Jfl at not being circumcised



The world is yours
Jul 3, 2019
A 2012 policy statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) affirms, “Evaluation of current evidence indicates that the health benefits of newborn male circumcision outweigh the risks and that the procedure’s benefits justify access to this procedure for families who choose it. Specific benefits identified included prevention of urinary tract infections, penile cancer, and transmission of some sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.” This statement has also been endorsed by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

In recent years, several studies have shown that circumcised men are less likely to be infected with HIV. The WHO and UNAIDS now recommend male circumcision as an HIV prevention measure. "There is compelling evidence that male circumcision reduces the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men by approximately 60%," the WHO states.
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C4236FA4 3D56 4E54 B26A 554BB6C04EA2
  • JFL
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Yes goy let me inhale your foreskin
  • JFL
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I think it's safe to say those studies were funded by the jewish community.
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  • JFL
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keep crying for Manuel Ferrara and his foreskin
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Just cut your dick goy
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  • JFL
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Yeah i wish 1/10 of my dick was cut of with a razor sharp knife when i was a newborn. Im so mad at my parents for not letting a jewish doctor do his thing with my dingdong so i could lose 1000s of nerve endings
  • JFL
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Yes goy let me inhale your foreskin
I think it's safe to say those studies were funded by the Jewish community.
keep crying for Manuel Ferrara and his foreskin
Major cope. You can find these data document through many studies and research. Plus not only jews do circumcision
i’m circumcised i wish you were right. sex feels better being intact than not.

I remember my dick was more sensitive before being circumcucked but i heard restoration gets you close to where you were when intact
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  • JFL
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i’m circumcised i wish you were right. sex feels better being intact than not.

I remember my dick was more sensitive before being circumcucked but i heard restoration gets you close to where you were when intact
Anything to support this claim?
Circumcised dick looks more aesthetic, but i feel 50% less pleasure
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  • Woah
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I think it's safe to say those studies were funded by the jewish community.
Those studies have been debunked, USA is the only country who still believe in it.
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Those studies have been debunked, USA is the only country who still believe in it.
Debunked? Care to elaborate?
Did you let the rabbi suck your dick too OP?
  • JFL
Reactions: TsarTsar444 and BigBiceps
plenty of men claimed this

this guy killed himself wnd called his dick a “blunt stick” or some shit

rocco sifredi the pornstar claimed he felt way more “fun” when intact
Ok, i dont understand why you posted this. But i wanted a scientific research not some anecdotal bull shit

Me after I lose 1000's of nerve endings in my dick.

jfl @ u op. (((they))) have manipulated the world so much that you actually believe this. I thought you there high IQ ngl. I'm disappointed.
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Reactions: OOGABOOGA
Debunked? Care to elaborate?
Yeah, some European countries like Germany published articles saying how the study by American Pediatrics was wrong and Americans simple ignored it. Circumcision is banned in many European countries because they don't believe in the american studies.
Major cope. You can find these data document through many studies and research. Plus not only jews do circumcision
Coping for what? That we still have our benis in its original state? You are pushing all these bullshit studies to cope with the fact that you have had irreversible damage done to your benis.
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Ok, i dont understand why you posted this. But i wanted a scientific research not some anecdotal bull shit
not everything is revealed to the world or at least broadcasted like that lol

circumcision is a huge business

anecdotes are also very important. Idk if you were mutilated at birth but I wasn’t and my dick 100% was more sensitive than it is now.
Yeah, some European countries like Germany published articles saying how the study by American Pediatrics was wrong and Americans simple ignored it. Circumcision is banned in many European countries because they don't believe in the american studies.
Not one scientific study has been posted here that actually refutes what i posted in op. All im seeing is "muh jews" and "muh my precious foreskin" jfl at this forum
op i really advise you to read up on this and men who have experienced both types, almost everyone who was intact said it was better

the only people who don’t are the people who have phimosis, who literally can’t have sex properly without fixing their fucked foreskin. People with phimosis can’t feel the external stimulation on their foreskin so maybe they can’t tell the difference

you should read up on foreskin restoration forums on the experience before and after and read my thread..

JFL at OPs blunt stick
Source 4
Not one scientific study has been posted here that actually refutes what i posted in op. All im seeing is "muh jews" and "muh my precious foreskin" jfl at this forum
Lol dude, I am not gonna spend time finding the articles to show you are wrong, you can find them by yourself if you actually want reliable information
Jfl at people speaking about jews here when 80% of circumcised men are muslims
  • Woah
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op i really advise you to read up on this and men who have experienced both types, almost everyone who was intact said it was better

the only people who don’t are the people who have phimosis, who literally can’t have sex properly without fixing their fucked foreskin. People with phimosis can’t feel the external stimulation on their foreskin so maybe they can’t tell the difference

you should read up on foreskin restoration forums on the experience before and after and read my thread..

