors to produce plutonium and a separation plant for each. the hanford reactors are similar to the cp-1 stack, but they will produce 250 mw of power, whereas cp-1's power was in watts.
Dupont undertook the construction of the reactors.

However, although plutonium was first physically obtained in the cyclotron at uc berkeley's lawrence berkeley national laboratory in the 1940s, there were still so many unknowns about the properties of plutonium at this stage that groves' office decided to pursue uranium enrichment by all possible means.

Although a full-scale centrifuge unit is built and tested in pilot plants, the development of the centrifuge method is abandoned because it is not considered to meet the immediate need for large quantities.

the report of the committee led by mIT professor warren k. lewis puts the gas diffusion method in the lead, but the calutron* of ernest orlando lawrence, the inventor of the cyclotron, takes center stage.

On February 18, 1943, construction begins at oak ridge, Tennessee, on the Manhattan complex, which will absorb the most funds and materials of the Manhattan project.

On April 20, the University of California takes over the Los Alamos Laboratory.

the seminars held after the opening of los alamos focused on how to detonate the bomb. for this purpose, it was necessary to prepare the bomb in subcritical fissile mass pieces, bring them together at the moment when it was to be detonated, bring them to supercriticality, and in the meantime, compress the system so that it would expand and disperse with the heat it generated. two methods were on the agenda for the compression process; 'barrel' and 'denting'.
In the barrel method, two subcritical hemispheres were to be prepared, with pieces of polonium in the center of one and pieces of beryllium in the other. they were then to be placed at the two ends of a closed cylinder, with their flat surfaces facing each other, and one of the masses was to be ejected by firing a conventional explosive outside and merged with the other to make the total mass supercritical.
In the meantime, since the polonium and beryllium in the center would have come together, the beryllium, bombarded by the sub-alpha particles illuminated by the polonium, would have produced neutrons. in the supercritical mass, these neutrons would have multiplied exponentially, generation after generation, approximately every microsecond, leading to an avalanche of intense fissions. the heat released until the system disintegrated was the yield of the bomb.

in the collapse design, the fissile mass fragments had the geometry to form a sphere. the firing of conventional explosives on the outside of them would squeeze them together in the center and form a sphere with a smaller radius but a much higher mass density, hence a supercritical sphere. the center would again contain polonium and beryllium. after the theoretical study of the designs was completed, bomb containers were made from the strongest steels known and 'dummy' bombs were placed inside them and detonated.

in july 1943, 59 tons of uranium metal were being produced per month under the ames project.

on august 14, 1943, 55.7 acres of land along the gunnison river was leased, including a railroad.

the stearns-roger company built plants for u.s. vanadium throughout colorado, including the largest at uravan, uravan, naturita and durango.
one was also built in Utah.

at these plants, vanadium deposits were converted into yellowcake, a mineral ore produced from uranium.

on november 4, 1943, the first chain reaction in the world's second nuclear reactor, the x-10 graphite reactor at oak ridge is achieved.

construction at oak ridge begins with the groundbreaking for the electromagnetic separation plant, code-named y-12.
groves convinces tennessee eastman (see: kodak), as he would later do with others, to offer an unprofitable deal to build and operate the plant. allis-chalmers would supply the vacuum pumps, while general electric and westinghouse would supply the electronics.

The number of calutrons in y-12 is 864, the large-sized ones scientists call alphas,

the small size of what they call beta.
would reach 1,152, including 350.

According to calculations, the critical mass for 80 percent enriched uranium is 56 kg, a sphere with a diameter of 11.5.
aka the pit, or more dramatically, the demon core.

For plutonium, these values are 11 kg and 8 cm. of course, in order to increase the energy output, it is necessary to use even more fissile material. ways to reduce the critical masses are sought and found.

the fissile material is surrounded by a thick shell of natural uranium,
this shell not only holds the fissile material together for a fraction of a second longer during the explosion, but also reduces the number of neutrons escaping. therefore, not only will the chain reaction take longer, but the reflected neutrons will cause additional fissions, reducing the amount of fissile material required for criticality. quantities go down to 15 kg for uranium and 5 kg for plutonium. the uranium bomb is called 'little boy' and the plutonium bomb is called 'fat man'.

On September 13, 1944, 11 months after construction began, the 250 megawatt b reactor, the first of Hanford's three reactors, was loaded with fuel and went critical on September 26, 1944.

but hours after reaching full power, it shuts itself off. after a few hours it goes critical again, after 12 hours it goes critical again.
apparently, the reactor's effective replication factor, k, exhibits periodic oscillations, sometimes rising above 1 and sometimes falling below 1. the source of the problem was identified by john archibald wheeler. some of the fission products have a high tendency to absorb neutrons. when the reactor becomes critical and starts to operate, these products accumulate over time, lowering k below 1 and causing the shutdown. On the other hand, the same products have a short half-life on the order of hours. since they decay and disappear after the reactor shutdown and new ones can no longer be formed, k rises back above 1 and the reactor starts to operate. the solution is to increase the stock of uranium fuel in the reactor to increase the minimum value of k released to 1. wheeler had foreseen that some problems might arise when the reactor was still in the design phase. he had even asked the du pont engineers building the reactor to open 504 more fuel channels in addition to the 1,500 specified in the plans. his request had attracted lightning because it delayed the construction of the reactor and increased its cost by millions of dollars. now, however, his intervention would save the reactor. some of the empty channels began to be refueled and some began to be connected to the cooling water system.

On October 21, 1944, after 19 days of fighting, Aachen was captured by the First American Army, becoming the first German city to fall to the Allies.

The t-force teams of the alsos mission, whose mission was to gather intelligence on the German nuclear program, German chemical and biological weapons, the systems capable of carrying these weapons, and the scientific advances made by Nazi Germany in all these areas, entered Germany with the American infantry.

On December 17, 1944, a squadron was formed, the 509th Composite Group, capable of delivering bombs on target. the group was based at Wendover Field, Utah, and consisted of 15 purpose-modified B-29 bombers.

Also in the 1944 interval, the second of the reactors at Hanford started producing plutonium.

in january 1945, the k-25 gas diffusion plant at oak ridge
phase comes into play.

The k-25 building alone has 9,000 workers working in three shifts and the plant is operated 24/7.

s-50 thermal diffusion plant at oak ridge, March 1945, 2,100
the entire pillar is fully operational.

After the "alpha" array of calutrons was finally activated and the ground shifted, the y-12 facility, which had been a maintenance nightmare, with metal tiles shifting, joints and welds cracking and leaking under the influence of strong magnetic fields, is now receiving regular weekly shipments of 89% enriched uranium to los alamos. of course, there were thousands of problems as they tried to do something that no one had ever done before on the surface of the earth, but the americans were able to overcome them.

in november 1944, the work of the alsos teams had uncovered clues that led them to a company in paris that processed rare earth elements and had been taken over by the auergesellschaft. in early march 1945, the captured Germans were interrogated and it was learned that a facility in oranienburg owned by the auergesellschaft was processing uranium and thorium. groves suggested to george c. marshall, the us chief of staff, that a bombing raid be carried out on the facility to prevent the material from falling into the hands of the soviet army.

On March 15, 1945, 612 B-17s of the US 8th Air Force dropped 1,500 tons of high explosives and 178 tons of incendiaries on the Oranienburg plant, destroying it.
oranienburg is still the most radioactive city in germany

in april 1945, plutonium production at hanford comes online at full capacity. three reactors and three chemical separation plants operate in synchronization. in the fully automated and remote-controlled separation plants, the entire process is monitored continuously by the first closed-circuit television system in the usa. there are 16 underground repositories for radioactive waste from the plant. 120 kg of production is expected by the end of the year. Enough for 19 fat men.

in april, president roosevelt dies. his vice president harry s. truman will succeed him. after being sworn in as president, he is briefed for the first time on the manhattan project.

On April 23, 1945, in an operation called big, the t-force teams found the b-viii nuclear reactor in Oranienburg, where the plant had been shipping uranium cubes until it was destroyed by the American air force.

when the Americans and the British dismantled the B-viii reactor at Haigerloch.

The reactor at haigerloch was operating as a sub-critical assembly, i.e. as a device for the safe measurement of reactor parameters and for the training of personnel.

haigerloch was a subcritical nuclear device, unable to sustain a chain nuclear reaction on its own without an external neutron source.

German nuclear technology in April 1945 was inferior to what the Americans had in December 1942.

The German stockpile of 1,200 tons of uranium ore was seized and brought to the United States. In addition to the US uranium processed from vanadium deposits, Canada supplied 907 tons of uranium to the United States for the Manhattan Project.

The price of a pound of uranium metal had fallen from $1,000 to $1.

It was not only because the United States had built a uranium processing and refining industry so large that Nazi Germany would never have dreamed of building even a quarter of a quarter of it.

In addition to a total of 1,200 tons of uranium from the Belgian Congo in 1942, the US received another 3,000 tons of uranium from the Congo.

Germany also seized 1,200 tons of uranium from a factory in Olen, Belgium, which had fallen into the hands of the American army in April 1945.

but because the United States has the largest industry in the world, the world is the largest in history.
It was able to build its navy and thus, unlike the Axis powers, it was able to continue to use Africa and South America as a mine.

the US had also captured heavy water from the Germans.

3 heavy water production facilities were built in West Virginia, Indiana and Alabama as part of the p-9 project, Manhattan's sub-project to produce heavy water.

19,619 kg of heavy water was produced in these facilities, while the amount seized from the Germans was 1,429 kg.

On April 30, 1945, Hitler shot himself.

On May 14, 1945, the u-234 submarine of the german navy* was intercepted south of grand banks by the uss sutton, a cannon class destroy escort ship of the us navy. members of the crew seized the submarine and took it to the portsmouth naval shipyard adjacent to portsmouth, new hampshire, on the southern maine border.

The cargo on board the submarine included designs for new electric torpedoes, a crated me-262, birhenschel hs 293 and 550 kilograms of uranium oxide. also on board were German and Japanese officers, scientists, civil engineers, specialists and a general.

The purpose of the submarine was to inform and teach the Japanese about the technological innovations that Germany had.

uranium had already been sent by Nazi Germany to the Japanese Empire in certain quantities since the end of 1943.

And what percentage of that was weapons-grade uranium?

zero percent

There was no such thing as "weapons-grade" uranium/plutonium outside North America during the second world war, until the day the US sent nuclear bombs to the Pacific islands.

From 1943 onwards, the US also sent uranium to the USSR as part of the lend-lease program, the Allied aid program, but of course it was not weapons-grade uranium.

in june 1945, the 509th mixed group at wendover field, utah, was moved to tinian island in the pacific. only 2,300 km from tokyo. by july, 50 kg of enriched uranium had accumulated at los alamos. Enough for little boy. Almost everyone is sure that the uranium bomb will work with a simple "barrel design". but there is less confidence in the complex "denting" design of the plutonium bomb (which is the design of all modern nuclear weapons except artillery shells).

It was a "plutonium press" in Los Alamos that formed the plutonium-gallium alloy in the bomb into a hemispherical shape.

