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Korean-Americans, whether in imitating academic Political Correctness or pop culture trash, are not unlike South Korean troops in Vietnam. As attack dogs of the United States, slavish South Koreans sought to win approval of Americans by being even more murderous and destructive than American soldiers against the Vietnamese populace. So, if Americans went into a village and pillaged, raped, and killed, South Korean soldiers had to prove their worth by doing it with twofold intensity. Likewise, the Korean-American rap culture tries to outdo black trashiness. It doesn’t occurs to Koreans or Korean-Americans to come up with their own styles. It’s one thing to borrow from other peoples and mold the influences into something to call one’s own. After all, white Rock stars took elements of ‘black music’ to create a genre that was called in some quarters as ‘white rock’, and of course, black people used white instruments and took elements from white musical traditions to create their own forms such as the blues or Negro spiritual. In contrast, Korean-American culture is about mindless imitation. And K-Pop is just Japanese video-game music to hip-hop & techno beat featuring vapid Korean girls remade with plastic surgery and hair-dyeing to look ‘white’.
Anyway, the term Cuck-Korea or CucKorea is most appropriate. There is hardly an independent, sovereign, and confident sense of Korean-ness and certainly not of Korean-American-ness. Even the relatively more outspoken style of Korean-American-ness is just pale imitation of whatever happens to fashionable in America. Korean-Americans are never leaders in ideas, attitudes, styles, and fashions. They are mere followers, slavish ones at that. So, if Americans turn trashy, Korean-Americans try to be just as trashy or even trashier to compensate for their lack of originality. Again, because Koreans fail to distinguish themselves as innovators or leaders, they seek to gain distinction and attention as the most fanatical acolytes or imitators.
In some ways, one could argue that globalist networking has undermined individual and local creativity the world over. When Korea was totally closed off from the world(except with China to some degree) and under rigid system of rule, creative possibilities were severely cramped. But things began to change, and new possibilities opened up as Korea connected with the world community. In that period, Korea was sufficiently national to develop its own attitudes, styles, and values but also increasingly international to welcome foreign ideas to inspire new possibilities. These influences were Japanese, American, European, and Russian(often by way of Japanese cultural filters). But with the power of the internet, Korea’s surrender to globalism, and the corrupting/collaborationist influence of Korean-Americans, South Korea has become just a wanna-be version of Hollywood and MTV. In its isolation, Koreans couldn’t conceive of anything of value outside Korea and China(and partly Japan). When Korea opened up, it began to adopt foreign influences but still valued itself as a race, history, and civilization. So, there was a balance of Korean culture and internationalism. Listen to Korean popular music of much of the 20th century up to the 1980s, and there’s an interesting interplay of distinctly native elements and foreign influences. Also, pop culture sensibility encompassed emotions and experiences of all ages, from young people to old people, and all walks of life. Also, because excessive narcissism and self-promotion was frowned upon, the music was about something more than me, me, me.
Today, Korean popular musical culture is dominated by vain and narcissistic homosexuals trained in America and seeking approval of Americans. They have no interest in Korean society, culture, or life as a whole. The only thing they care about is turning Korean girls into wanna-be-white-girls with fake blonde hair and plastic-surgery-remolded faces. And their only ideal for Korean males is to turn them into ‘cute’ boys who look even more effete than the girls. They look like androgynous transvestites with faces of five year old boys with make-up on their faces. And Korean and Korean-American feminists promote this ‘ideal’ among Korean men because (1) they have lost all respect for Korean manhood and believe Korean men should accept their ‘pussy boy’ status, especially as Korean and Korean-American feminists dream of offering their wombs to white men or black men (2) Korean feminists, as little sisters of Big American Sisters, seek approval by turning once male-strong South Korea into another Sweden where men have been castrated and have no guts to stand up and defend the land of their forefathers from massive foreign invasion from Africa and Muslim lands. (Indeed, all true Koreans
