I'm not racist but I just think OP is wrong, I am white and went to a 99% white high school in suburbia USA and he didn't. All the white chads were racist and used racial epithets like they were eating candy. I have no reason to lie about this and many ethnic friends on this forum tbh

However I will say that the few black chads they knew they were friends with even though they were racist
  • +1
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I'm not racist but I just think OP is wrong, I am white and went to a 99% white high school in suburbia USA and he didn't. All the white chads were racist and used racial epithets like they were eating candy. I have no reason to lie about this and many ethnic friends on this forum tbh

However I will say that the few black chads they knew they were friends with even though they were racist
Source : trust me bro
Lol at your IQ. Tight with the KKK? That’s a myth. Joe Biden only eulogized Byrd who renounced his affiliation from the KKK not long after he joined.

What a good little goy you are. Buying into the political theater and everything.
>Associated Press.
Fucking kek, I think there is even a video on youtube of Biden's eulogy.
And yes, this guy who is the best looking you posted is a high tier normie at best :

View attachment 832125
By what metric? If PSL one, yeah, but real life? Hell no. Especially when he was younger.

Maybe Justin Trudeau is racist but you still have yet to show me a genuine Chad who would slay on Yubo and Tinder.

So now we are moving the goalposts. I thought Justin Trudeau was a Chad in YOUR opinion. What about Joachim Peiper? He never renounced his views and held his head high in the face of the jewish slander
Joachim peiper 5c648683 7624 4eb0 a633 51dd77daeb8 resize 7501

>Inb4 you find another excuse
He’s anti Judaism but not a racist
"If you get raped by a pack of niggers, it will be your fault."

Yeah bro, totally not racist at all. He was just joking n shieeet
  • +1
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I don’t get it I only see aryan chad ?
What a good little goy you are. Buying into the political theater and everything.

>Associated Press.
Fucking kek, I think there is even a video on youtube of Biden's eulogy.

By what metric? If PSL one, yeah, but real life? Hell no. Especially when he was younger.

So now we are moving the goalposts. I thought Justin Trudeau was a Chad in YOUR opinion. What about Joachim Peiper? He never renounced his views and held his head high in the face of the jewish slander
View attachment 832147View attachment 832149

>Inb4 you find another excuse
Staffenberg mogged
"If you get raped by a pack of niggers, it will be your fault."

Yeah bro, totally not racist at all. He was just joking n shieeet
He was quoting someone else
Fact is most white chads end up in trades or similar not in Hollywood, so how should we know them tbh
What a good little goy you are. Buying into the political theater and everything.

>Associated Press.
Fucking kek, I think there is even a video on youtube of Biden's eulogy.

By what metric? If PSL one, yeah, but real life? Hell no. Especially when he was younger.

So now we are moving the goalposts. I thought Justin Trudeau was a Chad in YOUR opinion. What about Joachim Peiper? He never renounced his views and held his head high in the face of the jewish slander
View attachment 832147View attachment 832149

>Inb4 you find another excuse
Did you even read the article? The article says that he did eulogize Brydr. Brydr was not a KKK member when he died and he renounced from it a long time ago. But I guess somehow Biden eulogizing a friend at a funeral automatically makes him have the same political beliefs.

None of the guys you posted are Chads though, which is what I asked for in the first place. Those guys are high tier normie at best.
Fact is most white chads end up in trades or similar not in Hollywood, so how should we know them tbh
White chad in Hollywood :

78F2E456 E0C5 46DC 836A CED19C83EFE8

Stormfrontcel “Chad” on Facebook :

F115BAC5 ADEB 40B6 B0DF 48F2BD880A36
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'8manlet
Staffenberg mogged
Debatable. But even if we pretend that is the case, Staffenberg was still a NS through and through, he just
Did you even read the article? The article says that he did eulogize Brydr. Brydr was not a KKK member when he died and he renounced from it a long time ago. But I guess somehow Biden eulogizing a friend at a funeral automatically makes him have the same political beliefs.
Jesus Christ, don't be so gullible man. Politics is politics. I bet you believe senile Biden also cares for mentally ill trannies. A guy who calls blacks "animals" and proposes for mass incarceration of blacks is a little bit racist, don't you think?

