jaw makes the man, not height.

Basically I’m the king of manlets (5’9), I used to think my manletism was the reason why I couldn’t be taken seriously by anyone.

After improving my narrow jaw with fillers, girls from work and female costumers react more positively to me, they invest in my conversation and even when I’m quiet af (I have no social skills) they really try to make me talk JFL. Before bitches never did this, NEVER.

Men respect me more as well, for instance, my mechanic (who usually is condescending to me ) changed his fucking tone with me JFl as if I were his fucking dad or something.

My male boss who’s just a year older than me, (and shorter) always made fun of me and my mistakes as if I ware a dumbass kid. Now with my wider jaw, this bitch changed his tone JFl as if I were HIS BOSS.

I promise this is not in my head, I’m still a manlet but I feel my jaw made me more respectable . People around me literally changed their tone JFL.

I will get an extra 2ml of fillers in my jaw just to see what happens next.
I will save 20k and get a 20k loan next year to get implants by either Dr.Y or Dr.Dhir, Eppley makes too many uncanny results.
I will keep y’all posted.



Holy fuck bro your before after is what looksmax is about. Tbh the after I can see “deserbing” respect even though I don’t believ in “blackpill is the only truth”. Which says something. Good job bro
I chewed on cycle for 6 weeks and had no gains. Chewing is cope tbh. All I got was better muscle control so I can flex my masseters with ease now.
6 weeks is nothing. You need to chew gum daily for hours and it can take many months to years but you should see a slight gradual improvement over time if you’re lean enough. It’s not a quick process but nonetheless a beneficial softmax that’s good for your teeth and appetite reduction as well
  • +1
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6 weeks is nothing. You need to chew gum daily for hours and it can take many months to years but you should see a slight gradual improvement over time if you’re lean enough. It’s not a quick process but nonetheless a beneficial softmax that’s good for your teeth and appetite reduction as well
Just get cavities theory
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22 and Bewusst
6 weeks is nothing. You need to chew gum daily for hours and it can take many months to years but you should see a slight gradual improvement over time if you’re lean enough. It’s not a quick process but nonetheless a beneficial softmax that’s good for your teeth and appetite reduction as well
It should be enough in 6 weeks on roids. Gained 30 lbs of muscle through my whole body but not a single change in my masseters.
lens distortion tho
Can you DM before and afters OP? I'd love to see.

Absolutely agree 100% on the differential treatment with before vs after improving.

It's sickening.
Basically I’m the king of manlets (5’9),

This in conjunction with the title means this post is Copezilla
just don’t be recessed or deformed that’s all you need
Otherwise eye area and hair matter the most
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel
OP I can't see your "after" picture, do you mind PMing it to me? Thanks man
Great result. Imo you should wear lifts.

Also mirin mouth area.

Good mouth area+Jaw make a face much more attractive.
Basically I’m the king of manlets (5’9), I used to think my manletism was the reason why I couldn’t be taken seriously by anyone.

After improving my narrow jaw with fillers, girls from work and female costumers react more positively to me, they invest in my conversation and even when I’m quiet af (I have no social skills) they really try to make me talk JFL. Before bitches never did this, NEVER.

Men respect me more as well, for instance, my mechanic (who usually is condescending to me ) changed his fucking tone with me JFl as if I were his fucking dad or something.

My male boss who’s just a year older than me, (and shorter) always made fun of me and my mistakes as if I ware a dumbass kid. Now with my wider jaw, this bitch changed his tone JFl as if I were HIS BOSS.

I promise this is not in my head, I’m still a manlet but I feel my jaw made me more respectable . People around me literally changed their tone JFL.

I will get an extra 2ml of fillers in my jaw just to see what happens next.
I will save 20k and get a 20k loan next year to get implants by either Dr.Y or Dr.Dhir, Eppley makes too many uncanny results.
I will keep y’all posted.



I’m also not that good looking, probably I am in 3rd world places but not here in the west... I compete against 6’4 blue eyed gigachads and NBA looking black dudes thugmaxxed... I’m just a short weak enthnic guy with fillers in his jaw
Then its giga over for me you autist.

