JBN theory

sergeant blackpill

sergeant blackpill

Certified Lookism PhD & Licensed SlutHater
Dec 17, 2020
JBN or just be normie theory is the idea that you just gotta be a normie to slay, because believe me, even low tier normies with NT normal brains are out there slaying like the last days of rome. JBN is about being normie in looks but also normie in the brain (NT). If you're incel and you think lookism is the reason for your celibacy and you think you're at least a 4, then you need to reevaluate what the cause of your inceldom is. The only ones not having sex are us, the real true sub4 incels+ weird non-NT normies. For normies sex is as natural and part of their daily life as eating, sleeping, shitting etc.
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Thanks for the moneymaxxing advice
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JBN or just be normie theory is the idea that you just gotta be a normie to slay, because believe me, even low tier normies with NT normal brains are out there slaying like the last days of rome. JBN is about being normie in looks but also normie in the brain (NT). If you're incel and you think lookism is the reason for your celibacy and you think you're at least a 4, then you need to reevaluate what the cause of your inceldom is. The only ones not having sex are us, the real true sub4 incels+ weird non-NT normies. For normies sex is as natural and part of their daily life as eating, sleeping, shitting etc.
sergeant bluepill
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sergeant bluepill
no the real blackpill is that you're incel cuz you're much uglier than you tell yourself, sub8 theory is a way for subhumans and non-NT normies to cope
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Just be nigger theory?
  • JFL
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no the real blackpill is that you're incel cuz you're much uglier than you tell yourself, sub8 theory is a way for subhumans and non-NT normies to cope
so the real blackpill is just be bluepilll if you're not chad? pretty sure even bluepillers know chads can fuck at will.
True ngl

But itโ€™s more of be an oofy doofus theory
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The issue is here is that normies lower themselves to the darkest depths you could possibly imagine and utterly debase themsevles just for a whiff of pussy. Theyll drain their entire paycheck week after week hoping that just one of the tinder hogs with a bodycount of 20 will eventually give them starfish sex. If you have any level of self respect then you're just not going to do this because youre not going to be that desperate. When you see even guys letting themselves get totally cucked over and over again, is it really worth it? If you haven't heard of Skippy the 30 year old virgin then look him up and look how desperate and pathetic he is. He still gets dates all the time though and any guy that isnt 100%retarted could have gotten laid from at least one of those by now but would you really want to go through all that. just for scarps? Any guy could put himself into a situation like that but whats the point? We're not here because we're aiming to be absolutely bottom of the barrel, the whole purpose and goal here is to ascend out of ever having to be like that at all
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Itโ€™s over.
it's all in the neurotransmitters
it's all in the neurotransmitters
mcdonalds internet its over
all the so called nt normies with gfs are all ltbs. not even worth it tbh. Just jack off
Better called "don't be a sperg" theory.

Years ago, when I was still a wageslave, my boss would point out "You ever notice how ugly people always have relationships?"

Though I still don't agree with the "always" part of that, it was still a largely-correct observation. Tons of 3/10s came into the store and had looksmatched partners and they are definitely better off than incels. I also worked with a fat guy who had semi-rat face, but he always had a gf.

The reason they succeed is simple: They play within their league and they don't get oneitis.

Despite all the cope you'll find on forums like this, and even though the 80/20 rule is generally legit, the #1 reason for most incels being so is their own mental retardation.

I've been on this forum for like a week and unsurprisingly, it is mostly just 20-somethings who want nothing more than to just bone tons of instagram-tier thots in order to feel validated and wanted in their otherwise pathetic existence, yet don't see the flaw in wanting to pursue the "slayer" path when they haven't found ONE woman who likes them.

That leads to retarded cope like this:

all the so called nt normies with gfs are all ltbs. not even worth it tbh. Just jack off
Don't even know wtf all these initialisms are, but I think I can translate it into English: "Normie gfs aren't 10/10โ„ข plasti-thots like I jerk off to on Pornhub, so they aren't worth shit".

Grow up.

