Its funny cause
"I only swiped on the attractive girls"
And all the attractive girls are catfishes, lmao
His other matches are prolly all shut-in ethnic femcels that he doesnt wanna show

You niggers never do this for other chadfishes JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
as an american living in the west coast, it is obvious that east asians are obviously either 2nd or 3rd (behind blacks) in terms of smv. now pertaining to purely looks? that’s up for debate. it’s hilarious how people can’t fathom that a gook would get any likes. just straight up denial at this point

but my main question is, why the fuck does @mrriceguy think he’s so much superior to gooks? didn’t he get mogged by @Ellipsis? (who is 100% gook jfl). In a website wide forum rating too.

Dear SFcels, I was choking on your BWC as hard as I can for 4 month straight, called gooks every single name possible please vote for me

why do you guys listen to this mentally ill, self hating faggot? (he still lost btw, utter embarrassment)
  • Woah
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Reactions: Deleted member 25938 and aspiringexcel
as an american living in the west coast, it is obvious that east asians are obviously either 2nd or 3rd (behind blacks) in terms of smv. now pertaining to purely looks? that’s up for debate. it’s hilarious how people can’t fathom that a gook would get any likes. just straight up denial at this point

but my main question is, why the fuck does @mrriceguy think he’s so much superior to gooks? didn’t he get mogged by @Ellipsis? (who is 100% gook jfl). In a website wide forum rating too.

why do you guys listen to this mentally ill, self hating faggot? (he still lost btw, utter embarrassment)

Niggas on here are fucking retarded, idk what its like in jewmerica but if you dont think NEAs have 2nd highest smv globally youre an idiot, it would make sense if they were nuked in america tho because of americas relations with china and japan

Now theyre coping with saying he only got likes by ethnic foids even tho croatia is extremely homogeneous. Jfl
But then again, mogging gooks is like winning a boxing match against an armless person @apemaxxed @cloUder
Damn I really missed out on some shit since the time I've been gone jfl.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel and Deleted member 24444
This is the most bullshit thread I've ever heard in my life
  • JFL
Reactions: aspiringexcel
Im gonna write this in a 4chan format for comedic purposes

>be me
> say that NEAs have 2nd highest SMV globally
> gets called a foid
> some nigga tells me to make a tinder experiement in my location to prove it
> i decide to do it because why not
> i pick some HTN chink to do it
> the nigga gets 80 likes in 5 hours and then 99+ in 16 hours
> gets called a gook
> amerimutt niggers get triggered and have a race war in the comments and the thread reaches 300 replies

Im not saying tinder experiements are 100% accurate, HOWEVER I JUST DID WHAT YOU RETARDS TOLD ME AND NOW YOURE THE ONES COMPLAINING. Over for my 3 jewros i used for the experiement.

The amerimutts commenting that Croatia is some EE shithole full of deathnik foids are retarded. Theres barely any non croatians, Croatia isnt even in eastern europe, is in the EU, universal healthcare unlike america, people arent broke wageslaves with student debt.

Why do the amerimutts here think america is the center of this world and the best country ever? Even in EE slums the standard of living is better. The world doesnt revolve around america

Also JFL at niggers thinking they have any smv globally. Only thing they did is make blacked and that was with the help of jews. Its beyond hilarious to me, yall are only seen as SJWs and criminals outside of jewmerica who worships you only because they hate white people (specifically white men)

To all the muh bbc muh tyrone copers, youll probably become the next face of a BLM protest. Also make sure to pay the taxes for ukraine and the new lgbtq pride parade jfl.
View attachment 2229546

Also why do you niggas hate NEAs? Theyre the only non white niggas that arent degenerates. No high iq person hates NEAs.
View attachment 2229548
I dont even get why i triggered you guys, i said that NEAs are 2nd after whites globally.

If any of you opened a history book it would make sense why asians have low smv in jewmerica. You wanna know why? Japan and china are one of the biggest enemies of Jewmerica. Thats like putting a russian nigga in ukraine and wondering why everyone hates him. The reason asian foids are sexualized in jewmerica is because they got deported there to work as prostitutes.

One of the other reasons is because the first hollywood foid simp magnet was a jap and some director decided to make the autistic nerd gook trope to cuck the nigga.
View attachment 2229549

Its hilarious that the biggest gook hating nigga here is in fact a faggot gook that wants to get fucked by some greek twink sex slave.
View attachment 2229550
I hope @Collagen or rope goes ER and kills all of you jewmericans

Never began for any of you.
Their brain possesses the IQ of a worm let me tell you that
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