Leanmaxxing: 8 Strategies for Fat Loss (High Effort Guide)



𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟖
Sep 3, 2023
Leanmaxxing: 8 Strategies for Fat Loss
by @Jonas2k7 & @20/04/2008

What is the bare minimum you can do to still experience significant and rapid fat loss? What gives you the biggest bang for your buck?

This thread will discuss only exclusive methods, nothing water to be seen here.

1. Take collagen to drop fat

Collagen can be a powerful tool for losing fat. Research shows that it significantly aids in muscle building, strength gains and fat reduction.

This isn't just because it's high in glycine and proline or because it's low in inflammatory amino acids like methionine, tryptophan and cysteine, it's primarily due to its content of bioactive peptides. Collagen contains various short peptides, especially hydroxyproline (Hyp)-containing ones, such as:

  • Prolyl-hydroxyproline (Pro-Hyp)
  • Alanine-Hyp
  • Proline-Hyp
  • Alanine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Serine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Phenylalanine-Hyp
  • Gly-Pro-Hyp
  • Isoleucine-Hyp
  • Leucine-Hyp

These peptides are what contribute the most to the anabolic and shredding effects of collagen. Although this list might not cover all the peptides in collagen, it highlights those currently recognized for their potential in muscle building and fat loss. So collagen is much more important than just the free amino acids, glycine, proline or hydroxyproline.

Most studies use around 15g of collagen daily, but for optimal results, it's recommended to increase this to 30g or even 50g per day.

2. Use Red light to release fat

Red light and near-infrared light are highly beneficial to the body, as they promote cellular function. This means they speed up metabolism, increase energy expenditure, boost thyroid hormone and testosterone production, lower stress, promote blood flow, speed up wound healing, reduce wrinkles, improve sleep and exercise performance, etc. The list goes on.

Red light also promotes local lipolysis where it’s applied, aiding in targeted fat loss and overall fat reduction. It can even be used on the face to reduce puffiness and fat in that area.

Investing in a high-quality red light device can have a significant impact on your health and fat loss. It’s an investment worth making, as it’s essential for taking your health to the next level.

3. Get sunlight

Sunlight is so much more than just vitamin D, red light or near infra-red light. There are so many things you can do while being outside in the sun such as grounding, being active, inhaling calming compounds of nature and many more.

Sunlight increases the release of dopamine, and dopamine speeds up the metabolism and the desire to move and be active. Sunlight can also promote blood flow, sweating and the detoxification of toxins that might be hindering fat loss.

4. Walk in nature

Walking in nature is much more beneficial than just walking on a treadmill. Besides being outdoors in the sun and experiencing grounding, being in nature stimulates the brain significantly more and nearly doubles energy expenditure.

When you walk in nature, you burn more calories and enjoy additional benefits, such as reduced stress, increased dopamine levels, earthing, inhaling clean air, and enhanced brain stimulation.

5. Block EMF because it inhibits fat loss

Over the past few decades EMF exposure has increased astronomically. In fact it has increased by a quintillion times (that’s a 1 with 18 zeros) according to Dr. Joseph Mercola.

WiFi modems, cellphone towers and dirty electricity all emit EMF, which activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in the body. These channels allow calcium to enter and accumulate inside cells.

This excess calcium puts the cell in an excited state, leading to several negative effects. Intracellular calcium inhibits lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) in fat tissue, promotes lipogenesis (the conversion of carbohydrates to fat), and disrupts proper glucose oxidation.

As a result, there is less release of fat from fat stores, increased fat synthesis from carbohydrates and reduced oxidation of both fat and glucose in the cells.

So EMF exposure can contribute to fat retention. Fortunately, we can take steps to mitigate these effects through supplements and lifestyle changes that help counteract EMF exposure.

Here are some ways to protect yourself against the dangers of EMF:

1) Calcium Channel Blockers

EMF exposure activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), allowing excess calcium into cells, leading to cellular stress and fat storage. Using calcium antagonists can help inhibit these channels.

Note for gear users: Consider supplementing with DHEA.

2) Inhibit Nitric Oxide Synthesis with Methylene Blue

Methylene blue can block the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which when elevated can hinder fat loss by boosting ATP and CO2 production. Excess NO is detrimental to fat loss.

3) Fix Mitochondrial Function

Improving mitochondrial function is key to reducing oxidative stress and enhancing ATP production. A combination of methylene blue, vitamin C, vitamin K2 and succinic acid can help repair the electron transport chain (ETC). Exercise, proper sleep and stress management are also crucial for promoting healthy mitochondria. Adequate ATP levels are essential for calcium transport out of cells, preventing calcium buildup even when VGCCs are blocked.

4) Activate Nrf2 Pathway

Nrf2 (a transcription factor) helps activate over 500 genes, reduces inflammation, improves mitochondrial function and stimulates autophagy. It lowers peroxynitrite production by inhibiting iNOS and COX-2. Compounds that activate Nrf2 are genereally turmeric, cruciferous vegetables, sulfur-rich foods and various quinones (like CoQ10 and PQQ).

A few compounds that promote Nrf2 include:

  • Turmeric
  • Cruciferous foods
  • Sulfur rich foods
  • Quinones
    • Anthraquinone found in aloe latex, senna, rhubarb, cascara buckthorn, fungi, lichens and some insects.
    • Naphthoquinone (Vitamin K is a derivative of 1,4-naphthoquinone). Other natural naphtoquinones include juglone (found in black walnut), lapachol (pau d arco tea),
    • Benzoquinone. Ubiquinone (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring 1,4-benzoquinone.
    • Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) found in kiwi fruit.
  • γ (gamma) and δ (delta) tocopherols
  • α-lipoic acid
  • Carotenoids
  • Olives and olive oil due to being rich in phenolics and terpenoids
  • Purple sweet potatoes due to anthocyanin phenolics
  • Quercetin
  • Apigenin
  • Naringenin
  • Sulforaphane
  • Shikonin (natural anthraquinone derivative) lowers estrogen by modulating an estrogen enzyme by down-regulating the expression of steroid sulfatase, it's essential for estrogen biosynthesis.

5) Inhibit NMDA Receptors

NMDA receptor activation increases intracellular calcium. Glutamate, the main NMDA agonist, rises in low ATP states, worsening calcium buildup. Magnesium and Theanine are two of the best natural NMDA receptor antagonists. Ketamine is a very effective and relatively safe drug that blocks the NMDA receptor.

6) Induce Mitochondrial Uncoupling

Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) reduce oxidative phosphorylation, lowering oxidative stress and preventing excess calcium entry. Moderate uncoupling can be induced with supplements like adrenal cortex extract, thyroid hormones (T4 and T3), calcium and progesterone. Caution is needed with strong uncouplers like DNP, which can cause lethal overheating.

Other methods to induce UCP are:

  • large doses of aspirin
  • methylene blue
  • salt
  • red meat
  • lots of glucose with fats and spices.
  • Curcumin

Let me say it again: If you get an excess of uncoupling, you can actually die of heat. This is how people die that overdose on DNP.

That’s why DNP is so effective but very unsafe, whereas Niclosamide appears to be effective and much safer.

Goodbye buddy boyos @appealmaxed @craven :ogre:

6. Avoid toxins

Just like EMF our environment, food, air and water have dramatically increased in toxins like heavy metals, mold, plastic, pharmaceutical drugs (birth control, SSRI, etc.), food additives, colourants, flavourings, cosmetics, omega 6 rich rancid vegetable oils/foods and more.

The list is way too long, but I’ll list a few:

  • Heavy metals – Present in the air, dental fillings, water pipes, paints and many other building materials.
  • Mold – Present in coffee, cocoa, grains and other products that aren’t properly stored. Animals that eat moldy grains (like all of them basically) have these toxic compounds in their fat and products such as eggs and milk and milk products. It’s also present where it’s damp and dark like in the bathroom, under wooden floors, in the ceiling, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs – Mostly present in our water, as well as in the sea creatures we eat that live close to the shore.
  • Plastics – Everywhere basically. Stopping the use of plastic products and using an activated charcoal filter can help you get rid of the majority of plastics.
  • Food additives, colourants & flavourings – Present in most foods and drinks. You’ll be surprised that it’s even present in “natural” foods, such as thickeners in yoghurt and cottage cheese, colourants in fruit juice & meat, flavour enhancers in baked goods, meats, drinks, etc.
  • Cosmetics – Chances are that the shampoo, shaving cream, aftershave and deodorant you’re getting at your local store is choke-full of harmful chemicals. Instead of spending hours on hours staring at the labels in the shop looking like a weirdo, just invest a little more and get complete natural ingredients instead. They work just as well if not better.
  • Omega 6 rich rancid oils/foods – Oils such as canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower, etc. are used as food preservatives in natural foods such as dried fruits, “healthy” chips and more. They are best to be avoided. Even animals that eat whole grains are being overloaded with these estrogenic and harmful oils. For this one it is worth staring at the back of labels looking like a weirdo to get safe food.

Avoiding all these toxins will take a huge strain off of your body which will then allow inflammation to drop, your gut to function better, mood to lift and fat loss to commence.

But don’t feel overwhelmed, think of it this way: All you’re doing is eliminating things and replacing a few. So it’s not like you are overhauling your whole life. You are just making smart subtractions and a few replacements.

7. Balance blood sugar & optimize glucose oxidation

All kinds of issues occur when we cannot utilize the glucose we consume. The glucose oxidation pathway seems pretty fragile and any disruption to the pathway causes issues such as:

  • Excess fat gain
  • Elevated lactate
  • Fatty liver
  • Fatigue
  • Excess levels of cortisol
  • Struggling to build muscle

That is why so many people these days benefit from reducing carb intake. Not because carbs are bad, it’s just that their body’s glucose utilization pathway is functioning suboptimally.

First we have to provide the necessary substrates to ensure proper glucose oxidation. There are 3 important steps for that. The first is the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), where pyruvate (the breakdown product of glucose) is shuttled into the Kreb cycle. The second is the Kreb cycle itself and step number three is the electron transport chain, where the electrons “harvested” from the glucose are passed along to drive the creation of energy (ATP).

Step 1:

The first step can be quite challenging for a lot of people because of these reasons:

  • Excess free fatty acids that inhibit this enzyme.
  • Elevated NADH:NAD ratio due to faulty electron transport chain or low NAD+ levels.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency such as vitamin B1, B3, B5 and magnesium.

Blocking excess FFAs with aspirin, supplementing niacinamide to increase NAD+ and taking high doses of vitamin B1 (around 300-600mg) and magnesium (200mg-2g) can greatly speed up this step.

Step 2:

The Kreb cycle itself is rarely a major issue if all the minerals and vitamins that are needed (vit B1, B3, B5, iron, magnesium and manganese) for proper functioning are present. However, high levels of oxidative stress can stop one of the first enzymes called aconitase, leading citrate to be used for the synthesis of fat (lipogenesis), instead of the Kreb cycle functioning normally.

Lowering oxidative stress is the key for normal Kreb cycle function.

Step 3:

Most people also have a major hiccup at this step. Most of the time it’s due to:

  • Oxidized cardiolipin due to elevated oxidative stress
  • Excess nitric oxide, which blocks complex IV
  • Excess polyunsaturated fats in the cell membranes, allowing electron leak and oxidative stress

So it really comes down to elevated oxidative stress and this leads to a host of negatives, such as oxidized cardiolipin, cell membranes, enzymes, etc. and then fission has to step in to clear the damage and as a result, you end up with an excess of small and toxic mitochondria that overwhelms mitophagy, as seen in diabetes.

What we can do is lower oxidative stress, supply mitochondrial antioxidants and use alternative electron carriers.

To do that we can take:

  • Vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and CoQ10 (ubiquinone, not ubiquinol)
  • Succinic acid (it rescues defective complex I and II)
  • Methylene blue (it rescues defective complex (possibly I), II & III and speeds up complex IV)
  • Vitamin K2 (rescues defective complex III)
  • Red light (speeds up complex IV)

8. Lowering cortisol levels

Cortisol affects fat storage, lipogenesis, lypolysis and appetite. Here are some methods on lowering cortisol levels, excluding all the water stuff like sleep obviously:

  • Ashwagandha (300-600mg)
  • Phosphatidyl Serine (400-1200mg)
  • Emodin (250-500mg)
  • L-Theanine (200-400mg)
  • Melatonin (3-100mg)
  • Magnesium (400-2000mg)
  • Testosterone (Over 150mg weekly)
  • Oxandrolone (5-20mg daily)

Thirty Hertz Heartbreakers: @PsychoH @Angutoid @Always Stay You @mathis @4lt.Real @sb23 @mewcel420

Cool niggas list: @NZb6Air @moreplatesmoreweigh @MA_ascender @halloweed @truthhurts @billymidnight @itzyaboyJJ @CookieGuy @wastedspermcel @chudlite @Thebuffdon690 @chadintraining @silently_said @RealFunkyFlamingo @org3cel.RR
  • +1
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  • JFL
Reactions: FoidFumbler, tomd441, Magnum Opus and 33 others
Good thread, high IQ user
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: incel-at-heart, Costcosuperstore, itzyaboyJJ and 4 others
will read every word
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 87418, Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and 2 others
bro is not losing fat by “getting sunlight” @MA_ascender
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deathninja328, ryuken, chudlite and 8 others
Leanmaxxing: 8 Strategies for Fat Loss
by @Jonas2k7 & @20/04/2008

What is the bare minimum you can do to still experience significant and rapid fat loss? What gives you the biggest bang for your buck?

This thread will discuss only exclusive methods, nothing water to be seen here.

1. Take collagen to drop fat

Collagen can be a powerful tool for losing fat. Research shows that it significantly aids in muscle building, strength gains and fat reduction.

This isn't just because it's high in glycine and proline or because it's low in inflammatory amino acids like methionine, tryptophan and cysteine, it's primarily due to its content of bioactive peptides. Collagen contains various short peptides, especially hydroxyproline (Hyp)-containing ones, such as:

  • Prolyl-hydroxyproline (Pro-Hyp)
  • Alanine-Hyp
  • Proline-Hyp
  • Alanine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Serine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Phenylalanine-Hyp
  • Gly-Pro-Hyp
  • Isoleucine-Hyp
  • Leucine-Hyp

These peptides are what contribute the most to the anabolic and shredding effects of collagen. Although this list might not cover all the peptides in collagen, it highlights those currently recognized for their potential in muscle building and fat loss. So collagen is much more important than just the free amino acids, glycine, proline or hydroxyproline.

Most studies use around 15g of collagen daily, but for optimal results, it's recommended to increase this to 30g or even 50g per day.

2. Use Red light to release fat

Red light and near-infrared light are highly beneficial to the body, as they promote cellular function. This means they speed up metabolism, increase energy expenditure, boost thyroid hormone and testosterone production, lower stress, promote blood flow, speed up wound healing, reduce wrinkles, improve sleep and exercise performance, etc. The list goes on.

Red light also promotes local lipolysis where it’s applied, aiding in targeted fat loss and overall fat reduction. It can even be used on the face to reduce puffiness and fat in that area.

Investing in a high-quality red light device can have a significant impact on your health and fat loss. It’s an investment worth making, as it’s essential for taking your health to the next level.

