Just got fired. Need anabolic advice

I approached 15 girls this semester, all 5/10 and below including Asian and even Indian girls and rejected by all of them. Not just rejected, but brutally rejected. They talked and looked at me like I was a mental patient who just escaped the asylum.
Don't listen too much to Copingvolcel, he's giving advices to other men on how easy is picking up girls, yet he's still kissless virgin
  • +1
  • JFL
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Not a bad guide actually, pretty blackpilled but here's the problem:

"Some dating “gurus” will bullshit you and tell you in order to get laid all you have to do is say the right pickup lines, or Just Be a Confident Alpha™, etc – without working on your appearance. I’m not going to lie to you – getting laid or finding a girlfriend requires you to get yourself looking at least above-average. And above-average is only the minimum – the more attractive you become, the easier getting laid gets. If you keep improving yourself, you can eventually get yourself to a point where getting laid happens almost on autopilot with basically zero effort."

I need surgery to be above average. As of now I'm below average looking, especially on Tinder when it's all about your face.
Don't listen too much to Copingvolcel, he's giving advices to other men on how easy is picking up girls, yet he's still kissless virgin
His advice is solid though. He gives off the impression that he reads a lot and is well informed. It's a lot different in practice though than just typing.
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I approached 15 girls this semester, all 5/10 and below including Asian and even Indian girls and rejected by all of them. Not just rejected, but brutally rejected. They talked and looked at me like I was a low IQ retarded mental patient who just escaped the asylum.
Honestly, that makes no sense because I am shorter than you and when i was younger, I was much uglier than now, and even back then, there was a time where I tried approaching women 2 times, and I was successful on both times but never followed through with their number to get a date because I didn't know how at the time.

I think that your problem is that you're not approaching women in the right environment.
Day game at college isn't going to work because of the social hierarchy which is basically like in college.
So, the best places to do day game tend to be, bus stations/metro/train stations, malls, supermarkets, city streets and parks.

Also, there is something to be said about how maybe in those 15 women, most were not available, and many could have been intimidated by you, because most women are around 5 foot 5 in height, and you are 6 foot 7 and you are very muscular, so to them, you are extremely intimidating. When women treat you with negative body language like disgust, it is simply a shit test most of the time.
Unless she truly rejects you by saying that she's not interested or she has a boyfriend, then you won't know if it's a shit test or not.
The reason why women do this is to test if you can overcome the obstacle or if you're too much of a pussy to do it.
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When women treat you with negative body language like disgust, it is simply a shit test most of the time.
Is that true? Happens to me all the time. How do you get past it?
Don't listen too much to Copingvolcel, he's giving advices to other men on how easy is picking up girls, yet he's still kissless virgin
I'm not saying that it's easy to pick up girls. What I am saying is that if you are gymmaxxed, you are already above average, so if you're still an incel while gymmaxxed, it's because you are too socially awkward to talk to women and that is due to a lack of experience. The only way to fix that is through experience.

There are no secret lines you can say to do well with women, it's all about experience. The reason why I'm a kissless virgin is because I choose to focus more on improving myself than talking to women but if I did that, I could get a girlfriend really easily. The reason why I am confident about that is because I have had many opportunities with women in the past without even trying and I was uglier back then, so I know that it's not that difficult.

However, my self improvement journey didn't start when it should have (when I joined this forum), and that is because I didn't have access to a home gym, and then when I had it, I had lost the habits that I had built in the past that had given me success and productivity, that is all because of the pandemic, if that hadn't happened, I would already be much stronger today and I would have had experiences with women. The pandemic severely limited my options and made it much more difficult for women at school to notice me because they don't know how I look like. The only way to counter this is to talk to women in a mask-free environment by only approaching them in places where masks aren't required, the only examples that come to mind are parks, city streets and outdoor malls.