None of the guys you posted are Chads though, which is what I asked for in the first place. Those guys are high tier normie at best.
Okay, I want you to post me your definiton of a Chad. And since I've proved that both Trudeau and Biden were racist before they became good goyim for their jewish handlers (because you'd be naive Trudeau or Biden hold any political power), you better come up with something good. Otherwise you're simply jerking me around and no amount of "Chad" will ever be good enough unless I make a picture of Chico with a text "gas all jews, race war now, 2016"
  • +1
Reactions: Warlow and MiroslavBulldosex
I’m guessing you haven’t been around frat or gym bros .....

but yea only a complete retard neet would post something like that on social media or say anything racist publicly
  • +1
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Debatable. But even if we pretend that is the case, Staffenberg was still a NS through and through, he just

Jesus Christ, don't be so gullible man. Politics is politics. I bet you believe senile Biden also cares for mentally ill trannies. A guy who calls blacks "animals" and proposes for mass incarceration of blacks is a little bit racist, don't you think?

Okay, I want you to post me your definiton of a Chad. And since I've proved that both Trudeau and Biden were racist before they became good goyim for their jewish handlers (because you'd be naive Trudeau or Biden hold any political power), you better come up with something good. Otherwise you're simply jerking me around and no amount of "Chad" will ever be good enough unless I make a picture of Chico with a text "gas all jews, race war now, 2016"
Men can’t be racist. Case closed
  • JFL
Reactions: TheChosenChad
Quite the contrary.
The thing is you're a curry and I'm white, so I know what white Chads say when they're around white friends (especially when they're drunk). Upper-class white chads will behave like your typical apolitical anti-racist cucks in public but they go full 1488 mode in private.
This this this

these curries don’t even know that frat and gym bros make fun of them, I’d say they’re not really racist but not politically correct either

Obviously only a retard with no life would make fun of Indians/Arab publicly
  • JFL
Reactions: Golang
antiracist chad pretends to be antiracist because it makes his social life easier and he knows sperging on facebook is pure downside, in private he reads ernst junger, says the hard r, and hungers for total war

stormfrontcel copes with social isolation and rejection from the mainstream by larping as a edgy retard on facebook, in private he swipes right on every low smv ethnic woman and will end up dating a fat black woman or an ugly latina
Are looksmaxxers and incels signs of the Kali Yuga?
  • +1
Reactions: Cali Yuga
you should kill yourself imo

+ tales, I know several white chads/chadlites and not one of them is racist, drunk or not . Stop coping
How low iq are you ? Only an idiot with nothing to lose would say something racist in front of you and guess who got nothing to lose ?
Incels ...
anyone with a career/life would never say it in front of you
  • +1
Reactions: Golang
How low iq are you ? Only an idiot with nothing to lose would say something racist in front of you and guess who got nothing to lose ?
Incels ...
anyone with a career/life would never say it in front of you
its pretty fucking apparent when somebody harbors internal prejudice towards you/your race . it doesn't have to be outright

anybody with an iq > 100 and any sense of social awareness can tell , its clear in your interaction with them. stop coping jfl
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 756
its pretty fucking apparent when somebody harbors internal prejudice towards you/your race . it doesn't have to be outright

anybody with an iq > 100 and any sense of social awareness can tell , its clear in your interaction with them. stop coping jfl
I live in a country full of ethnics and I can behave like a perfectly normal human being around them, even be friendly.
Doesn't change the fact that I'm racist and would like to see my country be 99% white.
  • JFL
Reactions: Golang and Copeful
Debatable. But even if we pretend that is the case, Staffenberg was still a NS through and through, he just

Jesus Christ, don't be so gullible man. Politics is politics. I bet you believe senile Biden also cares for mentally ill trannies. A guy who calls blacks "animals" and proposes for mass incarceration of blacks is a little bit racist, don't you think?