3. Get sunlight

Sunlight is so much more than just vitamin D, red light or near infra-red light. There are so many things you can do while being outside in the sun such as grounding, being active, inhaling calming compounds of nature and many more.

Sunlight increases the release of dopamine, and dopamine speeds up the metabolism and the desire to move and be active. Sunlight can also promote blood flow, sweating and the detoxification of toxins that might be hindering fat loss.

4. Walk in nature

Walking in nature is much more beneficial than just walking on a treadmill. Besides being outdoors in the sun and experiencing grounding, being in nature stimulates the brain significantly more and nearly doubles energy expenditure.

When you walk in nature, you burn more calories and enjoy additional benefits, such as reduced stress, increased dopamine levels, earthing, inhaling clean air, and enhanced brain stimulation.

5. Block EMF because it inhibits fat loss

Over the past few decades EMF exposure has increased astronomically. In fact it has increased by a quintillion times (that’s a 1 with 18 zeros) according to Dr. Joseph Mercola.

WiFi modems, cellphone towers and dirty electricity all emit EMF, which activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in the body. These channels allow calcium to enter and accumulate inside cells.

This excess calcium puts the cell in an excited state, leading to several negative effects. Intracellular calcium inhibits lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) in fat tissue, promotes lipogenesis (the conversion of carbohydrates to fat), and disrupts proper glucose oxidation.

As a result, there is less release of fat from fat stores, increased fat synthesis from carbohydrates and reduced oxidation of both fat and glucose in the cells.

So EMF exposure can contribute to fat retention. Fortunately, we can take steps to mitigate these effects through supplements and lifestyle changes that help counteract EMF exposure.

Here are some ways to protect yourself against the dangers of EMF:

1) Calcium Channel Blockers

EMF exposure activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), allowing excess calcium into cells, leading to cellular stress and fat storage. Using calcium antagonists can help inhibit these channels.

Note for gear users: Consider supplementing with DHEA.

2) Inhibit Nitric Oxide Synthesis with Methylene Blue

Methylene blue can block the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which when elevated can hinder fat loss by boosting ATP and CO2 production. Excess NO is detrimental to fat loss.

3) Fix Mitochondrial Function

Improving mitochondrial function is key to reducing oxidative stress and enhancing ATP production. A combination of methylene blue, vitamin C, vitamin K2 and succinic acid can help repair the electron transport chain (ETC). Exercise, proper sleep and stress management are also crucial for promoting healthy mitochondria. Adequate ATP levels are essential for calcium transport out of cells, preventing calcium buildup even when VGCCs are blocked.

4) Activate Nrf2 Pathway

Nrf2 (a transcription factor) helps activate over 500 genes, reduces inflammation, improves mitochondrial function and stimulates autophagy. It lowers peroxynitrite production by inhibiting iNOS and COX-2. Compounds that activate Nrf2 are genereally turmeric, cruciferous vegetables, sulfur-rich foods and various quinones (like CoQ10 and PQQ).

A few compounds that promote Nrf2 include:

  • Turmeric
  • Cruciferous foods
  • Sulfur rich foods
  • Quinones
    • Anthraquinone found in aloe latex, senna, rhubarb, cascara buckthorn, fungi, lichens and some insects.
    • Naphthoquinone (Vitamin K is a derivative of 1,4-naphthoquinone). Other natural naphtoquinones include juglone (found in black walnut), lapachol (pau d arco tea),
    • Benzoquinone. Ubiquinone (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring 1,4-benzoquinone.
    • Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) found in kiwi fruit.
  • γ (gamma) and δ (delta) tocopherols
  • α-lipoic acid
  • Carotenoids
  • Olives and olive oil due to being rich in phenolics and terpenoids
  • Purple sweet potatoes due to anthocyanin phenolics
  • Quercetin
  • Apigenin
  • Naringenin
  • Sulforaphane
  • Shikonin (natural anthraquinone derivative) lowers estrogen by modulating an estrogen enzyme by down-regulating the expression of steroid sulfatase, it's essential for estrogen biosynthesis.

5) Inhibit NMDA Receptors

NMDA receptor activation increases intracellular calcium. Glutamate, the main NMDA agonist, rises in low ATP states, worsening calcium buildup. Magnesium and Theanine are two of the best natural NMDA receptor antagonists. Ketamine is a very effective and relatively safe drug that blocks the NMDA receptor.

6) Induce Mitochondrial Uncoupling

Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) reduce oxidative phosphorylation, lowering oxidative stress and preventing excess calcium entry. Moderate uncoupling can be induced with supplements like adrenal cortex extract, thyroid hormones (T4 and T3), calcium and progesterone. Caution is needed with strong uncouplers like DNP, which can cause lethal overheating.

Other methods to induce UCP are:

  • large doses of aspirin
  • methylene blue
  • salt
  • red meat
  • lots of glucose with fats and spices.
  • Curcumin

Let me say it again: If you get an excess of uncoupling, you can actually die of heat. This is how people die that overdose on DNP.

That’s why DNP is so effective but very unsafe, whereas Niclosamide appears to be effective and much safer.

Goodbye buddy boyos @appealmaxed @craven :ogre:

6. Avoid toxins

Just like EMF our environment, food, air and water have dramatically increased in toxins like heavy metals, mold, plastic, pharmaceutical drugs (birth control, SSRI, etc.), food additives, colourants, flavourings, cosmetics, omega 6 rich rancid vegetable oils/foods and more.

The list is way too long, but I’ll list a few:

  • Heavy metals – Present in the air, dental fillings, water pipes, paints and many other building materials.
  • Mold – Present in coffee, cocoa, grains and other products that aren’t properly stored. Animals that eat moldy grains (like all of them basically) have these toxic compounds in their fat and products such as eggs and milk and milk products. It’s also present where it’s damp and dark like in the bathroom, under wooden floors, in the ceiling, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs – Mostly present in our water, as well as in the sea creatures we eat that live close to the shore.
  • Plastics – Everywhere basically. Stopping the use of plastic products and using an activated charcoal filter can help you get rid of the majority of plastics.
  • Food additives, colourants & flavourings – Present in most foods and drinks. You’ll be surprised that it’s even present in “natural” foods, such as thickeners in yoghurt and cottage cheese, colourants in fruit juice & meat, flavour enhancers in baked goods, meats, drinks, etc.
  • Cosmetics – Chances are that the shampoo, shaving cream, aftershave and deodorant you’re getting at your local store is choke-full of harmful chemicals. Instead of spending hours on hours staring at the labels in the shop looking like a weirdo, just invest a little more and get complete natural ingredients instead. They work just as well if not better.
  • Omega 6 rich rancid oils/foods – Oils such as canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower, etc. are used as food preservatives in natural foods such as dried fruits, “healthy” chips and more. They are best to be avoided. Even animals that eat whole grains are being overloaded with these estrogenic and harmful oils. For this one it is worth staring at the back of labels looking like a weirdo to get safe food.

Avoiding all these toxins will take a huge strain off of your body which will then allow inflammation to drop, your gut to function better, mood to lift and fat loss to commence.

But don’t feel overwhelmed, think of it this way: All you’re doing is eliminating things and replacing a few. So it’s not like you are overhauling your whole life. You are just making smart subtractions and a few replacements.

7. Balance blood sugar & optimize glucose oxidation

All kinds of issues occur when we cannot utilize the glucose we consume. The glucose oxidation pathway seems pretty fragile and any disruption to the pathway causes issues such as:

  • Excess fat gain
  • Elevated lactate
  • Fatty liver
  • Fatigue
  • Excess levels of cortisol
  • Struggling to build muscle

That is why so many people these days benefit from reducing carb intake. Not because carbs are bad, it’s just that their body’s glucose utilization pathway is functioning suboptimally.

First we have to provide the necessary substrates to ensure proper glucose oxidation. There are 3 important steps for that. The first is the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), where pyruvate (the breakdown product of glucose) is shuttled into the Kreb cycle. The second is the Kreb cycle itself and step number three is the electron transport chain, where the electrons “harvested” from the glucose are passed along to drive the creation of energy (ATP).

Step 1:

The first step can be quite challenging for a lot of people because of these reasons:

  • Excess free fatty acids that inhibit this enzyme.
  • Elevated NADH:NAD ratio due to faulty electron transport chain or low NAD+ levels.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency such as vitamin B1, B3, B5 and magnesium.

Blocking excess FFAs with aspirin, supplementing niacinamide to increase NAD+ and taking high doses of vitamin B1 (around 300-600mg) and magnesium (200mg-2g) can greatly speed up this step.

Step 2:

The Kreb cycle itself is rarely a major issue if all the minerals and vitamins that are needed (vit B1, B3, B5, iron, magnesium and manganese) for proper functioning are present. However, high levels of oxidative stress can stop one of the first enzymes called aconitase, leading citrate to be used for the synthesis of fat (lipogenesis), instead of the Kreb cycle functioning normally.

Lowering oxidative stress is the key for normal Kreb cycle function.

Step 3:

Most people also have a major hiccup at this step. Most of the time it’s due to:

  • Oxidized cardiolipin due to elevated oxidative stress
  • Excess nitric oxide, which blocks complex IV
  • Excess polyunsaturated fats in the cell membranes, allowing electron leak and oxidative stress

So it really comes down to elevated oxidative stress and this leads to a host of negatives, such as oxidized cardiolipin, cell membranes, enzymes, etc. and then fission has to step in to clear the damage and as a result, you end up with an excess of small and toxic mitochondria that overwhelms mitophagy, as seen in diabetes.

What we can do is lower oxidative stress, supply mitochondrial antioxidants and use alternative electron carriers.

To do that we can take:

  • Vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and CoQ10 (ubiquinone, not ubiquinol)
  • Succinic acid (it rescues defective complex I and II)
  • Methylene blue (it rescues defective complex (possibly I), II & III and speeds up complex IV)
  • Vitamin K2 (rescues defective complex III)
  • Red light (speeds up complex IV)

8. Lowering cortisol levels

Cortisol affects fat storage, lipogenesis, lypolysis and appetite. Here are some methods on lowering cortisol levels, excluding all the water stuff like sleep obviously:

  • Ashwagandha (300-600mg)
  • Phosphatidyl Serine (400-1200mg)
  • Emodin (250-500mg)
  • L-Theanine (200-400mg)
  • Melatonin (3-100mg)
  • Magnesium (400-2000mg)
  • Testosterone (Over 150mg weekly)
  • Oxandrolone (5-20mg daily)

Thirty Hertz Heartbreakers: @PsychoH @Angutoid @Always Stay You @mathis @4lt.Real @sb23 @mewcel420

Cool niggas list: @NZb6Air @moreplatesmoreweigh @MA_ascender @halloweed @truthhurts @billymidnight @itzyaboyJJ @CookieGuy @wastedspermcel @chudlite @Thebuffdon690 @chadintraining @silently_said @RealFunkyFlamingo @org3cel.RR
What do you think of cold shower ? I heard that it could burn fat
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572, truthhurts and 1 other person
Not a molecule
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: 134applesauce456, thegiganigga, Costcosuperstore and 3 others
What do you think of cold shower ? I heard that it could burn fat
Increases cortisol = bad for burning fat

But also brown fat activation = good for fat loss basically

Neutral I guess
  • +1
Reactions: chudlite, Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and 2 others
bro is not losing fat by “getting sunlight”
^Tell me you don't understand the complexities of beta-oxidation during lipolysis without telling me you don't understand the complexities of beta-oxidation during lipolysis 💀💀💀
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Spookybah, Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and 2 others
brb reading
  • +1
Reactions: just coping, Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and 2 others
Leanmaxxing: 8 Strategies for Fat Loss
by @Jonas2k7 & @20/04/2008

What is the bare minimum you can do to still experience significant and rapid fat loss? What gives you the biggest bang for your buck?

This thread will discuss only exclusive methods, nothing water to be seen here.

1. Take collagen to drop fat

Collagen can be a powerful tool for losing fat. Research shows that it significantly aids in muscle building, strength gains and fat reduction.

This isn't just because it's high in glycine and proline or because it's low in inflammatory amino acids like methionine, tryptophan and cysteine, it's primarily due to its content of bioactive peptides. Collagen contains various short peptides, especially hydroxyproline (Hyp)-containing ones, such as:

  • Prolyl-hydroxyproline (Pro-Hyp)
  • Alanine-Hyp
  • Proline-Hyp
  • Alanine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Serine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Phenylalanine-Hyp
  • Gly-Pro-Hyp
  • Isoleucine-Hyp
  • Leucine-Hyp

These peptides are what contribute the most to the anabolic and shredding effects of collagen. Although this list might not cover all the peptides in collagen, it highlights those currently recognized for their potential in muscle building and fat loss. So collagen is much more important than just the free amino acids, glycine, proline or hydroxyproline.

Most studies use around 15g of collagen daily, but for optimal results, it's recommended to increase this to 30g or even 50g per day.

2. Use Red light to release fat

Red light and near-infrared light are highly beneficial to the body, as they promote cellular function. This means they speed up metabolism, increase energy expenditure, boost thyroid hormone and testosterone production, lower stress, promote blood flow, speed up wound healing, reduce wrinkles, improve sleep and exercise performance, etc. The list goes on.

Red light also promotes local lipolysis where it’s applied, aiding in targeted fat loss and overall fat reduction. It can even be used on the face to reduce puffiness and fat in that area.

Investing in a high-quality red light device can have a significant impact on your health and fat loss. It’s an investment worth making, as it’s essential for taking your health to the next level.

3. Get sunlight

Sunlight is so much more than just vitamin D, red light or near infra-red light. There are so many things you can do while being outside in the sun such as grounding, being active, inhaling calming compounds of nature and many more.

Sunlight increases the release of dopamine, and dopamine speeds up the metabolism and the desire to move and be active. Sunlight can also promote blood flow, sweating and the detoxification of toxins that might be hindering fat loss.

4. Walk in nature

Walking in nature is much more beneficial than just walking on a treadmill. Besides being outdoors in the sun and experiencing grounding, being in nature stimulates the brain significantly more and nearly doubles energy expenditure.

When you walk in nature, you burn more calories and enjoy additional benefits, such as reduced stress, increased dopamine levels, earthing, inhaling clean air, and enhanced brain stimulation.

5. Block EMF because it inhibits fat loss

Over the past few decades EMF exposure has increased astronomically. In fact it has increased by a quintillion times (that’s a 1 with 18 zeros) according to Dr. Joseph Mercola.

WiFi modems, cellphone towers and dirty electricity all emit EMF, which activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in the body. These channels allow calcium to enter and accumulate inside cells.

This excess calcium puts the cell in an excited state, leading to several negative effects. Intracellular calcium inhibits lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) in fat tissue, promotes lipogenesis (the conversion of carbohydrates to fat), and disrupts proper glucose oxidation.

As a result, there is less release of fat from fat stores, increased fat synthesis from carbohydrates and reduced oxidation of both fat and glucose in the cells.

So EMF exposure can contribute to fat retention. Fortunately, we can take steps to mitigate these effects through supplements and lifestyle changes that help counteract EMF exposure.

Here are some ways to protect yourself against the dangers of EMF:

1) Calcium Channel Blockers

EMF exposure activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), allowing excess calcium into cells, leading to cellular stress and fat storage. Using calcium antagonists can help inhibit these channels.

