Just almost got jumped (craziest experience of my life GTFIH)

Tales from Hyderabad sewers
They didn't just stare him down they chased him down with 7 goons brother. He lives in AMERICA aka he doesn't have to change his behavior for anyone. He should carry a gun and be ready. I'd recommend not even associating with the girl anymore but if he backed down because of retards he'd be backing down his entire life. I'd see the reason for him not wanting to bother with her anymore, but I'd also see the reason why he wouldn't want to. He shouldn't have to not get some puss because of faggots chasing him but at the end of the day I'd see why he wouldn't (and shouldn't tbh) want the problems with dealing with a girl who gets him chased by some losers.

You said it the best: you're only 18. You ever been stabbed or had guns pointed at you? I have. I said OP shouldn't even bother with her and it's more of a hassle than it's worth. You're saying what I said.
  • Love it
Reactions: TechnoBoss
miring formatting bhai, kept my brain happy

was crazy hearing about this as it was happening when you were texting me, this is genuinely crazy though. I'd say to just try to avoid them and that girl tbh, but another side of me says to just brutally beat up the midget ex boyfriend and make an example out of him, i highly doubt his friends would want to side with him after he gets humiliated like that
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 62931, TechnoBoss and Deleted member 39838
miring formatting bhai, kept my brain happy

was crazy hearing about this as it was happening when you were texting me, this is genuinely crazy though. I'd say to just try to avoid them and that girl tbh, but another side of me says to just brutally beat up the midget ex boyfriend and make an example out of him, i highly doubt his friends would want to side with him after he gets humiliated like that
my fucking heart is still racing 3 or whatever hours later jfl
  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 62931, TechnoBoss and dragomaxxer
miring formatting bhai, kept my brain happy

was crazy hearing about this as it was happening when you were texting me, this is genuinely crazy though. I'd say to just try to avoid them and that girl tbh, but another side of me says to just brutally beat up the midget ex boyfriend and make an example out of him, i highly doubt his friends would want to side with him after he gets humiliated like that
why would he beat up one guy when he has a gang of friends that want to kill him

that’s a recipe for death
why would he beat up one guy when he has a gang of friends that want to kill him

that’s a recipe for death

think about it like this, the guy knows that norwood knows that him and his friends are after him, yet norwood was still willing to approach the guy directly and beat him up, showing that he doesnt fear the situation whatsoever, this would most likely get in the midgets head and make him not want to fuck with him anymore.

the most optimal response here would be to fight the biggest guy and get rid of him so the others dont want to fuck with you, but if norwood doesnt have a group in case of emergencies there will always be some risk involved.

regardless i wouldnt worry to much about getting jumped you can almost always run and even if they somewhat badly beat you thats an easy lawsuit for more looksmaxing supplies
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 62931 and j05
think about it like this, the guy knows that norwood knows that him and his friends are after him, yet norwood was still willing to approach the guy directly and beat him up, showing that he doesnt fear the situation whatsoever, this would most likely get in the midgets head and make him not want to fuck with him anymore.

the most optimal response here would be to fight the biggest guy and get rid of him so the others dont want to fuck with you, but if norwood doesnt have a group in case of emergencies there will always be some risk involved.

regardless i wouldnt worry to much about getting jumped you can almost always run and even if they somewhat badly beat you thats an easy lawsuit for more looksmaxing supplies
yeah i was trying to kinda approach them directly by staring back at them and shit trying to make it seem like i wasn’t intimidated in the slightest but that shit doesn’t work when it’s a 1v7
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 39838
I just had the craziest experience of my life so why not share it on my favorite platform...

So the story starts when I went to the mall last weekend. I completely coincidentally ran into an old family friend because she was the cashier at the store.

We caught up a little bit and talked, and that was it. However thirty minutes after she added me on snapchat. So i was like damn shes into me. Thing is... shes gotta bf. I just said fuck it tho that's her problem. Until it wasnt...

We were flirting on snap and she told me she just broke up with her boyfriend, so I was like dayum she realllyyy wants me. We scheduled a hangout and thats when shit started taking a turn.

I went into the good ol reliable Planet Fitness today hitting chest and back. About 30 minutes into my workout I see a group of seven mfs walk in. The ex boyfriend whos literally 5'4, 3 six foot+ black dudes, and three other white dudes.