Stop fishing for reacts and acting Like a victim, thats some cuck shit

Look at me JFL
Thread 'Rate me' https://looksmax.org/threads/rate-me.314069/
  • +1
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it’s debatable. if youre 5’8 with a good jawline youll still get holy shitted by a 6’2 guy with an average jawline (jaw wise not looks)

Why the fuck is Facebook on this thread?
Basically I’m the king of manlets (5’9), I used to think my manletism was the reason why I couldn’t be taken seriously by anyone.

After improving my narrow jaw with fillers, girls from work and female costumers react more positively to me, they invest in my conversation and even when I’m quiet af (I have no social skills) they really try to make me talk JFL. Before bitches never did this, NEVER.

Men respect me more as well, for instance, my mechanic (who usually is condescending to me ) changed his fucking tone with me JFl as if I were his fucking dad or something.

My male boss who’s just a year older than me, (and shorter) always made fun of me and my mistakes as if I ware a dumbass kid. Now with my wider jaw, this bitch changed his tone JFl as if I were HIS BOSS.

I promise this is not in my head, I’m still a manlet but I feel my jaw made me more respectable . People around me literally changed their tone JFL.

I will get an extra 2ml of fillers in my jaw just to see what happens next.
I will save 20k and get a 20k loan next year to get implants by either Dr.Y or Dr.Dhir, Eppley makes too many uncanny results.
I will keep y’all posted.



the 5 oclock shadow definitely adds more definition, so keep that. Keep us posted.
Chadlet ngl

This gives me motivation. The only side effect is that you look like you're 28-30 now, but who gives a shit
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 51465
6 weeks is nothing. You need to chew gum daily for hours and it can take many months to years but you should see a slight gradual improvement over time if you’re lean enough. It’s not a quick process but nonetheless a beneficial softmax that’s good for your teeth and appetite reduction as well
Do masseters(or bones if they really grow) stay that way after stopping chewing ?
Jaw is still not good, whats the point? Obv better than before but still neither wide, nor robust
Jaw is still not good, whats the point? Obv better than before but still neither wide, nor robust
What do you except nobody irl have cavill jaw
Do masseters(or bones if they really grow) stay that way after stopping chewing ?
No. Muscles atrophy if not used so "use it or loose it". Chewing gum (the right kind) has many benefits though. It protects tooth enamel against erosion, helps with digestion, reduces appetite, improves concentration etc.
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It's crazy how some mms of jaw change your whole appearance, nothing changes appearance more than jaw, average eye area with strong jaw it's better imo than good eye area and average lower third
He did lose bf i dont know why he hasnt mentioned it. He already had a jaw similar to it when he went lean
Basically I’m the king of manlets (5’9), I used to think my manletism was the reason why I couldn’t be taken seriously by anyone.

After improving my narrow jaw with fillers, girls from work and female costumers react more positively to me, they invest in my conversation and even when I’m quiet af (I have no social skills) they really try to make me talk JFL. Before bitches never did this, NEVER.

Men respect me more as well, for instance, my mechanic (who usually is condescending to me ) changed his fucking tone with me JFl as if I were his fucking dad or something.

My male boss who’s just a year older than me, (and shorter) always made fun of me and my mistakes as if I ware a dumbass kid. Now with my wider jaw, this bitch changed his tone JFl as if I were HIS BOSS.

I promise this is not in my head, I’m still a manlet but I feel my jaw made me more respectable . People around me literally changed their tone JFL.

I will get an extra 2ml of fillers in my jaw just to see what happens next.
I will save 20k and get a 20k loan next year to get implants by either Dr.Y or Dr.Dhir, Eppley makes too many uncanny results.
I will keep y’all posted.