But as an inexperienced guy, I'd rather start in events instead, which haven't been allowed ever since the beginning of the pandemic. That will either change in 2022 or maybe 2023, which is why I am working on my physique to be able to depend mainly on online dating to meet women.
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Is that true? Happens to me all the time. How do you get past it?
Simply keep talking, act like you didn't notice it and eventually, after talking to her for some time, ask for her number.
If she says no, then it is a true rejection.
If she says yes, then obviously she is interested.
And if she really doesn't want to talk to you, she will say so directly.

Never rely on women's body language to see if they like you, because it could be extremely misleading.

I have had one time where I approached a woman who showed great interest in me who lost all interest after talking to me, and I have had another time where I approached a woman who showed no interest who was extremely interested in me.
So, women's body language can be extremely misleading. That is because women who are nervous or scared will not be confident enough to look at you with positive body language and it is a defense mechanism at the same time, to see how you will react.

I learned that from the red pill subreddit. The guys on there aren't like those on the seduction subreddit, because they don't treat women as some complicated puzzle that needs to be solved to be understood, they make it sound extremely simple because that's how it really is.

I have here a PDF that is basically a copy and paste of the entire sidebar, this is especially useful since the subreddit will eventually be banned by Reddit: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O1wiYEB9JyZPCPf9es7ZY1ZPsaeZhhte?usp=sharing
Not a bad guide actually, pretty blackpilled but here's the problem:

"Some dating “gurus” will bullshit you and tell you in order to get laid all you have to do is say the right pickup lines, or Just Be a Confident Alpha™, etc – without working on your appearance. I’m not going to lie to you – getting laid or finding a girlfriend requires you to get yourself looking at least above-average. And above-average is only the minimum – the more attractive you become, the easier getting laid gets. If you keep improving yourself, you can eventually get yourself to a point where getting laid happens almost on autopilot with basically zero effort."

I need surgery to be above average. As of now I'm below average looking, especially on Tinder when it's all about your face.
Trust me, you're not below average, you look very good, that is not the problem that you have.

If Tinder doesn't work for you, it's simply because your pictures aren't good enough.
And if cold approaching doesn't work for you, it's because you're doing it wrong. There is such a thing as lacking confidence.

Looks are what attract women but without confidence, you can never make any moves.

I have decent looks and decent confidence but very few opportunities to approach women in non awkward situations, which is why I am still a kissless virgin at 23.

If you must know, when I say that I have very few opportunities, I mean that to find women to approach, I would need to go out to the nearby outdoor mall on the weekends and approach women who are there with their friends, or I would need to go out to a park and spend enough time there to meet attractive women to approach.

In my case, it's not that I lack the confidence to approach but I just don't know where I would go to meet women who are approachable (alone and not surrounded by a group of cockblockers).

Like @fogdart told me, the most effective way to get laid with many women is Online Dating, not cold approaching.

Even @LondonVillie has had some success on there.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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Don't listen too much to Copingvolcel, he's giving advices to other men on how easy is picking up girls, yet he's still kissless virgin

@subhuman incel
  • JFL
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Trust me, you're not below average, you look very good, that is not the problem that you have.

If Tinder doesn't work for you, it's simply because your pictures aren't good enough.
And if cold approaching doesn't work for you, it's because you're doing it wrong. There is such a thing as lacking confidence.

Looks are what attract women but without confidence, you can never make any moves.

I have decent looks and decent confidence but very few opportunities to approach women in non awkward situations, which is why I am still a kissless virgin at 23.

If you must know, when I say that I have very few opportunities, I mean that to find women to approach, I would need to go out to the nearby outdoor mall on the weekends and approach women who are there with their friends, or I would need to go out to a park and spend enough time there to meet attractive women to approach.

In my case, it's not that I lack the confidence to approach but I just don't know where I would go to meet women who are approachable (alone and not surrounded by a group of cockblockers).

Like @fogdart told me, the most effective way to get laid with many women is Online Dating, not cold approaching.

Even @LondonVillie has had some success on there.
Yeah, I think that's most people's problem. If I was surrounded by single women my age with non-awkward opportunities to start conversations most people would be able to ascend in that situation. The problem is being able to be around girls your age who are single, attracted to you, and not with friends.
  • +1
  • Woah
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Don't have any plug or friends to do drugs with. Trust me, if I had a social circle I'd be the biggest drug and alcohol user there is.