should be deeply offended by Europeans who push policies their own racial, cultural, and national survival. Koreans, who were nearly wiped off the map by the Japanese, should appreciate and champion all patriots who wish to preserve and defend their own nations from invaders and subversives. Just as Korea has the right to survive, so does every European nation. But many European peoples have been mentally infected with the Jewish virus that urges them to abandon their identity, open their borders, and welcome massive invasion by foreigners. Because Koreans associate their ‘liberation’ and national revival with the United States that defeated Japan, they tend to associate Americanism with Korean survival. And indeed, there was a time when the US was ruled by Anglo-Americans who were fine with Korea remaining Korean. But once the US came under the control of globalist Jews, it has used Korean-American collaborators and American-educated Koreans to pressure Korea to become like suicidal Europe. US now seeks to Soros-ize Korea. The disgusting and useless Ban Ki-Moon sides with Soros in the destruction of Europe. That means Korean elites like Ban want to do to Korea what is being done to Europe. They are mental slaves of globalist Jews. Meanwhile, no one demands that Jews in Israel open their borders to massive numbers of non-Jewish immigrants.) American feminism is controlled by Jewish women, and these Jewish feminists are in cahoots with the Jewish agenda of turning every gentile nation into a whore of globalism so that Jewish financiers could penetrate and gain dominance. It’s like what Paul Singer tried to do in South Korea. And we know George Soros’ record in South Korea as well. These are globalist parasites. Jews know that a nation is more difficult to penetrate and dominate if it is homogenous, united, racially conscious, historically rooted, and morally justified. Even as South Korea has been a political puppet of the US empire, its homogeneity made for unity and cohesiveness, despite the intemperate nature of Koreans to always throw tantrums. Also, Koreans knew their history in both the academic and familial sense. They took their studies seriously in schools, and Korean TV was filled with historical dramas, even if they weren’t very good. Also, because of Korea’s tragic history in the 20th century at the hands of the great powers, Koreans felt moral justification in their heated nationalism. Koreans felt wronged by Japan, Russia, China, and/or the US. North Koreans obviously hated Japanese and Americans most. South Koreans hated the Japanese and came to fear China and Russia. And despite South Korea’s close ties with US, there had long been an anti-American Left in South Korea that regarded the US as a colonizer and master than friend and partner. So, Jewish-American and homo-Western globalists sought ways to undermine racial/national unity in South Korea. And they arrived at two main strategies: (1) Since so many Korean academics and professionals received their education in the US, they would become unwitting collaborator agents of the US. (2) But more importantly, the globalists understood that the Korean-American community had become established in the US and could serve as the model and template for South Korea itself. In some ways, the Korean-American community became the most significant East Asian community in the US since the 1960s, though Chinese-American will surely overshadow Korean-America in the near future. (Even so, the US will value Korean-America over Chinese-America because, whereas South Korea is a loyal yellow dog of American Power, China is a sovereign nation and great power. US will remain anxious that Chinese-American loyalty will remain with China-as-potential-rival-of-the-US. Jews especially fear Chinese-Americans feeling toward China how Jewish-Americans feel toward Israel: dual loyalty. This is why Jews want Chinese-American women to have children with white or Jewish men. That way, Chinese-American women become the sexual and racial servants of white/Jewish America, and their children will identify more with whiteness or Jewishness. Also, it is demoralizing to Chinese-American men to see so many of their women reject their own men in favor of other men. Thus, Chinese-American men will feel like eunuchs and lose in racial/national confidence.) South Koreans became significant players in the Asian-American community because prosperous Japan saw no reason to send many people abroad. With growing economy and decreasing birthrates, most Japanese were content to remain in Japan. As for China, almost no one left during the Mao yrs, and Chinese emigration to the US only picked up steam in the late 80s. In contrast, desperately poor South Korea with high birthrates in the 60s and 70s grabbed the opportunity to emigrate to the US in huge numbers, made all the easier by the fact that South Korea was a political colony of the US that won trust and approval for its role of loyal attack dog in Vietnam, a nation fighting to drive out the Americans who were turning the women of Saigon into interracial whores of American soldiers, officers, bureaucrats, and etc. Indeed, as the documentary THE LAST DAYS IN VIETNAM shows, Americans took so many Vietnamese wives and mistresses when they fled. During American rule over South Vietnam, American men pretty much laid sexual claim to the women and treated them as their sexual property. South Korea was no different, offering over half a million wombs for American men to impregnate and use as incubators of their own children. Anyway, when the first wave of South Koreans arrived in the US, they barely spoke the language, and their children had yet to be acculturated. As the huge non-white immigration was something new in America, many Korean immigrants were met with some degree of suspicion or hostility from both white and black communities. But as US became more accustomed to massive immigration and as Korean-American children grew up Americanized, the Korean-American community gradually shifted from an immigrant community to an assimilated community. Americans took notice that Korean-Americans tend to be studious, slavish, imitative, and eager for approval. In other