The non-nuclear, conventional explosives, explosive mixtures, assemblies and detonators in the bomb were developed and tested at the salt wells pilot plant at the naval ordnance test station (nots) in northeastern California as part of Project Camel.

nots, now known as naval air weapons china lake, is the navy's largest property, covering twelve percent of california's airspace, conducting and supporting the us navy's r&d and testing programs, a massive military base whose use for weapons and armaments research, development, acquisition, testing and evaluation occupies eighty-five percent of all navy land, and thirty-eight percent of the navy's land worldwide.

the bomb was detonated in a 30-meter-high tower
and fired by remote control at 5:29 a.m. on July 16. At 25,000,000 tons of tnt, the force of the explosion was greater than expected.
The name given to the test was "trinity".

On July 24, 1945, Truman tells Stalin that the US has nuclear bombs, but Stalin already knows this thanks to spying.
(see: klaus fuchs)
(see: rosenbergs)

fat man and little boy, in pieces, on ships and airplanes to tinian island
transported. They're assembled by a team from Los Alamos.

little boy contained 64 kilograms of uranium with an average enrichment of 80%. On the morning of August 6, 1945, it was released from a plane called the Enola Gay. At 8:16 a.m. it exploded at an altitude of 580 meters with a force of 15,000 tons of tnt, beginning a new era in world history.

A single bomb - in the first sense of the word - wiped out tens of thousands in the blink of an eye.

fat man contained only 6.2 kilograms of plutonium. At noon on August 9, 1945, it was released from a plane called bock's car. at 11:02 a.m. it exploded 500 meters above nagasaki with a force equivalent to 21,000 tons of tnt.

In seconds, it killed tens of thousands. later, burns and other injuries and radiation killed tens of thousands more.

On August 15th, Japan surrendered.

By the end of the war, oak ridge had grown into a city of 75,000 inhabitants, with supermarkets, theaters, cinemas, sports facilities and hundreds of miles of highways.

What if things had gone in a different direction? What would have happened if Germany had marched to victory on the eastern front without making mistakes?

Could the Nazis have achieved a nuclear weapon?

In the summer of 1946, gernort zippe (father of the zippe-type centrifuge) and max steenback, who had been captured by the soviets, continued nuclear work for the soviets in the summer of 1946 at the institute led by the famous scientist manfred von ardenne in a suburb of Sukhumi called "sinop".

zippe and steenback create the most advanced centrifuge of the time. it is called the zippe-type centrifuge, but zippe himself calls it the russian centrifuge. it makes it possible to enrich uranium much more economically and paves the way for the 2nd/3rd world to have access to it.

The thing is, this perfected centrifuge had appeared in the early 1950s.

The Soviet Union built its first nuclear reactor by copying the American Chicago Pile-1 reactor.

The f-1 nuclear reactor began operating on December 25, 1946.

The USSR also tested a nuclear bomb on August 29, 1949, based on designs it had obtained from the Americans through espionage.

why didn't he make it based on German bomb designs ? because there was no German nuclear bomb design that had reached a serious level. sscb captured German scientists, but the first reactor and the first nuclear bomb were completely copied from the americans.

zippe and his product appeared in the 50s. then zippe went to west germany and then to the usa. and continued to work in the centrifuge field.
the usa continued to multiply soviet nuclear weapons production by five or even ten times, with or without the use of zippe-type centrifuges in the ussr.
It was like that all through the 50s and 60s, until curtis lemay retired and the US armed forces evolved from being an apocalyptic force with 1,000,000 times the cumulative firepower of the fat man dropped on nagasaki under the leadership of strategic air command to being a force that made multiple nuclear warheads more lethal in terms of accuracy.


Could the Nazis have built a nuclear weapon before the Americans? Is there an answer to that question?

Yes there is, they couldn't.

The scientist Wilhelm Groth, who was captured not by the Soviets but by the Americans, was able to enrich uranium in centrifuges up to a maximum of 5 percent during the war.

This document from October 8, 1957 is a compilation of the work of the team including Steenback and Zippe from 1945 to September 1956. And the reports show that the speed with which they developed their own centrifuges and the speed with which they worked with equipment from Nazi Germany, such as the tunsgten vacuum furnace, shows that even if the Nazis had won a decisive victory in the east, Without producing a single bomb pit, the US would have had enough atomic bombs to drop on a dozen targets planned by the British air force, to hit German-controlled oil fields and refineries, and to drop on German divisions from Lockheed P-2 Neptunes, since the US had 50 atomic bombs in 1948.

Instead of looking for "economic" solutions in the Manhattan Project, the United States allocated unlimited funds and means to analyze what could be done and what was possible, as well as what could not be done and what was not possible, and to make them possible, it was the only country in the world that could do this, which is why it was able to detonate a plutonium bomb over Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, on March 23, 1944, when it had 520 milligrams of plutonium.

fun fact: the only place in the US that produces nuclear weapons today is the pantex facility in texas, and pantex has 20,000 of those pit or "demon core" nuclear bomb cores.
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How can anglo subhumans be proud when they don’t have any identity and they’re just a product of different european ethnicities conquering their island and raping them for thousands of years? They don’t have any real identity. England was made and named by the romans, their alphabet is latin, their language comes from the danish, their dna is made up of different types of europeans that conquered them, these guys don’t have any identity, everything they have belongs to others or others have created it for them because they were too useless and subhuman to make anything in their own. @byvw @Putin
they also spread LGBT, feminism, capitalism and similar shit. Almost all the innovations they have made are actually stolen. For example, the Internet, mobile phone and PC were created in the USSR, the British simply stole all this and began to pass it off as their own. And what they really created was actually created by Jews who just live in their territories. They do more harm than good. To be fair, their countries are in total shit right now. Just look at the center of London or New York (it's full of shit), their taxes, medicine, and the like. I definitely wouldn't want to live in English countries.
Result: 1. Disgusting culture (LGHDTV, femi-nazism, shit books, disgusting films and etc.)
2. Weak history during which they sucked dick and stole everything that other peoples have
3. Look ugly as fuck (recessed and teethless subhumans) and hypocritical scum for some reason with unreasonably high self-esteem
4. Despite the fact that they colonized a lot of countries and pumped money, resources, knowledge, etc. out of them, they somehow still live in shit (probably because of capitalism)
5. To this day, they invade foreign countries for stupid reasons, killing civilians, destroying houses, distributing drugs. They most often do this because of muh muh democracy (which they stole from the Greeks)
6. Cucked by muslims in their own countries. Even their own women (who are very ugly) do not want them, preferring ethnics.
7. Anglo male has de facto become the most disenfranchised being, and any colored person, especially if he belongs to sexual minorities, has an advantage over him in getting a job or university.
@byvw anglos are below subhumans
  • JFL
Reactions: byvw
Short Answer

The average person's lack of knowledge about WW2 can lead them to believe in such myths.
So you talk nonsense like this

In reality, the Germans were far from being able to build an atomic bomb.

Moreover, the atomic bomb was not an important factor in the course of the war. There were more important innovations that affected the course of the war, and these were made by the British and Americans of British origin. For example, the Anglo-Saxons were far more advanced in radar, artillery and fire control systems, fighters, bombers, petrochemicals, electronic warfare, telecommunications, navigation and mapping systems, tank destroyers, motorized engineering, guided munitions, incendiaries and air-to-surface rockets, medicine, firearms, navy, sonar, etc. The Japanese or the Germans had no chance of winning. And these technological and scientific breakthroughs in the Anglo-Saxon countries were largely made by people of British origin. "Muhhh German scientists" is the biggest cope.

I could explain the above paragraph at great length, but that is not the point.

Now about the atomic bomb.

Detailed answer
In 1942, three years after the first test at the University of Columbia, a stack of 29 prototypes using radium-beryllium as a neutron source to bombard uranium with neutrons was built under the football stadium at the University of Chicago.
On December 2, 1942, 16 days after the approval of the construction of the los alamos national laboratory, which would take over from the lab at the university of california berkeley, the lab that had provided the most innovation for the manhattan project, the us nuclear weapons development project,
the first artificial nuclear chain reaction on this planet was achieved in that pile, Chicago pile-1.
The cp-1 pile was deemed unsafe. within three months the pile was dismantled and reassembled at its original location in the argon forest, as cp-2.
The facility in the forest, like the one under the stadium, was run by the metallurgical laboratory of the university of chicago's met-lab. the physicists were led by arthur jeffrey dempster, the man who discovered u235.

The uranium used in the Chicago pile-1 was provided by the ames research and development project, part of the manhattan project.

The uranium metal was made from uranium from Belgian Congo. In 1942, there were 1,200 stores of uranium from the Congo on Staten Island, New York.

After Congo, Canada supplied the most uranium to the Manhattan Project.

cp-1 had paved the way for the bomb. it was almost certain that plutonium would be produced in a reactor made of natural uranium and a bomb would be made. henceforth, the emphasis was on the carbon decelerator reactor model. heavy water studies were put on the back burner.

On February 16, 1943, with the approval of Major General Leslie Groves Groves of the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), construction of the plant began at Hanford. (The USACE, with a construction history stretching from Incirlik Air Base and Kennedy Space Station to the Panama Canal, had completed construction of the Pentagon that same year.)

groves was the man in charge of the manhattan project.

at hanford, north of richland, washington, plans are drawn up for 3 reactors to produce plutonium and a separation plant for each. the hanford reactors are similar to the cp-1 stack, but they will produce 250 mw of power, whereas cp-1's power was in watts.
Dupont undertook the construction of the reactors.

However, although plutonium was first physically obtained in the cyclotron at uc berkeley's lawrence berkeley national laboratory in the 1940s, there were still so many unknowns about the properties of plutonium at this stage that groves' office decided to pursue uranium enrichment by all possible means.

Although a full-scale centrifuge unit is built and tested in pilot plants, the development of the centrifuge method is abandoned because it is not considered to meet the immediate need for large quantities.

the report of the committee led by mIT professor warren k. lewis puts the gas diffusion method in the lead, but the calutron* of ernest orlando lawrence, the inventor of the cyclotron, takes center stage.

On February 18, 1943, construction begins at oak ridge, Tennessee, on the Manhattan complex, which will absorb the most funds and materials of the Manhattan project.

On April 20, the University of California takes over the Los Alamos Laboratory.

the seminars held after the opening of los alamos focused on how to detonate the bomb. for this purpose, it was necessary to prepare the bomb in subcritical fissile mass pieces, bring them together at the moment when it was to be detonated, bring them to supercriticality, and in the meantime, compress the system so that it would expand and disperse with the heat it generated. two methods were on the agenda for the compression process; 'barrel' and 'denting'.
In the barrel method, two subcritical hemispheres were to be prepared, with pieces of polonium in the center of one and pieces of beryllium in the other. they were then to be placed at the two ends of a closed cylinder, with their flat surfaces facing each other, and one of the masses was to be ejected by firing a conventional explosive outside and merged with the other to make the total mass supercritical.
In the meantime, since the polonium and beryllium in the center would have come together, the beryllium, bombarded by the sub-alpha particles illuminated by the polonium, would have produced neutrons. in the supercritical mass, these neutrons would have multiplied exponentially, generation after generation, approximately every microsecond, leading to an avalanche of intense fissions. the heat released until the system disintegrated was the yield of the bomb.

in the collapse design, the fissile mass fragments had the geometry to form a sphere. the firing of conventional explosives on the outside of them would squeeze them together in the center and form a sphere with a smaller radius but a much higher mass density, hence a supercritical sphere. the center would again contain polonium and beryllium. after the theoretical study of the designs was completed, bomb containers were made from the strongest steels known and 'dummy' bombs were placed inside them and detonated.

in july 1943, 59 tons of uranium metal were being produced per month under the ames project.

on august 14, 1943, 55.7 acres of land along the gunnison river was leased, including a railroad.

the stearns-roger company built plants for u.s. vanadium throughout colorado, including the largest at uravan, uravan, naturita and durango.
one was also built in Utah.

at these plants, vanadium deposits were converted into yellowcake, a mineral ore produced from uranium.

on november 4, 1943, the first chain reaction in the world's second nuclear reactor, the x-10 graphite reactor at oak ridge is achieved.

construction at oak ridge begins with the groundbreaking for the electromagnetic separation plant, code-named y-12.
groves convinces tennessee eastman (see: kodak), as he would later do with others, to offer an unprofitable deal to build and operate the plant. allis-chalmers would supply the vacuum pumps, while general electric and westinghouse would supply the electronics.