Don’t have any maxillary protrusion to attract women with. Trust me, if I had a gonial angle that could bend space–time I’d be the biggest hoe-puller chick-slayer pussy-magnet XX-chromosomal-attractor there is.
  • +1
  • JFL
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Im not buying this. These two are incompatible. You are overestimating your looks (like the majority of men do).
He's actually a 6'4" Chad though:

Unnamed 3
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Yeah, I think that's most people's problem. If I was surrounded by single women my age with non-awkward opportunities to start conversations most people would be able to ascend in that situation. The problem is being able to be around girls your age who are single, attracted to you, and not with friends.
The best way to get around that is to do either Online Dating, Night Game or Social Circle Game, and only do Day Game in the times where you get some random opportunities to approach women during your day (I have had quite a few of those in the past couple of years and I have wasted every single one because most of them happened before my jaw surgery so I lacked the self confidence needed to use them to my advantage).

You won't know if a woman doesn't like you until she rejects you. There is no way to know that before talking to her, because, as I said before, women's body language can be extremely misleading.
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Ohhh this guy? I suspect he is autistic or has autistic tendencies tbh. Even as a low T subhuman I could get a gf. If he is 6ft4 and this lanky why doesnt he inject test and go clubbing? Should be easy

Edit; what the fuck, his OG rating thread was over a year ago? Holy shit feels like yesterday
I'm 6'7" decently gymmaxxed but friendless 22 year old KHHV. Face > everything else.
Im not buying this. These two are incompatible. You are overestimating your looks (like the majority of men do).
Like I said many times before, I have a severe lack of opportunities ever since the pandemic happened because in the few places that I am able to see women, I am always wearing a mask, because of that, women don't notice me, unlike before.

In the past, I had many opportunities but was unaware of what needed to be done for me to get laid, now I know how but it is much more difficult to meet women in this current pandemic situation. My only Daygame option that doesn't involve a mask is parks but there aren't many women my age who go there.

I think that if I can develop big enough social circles, I can then gain access to enough opportunities to meet with lots of women and eventually get laid.

Social Circle Game may in fact be the most effective way to meet women for guys like me who can't succeed with Tinder.
Why don’t you do night game if you are 6ft4??
Because every bar in my area requires us to wear a mask and to sit at a table, so I can't see how I could ever approach a woman in that kind of situation, especially when she will not be able to see my face.

Because of social distancing, clubs must be closed, so it is impossible to do night game in such a situation. Also, height isn't everything in clubs, muscles matter more actually, and it's the same on Tinder.

I think that the only way I will succeed right now is with big social circles. That is something I could actually achieve but it will take a lot of time.
  • +1
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Don't listen too much to Copingvolcel, he's giving advices to other men on how easy is picking up girls, yet he's still kissless virgin
God he's so bluepilled
  • +1
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I see. Were you super ugly before jaw surgery? Being kissless is different than being a virgin and is a truecel trait.
Past a certain age sex and kissing are synonymous though. I'm KHHV and would lose them all at once if I had the chance, which I probably won't unless I SEA/EEmaxx.
  • So Sad
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In fact, in a Canadian sample, over half had kissed someone by age 12–13 (Williams, Connolly, & Cribbie, 2008). Eighty-five percent of middle school students have kissed a partner in their lifetime (Halpern, Joyner, Udry, & Suchindran, 2000), and about 90% of college students report having kissed a partner.
The difference is that I travelled the world a lot during my childhood. I did first grade in one school in Canada, second-fourth grade in one school in Zurich, fifth-eigth grade in one school near Lausanne, and I did my last 2 years of high school in Canada.

So I didn't really have the time to get to a point where I could kiss a girl because at every school that I was at, I was the new guy. Also, at the school near Lausanne, I was surrounded by rich kids, so I was a complete outsider there, so I had no opportunities at all.