Note for gear users: Consider supplementing with DHEA.

2) Inhibit Nitric Oxide Synthesis with Methylene Blue

Methylene blue can block the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which when elevated can hinder fat loss by boosting ATP and CO2 production. Excess NO is detrimental to fat loss.

3) Fix Mitochondrial Function

Improving mitochondrial function is key to reducing oxidative stress and enhancing ATP production. A combination of methylene blue, vitamin C, vitamin K2 and succinic acid can help repair the electron transport chain (ETC). Exercise, proper sleep and stress management are also crucial for promoting healthy mitochondria. Adequate ATP levels are essential for calcium transport out of cells, preventing calcium buildup even when VGCCs are blocked.

4) Activate Nrf2 Pathway

Nrf2 (a transcription factor) helps activate over 500 genes, reduces inflammation, improves mitochondrial function and stimulates autophagy. It lowers peroxynitrite production by inhibiting iNOS and COX-2. Compounds that activate Nrf2 are genereally turmeric, cruciferous vegetables, sulfur-rich foods and various quinones (like CoQ10 and PQQ).

A few compounds that promote Nrf2 include:

  • Turmeric
  • Cruciferous foods
  • Sulfur rich foods
  • Quinones
    • Anthraquinone found in aloe latex, senna, rhubarb, cascara buckthorn, fungi, lichens and some insects.
    • Naphthoquinone (Vitamin K is a derivative of 1,4-naphthoquinone). Other natural naphtoquinones include juglone (found in black walnut), lapachol (pau d arco tea),
    • Benzoquinone. Ubiquinone (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring 1,4-benzoquinone.
    • Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) found in kiwi fruit.
  • γ (gamma) and δ (delta) tocopherols
  • α-lipoic acid
  • Carotenoids
  • Olives and olive oil due to being rich in phenolics and terpenoids
  • Purple sweet potatoes due to anthocyanin phenolics
  • Quercetin
  • Apigenin
  • Naringenin
  • Sulforaphane
  • Shikonin (natural anthraquinone derivative) lowers estrogen by modulating an estrogen enzyme by down-regulating the expression of steroid sulfatase, it's essential for estrogen biosynthesis.

5) Inhibit NMDA Receptors

NMDA receptor activation increases intracellular calcium. Glutamate, the main NMDA agonist, rises in low ATP states, worsening calcium buildup. Magnesium and Theanine are two of the best natural NMDA receptor antagonists. Ketamine is a very effective and relatively safe drug that blocks the NMDA receptor.

6) Induce Mitochondrial Uncoupling

Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) reduce oxidative phosphorylation, lowering oxidative stress and preventing excess calcium entry. Moderate uncoupling can be induced with supplements like adrenal cortex extract, thyroid hormones (T4 and T3), calcium and progesterone. Caution is needed with strong uncouplers like DNP, which can cause lethal overheating.

Other methods to induce UCP are:

  • large doses of aspirin
  • methylene blue
  • salt
  • red meat
  • lots of glucose with fats and spices.
  • Curcumin

Let me say it again: If you get an excess of uncoupling, you can actually die of heat. This is how people die that overdose on DNP.

That’s why DNP is so effective but very unsafe, whereas Niclosamide appears to be effective and much safer.

Goodbye buddy boyos @appealmaxed @craven :ogre:

6. Avoid toxins

Just like EMF our environment, food, air and water have dramatically increased in toxins like heavy metals, mold, plastic, pharmaceutical drugs (birth control, SSRI, etc.), food additives, colourants, flavourings, cosmetics, omega 6 rich rancid vegetable oils/foods and more.

The list is way too long, but I’ll list a few:

  • Heavy metals – Present in the air, dental fillings, water pipes, paints and many other building materials.
  • Mold – Present in coffee, cocoa, grains and other products that aren’t properly stored. Animals that eat moldy grains (like all of them basically) have these toxic compounds in their fat and products such as eggs and milk and milk products. It’s also present where it’s damp and dark like in the bathroom, under wooden floors, in the ceiling, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs – Mostly present in our water, as well as in the sea creatures we eat that live close to the shore.
  • Plastics – Everywhere basically. Stopping the use of plastic products and using an activated charcoal filter can help you get rid of the majority of plastics.
  • Food additives, colourants & flavourings – Present in most foods and drinks. You’ll be surprised that it’s even present in “natural” foods, such as thickeners in yoghurt and cottage cheese, colourants in fruit juice & meat, flavour enhancers in baked goods, meats, drinks, etc.
  • Cosmetics – Chances are that the shampoo, shaving cream, aftershave and deodorant you’re getting at your local store is choke-full of harmful chemicals. Instead of spending hours on hours staring at the labels in the shop looking like a weirdo, just invest a little more and get complete natural ingredients instead. They work just as well if not better.
  • Omega 6 rich rancid oils/foods – Oils such as canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower, etc. are used as food preservatives in natural foods such as dried fruits, “healthy” chips and more. They are best to be avoided. Even animals that eat whole grains are being overloaded with these estrogenic and harmful oils. For this one it is worth staring at the back of labels looking like a weirdo to get safe food.

Avoiding all these toxins will take a huge strain off of your body which will then allow inflammation to drop, your gut to function better, mood to lift and fat loss to commence.

But don’t feel overwhelmed, think of it this way: All you’re doing is eliminating things and replacing a few. So it’s not like you are overhauling your whole life. You are just making smart subtractions and a few replacements.

7. Balance blood sugar & optimize glucose oxidation

All kinds of issues occur when we cannot utilize the glucose we consume. The glucose oxidation pathway seems pretty fragile and any disruption to the pathway causes issues such as:

  • Excess fat gain
  • Elevated lactate
  • Fatty liver
  • Fatigue
  • Excess levels of cortisol
  • Struggling to build muscle

That is why so many people these days benefit from reducing carb intake. Not because carbs are bad, it’s just that their body’s glucose utilization pathway is functioning suboptimally.

First we have to provide the necessary substrates to ensure proper glucose oxidation. There are 3 important steps for that. The first is the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), where pyruvate (the breakdown product of glucose) is shuttled into the Kreb cycle. The second is the Kreb cycle itself and step number three is the electron transport chain, where the electrons “harvested” from the glucose are passed along to drive the creation of energy (ATP).

Step 1:

The first step can be quite challenging for a lot of people because of these reasons:

  • Excess free fatty acids that inhibit this enzyme.
  • Elevated NADH:NAD ratio due to faulty electron transport chain or low NAD+ levels.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency such as vitamin B1, B3, B5 and magnesium.

Blocking excess FFAs with aspirin, supplementing niacinamide to increase NAD+ and taking high doses of vitamin B1 (around 300-600mg) and magnesium (200mg-2g) can greatly speed up this step.

Step 2:

The Kreb cycle itself is rarely a major issue if all the minerals and vitamins that are needed (vit B1, B3, B5, iron, magnesium and manganese) for proper functioning are present. However, high levels of oxidative stress can stop one of the first enzymes called aconitase, leading citrate to be used for the synthesis of fat (lipogenesis), instead of the Kreb cycle functioning normally.

Lowering oxidative stress is the key for normal Kreb cycle function.

Step 3:

Most people also have a major hiccup at this step. Most of the time it’s due to:

  • Oxidized cardiolipin due to elevated oxidative stress
  • Excess nitric oxide, which blocks complex IV
  • Excess polyunsaturated fats in the cell membranes, allowing electron leak and oxidative stress

So it really comes down to elevated oxidative stress and this leads to a host of negatives, such as oxidized cardiolipin, cell membranes, enzymes, etc. and then fission has to step in to clear the damage and as a result, you end up with an excess of small and toxic mitochondria that overwhelms mitophagy, as seen in diabetes.

What we can do is lower oxidative stress, supply mitochondrial antioxidants and use alternative electron carriers.

To do that we can take:

  • Vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and CoQ10 (ubiquinone, not ubiquinol)
  • Succinic acid (it rescues defective complex I and II)
  • Methylene blue (it rescues defective complex (possibly I), II & III and speeds up complex IV)
  • Vitamin K2 (rescues defective complex III)
  • Red light (speeds up complex IV)

8. Lowering cortisol levels

Cortisol affects fat storage, lipogenesis, lypolysis and appetite. Here are some methods on lowering cortisol levels, excluding all the water stuff like sleep obviously:

  • Ashwagandha (300-600mg)
  • Phosphatidyl Serine (400-1200mg)
  • Emodin (250-500mg)
  • L-Theanine (200-400mg)
  • Melatonin (3-100mg)
  • Magnesium (400-2000mg)
  • Testosterone (Over 150mg weekly)
  • Oxandrolone (5-20mg daily)

Thirty Hertz Heartbreakers: @PsychoH @Angutoid @Always Stay You @mathis @4lt.Real @sb23 @mewcel420

Cool niggas list: @NZb6Air @moreplatesmoreweigh @MA_ascender @halloweed @truthhurts @billymidnight @itzyaboyJJ @CookieGuy @wastedspermcel @chudlite @Thebuffdon690 @chadintraining @silently_said @RealFunkyFlamingo @org3cel.RR
So improved Nitric Oxide for pumps is bad for fat loss?
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572, truthhurts and 1 other person
Stop eating
  • +1
Reactions: thegiganigga, Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and 1 other person
What do you think of cold shower ? I heard that it could burn fat
Brown fat only which wouldn’t result in noticeable results except for some outliers
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572, truthhurts and 3 others
@MA_ascender nigga
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572, Norwegian LTN and 1 other person
Brown fat only which wouldn’t result in noticeable results except for some outliers
Increases cortisol = bad for burning fat

But also brown fat activation = good for fat loss basically

Neutral I guess
Good to know thanks. I'll probably still stick to it, help me clear my mind
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and Jonas2k7
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and Norwegian LTN
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and Norwegian LTN
Nigga you could have added so much shit im dissapointed 😑
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and Jonas2k7
read every molecule
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and Jonas2k7
What do you think of cold shower ? I heard that it could burn fat
Other shit that nigga forgot :
I kept thinking why our face is the leanest in the morning right before breackfast and im not sure which hormonal pathway cause that effect is that from low somatosotin levels and elevated glucagon levels we don’t know
Then add Glp1 of your choice (semag pr trieazepide it also helps with visceral fat so to hit 2 bird with 1 stone , metformin could be used also if you don’t give a fuck about growth
Spot reduction shit (basicaly orc threads compilation + Serms anecdotes from bb)
Clenbuterol (20-40-80 mcg) 2 days on 2 days off
Cardarine 5 mg
Injectable SR009 15 mg
2 iu of hgh
Fasted cardio
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572, mathis and 2 others
Tagging again bcs didn't work according to a friend (those who know)

@PsychoH @sb23 @billymidnight @chudlite @CookieGuy @itzyaboyJJ @org3cel.RR @Thebuffdon690 @moreplatesmoreweigh
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, itzyaboyJJ, Deleted member 97572 and 5 others
Will read later. Expecting greatness from you again
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572, truthhurts and 1 other person
Leanmaxxing: 8 Strategies for Fat Loss
by @Jonas2k7 & @20/04/2008

What is the bare minimum you can do to still experience significant and rapid fat loss? What gives you the biggest bang for your buck?

This thread will discuss only exclusive methods, nothing water to be seen here.

1. Take collagen to drop fat

Collagen can be a powerful tool for losing fat. Research shows that it significantly aids in muscle building, strength gains and fat reduction.

This isn't just because it's high in glycine and proline or because it's low in inflammatory amino acids like methionine, tryptophan and cysteine, it's primarily due to its content of bioactive peptides. Collagen contains various short peptides, especially hydroxyproline (Hyp)-containing ones, such as:

  • Prolyl-hydroxyproline (Pro-Hyp)
  • Alanine-Hyp
  • Proline-Hyp
  • Alanine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Serine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Phenylalanine-Hyp
  • Gly-Pro-Hyp
  • Isoleucine-Hyp
  • Leucine-Hyp

These peptides are what contribute the most to the anabolic and shredding effects of collagen. Although this list might not cover all the peptides in collagen, it highlights those currently recognized for their potential in muscle building and fat loss. So collagen is much more important than just the free amino acids, glycine, proline or hydroxyproline.

Most studies use around 15g of collagen daily, but for optimal results, it's recommended to increase this to 30g or even 50g per day.

2. Use Red light to release fat

Red light and near-infrared light are highly beneficial to the body, as they promote cellular function. This means they speed up metabolism, increase energy expenditure, boost thyroid hormone and testosterone production, lower stress, promote blood flow, speed up wound healing, reduce wrinkles, improve sleep and exercise performance, etc. The list goes on.

Red light also promotes local lipolysis where it’s applied, aiding in targeted fat loss and overall fat reduction. It can even be used on the face to reduce puffiness and fat in that area.

Investing in a high-quality red light device can have a significant impact on your health and fat loss. It’s an investment worth making, as it’s essential for taking your health to the next level.

3. Get sunlight

Sunlight is so much more than just vitamin D, red light or near infra-red light. There are so many things you can do while being outside in the sun such as grounding, being active, inhaling calming compounds of nature and many more.

Sunlight increases the release of dopamine, and dopamine speeds up the metabolism and the desire to move and be active. Sunlight can also promote blood flow, sweating and the detoxification of toxins that might be hindering fat loss.

4. Walk in nature

Walking in nature is much more beneficial than just walking on a treadmill. Besides being outdoors in the sun and experiencing grounding, being in nature stimulates the brain significantly more and nearly doubles energy expenditure.

When you walk in nature, you burn more calories and enjoy additional benefits, such as reduced stress, increased dopamine levels, earthing, inhaling clean air, and enhanced brain stimulation.

5. Block EMF because it inhibits fat loss

Over the past few decades EMF exposure has increased astronomically. In fact it has increased by a quintillion times (that’s a 1 with 18 zeros) according to Dr. Joseph Mercola.

WiFi modems, cellphone towers and dirty electricity all emit EMF, which activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in the body. These channels allow calcium to enter and accumulate inside cells.

This excess calcium puts the cell in an excited state, leading to several negative effects. Intracellular calcium inhibits lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) in fat tissue, promotes lipogenesis (the conversion of carbohydrates to fat), and disrupts proper glucose oxidation.

As a result, there is less release of fat from fat stores, increased fat synthesis from carbohydrates and reduced oxidation of both fat and glucose in the cells.

So EMF exposure can contribute to fat retention. Fortunately, we can take steps to mitigate these effects through supplements and lifestyle changes that help counteract EMF exposure.

Here are some ways to protect yourself against the dangers of EMF:

1) Calcium Channel Blockers

EMF exposure activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), allowing excess calcium into cells, leading to cellular stress and fat storage. Using calcium antagonists can help inhibit these channels.

Note for gear users: Consider supplementing with DHEA.

2) Inhibit Nitric Oxide Synthesis with Methylene Blue

Methylene blue can block the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which when elevated can hinder fat loss by boosting ATP and CO2 production. Excess NO is detrimental to fat loss.