words, Korean-Americans made a perfect collaborator class of globalist stooges. (Indeed, even before massive Korean immigration to the US, Americans stationed in Korea couldn’t help but notice that many Koreans became fanatical Christians and eager missionaries of the American Way.) If these Korean-Americans-as-yellow-dog-collaborators could be promoted as models for South Korea itself, then South Korea would be more willing to lose its sense of independence, sovereignty, and unity. So, by promoting token Korea-Americans in the US and Koreans in the UN, Americans gave the impression that Koreans are now ‘cool’ global players. Koreans relished this sense of importance because they’d been used to being seen as secondary players to great China and rich Japan. By riding on the coattails of American Power, Koreans suddenly felt important. They relished token Korean-Americans making it in Hollywood(as bit players or yellow fever whores in relationships with non-Asian men), in government(as servile yellow dogs of globalist Zionist empire), in the academia(as intellectual toadies of Jewish and homosexual agenda-setters), and in the bedroom as wives of powerful American men. Indeed, it doesn’t offend Korean-Americans that America celebrates Korean-American culture by featuring Korean or Korean-American women who shut their wombs to Korean men in favor of white or black men with whom they prefer to have children. So, even though the American view of Koreans and Korean-Americans is "Koreans exist to serve us politically, sexually, and internationally", Koreans and Korean-Americans only feel slavish gratitude because Koreans are finally getting some attention. Even as dogs or whores, Koreans crave approval and attention from the Great Power. It was by imitating and serving the American Empire than Koreans have found their ‘place in the sun’. When a Korean or Korean-American woman produces children for other men, she is sexually and racially rejecting Korean-ness and having her children be raised mostly as a Jewish-American, white-American, or black-American(with Korean identity just being a side dish in the identity sweepstakes). But Korean and Korean-American men are suppose to celebrate their rejection by their own women and feel proud that Americans have ‘favored’ Korean women for sexual conquest and colonization. Koreans are proud that they are the #1 whores and cuckolds of America. In other words, the essence of Korean identity is not preserve its own blood, land, independence, and pride but to serve the Greater Power and seek its approval, thus gaining social advantage as toady riding on its coattails. So, if US decides to smash Iraq, Korean-American soldiers obey orders and kill people who never did any harm to Koreans or Korean-Americans. If US decides to smash Libya and topple Gaddafi, who had close business ties with South Korea, South Korea must remain mum and watch its investments in Libya go down the drains without complaint. Whatever US wants, South Korea and Korean-Americans must do and serve. At least when South Korea was a military dictatorship, many Koreans stood up against American support of tyranny. But since South Korea is nominally a democracy under US tutelage, even the Korean Left nowadays look to America with reverence and slavish worship. There is NO effective resistance or critique of American Power in South Korea anymore. As for Korean-Americans, they are either mindless drones muttering PC nonsense or third-rate imitative trash shaking their ass to ghetto music or sticking rings through their noses as a sign of ‘individuality’, when in fact they’re just dime-a-dozen monkey-see-monkey-do copycats of MTV trashiness.
Under globalism, South Korea lost every last vestige of its resistance to American influence and power. And especially because Korean-Americans unwittingly played the role of collaborators, South Korea became even more of a colony of the US. Not just a military colony but cultural colony. If US had sent non-Koreans to control and change Korean popular culture, South Koreans may have resisted. But because so many American agents were Korean-Americans weaned on Hollywood, MTV, and/or educated in American colleges, South Korea lowered its guard and allowed these collaborator yellow dogs to remake South Korean popular culture to undermine Korean identity and heritage. South Korea always held America in awe but also felt fear and trepidation. After all, white and black Americans are still seen as foreigners. But, South Koreans were more trusting of Korean-Americans, especially bi-lingual ones that easily moved back and forth between Seoul and trashy K-town in L.A., one of the vilest places on Earth. Since US is all about worship of Jews(as Holocaust saints and intellectuals), blacks(as studs and athletes), and homosexuals(as the angels of the New Normal), Korean-American yellow dogs infused South Korean culture with such influences. So, Korean thinkers became programmed with American Political Correctness. Korean sports took cues from American sports and hired more blacks and even got an African to represent Korea because, apparently, Koreans with Korean blood going back thousands of years are no longer good enough to represent their own country. Koreans became open to interracialism whereby Korean men totally lose out while Korean women increasingly reject Korean men and prefer to have children with white men and black men who are deemed racially superior to Korean male losers. Some Korean men take pride in the fact that the