Episode 9 Nbc GIF by One Chicago

These mfs bought day passes and didnt even lift, they were just staring at me. So I sent this snap to the girl.

The moment these mfs took their eyes off of me i slowly slinked out the door like motherfucking pink panther.
Pink Panther Hide GIF

As I was about twenty feet from my car I turn around to double check im not being followed... and there he is the 6'4 black dude comes out of the door looking around for me followed by the other six. I got to my car as fast as possible and took off... end of story.


These dudes ran to their car and started chasing me. I look in my rear view and there they fucking are, all seven of them somehow packed into an SUV... I was like what the actual fuck.

Then the James Bond theme started playing in my head, I was in a mf car chase... AS I WAS PEAKING ON ADDY. The adrenaline was unlike anything ive ever experienced JFL.

Car Chase Bronco GIF
I gassed it to the highway and started absolutely flooring it. Could not lose them for the life of me. The way I got rid of them was taking an exit the absolute last second with no blinker so they didn't have time to react. That got rid of them for now... but I feel like this ass beating that's coming my way is inevitable. So im kinda fucked their but at least I got that adrenaline rush today. Might need to switch gyms tbh.

But according to the girl "I shouldnt even worry about it" "They are just crazy" What the actual fuck is that... Does anybody have any advice on what I should do? Should I just stop talking to the girl or keep going and get my ass kicked.

-A Fucked Norwood

@Clavicular @dragomaxxer @TechnoBoss @NotCarv @pneumocystosis @coispet @Autismcel @moreroidsmoredates @Azonin @NoseProphecy @Sny
worst story ever stop changing the colors of random words and stop adding random gayass pics or gifs man nobody cares

just have good formatting fag i hope they gonna beat u a bit
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 62931
I just had the craziest experience of my life so why not share it on my favorite platform...

So the story starts when I went to the mall last weekend. I completely coincidentally ran into an old family friend because she was the cashier at the store.

We caught up a little bit and talked, and that was it. However thirty minutes after she added me on snapchat. So i was like damn shes into me. Thing is... shes gotta bf. I just said fuck it tho that's her problem. Until it wasnt...

We were flirting on snap and she told me she just broke up with her boyfriend, so I was like dayum she realllyyy wants me. We scheduled a hangout and thats when shit started taking a turn.

I went into the good ol reliable Planet Fitness today hitting chest and back. About 30 minutes into my workout I see a group of seven mfs walk in. The ex boyfriend whos literally 5'4, 3 six foot+ black dudes, and three other white dudes.

Episode 9 Nbc GIF by One Chicago

These mfs bought day passes and didnt even lift, they were just staring at me. So I sent this snap to the girl.

The moment these mfs took their eyes off of me i slowly slinked out the door like motherfucking pink panther.
Pink Panther Hide GIF

As I was about twenty feet from my car I turn around to double check im not being followed... and there he is the 6'4 black dude comes out of the door looking around for me followed by the other six. I got to my car as fast as possible and took off... end of story.


These dudes ran to their car and started chasing me. I look in my rear view and there they fucking are, all seven of them somehow packed into an SUV... I was like what the actual fuck.

Then the James Bond theme started playing in my head, I was in a mf car chase... AS I WAS PEAKING ON ADDY. The adrenaline was unlike anything ive ever experienced JFL.

Car Chase Bronco GIF
I gassed it to the highway and started absolutely flooring it. Could not lose them for the life of me. The way I got rid of them was taking an exit the absolute last second with no blinker so they didn't have time to react. That got rid of them for now... but I feel like this ass beating that's coming my way is inevitable. So im kinda fucked their but at least I got that adrenaline rush today. Might need to switch gyms tbh.

But according to the girl "I shouldnt even worry about it" "They are just crazy" What the actual fuck is that... Does anybody have any advice on what I should do? Should I just stop talking to the girl or keep going and get my ass kicked.