The number of calutrons in y-12 is 864, the large-sized ones scientists call alphas,

the small size of what they call beta.
would reach 1,152, including 350.

According to calculations, the critical mass for 80 percent enriched uranium is 56 kg, a sphere with a diameter of 11.5.
aka the pit, or more dramatically, the demon core.

For plutonium, these values are 11 kg and 8 cm. of course, in order to increase the energy output, it is necessary to use even more fissile material. ways to reduce the critical masses are sought and found.

the fissile material is surrounded by a thick shell of natural uranium,
this shell not only holds the fissile material together for a fraction of a second longer during the explosion, but also reduces the number of neutrons escaping. therefore, not only will the chain reaction take longer, but the reflected neutrons will cause additional fissions, reducing the amount of fissile material required for criticality. quantities go down to 15 kg for uranium and 5 kg for plutonium. the uranium bomb is called 'little boy' and the plutonium bomb is called 'fat man'.

On September 13, 1944, 11 months after construction began, the 250 megawatt b reactor, the first of Hanford's three reactors, was loaded with fuel and went critical on September 26, 1944.

but hours after reaching full power, it shuts itself off. after a few hours it goes critical again, after 12 hours it goes critical again.
apparently, the reactor's effective replication factor, k, exhibits periodic oscillations, sometimes rising above 1 and sometimes falling below 1. the source of the problem was identified by john archibald wheeler. some of the fission products have a high tendency to absorb neutrons. when the reactor becomes critical and starts to operate, these products accumulate over time, lowering k below 1 and causing the shutdown. On the other hand, the same products have a short half-life on the order of hours. since they decay and disappear after the reactor shutdown and new ones can no longer be formed, k rises back above 1 and the reactor starts to operate. the solution is to increase the stock of uranium fuel in the reactor to increase the minimum value of k released to 1. wheeler had foreseen that some problems might arise when the reactor was still in the design phase. he had even asked the du pont engineers building the reactor to open 504 more fuel channels in addition to the 1,500 specified in the plans. his request had attracted lightning because it delayed the construction of the reactor and increased its cost by millions of dollars. now, however, his intervention would save the reactor. some of the empty channels began to be refueled and some began to be connected to the cooling water system.

On October 21, 1944, after 19 days of fighting, Aachen was captured by the First American Army, becoming the first German city to fall to the Allies.

The t-force teams of the alsos mission, whose mission was to gather intelligence on the German nuclear program, German chemical and biological weapons, the systems capable of carrying these weapons, and the scientific advances made by Nazi Germany in all these areas, entered Germany with the American infantry.

On December 17, 1944, a squadron was formed, the 509th Composite Group, capable of delivering bombs on target. the group was based at Wendover Field, Utah, and consisted of 15 purpose-modified B-29 bombers.

Also in the 1944 interval, the second of the reactors at Hanford started producing plutonium.

in january 1945, the k-25 gas diffusion plant at oak ridge
phase comes into play.

The k-25 building alone has 9,000 workers working in three shifts and the plant is operated 24/7.

s-50 thermal diffusion plant at oak ridge, March 1945, 2,100
the entire pillar is fully operational.

After the "alpha" array of calutrons was finally activated and the ground shifted, the y-12 facility, which had been a maintenance nightmare, with metal tiles shifting, joints and welds cracking and leaking under the influence of strong magnetic fields, is now receiving regular weekly shipments of 89% enriched uranium to los alamos. of course, there were thousands of problems as they tried to do something that no one had ever done before on the surface of the earth, but the americans were able to overcome them.

in november 1944, the work of the alsos teams had uncovered clues that led them to a company in paris that processed rare earth elements and had been taken over by the auergesellschaft. in early march 1945, the captured Germans were interrogated and it was learned that a facility in oranienburg owned by the auergesellschaft was processing uranium and thorium. groves suggested to george c. marshall, the us chief of staff, that a bombing raid be carried out on the facility to prevent the material from falling into the hands of the soviet army.

On March 15, 1945, 612 B-17s of the US 8th Air Force dropped 1,500 tons of high explosives and 178 tons of incendiaries on the Oranienburg plant, destroying it.
oranienburg is still the most radioactive city in germany

in april 1945, plutonium production at hanford comes online at full capacity. three reactors and three chemical separation plants operate in synchronization. in the fully automated and remote-controlled separation plants, the entire process is monitored continuously by the first closed-circuit television system in the usa. there are 16 underground repositories for radioactive waste from the plant. 120 kg of production is expected by the end of the year. Enough for 19 fat men.

in april, president roosevelt dies. his vice president harry s. truman will succeed him. after being sworn in as president, he is briefed for the first time on the manhattan project.

On April 23, 1945, in an operation called big, the t-force teams found the b-viii nuclear reactor in Oranienburg, where the plant had been shipping uranium cubes until it was destroyed by the American air force.

when the Americans and the British dismantled the B-viii reactor at Haigerloch.

The reactor at haigerloch was operating as a sub-critical assembly, i.e. as a device for the safe measurement of reactor parameters and for the training of personnel.

haigerloch was a subcritical nuclear device, unable to sustain a chain nuclear reaction on its own without an external neutron source.

German nuclear technology in April 1945 was inferior to what the Americans had in December 1942.

The German stockpile of 1,200 tons of uranium ore was seized and brought to the United States. In addition to the US uranium processed from vanadium deposits, Canada supplied 907 tons of uranium to the United States for the Manhattan Project.

The price of a pound of uranium metal had fallen from $1,000 to $1.

It was not only because the United States had built a uranium processing and refining industry so large that Nazi Germany would never have dreamed of building even a quarter of a quarter of it.

In addition to a total of 1,200 tons of uranium from the Belgian Congo in 1942, the US received another 3,000 tons of uranium from the Congo.

Germany also seized 1,200 tons of uranium from a factory in Olen, Belgium, which had fallen into the hands of the American army in April 1945.

but because the United States has the largest industry in the world, the world is the largest in history.
It was able to build its navy and thus, unlike the Axis powers, it was able to continue to use Africa and South America as a mine.

the US had also captured heavy water from the Germans.

3 heavy water production facilities were built in West Virginia, Indiana and Alabama as part of the p-9 project, Manhattan's sub-project to produce heavy water.

19,619 kg of heavy water was produced in these facilities, while the amount seized from the Germans was 1,429 kg.

On April 30, 1945, Hitler shot himself.

On May 14, 1945, the u-234 submarine of the german navy* was intercepted south of grand banks by the uss sutton, a cannon class destroy escort ship of the us navy. members of the crew seized the submarine and took it to the portsmouth naval shipyard adjacent to portsmouth, new hampshire, on the southern maine border.

The cargo on board the submarine included designs for new electric torpedoes, a crated me-262, birhenschel hs 293 and 550 kilograms of uranium oxide. also on board were German and Japanese officers, scientists, civil engineers, specialists and a general.

The purpose of the submarine was to inform and teach the Japanese about the technological innovations that Germany had.

uranium had already been sent by Nazi Germany to the Japanese Empire in certain quantities since the end of 1943.

And what percentage of that was weapons-grade uranium?

zero percent

There was no such thing as "weapons-grade" uranium/plutonium outside North America during the second world war, until the day the US sent nuclear bombs to the Pacific islands.

From 1943 onwards, the US also sent uranium to the USSR as part of the lend-lease program, the Allied aid program, but of course it was not weapons-grade uranium.

in june 1945, the 509th mixed group at wendover field, utah, was moved to tinian island in the pacific. only 2,300 km from tokyo. by july, 50 kg of enriched uranium had accumulated at los alamos. Enough for little boy. Almost everyone is sure that the uranium bomb will work with a simple "barrel design". but there is less confidence in the complex "denting" design of the plutonium bomb (which is the design of all modern nuclear weapons except artillery shells).

It was a "plutonium press" in Los Alamos that formed the plutonium-gallium alloy in the bomb into a hemispherical shape.

The non-nuclear, conventional explosives, explosive mixtures, assemblies and detonators in the bomb were developed and tested at the salt wells pilot plant at the naval ordnance test station (nots) in northeastern California as part of Project Camel.

nots, now known as naval air weapons china lake, is the navy's largest property, covering twelve percent of california's airspace, conducting and supporting the us navy's r&d and testing programs, a massive military base whose use for weapons and armaments research, development, acquisition, testing and evaluation occupies eighty-five percent of all navy land, and thirty-eight percent of the navy's land worldwide.

the bomb was detonated in a 30-meter-high tower
and fired by remote control at 5:29 a.m. on July 16. At 25,000,000 tons of tnt, the force of the explosion was greater than expected.
The name given to the test was "trinity".

On July 24, 1945, Truman tells Stalin that the US has nuclear bombs, but Stalin already knows this thanks to spying.
(see: klaus fuchs)
(see: rosenbergs)

fat man and little boy, in pieces, on ships and airplanes to tinian island
transported. They're assembled by a team from Los Alamos.

little boy contained 64 kilograms of uranium with an average enrichment of 80%. On the morning of August 6, 1945, it was released from a plane called the Enola Gay. At 8:16 a.m. it exploded at an altitude of 580 meters with a force of 15,000 tons of tnt, beginning a new era in world history.

A single bomb - in the first sense of the word - wiped out tens of thousands in the blink of an eye.

fat man contained only 6.2 kilograms of plutonium. At noon on August 9, 1945, it was released from a plane called bock's car. at 11:02 a.m. it exploded 500 meters above nagasaki with a force equivalent to 21,000 tons of tnt.

In seconds, it killed tens of thousands. later, burns and other injuries and radiation killed tens of thousands more.

On August 15th, Japan surrendered.

By the end of the war, oak ridge had grown into a city of 75,000 inhabitants, with supermarkets, theaters, cinemas, sports facilities and hundreds of miles of highways.

What if things had gone in a different direction? What would have happened if Germany had marched to victory on the eastern front without making mistakes?

Could the Nazis have achieved a nuclear weapon?

