Just keep asking theory 2021

All I can tell you is what I have heard from actual females. From my own sister to my FWB’s to ex girlfriends to just girls that I talk to. I’ve heard countless times from these women that they ended up hanging out with a guy that they described as someone they weren’t initially interested in because he kept being persistent and asking to hang out. That he kept either texting or asking in real life to hang out and they finally hung out with him and many times it led to a hook up.
Believe me I don’t quite get it either, and I feel really weird and beta and disgusting if I just keep asking women to hang out. So I don’t get it, yet women are retarded, so I think being persistent has some merit to it
I agree tbh. I think the whole Red pill "dont be needy" meme is setting guys up for failure. I think it's ok to be needy in the beginning to smash after that who gives a fuck.
I'll make myself a guinea pig and keep on texting this Honduran girl, hopefully I don't get tracked down and kidnapped by her ms13 uncle's from Honduras.
  • JFL
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I agree tbh. I think the whole Red pill "dont be needy" meme is setting guys up for failure. I think it's ok to be needy in the beginning to smash after that who gives a fuck.
i think "the red pill" just doesnt take into account just how suggestable and passive women really are. Us men have a blidn spot becuase we don't tend to be. So just keep asking women eventually they will find an evening where they have no Chad available to fuck them and they are bored (cause they have no hobbies) so they will just hang with that average dude and TEEHEE welp ended up letting him fuck, o well
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i think "the red pill" just doesnt take into account just how suggestable and passive women really are. Us men have a blidn spot becuase we don't tend to be. So just keep asking women eventually they will find an evening where they have no Chad available to fuck them and they are bored (cause they have no hobbies) so they will just hang with that average dude and TEEHEE welp ended up letting him fuck, o well
Ya looking back the hottest girl I smashed, I was being very persistent and bothering her as joke, and somehow ended up getting to together, I was very surprised. The redpill "text 3 days later and let her come to you" meme is outdated tbh. Looking back I probably could have slayed a few more bitches if I kept trying ngl.
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I still stand behind what I said
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I still stand behind what I said
I'm gonna update you guys on what happens with

The Honduran girl
Nafri girl that I might fuck and that has been giving me iois
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If you're average looking and you keep asking/bothering a girl to have sex with you she will eventually break and do it and then say you raped her lol.

legit theory, this is the normie way to get pussy.
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@cvzvvc thoughts?
It works if you meet that girl often, are in the same class, workplace, social circle. That's how I got laid for the first time - after orbiting a girl for two years in college...
  • JFL
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@cvzvvc thoughts?

There's absolutely some truth to this topic. I have lost easy chances with more girls than I can count by being emotionally distant and not giving a shit from the outset.

The redpill meme advice of being a cold/cruel robot can backfire very hard. Women need at least some emotion and persistence. It's recommended by RP because many of the legit autists who get into RP stuff are the types to triple or quadruple text women, which is the worst end of the spectrum. I have also had multiple women who say they like when I take initiative and show interest because it flatters them.

It's really a case-by-case basis. I err on the side of not giving a shit simply because I my #1 rule is to never fuck with girls who have low interest levels. They tend to make your life very miserable the longer things go on.
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There's absolutely some truth to this topic. I have lost easy chances with more girls than I can count by being emotionally distant and not giving a shit from the outset.

The redpill meme advice of being a cold/cruel robot can backfire very hard. Women need at least some emotion and persistence. It's recommended by RP because many of the legit autists who get into RP stuff are the types to triple or quadruple text women, which is the worst end of the spectrum. I have also had multiple women who say they like when I take initiative and show interest because it flatters them.

It's really a case-by-case basis. I err on the side of not giving a shit simply because I my #1 rule is to never fuck with girls who have low interest levels. They tend to make your life very miserable the longer things go on.
so true, you have to initiate at least once in a while if you want to keep girls around. I dated a girl for 4 months and last week I blocked her out of the blue just because neither of us initiated meet ups anymore. I fell too deep in to the "women will do everything for you when theyre interested" meme.
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If u do this with a tinder match.. it fails everytime.

maybe if you already know a girl.. yeahh..
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This is how my brother married to another woman

even though he has one aleardy
Initiating something to become something is not really an achievement all can achieve.
Nope, and it's going to require both parties to initiate actively
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Not working for me
Again, the amount of time I hear women say they eventually hung out with a guy is because he just kept asking and it led to a hookup

Women are so fucking suggestable
Ok Chad 🇹🇩
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This is literally the advice Boomhaur gave to Bobby, just keep asking
  • JFL
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Give us a tutorial, bro @Hozay
Ok yea I think it works
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Update: Honduran girl VERY dry

I'ma keep persisting tho
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does not fucking work, just got blocked
  • JFL
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I want a PSL scienceautist on this theory, ASAP!

Run tests, experiments, the whole scientific method. I want to get to the bottom of this.
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  • JFL
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I want your guys thoughts on this.

@Enigmatic93 @Yliaster @BigNigga69
You're indicating high levels of initial investment by doing this. In other words, you're signaling to her that you're an emotional provider. Unless she's a virgin, this isn't worth doing.
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I want your guys thoughts on this.

@Enigmatic93 @Yliaster @BigNigga69
It may work sometimes, sometimes not. Like many theories.

Yes, be persistent, but don't nag or be rapey, and don't seem like you are begging for it, that will guarantee instant dry:lul::lul::lul:
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You're indicating high levels of initial investment by doing this. In other words, you're signaling to her that you're an emotional provider. Unless she's a virgin, this isn't worth doing.
This. It is men's job to be stingy with our love and emotional attention. It is women's job to be stingy with their bodies and sexual attention.
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  • JFL
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You're indicating high levels of initial investment by doing this. In other words, you're signaling to her that you're an emotional provider. Unless she's a virgin, this isn't worth doing.
That's good, trick them into an LTR and have multiple LTRs behind her back. It's like slaying but it's easier.
That's good, trick them into an LTR and have multiple LTRs behind her back. It's like slaying but it's easier.
It's more efficient to just make money and go on Seeking Arrangements.
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theory appears to bear some veracity
  • JFL
Reactions: mulattomaxxer
Just lost my cool and cussed this bitch out on a phone call
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Looks Theory = Dead

Just Be Persistent = Legit
this does not work lmao
girl will be rejecting you harder and harder and irl might even slap you
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