Latin America is a man's paradise. Not traditional but who cares?



Sep 6, 2023
Latin america is derided by some people as a 'right leaning liberal'region,which I don't contest.
However,there are alot of positives to latin america that make dating and relationships fulfilling,maybe even more fulfilling than 'traditionalist'east asia or hungary imo.

First,Women there NEED men.They Need men to live a decent life,there are limited job and education oppurtunities for most women.That is the most important social relation that exists,and is literally the true reason why 'Happierabroad'is a thing in the person.Unfortunate as that may be,this is the truth of it all for skmeone that is not a Idealistic person with rosey glasses about how'women there are just more feminine!'.Yes,because they have no other real choice.and it benefits them to be that way there.

secondly,Feminism is many of these countries is rampant due to NGOs from the west and Government welfare and equality policies,but in many of the more impoverished ones including mexico,Feminists activists are liquidated (and sometimes Tortured)by criminal gangs.There is no protection for them under the law,due to rampant corruption,the fact Latin american cops are machista and don't want to protect feminists and hate them,kind of like how cops in america are White supremacists,and will send 20 cop cars in 5 minutes in a white neighbourhood that's rich,while the cops don't even help the poor black population in the ghettoes,and won't even send a cop car in those areas,or it will take 2 days.

All of this is reprehensible of course,but this brings social relations in favor of men even more.
Latino men do what unfortunately is effective.they do the work other races of men refuse to do.or don't have the stomach to do.
Latin america is unsafe for women as a whole.this makes good men valuable,and desired.

Latin american men like to cheat ,can cheat unlike most men in the west due to the economic and social relations and it makes them feel like men to cheat due to machista culture,So a good guy like us that is a hardcore loyalist to a good woman,will be appreciated because again,market economics,scarcity of a product valuable in a certain setting means higher price power.

Thirdly,Yes Latin americans are definately not 'traditionalist'in the sense of some medieval society,and it has been said that most babies are born out of wedlock there.but this is not due to Hookup or FWBs.these are happening in the context of relationships.

fourthly,it has been said that latinas like 'masculine'guys and some Betas don't like this.Well let me tell you something,when the cards are stacked in your FAVOR you will come out of your shell and and become confident,masculine,and become agressive with women,because it is reciprocated.

No woman except east asian women like a God damn Nerdy looking man.because it looks f***ing awful and cringe!

However,this does not mean they do not like more 'pretty'men that are more on the feminine fact,they do they have status,but those guys still have decent Game.because they can.

Also Latinas generally do not look for looks in a man anyway,and goodlooking men are seen with suspicion by alot of women.
men that are nice guys,don't cold approach women are just scared of rejection,I know because I used to be one,and this fear is justified because women only tolerate such behaviour in the west from Status-maxed thugs.

in Latin america Cold approach is not frowned upon and is men don't have to fear the social consequences of it,or that it's wierd etc
And Culture plays a role too.I am known to be cynical about culture and ideology as a significant force on social and gender sexual relations,but it does matter to a certain extent,and The Catholic and evangelical churches have had a good effect on making latinas sweet,feminine,kind and more sincere-natured,

Race also is important in latin america in a sense that it displays economic value,but also at the same time not important and any discrimination is subtle and not overt.East Asia is very discriminative,as is Eastern only is open to a certain type of Dude,white or east asian,while anyone can get laid in latin america if they don't present themselves as a negative stereotype and learn the culture.

It's pretty telling that I've seen so many stories of East asian guys rejected all their lives in the west,and become rockstars in latin america.Latinos like exotic things.Even Indian guys from the west have positive stories and felt free there.Black guys who dress and act educated,classy,and high value so they aren't associated with the poor blacks in those countries with negative SMV,also can do well .

Even Latino guys from the united states do way better there for being a American and are desired just based on that the very least their SMV will be good to neutral,unlike negative like in USA.

european White guys have the highest SMV there.

also EVERY latin country is DIFFERENT from the other.there is such thing as a 'LATINA'but also no such thing as a 'LATINA'because every social class,country,region,local culture and so on is different.

You can find catholic virgin latinas and latinas that are working for the gangs to lure you and rob or kidnap you etc and the entire spectrum in between.
So yeah I think Latin america is great for men,beside the fact the women are some of the hottest and sexiest and prettiest in the world.

any thoughts?
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Latinas are gigasluts
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I've been recommending Latin America to men for some time now.