In the summer of 1946, gernort zippe (father of the zippe-type centrifuge) and max steenback, who had been captured by the soviets, continued nuclear work for the soviets in the summer of 1946 at the institute led by the famous scientist manfred von ardenne in a suburb of Sukhumi called "sinop".

zippe and steenback create the most advanced centrifuge of the time. it is called the zippe-type centrifuge, but zippe himself calls it the russian centrifuge. it makes it possible to enrich uranium much more economically and paves the way for the 2nd/3rd world to have access to it.

The thing is, this perfected centrifuge had appeared in the early 1950s.

The Soviet Union built its first nuclear reactor by copying the American Chicago Pile-1 reactor.

The f-1 nuclear reactor began operating on December 25, 1946.

The USSR also tested a nuclear bomb on August 29, 1949, based on designs it had obtained from the Americans through espionage.

why didn't he make it based on German bomb designs ? because there was no German nuclear bomb design that had reached a serious level. sscb captured German scientists, but the first reactor and the first nuclear bomb were completely copied from the americans.

zippe and his product appeared in the 50s. then zippe went to west germany and then to the usa. and continued to work in the centrifuge field.
the usa continued to multiply soviet nuclear weapons production by five or even ten times, with or without the use of zippe-type centrifuges in the ussr.
It was like that all through the 50s and 60s, until curtis lemay retired and the US armed forces evolved from being an apocalyptic force with 1,000,000 times the cumulative firepower of the fat man dropped on nagasaki under the leadership of strategic air command to being a force that made multiple nuclear warheads more lethal in terms of accuracy.


Could the Nazis have built a nuclear weapon before the Americans? Is there an answer to that question?

Yes there is, they couldn't.

The scientist Wilhelm Groth, who was captured not by the Soviets but by the Americans, was able to enrich uranium in centrifuges up to a maximum of 5 percent during the war.

This document from October 8, 1957 is a compilation of the work of the team including Steenback and Zippe from 1945 to September 1956. And the reports show that the speed with which they developed their own centrifuges and the speed with which they worked with equipment from Nazi Germany, such as the tunsgten vacuum furnace, shows that even if the Nazis had won a decisive victory in the east, Without producing a single bomb pit, the US would have had enough atomic bombs to drop on a dozen targets planned by the British air force, to hit German-controlled oil fields and refineries, and to drop on German divisions from Lockheed P-2 Neptunes, since the US had 50 atomic bombs in 1948.

Instead of looking for "economic" solutions in the Manhattan Project, the United States allocated unlimited funds and means to analyze what could be done and what was possible, as well as what could not be done and what was not possible, and to make them possible, it was the only country in the world that could do this, which is why it was able to detonate a plutonium bomb over Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, on March 23, 1944, when it had 520 milligrams of plutonium.

fun fact: the only place in the US that produces nuclear weapons today is the pantex facility in texas, and pantex has 20,000 of those pit or "demon core" nuclear bomb cores.
I'm feeling bad that you wrote out this essay for me when it's not the point I made. I didn't insinuate that the Nazis could've developed the atomic bomb, again, when Nazis came to power, a big part of their best scientists fled the country.

What I tried to say is that the theoretical base for the atomic bomb, Einstein's theories were developed by german scientists. Oppenheimer is of german origin too btw.

I just don't like the anglo propaganda, if you do it at least include all germanics, because we have and do rule the world and are responsible for it's development.
I'm feeling bad that you wrote out this essay for me when it's not the point I made. I didn't insinuate that the Nazis could've developed the atomic bomb, again, when Nazis came to power, a big part of their best scientists fled the country.

What I tried to say is that the theoretical base for the atomic bomb, Einstein's theories were developed by german scientists. Oppenheimer is of german origin too btw.

I just don't like the anglo propaganda, if you do it at least include all germanics, because we have and do rule the world and are responsible for it's development.
I have already explained in the short answer part. The long answer part actually explains that the Anglo-Saxons prepared the basis for the development of the bomb.

The atomic bomb was never a breakthrough that would change the course of the war. The innovations in many fields, which were far more important than the atomic bomb, were made by the British and people of British origin. It was the British and their innovations that made the United States a superpower. It is not German scientists or Jews.

Moreover, the inventor of the atomic bomb was not Oppenheimer, he was only the project director. This was not a one-man effort and the vast majority of the staff were British. Oppenheimer was appointed to his position by Leslie Groves. The atomic bomb would have been produced even if Oppenheimer had not been there.

1050px Manhattan Project US Canada Map 2

''Muhhh it was the German scientists who built the bomb, without them Americans couldn't able to produce atomic bomb'' LOL
During WW2 it was the British and people of British origin who contributed most to the development of the postmodern world. British scientists were leading in 111 fields, compared to 1 field where German scientists were leading.

(The numbers 111 and 1 were chosen to express the huge difference between them)

Germany is not in bad position when it comes to contribution to humanity. By far US and UK (Canada and Australia also) comes as 1-2, Im not sure between France and Germany so Germany comes 3-4.
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I have already explained in the short answer part. The long answer part actually explains that the Anglo-Saxons prepared the basis for the development of the bomb.
Dude, are you trying to ragebait me? You're constantly arguing against a point I never made.

Without Einstein's theory there is no idea of an atomic bomb, and Einstein was german. That's all I said.
The atomic bomb was never a breakthrough that would change the course of the war.
Which I never claimed.

It spared thousands of american and japanese lives though.
The innovations in many fields, which were far more important than the atomic bomb, were made by the British and people of British origin. It was the British and their innovations that made the United States a superpower. It is not German scientists or Jews.
The brits had superior planes, RADAR and intelligence. Military doctrine, training and tactics were on the german side.

Also, the US didn't become a superpower due to british 'innovations', it was mainly because they had the biggest economy and industry by a long shot at the start of the war already.

Additionally, europe was in shambles after the war while the US wasn't affected at all, which they capitalized on.
Moreover, the inventor of the atomic bomb was not Oppenheimer, he was only the project director. This was not a one-man effort and the vast majority of the staff were British.
Did I claim anything else?
Oppenheimer was appointed to his position by Leslie Groves. The atomic bomb would have been produced even if Oppenheimer had not been there.
View attachment 3103420
''Muhhh it was the German scientists who built the bomb, without them Americans couldn't able to produce atomic bomb'' LOL
I don't believe you're stupid so you're purposefully misunderstanding what I said, which is disingenuous, don't do this if you want to have a proper debate.
During WW2 it was the British and people of British origin who contributed most to the development of the postmodern world. British scientists were leading in 111 fields, compared to 1 field where German scientists were leading.

(The numbers 111 and 1 were chosen to express the huge difference between them)
Source? That's just a huge yap (even the exaggeration), before WW1 scientific achievements were spread across evenly around germanic Europe.
Dude, are you trying to ragebait me? You're constantly arguing against a point I never made.

Without Einstein's theory there is no idea of an atomic bomb, and Einstein was german. That's all I said.

Which I never claimed.

It spared thousands of american and japanese lives though.

The brits had superior planes, RADAR and intelligence. Military doctrine, training and tactics were on the german side.

Also, the US didn't become a superpower due to british 'innovations', it was mainly because they had the biggest economy and industry by a long shot at the start of the war already.

Additionally, europe was in shambles after the war while the US wasn't affected at all, which they capitalized on.

Did I claim anything else?


I don't believe you're stupid so you're purposefully misunderstanding what I said, which is disingenuous, don't do this if you want to have a proper debate.

Source? That's just a huge yap (even the exaggeration), before WW1 scientific achievements were spread across evenly around germanic Europe.

Short answer
''Without Einstein's theory there is no idea of an atomic bomb, and Einstein was german. That's all I said.''

This is not a proper justification. If we see every scientific breakthrough as the result of the efforts of those who came before, then we must trace all human progress back thousands of years.

If Einstein had not existed, a different physicist or physicists would have developed it. Scientific progress and development are not the result of the efforts of individuals alone

''The brits had superior planes, RADAR and intelligence. Military doctrine, training and tactics were on the german side.

Also, the US didn't become a superpower due to british 'innovations', it was mainly because they had the biggest economy and industry by a long shot at the start of the war already.''

It cannot be simplified in this way. Military doctrine, training and tactics are not as important as other elements. Moreover, who is better at tactics and training is open to debate.

For example, the Anglo-Saxons were far more advanced in radar, artillery and fire control systems, fighters, bombers, petrochemicals, electronic warfare, telecommunications, navigation and mapping systems, tank destroyers, military engineering, guided munitions, incendiaries and air-to-surface rockets, medicine, firearms, navy, sonar, logistics etc.

What makes it already a huge economy and industry is that since the 1850s it has been the place with the most innovation and the biggest market. So, again, innovations by people of British origin.

if you're curious about the details, a long answer in pdf file. (111/1 ratio of innovations, science, engineering during ww2)


  • Google Keep Dokümanı.pdf
    230.3 KB · Views: 0
Short answer
''Without Einstein's theory there is no idea of an atomic bomb, and Einstein was german. That's all I said.''

This is not a proper justification. If we see every scientific breakthrough as the result of the efforts of those who came before, then we must trace all human progress back thousands of years.

If Einstein had not existed, a different physicist or physicists would have developed it. Scientific progress and development are not the result of the efforts of individuals alone

''The brits had superior planes, RADAR and intelligence. Military doctrine, training and tactics were on the german side.

Also, the US didn't become a superpower due to british 'innovations', it was mainly because they had the biggest economy and industry by a long shot at the start of the war already.''

It cannot be simplified in this way. Military doctrine, training and tactics are not as important as other elements. Moreover, who is better at tactics and training is open to debate.

For example, the Anglo-Saxons were far more advanced in radar, artillery and fire control systems, fighters, bombers, petrochemicals, electronic warfare, telecommunications, navigation and mapping systems, tank destroyers, military engineering, guided munitions, incendiaries and air-to-surface rockets, medicine, firearms, navy, sonar, logistics etc.

What makes it already a huge economy and industry is that since the 1850s it has been the place with the most innovation and the biggest market. So, again, innovations by people of British origin.

if you're curious about the details, a long answer in pdf file. (111/1 ratio of innovations, science, engineering during ww2)
cant believe i fell for a chatgpt bot
Most of Imperial Japan is probably US propaganda to justify vaporizing their cities to dust. They even later used their main biowarfare scientist Shiro ishi against the Koreans too.
Also didn't US itself commit many similar warcrimes in Middle East?


  • Graduation_photo_of_Shiro_Ishii_from_the_Department_of_Medicine_of_Kyoto_Imperial_University_i...jpg
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cant believe i fell for a chatgpt bot
Keep coping Kraut. I guess you didn't like finding out the truth.

When you learn history superficially, you can make tragicomic statements like this.

''Muhhh They fucked us in the ass because German scientist built atomic bomb for them."


cant believe i fell for a chatgpt bot
Keep coping Kraut. I guess you didn't like finding out the truth.

When you learn history superficially, you can make tragicomic statements like this.

''Muhhh They fucked us in the ass because German scientist built atomic bomb for them."


J. Robert Oppenheimer was born in New York City on April 22, 1904, into a family of Jewish immigrants from Germany.
The creator of nukes is a Jew, not a fucking pindos or Fritz.
Albert Einstein, who was also Jewish, just lived in Germany, also helped him create it.
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J. Robert Oppenheimer was born in New York City on April 22, 1904, into a family of Jewish immigrants from Germany.
The creator of nukes is a Jew, not a fucking pindos or Fritz.