-A Fucked Norwood

@Clavicular @dragomaxxer @TechnoBoss @NotCarv @pneumocystosis @coispet @Autismcel @moreroidsmoredates @Azonin @NoseProphecy @Sny
and stop using emojis when typing to girls they hate it moron
worst story ever stop changing the colors of random words and stop adding random gayass pics or gifs man nobody cares

just have good formatting fag i hope they gonna beat u a bit
and stop using emojis when typing to girls they hate it moron
high iq user right here im gonna listen to him
@dragomaxxer @TechnoBoss @NotCarv
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: hopeless NTmaxxer, dragomaxxer, Deleted member 62931 and 1 other person
  • +1
Reactions: TechnoBoss
think about it like this, the guy knows that norwood knows that him and his friends are after him, yet norwood was still willing to approach the guy directly and beat him up, showing that he doesnt fear the situation whatsoever, this would most likely get in the midgets head and make him not want to fuck with him anymore.

the most optimal response here would be to fight the biggest guy and get rid of him so the others dont want to fuck with you, but if norwood doesnt have a group in case of emergencies there will always be some risk involved.

regardless i wouldnt worry to much about getting jumped you can almost always run and even if they somewhat badly beat you thats an easy lawsuit for more looksmaxing supplies
bro on his 48 laws of power shit
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: dragomaxxer and TechnoBoss
This is such a scuffed situation. I don't even know where to begin. Firstly, the best course of action in situations like these is to run. No matter how strong you are, how good at the range you are, if you have the chance to finesse a situation like this. Take the easy way out.

However if your life is at risk I can recommend these strategies that can work in tandem with one another.

Carry a firearm
This should be relatively easy for you considering the fact you are American but there are certain caveats to understand. These include:

1. What are your state's gun laws like?

Do you live in a state where you have things such as castle doctrine? As in certain places you WILL get cucked even if you are defending yourself from life threatening alterations that may present severe damage of one's body or even death.

2. Is the opposing force(the gang stalkers) in relative proximity or armed?

It is noted within American police doctrine that a man in full sprint still has a chance of causing harm or even snatching your tool away from you. If I recall correctly this distance is around 40 feet give or take and if you are dealing with 7 bloodlusted men then you have to adjust your aim after dispatching each and every guy. That is not to forget that humans can still operate with several holes gorged through them unless you hit the brain(CNS) or paralyze their PNS. You will likely be hard pressed especially under stress and fear to hit all your shots. Being calm is extremely important.
Close quarters will be your worse enemy when outnumbered heavily like this. If they are armed then you will be in even more dire straits and will be less likely to win.

3. Can you with certainty, intimidate your enemy with your firearm?

This is the best thing to do with a firearm. If you draw a gun out, they will likely not take their chances and leave as they aren't willing to go flush their plight down a toliet just to jump a guy over poon, however if they do then you should have 100% justification to shoot especially when your life is under danger. Please as much as possible avoid shooting them as this will change your life greatly. However if you are put in a situation to do it, good luck.

Carry a bear spray/pepper spray

This one is non-lethal and will make them think twice about approaching you. If you ever gotten pepper in your eyes you know how it feels. They will likely scram if they get pepper into their eyes. There's a reason why Bears are scared of Bear spray. Always have this on hand.

Carry a knife

This puts who into certain legal troubles as the gun if you wrongfully initiate. Keep that in mind. However it provides a sneaky and easy solution to those who out-mass you and should be easy to conceal.

Practice situational awareness

You already seem to have this checked off considering your nimble and clever escape. You should observe when entering residential spaces the positioning of exits. Have your body faced to such an extent that you can see what a majority of people in a room are doing. Unironically Andrew Tate did a good take on this where he would have his brother watch his back and he watches his brothers back. So don't go in a restaurant with your back faced to the place where people usually enter. Also a good suggestion to have other people tag along with you and you communicate with them about situational awareness.
If you are in outdoor areas(rural or urban). Ensure to watch for tailgaters and the sort.

I'm too lazy to continue on this but someone else could expand on these safety measures I highlighted. Goodluck Mr. Norwood and avoid danger at costs. Run away if you have to, it's better to live than to die.
  • +1
Reactions: LordBBC, TechnoBoss, Deleted member 62931 and 1 other person
white boy type shit this is so common where i live.

I've seen murder and blood crazy
This is such a scuffed situation. I don't even know where to begin. Firstly, the best course of action in situations like these is to run. No matter how strong you are, how good at the range you are, if you have the chance to finesse a situation like this. Take the easy way out.