Could you PM me your before and after weight loss results ? not with the fillers though i wanna see what your natural bone structure was bloated why ? cause i'm also bloated
Imo it's prob ur location and this point which is stoping u from losing ur V. Try and leave the big city for a weeknd and travel to a lesser known place and write in ur bio that u are here over the x. U will 100% have better results.
  • +1
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Holy shit this is a really good filler result. I used to be a recessed narrow mandible subhuman and got it fixed with an osteotomy. People treat me with much more respect ever since. However my mandible and jaws are still fucked.

Once I have decent jaws I'll ascend.

6'5 + good frame + mogger jaws = slayer simple as that.
  • +1
Reactions: lilhorizontal32 and Deleted member 9568
Did the changes happen immediately after you got your fillers done?

Or did people start treating you differently over the entire course of you looksmaxxed (by leanmaxxing improving eyebrows better fashion etc.)
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Did the changes happen immediately after you got your fillers done?

Or did people start treating you differently over the entire course of you looksmaxxed (by leanmaxxing improving eyebrows better fashion etc.)
I feel that they do when I take my mask off, but since my eyes are a huge failo, when I have the mask which is 90% of the day because of wageslaving I still get treated as before
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Basically I’m the king of manlets (5’9), I used to think my manletism was the reason why I couldn’t be taken seriously by anyone.

After improving my narrow jaw with fillers, girls from work and female costumers react more positively to me, they invest in my conversation and even when I’m quiet af (I have no social skills) they really try to make me talk JFL. Before bitches never did this, NEVER.

Men respect me more as well, for instance, my mechanic (who usually is condescending to me ) changed his fucking tone with me JFl as if I were his fucking dad or something.

My male boss who’s just a year older than me, (and shorter) always made fun of me and my mistakes as if I ware a dumbass kid. Now with my wider jaw, this bitch changed his tone JFl as if I were HIS BOSS.

I promise this is not in my head, I’m still a manlet but I feel my jaw made me more respectable . People around me literally changed their tone JFL.

I will get an extra 2ml of fillers in my jaw just to see what happens next.
I will save 20k and get a 20k loan next year to get implants by either Dr.Y or Dr.Dhir, Eppley makes too many uncanny results.
I will keep y’all posted.



I believe you. You look much better now.
It largely sucks jaw is primarily determined by prenatal T.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 9568
Jaw is deffo the first thing women see. But IMO cheekbones are such a goddamn halo nowadays very few people have actually good prominent cheekbones let alone hollow cheeks tbh.
The combination or jaw + cheekbones are the real deal
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  • +1
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I have good zygos but shit forward projection.

Your eyes are simultaneously feminine and masculine. I have that thing going on too. Not sure if beautiful or handsome, lol!
true, and unfortunetaly my lower third is not wide :rage:
It largely sucks jaw is primarily determined by prenatal T.

My Tyrone Cousin as a little kid jaw and chin mogs this entire forum to hell and back. He surely mogs those low prenatal T faggots on tik tok to death because of his insane prenatal T.

Damn high prenatal T

His face is literally a black Superman's structure wise.

Here's a low pren T eboy for comparison.

The biggest differences you will notice between their jaw structure is that kid with super high pren T has a considerably lower gonial angle, his jaw, chin and mid mandible area have way more width and thickness, generally much higher bone mass, and his midface is shorter.

His frame is also as wide as Chase's despite being 8->10 years younger, which is honestly complete bullshit in my opinion.
Jaw is deffo the first thing women see. But IMO cheekbones are such a goddamn halo nowadays very few people have actually good prominent cheekbones let alone hollow cheeks tbh.

Not true, eyes are 1st.

If jaw is average, but eyes are way above average, they lose themselves inside the attractive looking eyes. The jaw just blends in as long as it is not below average looking and isnt distracting from the eyes.

Basically jaw can be average if eyes are top tier.

Also good looking eyes is more rare than good jaw. It can work other way around too, if jaw is top tier, then average eyes will blend in with the top tier jaw.

Other than that- gj @ op. I absolutely believe you that you get treated almost 180° different after improving jaw area with fillers. It is something subconscious with most ppl, esp. with low iq normie men and ofc women. If they see someone who is gl, they subcosciously value that persons oppinion more that that of some subhuman looking person and take that person more serious.
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  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 9568, Deleted member 12270 and volcelfatcel
Not true, eyes are 1st.

