Jared Leto claims getting fat for movies puts him in a happier mood



Did you just call me a little bitch?
Oct 29, 2022
Jared Leto claimed on Sirius XM that when he had to gain weight for movies he laughed more often and took things easier.

Is fatness a key to being NT? I’ve put on about 6 pounds in the last week and have been feeling a bit better at times. This is all muscle however but I think a skinny body is more susceptible to depression and weakness than a fat body despite all of the hate on fat people. You may be less productive but I think you will be less affected by things being fatter. Take DJ Khaled example or someone like that. I think they are naturally NT because they have so much weight.
jared leto understand fat LDARmaxxing incels now
When I was overweight following an injury, I wanted to kill myself, bigly. You feel sluggish as hell, slow as hell, you are out of breath, etc. No, when you are fit, you feel like you are on fucking clouds. I think, if unfit people tasted a day of being fit and slim, they would sprint to weightloss.

Leto just sounds like a goofy fuck that starves himself or eats shit food when cutting weight, that's a him problem and fuck him for promoting being overweight, like him and the average people eat the same quality of food. Fucking dumbass.

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