Read what i wrote above Slavic dumbass.
He wasn't the creator of bomb. Just the director of program. He was appointed to this position by Leslie Groves.

Without him, the Anglos would have built the bomb still.

In fact, the British descendants were the biggest factor in the development of the bomb. The Anglo-Saxon effort made the bomb possible.

Read what i wrote above Slavic dumbass.
He wasn't the creator of bomb. Just the director of program. He was appointed to this position by Leslie Groves.

Without him, the Anglos would have built the bomb still.

In fact, the British descendants were the biggest factor in the development of the bomb. The Anglo-Saxon effort made the bomb possible.
Robert Oppenheimer: head of the Manhattan Project, the "father" of the atomic bomb
Anglos are dumb to the point of insanity, they can't do anything without Jews. Everything they supposedly invented was actually invented by a Jew or stolen from the Soviets
Igor Kurchatov is also considered the father of the nuclear bomb and he is a Soviet man.
Robert Oppenheimer: head of the Manhattan Project, the "father" of the atomic bomb
Anglos are dumb to the point of insanity, they can't do anything without Jews. Everything they supposedly invented was actually invented by a Jew or stolen from the Soviets
Igor Kurchatov is also considered the father of the nuclear bomb and he is a Soviet man.
The most tragicomic thing is that you will always remain ignorant and deny reality. Poor Slavic village coping with reality.

British people, not Germans, are responsible for the development of science and engineering in the USA. The innovators were mostly British before WW2 and after.

There was a time when the British empire was the place where the most innovation, the most technological progress, the most inventions were made. By the 1860s, the British in America had taken over the lead, and still do.

The Soviets did nothing for the development of civilization compared to Anglos. They were following US 10-20 years behind during Cold War.
The most tragicomic thing is that you will always remain ignorant and deny reality. Poor Slavic village coping with reality.

British people, not Germans, are responsible for the development of science and engineering in the USA. The innovators were mostly British before WW2 and after.

There was a time when the British empire was the place where the most innovation, the most technological progress, the most inventions were made. By the 1860s, the British in America had taken over the lead, and still do.

The Soviets did nothing for the development of civilization compared to Anglos. They were following US 10-20 years behind during Cold War.
the Soviets created the Internet, mobile phone and PC that you are using now, and in the USSR they invented all this 10 years earlier. The British rats simply stole these inventions and appropriated them for themselves. During the Cold War, the USSR was in the lead in all sectors, for example, the USSR defeated the United States in the space race, and in the nuclear industry it was strongly in the lead in terms of weapon power and quantity. The Pindos have not yet invented bombs more powerful than the Tsar Bomb. The Pindos are still 60 years behind the USSR in terms of development.
The creator of the nuclear bomb, the Jew Robert Oppenheimer, was assisted in the creation by Albert Einstein, who was also Jewish
the Soviets created the Internet, mobile phone and PC that you are using now, and in the USSR they invented all this 10 years earlier. The British rats simply stole these inventions and appropriated them for themselves. During the Cold War, the USSR was in the lead in all sectors, for example, the USSR defeated the United States in the space race, and in the nuclear industry it was strongly in the lead in terms of weapon power and quantity. The Pindos have not yet invented bombs more powerful than the Tsar Bomb. The Pindos are still 60 years behind the USSR in terms of development
Both space race and nuclear arming race won by Americans.


December 2, 1971 photo of the surface of mars taken by the soviet mars 3 rover,

July 22, 1976 photo of the Martian surface taken by the U.S. Viking 1 lander

viking 1 continued to send data back to earth for 2307 days, transmitting 57,000 photos.

The soviet mars 3 lander was disconnected 20 seconds (no kidding) after landing on mars.

viking 2 landed on mars on september 3, 1976, transmitting data for 1316 days and taking even clearer photos,

the soviets continued to experiment with two different programs until 1988, but failed in every mission, with no exceptions.

the soviets took better quality pictures with their venera lander on venus in the 1980s,


with equipment provided by France. (LMAO)

France provided high-tech systems to the soviet space program from the second half of the 70s until the collapse of the soviet space program. even to this day, many of Russia's vital high-tech systems, from the thermal vision systems of thousands of Russian tanks to Russian fighters, are French-made.

It was a race that the US won by far.

Even though the USSR made low-budget imitations of american technologies such as the manned maneuvering unit, the us was the clear winner.

the vehicle launched by the russian federation to go to mars and return after collecting samples broke down while in orbit. the reason was radiation. radiation physically damages the semiconductors inside processors and chips. these components are more sensitive to radiation than living things.
On December 18, 2020; 3 Bulgarian citizens were caught and jailed in Austin, Texas while storing radiation hardened circuits to smuggle them to Russia. LOL.

the processors, dsps, integrated circuits produced by the soviets were all low-budget replicas of those made in the us. the problem with the ussr and east germany in this field was that they were 9-15 years behind when imitating american products.

The relevance of this to the space race is that the semiconductors and components inside these devices and device complexes are more sensitive to radiation than living things.

the soviets lacked the capability to even replicate the radiation hardened dsp circuits and chipsets of the usa, hence all of their mars programs ended in laughable failures (due to radiation in space).

Ussr was publicly sourcing its industrial robots from finland and cnc lathes from west germany and japan like they were buying cocaine. when the usa realized this, they banned toshiba from the american market for 5 years.

''while the US sent a man to the moon for show and propaganda, the USSR did the same by sending unmanned vehicles to the moon''
the soviets also had a man-on-the-moon project (1969-1972) that lasted as long as the US manned the moon, it was a fiasco from start to finish.

In the nuclear arms race, the US is winner

The Texas Pantex facility alone stockpiles more than 20,000 nuclear cores.

Not to mention gross production. In terms of nuclear weapon quality, the Americans were better. US nuclear inventory is way more developed in terms of tech compared to Russians

Both countries have plenty but the U.S. Has a distinct advantage in terms of survivable missiles. For a moment, set aside the question of operability and reliability. Assuming everything works, both sides have similar numbers of warheads, but how they are delivered is what's interesting. Of course, exact numbers are classified, but Russia has about 55% land based missiles, 25% of missiles delivered by turboprop bombers and 20% delivered by submarines. Subs are the best way to deliver nukes because subs can't be easily tracked and can't be sunk easily. Land based missiles are the easiest to hit because we know where each other's are. New conventional munitions are now so good that they can take out some hardened silos without using a nuke, so land based missiles are pretty vulnerable. The U.S., on the other hand has 60% of its warheads on subs, 25% land based and only 15% delivered by bombers (the least reliable method). The U.S. nuclear sub fleet is really secure and it still patrols. The Russian navy these days is a bit of a mess and they don't do a good job of keeping their missile boats at sea in strategic launch positions. Furthermore, they also don't do a good job any more tracking and following US missile boats, so it is unlikely they could sink many, if any, in a conflict. The net result is that Russian forces would fare horribly after a first strike, while U.S. forces would probably remain over 70% after a first strike, leaving Russia vulnerable to complete destruction. Putin can do the math as well. This information is public knowledge, so nothing here is classified.

Another area where the US is advanced is anti-ICBM systems.

An example that goes from zero to 12,000 kilometers per hour in five seconds.

Developed to counter the Soviet ICBM threat, this missile, called Sprint, was first tested in New Mexico on November 17, 1965.
It was the successor to the nike-zeus anti-ballistic missile system developed in the 1950s.
It contained a W66 thermonuclear warhead.

The underlying principle of both the Warsaw Pact and NATO to shoot down these nuclear missiles with other nuclear missiles was not only that the shockwave from the nuclear explosion would destroy the advancing enemy ballistic missile, but also that the electronics could render the warhead inoperable because they were more sensitive to radiation than even living beings.

24 years after the sprint was tested, the US produced the first exoatmospheric kill vehicle prototype. (Most advanced anti ICBM tech)

These vehicles have no explosives in them and they can and have destroyed nuclear warheads/missiles by hitting them at speeds of up to 30,000 kilometers per hour.

the usa has further developed this and operationalized systems that can shoot down satellites and missiles even from the decks of ships from poland to alaska.

It is 2024, and the anti-ballistic missile system that protects Moscow and all of Russia uses the same principle that the Americans used in the 1950s.

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Both space race and nuclear arming race won by Americans.

View attachment 3104433View attachment 3104435View attachment 3104437

December 2, 1971 photo of the surface of mars taken by the soviet mars 3 rover,
View attachment 3104446

July 22, 1976 photo of the Martian surface taken by the U.S. Viking 1 lander
View attachment 3104447

viking 1 continued to send data back to earth for 2307 days, transmitting 57,000 photos.

The soviet mars 3 lander was disconnected 20 seconds (no kidding) after landing on mars.

viking 2 landed on mars on september 3, 1976, transmitting data for 1316 days and taking even clearer photos,

the soviets continued to experiment with two different programs until 1988, but failed in every mission, with no exceptions.

the soviets took better quality pictures with their venera lander on venus in the 1980s,

View attachment 3104448
with equipment provided by France. (LMAO)

France provided high-tech systems to the soviet space program from the second half of the 70s until the collapse of the soviet space program. even to this day, many of Russia's vital high-tech systems, from the thermal vision systems of thousands of Russian tanks to Russian fighters, are French-made.

It was a race that the US won by far.

Even though the USSR made low-budget imitations of american technologies such as the manned maneuvering unit, the us was the clear winner.

the vehicle launched by the russian federation to go to mars and return after collecting samples broke down while in orbit. the reason was radiation. radiation physically damages the semiconductors inside processors and chips. these components are more sensitive to radiation than living things.
On December 18, 2020; 3 Bulgarian citizens were caught and jailed in Austin, Texas while storing radiation hardened circuits to smuggle them to Russia. LOL.

the processors, dsps, integrated circuits produced by the soviets were all low-budget replicas of those made in the us. the problem with the ussr and east germany in this field was that they were 9-15 years behind when imitating american products.

The relevance of this to the space race is that the semiconductors and components inside these devices and device complexes are more sensitive to radiation than living things.

the soviets lacked the capability to even replicate the radiation hardened dsp circuits and chipsets of the usa, hence all of their mars programs ended in laughable failures (due to radiation in space).

Ussr was publicly sourcing its industrial robots from finland and cnc lathes from west germany and japan like they were buying cocaine. when the usa realized this, they banned toshiba from the american market for 5 years.

''while the US sent a man to the moon for show and propaganda, the USSR did the same by sending unmanned vehicles to the moon''
the soviets also had a man-on-the-moon project (1969-1972) that lasted as long as the US manned the moon, it was a fiasco from start to finish.

In the nuclear arms race, the US is winner

The Texas Pantex facility alone stockpiles more than 20,000 nuclear cores.

