Just lol if you’re natty in 2025

which sarms twin
So since you’re probably dyel and weak run rad140, if you’ve been athletic and have muscle from years of lifting you can run ostarine to cut down before. After 1-3 sarm cycles start running gear and BaC indefinitely

This is a good timeline for teenagers who don’t have loads of money, by the time you’re done with your first few sarm cycles you’ll probably have money to cycle roids
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it's smart to hop on steroids in general, whether you're gymceling or not, just to combat the harmful effects of a highly estrogenized environment.
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So since you’re probably dyel and weak run rad140, if you’ve been athletic and have muscle from years of lifting you can run ostarine to cut down before. After 1-3 sarm cycles start running gear and BaC indefinitely

This is a good timeline for teenagers who don’t have loads of money, by the time you’re done with your first few sarm cycles you’ll probably have money to cycle roids
Bro.. Test is cheaper than rad and rad just shuts u down. Average rad140 price 90usd, Test is like 45usd:soy:. Dont start with sarms if ur a teenager u wont grow anymore. Ive tried ostraine its dog piss. Trt and anavar is the way. Of course rad is potent asf and will gains pretty fast. But its just dumb running test will get u bigger in the long run and ur not cooking ur hormones.

Not sure what ur “teenage” age range is. Im 17 but i consider teenage range to be 13-16 because theres where ur growth spurt will occur for majority. And if ur in that age range just dont touch steroids or sarms. Start with mk677 its like 80usd doesnt get u jacked but helps with making u eat like a dog and produce little igf1 and gh. But if you somehow got the money at that age to do hgh i would a 1000% do hgh.
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So since you’re probably dyel and weak run rad140
based on what lmao ive been gymcelling for a year and a half now im everything but small
if you’ve been athletic and have muscle from years of lifting you can run ostarine to cut down before.
yeah ive been thinking about running ostarine for a while now
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Bro.. Test is cheaper than rad and rad just shuts u down. Average rad140 price 90usd, Test is like 45usd:soy:. Dont start with sarms if ur a teenager u wont grow anymore. Ive tried ostraine its dog piss. Trt and anavar is the way. Of course rad is potent asf and will gains pretty fast. But its just dumb running test will get u bigger in the long run and ur not cooking ur hormones.

Not sure what ur “teenage” age range is. Im 17 but i consider teenage range to be 13-16 because theres where ur growth spurt will occur for majority. And if ur in that age range just dont touch steroids or sarms. Start with mk677 its like 80usd doesnt get u jacked but helps with making u eat like a dog and produce little igf1 and gh. But if you somehow got the money at that age to do hgh i would a 1000% do hgh.
test is 45usd, but you are also taking aromasin/mast/anavar, pct and at the end its more pricey than running sarms
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based on what lmao ive been gymcelling for a year and a half now im everything but small

yeah ive been thinking about running ostarine for a while now
Dont brah i ran ostraine its barely did anything. Everyone saying it does wonders has probably not touched the gym before. It disappointed me alot and wasted my money :feelswah: . Just take test bro 250mg-500mg its great for cutting. And u can add a little anavar in because you got a test base. Yes u can add rad140 but anavar is significant and less toxic on the livers.
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Dont brah i ran ostraine its barely did anything. Everyone saying it does wonders has probably not touched the gym before. It disappointed me alot and wasted my money :feelswah: . Just take test bro 250mg-500mg its great for cutting. And u can add a little anavar in because you got a test base. Yes u can add rad140 but anavar is significant and less toxic on the livers.
i wouldve started running test and anavar a while ago if i had the money to afford it jfl
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based on what lmao ive been gymcelling for a year and a half now im everything but small

yeah ive been thinking about running ostarine for a while now
Yeah you should hop on Jfl I couldn’t imagine lifting 4-6 years natty to look close to someone’s who’s been enhanced for 9 months. If I weren’t athletic (I have been lifting naturally for 5-7 years since 13-14 due to pro sport aspirations) I would’ve hopped on day 1 lol
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Dont brah i ran ostraine its barely did anything. Everyone saying it does wonders has probably not touched the gym before. It disappointed me alot and wasted my money :feelswah: . Just take test bro 250mg-500mg its great for cutting. And u can add a little anavar in because you got a test base. Yes u can add rad140 but anavar is significant and less toxic on the livers.
based on what lmao ive been gymcelling for a year and a half now im everything but small

