knowing the importance of these two things puts you in front of 99% of the population



life could be a dream… on amphetimines
Aug 16, 2023
being lean

neck width

most of u literally just need these to rank up a whole tier AT THE MINIMUM

there’s no more important things in all of looksmaxxing imo and some of u still don’t make efforts to max these out.

both of these should be absolutely priority number 1 not fucking obos and leforts that u are never going to get and you know it. stop with the autistic mental masturbation

water ass thread but it’s just a reminder

get to grinding boyo
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Reactions: boss8055, fl0w, lookmaxx28 and 19 others
You forgot the most important one incel , being a good human
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Reactions: Klaas Vaaker, user123456, theonewhocantascend and 3 others
howd u know?
Because your post promotes misogyny, violence against women and the idea that the ladies are shallow when in reality all they want is a person with good personality and charisma
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  • JFL
Reactions: Klaas Vaaker, silencio, MaghrebGator and 4 others
Neck is super important. My jaw is wide and it just looks ridiculous. 1:1 ratio is ideal.
  • +1
Reactions: bloomercel
soft maxes are king

also skincare and haircut

these 4 together and u cant be ugly (unless giga recessed)
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  • JFL
Reactions: coisbhai, HTN_Mentalcel, eiegta and 2 others
Neck is super important. My jaw is wide and it just looks ridiculous. 1:1 ratio is ideal.
super important. u can morph literally anyone with a below average or even average neck to ideal territory and it ascends them HARD
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Reactions: ChadL1te and twojei
Thick neck ascended me by 1 PSL
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Reactions: NorwoodAscender
What are we supposed to do in order to have wider necks though? Neck curls?
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Reactions: eiegta and NorwoodAscender
soft maxes are king

also skincare and haircut

these 4 together and u cant be ugly (unless giga recessed)
muhhh my eyes are 4% closer than they should be together let me get a ridiculously expensive and risky surgery to have ideal eye spacing but still be fat and have a pencil neck

Just fucking lol
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Reactions: Klaas Vaaker, ChadL1te, buflek and 1 other person
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Reactions: ChadL1te and Madridista
would train neck, but i dont want sleep apnea on top of a deviated septum
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Reactions: Klaas Vaaker, HTN_Mentalcel, ChadL1te and 1 other person
Ive read adjacent threads like these at least 2K times on this forum. There are 4 billion women, if you can’t get pussy just wrap it up.
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Reactions: butterworld and bloomercel
long necks are best
Because your post promotes misogyny, violence against women and the idea that the ladies are shallow when in reality all they want is a person with good personality and charisma
Reddit Detected opinion rejected
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Reactions: USERΝAME
Neck is just as important as your hairline in framing your face. But I've never seen anyone who had a pencil neck who was able to train it to add width. The people who make gains on their necks already had average to large necks in the first place.
Ive read adjacent threads like these at least 2K times on this forum. There are 4 billion women, if you can’t get pussy just wrap it up.
1 billion sheboons
1 billion roasties
1 billion femcels
500 million obese
leaves 4 billion men competing for 500 mil (top 20%) women
  • JFL
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Reactions: boss8055, USERΝAME, AspiringMogger and 1 other person
1 billion sheboons
1 billion roasties
1 billion femcels
500 million obese
leaves 4 billion men competing for 500 mil (top 20%) women
ding ding ding
  • +1
Reactions: Klaas Vaaker, ChadL1te and Copeful
  • +1
Reactions: ChadL1te
model necks are ideal
1 billion sheboons
1 billion roasties
1 billion femcels
500 million obese
leaves 4 billion men competing for 500 mil (top 20%) women


1 billion curries
1 billion chinks
500 million obese men
1 billion incels

That leaves about 500 million men to 500 million women.

JFL if you think the scales aren’t equal. You get what you can buy
  • +1
Reactions: boss8055 and Klaas Vaaker

1 billion curries
1 billion chinks
500 million obese men
1 billion incels

That leaves about 500 million men to 500 million women.

JFL if you think the scales aren’t equal. You get what you can buy
yeah but guys are delusional about what they can buy
look at all the incels here who are stacy only
girls are more realistic and have a understanding of leagues while men think they can pull anyone
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: rg1235 and AspiringMogger
I agree, but you didn’t mention frame or height
yeah but guys are delusional about what they can buy
look at all the incels here who are stacy only
girls are more realistic and have a understanding of leagues while men think they can pull anyone
Another reason why inceldom isn’t real. Its standard-cels the lot of them. Genetic dead-ends thinking they desserve Lima.
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Reactions: Copeful
  • +1
Reactions: ChadL1te and flippasav
Thick neck is def not the second most important thing, it’s important but I wouldn’t put it too three. Eyebrows hair and lips all take priority imo
  • Hmm...
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel
frames a good one. everyone knows the importance of height tho
If you have all of this and the things you mentioned. Now you just need a mtn face at least then you should be fine
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Reactions: NorwoodAscender
  • +1
Reactions: flippasav
i just can't really agree with this tho, neck only matters if it severly cucks you
  • +1
Reactions: Klaas Vaaker and ChadL1te
i just can't really agree with this tho, neck only matters if it severly cucks you
dude the difference between average neck and ideal neck is absolutely insane in morphs try or look some up urself. it ascends peoples lower third so fucking hard
  • +1
Reactions: Klaas Vaaker
dude the difference between average neck and ideal neck is absolutely insane in morphs try or look some up urself. it ascends peoples lower third so fucking hard
what is the "ideal neck" to you i think legth is almost more important then width
being lean

neck width

most of u literally just need these to rank up a whole tier AT THE MINIMUM

there’s no more important things in all of looksmaxxing imo and some of u still don’t make efforts to max these out.

both of these should be absolutely priority number 1 not fucking obos and leforts that u are never going to get and you know it. stop with the autistic mental masturbation

water ass thread but it’s just a reminder

get to grinding boyo
Neck width ascends the bigonial illusion hard, it also enlarges the upper trapezius, making a larger cranium more balanced out. Allowing for shorter, more masculine hairstyles. Good thread even though it’s common sense, but very overlooked.

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