Not to mention gross production. In terms of nuclear weapon quality, the Americans were better. US nuclear inventory is way more developed in terms of tech compared to Russians

Both countries have plenty but the U.S. Has a distinct advantage in terms of survivable missiles. For a moment, set aside the question of operability and reliability. Assuming everything works, both sides have similar numbers of warheads, but how they are delivered is what's interesting. Of course, exact numbers are classified, but Russia has about 55% land based missiles, 25% of missiles delivered by turboprop bombers and 20% delivered by submarines. Subs are the best way to deliver nukes because subs can't be easily tracked and can't be sunk easily. Land based missiles are the easiest to hit because we know where each other's are. New conventional munitions are now so good that they can take out some hardened silos without using a nuke, so land based missiles are pretty vulnerable. The U.S., on the other hand has 60% of its warheads on subs, 25% land based and only 15% delivered by bombers (the least reliable method). The U.S. nuclear sub fleet is really secure and it still patrols. The Russian navy these days is a bit of a mess and they don't do a good job of keeping their missile boats at sea in strategic launch positions. Furthermore, they also don't do a good job any more tracking and following US missile boats, so it is unlikely they could sink many, if any, in a conflict. The net result is that Russian forces would fare horribly after a first strike, while U.S. forces would probably remain over 70% after a first strike, leaving Russia vulnerable to complete destruction. Putin can do the math as well. This information is public knowledge, so nothing here is classified.

Another area where the US is advanced is anti-ICBM systems.

An example that goes from zero to 12,000 kilometers per hour in five seconds.

Developed to counter the Soviet ICBM threat, this missile, called Sprint, was first tested in New Mexico on November 17, 1965.
It was the successor to the nike-zeus anti-ballistic missile system developed in the 1950s.
It contained a W66 thermonuclear warhead.

The underlying principle of both the Warsaw Pact and NATO to shoot down these nuclear missiles with other nuclear missiles was not only that the shockwave from the nuclear explosion would destroy the advancing enemy ballistic missile, but also that the electronics could render the warhead inoperable because they were more sensitive to radiation than even living beings.

24 years after the sprint was tested, the US produced the first exoatmospheric kill vehicle prototype. (Most advanced anti ICBM tech)

These vehicles have no explosives in them and they can and have destroyed nuclear warheads/missiles by hitting them at speeds of up to 30,000 kilometers per hour.

the usa has further developed this and operationalized systems that can shoot down satellites and missiles even from the decks of ships from poland to alaska.

It is 2024, and the anti-ballistic missile system that protects Moscow and all of Russia uses the same principle that the Americans used in the 1950s.

The USA did not win any race in which they competed with the USSR, lost to sport race, space race, nuclear race, etc.
you inferior faggots can't win even with Jewish help
4310799 1723718974524
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''Muhhhh The USA did not win any race in which they competed with the USSR, lost to sport race, space race, nuclear race, etc :forcedsmile:''

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-time_Olympic_Games_medal_table :lul:
the USA sent Negroids to the Olympic Games, because Anglos are inferior subhumans. And even so the USSR has almost as many medals, despite the fact that the USSR participated in only half of the competitions. And in those in which the USSR participated, the USSR always won. at the same time, the USA participated at all and usually sucked a dick:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
You lost in literally every race
  • JFL
Reactions: byvw
The USA did not win any race in which they competed with the USSR, lost to sport race, space race, nuclear race, etc.
you inferior faggots can't win even with Jewish help
View attachment 3104486View attachment 3104490
Obey Anglosaxons or die!!!


Anglosphere - Wikipedia


-Responsible for the industrial revolution

-Succeeded in making his language the language of the world

-World domination for the last 300 years (Never seen before)

-Rust belt mechanization revolution

-The US and the UK are where most inventions and innovations have been made in history

-Father of capitalism and libertarian thought

-Top research institutions and universities

-Places where life is most complex and huge.
Where opportunities, jobs, education are the best

-It is where the postmodern world is built.

-Winner of two world wars (pacification of Germany, Italy and Japan)

-Winner of Waterloo (pacification of France)

-Winner of the Cold War (Soviet collapse and pacification of the Russians)

-Successful in spreading its genes around the world-colonial success

-Pacification of the Iberians, Dutch. The sole masters of the oceans - the largest navy

-Sole ruler of India - destruction of other European powers there

-The core of the world press and finance

-Two global alpha ++ cities London and New York

-Best intelligence agencies CIA and MI6

-Best in sports (olympics) and also inventer of sports (volleyball, rugby, tennis, table tennis, badminton, basketball, snooker, golf, cricket, baseball, football, soccer, hockey, ice hockey, curling, skateboarding, snowboarding etc.)

-First modern nations are UK and US (the reason for the above is also)

-The most advanced and world-dominating in movies, TV series, music, etc. - total cultural domination

-most articles published and books published per capita

-have the most advanced military for 300 years
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View attachment 3098593

As the japanese conquered all of British, Dutch and Spanish colonies in southeast asia in a very rapid amount of time, they tortured, raped, massacred and experimented on the civilians of those nations, including millions of british, american, australian and dutch people. Their war crimes in “Unit 731” will be remembered as the worst war crimes committed by a nation.
Obey Anglosaxons or die!!!


Anglosphere - Wikipedia

Most of these countries are shit
-Responsible for the industrial revolution
october revolution mogs
-Succeeded in making his language the language of the world
"language of the world" In most countries, no one even knows about the existence of the English language
in any case english is a shit language. Sounds like shit and Building sentences is also in the shit
Russian language mogs.
And Russian is a world language too

-World domination for the last 300 years (Never seen before)
domination of what? You have been slaves throughout history, you have been slaves of the Meds
-Rust belt mechanization revolution
It's such an important revolution that this is the first time I've heard about it:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
-The US and the UK are where most inventions and innovations have been made in history
these inventions were made by Jews or were stolen from the Soviets
-Father of capitalism and libertarian thought
Capitalism and liberalism are shit.
they are also the fathers of LGBT, feminism and similar shit.
-Top research institutions and universities
Soviet education was completely free and the best in the world
-Places where life is most complex and huge.
Where opportunities, jobs, education are the best
shit quality of life, shit education etc
-It is where the postmodern world is built.
In China*
-Winner of two world wars (pacification of Germany, Italy and Japan)
it was the Americans who sponsored Hitler and set him against the USSR, the USSR defeated Hitler and Japan, so the USA is defeated.
-Winner of Waterloo (pacification of France)

-Winner of the Cold War (Soviet collapse and pacification of the Russians)
loser* You've lost all the races. The USSR collapsed because of internal traitors, not because of impoverished America.
-Successful in spreading its genes around the world-colonial success
subhuman genes. Most anglos are recessed
-Pacification of the Iberians, Dutch. The sole masters of the oceans - the largest navy
Russia and China are pacificating you quite easily now
-Sole ruler of India - destruction of other European powers there
Why is India richer than England now, despite the fact that you have been robbing India for centuries?
-The core of the world press and finance

-Two global alpha cities London and New York
shit cities.

-Best intelligence agencies CIA and MI6

-Best in sports (olympics) and also inventer of sports (volleyball, rugby, tennis, table tennis, badminton, basketball, snooker, golf, cricket, baseball, football, soccer, hockey, ice hockey, curling, skateboarding, snowboarding etc.)
because Russia is not allowed to play sports now. And it's not the British who participate in U.S. sports, but Blacks.
-First modern nations are UK and US (the reason for the above is also)
this modern nation in question
14940804954566 450u326e2z3y

-The most advanced and world-dominating in movies, TV series, music, etc. - total cultural domination
actually shit culture.
Even japanese anime is dominating those faggots.
-most articles published and books published per capita
Teracoping at this point :lul:
how so?
China is leading economically, has conquered the trade market, while Russia is leading geopolitically and in military power
1.4B people vs 67M people LMAO. Look at gdp per capita.

View attachment 3104583

4287761 1722864568863

these are the countries with the strongest economies. Keep in mind that the United States is actually a poor country whose debt already greatly exceeds GDP, this is almost the rule for the second American depression.
white americans, anglos (even tho it's almost the same shit) are the most hypocritical and cruel frosts in history. Japan even capitulated only when the Soviet Union declared war on them, for 4 years the Americans were unable to inflict tangible harm on them
I knew you would make this thread about America :ROFLMAO:
  • JFL
Reactions: Putin
how so?
China is leading economically, has conquered the trade market, while Russia is leading geopolitically and in military power

View attachment 3104596
these are the countries with the strongest economies. Keep in mind that the United States is actually a poor country whose debt already greatly exceeds GDP, this is almost the rule for the second American depression.
2024 08 18 100156 enwikipediaorg 16692933b70f

nominal is what matters dumbass. not ppp.

debt is not a thing because of this
2024 08 18 100412 enwikipediaorg 813c4b5606b9
wait till you discover about Croatian WW2 crimes
matters in terms of what bro? smartest anglo retard jfl
Nominal GDP does not reflect the real economy because it does not take into account inflation. If this indicator is growing, it may be due to both a real increase in production volumes and an increase in product prices

what bro?

The PPP is not infallible. The process is quite complicated and comparability of the price index across countries is quite suspect. For example, the 2017 ppp process only collected prices in urban areas, which are then supposed to be adjusted to reflect national prices. These national price levels are compared to the US price level which is then multiplied by the exchange rate to arrive at a US dollar ppp. The information on the adjustment done to urban prices to arrive at the national price level is not readily available and is not public.

Much of the data collection behind the ppp is managed by national statistical agencies and regional institutions, e.g., in the case of Africa the AfDB. The entire process is not fully transparent - replicating a given country’s PPP is not possible and the underlying data is rarely shared. Also, the quality of the data is dependent on the country and the expertise of their national statistics office.

All this to say that the PPP may overinflate incomes of some countries. Some authors have argued that this may be the case for China and India. See Ghosh (2023), for a recent discussion.

The real reason why the American debt is not that important is this:
IMG 0106

Think about it.
Americans own the world.


US gdp per capita is 85.000
China gdp per capita is 13.000
Russia gdp per capita is 14.000

Who mogs who?

Americans own %31 of world wealth while they are only %4.23 of world population

Chinese own %18.6 of world wealth while they are only %17.39 of world population (Poor)

Russian own %0.97 of world wealth while they are only %1.77 of world population (Very Poor)

US have largest consumer market which is bigger than EU, China, Japan, India combined. (Insane)

China's economy is slowing down

From the US$2.1 trillion Chinese energy company Sinopect to the oil fields in Siberia, China and Russia are dependent on the US for their modern energy industry.

Poor russkyy don't seem to understand Anglos dominate the world !

The PPP is not infallible. The process is quite complicated and comparability of the price index across countries is quite suspect. For example, the 2017 ppp process only collected prices in urban areas, which are then supposed to be adjusted to reflect national prices. These national price levels are compared to the US price level which is then multiplied by the exchange rate to arrive at a US dollar ppp. The information on the adjustment done to urban prices to arrive at the national price level is not readily available and is not public.

Much of the data collection behind the ppp is managed by national statistical agencies and regional institutions, e.g., in the case of Africa the AfDB. The entire process is not fully transparent - replicating a given country’s PPP is not possible and the underlying data is rarely shared. Also, the quality of the data is dependent on the country and the expertise of their national statistics office.

All this to say that the PPP may overinflate incomes of some countries. Some authors have argued that this may be the case for China and India. See Ghosh (2023), for a recent discussion.

brocel you anglos are dumb as fuck.
Most of you don't even know where Africa is, and you certainly don't understand the economy.