Sigh. im a practical man, i do believe that providing personal information does give some value to your argument. But alas unless you're procuring actual scientific data that supports your claims. Your argument will be inconclusive. And unfortunately, i dont subscribe to inconclusive shit.
Lol dude, I am not gonna spend time finding the articles to show you are wrong, you can find them by yourself if you actually want reliable information
Then why argue in the first place if you are too lazy to actually defend your argument.
Sigh. im a practical man, i do believe that providing personal information does give some value to your argument. But alas unless you're procuring actual scientific data that supports your claims. Your argument will be inconclusive. And unfortunately, i dont subscribe to inconclusive shit.
ok well how about you buy a senslip and come back after a month and say how you feel? if you don’t feel any different, then you can feel happy with your modified dick?

trust me man not everything especially these big studies are done in people’s favour. circumcision is a huge business.
Circumcised dick looks more aesthetic, but i feel 50% less pleasure
ugly scar and scaly dried out cockhead is less aesthetic than a normal human penis
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The AAP’s extensive report2was basedon the scrutiny of a large number ofcomplex scientific articles. Therefore,while striving for objectivity, the con-clusions drawn by the 8 task forcemembers reflect what these individualphysicians perceived as trustworthyevidence. Cultural bias reflecting thenormality of nontherapeutic male cir-cumcision in the United States seemsobvious. The conclusions of the AAPTechnical Report and Policy Statementare far from those reached by physi-cians in most other Western countries.As mentioned, only 1 of the aforemen-tioned arguments has some theoreti-cal relevance in relation to infant malecircumcision; namely, the questionableargument of UTI prevention in infantboys. The other claimed health benefitsare also questionable, weak, and likelyto have little public health relevance ina Western context, and they do notrepresent compelling reasons for sur-gery before boys are old enough todecide for themselves. Circumcisionfails to meet the commonly acceptedcriteria for the justification of pre-ventive medical procedures in children.798FRISCH et al by guest on June 16, 2020www.aappublications.org/newsDownloaded from

The cardinal medical question shouldnot be whether circumcision can pre-vent disease, but how disease can bestbe prevented.The AAP report2lacks a serious dis-cussion of the central ethical dilemmawith, on 1 side, parents’right to act inthe best interest of the child on thebasis of cultural, religious, and health-related beliefs and wishes and, on theother side, infant boys’basic right tophysical integrity in the absence ofcompelling reasons for surgery. Phys-ical integrity is 1 of the most funda-mental and inalienable rights a childhas. Physicians and their professionalorganizations have a professional dutyto protect this right, irrespective of thegender of the child.There is growing consensus amongphysicians, including those in theUnited States, that physicians shoulddiscourage parents from circumcisingtheir healthy infant boys because non-therapeutic circumcision of underageboys in Western societies has nocompelling health benefits, causespostoperative pain, can have seriouslong-term consequences, constitutesa violation of the United Nations’Dec-laration of the Rights of the Child, andconflicts with the Hippocratic oath:primum non nocere: First, do no harm.
Even the source of your article admits its mistakes

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently released a policy statement and technical report on circumcision, in both of which the organisation suggests that the health benefits conferred by the surgical removal of the foreskin in infancy definitively outweigh the risks and complications associated with the procedure. While these new documents do not positively recommend neonatal circumcision, they do paradoxically conclude that its purported benefits ‘justify access to this procedure for families who choose it,’ claiming that whenever and for whatever reason it is performed, it should be covered by government health insurance. The policy statement and technical report suffer from several troubling deficiencies, ultimately undermining their credibility. These deficiencies include the exclusion of important topics and discussions, an incomplete and apparently partisan excursion through the medical literature, improper analysis of the available information, poorly documented and often inaccurate presentation of relevant findings, and conclusions that are not supported by the evidence given.

In September of 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision released its report, which concluded that the beneÞts of the procedure outweighed the risks. A close analysis of the report reveals the Task Force used a selective, subjective and biased bibliography to support their predetermined conclusions. The Task Force neglected to discuss the anatomy, function, and normal development of the foreskin, nor did they discuss the harm or ethical consequences associated with circumcision. The Task Force deviated from standard practices in its analysis of the medical literature thereby producing a report that falls far below the quality standards set by other AAP policy statements. The report promoted expansion of the procedure as well as the revenue streams for those who perform it. Since release of the report, other national medical organizations have rejected infant circumcision as unwarranted medically and as ethically unacceptable. No organizations outside of the United States have adopted their conclusions. The report is poorly written, poorly researched, makes unsubstantiated claims, and reaches an illogical conclusion.

There are many more articles about this falacy out there.
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i’m circumcised i wish you were right. sex feels better being intact than not.

I remember my dick was more sensitive before being circumcucked but i heard restoration gets you close to where you were when intact
i used to want to do restoration jfl.
it will actually work in increasing sensitivity a lot, but i just don’t have the motivation for it, and i’ve heard the result can look pretty gnarly
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Pls stop spreading jewish culture
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Actually uncircumcised is superior by far. RIP jewcels, south-korean-cels, filipinocels and muricancels. But espeically the first three. 80-100% of their population is circumcised. And now Bill Gates & co are pushing circumcision in africa to prevent "HIV". just fucking lol at this point. So RIP africa as well.

Basically a lot of signs and studies point to the conclusion that being uncut is superior by a lot. Not only for your own pleasure, but for FEMALE pleasure (massive difference in female pleasure between having intercourse with cut vs uncut partner). The saying isn't atually "once you go black, you never go back". It's literally "once you go uncut you never go back".

The foreskin is there for a reason. WAAY higher rates of orgasm difficulties (for men and women), painful intercourse, incomplete sexual needs fulfillment, sexual function difficulties, etc. are reported by women with a cut partner vs uncut. Orgasm difficulties for women are 2-3 times more likely with cut dick.

TLDR: Women find it way more difficult to orgasm on a cut dick. Experience way more discomfort. Way more likely to report not being fulfilled sexually, more likely to deny sex (because of the previous points), etc.

And again. My condoleances to anyone who's circumcised.

RIP south koreans, jews, filipino, muricans, and even africans (the next few decades), you guys got scammed from the start.
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