These kinds of forums are disproportionately non-White.

If you are non-White, you have absolutely zero reason to be an incel. All that these black and brown women DO is fuck and pump out babies and half their countries or more have arranged marriages ffs. You should be sticking with your own race anyway, but I guarantee you if you orc fucks would stop trying to get with White women, you would be able to quickly cure your inceldom.

If you're a White guy, you do have a tougher battle and need to looksmaxx, but if you go outside and pull your head out of your ass for ten minutes and engage with normal White women like a normal functioning adult, you will realize that there are more attractive-enough ones out there to smash pissers with than not and as long as you have a modicum of social skills, some semblance of a future, and prioritize meeting people over these forums and modding vidya, you should have no trouble getting one.

For women, "pretty" is a spectrum, which is why the out-of-ten scale is a thing. As long as she is not obese (most incels would consider Bettie Page to be 'obese' like a bunch of morons), isn't deformed, and no poor hygiene and weird skin issues, she should be good enough to fuck. There are far more goblins among males.

Yes, looks matter and you should try to look your best, but looking your best should be about maximizing your chances at finding a serious relationship; not using pretty women to masturbate with so you can feel less shit about yourself for 2 hours.

You will learn all that you need to know about sex from just one woman, and the instagram whore you consider a 10/10 isn't going to improve your life or touch your dick so much better than a 6 or 7/10 woman can. If your future wife was going to be a 10, you'd have her by now.
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Reactions: sergeant blackpill
Better called "don't be a sperg" theory.

Years ago, when I was still a wageslave, my boss would point out "You ever notice how ugly people always have relationships?"

Though I still don't agree with the "always" part of that, it was still a largely-correct observation. Tons of 3/10s came into the store and had looksmatched partners and they are definitely better off than incels. I also worked with a fat guy who had semi-rat face, but he always had a gf.

The reason they succeed is simple: They play within their league and they don't get oneitis.

Despite all the cope you'll find on forums like this, and even though the 80/20 rule is generally legit, the #1 reason for most incels being so is their own mental retardation.

I've been on this forum for like a week and unsurprisingly, it is mostly just 20-somethings who want nothing more than to just bone tons of instagram-tier thots in order to feel validated and wanted in their otherwise pathetic existence, yet don't see the flaw in wanting to pursue the "slayer" path when they haven't found ONE woman who likes them.

That leads to retarded cope like this:

Don't even know wtf all these initialisms are, but I think I can translate it into English: "Normie gfs aren't 10/10โ„ข plasti-thots like I jerk off to on Pornhub, so they aren't worth shit".

Grow up.

These kinds of forums are disproportionately non-White.

If you are non-White, you have absolutely zero reason to be an incel. All that these black and brown women DO is fuck and pump out babies and half their countries or more have arranged marriages ffs. You should be sticking with your own race anyway, but I guarantee you if you orc fucks would stop trying to get with White women, you would be able to quickly cure your inceldom.

If you're a White guy, you do have a tougher battle and need to looksmaxx, but if you go outside and pull your head out of your ass for ten minutes and engage with normal White women like a normal functioning adult, you will realize that there are more attractive-enough ones out there to smash pissers with than not and as long as you have a modicum of social skills, some semblance of a future, and prioritize meeting people over these forums and modding vidya, you should have no trouble getting one.

For women, "pretty" is a spectrum, which is why the out-of-ten scale is a thing. As long as she is not obese (most incels would consider Bettie Page to be 'obese' like a bunch of morons), isn't deformed, and no poor hygiene and weird skin issues, she should be good enough to fuck. There are far more goblins among males.

Yes, looks matter and you should try to look your best, but looking your best should be about maximizing your chances at finding a serious relationship; not using pretty women to masturbate with so you can feel less shit about yourself for 2 hours.

You will learn all that you need to know about sex from just one woman, and the instagram whore you consider a 10/10 isn't going to improve your life or touch your dick so much better than a 6 or 7/10 woman can. If your future wife was going to be a 10, you'd have her by now.
Dn rd

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