Now I am in pre university, where everyone is in a clique, just like in high school, and it is impossible for me to meet anyone new except for those who are in my classes, most of which are introverts since my major is computer science and most people there are nerds.
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In fact, in a Canadian sample, over half had kissed someone by age 12–13 (Williams, Connolly, & Cribbie, 2008). Eighty-five percent of middle school students have kissed a partner in their lifetime (Halpern, Joyner, Udry, & Suchindran, 2000), and about 90% of college students report having kissed a partner.
Holy shit. I'm 22 years old and haven't kissed a girl yet or really even had a conversation where the girl wanted to talk to me. Completely and utterly over.
  • +1
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The difference is that I travelled the world a lot during my childhood. I did first grade in one school in Canada, second-fourth grade in one school in Zurich, fifth-eigth grade in one school near Lausanne, and I did my last 2 years of high school in Canada.

So I didn't really have the time to get to a point where I could kiss a girl because at every school that I was at, I was the new guy. Also, at the school near Lausanne, I was surrounded by rich kids, so I was a complete outsider there, so I had no opportunities at all.

Now I am in pre university, where everyone is in a clique, just like in high school, and it is impossible for me to meet anyone new except for those who are in my classes, most of which are introverts since my major is computer science and most people there are nerds.
Same man. I went to 6 different schools throughout primary school and transferred to 2 different colleges. Never had a single established friend group throughout my entire life and was always the outcast. Probably why I'm so mentally fucked despite not having autism or anything.
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Yes, but I am asking about in adolescence. If you went to school from ages 11-18 you must have severe mental problems or be borderline deformed to be in the bottom 10%, this includes obese people manlets etc.
I had no mental problems and not deformed, just really ugly.
Interesting. Are you autistic? I read your other comment but as a junior and senior in HS how did you not manage to find a single girl? I was overweight, confused for a female, aspergers and could get non-fat girlfriends and kiss girls. You mogged me hard and taller.
You must be an exception then. None of the ugly guys in my school kissed a girl or lost their virginity.
Yes, but I am asking about in adolescence. If you went to school from ages 11-18 you must have severe mental problems or be borderline deformed to be in the bottom 10%, this includes obese people manlets etc.
Honestly, your data isn't realistic at all. Most of the guys who were at my high school were kissless virgins, the only ones who weren't were the ones who were in a relationship at the time. That is because most guys who get laid only do so within a relationship, because most guys aren't high SMV enough to do it outside of one.

So, you have no idea what you're talking about. Like I said many times before, I have had many opportunities to get a girlfriend, even when I was ugly, but I always refused, because I want lots of hookups, not a relationship. I'm not looking for love, I'm looking for sexual experience, and even then, I don't expect it to match the highs that I have experienced during my childhood through my travels and other wild experiences.

The main problem that I have at my age is that the things that excite the people of my age aren't exciting at all for me because I have done way more exciting things from the age of 7 to the age of 15, and very few things can ever surpass that. Getting my first kiss at 13 would have been more impactful than getting it now, at this point, it would be pretty much meaningless.

This effect of being jaded, is only getting worse as I get older. To tell you the truth, the main reason why I come here on this forum and why I focus my efforts on bodybuilding is because my life lost all its meaning a couple of years ago, after I lost the ability to dream about things, which I think is a side effect of higher maturity. So, the naive feeling of love that people experience is not something that I could ever feel myself due to my life experience.
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Interesting. Are you autistic? I read your other comment but as a junior and senior in HS how did you not manage to find a single girl? I was overweight, confused for a female, aspergers and could get non-fat girlfriends and kiss girls. You mogged me hard and taller.
Honestly, I was 138 lbs soaking wet, and I was a weak pushover who wasn't respected by anyone (not even my so called friends), people made fun of me because of how weak I was physically and I couldn't do anything about it.