Okay, I want you to post me your definiton of a Chad. And since I've proved that both Trudeau and Biden were racist before they became good goyim for their jewish handlers (because you'd be naive Trudeau or Biden hold any political power), you better come up with something good. Otherwise you're simply jerking me around and no amount of "Chad" will ever be good enough unless I make a picture of Chico with a text "gas all jews, race war now, 2016"

Reminder you haven’t shown me a single stormfronter Chad

Most Stormfronters are Chads.

Let alone proving the claim that “most” stromfronters are Chads (when 99% of the male population isn’t JFL).

Definition of a stormfronter :

D03C8171 25F1 495E ACEA B7D6A74C38E7

What an at least Chadlite looks like :

4F582C32 9699 459A BD13 3204FCF96595

What a high tier normie looks like :

717B70A3 EC17 4DE7 9176 C77DCE4D972A

What the average dedicated stormfronter looks like :

3943AAD1 B95A 4F82 A9F0 DE663F4A93E4

You are trying to make this a “right wing vs left wing” debate and it’s not working because I don’t know shit about politics nor do I care. Unless you show me a single stormfronter (by definition) who is a Chad then I will admit you are right.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Warlow and TheChosenChad
I would have roasted him but too bad I’m as subhuman as him JFL.
The way you write your name is typically maghrebi. I thought you’re Middle Eastern. In the Middle East, Mohammed is written Muhammad. Am I wrong?
  • JFL
Reactions: Taylorswift
The way you write your name is typically maghrebi. I thought you’re Middle Eastern. In the Middle East, Mohammed is written Muhammad. Am I wrong?
That’s not me in the original comment JFL.
I know tonnes of political chads IRL....

You know chads aren't balls deep in pussy 24/7 and constantly partying 7 days a week
Being interested in politics. Or dedicating yourself and time to a political cause is low iq in my opinion.
its pretty fucking apparent when somebody harbors internal prejudice towards you/your race . it doesn't have to be outright

anybody with an iq > 100 and any sense of social awareness can tell , its clear in your interaction with them. stop coping jfl

Yea man that’s why all the Indians and Muslims are so friendly with me even tho inside I’m like ‘man women of their race are so ugly no wonder they’re obsessed with white girls’ or ‘man I wonder if their parents are cousins’

you have no idea things people say when minorities aren’t around, maybe you can if someone hate you and don’t wanna be around you.

But believe me you can’t tell when someone think you smell weird
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Golang, Copeful and MiroslavBulldosex
its pretty fucking apparent when somebody harbors internal prejudice towards you/your race . it doesn't have to be outright

anybody with an iq > 100 and any sense of social awareness can tell , its clear in your interaction with them. stop coping jfl
I don't think that's the case unless the person makes it incredibly obvious. Most people try to be polite in social encounters, even if they dislike or don't want to be around someone, me included.

Reminder you haven’t shown me a single stormfronter Chad
You've moved more goalposts since the start of the thread than Londonvillie has gained weight. And you keep posting niggers as if niggers can't be racist. In fact, they're even more racist than whites, so I don't get your point. What makes you think that kid isn't racist? Also,

*mogs you at 80*

How does that make you feel?
  • JFL
Reactions: Golang, Copeful and Taylorswift
Me when these subhumans come anywhere near me IRL.
  • +1
Reactions: Warlow and Taylorswift
Yea man that’s why all the Indians and Muslims are so friendly with me even tho inside I’m like ‘man women of their race are so ugly no wonder they’re obsessed with white girls’ or ‘man I wonder if their parents are cousins’

you have no idea things people say when minorities aren’t around, maybe you can if someone hate you and don’t wanna be around you.