3) Fix Mitochondrial Function

Improving mitochondrial function is key to reducing oxidative stress and enhancing ATP production. A combination of methylene blue, vitamin C, vitamin K2 and succinic acid can help repair the electron transport chain (ETC). Exercise, proper sleep and stress management are also crucial for promoting healthy mitochondria. Adequate ATP levels are essential for calcium transport out of cells, preventing calcium buildup even when VGCCs are blocked.

4) Activate Nrf2 Pathway

Nrf2 (a transcription factor) helps activate over 500 genes, reduces inflammation, improves mitochondrial function and stimulates autophagy. It lowers peroxynitrite production by inhibiting iNOS and COX-2. Compounds that activate Nrf2 are genereally turmeric, cruciferous vegetables, sulfur-rich foods and various quinones (like CoQ10 and PQQ).

A few compounds that promote Nrf2 include:

  • Turmeric
  • Cruciferous foods
  • Sulfur rich foods
  • Quinones
    • Anthraquinone found in aloe latex, senna, rhubarb, cascara buckthorn, fungi, lichens and some insects.
    • Naphthoquinone (Vitamin K is a derivative of 1,4-naphthoquinone). Other natural naphtoquinones include juglone (found in black walnut), lapachol (pau d arco tea),
    • Benzoquinone. Ubiquinone (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring 1,4-benzoquinone.
    • Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) found in kiwi fruit.
  • γ (gamma) and δ (delta) tocopherols
  • α-lipoic acid
  • Carotenoids
  • Olives and olive oil due to being rich in phenolics and terpenoids
  • Purple sweet potatoes due to anthocyanin phenolics
  • Quercetin
  • Apigenin
  • Naringenin
  • Sulforaphane
  • Shikonin (natural anthraquinone derivative) lowers estrogen by modulating an estrogen enzyme by down-regulating the expression of steroid sulfatase, it's essential for estrogen biosynthesis.

5) Inhibit NMDA Receptors

NMDA receptor activation increases intracellular calcium. Glutamate, the main NMDA agonist, rises in low ATP states, worsening calcium buildup. Magnesium and Theanine are two of the best natural NMDA receptor antagonists. Ketamine is a very effective and relatively safe drug that blocks the NMDA receptor.

6) Induce Mitochondrial Uncoupling

Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) reduce oxidative phosphorylation, lowering oxidative stress and preventing excess calcium entry. Moderate uncoupling can be induced with supplements like adrenal cortex extract, thyroid hormones (T4 and T3), calcium and progesterone. Caution is needed with strong uncouplers like DNP, which can cause lethal overheating.

Other methods to induce UCP are:

  • large doses of aspirin
  • methylene blue
  • salt
  • red meat
  • lots of glucose with fats and spices.
  • Curcumin

Let me say it again: If you get an excess of uncoupling, you can actually die of heat. This is how people die that overdose on DNP.

That’s why DNP is so effective but very unsafe, whereas Niclosamide appears to be effective and much safer.

Goodbye buddy boyos @appealmaxed @craven :ogre:

6. Avoid toxins

Just like EMF our environment, food, air and water have dramatically increased in toxins like heavy metals, mold, plastic, pharmaceutical drugs (birth control, SSRI, etc.), food additives, colourants, flavourings, cosmetics, omega 6 rich rancid vegetable oils/foods and more.

The list is way too long, but I’ll list a few:

  • Heavy metals – Present in the air, dental fillings, water pipes, paints and many other building materials.
  • Mold – Present in coffee, cocoa, grains and other products that aren’t properly stored. Animals that eat moldy grains (like all of them basically) have these toxic compounds in their fat and products such as eggs and milk and milk products. It’s also present where it’s damp and dark like in the bathroom, under wooden floors, in the ceiling, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs – Mostly present in our water, as well as in the sea creatures we eat that live close to the shore.
  • Plastics – Everywhere basically. Stopping the use of plastic products and using an activated charcoal filter can help you get rid of the majority of plastics.
  • Food additives, colourants & flavourings – Present in most foods and drinks. You’ll be surprised that it’s even present in “natural” foods, such as thickeners in yoghurt and cottage cheese, colourants in fruit juice & meat, flavour enhancers in baked goods, meats, drinks, etc.
  • Cosmetics – Chances are that the shampoo, shaving cream, aftershave and deodorant you’re getting at your local store is choke-full of harmful chemicals. Instead of spending hours on hours staring at the labels in the shop looking like a weirdo, just invest a little more and get complete natural ingredients instead. They work just as well if not better.
  • Omega 6 rich rancid oils/foods – Oils such as canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower, etc. are used as food preservatives in natural foods such as dried fruits, “healthy” chips and more. They are best to be avoided. Even animals that eat whole grains are being overloaded with these estrogenic and harmful oils. For this one it is worth staring at the back of labels looking like a weirdo to get safe food.

Avoiding all these toxins will take a huge strain off of your body which will then allow inflammation to drop, your gut to function better, mood to lift and fat loss to commence.

But don’t feel overwhelmed, think of it this way: All you’re doing is eliminating things and replacing a few. So it’s not like you are overhauling your whole life. You are just making smart subtractions and a few replacements.

7. Balance blood sugar & optimize glucose oxidation

All kinds of issues occur when we cannot utilize the glucose we consume. The glucose oxidation pathway seems pretty fragile and any disruption to the pathway causes issues such as:

  • Excess fat gain
  • Elevated lactate
  • Fatty liver
  • Fatigue
  • Excess levels of cortisol
  • Struggling to build muscle

That is why so many people these days benefit from reducing carb intake. Not because carbs are bad, it’s just that their body’s glucose utilization pathway is functioning suboptimally.

First we have to provide the necessary substrates to ensure proper glucose oxidation. There are 3 important steps for that. The first is the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), where pyruvate (the breakdown product of glucose) is shuttled into the Kreb cycle. The second is the Kreb cycle itself and step number three is the electron transport chain, where the electrons “harvested” from the glucose are passed along to drive the creation of energy (ATP).

Step 1:

The first step can be quite challenging for a lot of people because of these reasons:

  • Excess free fatty acids that inhibit this enzyme.
  • Elevated NADH:NAD ratio due to faulty electron transport chain or low NAD+ levels.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency such as vitamin B1, B3, B5 and magnesium.

Blocking excess FFAs with aspirin, supplementing niacinamide to increase NAD+ and taking high doses of vitamin B1 (around 300-600mg) and magnesium (200mg-2g) can greatly speed up this step.

Step 2:

The Kreb cycle itself is rarely a major issue if all the minerals and vitamins that are needed (vit B1, B3, B5, iron, magnesium and manganese) for proper functioning are present. However, high levels of oxidative stress can stop one of the first enzymes called aconitase, leading citrate to be used for the synthesis of fat (lipogenesis), instead of the Kreb cycle functioning normally.

Lowering oxidative stress is the key for normal Kreb cycle function.

Step 3:

Most people also have a major hiccup at this step. Most of the time it’s due to:

  • Oxidized cardiolipin due to elevated oxidative stress
  • Excess nitric oxide, which blocks complex IV
  • Excess polyunsaturated fats in the cell membranes, allowing electron leak and oxidative stress

So it really comes down to elevated oxidative stress and this leads to a host of negatives, such as oxidized cardiolipin, cell membranes, enzymes, etc. and then fission has to step in to clear the damage and as a result, you end up with an excess of small and toxic mitochondria that overwhelms mitophagy, as seen in diabetes.

What we can do is lower oxidative stress, supply mitochondrial antioxidants and use alternative electron carriers.

To do that we can take:

  • Vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and CoQ10 (ubiquinone, not ubiquinol)
  • Succinic acid (it rescues defective complex I and II)
  • Methylene blue (it rescues defective complex (possibly I), II & III and speeds up complex IV)
  • Vitamin K2 (rescues defective complex III)
  • Red light (speeds up complex IV)

8. Lowering cortisol levels

Cortisol affects fat storage, lipogenesis, lypolysis and appetite. Here are some methods on lowering cortisol levels, excluding all the water stuff like sleep obviously:

  • Ashwagandha (300-600mg)
  • Phosphatidyl Serine (400-1200mg)
  • Emodin (250-500mg)
  • L-Theanine (200-400mg)
  • Melatonin (3-100mg)
  • Magnesium (400-2000mg)
  • Testosterone (Over 150mg weekly)
  • Oxandrolone (5-20mg daily)

Thirty Hertz Heartbreakers: @PsychoH @Angutoid @Always Stay You @mathis @4lt.Real @sb23 @mewcel420

Cool niggas list: @NZb6Air @moreplatesmoreweigh @MA_ascender @halloweed @truthhurts @billymidnight @itzyaboyJJ @CookieGuy @wastedspermcel @chudlite @Thebuffdon690 @chadintraining @silently_said @RealFunkyFlamingo @org3cel.RR
Bookmarked for once the bulk is complete and im no longer a 65kg twink.
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and Jonas2k7
Tagging again bcs didn't work according to a friend (those who know)

@PsychoH @sb23 @billymidnight @chudlite @CookieGuy @itzyaboyJJ @org3cel.RR @Thebuffdon690 @moreplatesmoreweigh
Max tag is five you needa tag the others again.
Also love you thanks for the tag. :feelsgah:
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Underdog9494, Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and 2 others
Leanmaxxing: 8 Strategies for Fat Loss
by @Jonas2k7 & @20/04/2008

What is the bare minimum you can do to still experience significant and rapid fat loss? What gives you the biggest bang for your buck?

This thread will discuss only exclusive methods, nothing water to be seen here.

1. Take collagen to drop fat

Collagen can be a powerful tool for losing fat. Research shows that it significantly aids in muscle building, strength gains and fat reduction.

This isn't just because it's high in glycine and proline or because it's low in inflammatory amino acids like methionine, tryptophan and cysteine, it's primarily due to its content of bioactive peptides. Collagen contains various short peptides, especially hydroxyproline (Hyp)-containing ones, such as:

  • Prolyl-hydroxyproline (Pro-Hyp)
  • Alanine-Hyp
  • Proline-Hyp
  • Alanine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Serine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Phenylalanine-Hyp
  • Gly-Pro-Hyp
  • Isoleucine-Hyp
  • Leucine-Hyp

These peptides are what contribute the most to the anabolic and shredding effects of collagen. Although this list might not cover all the peptides in collagen, it highlights those currently recognized for their potential in muscle building and fat loss. So collagen is much more important than just the free amino acids, glycine, proline or hydroxyproline.

Most studies use around 15g of collagen daily, but for optimal results, it's recommended to increase this to 30g or even 50g per day.

2. Use Red light to release fat

Red light and near-infrared light are highly beneficial to the body, as they promote cellular function. This means they speed up metabolism, increase energy expenditure, boost thyroid hormone and testosterone production, lower stress, promote blood flow, speed up wound healing, reduce wrinkles, improve sleep and exercise performance, etc. The list goes on.

Red light also promotes local lipolysis where it’s applied, aiding in targeted fat loss and overall fat reduction. It can even be used on the face to reduce puffiness and fat in that area.

Investing in a high-quality red light device can have a significant impact on your health and fat loss. It’s an investment worth making, as it’s essential for taking your health to the next level.

3. Get sunlight

Sunlight is so much more than just vitamin D, red light or near infra-red light. There are so many things you can do while being outside in the sun such as grounding, being active, inhaling calming compounds of nature and many more.

Sunlight increases the release of dopamine, and dopamine speeds up the metabolism and the desire to move and be active. Sunlight can also promote blood flow, sweating and the detoxification of toxins that might be hindering fat loss.

4. Walk in nature

Walking in nature is much more beneficial than just walking on a treadmill. Besides being outdoors in the sun and experiencing grounding, being in nature stimulates the brain significantly more and nearly doubles energy expenditure.

When you walk in nature, you burn more calories and enjoy additional benefits, such as reduced stress, increased dopamine levels, earthing, inhaling clean air, and enhanced brain stimulation.

5. Block EMF because it inhibits fat loss

Over the past few decades EMF exposure has increased astronomically. In fact it has increased by a quintillion times (that’s a 1 with 18 zeros) according to Dr. Joseph Mercola.

WiFi modems, cellphone towers and dirty electricity all emit EMF, which activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in the body. These channels allow calcium to enter and accumulate inside cells.

This excess calcium puts the cell in an excited state, leading to several negative effects. Intracellular calcium inhibits lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) in fat tissue, promotes lipogenesis (the conversion of carbohydrates to fat), and disrupts proper glucose oxidation.

As a result, there is less release of fat from fat stores, increased fat synthesis from carbohydrates and reduced oxidation of both fat and glucose in the cells.

So EMF exposure can contribute to fat retention. Fortunately, we can take steps to mitigate these effects through supplements and lifestyle changes that help counteract EMF exposure.

Here are some ways to protect yourself against the dangers of EMF:

1) Calcium Channel Blockers

EMF exposure activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), allowing excess calcium into cells, leading to cellular stress and fat storage. Using calcium antagonists can help inhibit these channels.

Note for gear users: Consider supplementing with DHEA.

2) Inhibit Nitric Oxide Synthesis with Methylene Blue

Methylene blue can block the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which when elevated can hinder fat loss by boosting ATP and CO2 production. Excess NO is detrimental to fat loss.

3) Fix Mitochondrial Function

Improving mitochondrial function is key to reducing oxidative stress and enhancing ATP production. A combination of methylene blue, vitamin C, vitamin K2 and succinic acid can help repair the electron transport chain (ETC). Exercise, proper sleep and stress management are also crucial for promoting healthy mitochondria. Adequate ATP levels are essential for calcium transport out of cells, preventing calcium buildup even when VGCCs are blocked.

4) Activate Nrf2 Pathway

Nrf2 (a transcription factor) helps activate over 500 genes, reduces inflammation, improves mitochondrial function and stimulates autophagy. It lowers peroxynitrite production by inhibiting iNOS and COX-2. Compounds that activate Nrf2 are genereally turmeric, cruciferous vegetables, sulfur-rich foods and various quinones (like CoQ10 and PQQ).

A few compounds that promote Nrf2 include:

  • Turmeric
  • Cruciferous foods
  • Sulfur rich foods
  • Quinones
    • Anthraquinone found in aloe latex, senna, rhubarb, cascara buckthorn, fungi, lichens and some insects.
    • Naphthoquinone (Vitamin K is a derivative of 1,4-naphthoquinone). Other natural naphtoquinones include juglone (found in black walnut), lapachol (pau d arco tea),
    • Benzoquinone. Ubiquinone (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring 1,4-benzoquinone.
    • Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) found in kiwi fruit.
  • γ (gamma) and δ (delta) tocopherols
  • α-lipoic acid
  • Carotenoids
  • Olives and olive oil due to being rich in phenolics and terpenoids
  • Purple sweet potatoes due to anthocyanin phenolics
  • Quercetin
  • Apigenin
  • Naringenin
  • Sulforaphane
  • Shikonin (natural anthraquinone derivative) lowers estrogen by modulating an estrogen enzyme by down-regulating the expression of steroid sulfatase, it's essential for estrogen biosynthesis.

5) Inhibit NMDA Receptors

NMDA receptor activation increases intracellular calcium. Glutamate, the main NMDA agonist, rises in low ATP states, worsening calcium buildup. Magnesium and Theanine are two of the best natural NMDA receptor antagonists. Ketamine is a very effective and relatively safe drug that blocks the NMDA receptor.

