jfl at being an anti semite

The Zionist project aimed to create a Jewish state on the territory of Palestine. This task was solved together with Adolf Hitler by the LEADER of the Zionist movement Chaim Weizmann, who lived in Switzerland. Weizmann, as president of the All-World Zionist Organization (in 1921-1931 and in 1935-1946), wrote:

"I ask the question: Are you capable of resettling six million Jews in Palestine? I answer-no! I want to save two million young people from a tragic abyss... And the old ones should disappear... They are dust, economic and spiritual dust in a cruel world... only a young branch will live."
Long before the outbreak of World War II, the main Zionist Chaim Weizmann was sure that four (!!!) out of six million European Jews should die. Their fate is like this!

It was the Swiss Zionists who brought the Jew Adolf Hitler (Schicklgruber) to power over the German people and gave him the money necessary for the militarization of Germany.

In conclusion, I would like to introduce you to the nationality of the first persons of the German Reich:

Kanaris [Admiral Wilhelm Canaris ] was a Greek Jew.
Alfred Rosenberg was a Russian Jew

Goebbels was a Jew from Holland . He got the nickname "rabbi" at school.
Rudolf Hess was born in Egypt. His mother was Jewish
Julius Streicher was a Jew and a homosexual. His real name is Abraham Goldberg.
Adolf Eichmann was a Jew
Goering's right-hand man , Field Marshal Milch [Erhard Milch ], was half-Jewish
The Zionist collaboration with Hitler went so far that some of them were declared Aryans.
Reinhard Heydrich.
In 1961, British writer Charles Wighton published the book "The Story of Reinhard Heydrich" [The Story of Reinhard Heydrich], based on Nazi sources. He showed that the head of SD, Heydrich, was Jewish on his mother's side. His father Bruno Zuss was also Jewish, Heydrich was a homosexual.
Hitler's lawyer Hans Frank was half Jewish because his father was a Jewish lawyer from Bamberg... Hitler, as Chancellor, appointed Frank Minister of Justice in Bavaria. In 1934, he was appointed minister without portfolio. When Poland was occupied in the autumn of 1939, Frank was appointed Governor-General.

Hitler's father
It is kept secret that Hitler's father, Alois, married a Jewish woman, which means that Hitler's half-brother and half-sister were Jews. His half-sister Angela worked for Hitler as a housekeeper in Obersalzberg, while his half-brother lived in Berlin.

Analyzing the above facts, we can conclude that the German people found themselves hostage to militant world Zionism, striving for world domination. Zionist Jews are inhumans for whom nothing is sacred, and in order to achieve their goals they are ready to make any sacrifices without sparing either their own or others.
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in the end, Germany lost in WWI and the economy was completely destroyed, Germany received funding to prepare for a new war
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