bulk of interracial marriages in South Korea are between Korean men and non-Korean women, but this is really a sign of defeat for the Korean male. Many Korean men now marry desperately poor women from nations like Vietnam and Philippines because Korean women, with higher aspirations, don’t want to marry Korean men or have their children. So, this is not a triumph of love and Korean manhood. Korean men and non-Korean women are marrying out of desperation. Many Korean men cannot find Korean women who are either lost in the fantasy of Soap Opera romances or dream of moving to America to provide their wombs to non-Korean men. And women from poor Asian nations are not marrying Korean men out of love but out of desperation, for steady food and shelter. So, this is not the triumph of love. It is the reality of desperation and defeat. It is because Korean men are losing to white men and black men in their own nation — too many Korean women dream of going with foreign men — that they settle for desperately poor women from less developed Asian nations. The fact that so many Korean women get plastic surgery and dye their hair is proof that they wish their fathers were white. They want to look Eurasian or even totally European. If Korean women were offered a box into which they could walk in and walk out as a white women, over 50% would do so. Korean women don’t like the looks given to them by their fathers and mothers. They don’t want to marry a man who looks like their father. They want white or black husbands and want to give birth to ‘racially superior’ kids with ‘racially superior’ men. Some Korean women worship black men as powerful and strong. They want to give birth to a black baby who will grow up to be a strong man who will beat up Koreans. If a Korean mother gives birth a black son, and if this black son becomes a boxer and beats up a Korean, she will be so happy. This is how Koreans think. In the past, Korean men were upset over this, but as Korean culture has been totally taken over by collaborators and traitors, even Korean men now accept their own humiliation and defeat. They are happy to be cuckold-Koreans or CucKoreans. To be sure, the Korean media fool a lot of Korean men into thinking that interracialism means Korean men will get to have sex with beautiful blondes or hot black babes like Rihanna the sassy ‘ho’ and Diana Ross, a true marvel among ebony folk. So, even though the vast majority of interracial relations between Korea and US/West is about white men and black men taking Korean women while Korean men are left holding their limp dicks, stupid Korean men think they are hot stuff who’s gonna get extra ‘pussy’. It’s like in the movie THE SIXTH SENSE. Korean men, like ghosts, see what they want to see, not the truth or reality. They are a bunch of pathetic CucKoreans.
CucKorea means that Korean women want to use their wombs to produce babies for non-Korean men. CucKorea means Korean men are now okay with this, indeed even approve of it as they celebrate their own humiliation and defeat. Even though the official rationale is that it’s wonderful for all races to mix and love one another, the truth is that many Korean men have come to subconsciously accept their inferior status in the global sexual marketplace. Korean men, like ‘herbivore’ Japanese men, have come to accept the American Standards of manhood where white men and especially black men are king. So, naturally it is only right for Korean men to step aside and let white men and black men have their first picks among Asian women. Indeed, some Korean men feel honored that their women are taken by foreign men. Korean men even see the rise of mixed-raced children as a triumph of Korean-ness. So, if a half-Korean black American wins in football, Korean men think it’s a victory for Korean-ness. They ignore the fact that the half-Korean black American is the product of a Korean woman REJECTING Korean men as unworthy of her sexual desire and devotion. Mixed-raced Korean/Americans represent the sexual defeat of Korean men since most of them are the products of white or black men sexually conquering Korean women. Also, as the children take the names of their fathers — usually the dominant parent, even in absentia — they identify more with their father’s race than with their mother’s. After all, the woman ‘surrenders’ to the man in sex. The man penetrates and conquers the woman. So, a mixed-raced Korean/American child comes to see the Korean-ness of the mother as subservient to the white-ness, Jewish-ness, or black-ness of the father. Korean men have been so castrated by Political Correctness and so doped out on Popular Culture that they now accept their own sexual and racial defeat and demise, indeed not unlike what Europeans are doing in relation to Africans and Muslims. But if Europeans feel this way out of guilt for their past domination and exploitation of much of the world, Koreans(who never conquered or exploited anyone) feel and act this way because they are a race of cucKoreans whose entire modus operandi is serving and seeking approval of the Great Power. Since Hollywood, sports, and MTV promote white men and black men as superiors, Korean yellow boys have become so slavish toward them. Some Korean boys dye their hair blonde and try to look white. Others imitate rappers and try to act black. Some put makeup on their faces and act girly. Since they lose in the manly department, they try to attract girls by looking ‘cute’. But such pansy style appeals only to pubescent teenage girls.