If jaw is average, but eyes are way above average, they lose themselves inside the attractive looking eyes. The jaw just blends in as long as it is not below average looking and isnt distracting from the eyes.

Basically jaw can be average if eyes are top tier.

Also good looking eyes is more rare than good jaw. It can work other way around too, if jaw is top tier, then average eyes will blend in with the top tier jaw.
Fuck no, st blackops2cel could have oprys eyes but he'd still be a narrow jaw recessed loser.
Fuck no, st blackops2cel could have oprys eyes but he'd still be a narrow jaw recessed loser.
Yeah thats cause his subhuman jaw would distract from the top tier Oprys eyes. Thats why I wrote, as long as the jaw is average and doesnt distract from the mesmerizing beautiful eyes, then eyes are most important.

If you cared to read carefully, it is mentioned several times in the previous post.

Besides that- its a fact that its impossible to lose oneself and be almost mesmerized looking at someones jaw, whereas it is very well possible with eyes. The important requirement is that the jaw is not below average and doesnt distract from the beauty of the eyes, thats it.

Looking into eyes like Somerhalder will make many foids wet already, this cant be achieved by just looking at the jaw.

Also the jaw is always static, it doesnt change the shape. Whereas eyes can have all sorts of different expressions and shapes, they can be mysterious, next moment mesmerizing, next moment dominant etc. That is why eye area is such an insane factor that determines if a person is gl or not.
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  • +1
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Yeah thats cause his subhuman jaw would distract from the top tier Oprys eyes. Thats why I wrote, as long as the jaw is average and doesnt distract from the mesmerizing beautiful eyes, then eyes are law.

If you cared to read carefully, it is mentioned several times in the previous post.
Nah I'd rather have average eyes + top tier jaw you are several underestimating the importance of jaw irl. It's the most dimorphic bone feature a man can have.
  • +1
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Nah I'd rather have average eyes + top tier jaw you are several underestimating the importance of jaw irl. It's the most dimorphic bone feature a man can have.
Honestly, at worst, both scenarios are equal, but again, top tier eye area can carry more than top tier jaw.

ramy malek has top tier jaw, but his buggy eyes destroy the whole jaw halo.

IMO Chico's jaw isnt top tier, but his Pretty Boy eye area and the rest of the facial ratios that are in good proportion to one another carry him. From the front his jaw doesnt look top notch, its above average for sure, but it doesnt carry him.

Slap ramy malek's eye area on Chicos face and he becomes some random normie guy.
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  • +1
Reactions: SPFromNY914 and volcelfatcel
I feel that they do when I take my mask off, but since my eyes are a huge failo, when I have the mask which is 90% of the day because of wageslaving I still get treated as before
You unironically need a better haircut. The bangs you're rocking aren't working. You have the facial structure to have a fade cut now.
Ngl bit water unless you're manlet, things like frame, jaw, cheekbones, hunter eyes will get you attention. Taller is better and height still matters as a man though

Eyes are everything . Jaw is law , but eyes make or break your face. I rather have a slayer eye area then a jaw. A jaw ain’t gonna help your harmony the way a sexy eye area does. Jaw makes you look more masc. Eyes make you look sexy
True, my eye area when I wear a mask is godly and foids drule over it. Soon as I take off my mask it's like I never existed🤣😂
  • +1
  • So Sad
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I don't understand the fixation with "being a man" - you are a man already, simply by virtue of having made it to adulthood. Maybe not a very competent or attractive man, but a man nonetheless.
Eyes are everything . Jaw is law , but eyes make or break your face. I rather have a slayer eye area then a jaw. A jaw ain’t gonna help your harmony the way a sexy eye area does. Jaw makes you look more masc. Eyes make you look sexy
It's always the one thing you lack - or have in spades - that's the most important.
Re-upload the picture
Brutal. Wish images weren't deleted but I remember you jfl

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