yeah ive been thinking about running ostarine for a while now
Yeah go straight for rad140 or test honestly I would only use ostarine to cut (which is what I’m doing rn)
  • +1
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Yeah you should hop on Jfl I couldn’t imagine lifting 4-6 years natty to look close to someone’s who’s been enhanced for 9 months. If I weren’t athletic (I have been lifting naturally for 5-7 years since 13-14 due to pro sport aspirations) I would’ve hopped on day 1 lol
im getting mixed responses on ostarine tho, some people say it did wonders some say its garbage and not worth the money and im better off just saving up for a test cycle however i cant really save up enough for a test cycle before summer and i want to hop on before summer so it only leaves me to take sarms which i get mixed responses for from multiple people
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Yeah go straight for rad140 or test honestly I would only use ostarine to cut (which is what I’m doing rn)
i am cutting rn tho, i mean i could run rad i guess, do i need pct ?
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test is 45usd, but you are also taking aromasin/mast/anavar, pct and at the end its more pricey than running sarms
Sides to gains bro. Its not worth. Theres no point taking mast it rapes ur hair u can take primo but thats “gucci” of steroids. You dont got to take anavar if u want to cut. And you would not be needing aromasin at 250mg-500mg of testosterone. And who said you dont need to pct for sarms? Yea you probably read ostraine doesnt need pct because your balls will naturally do its thing but its DOGSHIT. If u really want to do sarms despite me giving u this advice on why trt>sarm, Just dont do ostraine its the worst fucking sarm. It impacts liver not much cosmetic change supresses ur natural test. And after a sarm cycle you would be crying when ur gains go away. Just please dont be scared of a needle
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i am cutting rn tho, i mean i could run rad i guess, do i need pct ?
Just enclo during the cycle to keep your testosterone at its baseline, that’s pretty much it.
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Yeah go straight for rad140 or test honestly I would only use ostarine to cut (which is what I’m doing rn)
Bro stop giving advice. And read what ive posted. Rad140 = liver toxic,supresses, gains go away after cycle. Just fucking do test
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Sides to gains bro. Its not worth. Theres no point taking mast it rapes ur hair u can take primo but thats “gucci” of steroids. You dont got to take anavar if u want to cut. And you would not be needing aromasin at 250mg-500mg of testosterone. And who said you dont need to pct for sarms? Yea you probably read ostraine doesnt need pct because your balls will naturally do its thing but its DOGSHIT. If u really want to do sarms despite me giving u this advice on why trt>sarm, Just dont do ostraine its the worst fucking sarm. It impacts liver not much cosmetic change supresses ur natural test. And after a sarm cycle you would be crying when ur gains go away. Just please dont be scared of a needle
Yeah the ultimate goal is to BaC test but you can start off with sarms. And just lol if you think you’ll lose gains after a sarm cycle it doesn’t do shit to your testosterone if you just take enclo you’ll keep the muscle you’ve gained
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Sides to gains bro. Its not worth. Theres no point taking mast it rapes ur hair u can take primo but thats “gucci” of steroids. You dont got to take anavar if u want to cut. And you would not be needing aromasin at 250mg-500mg of testosterone. And who said you dont need to pct for sarms? Yea you probably read ostraine doesnt need pct because your balls will naturally do its thing but its DOGSHIT. If u really want to do sarms despite me giving u this advice on why trt>sarm, Just dont do ostraine its the worst fucking sarm. It impacts liver not much cosmetic change supresses ur natural test. And after a sarm cycle you would be crying when ur gains go away. Just please dont be scared of a needle
im not scared of needles i just dont have the money for a test cycle
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Just enclo during the cycle to keep your testosterone at its baseline, that’s pretty much it.
Uve not run this before right? Enclo increases ur testosterone but its not going to help u reduce the suppression and not gonna help u keep the gains after cycle. Also rad can only be ran for 8-10weeks per vial
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Bro stop giving advice. And read what ive posted. Rad140 = liver toxic,supresses, gains go away after cycle. Just fucking do test