Before I begin, I'd first like to make it clear that I don't give a rat's ass that Latin America isn't "conservative" or "traditionalist" or that it's "right-leaning liberal" (who the hell even talks like that anyway? Lol!). I'm neither a Victorian prude nor do I care about the sexual mores or theological ramblings of some medieval fiefdom without modern medicine or basic sanitation. I'm a strong, red-blooded macho who can handle a wild and passionate big booty Latina. I'm not a nerdy, timid soyboy tradcuck faggot. Lol!

Latin America is great for men if you are willing to learn Spanish to a high level and have remote work or a source of passive income. Knowledge of Spanish is essential for integration into Latin American society and will make possible all kinds of social opportunities. It's best to have remote work or passive income since most jobs don't pay very well.

What you say about different races of men being able to do well with the ladies in Latin America is correct. Races of men considered undesirable in the US often get women in countries like Peru and Ecuador. Indians and East Asians are considered exotic by a subset of Latin American women. They aren't looked down upon like they are in the US. Latin America is an option for those men. Of course, White Europeans are generally considered the most desirable and absolutely slay in countries like Peru, but other men can do okay too. With the exception of Argentina and Uruguay, Latin America is already a heavily mixed society.

Feminism isn't as advanced in Latin America and male sexuality isn't demonized in any way. Puritanism is almost wholly absent. You can approach women without being shunned. Latinas expect you to approach them. It is considered a macho thing to do.
cheating is common among Latin American men. Many guys f**k other women on the side. It's not looked down upon because Latin America is a machismo culture. Because of this, some Latin American women long for a loyal guy and so being a stable and responsible guy works in your favor if you are into monogamy. Such a guy is seen as a valuable commodity. That's something that my Peruvian ex-girlfriend always valued in me.

Even though Latin America is a machismo culture, countries like Colombia and Brazil have many Tgurls/travestis. Some work as prostitutes and many men go and solicit their sexual services on the lowdown. Some of them are as hot as real women. Certain parts of Latin America are a paradise for Tgurl lovers. I mention this because you have expressed your love for Tgurls/TS goddesses in some of your other threads.

Latin America is way more fun than East Asia. I lived in Japan for over a year and quite frankly found it boring as hell and just as socially inhibiting as the UK if not more so. East Asians are like borg-like robots. I became depressed as hell in Japan. I felt socially alienated and out of place. Latin America on the other hand is less orderly and more chaotic but it has a very wild vibe and is full of passion and fun and I feel like I can be myself.

Colombian women are smoking hot. They tend to have that perfect ration of European and indigenous DNA and some of the best booty genetics ever courtesy of their 10-20% African admixture!
¡Ay, ay, ay! ¡Tengo que parar de hablar sobre esto porque me estoy poniendo arrecho, amigo!
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Brown women
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Post by Lucas88 » Sat Mar 25, 2023 2:07 pm

Kalinago wrote: ↑Sat Mar 25, 2023 4:08 am
most latinas are not sluts.though a minority niche of slutty latina women exist for libertines to enjoy.

latin ameria while having some commonalities,is also very diverse in it's class,race,country,region all matter.
These two points are both true.

Most Latinas aren't insanely promiscuous. Many Latinas want a stable relationship and value loyal and sincere men. Moreover, family is important in Latin American culture. Motherhood is still greatly admired and confers higher status within the Latin American kinship system. Because of this, many Latinas are more interested in being good mothers than slutting around. This is how it has been up until the millennial generation. I'm not sure about how the gen-Z contingent is turning out. Promiscuous Latinas exist too but they are a minority. It is with this subset of Latinas that the Latino playboy types screw around and have love affairs. These Latinas are easy to lay and it often won't cost you a thing either. I feel that Latin America by and large offers a good balance between conservative values and sexual liberalism. It's a much better environment for men than the misandric feminist "progressivism" of the US and Western Europe and the stuffy repressive "traditionalism" of highly religious societies.