Nominal GDP is the sum of the market prices of all goods and services produced in a country over a certain period of time. It measures economic activity at current market prices, which makes it useful for estimating the overall level of economic activity in monetary terms. However, nominal GDP can be distorted due to inflation or deflation.

PPP GDP is a measure of GDP adjusted for differences in price levels between countries. This indicator allows you to compare economic productivity and living standards between countries, eliminating the impact of price differences. GDP by PPP gives a more accurate picture of the real standard of living and purchasing power of the population in different countries.

Thus, GDP by PPP is often considered more accurate for international comparisons, as it takes into account differences in price levels and allows for a better comparison of economic well-being between countries. Nominal GDP, on the other hand, is more accurate for assessing economic activity within one country at a particular time, but it may not give a complete picture of real purchasing power or standard of living, especially if international comparisons are made.
Russia mogs.

The real reason why the American debt is not that important is this:
View attachment 3104803
Think about it.
Americans own the world.
How is this related? You will never be able to pay the debt and you will be in poverty (you are already in poverty)


US gdp per capita is 85.000
China gdp per capita is 13.000
Russia gdp per capita is 14.000

Who mogs who?
this is GDP per capita. Since the United States is a bourgeois shit, 1% people have GDP per capita there is 1000000.00, and 99% have about 5.1. Therefore, on average, there is more in the United States, although for 99% of people, GDP per capita is less. so both Russia and China this shithole.

Americans own %31 of world wealth while they are only %4.23 of world population

Chinese own %18.6 of world wealth while they are only %17.39 of world population (Poor)

Russian own %0.97 of world wealth while they are only %1.77 of world population (Very Poor)

US have largest consumer market which is bigger than EU, China, Japan, India combined. (Insane)

China's economy is slowing down
View attachment 3104867

From the US$2.1 trillion Chinese energy company Sinopect to the oil fields in Siberia, China and Russia are dependent on the US for their modern energy industry.

delusional phagot
  2024 07 31 003201
4287761 1722864568863

Poor russkyy don't seem to understand Anglos dominate the world !

America is poor as fuck Don't forget about the debt
And anglos don't dominate shit, The one who actually dominate are jews.
matters in terms of what bro? smartest anglo retard jfl
Nominal GDP does not reflect the real economy because it does not take into account inflation. If this indicator is growing, it may be due to both a real increase in production volumes and an increase in product prices

what bro?


Semiconductor production

Even Japan and South Korea mogs China while Russia is nonexistant.
Japan denied they did this
brocel you anglos are dumb as fuck.
Most of you don't even know where Africa is, and you certainly don't understand the economy.

Nominal GDP is the sum of the market prices of all goods and services produced in a country over a certain period of time. It measures economic activity at current market prices, which makes it useful for estimating the overall level of economic activity in monetary terms. However, nominal GDP can be distorted due to inflation or deflation.

PPP GDP is a measure of GDP adjusted for differences in price levels between countries. This indicator allows you to compare economic productivity and living standards between countries, eliminating the impact of price differences. GDP by PPP gives a more accurate picture of the real standard of living and purchasing power of the population in different countries.

Thus, GDP by PPP is often considered more accurate for international comparisons, as it takes into account differences in price levels and allows for a better comparison of economic well-being between countries. Nominal GDP, on the other hand, is more accurate for assessing economic activity within one country at a particular time, but it may not give a complete picture of real purchasing power or standard of living, especially if international comparisons are made.
Russia mogs.

How is this related? You will never be able to pay the debt and you will be in poverty (you are already in poverty)
View attachment 3104921

this is GDP per capita. Since the United States is a bourgeois shit, 1% people have GDP per capita there is 1000000.00, and 99% have about 5.1. Therefore, on average, there is more in the United States, although for 99% of people, GDP per capita is less. so both Russia and China this shithole.

delusional phagot
View attachment 3104938View attachment 3104943

America is poor as fuck Don't forget about the debt
And anglos don't dominate shit, The one who actually dominate are jews.
View attachment 3104919
ppp gdp is misleading and overstates gdp, especially in poor countries

For example, Turkey's GDP ppp is 3.8 trillion
The Netherlands has 1.3 trillion

Turkey nominal GDP 1.11 trillion
Netherlands nominal gdp 1.14 million

Does this mean that Turkey is richer? No.

GDP comparisons using PPP are more useful than comparisons using nominal GDP when assessing a state's domestic market because PPP takes into account the relative cost of the country's domestic goods and services and inflation rates, rather than using international market exchange rates, which can distort real differences in per capita income.[3] However, it is limited when measuring financial flows between countries and when comparing the quality of the same goods across countries.

''this is GDP per capita. Since the United States is a bourgeois shit, 1% people have GDP per capita there is 1000000.00, and 99% have about 5.1. Therefore, on average, there is more in the United States, although for 99% of people, GDP per capita is less. so both Russia and China this shithole.''

This part is hilarious. I dont need to answer this coping bullshit. You dont even know what gdp per capita is.

US is the wealthiest nation on earth while Russia and China are third world shitholes.
it was overblown by propaganda kind of. they had their unit 731 and nazis had thei mengele but it's really not widespread. it' like the us gaining reputation as baby killers in vietnam and homo torturers from abu gharib

it's just whoever the jews want to malign, they blow these strories up. and whoever reputation they want to preserve they bury and never talk about it. holodomor atrocities where discussed? almost never. nakba when discussed? basically never. mayan civilization and indian massacres and ritual sacrifices? talked about in passing.

muh holocaust and jap subhumanity mentioned always
Bengal Famine killed 3, almost 4 million people.
6 million Jewish deaths and the entire world knows, and remembers.

And the worst part is that the 4 million deaths were done by our side, The Allies.. the "good" guys

They weren't even placed in camps, given a hope.. a chance at life. They were just mercilessly killed and discarded

The Palestinian war has killed 40,000 Palestinians. We are talking about something 100x MORE
For every one death, was 100

Just count to 100, and realise every single person you counted had dreams, aspirations, likes, dislikes, history, and most importantly a future. For every one death in Palestine, were ONE HUNDRED in the Bengal Famine.

And nobody talks about it.
ppp gdp is misleading and overstates gdp, especially in poor countries

For example, Turkey's GDP ppp is 3.8 trillion
The Netherlands has 1.3 trillion

Turkey nominal GDP 1.11 trillion
Netherlands nominal gdp 1.14 million
The Netherlands is a shithole I think turkey is richer.
Moreover, I have already explained to you that GDP by ppp is much more important, nominal GDP means LITERALLY NOTHING
Does this mean that Turkey is richer? No.

GDP comparisons using PPP are more useful than comparisons using nominal GDP when assessing a state's domestic market because PPP takes into account the relative cost of the country's domestic goods and services and inflation rates, rather than using international market exchange rates, which can distort real differences in per capita income.[3] However, it is limited when measuring financial flows between countries and when comparing the quality of the same goods across countries.

''this is GDP per capita. Since the United States is a bourgeois shit, 1% people have GDP per capita there is 1000000.00, and 99% have about 5.1. Therefore, on average, there is more in the United States, although for 99% of people, GDP per capita is less. so both Russia and China this shithole.''

This part is hilarious. I dont need to answer this coping bullshit. You dont even know what gdp per capita is.
take away the richest 1% of people in the United States (Jews), and GDP per capita will be lower than anywhere else you fucking dumb retarded cuck
anglo iq shows again
US is the wealthiest nation on earth while Russia and China are third world shitholes.
IanHughes7max 760x504
retarded pics since usa can't even beat vietnam, of cource it lost to ussr.
In fact, the United States lost in World War II
Nigga really thinks world hyperpower is incapable of wiping Gooks and Russkies.

IMG 0107

The Americans did not lose or perform badly. And the statistics support this. Since it was a guerrilla war, they withdrew from the war with increasing public pressure.

But when you keep saying “Well what about Vietnam?” when trying to make an anti-American argument, it makes you look ridiculous.

Anglos dont lose wars they lose interest.
Nigga really thinks world hyperpower is incapable of wiping Gooks and Russkies.

View attachment 3105001

The Americans did not lose or perform badly. And the statistics support this. Since it was a guerrilla war, they withdrew from the war with increasing public pressure.

But when you keep saying “Well what about Vietnam?” when trying to make an anti-American argument, it makes you look ridiculous.

Anglos dont lose wars they lose interest.
How can pindos win anything at all? It's funny how you justify yourself... Missions in Vietnam have not been completed in 20 faggot years, the same in Afghanistan. The Anglos shamefully surrendered from Vietnam
You've lost to fucking Vietnam
May Jesus bless the USA for blasting yellow monkey with nukes.
  • JFL
Reactions: MA_ascender
How can pindos win anything at all? It's funny how you justify yourself... Missions in Vietnam have not been completed in 20 faggot years, the same in Afghanistan. The Anglos shamefully surrendered from Vietnam
You've lost to fucking Vietnam
Keep coping with Anglo superiority.

Russians cannot accept the objective reality that they were crushed and defeated by the Americans.

“Muhh What about Afghanistan/Vietnam?” LMAO.

Vietnam military casualties (civilians not included)
North Vietnam: 1.100.000 lost
South Vietnam: 313.000 lost
US: 58.000 lost

What a shameful loss for Anglos (!)

I wont answer anymore. I'm tired of answering a douchebag like you. I've been crushing you with evidence in every discussion for 2-3 days. You're still trying to cope.
Now they are cucks and can't breed so the country is mass importing niggers... the karmapill is brutal
Keep coping with Anglo superiority.

Russians cannot accept the objective reality that they were crushed and defeated by the Americans.
superior in terms of what? Anglos live in a second-class country (Great Britain), and even from there they are being displaced by migrants. The Americans are afraid of Russians to the point of insanity, so much so that they need to impose 10k sanctions against Russia, but this did not affect Russia in any way, and they decided to fight with Russia with the hands of Ukrainians
what a pathetic faggots.
“Muhh What about Afghanistan/Vietnam?” LMAO.

Vietnam military casualties (civilians not included)
North Vietnam: 1.100.000 lost
South Vietnam: 313.000 lost
US: 58.000 lost

What a shameful loss for Anglos (!)
The United States suffered the greatest losses in the Vietnam War:

about 58,200 soldiers died;
more than 305 thousand were injured (of which 153 thousand were seriously injured or left disabled).
Other losses by the countries participating in the conflict:

South Korea — from 4,400 to 5,000 dead and 11,000 to 17,000 injured;
China — 1,446 dead; 2
Australia — about 500 dead soldiers, more than 3 thousand people were injured;
New Zealand — 38 dead and 187 injured;
Thailand — 351 dead;
USSR — 16 military advisers killed;
North Korea — 14 pilots killed;
Philippines — 9 dead soldiers and 64 wounded.
According to various estimates, the total number of Vietnamese killed in the Vietnam War ranges from 2 to 4 million, including soldiers and civilians.
I wont answer anymore. I'm tired of answering a douchebag like you. I've been crushing you with evidence in every discussion for 2-3 days. You're still trying to cope.
Strong support for North Vietnam provided by the USSR and China. The USSR provided Vietnam with its most advanced weapons
Win for the USSR again.
superior in terms of what? Anglos live in a second-class country (Great Britain), and even from there they are being displaced by migrants. The Americans are afraid of Russians to the point of insanity, so much so that they need to impose 10k sanctions against Russia, but this did not affect Russia in any way, and they decided to fight with Russia with the hands of Ukrainians
what a pathetic faggots.