However if your life is at risk I can recommend these strategies that can work in tandem with one another.

Carry a firearm
This should be relatively easy for you considering the fact you are American but there are certain caveats to understand. These include:

1. What are your state's gun laws like?

Do you live in a state where you have things such as castle doctrine? As in certain places you WILL get cucked even if you are defending yourself from life threatening alterations that may present severe damage of one's body or even death.

2. Is the opposing force(the gang stalkers) in relative proximity or armed?

It is noted within American police doctrine that a man in full sprint still has a chance of causing harm or even snatching your tool away from you. If I recall correctly this distance is around 40 feet give or take and if you are dealing with 7 bloodlusted men then you have to adjust your aim after dispatching each and every guy. That is not to forget that humans can still operate with several holes gorged through them unless you hit the brain(CNS) or paralyze their PNS. You will likely be hard pressed especially under stress and fear to hit all your shots. Being calm is extremely important.
Close quarters will be your worse enemy when outnumbered heavily like this. If they are armed then you will be in even more dire straits and will be less likely to win.

3. Can you with certainty, intimidate your enemy with your firearm?

This is the best thing to do with a firearm. If you draw a gun out, they will likely not take their chances and leave as they aren't willing to go flush their plight down a toliet just to jump a guy over poon, however if they do then you should have 100% justification to shoot especially when your life is under danger. Please as much as possible avoid shooting them as this will change your life greatly. However if you are put in a situation to do it, good luck.

Carry a bear spray/pepper spray

This one is non-lethal and will make them think twice about approaching you. If you ever gotten pepper in your eyes you know how it feels. They will likely scram if they get pepper into their eyes. There's a reason why Bears are scared of Bear spray. Always have this on hand.

Carry a knife

This puts who into certain legal troubles as the gun if you wrongfully initiate. Keep that in mind. However it provides a sneaky and easy solution to those who out-mass you and should be easy to conceal.

Practice situational awareness

You already seem to have this checked off considering your nimble and clever escape. You should observe when entering residential spaces the positioning of exits. Have your body faced to such an extent that you can see what a majority of people in a room are doing. Unironically Andrew Tate did a good take on this where he would have his brother watch his back and he watches his brothers back. So don't go in a restaurant with your back faced to the place where people usually enter. Also a good suggestion to have other people tag along with you and you communicate with them about situational awareness.
If you are in outdoor areas(rural or urban). Ensure to watch for tailgaters and the sort.

I'm too lazy to continue on this but someone else could expand on these safety measures I highlighted. Goodluck Mr. Norwood and avoid danger at costs. Run away if you have to, it's better to live than to die.
new update. found out from a friend these dudes carry knives and one is on probation for stabbing someone
  • Woah
  • JFL
  • WTF
Reactions: Nigger, Deleted member 44368, User28823 and 3 others
This is such a scuffed situation. I don't even know where to begin. Firstly, the best course of action in situations like these is to run. No matter how strong you are, how good at the range you are, if you have the chance to finesse a situation like this. Take the easy way out.

However if your life is at risk I can recommend these strategies that can work in tandem with one another.

Carry a firearm
This should be relatively easy for you considering the fact you are American but there are certain caveats to understand. These include:

1. What are your state's gun laws like?

Do you live in a state where you have things such as castle doctrine? As in certain places you WILL get cucked even if you are defending yourself from life threatening alterations that may present severe damage of one's body or even death.

2. Is the opposing force(the gang stalkers) in relative proximity or armed?

It is noted within American police doctrine that a man in full sprint still has a chance of causing harm or even snatching your tool away from you. If I recall correctly this distance is around 40 feet give or take and if you are dealing with 7 bloodlusted men then you have to adjust your aim after dispatching each and every guy. That is not to forget that humans can still operate with several holes gorged through them unless you hit the brain(CNS) or paralyze their PNS. You will likely be hard pressed especially under stress and fear to hit all your shots. Being calm is extremely important.
Close quarters will be your worse enemy when outnumbered heavily like this. If they are armed then you will be in even more dire straits and will be less likely to win.