But believe me you can’t tell when someone think you smell weird
Stormfront Chad should be considered an oxymoron. Things like :

Arguing about who mogs who

Making extensive research about plastic surgeries and wanting to get them

Rotting on /pol/ and stormfront forums and barking for other races

Are all things that not even a chadlite would do. Sure, white Chads can be casually racist but to say that a Chad or chadlite would go on a 14/88 March is comical.
  • +1
Reactions: Warlow and TheChosenChad
Stormfront Chad should be considered an oxymoron. Things like :

Arguing about who mogs who

Making extensive research about plastic surgeries and wanting to get them

Rotting on /pol/ and stormfront forums and barking for other races

Are all things that not even a chadlite would do. Sure, white Chads can be casually racist but to say that a Chad or chadlite would go on a 14/88 March is comical.
Yea I’m saying chads can be casually racist

only a guy with nothing to lose can be a full blown racist posting non pc stuff on social media and chads or even high tier normie don’t fall in that category as they have careers and a social life
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10104 and Taylorswift
Based Chadullah
I don't think that's the case unless the person makes it incredibly obvious. Most people try to be polite in social encounters, even if they dislike or don't want to be around someone, me included.

You've moved more goalposts since the start of the thread than Londonvillie has gained weight. And you keep posting niggers as if niggers can't be racist. In fact, they're even more racist than whites, so I don't get your point. What makes you think that kid isn't racist? Also,

*mogs you at 80*
View attachment 832204

How does that make you feel?
LMAO :lul: I posted picture of the black kid to showcase what a chadlite looks like, are you retarded? Why do you keep moving the goal post each time?

Also, wtf is this surgerymaxed abomination and how many face lifts did he have to cope with his subhumanity? No wonder he falls back on race to cope

E436ECCD 8ECE 4A14 A6E7 8BDC52B32C93

Reminder you are running around in circles and still haven’t proven that :

Most Stormfronters are Chads.

Unless you can show me a dedicated stormfronter who barks about muh master race who is at least a Chadlite aka is on the same level of attractiveness as this :

057F4E4D 2EBE 4E42 915C 8DA4E6BF5C3A

then you are retarded and should admit that the average stormfrontcel is just a coping subhuman with nothing better to do.
  • JFL
Reactions: TheChosenChad and Sviken
Yea I’m saying chads can be casually racist

only a guy with nothing to lose can be a full blown racist posting non pc stuff on social media and chads or even high tier normie don’t fall in that category as they have careers and a social life
Tell that to @Sviken who said that stormfronters who dedicate hours barking about race are majority Chads jfl. Even a high tier normie stromfronter is so incredibly hard to find.

But yeah, the majority of people of all races are racist to a certain degree. I’m not denying that. You won’t find a Chad/Chadlite be a hardcore racist though.
Btw there was this hapa kid at my school who was friends with Indian kids and one day he told me Indians smell funny, obviously his Indian friends weren’t able to tell what he think about them

tbh lots of people make fun Indians, arabs and Asians.

I don’t really hear anyone making fun of blacks or Jews tho, that’s considered racist lol
  • JFL
Reactions: Golang and Copeful
Btw there was this hapa kid at my school who was friends with Indian kids and one day he told me Indians smell, obviously his Indian friends weren’t able to tell what he think about them

tbh lots of people make fun Indians, arabs and Asians.

I don’t really hear anyone making fun of blacks or Jews tho, that’s considered racist lol
wow who would've thought people joke and make stereotypes

very very very few people are legitimately racist, simple as that. it isnt inherent, nor productive in any way jfl. im done arguing with u tbh, believe what you want lol
  • +1
Reactions: Marquis
View attachment 832245

Nigga, you don't know who Chad Duke is? I'm done.
Chad Duke? In what world? In pre-colonization Australia among the average abo or in the slums of Mumbai?

7A54C477 A4BD 4265 920C EED5F29C468A

What’s next? Chad Danny Devito? You are just proving my point that stromfronter Chads/Chadlites don’t exist and that 99% are just coping subhumans.