6) Induce Mitochondrial Uncoupling

Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) reduce oxidative phosphorylation, lowering oxidative stress and preventing excess calcium entry. Moderate uncoupling can be induced with supplements like adrenal cortex extract, thyroid hormones (T4 and T3), calcium and progesterone. Caution is needed with strong uncouplers like DNP, which can cause lethal overheating.

Other methods to induce UCP are:

  • large doses of aspirin
  • methylene blue
  • salt
  • red meat
  • lots of glucose with fats and spices.
  • Curcumin

Let me say it again: If you get an excess of uncoupling, you can actually die of heat. This is how people die that overdose on DNP.

That’s why DNP is so effective but very unsafe, whereas Niclosamide appears to be effective and much safer.

Goodbye buddy boyos @appealmaxed @craven :ogre:

6. Avoid toxins

Just like EMF our environment, food, air and water have dramatically increased in toxins like heavy metals, mold, plastic, pharmaceutical drugs (birth control, SSRI, etc.), food additives, colourants, flavourings, cosmetics, omega 6 rich rancid vegetable oils/foods and more.

The list is way too long, but I’ll list a few:

  • Heavy metals – Present in the air, dental fillings, water pipes, paints and many other building materials.
  • Mold – Present in coffee, cocoa, grains and other products that aren’t properly stored. Animals that eat moldy grains (like all of them basically) have these toxic compounds in their fat and products such as eggs and milk and milk products. It’s also present where it’s damp and dark like in the bathroom, under wooden floors, in the ceiling, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs – Mostly present in our water, as well as in the sea creatures we eat that live close to the shore.
  • Plastics – Everywhere basically. Stopping the use of plastic products and using an activated charcoal filter can help you get rid of the majority of plastics.
  • Food additives, colourants & flavourings – Present in most foods and drinks. You’ll be surprised that it’s even present in “natural” foods, such as thickeners in yoghurt and cottage cheese, colourants in fruit juice & meat, flavour enhancers in baked goods, meats, drinks, etc.
  • Cosmetics – Chances are that the shampoo, shaving cream, aftershave and deodorant you’re getting at your local store is choke-full of harmful chemicals. Instead of spending hours on hours staring at the labels in the shop looking like a weirdo, just invest a little more and get complete natural ingredients instead. They work just as well if not better.
  • Omega 6 rich rancid oils/foods – Oils such as canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower, etc. are used as food preservatives in natural foods such as dried fruits, “healthy” chips and more. They are best to be avoided. Even animals that eat whole grains are being overloaded with these estrogenic and harmful oils. For this one it is worth staring at the back of labels looking like a weirdo to get safe food.

Avoiding all these toxins will take a huge strain off of your body which will then allow inflammation to drop, your gut to function better, mood to lift and fat loss to commence.

But don’t feel overwhelmed, think of it this way: All you’re doing is eliminating things and replacing a few. So it’s not like you are overhauling your whole life. You are just making smart subtractions and a few replacements.

7. Balance blood sugar & optimize glucose oxidation

All kinds of issues occur when we cannot utilize the glucose we consume. The glucose oxidation pathway seems pretty fragile and any disruption to the pathway causes issues such as:

  • Excess fat gain
  • Elevated lactate
  • Fatty liver
  • Fatigue
  • Excess levels of cortisol
  • Struggling to build muscle

That is why so many people these days benefit from reducing carb intake. Not because carbs are bad, it’s just that their body’s glucose utilization pathway is functioning suboptimally.

First we have to provide the necessary substrates to ensure proper glucose oxidation. There are 3 important steps for that. The first is the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), where pyruvate (the breakdown product of glucose) is shuttled into the Kreb cycle. The second is the Kreb cycle itself and step number three is the electron transport chain, where the electrons “harvested” from the glucose are passed along to drive the creation of energy (ATP).

Step 1:

The first step can be quite challenging for a lot of people because of these reasons:

  • Excess free fatty acids that inhibit this enzyme.
  • Elevated NADH:NAD ratio due to faulty electron transport chain or low NAD+ levels.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency such as vitamin B1, B3, B5 and magnesium.

Blocking excess FFAs with aspirin, supplementing niacinamide to increase NAD+ and taking high doses of vitamin B1 (around 300-600mg) and magnesium (200mg-2g) can greatly speed up this step.

Step 2:

The Kreb cycle itself is rarely a major issue if all the minerals and vitamins that are needed (vit B1, B3, B5, iron, magnesium and manganese) for proper functioning are present. However, high levels of oxidative stress can stop one of the first enzymes called aconitase, leading citrate to be used for the synthesis of fat (lipogenesis), instead of the Kreb cycle functioning normally.

Lowering oxidative stress is the key for normal Kreb cycle function.

Step 3:

Most people also have a major hiccup at this step. Most of the time it’s due to:

  • Oxidized cardiolipin due to elevated oxidative stress
  • Excess nitric oxide, which blocks complex IV
  • Excess polyunsaturated fats in the cell membranes, allowing electron leak and oxidative stress

So it really comes down to elevated oxidative stress and this leads to a host of negatives, such as oxidized cardiolipin, cell membranes, enzymes, etc. and then fission has to step in to clear the damage and as a result, you end up with an excess of small and toxic mitochondria that overwhelms mitophagy, as seen in diabetes.

What we can do is lower oxidative stress, supply mitochondrial antioxidants and use alternative electron carriers.

To do that we can take:

  • Vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and CoQ10 (ubiquinone, not ubiquinol)
  • Succinic acid (it rescues defective complex I and II)
  • Methylene blue (it rescues defective complex (possibly I), II & III and speeds up complex IV)
  • Vitamin K2 (rescues defective complex III)
  • Red light (speeds up complex IV)

8. Lowering cortisol levels

Cortisol affects fat storage, lipogenesis, lypolysis and appetite. Here are some methods on lowering cortisol levels, excluding all the water stuff like sleep obviously:

  • Ashwagandha (300-600mg)
  • Phosphatidyl Serine (400-1200mg)
  • Emodin (250-500mg)
  • L-Theanine (200-400mg)
  • Melatonin (3-100mg)
  • Magnesium (400-2000mg)
  • Testosterone (Over 150mg weekly)
  • Oxandrolone (5-20mg daily)

Thirty Hertz Heartbreakers: @PsychoH @Angutoid @Always Stay You @mathis @4lt.Real @sb23 @mewcel420

Cool niggas list: @NZb6Air @moreplatesmoreweigh @MA_ascender @halloweed @truthhurts @billymidnight @itzyaboyJJ @CookieGuy @wastedspermcel @chudlite @Thebuffdon690 @chadintraining @silently_said @RealFunkyFlamingo @org3cel.RR
Very nice formatting bro. Mirin the effort.
  • +1
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and Jonas2k7
Max tag is five you needa tag the others again.
Also love you thanks for the tag. :feelsgah:
I received it
Edit: nvm so the last 3 wont get a tag?
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572, PsychoH and 1 other person
Max tag is five you needa tag the others again.
Didn't know that mirin your knowledge

@itzyaboyJJ @org3cel.RR @Thebuffdon690 @moreplatesmoreweigh
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572, PsychoH and 3 others
Leanmaxxing: 8 Strategies for Fat Loss
by @Jonas2k7 & @20/04/2008

What is the bare minimum you can do to still experience significant and rapid fat loss? What gives you the biggest bang for your buck?

This thread will discuss only exclusive methods, nothing water to be seen here.

1. Take collagen to drop fat

Collagen can be a powerful tool for losing fat. Research shows that it significantly aids in muscle building, strength gains and fat reduction.

This isn't just because it's high in glycine and proline or because it's low in inflammatory amino acids like methionine, tryptophan and cysteine, it's primarily due to its content of bioactive peptides. Collagen contains various short peptides, especially hydroxyproline (Hyp)-containing ones, such as:

  • Prolyl-hydroxyproline (Pro-Hyp)
  • Alanine-Hyp
  • Proline-Hyp
  • Alanine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Serine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Phenylalanine-Hyp
  • Gly-Pro-Hyp
  • Isoleucine-Hyp
  • Leucine-Hyp

These peptides are what contribute the most to the anabolic and shredding effects of collagen. Although this list might not cover all the peptides in collagen, it highlights those currently recognized for their potential in muscle building and fat loss. So collagen is much more important than just the free amino acids, glycine, proline or hydroxyproline.

Most studies use around 15g of collagen daily, but for optimal results, it's recommended to increase this to 30g or even 50g per day.

2. Use Red light to release fat

Red light and near-infrared light are highly beneficial to the body, as they promote cellular function. This means they speed up metabolism, increase energy expenditure, boost thyroid hormone and testosterone production, lower stress, promote blood flow, speed up wound healing, reduce wrinkles, improve sleep and exercise performance, etc. The list goes on.

Red light also promotes local lipolysis where it’s applied, aiding in targeted fat loss and overall fat reduction. It can even be used on the face to reduce puffiness and fat in that area.

Investing in a high-quality red light device can have a significant impact on your health and fat loss. It’s an investment worth making, as it’s essential for taking your health to the next level.

3. Get sunlight

Sunlight is so much more than just vitamin D, red light or near infra-red light. There are so many things you can do while being outside in the sun such as grounding, being active, inhaling calming compounds of nature and many more.

Sunlight increases the release of dopamine, and dopamine speeds up the metabolism and the desire to move and be active. Sunlight can also promote blood flow, sweating and the detoxification of toxins that might be hindering fat loss.

4. Walk in nature

Walking in nature is much more beneficial than just walking on a treadmill. Besides being outdoors in the sun and experiencing grounding, being in nature stimulates the brain significantly more and nearly doubles energy expenditure.

When you walk in nature, you burn more calories and enjoy additional benefits, such as reduced stress, increased dopamine levels, earthing, inhaling clean air, and enhanced brain stimulation.

5. Block EMF because it inhibits fat loss

Over the past few decades EMF exposure has increased astronomically. In fact it has increased by a quintillion times (that’s a 1 with 18 zeros) according to Dr. Joseph Mercola.

WiFi modems, cellphone towers and dirty electricity all emit EMF, which activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in the body. These channels allow calcium to enter and accumulate inside cells.

This excess calcium puts the cell in an excited state, leading to several negative effects. Intracellular calcium inhibits lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) in fat tissue, promotes lipogenesis (the conversion of carbohydrates to fat), and disrupts proper glucose oxidation.

As a result, there is less release of fat from fat stores, increased fat synthesis from carbohydrates and reduced oxidation of both fat and glucose in the cells.

So EMF exposure can contribute to fat retention. Fortunately, we can take steps to mitigate these effects through supplements and lifestyle changes that help counteract EMF exposure.

Here are some ways to protect yourself against the dangers of EMF:

1) Calcium Channel Blockers

EMF exposure activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), allowing excess calcium into cells, leading to cellular stress and fat storage. Using calcium antagonists can help inhibit these channels.

Note for gear users: Consider supplementing with DHEA.

2) Inhibit Nitric Oxide Synthesis with Methylene Blue

Methylene blue can block the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which when elevated can hinder fat loss by boosting ATP and CO2 production. Excess NO is detrimental to fat loss.

3) Fix Mitochondrial Function

Improving mitochondrial function is key to reducing oxidative stress and enhancing ATP production. A combination of methylene blue, vitamin C, vitamin K2 and succinic acid can help repair the electron transport chain (ETC). Exercise, proper sleep and stress management are also crucial for promoting healthy mitochondria. Adequate ATP levels are essential for calcium transport out of cells, preventing calcium buildup even when VGCCs are blocked.

4) Activate Nrf2 Pathway

Nrf2 (a transcription factor) helps activate over 500 genes, reduces inflammation, improves mitochondrial function and stimulates autophagy. It lowers peroxynitrite production by inhibiting iNOS and COX-2. Compounds that activate Nrf2 are genereally turmeric, cruciferous vegetables, sulfur-rich foods and various quinones (like CoQ10 and PQQ).

A few compounds that promote Nrf2 include:

  • Turmeric
  • Cruciferous foods
  • Sulfur rich foods
  • Quinones
    • Anthraquinone found in aloe latex, senna, rhubarb, cascara buckthorn, fungi, lichens and some insects.
    • Naphthoquinone (Vitamin K is a derivative of 1,4-naphthoquinone). Other natural naphtoquinones include juglone (found in black walnut), lapachol (pau d arco tea),
    • Benzoquinone. Ubiquinone (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring 1,4-benzoquinone.
    • Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) found in kiwi fruit.
  • γ (gamma) and δ (delta) tocopherols
  • α-lipoic acid
  • Carotenoids
  • Olives and olive oil due to being rich in phenolics and terpenoids
  • Purple sweet potatoes due to anthocyanin phenolics
  • Quercetin
  • Apigenin
  • Naringenin
  • Sulforaphane
  • Shikonin (natural anthraquinone derivative) lowers estrogen by modulating an estrogen enzyme by down-regulating the expression of steroid sulfatase, it's essential for estrogen biosynthesis.

5) Inhibit NMDA Receptors

NMDA receptor activation increases intracellular calcium. Glutamate, the main NMDA agonist, rises in low ATP states, worsening calcium buildup. Magnesium and Theanine are two of the best natural NMDA receptor antagonists. Ketamine is a very effective and relatively safe drug that blocks the NMDA receptor.

6) Induce Mitochondrial Uncoupling

Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) reduce oxidative phosphorylation, lowering oxidative stress and preventing excess calcium entry. Moderate uncoupling can be induced with supplements like adrenal cortex extract, thyroid hormones (T4 and T3), calcium and progesterone. Caution is needed with strong uncouplers like DNP, which can cause lethal overheating.

Other methods to induce UCP are:

  • large doses of aspirin
  • methylene blue
  • salt
  • red meat
  • lots of glucose with fats and spices.
  • Curcumin

Let me say it again: If you get an excess of uncoupling, you can actually die of heat. This is how people die that overdose on DNP.

That’s why DNP is so effective but very unsafe, whereas Niclosamide appears to be effective and much safer.

Goodbye buddy boyos @appealmaxed @craven :ogre:

6. Avoid toxins

Just like EMF our environment, food, air and water have dramatically increased in toxins like heavy metals, mold, plastic, pharmaceutical drugs (birth control, SSRI, etc.), food additives, colourants, flavourings, cosmetics, omega 6 rich rancid vegetable oils/foods and more.

The list is way too long, but I’ll list a few:

  • Heavy metals – Present in the air, dental fillings, water pipes, paints and many other building materials.
  • Mold – Present in coffee, cocoa, grains and other products that aren’t properly stored. Animals that eat moldy grains (like all of them basically) have these toxic compounds in their fat and products such as eggs and milk and milk products. It’s also present where it’s damp and dark like in the bathroom, under wooden floors, in the ceiling, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs – Mostly present in our water, as well as in the sea creatures we eat that live close to the shore.
  • Plastics – Everywhere basically. Stopping the use of plastic products and using an activated charcoal filter can help you get rid of the majority of plastics.
  • Food additives, colourants & flavourings – Present in most foods and drinks. You’ll be surprised that it’s even present in “natural” foods, such as thickeners in yoghurt and cottage cheese, colourants in fruit juice & meat, flavour enhancers in baked goods, meats, drinks, etc.
  • Cosmetics – Chances are that the shampoo, shaving cream, aftershave and deodorant you’re getting at your local store is choke-full of harmful chemicals. Instead of spending hours on hours staring at the labels in the shop looking like a weirdo, just invest a little more and get complete natural ingredients instead. They work just as well if not better.
  • Omega 6 rich rancid oils/foods – Oils such as canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower, etc. are used as food preservatives in natural foods such as dried fruits, “healthy” chips and more. They are best to be avoided. Even animals that eat whole grains are being overloaded with these estrogenic and harmful oils. For this one it is worth staring at the back of labels looking like a weirdo to get safe food.