3. Can you with certainty, intimidate your enemy with your firearm?

This is the best thing to do with a firearm. If you draw a gun out, they will likely not take their chances and leave as they aren't willing to go flush their plight down a toliet just to jump a guy over poon, however if they do then you should have 100% justification to shoot especially when your life is under danger. Please as much as possible avoid shooting them as this will change your life greatly. However if you are put in a situation to do it, good luck.

Carry a bear spray/pepper spray

This one is non-lethal and will make them think twice about approaching you. If you ever gotten pepper in your eyes you know how it feels. They will likely scram if they get pepper into their eyes. There's a reason why Bears are scared of Bear spray. Always have this on hand.

Carry a knife

This puts who into certain legal troubles as the gun if you wrongfully initiate. Keep that in mind. However it provides a sneaky and easy solution to those who out-mass you and should be easy to conceal.

Practice situational awareness

You already seem to have this checked off considering your nimble and clever escape. You should observe when entering residential spaces the positioning of exits. Have your body faced to such an extent that you can see what a majority of people in a room are doing. Unironically Andrew Tate did a good take on this where he would have his brother watch his back and he watches his brothers back. So don't go in a restaurant with your back faced to the place where people usually enter. Also a good suggestion to have other people tag along with you and you communicate with them about situational awareness.
If you are in outdoor areas(rural or urban). Ensure to watch for tailgaters and the sort.

I'm too lazy to continue on this but someone else could expand on these safety measures I highlighted. Goodluck Mr. Norwood and avoid danger at costs. Run away if you have to, it's better to live than to die.
cringe really cringe u think someone's let alone op is gonna read that?
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 39838
new update. found out from a friend these dudes carry knives and one is on probation for stabbing someone

lol would’ve been over 4 u mate

if I were u I would cut contact with the girl and avoid them like the plague,

as well as notify the authorities
  • +1
Reactions: TechnoBoss and Deleted member 39838
If this happened to me I'd probably freeze like a moron
  • +1
Reactions: justropemaxbro, Deleted member 39838 and Deleted member 62931
Is the girl a Stacy/Stacylite? If yes then you can risk it, just register a police report (this shit serious), change gyms & carry a 9mm with you ALWAYS in case things go south.

If not, then block & cut contact with the bitch, lmao not worth it.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 79409, Sprinkles, Deleted member 62931 and 1 other person
This is such a scuffed situation. I don't even know where to begin. Firstly, the best course of action in situations like these is to run. No matter how strong you are, how good at the range you are, if you have the chance to finesse a situation like this. Take the easy way out.

However if your life is at risk I can recommend these strategies that can work in tandem with one another.

Carry a firearm
This should be relatively easy for you considering the fact you are American but there are certain caveats to understand. These include:

1. What are your state's gun laws like?

Do you live in a state where you have things such as castle doctrine? As in certain places you WILL get cucked even if you are defending yourself from life threatening alterations that may present severe damage of one's body or even death.

2. Is the opposing force(the gang stalkers) in relative proximity or armed?

It is noted within American police doctrine that a man in full sprint still has a chance of causing harm or even snatching your tool away from you. If I recall correctly this distance is around 40 feet give or take and if you are dealing with 7 bloodlusted men then you have to adjust your aim after dispatching each and every guy. That is not to forget that humans can still operate with several holes gorged through them unless you hit the brain(CNS) or paralyze their PNS. You will likely be hard pressed especially under stress and fear to hit all your shots. Being calm is extremely important.
Close quarters will be your worse enemy when outnumbered heavily like this. If they are armed then you will be in even more dire straits and will be less likely to win.

3. Can you with certainty, intimidate your enemy with your firearm?

This is the best thing to do with a firearm. If you draw a gun out, they will likely not take their chances and leave as they aren't willing to go flush their plight down a toliet just to jump a guy over poon, however if they do then you should have 100% justification to shoot especially when your life is under danger. Please as much as possible avoid shooting them as this will change your life greatly. However if you are put in a situation to do it, good luck.

Carry a bear spray/pepper spray

This one is non-lethal and will make them think twice about approaching you. If you ever gotten pepper in your eyes you know how it feels. They will likely scram if they get pepper into their eyes. There's a reason why Bears are scared of Bear spray. Always have this on hand.

Carry a knife

This puts who into certain legal troubles as the gun if you wrongfully initiate. Keep that in mind. However it provides a sneaky and easy solution to those who out-mass you and should be easy to conceal.