The main reason why I was unable to get girls back then is due to insecurity, I was insecure because of my underbite and because of my nearly anorexic body. It was only after fixing both of these insecurities that I gained all the confidence I ever needed to succeed with women, but, not long after that happened, the pandemic started and I had no more opportunities with women because of it, which led me to here.
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Doesn't it cost thousands of dollars to test for PEDs? Why would an employer even test for that?
Doesn't it cost thousands of dollars to test for PEDs? Why would an employer even test for that?
The organization I worked for did their own PED testing.
NBA player confirmed on .me. Wasn’t there an nba player tweeting that he wanted a gf:lul::lul:
I wish JFL. Don't even play basketball anymore, I sucked at it once I graduated high school.
Data> your anecdote: how do you know they are kissless? They told you? Every guy?

Yeah lol most guys definitely only get laid in a LTR. How is that contradictory? Most guys get an LTR. You have to show some interest though

ah so you are rejecting girls then didnt know tbh. saying “im a kissless virgin” seems kind of stupid to me when its voluntary but i guess there is nothing wrong with it tbh

i was speaking previously with the belief that you had been rejected by girls constantly and unable to find a GF but you just have a chad ego in a non-chad figure which is the real cause of you being a KV. Humble yourself and get a LTR and some experience that way if you desire to do so.
No, you don't get it, I don't want an LTR. That is because women have nothing to offer me that I need.

The only reason why I am trying to get laid is so that I can see why everyone's making such a big fuss about all of that, and I can finally move on if it doesn't match my expectations.

I am not autistic to the point of being unable to talk to people, but I am on the autism spectrum so much that my interests diverge from what is considered normal by most people. In other words, I don't need to be in a relationship to be happy, I am happy alone.

The only reason why I care about attracting women is so that I can experience what normies have been constantly telling me that I am missing out on, which will probably lead to unfulfilling experiences for me either way.
I think that I may very well be aromantic, either that, or I have been so red pilled in the past few years that I can't love women anymore, I am not sure which is which, I was thinking that maybe getting laid would give me the answer by either creating an emotional connection or achieving nothing at all.

Also, the main thing that red pilled me was seeing how much my parents fought when I was a kid, and it led me to the belief that I never want to have kids, and I never want a wife, so that I never have to suffer that loud shouting and fighting that they lived through all these years together. Also, I just don't see the benefits that women could provide for me, apart from sex, which is very temporary and animal-like by nature. So, maybe, it's not that I was red pilled but I was never interested in an LTR from the very start.

My username comes from the fact that when I was working in 2019 at a full time job that I hated, I felt very needy and very emotional and in that rare moment of weakness, I felt like I would be in much greater comfort with a girlfriend, but most of the time, I felt much happier alone, so I am not really a copingvolcel, but alas, I cannot change my username, unfortunately.
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Honestly, it’s not going to get better.

I think it was Schopenhauer that said when a man’s circumstances become too much for him, he has the right to his own life. - I’m not advocating this, but when I was younger I used to think about it and the nature of how things are when it comes to people and reality.

I despise all the platitudes that I see everywhere - they hurt more than anything, because they give us hope which the world then proceeds to shatter.

My advice - One problem people like us face is loneliness and bullying. Master loneliness - it’s a place of beautiful insight and meaning. You might never find love and if you do, don’t count on that lasting very long (if you are as ugly as I am). Have fun because you really have so little to lose. And tell yourself that everything that you’ve gone through makes you stronger - if only to yourself. You are a unique perspective to this world, not many people get to see how shallow we all are.

Maybe there is some poetic value, or maybe some philosophical or artistic value. I like to believe there is.. It’s a hard life.

Force yourself to find happiness and love in yourself or kill yourself..

Both options are beautiful.

[Again I’m not advocating suicide, I’ve just thought about it with varying frequencies and intensities, and see nothing wrong in it. My circumstances perhaps.]

I wish you well.


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Honestly, it’s not going to get better.

I think it was Schopenhauer that said when a man’s circumstances become too much for him, he has the right to his own life. - I’m not advocating this, but when I was younger I used to think about it and the nature of how things are when it comes to people and reality.

I despise all the platitudes that I see everywhere - they hurt more than anything, because they give us hope which the world then proceeds to shatter.

