Leftist aren't anti white just anti west



Defender of Israel
Mar 10, 2023
Tjats why they hate israel and support actually anti jews.

They support russia even justfing it with ethno nationalism
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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You're a homosexual
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As long as the jews are eradicating browns, I will support Israel
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leftists are anti-slav
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Reactions: lemonnz, slavicpsycho and vermillioncorefan
left, right, same bird , they both must die
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leftists supporting russia is hilarious, they would support nazi germany allying with the soviet union in ww2 100%
  • +1
  • Woah
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Jews are eradicating whites through multiculturalism
nobody is getting eradicated and jews dont care about any of this you paranoid faggot
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nobody is getting eradicated and jews dont care about any of this you paranoid faggot
Good goy as Jews push for more migrants in Europe and interracial
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just get rid of the niggers jews and shitskins already
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World is a meme rn cant even understand wtf is going on lmao
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They hate straight white men.

With women it's hate attraction. You get this bitter jealous resentment off of them. But if you're good looking enough they want to sleep with you. Sometimes make your their boyfriend so they can talk trash about you and feel powerful for controlling you.

But I don't like it all. First of all, I'm not attracted to them because they are obese. The fat is beautiful, combined with be-yourself rather than adapting to external standards, combined with fat can be healthy, combined with the victim hood frames that dominate that culture, produce the most hideous women, looks, and personality wise.

Like absolutely fucking disgusting. I'm an atheist, and I'd rather pretend to be religious and date a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist girl before I'd date one of those fat fucking worthless festering blobs of cultural cancer.
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They hate straight white men.

With women it's hate attraction. You get this bitter jealous resentment off of them. But if you're good looking enough they want to sleep with you. Sometimes make your their boyfriend so they can talk trash about you and feel powerful for controlling you.

But I don't like it all. First of all, I'm not attracted to them because they are obese. The fat is beautiful, combined with be-yourself rather than adapting to external standards, combined with fat can be healthy, combined with the victim hood frames that dominate that culture, produce the most hideous women, looks, and personality wise.

Like absolutely fucking disgusting. I'm an atheist, and I'd rather pretend to be religious and date a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist girl before I'd date one of those fat fucking worthless festering blobs of cultural cancer.
Is that the reason they discard you after they made u their husband/bf? They seem to really hate you in the end but that doesnt explain why they still dump you… maybe that’s not really hate but a void they feel towards the guy
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Is that the reason they discard you after they made u their husband/bf? They seem to really hate you in the end but that doesnt explain why they still dump you… maybe that’s not really hate but a void they feel towards the guy
The human mind has a model of reality, and it interprets new stimulus based on that existing model.

It also decides in real time, how much new stimulus to take in, and how much to just run the model simulation. This is why when people are expecting a call, they will often hear their phone buzz, even if it didn't buzz. The model over-rode their perception of reality.

Their culture, and entertainment content is constantly re-enforcing their world view and model of reality. This includes, men are evil, cops are all racists and bad, white people and men are privileged, women who cry rape are all telling the truth but evil sexist men don't believe them, and so on. Constant re-enforcement with cherry picked stories, perspectives, and frames of looking at things. This goes on for years and years, even in their friends group. So even they get away from all of that, they're still running the model in their brains.

This causes them to interpret everything you do and say to confirm their pre-existing model of reality, which is men are shit. So every tiny thing is going to be interpreted in a negative light. You can't win. Being a man, especially a white man guarantees they will see you as racist, privileged, toxic, sexist, annoying, dumb, condescending, and whatever else they've been brainwashed with.

So they perceive the relationship as being oppressive towards them, and you as being a piece of shit, even if you're the nicest guy in the world. And they eventually break up with you.

In another sense it's a self fulfilling prophesy.
  • +1
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The human mind has a model of reality, and it interprets new stimulus based on that existing model.

It also decides in real time, how much new stimulus to take in, and how much to just run the model simulation. This is why when people are expecting a call, they will often hear their phone buzz, even if it didn't buzz. The model over-rode their perception of reality.

Their culture, and entertainment content is constantly re-enforcing their world view and model of reality. This includes, men are evil, cops are all racists and bad, white people and men are privileged, women who cry rape are all telling the truth but evil sexist men don't believe them, and so on. Constant re-enforcement with cherry picked stories, perspectives, and frames of looking at things. This goes on for years and years, even in their friends group. So even they get away from all of that, they're still running the model in their brains.

This causes them to interpret everything you do and say to confirm their pre-existing model of reality, which is men are shit. So every tiny thing is going to be interpreted in a negative light. You can't win. Being a man, especially a white man guarantees they will see you as racist, privileged, toxic, sexist, annoying, dumb, condescending, and whatever else they've been brainwashed with.

So they perceive the relationship as being oppressive towards them, and you as being a piece of shit, even if you're the nicest guy in the world. And they eventually break up with you.