Latin America is indeed a greatly diverse continent and its culture varies significantly by country and region, even if most of the continent shares certain commonalities in the form of its shared Latin culture from the Iberian peninsula and its Spanish/Portuguese language. Countries such as Colombia and Ecuador with their mestizo culture are very different from the predominantly European cultures of Argentina and Uruguay. Chile is its own cultural entity. Mexico is the 10th largest economy in the world and a cultural powerhouse of Latin America while Honduras and Nicaragua are borderline failed states. Even in Peru alone the highly modern criollo culture of the coast is very distinct from the indigenous culture of the Andean highlands. Both of these are in turn ethnically and culturally different from the rainforest culture of cities such as Iquitos and Tarapoto. The level of diversity is enormous yet there is at the same time a high degree of linguistic unity. It takes a lot of immersion in various distinct regions of Latin America to truly understand the culture.

Oh, and the various cultures of Latin America are considerably different from Miami Latino culture. Lol! Miami Latino culture is its own thing born as the result of immigration from various Latin American countries and the partial Americanization of those immigrants and their descendants. You can't get a true feel for any real Latin American culture just by visiting Florida. There was one Cuban girl on HA who immigrated to Miami when she was 15. He username was evergladeblue. She said that Miami Latino culture was completely different from her native Cuban culture and that she couldn't stand it and that it was driving her insane. She wanted to immigrate to Spain or another Latin American country. If you want to experience real Latin American culture, you have to go to Mexico, Colombia, Peru or some other authentically Hispanic country.
Kalinago wrote: ↑Sat Mar 25, 2023 8:17 am
I do not like stale relationships or routine.I literally dont care if a woman leaves me,I don't want fake love.there are millions of hot women in latin america available to me when I go there,why would I care about a woman leaving me?a woman that would leave you was never for you,and you dodged a bullet and a fake love and marriage that would have made you miserable.
I don't care about fake love either and I'd rather people not be forced to remain with somebody who they don't really love in deadwood marriages. I have the same attitude as you. If a woman doesn't really love me, I'd rather her just be honest about it and leave. That way she wouldn't be wasting any more of our time or perpetuating a lie.

Many married people cheat because they are with someone who they don't really love and in marriages that they don't even want to be in. The man and woman each have their own love affairs to satisfy their sexual needs. The man might start seeing prostitutes on the lowdown (sometimes even TS prostitutes). It makes no sense to keep such people together for ideological reasons. They are obviously only going to be miserable and cheat.

That's why I'm not too thrilled with the idea of marriage. I've now had two failed long-term relationships and see that "love" is in many cases illusory. I'm no longer naïve to the world. In light of my own experiences and observations of the world around me, I am now solely pragmatic. I have no desire to live a lie in the name of an illusory ideal. I don't need to get married nor do I care about the whole charade of "romance". All I need is a Latina baby mama and then after that I can live my life authentically and without any lies.

I don't mind other people getting married if that's what they desire but forcing marriage on everybody is just asinine and will only contribute to more misery in the long run.
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How do I go there and bang the most possible Latinas while being kidnapped/beheaded the least amount of times?
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How do I go there and bang the most possible Latinas while being kidnapped/beheaded the least amount of times?
avoid slums and follow travel advice for whatever place you're going to.also avoid tinder as women don't use it and it's only used by gangs to lure you to be kidnapped.
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avoid slums and follow travel advice for whatever place you're going to.also avoid tinder as women don't use it and it's only used by gangs to lure you to be kidnapped.
Aren't there places with no gangs where you can still slay, like Peru or something?
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Aren't there places with no gangs where you can still slay, like Peru or something?
peru has gangs,try cuba.the dominican republic also has heavy penalties for targeting tourists so its much safer.
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peru has gangs,try cuba.the dominican republic also has heavy penalties for targeting tourists so its much safer.
I seem to get a lot of matches from Dominican Republic on OkCupid, which makes me think slaying there is easy. I swipe OkCupid when I'm bored because it shows you foids from all over the globe without you having to change locations. Most are fake, but I get actual matches from only three places - Philippines, Dominican Republic, and Africa.
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I seem to get a lot of matches from Dominican Republic on OkCupid, which makes me think slaying there is easy. I swipe OkCupid when I'm bored because it shows you foids from all over the globe without you having to change locations. Most are fake, but I get actual matches from only three places - Philippines, Dominican Republic, and Africa.
yes same here with dominicanas.
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Just make sure that you move to a gated community, bring a few guns with you and hire a bodyguard.