Avoiding all these toxins will take a huge strain off of your body which will then allow inflammation to drop, your gut to function better, mood to lift and fat loss to commence.

But don’t feel overwhelmed, think of it this way: All you’re doing is eliminating things and replacing a few. So it’s not like you are overhauling your whole life. You are just making smart subtractions and a few replacements.

7. Balance blood sugar & optimize glucose oxidation

All kinds of issues occur when we cannot utilize the glucose we consume. The glucose oxidation pathway seems pretty fragile and any disruption to the pathway causes issues such as:

  • Excess fat gain
  • Elevated lactate
  • Fatty liver
  • Fatigue
  • Excess levels of cortisol
  • Struggling to build muscle

That is why so many people these days benefit from reducing carb intake. Not because carbs are bad, it’s just that their body’s glucose utilization pathway is functioning suboptimally.

First we have to provide the necessary substrates to ensure proper glucose oxidation. There are 3 important steps for that. The first is the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), where pyruvate (the breakdown product of glucose) is shuttled into the Kreb cycle. The second is the Kreb cycle itself and step number three is the electron transport chain, where the electrons “harvested” from the glucose are passed along to drive the creation of energy (ATP).

Step 1:

The first step can be quite challenging for a lot of people because of these reasons:

  • Excess free fatty acids that inhibit this enzyme.
  • Elevated NADH:NAD ratio due to faulty electron transport chain or low NAD+ levels.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency such as vitamin B1, B3, B5 and magnesium.

Blocking excess FFAs with aspirin, supplementing niacinamide to increase NAD+ and taking high doses of vitamin B1 (around 300-600mg) and magnesium (200mg-2g) can greatly speed up this step.

Step 2:

The Kreb cycle itself is rarely a major issue if all the minerals and vitamins that are needed (vit B1, B3, B5, iron, magnesium and manganese) for proper functioning are present. However, high levels of oxidative stress can stop one of the first enzymes called aconitase, leading citrate to be used for the synthesis of fat (lipogenesis), instead of the Kreb cycle functioning normally.

Lowering oxidative stress is the key for normal Kreb cycle function.

Step 3:

Most people also have a major hiccup at this step. Most of the time it’s due to:

  • Oxidized cardiolipin due to elevated oxidative stress
  • Excess nitric oxide, which blocks complex IV
  • Excess polyunsaturated fats in the cell membranes, allowing electron leak and oxidative stress

So it really comes down to elevated oxidative stress and this leads to a host of negatives, such as oxidized cardiolipin, cell membranes, enzymes, etc. and then fission has to step in to clear the damage and as a result, you end up with an excess of small and toxic mitochondria that overwhelms mitophagy, as seen in diabetes.

What we can do is lower oxidative stress, supply mitochondrial antioxidants and use alternative electron carriers.

To do that we can take:

  • Vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and CoQ10 (ubiquinone, not ubiquinol)
  • Succinic acid (it rescues defective complex I and II)
  • Methylene blue (it rescues defective complex (possibly I), II & III and speeds up complex IV)
  • Vitamin K2 (rescues defective complex III)
  • Red light (speeds up complex IV)

8. Lowering cortisol levels

Cortisol affects fat storage, lipogenesis, lypolysis and appetite. Here are some methods on lowering cortisol levels, excluding all the water stuff like sleep obviously:

  • Ashwagandha (300-600mg)
  • Phosphatidyl Serine (400-1200mg)
  • Emodin (250-500mg)
  • L-Theanine (200-400mg)
  • Melatonin (3-100mg)
  • Magnesium (400-2000mg)
  • Testosterone (Over 150mg weekly)
  • Oxandrolone (5-20mg daily)

Thirty Hertz Heartbreakers: @PsychoH @Angutoid @Always Stay You @mathis @4lt.Real @sb23 @mewcel420

Cool niggas list: @NZb6Air @moreplatesmoreweigh @MA_ascender @halloweed @truthhurts @billymidnight @itzyaboyJJ @CookieGuy @wastedspermcel @chudlite @Thebuffdon690 @chadintraining @silently_said @RealFunkyFlamingo @org3cel.RR
High iq tier thread mogs hard bro. :feelsyay::feelsez:(y)
  • +1
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572, sb23 and 1 other person
High effort, bump
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, itzyaboyJJ and Deleted member 97572
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572, truthhurts and 2 others

Seems high iq and helpful mirin. Will defo help me ascend inshallah.
  • +1
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572, truthhurts and 2 others
This thread is a real enrichment for many newcomers and deserves to be crowned :ogre:
  • +1
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and Jonas2k7
Tagging again bcs didn't work according to a friend (those who know)

@PsychoH @sb23 @billymidnight @chudlite @CookieGuy @itzyaboyJJ @org3cel.RR @Thebuffdon690 @moreplatesmoreweigh
  • +1
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Deleted member 97572 and Jonas2k7
@NZb6Air @Carbine @iloveboobs @Ron.Belgrade @silently_said New hidden dark .orgistan knowledge just dropped :fire::fire::fire:
  • JFL
  • Love it
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 87612, Costcosuperstore, NZb6Air and 3 others
Tagging again bcs didn't work according to a friend (those who know)

@PsychoH @sb23 @billymidnight @chudlite @CookieGuy @itzyaboyJJ @org3cel.RR @Thebuffdon690 @moreplatesmoreweigh
only first 5 tags work btw
  • +1
Reactions: Ron.Belgrade, Costcosuperstore and Jonas2k7
Leanmaxxing: 8 Strategies for Fat Loss
by @Jonas2k7 & @20/04/2008

What is the bare minimum you can do to still experience significant and rapid fat loss? What gives you the biggest bang for your buck?

This thread will discuss only exclusive methods, nothing water to be seen here.

1. Take collagen to drop fat

Collagen can be a powerful tool for losing fat. Research shows that it significantly aids in muscle building, strength gains and fat reduction.

This isn't just because it's high in glycine and proline or because it's low in inflammatory amino acids like methionine, tryptophan and cysteine, it's primarily due to its content of bioactive peptides. Collagen contains various short peptides, especially hydroxyproline (Hyp)-containing ones, such as:

  • Prolyl-hydroxyproline (Pro-Hyp)
  • Alanine-Hyp
  • Proline-Hyp
  • Alanine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Serine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Phenylalanine-Hyp
  • Gly-Pro-Hyp
  • Isoleucine-Hyp
  • Leucine-Hyp

These peptides are what contribute the most to the anabolic and shredding effects of collagen. Although this list might not cover all the peptides in collagen, it highlights those currently recognized for their potential in muscle building and fat loss. So collagen is much more important than just the free amino acids, glycine, proline or hydroxyproline.

Most studies use around 15g of collagen daily, but for optimal results, it's recommended to increase this to 30g or even 50g per day.

2. Use Red light to release fat

Red light and near-infrared light are highly beneficial to the body, as they promote cellular function. This means they speed up metabolism, increase energy expenditure, boost thyroid hormone and testosterone production, lower stress, promote blood flow, speed up wound healing, reduce wrinkles, improve sleep and exercise performance, etc. The list goes on.

Red light also promotes local lipolysis where it’s applied, aiding in targeted fat loss and overall fat reduction. It can even be used on the face to reduce puffiness and fat in that area.

Investing in a high-quality red light device can have a significant impact on your health and fat loss. It’s an investment worth making, as it’s essential for taking your health to the next level.

3. Get sunlight

Sunlight is so much more than just vitamin D, red light or near infra-red light. There are so many things you can do while being outside in the sun such as grounding, being active, inhaling calming compounds of nature and many more.

Sunlight increases the release of dopamine, and dopamine speeds up the metabolism and the desire to move and be active. Sunlight can also promote blood flow, sweating and the detoxification of toxins that might be hindering fat loss.

4. Walk in nature

Walking in nature is much more beneficial than just walking on a treadmill. Besides being outdoors in the sun and experiencing grounding, being in nature stimulates the brain significantly more and nearly doubles energy expenditure.

When you walk in nature, you burn more calories and enjoy additional benefits, such as reduced stress, increased dopamine levels, earthing, inhaling clean air, and enhanced brain stimulation.

5. Block EMF because it inhibits fat loss

Over the past few decades EMF exposure has increased astronomically. In fact it has increased by a quintillion times (that’s a 1 with 18 zeros) according to Dr. Joseph Mercola.

WiFi modems, cellphone towers and dirty electricity all emit EMF, which activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in the body. These channels allow calcium to enter and accumulate inside cells.

This excess calcium puts the cell in an excited state, leading to several negative effects. Intracellular calcium inhibits lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) in fat tissue, promotes lipogenesis (the conversion of carbohydrates to fat), and disrupts proper glucose oxidation.

As a result, there is less release of fat from fat stores, increased fat synthesis from carbohydrates and reduced oxidation of both fat and glucose in the cells.

So EMF exposure can contribute to fat retention. Fortunately, we can take steps to mitigate these effects through supplements and lifestyle changes that help counteract EMF exposure.

Here are some ways to protect yourself against the dangers of EMF:

1) Calcium Channel Blockers

EMF exposure activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), allowing excess calcium into cells, leading to cellular stress and fat storage. Using calcium antagonists can help inhibit these channels.

Note for gear users: Consider supplementing with DHEA.

2) Inhibit Nitric Oxide Synthesis with Methylene Blue

Methylene blue can block the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which when elevated can hinder fat loss by boosting ATP and CO2 production. Excess NO is detrimental to fat loss.

3) Fix Mitochondrial Function

Improving mitochondrial function is key to reducing oxidative stress and enhancing ATP production. A combination of methylene blue, vitamin C, vitamin K2 and succinic acid can help repair the electron transport chain (ETC). Exercise, proper sleep and stress management are also crucial for promoting healthy mitochondria. Adequate ATP levels are essential for calcium transport out of cells, preventing calcium buildup even when VGCCs are blocked.

4) Activate Nrf2 Pathway

Nrf2 (a transcription factor) helps activate over 500 genes, reduces inflammation, improves mitochondrial function and stimulates autophagy. It lowers peroxynitrite production by inhibiting iNOS and COX-2. Compounds that activate Nrf2 are genereally turmeric, cruciferous vegetables, sulfur-rich foods and various quinones (like CoQ10 and PQQ).

A few compounds that promote Nrf2 include:

  • Turmeric
  • Cruciferous foods
  • Sulfur rich foods
  • Quinones
    • Anthraquinone found in aloe latex, senna, rhubarb, cascara buckthorn, fungi, lichens and some insects.
    • Naphthoquinone (Vitamin K is a derivative of 1,4-naphthoquinone). Other natural naphtoquinones include juglone (found in black walnut), lapachol (pau d arco tea),
    • Benzoquinone. Ubiquinone (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring 1,4-benzoquinone.
    • Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) found in kiwi fruit.
  • γ (gamma) and δ (delta) tocopherols
  • α-lipoic acid
  • Carotenoids
  • Olives and olive oil due to being rich in phenolics and terpenoids
  • Purple sweet potatoes due to anthocyanin phenolics
  • Quercetin
  • Apigenin
  • Naringenin
  • Sulforaphane
  • Shikonin (natural anthraquinone derivative) lowers estrogen by modulating an estrogen enzyme by down-regulating the expression of steroid sulfatase, it's essential for estrogen biosynthesis.

5) Inhibit NMDA Receptors

NMDA receptor activation increases intracellular calcium. Glutamate, the main NMDA agonist, rises in low ATP states, worsening calcium buildup. Magnesium and Theanine are two of the best natural NMDA receptor antagonists. Ketamine is a very effective and relatively safe drug that blocks the NMDA receptor.

6) Induce Mitochondrial Uncoupling

Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) reduce oxidative phosphorylation, lowering oxidative stress and preventing excess calcium entry. Moderate uncoupling can be induced with supplements like adrenal cortex extract, thyroid hormones (T4 and T3), calcium and progesterone. Caution is needed with strong uncouplers like DNP, which can cause lethal overheating.

Other methods to induce UCP are:

  • large doses of aspirin
  • methylene blue
  • salt
  • red meat
  • lots of glucose with fats and spices.
  • Curcumin

Let me say it again: If you get an excess of uncoupling, you can actually die of heat. This is how people die that overdose on DNP.

That’s why DNP is so effective but very unsafe, whereas Niclosamide appears to be effective and much safer.

Goodbye buddy boyos @appealmaxed @craven :ogre:

6. Avoid toxins

Just like EMF our environment, food, air and water have dramatically increased in toxins like heavy metals, mold, plastic, pharmaceutical drugs (birth control, SSRI, etc.), food additives, colourants, flavourings, cosmetics, omega 6 rich rancid vegetable oils/foods and more.

The list is way too long, but I’ll list a few:

  • Heavy metals – Present in the air, dental fillings, water pipes, paints and many other building materials.
  • Mold – Present in coffee, cocoa, grains and other products that aren’t properly stored. Animals that eat moldy grains (like all of them basically) have these toxic compounds in their fat and products such as eggs and milk and milk products. It’s also present where it’s damp and dark like in the bathroom, under wooden floors, in the ceiling, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs – Mostly present in our water, as well as in the sea creatures we eat that live close to the shore.
  • Plastics – Everywhere basically. Stopping the use of plastic products and using an activated charcoal filter can help you get rid of the majority of plastics.
  • Food additives, colourants & flavourings – Present in most foods and drinks. You’ll be surprised that it’s even present in “natural” foods, such as thickeners in yoghurt and cottage cheese, colourants in fruit juice & meat, flavour enhancers in baked goods, meats, drinks, etc.
  • Cosmetics – Chances are that the shampoo, shaving cream, aftershave and deodorant you’re getting at your local store is choke-full of harmful chemicals. Instead of spending hours on hours staring at the labels in the shop looking like a weirdo, just invest a little more and get complete natural ingredients instead. They work just as well if not better.
  • Omega 6 rich rancid oils/foods – Oils such as canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower, etc. are used as food preservatives in natural foods such as dried fruits, “healthy” chips and more. They are best to be avoided. Even animals that eat whole grains are being overloaded with these estrogenic and harmful oils. For this one it is worth staring at the back of labels looking like a weirdo to get safe food.

Avoiding all these toxins will take a huge strain off of your body which will then allow inflammation to drop, your gut to function better, mood to lift and fat loss to commence.

But don’t feel overwhelmed, think of it this way: All you’re doing is eliminating things and replacing a few. So it’s not like you are overhauling your whole life. You are just making smart subtractions and a few replacements.