It’s liver toxic but so what, you’re not running it for 4 months it’s a short 6-8 week cycle. Then your liver recovers due the resilience of a young male body. Unless your genes suck it’s overblown
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Yeah the ultimate goal is to BaC test but you can start off with sarms. And just lol if you think you’ll lose gains after a sarm cycle it doesn’t do shit to your testosterone if you just take enclo you’ll keep the muscle you’ve gained
Yeah the ultimate goal is to BaC test but you can start off with sarms. And just lol if you think you’ll lose gains after a sarm cycle it doesn’t do shit to your testosterone if you just take enclo you’ll keep the muscle you’ve gained
Theres no point taking sarms:feelswhy::feelswhy: its literally propaganda
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Bro. Test is cheaper than fucking sarms
test itself is, AI blockers and pct plus test is way more expensive than sarms, even if i did need pct after taking sarms its still cheaper
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Uve not run this before right? Enclo increases ur testosterone but its not going to help u reduce the suppression and not gonna help u keep the gains after cycle. Also rad can only be ran for 8-10weeks per vial
Yeah but running rad140 after 8 weeks would fuck your liver enzymes it’s best to cap it around 8
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test itself is, AI blockers and pct plus test is way more expensive than sarms, even if i did need pct after taking sarms its still cheaper
This guy thinks your liver is going to implode after a 6-8 week cycle Jfl, just do 1-2 cycles and switch to test when you have enough money it’s not rocket science
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test itself is, AI blockers and pct plus test is way more expensive than sarms, even if i did need pct after taking sarms its still cheaper
Bro im on a fucking cycle im telling u from experience u dont need Ai blockers. U only need that shit if ur blasting and doing a stack. U do not need a pct u can just cruise ur whole life on 250test. Even if u wanted to pct u still need to pct for sarms. So therses no point i dont get it its this simple brah im not trying to gatekeep or anything im just trying to help:feelsuhh:
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This guy thinks your liver is going to implode after a 6-8 week cycle Jfl, just do 1-2 cycles and switch to test when you have enough money it’s not rocket science
are the gains actually signifact like is it worth the price and could i get away w not using enclo its expensive as shit and they make me pay a 50 bucks shipping because i live in a third world country shithole
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Bro im on a fucking cycle im telling u from experience u dont need Ai blockers. U only need that shit if ur blasting and doing a stack. U do not need a pct u can just cruise ur whole life on 250test. Even if u wanted to pct u still need to pct for sarms. So therses no point i dont get it its this simple brah im not trying to gatekeep or anything im just trying to help:feelsuhh:
so what do you advise me to do ? just run straight up test w nothing else, i guess i could afford anavar on the side but nothing else
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are the gains actually signifact like is it worth the price and could i get away w not using enclo its expensive as shit and they make me pay a 50 bucks shipping because i live in a third world country shithole
From experiences people have claimed it’s the equivalent of a 350-500 mg test cycle so yeah
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This guy thinks your liver is going to implode after a 6-8 week cycle Jfl, just do 1-2 cycles and switch to test when you have enough money it’s not rocket science
Has to be ragebait at this point first of all his main worries about test is being expensive for ai blockers and pct. U dont need both of them and u can just cruise on test ur life. I never exaggerated anything about liver im just saying the sides. Test basically has no sides and doesnt shut u down so whats the point of a rad cycle?
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Has to be ragebait at this point first of all his main worries about test is being expensive for ai blockers and pct. U dont need both of them and u can just cruise on test ur life. I never exaggerated anything about liver im just saying the sides. Test basically has no sides and doesnt shut u down so whats the point of a rad cycle?
I agree with your points 100%, test mogs sarms to the ground and you haven’t said anything wrong.