Learning Spanish (or Portuguese if you're planning on Brazil) is a good idea but you'll still have that "gringo" accent.
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I seem to get a lot of matches from Dominican Republic on OkCupid, which makes me think slaying there is easy. I swipe OkCupid when I'm bored because it shows you foids from all over the globe without you having to change locations. Most are fake, but I get actual matches from only three places - Philippines, Dominican Republic, and Africa.
365219132 255555297280077 9174082620001228915 n
imagine fucking this type to rreggaeton

dominicanas are hot and feminine bro,they are vivacious and liek to please their men in bed based on experience,they know how to talk nd dress sexy and girlish
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did not read
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I live in Latam
Here women are behind "bad boys" as everywhere else in the world.
The problem is that bad boys here aren't a Lucifer, Depp or Skeet Ulrich kind of guy
But an Anuel AA, Bad Bunny, etc.
Disgusting brown people.
I look good and fuck Swifties, emo girls, etc. every week.
But normal latinas ignore my existence. Brown men mog me with that women. A big Latina ass is unreachable for me.
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I live in Latam
Here women are behind "bad boys" as everywhere else in the world.
The problem is that bad boys here aren't a Lucifer, Depp or Skeet Ulrich kind of guy
But an Anuel AA, Bad Bunny, etc.
Disgusting brown people.
I look good and fuck Swifties, emo girls, etc. every week.
But normal latinas ignore my existence. Brown men mog me with that women. A big Latina ass is unreachable for me.
They’re all fucking fat and horrid, they also expire the earliest at like 20 and always have sagging tits. Latinas are NOT worth it. Latam here 2.
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Argentines are the baddest
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Honestly, this.

Before I met my current girlfriend, I'd set my location to Mexico or Colombia, and within 24 hours, ON BUMBLE, I'd get 30+ likes on average.

In Canada, I'd average around 5 matches on the first day (mostly white women), and it would dwindle down to about 1 - 2 per day after a couple of days.

I'm an average looking paki too.

Gonna be real here, if my girlfriend and I break up, I'm gonna get a remote job, and just latinamerica maxx.

Fuck having to be in the west, and I'd highly encourage curries to education maxx, gym maxx, and money maxx to pull this off too.

Like... why tf do curries persist in staying in north America / the UK, where they have negative SMV, when they can go to Latin America, and LIVE LIKE A FUCKING KING.

High QOL + higher quality of women + you're not viewed as subhuman by general society.

It boggles my mind tbqh.

Also, in Latin America, your "type" will be there, so... yeah... it's a no Brainer.

Good post OP. Well done!
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They’re all fucking fat and horrid, they also expire the earliest at like 20 and always have sagging tits. Latinas are NOT worth it. Latam here 2.
This only applies to westerners who make what would be the equivalent of top 0.5% in Latin America.

In that case, we immediately have access to htb+ Latin women.

Also, sorry, even curry westerners mog the shit out of most Latin American men, and once western men (of all races) reach at least MTN (in the west), they're immediately considered chadlite in Latin America because of money + status + height + mogging most Latin men.
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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This only applies to westerners who make what would be the equivalent of top 0.5% in Latin America.

In that case, we immediately have access to htb+ Latin women.

Also, sorry, even curry westerners mog the shit out of most Latin American men, and once western men (of all races) reach at least MTN (in the west), they're immediately considered chadlite in Latin America because of money + status + height + mogging most Latin men.
Nigga spit the most schizo rant on me for absolutely no reason. I only said Latinas are not worth it.
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Nigga spit the most schizo rant on me for absolutely no reason. I only said Latinas are not worth it.
Lol cope. Yes they are.

Nigga, stop lying, and don't act like even a chink or curry can't pull a htb+ latina if he has his shit slightly together, and is moneymaxxed
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Lol cope. Yes they are.

Nigga, stop lying, and don't act like even a chink or curry can't pull a htb+ latina if he has his shit slightly together, and is moneymaxxed
No one’s talking about who can or can’t pull you schizo retard.
I’m literally saying they’re easy and not worth it, having dated mostly latinas all my life, retard.
  • Hmm...
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How do I go there and bang the most possible Latinas while being kidnapped/beheaded the least amount of times?
Want to travel brazil with me? Ill be your guide
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No one’s talking about who can or can’t pull you schizo retard.
I’m literally saying they’re easy and not worth it, having dated mostly latinas all my life, retard.
That's the whole point of going to Latin America you fucking spic.

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Good write up, if I’m blonde Nordic looking will I be targeted, kidnapped and extorted though?
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Latins are sexual but we still have religion

Look at promiscuity in the states it has satanic undertones
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latinx females ugly. This how I swiped them middle-aged (18-22yo) in Tinder:

left 282 082
right 70 (0,025%)

Tinderstat5  country percentage
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Honestly, this.