Practice situational awareness

You already seem to have this checked off considering your nimble and clever escape. You should observe when entering residential spaces the positioning of exits. Have your body faced to such an extent that you can see what a majority of people in a room are doing. Unironically Andrew Tate did a good take on this where he would have his brother watch his back and he watches his brothers back. So don't go in a restaurant with your back faced to the place where people usually enter. Also a good suggestion to have other people tag along with you and you communicate with them about situational awareness.
If you are in outdoor areas(rural or urban). Ensure to watch for tailgaters and the sort.

I'm too lazy to continue on this but someone else could expand on these safety measures I highlighted. Goodluck Mr. Norwood and avoid danger at costs. Run away if you have to, it's better to live than to die.
Damn good read 10/10 growing up in hood that had to follow all of this it's automatic.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Offensive Bias, TechnoBoss and Deleted member 39838
new update. found out from a friend these dudes carry knives and one is on probation for stabbing someone
Okay, you have the clear to blow brains out and carry a gun.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 39838
  • +1
Reactions: TechnoBoss and Deleted member 39838
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 39838 and Deleted member 62931
  • +1
Reactions: TechnoBoss and Deleted member 39838
Is the girl a Stacy/Stacylite? If yes then you can risk it, just register a police report (this shit serious), change gyms & carry a 9mm with you ALWAYS in case things go south.

If not, then block & cut contact with the bitch, lmao not worth it.
htb imo
  • +1
Reactions: Tyler x Durden
I just had the craziest experience of my life so why not share it on my favorite platform...

So the story starts when I went to the mall last weekend. I completely coincidentally ran into an old family friend because she was the cashier at the store.

We caught up a little bit and talked, and that was it. However thirty minutes after she added me on snapchat. So i was like damn shes into me. Thing is... shes gotta bf. I just said fuck it tho that's her problem. Until it wasnt...

We were flirting on snap and she told me she just broke up with her boyfriend, so I was like dayum she realllyyy wants me. We scheduled a hangout and thats when shit started taking a turn.

I went into the good ol reliable Planet Fitness today hitting chest and back. About 30 minutes into my workout I see a group of seven mfs walk in. The ex boyfriend whos literally 5'4, 3 six foot+ black dudes, and three other white dudes.

Episode 9 Nbc GIF by One Chicago

These mfs bought day passes and didnt even lift, they were just staring at me. So I sent this snap to the girl.

The moment these mfs took their eyes off of me i slowly slinked out the door like motherfucking pink panther.
Pink Panther Hide GIF

As I was about twenty feet from my car I turn around to double check im not being followed... and there he is the 6'4 black dude comes out of the door looking around for me followed by the other six. I got to my car as fast as possible and took off... end of story.


These dudes ran to their car and started chasing me. I look in my rear view and there they fucking are, all seven of them somehow packed into an SUV... I was like what the actual fuck.

Then the James Bond theme started playing in my head, I was in a mf car chase... AS I WAS PEAKING ON ADDY. The adrenaline was unlike anything ive ever experienced JFL.

Car Chase Bronco GIF
I gassed it to the highway and started absolutely flooring it. Could not lose them for the life of me. The way I got rid of them was taking an exit the absolute last second with no blinker so they didn't have time to react. That got rid of them for now... but I feel like this ass beating that's coming my way is inevitable. So im kinda fucked their but at least I got that adrenaline rush today. Might need to switch gyms tbh.

But according to the girl "I shouldnt even worry about it" "They are just crazy" What the actual fuck is that... Does anybody have any advice on what I should do? Should I just stop talking to the girl or keep going and get my ass kicked.