7. Balance blood sugar & optimize glucose oxidation

All kinds of issues occur when we cannot utilize the glucose we consume. The glucose oxidation pathway seems pretty fragile and any disruption to the pathway causes issues such as:

  • Excess fat gain
  • Elevated lactate
  • Fatty liver
  • Fatigue
  • Excess levels of cortisol
  • Struggling to build muscle

That is why so many people these days benefit from reducing carb intake. Not because carbs are bad, it’s just that their body’s glucose utilization pathway is functioning suboptimally.

First we have to provide the necessary substrates to ensure proper glucose oxidation. There are 3 important steps for that. The first is the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), where pyruvate (the breakdown product of glucose) is shuttled into the Kreb cycle. The second is the Kreb cycle itself and step number three is the electron transport chain, where the electrons “harvested” from the glucose are passed along to drive the creation of energy (ATP).

Step 1:

The first step can be quite challenging for a lot of people because of these reasons:

  • Excess free fatty acids that inhibit this enzyme.
  • Elevated NADH:NAD ratio due to faulty electron transport chain or low NAD+ levels.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency such as vitamin B1, B3, B5 and magnesium.

Blocking excess FFAs with aspirin, supplementing niacinamide to increase NAD+ and taking high doses of vitamin B1 (around 300-600mg) and magnesium (200mg-2g) can greatly speed up this step.

Step 2:

The Kreb cycle itself is rarely a major issue if all the minerals and vitamins that are needed (vit B1, B3, B5, iron, magnesium and manganese) for proper functioning are present. However, high levels of oxidative stress can stop one of the first enzymes called aconitase, leading citrate to be used for the synthesis of fat (lipogenesis), instead of the Kreb cycle functioning normally.

Lowering oxidative stress is the key for normal Kreb cycle function.

Step 3:

Most people also have a major hiccup at this step. Most of the time it’s due to:

  • Oxidized cardiolipin due to elevated oxidative stress
  • Excess nitric oxide, which blocks complex IV
  • Excess polyunsaturated fats in the cell membranes, allowing electron leak and oxidative stress

So it really comes down to elevated oxidative stress and this leads to a host of negatives, such as oxidized cardiolipin, cell membranes, enzymes, etc. and then fission has to step in to clear the damage and as a result, you end up with an excess of small and toxic mitochondria that overwhelms mitophagy, as seen in diabetes.

What we can do is lower oxidative stress, supply mitochondrial antioxidants and use alternative electron carriers.

To do that we can take:

  • Vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and CoQ10 (ubiquinone, not ubiquinol)
  • Succinic acid (it rescues defective complex I and II)
  • Methylene blue (it rescues defective complex (possibly I), II & III and speeds up complex IV)
  • Vitamin K2 (rescues defective complex III)
  • Red light (speeds up complex IV)

8. Lowering cortisol levels

Cortisol affects fat storage, lipogenesis, lypolysis and appetite. Here are some methods on lowering cortisol levels, excluding all the water stuff like sleep obviously:

  • Ashwagandha (300-600mg)
  • Phosphatidyl Serine (400-1200mg)
  • Emodin (250-500mg)
  • L-Theanine (200-400mg)
  • Melatonin (3-100mg)
  • Magnesium (400-2000mg)
  • Testosterone (Over 150mg weekly)
  • Oxandrolone (5-20mg daily)

Thirty Hertz Heartbreakers: @PsychoH @Angutoid @Always Stay You @mathis @4lt.Real @sb23 @mewcel420

Cool niggas list: @NZb6Air @moreplatesmoreweigh @MA_ascender @halloweed @truthhurts @billymidnight @itzyaboyJJ @CookieGuy @wastedspermcel @chudlite @Thebuffdon690 @chadintraining @silently_said @RealFunkyFlamingo @org3cel.RR
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and Jonas2k7
  • +1
Reactions: skibidi.vril, Costcosuperstore and Jonas2k7
Great thread since I want to leanmaxx to 15 percent body fat
Im currently 18 percent
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and Jonas2k7
Not a molecule
007BC2C4 F42A 4F5A 9D82 F7094614929B
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and Jonas2k7
op u also should include add that eating very high protein
Getting deep long sleep
Supplementing caffeine
And strength training all help with fat lass and over healthmaxxing
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore and Jonas2k7
op u also should include add that eating very high protein
Getting deep long sleep
Supplementing caffeine
And strength training all help with fat lass and over healthmaxxing
We tried to not include H2O stuff but yes everything you mentioned is really good and important
  • +1
Reactions: Costcosuperstore, 20/04/2008 and itzyaboyJJ
Dnrd cause you didnt tag me, do it next time
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: IOS and Jonas2k7
Leanmaxxing: 8 Strategies for Fat Loss
by @Jonas2k7 & @20/04/2008

What is the bare minimum you can do to still experience significant and rapid fat loss? What gives you the biggest bang for your buck?

This thread will discuss only exclusive methods, nothing water to be seen here.

1. Take collagen to drop fat

Collagen can be a powerful tool for losing fat. Research shows that it significantly aids in muscle building, strength gains and fat reduction.

This isn't just because it's high in glycine and proline or because it's low in inflammatory amino acids like methionine, tryptophan and cysteine, it's primarily due to its content of bioactive peptides. Collagen contains various short peptides, especially hydroxyproline (Hyp)-containing ones, such as:

  • Prolyl-hydroxyproline (Pro-Hyp)
  • Alanine-Hyp
  • Proline-Hyp
  • Alanine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Serine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Phenylalanine-Hyp
  • Gly-Pro-Hyp
  • Isoleucine-Hyp
  • Leucine-Hyp

These peptides are what contribute the most to the anabolic and shredding effects of collagen. Although this list might not cover all the peptides in collagen, it highlights those currently recognized for their potential in muscle building and fat loss. So collagen is much more important than just the free amino acids, glycine, proline or hydroxyproline.

Most studies use around 15g of collagen daily, but for optimal results, it's recommended to increase this to 30g or even 50g per day.

2. Use Red light to release fat

Red light and near-infrared light are highly beneficial to the body, as they promote cellular function. This means they speed up metabolism, increase energy expenditure, boost thyroid hormone and testosterone production, lower stress, promote blood flow, speed up wound healing, reduce wrinkles, improve sleep and exercise performance, etc. The list goes on.

Red light also promotes local lipolysis where it’s applied, aiding in targeted fat loss and overall fat reduction. It can even be used on the face to reduce puffiness and fat in that area.

Investing in a high-quality red light device can have a significant impact on your health and fat loss. It’s an investment worth making, as it’s essential for taking your health to the next level.

3. Get sunlight

Sunlight is so much more than just vitamin D, red light or near infra-red light. There are so many things you can do while being outside in the sun such as grounding, being active, inhaling calming compounds of nature and many more.

Sunlight increases the release of dopamine, and dopamine speeds up the metabolism and the desire to move and be active. Sunlight can also promote blood flow, sweating and the detoxification of toxins that might be hindering fat loss.

4. Walk in nature

Walking in nature is much more beneficial than just walking on a treadmill. Besides being outdoors in the sun and experiencing grounding, being in nature stimulates the brain significantly more and nearly doubles energy expenditure.

When you walk in nature, you burn more calories and enjoy additional benefits, such as reduced stress, increased dopamine levels, earthing, inhaling clean air, and enhanced brain stimulation.

5. Block EMF because it inhibits fat loss

Over the past few decades EMF exposure has increased astronomically. In fact it has increased by a quintillion times (that’s a 1 with 18 zeros) according to Dr. Joseph Mercola.

WiFi modems, cellphone towers and dirty electricity all emit EMF, which activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in the body. These channels allow calcium to enter and accumulate inside cells.

This excess calcium puts the cell in an excited state, leading to several negative effects. Intracellular calcium inhibits lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) in fat tissue, promotes lipogenesis (the conversion of carbohydrates to fat), and disrupts proper glucose oxidation.

As a result, there is less release of fat from fat stores, increased fat synthesis from carbohydrates and reduced oxidation of both fat and glucose in the cells.

So EMF exposure can contribute to fat retention. Fortunately, we can take steps to mitigate these effects through supplements and lifestyle changes that help counteract EMF exposure.

Here are some ways to protect yourself against the dangers of EMF:

1) Calcium Channel Blockers

EMF exposure activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), allowing excess calcium into cells, leading to cellular stress and fat storage. Using calcium antagonists can help inhibit these channels.

Note for gear users: Consider supplementing with DHEA.

2) Inhibit Nitric Oxide Synthesis with Methylene Blue

Methylene blue can block the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which when elevated can hinder fat loss by boosting ATP and CO2 production. Excess NO is detrimental to fat loss.

3) Fix Mitochondrial Function

Improving mitochondrial function is key to reducing oxidative stress and enhancing ATP production. A combination of methylene blue, vitamin C, vitamin K2 and succinic acid can help repair the electron transport chain (ETC). Exercise, proper sleep and stress management are also crucial for promoting healthy mitochondria. Adequate ATP levels are essential for calcium transport out of cells, preventing calcium buildup even when VGCCs are blocked.

4) Activate Nrf2 Pathway

Nrf2 (a transcription factor) helps activate over 500 genes, reduces inflammation, improves mitochondrial function and stimulates autophagy. It lowers peroxynitrite production by inhibiting iNOS and COX-2. Compounds that activate Nrf2 are genereally turmeric, cruciferous vegetables, sulfur-rich foods and various quinones (like CoQ10 and PQQ).

A few compounds that promote Nrf2 include:

  • Turmeric
  • Cruciferous foods
  • Sulfur rich foods
  • Quinones
    • Anthraquinone found in aloe latex, senna, rhubarb, cascara buckthorn, fungi, lichens and some insects.
    • Naphthoquinone (Vitamin K is a derivative of 1,4-naphthoquinone). Other natural naphtoquinones include juglone (found in black walnut), lapachol (pau d arco tea),
    • Benzoquinone. Ubiquinone (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring 1,4-benzoquinone.
    • Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) found in kiwi fruit.
  • γ (gamma) and δ (delta) tocopherols
  • α-lipoic acid
  • Carotenoids
  • Olives and olive oil due to being rich in phenolics and terpenoids
  • Purple sweet potatoes due to anthocyanin phenolics
  • Quercetin
  • Apigenin
  • Naringenin
  • Sulforaphane
  • Shikonin (natural anthraquinone derivative) lowers estrogen by modulating an estrogen enzyme by down-regulating the expression of steroid sulfatase, it's essential for estrogen biosynthesis.

5) Inhibit NMDA Receptors

NMDA receptor activation increases intracellular calcium. Glutamate, the main NMDA agonist, rises in low ATP states, worsening calcium buildup. Magnesium and Theanine are two of the best natural NMDA receptor antagonists. Ketamine is a very effective and relatively safe drug that blocks the NMDA receptor.

6) Induce Mitochondrial Uncoupling

Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) reduce oxidative phosphorylation, lowering oxidative stress and preventing excess calcium entry. Moderate uncoupling can be induced with supplements like adrenal cortex extract, thyroid hormones (T4 and T3), calcium and progesterone. Caution is needed with strong uncouplers like DNP, which can cause lethal overheating.

Other methods to induce UCP are:

  • large doses of aspirin
  • methylene blue
  • salt
  • red meat
  • lots of glucose with fats and spices.
  • Curcumin

Let me say it again: If you get an excess of uncoupling, you can actually die of heat. This is how people die that overdose on DNP.

That’s why DNP is so effective but very unsafe, whereas Niclosamide appears to be effective and much safer.

Goodbye buddy boyos @appealmaxed @craven :ogre:

6. Avoid toxins

Just like EMF our environment, food, air and water have dramatically increased in toxins like heavy metals, mold, plastic, pharmaceutical drugs (birth control, SSRI, etc.), food additives, colourants, flavourings, cosmetics, omega 6 rich rancid vegetable oils/foods and more.

The list is way too long, but I’ll list a few:

  • Heavy metals – Present in the air, dental fillings, water pipes, paints and many other building materials.
  • Mold – Present in coffee, cocoa, grains and other products that aren’t properly stored. Animals that eat moldy grains (like all of them basically) have these toxic compounds in their fat and products such as eggs and milk and milk products. It’s also present where it’s damp and dark like in the bathroom, under wooden floors, in the ceiling, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs – Mostly present in our water, as well as in the sea creatures we eat that live close to the shore.
  • Plastics – Everywhere basically. Stopping the use of plastic products and using an activated charcoal filter can help you get rid of the majority of plastics.
  • Food additives, colourants & flavourings – Present in most foods and drinks. You’ll be surprised that it’s even present in “natural” foods, such as thickeners in yoghurt and cottage cheese, colourants in fruit juice & meat, flavour enhancers in baked goods, meats, drinks, etc.
  • Cosmetics – Chances are that the shampoo, shaving cream, aftershave and deodorant you’re getting at your local store is choke-full of harmful chemicals. Instead of spending hours on hours staring at the labels in the shop looking like a weirdo, just invest a little more and get complete natural ingredients instead. They work just as well if not better.
  • Omega 6 rich rancid oils/foods – Oils such as canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower, etc. are used as food preservatives in natural foods such as dried fruits, “healthy” chips and more. They are best to be avoided. Even animals that eat whole grains are being overloaded with these estrogenic and harmful oils. For this one it is worth staring at the back of labels looking like a weirdo to get safe food.

Avoiding all these toxins will take a huge strain off of your body which will then allow inflammation to drop, your gut to function better, mood to lift and fat loss to commence.

But don’t feel overwhelmed, think of it this way: All you’re doing is eliminating things and replacing a few. So it’s not like you are overhauling your whole life. You are just making smart subtractions and a few replacements.

7. Balance blood sugar & optimize glucose oxidation

All kinds of issues occur when we cannot utilize the glucose we consume. The glucose oxidation pathway seems pretty fragile and any disruption to the pathway causes issues such as:

  • Excess fat gain
  • Elevated lactate
  • Fatty liver
  • Fatigue
  • Excess levels of cortisol
  • Struggling to build muscle

That is why so many people these days benefit from reducing carb intake. Not because carbs are bad, it’s just that their body’s glucose utilization pathway is functioning suboptimally.

First we have to provide the necessary substrates to ensure proper glucose oxidation. There are 3 important steps for that. The first is the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), where pyruvate (the breakdown product of glucose) is shuttled into the Kreb cycle. The second is the Kreb cycle itself and step number three is the electron transport chain, where the electrons “harvested” from the glucose are passed along to drive the creation of energy (ATP).

Step 1:

The first step can be quite challenging for a lot of people because of these reasons:

  • Excess free fatty acids that inhibit this enzyme.
  • Elevated NADH:NAD ratio due to faulty electron transport chain or low NAD+ levels.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency such as vitamin B1, B3, B5 and magnesium.

Blocking excess FFAs with aspirin, supplementing niacinamide to increase NAD+ and taking high doses of vitamin B1 (around 300-600mg) and magnesium (200mg-2g) can greatly speed up this step.

Step 2:

The Kreb cycle itself is rarely a major issue if all the minerals and vitamins that are needed (vit B1, B3, B5, iron, magnesium and manganese) for proper functioning are present. However, high levels of oxidative stress can stop one of the first enzymes called aconitase, leading citrate to be used for the synthesis of fat (lipogenesis), instead of the Kreb cycle functioning normally.