Before I met my current girlfriend, I'd set my location to Mexico or Colombia, and within 24 hours, ON BUMBLE, I'd get 30+ likes on average.

In Canada, I'd average around 5 matches on the first day (mostly white women), and it would dwindle down to about 1 - 2 per day after a couple of days.

I'm an average looking paki too.

Gonna be real here, if my girlfriend and I break up, I'm gonna get a remote job, and just latinamerica maxx.

Fuck having to be in the west, and I'd highly encourage curries to education maxx, gym maxx, and money maxx to pull this off too.

Like... why tf do curries persist in staying in north America / the UK, where they have negative SMV, when they can go to Latin America, and LIVE LIKE A FUCKING KING.

High QOL + higher quality of women + you're not viewed as subhuman by general society.

It boggles my mind tbqh.

Also, in Latin America, your "type" will be there, so... yeah... it's a no Brainer.

Good post OP. Well done!
lol chinks and curries mogging latin men?no

you must be thinking of short chink eyed dark skinned mexicans or some shit,european,trigueno mixed and also black latino men mog.
even my sister said cuban and boricua men are the hottest in miami,not other ethnicities.for blacks,she said dominicans look better on average than americans.

even mexicans do better than chinks and curries in the west,you have low smv because your phenotypes are ugly.
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I prefer white women, so im gonna go to EE. Slavs are basically white mexicans.
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I live in Latam
Here women are behind "bad boys" as everywhere else in the world.
The problem is that bad boys here aren't a Lucifer, Depp or Skeet Ulrich kind of guy
But an Anuel AA, Bad Bunny, etc.
Disgusting brown people.
I look good and fuck Swifties, emo girls, etc. every week.
But normal latinas ignore my existence. Brown men mog me with that women. A big Latina ass is unreachable for me.
Southern Brazil?
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Good write up, if I’m blonde Nordic looking will I be targeted, kidnapped and extorted though?
If you are blonde Nordic, then mamacitas will beg you to impregnate them.

You will have a harem of hundreds of women and countless offspring.
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I prefer white women, so im gonna go to EE. Slavs are basically white mexicans.
I love white women, but I'm gonna go to Colombia or Brazil and get a light skinned latina with colored eyes and pink nipples
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I love white women, but I'm gonna go to Colombia or Brazil and get a light skinned latina with colored eyes and pink nipples

This is the bare minimum for me to want latinas tbh
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This is the bare minimum for me to want latinas tbh

Bro, I'd take a light skinned latina with a ski slope nose colored eyes.

I have a gf right now, but if it doesn't work out, then thats where I'm going
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dnr semiwater agreed
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If you are blonde Nordic, then mamacitas will beg you to impregnate them.

You will have a harem of hundreds of women and countless offspring.
Yes, but will the men try to chop me up
Yes, but will the men try to chop me up
Hire security guards, and pay them an above average wage (which shouldn't cost you much tbqh) so that they can get some latina wife, and DO NOT go for their women.

There, I've just handed the secret over to you
I love white women, but I'm gonna go to Colombia or Brazil and get a light skinned latina with colored eyes and pink nipples
when are you going? i'm going brasil in feb
when are you going? i'm going brasil in feb
I have a girlfriend rn bro, I don't plan on breaking up with her, and shes really into me too.

So, if I do go, it'll be with her.

Also, shes white, so theres that
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Beauty is universal. Your smv wont change anywhere you go.
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So a good guy like us that is a hardcore loyalist to a good woman,will be appreciated because again,market economics,scarcity of a product valuable in a certain setting means higher price power.
stopped reading right here you little beta simp boy :sick: @BigPoppaPump
Just make sure that you move to a gated community, bring a few guns with you and hire a bodyguard.
nice like on your post by @HitAndRun and @PointOfNoReturn :feelskek::feelskek:
@Primalsplit @5.5psl @twilight
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This is the bare minimum for me to want latinas tbh

She's white. Her dad is Anglo-American, and there are white people in Mexico and the rest of Latin America (not just Spaniards, lots of Germans and Slavs settled in northern Mexico).

Most Mexican Americans that you see here are going to be brown mestizos, but you should realize that Latinos are not one homogeneous "ethnicity", there's a lot of diversity down there.
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