-A Fucked Norwood

@Clavicular @dragomaxxer @TechnoBoss @NotCarv @pneumocystosis @coispet @Autismcel @moreroidsmoredates @Azonin @NoseProphecy @Sny
Might as well let them beat your ass for the hands free bonesmash
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 62931
new update. found out from a friend these dudes carry knives and one is on probation for stabbing someone
Your lucky is truly one of a kind. Can't you file a report on them? But that could lead to even more trouble too.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 39838
You’re lucky is truly one of a kind. Can't you file a report on them? But that could lead to even more trouble too.
fuark ur right i probably could/should, im just worried about making it worse. maybe they just wanted to scare me and they think they did so maybe it’s over with
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 62931 and Offensive Bias
fuark ur right i probably could/should, im just worried about making it worse. maybe they just wanted to scare me and they think they did so maybe it’s over with
Better safe then sorry make report so if they try again u can blow some brains out
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 39838
I hope they shank you
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Nigger
worst story ever stop changing the colors of random words and stop adding random gayass pics or gifs man nobody cares

just have good formatting fag i hope they gonna beat u a bit

Last edited:
  • JFL
Reactions: LordBBC
Yeah that's true.

Imagine getting jumped by 4 dudes over pussy such beta simps in this world.

I would never lose my life over pussy. Maybe Money but pussy is crazy
But you almost did lose your life JFL last thread lmao
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 62931
I just had the craziest experience of my life so why not share it on my favorite platform...

So the story starts when I went to the mall last weekend. I completely coincidentally ran into an old family friend because she was the cashier at the store.

We caught up a little bit and talked, and that was it. However thirty minutes after she added me on snapchat. So i was like damn shes into me. Thing is... shes gotta bf. I just said fuck it tho that's her problem. Until it wasnt...

We were flirting on snap and she told me she just broke up with her boyfriend, so I was like dayum she realllyyy wants me. We scheduled a hangout and thats when shit started taking a turn.

I went into the good ol reliable Planet Fitness today hitting chest and back. About 30 minutes into my workout I see a group of seven mfs walk in. The ex boyfriend whos literally 5'4, 3 six foot+ black dudes, and three other white dudes.

Episode 9 Nbc GIF by One Chicago

These mfs bought day passes and didnt even lift, they were just staring at me. So I sent this snap to the girl.

The moment these mfs took their eyes off of me i slowly slinked out the door like motherfucking pink panther.
Pink Panther Hide GIF

As I was about twenty feet from my car I turn around to double check im not being followed... and there he is the 6'4 black dude comes out of the door looking around for me followed by the other six. I got to my car as fast as possible and took off... end of story.


These dudes ran to their car and started chasing me. I look in my rear view and there they fucking are, all seven of them somehow packed into an SUV... I was like what the actual fuck.

Then the James Bond theme started playing in my head, I was in a mf car chase... AS I WAS PEAKING ON ADDY. The adrenaline was unlike anything ive ever experienced JFL.

Car Chase Bronco GIF
I gassed it to the highway and started absolutely flooring it. Could not lose them for the life of me. The way I got rid of them was taking an exit the absolute last second with no blinker so they didn't have time to react. That got rid of them for now... but I feel like this ass beating that's coming my way is inevitable. So im kinda fucked their but at least I got that adrenaline rush today. Might need to switch gyms tbh.

But according to the girl "I shouldnt even worry about it" "They are just crazy" What the actual fuck is that... Does anybody have any advice on what I should do? Should I just stop talking to the girl or keep going and get my ass kicked.

-A Fucked Norwood

@Clavicular @dragomaxxer @TechnoBoss @NotCarv @pneumocystosis @coispet @Autismcel @moreroidsmoredates @Azonin @NoseProphecy @Sny
Stop talk to the girl
ik alot of niggas are telling u to stop talking to her

but ngl

me personally, i'd have a hard time doing that because then ur letting him win lol

ur letting urself get intimidated

if it were me,

i'd fuck his gf raw send it to him

then blast all of their brains out the next day
Average looksmaxxer from the asylum

DIE!! DIEEE!!!!!!!

but fr just block her.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: arabcelxxx
Never understood logic of guys that do it this way why jumping her next partner or the guy SHE cheated with bruh jump her what is the logic :pepefrown: the guy might not even know she is in relationship
NGL go buy a gun. Get ready to blast some dudes who mess with you.

Imagine tryna jump a guy cause ur girl is a whore :feelswhy:

Are you 21?

Cause i checked the laws for ur you it says A person who is 18-20 years old and without the referenced military qualifications must have a permit to carry concealed.

You can do a private transfer of a handgun i think where u live. It says you must be at least 18 years old to openly carry a firearm
Depends where he lives. In NY he's fucked. In Cali he's fucked.
  • +1
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