My advice - One problem people like us face is loneliness and bullying. Master loneliness - it’s a place of beautiful insight and meaning. You might never find love and if you do, don’t count on that lasting very long (if you are as ugly as I am). Have fun because you really have so little to lose. And tell yourself that everything that you’ve gone through makes you stronger - if only to yourself. You are a unique perspective to this world, not many people get to see how shallow we all are.

Maybe there is some poetic value, or maybe some philosophical or artistic value. I like to believe there is.. It’s a hard life.

Force yourself to find happiness and love in yourself or kill yourself..

Both options are beautiful.

[Again I’m not advocating suicide, I’ve just thought about it with varying frequencies and intensities, and see nothing wrong in it. My circumstances perhaps.]

I wish you well.
Top tier advice. Thanks for reposting the essay I wrote.
The organization I worked for did their own PED testing.
That's weird. If I recall correctly, there's only one lab in the entire USA that can do this type of testing.
  • Hmm...
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Steroids making the face more masc after puberty is kinda a myth
Maybe if you abuse tren etc
But look at Derek from Mpmd, he's on roids and his face is low T, round jaw bug eyes, high trust etc
Unnamed 1
Unnamed 2
Images 6
5384114f7e9c50c9b82ab41451c5579316b49df8 full
  • +1
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Afaik facial leanness is caused by high testosterone/lack of estrogen. Weird part is that I have high E features but it's physiologically impossible for me to be high E since estrogen closes the growth plates.
2 option
You have high E in adulthood right now
Or youre lowish E but still get Estrogenic symptoms through Prolactin/PTH/Estrogen other then E2 etc etc.
  • +1
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I approached 15 girls this semester, all 5/10 and below including Asian and even Indian girls and rejected by all of them. Not just rejected, but brutally rejected. They talked and looked at me like I was a low IQ retarded mental patient who just escaped the asylum.
You must be a standardcel. Many times guys on here will be like “I get rejected by average looking girls” and will post pictures of model-like girls, calling them average. There’s no way you’re a 6’7” gymmaxxed white incel. Post pics of girls you call 5/10 and What country are you from?
You must be a standardcel. Many times guys on here will be like “I get rejected by average looking girls” and will post pictures of model-like girls, calling them average. There’s no way you’re a 6’7” gymmaxxed white incel. Post pics of girls you call 5/10 and What country are you from?
I'm from the US. I'm not even close to being a standardcel. I approached girls who looked like this and is what I would call 5/10 with the Indian girl being 4/10:

Screenshot 2015 08 31 20 20 07
2 option
You have high E in adulthood right now
Or youre lowish E but still get Estrogenic symptoms through Prolactin/PTH/Estrogen other then E2 etc etc.
I've always looked high E. Could lack of DHT contribute to it?
  • +1
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  • +1
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your face isn't that boyish tbh

its just the buccal fat holding you back

your chin is decent and you have a sloped strong forehead

do you parents or any family members suffer from chubby cheeks even tho there a healthy body fat?

can the males in your family grow facial hair?
Don't many asians have chubby cheeks from buccal dat that u see?
  • +1
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How did you approach them?

"ayyy babe i'm 6'7 want sum fuck?"
No, it was all during class or during group projects so I was talking to them anyways. They just gave 1 word answers or disgusted body language.

I wasn't doing this JFL:

  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 5786
Steroids making the face more masc after puberty is kinda a myth
Maybe if you abuse tren etc
But look at Derek from Mpmd, he's on roids and his face is low T, round jaw bug eyes, high trust etc
Just a trt dose made my face WAY more masculine, Derek is literally as recessed as a human can be so obviously roids won’t help his face that much (still helped tho)
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what you are 6'7 gymmaxed and rejected? How is that possible? Could you send me your face
Just a trt dose made my face WAY more masculine, Derek is literally as recessed as a human can be so obviously roids won’t help his face that much (still helped tho)
How old were you and how long did you use it for?
what you are 6'7 gymmaxed and rejected? How is that possible? Could you send me your face
Not really gymmaxxed, just not DYEL skinny anymore. It's all about your face.

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