And I’m done as well cause you haven’t proven what you said in your very first reply :

Most Stormfronters are Chads. Period.

lol at “period”.
  • JFL
Reactions: Warlow, Jagged0 and Sviken
wow who would've thought people joke and make stereotypes

very very very few people are legitimately racist, simple as that. it isnt inherent, nor productive in any way jfl. im done arguing with u tbh, believe what you want lol
That’s what I’m saying moron
Chads or normies can be casually racist and yea I agree almost no one is legitimately racist but saying considered racist by large chunk of society

like I’m considered racist for saying Indian chicks aren’t attractive but if you ask Indian guy who their celebrity crush is they’d always say Sara orego, Eva or Naomi (not full Indian)
  • +1
Reactions: NaturalDisaster, Warlow, Golang and 1 other person
Chad Duke? In what world? In pre-colonization Australia among the average abo or in the slums of Mumbai?

View attachment 832255

What’s next? Chad Danny Devito? You are just proving my point that stromfronter Chads/Chadlites don’t exist and that 99% are just coping subhumans.

And I’m done as well cause you haven’t proven what you said in your very first reply :

lol at “period”.
11DUKE jp jumbo1

Keep coping for Duke. Even at 80 he can come in and fuck your bitch while you stroke your cock in the corner and ask her if she feels good.
  • JFL
Reactions: Taylorswift
Btw arabs and blacks always cry racism but let’s be real they look down on Indians and Asians themselves and many are legitimately racist
  • +1
Reactions: NaturalDisaster and Golang
View attachment 832259
Keep coping for Duke. Even at 80 he can come in and fuck your bitch while you stroke your cock in the corner and ask her if she feels good.
I’m not gonna lie, if I see him in real life I would probably be mirin this surgerymaxed ascended giga chad 🥰 You have finally proved your point of most stormfronters being Chads and not coping subhumans

DCFA24FC 9C7F 4426 AA61 E8A388AEE797

Absolutely shits all over the average tiktok pretty boy. Just lol at not being a stromfronter Chad tbh.

D4D14C34 8C91 43A5 8234 FF7696DD530A

Only Italian giga chad can compete with Uber tera chad Duke

  • JFL
Reactions: Warlow and Marquis
I’m not gonna lie, if I see him in real life I would probably be mirin this surgerymaxed ascended giga chad 🥰 You have finally proved your point of most stormfronters being Chads and not coping subhumans

View attachment 832261

Absolutely shits all over the average tiktok pretty boy. Just lol at not being a stromfronter Chad tbh.

View attachment 832262

Only Italian giga chad can compete with Uber tera chad Duke
Nice cope

Anyway, if tiktok faggotry is your taste, how about Pewdiepie? Prettyboy JB slayer in his youth. You gonna continue coping or are you gonna accept your obliteration?
Nice cope
View attachment 832286

Anyway, if tiktok faggotry is your taste, how about Pewdiepie? Prettyboy JB slayer in his youth. You gonna continue coping or are you gonna accept your obliteration?
Lol if you think this surgerymaxed abomination is any higher than 3/10.

78C805BB A9A9 4FEB 8A12 6FEA6183A2FE

Even in his prime he was an average white guy with a pedo stache and I’m being extremely generous here

680199E4 F47C 438E AE29 9D8E311156AD

When did PewDiePie claim to be a stormfronter? Last I remember he only said “nigger”, immediately apologized afterwards and took a break off the internet because of how much backlash he was receiving. I did say that Chadlites or Chads can be casually or mildly racist, which in itself is still rare but you said :

Most Stormfronters are Chads. Period.

And I said :

Show me 1 “Chad” who is also a stormfrontcel

When will you admit that 99.9% of stormfronters are just coping subhumans with nothing better to do? The best you could find was a high tier normie

E3543BF4 397C 40F8 AC7A 4A52E9BA730F

although i’m pretty sure if I ask foids to rate him, they would give him 5.5-6/10 at best (again being generous here).

Keep barking and acting as though what you said wasn’t super retarded.
  • +1
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