The United States suffered the greatest losses in the Vietnam War:

about 58,200 soldiers died;
more than 305 thousand were injured (of which 153 thousand were seriously injured or left disabled).
Other losses by the countries participating in the conflict:

South Korea — from 4,400 to 5,000 dead and 11,000 to 17,000 injured;
China — 1,446 dead; 2
Australia — about 500 dead soldiers, more than 3 thousand people were injured;
New Zealand — 38 dead and 187 injured;
Thailand — 351 dead;
USSR — 16 military advisers killed;
North Korea — 14 pilots killed;
Philippines — 9 dead soldiers and 64 wounded.
According to various estimates, the total number of Vietnamese killed in the Vietnam War ranges from 2 to 4 million, including soldiers and civilians.

Strong support for North Vietnam provided by the USSR and China. The USSR provided Vietnam with its most advanced weapons
Win for the USSR again.

I say I won't write, but the dickhead writes so stupidly that I have to correct him.

Doesn't the fact that the Soviet Union doesn't exist today, that the US economy is 13 times bigger, that the US wins more Nobel Prizes, more Olympics, is richer, dominates the world culturally, politically, militarily and industrially give you an idea of who is superior?

''South Korea — from 4,400 to 5,000 dead and 11,000 to 17,000 injured;
China — 1,446 dead; 2
Australia — about 500 dead soldiers, more than 3 thousand people were injured;
New Zealand — 38 dead and 187 injured;
Thailand — 351 dead;
USSR — 16 military advisers killed;
North Korea — 14 pilots killed;
Philippines — 9 dead soldiers and 64 wounded.''

These are countries that sent very, very few troops to the war. It is foolish to compare with the US

''more than 305 thousand were injured (of which 153 thousand were seriously injured or left disabled''

Wrong. More than 150,000 injured did not need hospital care. This DUMBFCK claims 153 thousand seriously injured or left disabled which is not correct. Amount of seriously injured personnel was around 75K.
USSR only sent 3000 personnel while China sent total of 320.000
USSR actually sent military equipment which has bullshit production quality compared to Americans
For example
MiG-21 240-501 (air to air kill- air to air loss)

Vietnam War 78-95-0 (sucks)
USSR didnt win shit, US didnt lose but withdrawn, North Vietnam won, South Vietnam lost.
I say I won't write, but the dickhead writes so stupidly that I have to correct him.

Doesn't the fact that the Soviet Union doesn't exist today, that the US economy is 13 times bigger, that the US wins more Nobel Prizes, more Olympics, is richer, dominates the world culturally, politically, militarily and industrially give you an idea of who is superior?
The soviet union had strong growth (even though nazis killed over half the working age men, USSR still recovered and could compete with USA)

If you follow the general trend of growth if you ignore the fall of the ussr, the USSR would have about a 25-35 trillion GDP ppp today. Remember America has a GDP of 28 trillion by 2023 and both countries have about equal population (soviets slightly larger, since birthrates would not collapse for them). Remember, people were fucking in the USSR, they were raising families and shit. Now that Russia and other post soviet states are controlled by capitalist pigs, they have inceldom problem just like the west.
The USA sucks culturally, politically, militarily and industrially
1. Culture in the USA is fucking trash, LGBT, feminism, shitty movies and books, etc
2. Politically, you are not capable of doing any harm to Russia. Overlaid Russia sanctions to break, but it turned out that Russia's GDP is only growing up, so Russia last year, ahead of Germany and Japan in the economy. Despite the fact that Russia is the most sanctioned country in the world, a total of 10,000 sanctions were imposed on Russia, which is much more than on North Korea.
3. The Russian army is the strongest in the world, ranks first. This is according to the latest US data. Think for yourself why 50 countries are at war with Russia on the territory of Ukraine and have not been able to do anything in 2.5 years?
4. USA sucks industrially too.
According to the UN, China is the leader in the development of industrial production in the world. It accounts for 28.4% of global industrial production.
''South Korea — from 4,400 to 5,000 dead and 11,000 to 17,000 injured;
China — 1,446 dead; 2
Australia — about 500 dead soldiers, more than 3 thousand people were injured;
New Zealand — 38 dead and 187 injured;
Thailand — 351 dead;
USSR — 16 military advisers killed;
North Korea — 14 pilots killed;
Philippines — 9 dead soldiers and 64 wounded.''

These are countries that sent very, very few troops to the war. It is foolish to compare with the US

''more than 305 thousand were injured (of which 153 thousand were seriously injured or left disabled''

Wrong. More than 150,000 injured did not need hospital care. This DUMBFCK claims 153 thousand seriously injured or left disabled which is not correct. Amount of seriously injured personnel was around 75K.
JFL at your butthurt dumb faggot.
Dead: about 58,200 soldiers.
Wounded: more than 305 thousand. Of these, 153 thousand were seriously injured or left disabled.
Missing: Approximately 2,600 U.S. military personnel whose fate has not been determined or whose remains have not been found.
That's official data of American subhumanity.
Stop denying it. The US army is weaker than the Vietnamese one.
USSR only sent 3000 personnel while China sent total of 320.000
USSR actually sent military equipment which has bullshit production quality compared to Americans
For example
MiG-21 240-501 (air to air kill- air to air loss)

Vietnam War 78-95-0 (sucks)
USSR didnt win shit, US didnt lose but withdrawn, North Vietnam won, South Vietnam lost.
North Vietnam won cuz of Soviet help.
USA lost and shamefully capitulated, without actually completing any of the set goals, with numerical and combat superiority.
A battle in the sky over North Korea on October 30, 1951. American B-29 bombers suffered losses from Soviet MiG-15 fighters. In this battle, 12 B-29 bombers and 4 F-84 fighters were destroyed.
This proves how shitty the U.S. fighter jets are.
Last edited:
  • JFL
Reactions: byvw
just embrace your subhumanity.
white americans aren't even Anglo-saxons, they are mixed. They still suck tho
3669578 586E2D96 0174 4813 8A1F 59FF3934909A
just embrace your subhumanity.
white americans aren't even Anglo-saxons, they are mixed. They still suck tho
View attachment 3105271
British diaspora
Total population
Regions with significant populations
Estimated at 200 million[1]
United States109,531,643
New Zealand3,372,708
South Africa1,600,000

%60 of whites are British Isles descent
%20 are German
rest are scandinavian, dutch, italian, french, polish etc.
British diaspora
Total population
Regions with significant populations
Estimated at 200 million[1]
United States109,531,643
New Zealand3,372,708
South Africa1,600,000

%60 of whites are British Isles descent
%20 are German
rest are scandinavian, dutch, italian, french, polish etc.
According to US Census Bureau data, the largest ancestries of White Americans are:

  • German (13%)
  • Irish (12%)
  • English (9%)
  • Italian (6%)
  • French (4%)
  • Polish (3%)
  • Scottish (3%)
  • Scotch-Irish (2%)
  • Dutch (1%),
  • Norwegian (1%)
  • Swedish (1%)
  • Russian (1%)
They are giga mutted.
I don't understand why you're so concerned about the Anglo-Saxons and the Amerimutts.
Both subhumans
According to US Census Bureau data, the largest ancestries of White Americans are:

  • German (13%)
  • Irish (12%)
  • English (9%)
  • Italian (6%)
  • French (4%)
  • Polish (3%)
  • Scottish (3%)
  • Scotch-Irish (2%)
  • Dutch (1%),
  • Norwegian (1%)
  • Swedish (1%)
  • Russian (1%)
They are giga mutted.
I don't understand why you're so concerned about the Anglo-Saxons and the Amerimutts.
Both subhumansView attachment 3105302
  • German (13%)
  • Irish (12%)
  • English (9%)
  • Italian (6%)
  • French (4%)
  • Polish (3%)
  • Scottish (3%)
  • Scotch-Irish (2%)
  • Dutch (1%),
  • Norwegian (1%)
  • Swedish (1%)
  • Russian (1%)
Dumb russkyy really believes in these bullshit self-reports

Irish are greater than English is completely joke.

Also Italian is 6 percent while English is 9 LMAO.

Scottish being the same as Polish is complete bullshit.

The reason why these self-reports are insignificant is that when people specify their ancestry, they also specify their less common ancestry as a percentage. For example, someone who is 90 percent English and 10 percent Italian gives the answer English and Italian as the answer, but in fact the dominant is British. So what does the answer show? British-Italian

They also tend to specify their ancestry, which is less common in America, such as Italian, French, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, etc. because it is exotic and different.

I know an old man who is 75% British and 25% swedish, but he identifies himself as of Swedish origin. because the majority is already British.

The number of whites in America is 204,277,273. 110M of them are of British origin, that is, about 54% white is British. But I rounded up to sixty percent because Americans also tend to identify their exotic and scarce ancestry.

I am not concerned about Anglos im just correcting your misinformations. Since when stating the facts are concerning?

It is more like you have a butthurt of Anglos.:lul:

While British descendants look like these


Russian subhumans look like these


Who mogs who? The answer is simple.

JFL at the two CIA and KGB bots spamming this thread with propaganda that 90% of this Hindu forum can't even understand
  • JFL
Reactions: Putin
  • German (13%)
  • Irish (12%)
  • English (9%)
  • Italian (6%)
  • French (4%)
  • Polish (3%)
  • Scottish (3%)
  • Scotch-Irish (2%)
  • Dutch (1%),
  • Norwegian (1%)
  • Swedish (1%)
  • Russian (1%)
Dumb russkyy really believes in these bullshit self-reports

Irish are greater than English is completely joke.

Also Italian is 6 percent while English is 9 LMAO.

Scottish being the same as Polish is complete bullshit.

The reason why these self-reports are insignificant is that when people specify their ancestry, they also specify their less common ancestry as a percentage. For example, someone who is 90 percent English and 10 percent Italian gives the answer English and Italian as the answer, but in fact the dominant is British. So what does the answer show? British-Italian

They also tend to specify their ancestry, which is less common in America, such as Italian, French, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, etc. because it is exotic and different.

I know an old man who is 75% British and 25% swedish, but he identifies himself as of Swedish origin. because the majority is already British.

The number of whites in America is 204,277,273. 110M of them are of British origin, that is, about 54% white is British. But I rounded up to sixty percent because Americans also tend to identify their exotic and scarce ancestry.

I am not concerned about Anglos im just correcting your misinformations. Since when stating the facts are concerning?
even according to your logic, if 60% of Americans were of British origin, then such a survey result is mathematical impossible. They are just mutts that mostly are Germans. Or the Pindos themselves prefer to lie about their origin, because they know that Anglos are subhumans
It is more like you have a butthurt of Anglos.:lul:

While British descendants look like these

View attachment 3105756View attachment 3105757

Russian subhumans look like these

View attachment 3105759View attachment 3105761View attachment 3105763View attachment 3105764View attachment 3105766

Who mogs who? The answer is simple.
4306917 IMG 8034
actually simple. As you see Meds mog everyone and Russians are considered the best looking in Turkey. Meanwhile the Anglos are considered the ugliest almost everywhere by studies.

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