My point is a broke teenager who can’t afford test can take a sarm cycle for muscle maturity, save up in the meantime and then start blasting and cruising that’s all.

If you’re fortunate enough to have the money to go straight into test, it’s definitely the smarter idea but my approach is about getting thick asap
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so what do you advise me to do ? just run straight up test w nothing else, i guess i could afford anavar on the side but nothing else
Yes do ur research u dont not need ai blockers or a pct on lower doses 250-500. But of course if ur 20% + the risk of a little gyno will be higher. But at these low doses gyno isnt there to rape u. U can run anavar or rad wirh test but just stick with anavar its more researched and less liver toxic. The only reason i keep mentioning liver toxicity is because u were worried about sides of test instead of sides from sarms. Tell me which is worse A little gyno (likely wouldnt happen on 250-500) or liver toxicity. Yea theyre both mild and stuff but rad is a short cycle after that ur test is supressed. Your lifts will go down and youll shrink a little. And ur mood might not be as good before as everything about ur body and the gym will have a decline after a cycle.
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I agree with your points 100%, test mogs sarms to the ground and you haven’t said anything wrong.

My point is a broke teenager who can’t afford test can take a sarm cycle for muscle maturity, save up in the meantime and then start blasting and cruising that’s all.

If you’re fortunate enough to have the money to go straight into test, it’s definitely the smarter idea but my approach is about getting thick asap
Havent seen test more expensive than sarms tho.
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Yes do ur research u dont not need ai blockers or a pct on lower doses 250-500. But of course if ur 20% + the risk of a little gyno will be higher. But at these low doses gyno isnt there to rape u. U can run anavar or rad wirh test but just stick with anavar its more researched and less liver toxic. The only reason i keep mentioning liver toxicity is because u were worried about sides of test instead of sides from sarms. Tell me which is worse A little gyno (likely wouldnt happen on 250-500) or liver toxicity. Yea theyre both mild and stuff but rad is a short cycle after that ur test is supressed. Your lifts will go down and youll shrink a little. And ur mood might not be as good before as everything about ur body and the gym will have a decline after a cycle.
im 17% bf and i already have gyno so it doesnt really matter jfl

so just test and anavar ? what anavar dose
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Havent seen test more expensive than sarms tho.
It’s not the test itself it’s the stuff you have to buy on the side in order to maintain your health during the test cycle
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It’s not the test itself it’s the stuff you have to buy on the side in order to maintain your health during the test cycle
So what for a rad cycle we throw health out of the window😭. rad has worse sides compared to running test. Theyre not drastic sides but theres no point and especially when ur off cycle the body dysmorphia will be there. Just imagine not being able to bench as much. Whereas test ur constantly improving
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So what for a rad cycle we throw health out of the window😭. rad has worse sides compared to running test. Theyre not drastic sides but theres no point and especially when ur off cycle the body dysmorphia will be there. Just imagine not being able to bench as much. Whereas test ur constantly improving
No pain no gains. Rad140 has sides but it’s nothing insane. Also you don’t lose much gains after a sarm cycle that’s hippie cope
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im 17% bf and i already have gyno so it doesnt really matter jfl

so just test and anavar ? what anavar dose
Dont take all ur advice from this forum people love to spew random shit like blast tren or do other gear. Start with 250mg run 8-10 weeks. Pin twice a week, every 3.5days, so monday half a cc 125mg and thursday 125mg. After 10 weeks Id advice you getting leaner first (around 10-12%). Then u can decide if u want to bump to 500 and add anavar. Yea u can add anavar or rad140 at the start but theyre not cutting compounds and gains and cosmetic will be better when ur leaner. Also 250-500mg is not magic dont expect to look like jeff seid i believe he took mast and tren. David too he definitely took more than test. But anavar and trt will still do wonders. Also please do alot of research before starting. Id recommend this forum evolutionary.org they have great advice
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No pain no gains. Rad140 has sides but it’s nothing insane. Also you don’t lose much gains after a sarm cycle that’s hippie cope
“no pains no gains” after ive explained how to do test without pain:feelswah:
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Jfl if you think you need to hop on PEDs in 2025

Those are just for male gaze and the side effects catch up, natty build is max appeal for women and healthy

coping retardcels think otherwise
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Dont take all ur advice from this forum people love to spew random shit like blast tren or do other gear. Start with 250mg run 8-10 weeks. Pin twice a week, every 3.5days, so monday half a cc 125mg and thursday 125mg. After 10 weeks Id advice you getting leaner first (around 10-12%). Then u can decide if u want to bump to 500 and add anavar. Yea u can add anavar or rad140 at the start but theyre not cutting compounds and gains and cosmetic will be better when ur leaner. Also 250-500mg is not magic dont expect to look like jeff seid i believe he took mast and tren. David too he definitely took more than test. But anavar and trt will still do wonders. Also please do alot of research before starting. Id recommend this forum evolutionary.org they have great advice
aight, preciate it bro
  • +1
Reactions: HostSamurai and naygerPSL
Jfl if you think you need to hop on PEDs in 2025

Those are just for male gaze and the side effects catch up, natty build is max appeal for women and healthy

coping retardcels think otherwise
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