Lowering oxidative stress is the key for normal Kreb cycle function.

Step 3:

Most people also have a major hiccup at this step. Most of the time it’s due to:

  • Oxidized cardiolipin due to elevated oxidative stress
  • Excess nitric oxide, which blocks complex IV
  • Excess polyunsaturated fats in the cell membranes, allowing electron leak and oxidative stress

So it really comes down to elevated oxidative stress and this leads to a host of negatives, such as oxidized cardiolipin, cell membranes, enzymes, etc. and then fission has to step in to clear the damage and as a result, you end up with an excess of small and toxic mitochondria that overwhelms mitophagy, as seen in diabetes.

What we can do is lower oxidative stress, supply mitochondrial antioxidants and use alternative electron carriers.

To do that we can take:

  • Vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and CoQ10 (ubiquinone, not ubiquinol)
  • Succinic acid (it rescues defective complex I and II)
  • Methylene blue (it rescues defective complex (possibly I), II & III and speeds up complex IV)
  • Vitamin K2 (rescues defective complex III)
  • Red light (speeds up complex IV)

8. Lowering cortisol levels

Cortisol affects fat storage, lipogenesis, lypolysis and appetite. Here are some methods on lowering cortisol levels, excluding all the water stuff like sleep obviously:

  • Ashwagandha (300-600mg)
  • Phosphatidyl Serine (400-1200mg)
  • Emodin (250-500mg)
  • L-Theanine (200-400mg)
  • Melatonin (3-100mg)
  • Magnesium (400-2000mg)
  • Testosterone (Over 150mg weekly)
  • Oxandrolone (5-20mg daily)

Thirty Hertz Heartbreakers: @PsychoH @Angutoid @Always Stay You @mathis @4lt.Real @sb23 @mewcel420

Cool niggas list: @NZb6Air @moreplatesmoreweigh @MA_ascender @halloweed @truthhurts @billymidnight @itzyaboyJJ @CookieGuy @wastedspermcel @chudlite @Thebuffdon690 @chadintraining @silently_said @RealFunkyFlamingo @org3cel.RR
This just sounds like mental masturbation in order not to put in the work, literally just put down the fork and work out every day instead of ingesting jew chemicals you have no idea about what they do to your body save for a few sentences you’ve read online.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Jonas2k7
DNDR put the fork down
Leanmaxxing: 8 Strategies for Fat Loss
by @Jonas2k7 & @20/04/2008

What is the bare minimum you can do to still experience significant and rapid fat loss? What gives you the biggest bang for your buck?

This thread will discuss only exclusive methods, nothing water to be seen here.

1. Take collagen to drop fat

Collagen can be a powerful tool for losing fat. Research shows that it significantly aids in muscle building, strength gains and fat reduction.

This isn't just because it's high in glycine and proline or because it's low in inflammatory amino acids like methionine, tryptophan and cysteine, it's primarily due to its content of bioactive peptides. Collagen contains various short peptides, especially hydroxyproline (Hyp)-containing ones, such as:

  • Prolyl-hydroxyproline (Pro-Hyp)
  • Alanine-Hyp
  • Proline-Hyp
  • Alanine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Serine-Hydroxyproline-Glycine
  • Phenylalanine-Hyp
  • Gly-Pro-Hyp
  • Isoleucine-Hyp
  • Leucine-Hyp

These peptides are what contribute the most to the anabolic and shredding effects of collagen. Although this list might not cover all the peptides in collagen, it highlights those currently recognized for their potential in muscle building and fat loss. So collagen is much more important than just the free amino acids, glycine, proline or hydroxyproline.

Most studies use around 15g of collagen daily, but for optimal results, it's recommended to increase this to 30g or even 50g per day.

2. Use Red light to release fat

Red light and near-infrared light are highly beneficial to the body, as they promote cellular function. This means they speed up metabolism, increase energy expenditure, boost thyroid hormone and testosterone production, lower stress, promote blood flow, speed up wound healing, reduce wrinkles, improve sleep and exercise performance, etc. The list goes on.

Red light also promotes local lipolysis where it’s applied, aiding in targeted fat loss and overall fat reduction. It can even be used on the face to reduce puffiness and fat in that area.

Investing in a high-quality red light device can have a significant impact on your health and fat loss. It’s an investment worth making, as it’s essential for taking your health to the next level.

3. Get sunlight

Sunlight is so much more than just vitamin D, red light or near infra-red light. There are so many things you can do while being outside in the sun such as grounding, being active, inhaling calming compounds of nature and many more.

Sunlight increases the release of dopamine, and dopamine speeds up the metabolism and the desire to move and be active. Sunlight can also promote blood flow, sweating and the detoxification of toxins that might be hindering fat loss.

4. Walk in nature

Walking in nature is much more beneficial than just walking on a treadmill. Besides being outdoors in the sun and experiencing grounding, being in nature stimulates the brain significantly more and nearly doubles energy expenditure.

When you walk in nature, you burn more calories and enjoy additional benefits, such as reduced stress, increased dopamine levels, earthing, inhaling clean air, and enhanced brain stimulation.

5. Block EMF because it inhibits fat loss

Over the past few decades EMF exposure has increased astronomically. In fact it has increased by a quintillion times (that’s a 1 with 18 zeros) according to Dr. Joseph Mercola.

WiFi modems, cellphone towers and dirty electricity all emit EMF, which activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in the body. These channels allow calcium to enter and accumulate inside cells.

This excess calcium puts the cell in an excited state, leading to several negative effects. Intracellular calcium inhibits lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) in fat tissue, promotes lipogenesis (the conversion of carbohydrates to fat), and disrupts proper glucose oxidation.

As a result, there is less release of fat from fat stores, increased fat synthesis from carbohydrates and reduced oxidation of both fat and glucose in the cells.

So EMF exposure can contribute to fat retention. Fortunately, we can take steps to mitigate these effects through supplements and lifestyle changes that help counteract EMF exposure.

Here are some ways to protect yourself against the dangers of EMF:

1) Calcium Channel Blockers

EMF exposure activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), allowing excess calcium into cells, leading to cellular stress and fat storage. Using calcium antagonists can help inhibit these channels.

Note for gear users: Consider supplementing with DHEA.

2) Inhibit Nitric Oxide Synthesis with Methylene Blue

Methylene blue can block the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), which when elevated can hinder fat loss by boosting ATP and CO2 production. Excess NO is detrimental to fat loss.

3) Fix Mitochondrial Function

Improving mitochondrial function is key to reducing oxidative stress and enhancing ATP production. A combination of methylene blue, vitamin C, vitamin K2 and succinic acid can help repair the electron transport chain (ETC). Exercise, proper sleep and stress management are also crucial for promoting healthy mitochondria. Adequate ATP levels are essential for calcium transport out of cells, preventing calcium buildup even when VGCCs are blocked.

4) Activate Nrf2 Pathway

Nrf2 (a transcription factor) helps activate over 500 genes, reduces inflammation, improves mitochondrial function and stimulates autophagy. It lowers peroxynitrite production by inhibiting iNOS and COX-2. Compounds that activate Nrf2 are genereally turmeric, cruciferous vegetables, sulfur-rich foods and various quinones (like CoQ10 and PQQ).

A few compounds that promote Nrf2 include:

  • Turmeric
  • Cruciferous foods
  • Sulfur rich foods
  • Quinones
    • Anthraquinone found in aloe latex, senna, rhubarb, cascara buckthorn, fungi, lichens and some insects.
    • Naphthoquinone (Vitamin K is a derivative of 1,4-naphthoquinone). Other natural naphtoquinones include juglone (found in black walnut), lapachol (pau d arco tea),
    • Benzoquinone. Ubiquinone (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring 1,4-benzoquinone.
    • Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) found in kiwi fruit.
  • γ (gamma) and δ (delta) tocopherols
  • α-lipoic acid
  • Carotenoids
  • Olives and olive oil due to being rich in phenolics and terpenoids
  • Purple sweet potatoes due to anthocyanin phenolics
  • Quercetin
  • Apigenin
  • Naringenin
  • Sulforaphane
  • Shikonin (natural anthraquinone derivative) lowers estrogen by modulating an estrogen enzyme by down-regulating the expression of steroid sulfatase, it's essential for estrogen biosynthesis.

5) Inhibit NMDA Receptors

NMDA receptor activation increases intracellular calcium. Glutamate, the main NMDA agonist, rises in low ATP states, worsening calcium buildup. Magnesium and Theanine are two of the best natural NMDA receptor antagonists. Ketamine is a very effective and relatively safe drug that blocks the NMDA receptor.

6) Induce Mitochondrial Uncoupling

Mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs) reduce oxidative phosphorylation, lowering oxidative stress and preventing excess calcium entry. Moderate uncoupling can be induced with supplements like adrenal cortex extract, thyroid hormones (T4 and T3), calcium and progesterone. Caution is needed with strong uncouplers like DNP, which can cause lethal overheating.

Other methods to induce UCP are:

  • large doses of aspirin
  • methylene blue
  • salt
  • red meat
  • lots of glucose with fats and spices.
  • Curcumin

Let me say it again: If you get an excess of uncoupling, you can actually die of heat. This is how people die that overdose on DNP.

That’s why DNP is so effective but very unsafe, whereas Niclosamide appears to be effective and much safer.

Goodbye buddy boyos @appealmaxed @craven :ogre:

6. Avoid toxins

Just like EMF our environment, food, air and water have dramatically increased in toxins like heavy metals, mold, plastic, pharmaceutical drugs (birth control, SSRI, etc.), food additives, colourants, flavourings, cosmetics, omega 6 rich rancid vegetable oils/foods and more.

The list is way too long, but I’ll list a few:

  • Heavy metals – Present in the air, dental fillings, water pipes, paints and many other building materials.
  • Mold – Present in coffee, cocoa, grains and other products that aren’t properly stored. Animals that eat moldy grains (like all of them basically) have these toxic compounds in their fat and products such as eggs and milk and milk products. It’s also present where it’s damp and dark like in the bathroom, under wooden floors, in the ceiling, etc.
  • Pharmaceutical drugs – Mostly present in our water, as well as in the sea creatures we eat that live close to the shore.
  • Plastics – Everywhere basically. Stopping the use of plastic products and using an activated charcoal filter can help you get rid of the majority of plastics.
  • Food additives, colourants & flavourings – Present in most foods and drinks. You’ll be surprised that it’s even present in “natural” foods, such as thickeners in yoghurt and cottage cheese, colourants in fruit juice & meat, flavour enhancers in baked goods, meats, drinks, etc.
  • Cosmetics – Chances are that the shampoo, shaving cream, aftershave and deodorant you’re getting at your local store is choke-full of harmful chemicals. Instead of spending hours on hours staring at the labels in the shop looking like a weirdo, just invest a little more and get complete natural ingredients instead. They work just as well if not better.
  • Omega 6 rich rancid oils/foods – Oils such as canola, soy, safflower, corn, sunflower, etc. are used as food preservatives in natural foods such as dried fruits, “healthy” chips and more. They are best to be avoided. Even animals that eat whole grains are being overloaded with these estrogenic and harmful oils. For this one it is worth staring at the back of labels looking like a weirdo to get safe food.

Avoiding all these toxins will take a huge strain off of your body which will then allow inflammation to drop, your gut to function better, mood to lift and fat loss to commence.

But don’t feel overwhelmed, think of it this way: All you’re doing is eliminating things and replacing a few. So it’s not like you are overhauling your whole life. You are just making smart subtractions and a few replacements.

7. Balance blood sugar & optimize glucose oxidation

All kinds of issues occur when we cannot utilize the glucose we consume. The glucose oxidation pathway seems pretty fragile and any disruption to the pathway causes issues such as:

  • Excess fat gain
  • Elevated lactate
  • Fatty liver
  • Fatigue
  • Excess levels of cortisol
  • Struggling to build muscle

That is why so many people these days benefit from reducing carb intake. Not because carbs are bad, it’s just that their body’s glucose utilization pathway is functioning suboptimally.

First we have to provide the necessary substrates to ensure proper glucose oxidation. There are 3 important steps for that. The first is the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), where pyruvate (the breakdown product of glucose) is shuttled into the Kreb cycle. The second is the Kreb cycle itself and step number three is the electron transport chain, where the electrons “harvested” from the glucose are passed along to drive the creation of energy (ATP).

Step 1:

The first step can be quite challenging for a lot of people because of these reasons:

  • Excess free fatty acids that inhibit this enzyme.
  • Elevated NADH:NAD ratio due to faulty electron transport chain or low NAD+ levels.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency such as vitamin B1, B3, B5 and magnesium.

Blocking excess FFAs with aspirin, supplementing niacinamide to increase NAD+ and taking high doses of vitamin B1 (around 300-600mg) and magnesium (200mg-2g) can greatly speed up this step.

Step 2:

The Kreb cycle itself is rarely a major issue if all the minerals and vitamins that are needed (vit B1, B3, B5, iron, magnesium and manganese) for proper functioning are present. However, high levels of oxidative stress can stop one of the first enzymes called aconitase, leading citrate to be used for the synthesis of fat (lipogenesis), instead of the Kreb cycle functioning normally.

Lowering oxidative stress is the key for normal Kreb cycle function.

Step 3:

Most people also have a major hiccup at this step. Most of the time it’s due to:

  • Oxidized cardiolipin due to elevated oxidative stress
  • Excess nitric oxide, which blocks complex IV
  • Excess polyunsaturated fats in the cell membranes, allowing electron leak and oxidative stress

So it really comes down to elevated oxidative stress and this leads to a host of negatives, such as oxidized cardiolipin, cell membranes, enzymes, etc. and then fission has to step in to clear the damage and as a result, you end up with an excess of small and toxic mitochondria that overwhelms mitophagy, as seen in diabetes.

What we can do is lower oxidative stress, supply mitochondrial antioxidants and use alternative electron carriers.

To do that we can take:

  • Vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and CoQ10 (ubiquinone, not ubiquinol)
  • Succinic acid (it rescues defective complex I and II)
  • Methylene blue (it rescues defective complex (possibly I), II & III and speeds up complex IV)
  • Vitamin K2 (rescues defective complex III)
  • Red light (speeds up complex IV)

8. Lowering cortisol levels

Cortisol affects fat storage, lipogenesis, lypolysis and appetite. Here are some methods on lowering cortisol levels, excluding all the water stuff like sleep obviously:

  • Ashwagandha (300-600mg)
  • Phosphatidyl Serine (400-1200mg)
  • Emodin (250-500mg)
  • L-Theanine (200-400mg)
  • Melatonin (3-100mg)
  • Magnesium (400-2000mg)
  • Testosterone (Over 150mg weekly)
  • Oxandrolone (5-20mg daily)

Thirty Hertz Heartbreakers: @PsychoH @Angutoid @Always Stay You @mathis @4lt.Real @sb23 @mewcel420

Cool niggas list: @NZb6Air @moreplatesmoreweigh @MA_ascender @halloweed @truthhurts @billymidnight @itzyaboyJJ @CookieGuy @wastedspermcel @chudlite @Thebuffdon690 @chadintraining @silently_said @RealFunkyFlamingo @org3cel.RR
Dnrd caloric deficit and go carnivore or death

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