In another sense it's a self fulfilling prophesy.
Interesting asf. Are there in ur opinion some methods to fuck this system of things and gather the best outcome without going mgtow? Is a life long ltr impossible? are we all fucked?
  • +1
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Interesting asf. Are there in ur opinion some methods to fuck this system of things and gather the best outcome without going mgtow? Is a life long ltr impossible? are we all fucked?
I don't have an LTR, so all of my ideas are theoretical. My ONLY focus is looksmaxing and lifemaxing atm. So I don't pursue women for the time being.

But imho there are lot of solutions to getting a happy LTR.

One is religionmaxing. There are many religions around the world such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Religions are clusters of mind-viruses that offer some protection against worse mind viruses that will make women hate men.

For religionmaxing you have to pretend to be that religion, and you have to do so around every one for the rest of your life. But this in theory isn't that hard once you've gotten use to it. Think of it like playing pretend, which you did as a child. Or if you've ever played dungeons and dragons. Pray, Donate to Charity, Donate your time to help the homeless. These things will be appealing to a loving, empathetic woman, that will make a good LTR. Try to gain status in the church/mosque/religiose hierarchy. Things like being a bible study teacher will make you more attractive to religious foids because status is important.

Religion maxing is the best solution but there is also woke-maxing. It would learning be to act extremely convincingly woke. Pretending to fervently believe, and proselytize all extremely woke philosophies and donate your time to work organizations, as well as attend woke protests and marches. This is harder because by being a man, they will be naturally skeptical of you. Being skeptical of men is part of their belief system.

But it's not impossible. It's very important that you look the part. Die your hair a colorful non-natural color. Maybe even spike it. Wear eyeliner and black-lipstick, and demand people call you they/them. You want their intuitive brain to put you in a category that is not "Man", because "Man" is the evil toxic category they are trained to hate. But luckily their belief system allows for non-male categories, you just have to dress, and act like you're in one of those categories convincingly.

As long as you have a good body, and talk in a deep voice there will still be potential for attraction, even though you're dressing like an absolute clown. In fact, that clown outfit may make you more attractive to them, because it signals that you are part of her "tribe" and it's safer biologically for her to be in an LTR with you.

Tribal identity is important to neurotypical people, but especially to most women because their brains are hardwired for it, for their own survival.

There is a big overlap between wokism, and new-age beliefs like astrology, ghosts, and magic. So for those girls, you also want to show you are an adherent to these belief systems. Learn Palm reading, and Tarrot card reading, Aura-reading, and so on. I'm not an expert on this, but it's pretty deep you can get into.

All of this will build more comfort and long term attraction (provide the physical attraction is there). The next step is building empathy. There's a concept in psychology that we like the people that like us. So, when you're in a relationship, you want to genuinely like the girl so that you two can fall deeper in love, and have really long happy relationship. This can be accomplished by focusing on things you like about her everday. Also by meditating and imgagining her being happy. Basically you're training your brain to want to make her happy. She will sense this on you, and recapacitate the vibe to some degree.

Being deceptive feels bad, we have a gut revulsion too it, and women can sometimes (but not always) sense it. But with practice it can become second nature and we can even start to enjoy it and relish in it. Remember, you're being honest about everything except your belief systems. No one can go inside your head and know what you really believe, so it's safe from her or any one ever finding out. Even if some one found out I wrote this in the future, I could claim that I was saved by Jesus/Mohamed or whatever and I genuinely converted into believing whatever bullshit I have to pretend to believe. And if you're talking passionately about your "beliefs" no one is even going to suspect it.

You just have to go all in. When some one is rude to a black person, under wokism that's racist it should bother you. When a baby dies under christanity, at least he's with Jesus, and so on. You have to commit. You know how you can feel emotions for the characters when reading a book? If you fully devote yourself to a belief system that foids have, then you'll be imagining it all the time, and trying to pretend it's real. It will be easier get yourself to feel the emotions you need to feel.

But that's it. Nothing in life comes easy, but you get use to things.
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  • +1
Reactions: FutureSlayer
leftists supporting russia is hilarious, they would support nazi germany allying with the soviet union in ww2 100%
wym by that
wym by that
The Angloid liberals have been trying to convince the world that the Molotov neutrality pact of 39 was an alliance while ignoring their own many dealings with Hitler in the years prior to that.
  • +1
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The Angloid liberals have been trying to convince the world that the Molotov neutrality pact of 39 was an alliance while ignoring their own many dealings with Hitler in the years prior to that.
i see. what does that have to do with liberals nowadays?
i see. what does that have to do with liberals nowadays?
Western liberals have been trying to create a narrative that communism = nazism and that their liberal bullshit is the only thing that should be ever considered. Everything else is "authoritarian" and "anti-democratic".
  • +1
Reactions: vermillioncorefan
Western liberals have been trying to create a narrative that communism = nazism and that their liberal bullshit is the only thing that should be ever considered. Everything else is "authoritarian" and "anti-democratic".
Because liberalism is an aggressive expansionist ideology. They are not willing to live in peace with other civilizations. Hence the fearmongering against China. Here you see how the two civilizations view the world:
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That guy has no clue what he's talking about, what i meant in my original comment is that "leftists" are willing to side with anyone and everyone, as long as theyre against the west. Even if they're genocidal islamist terrorists (hamas). Nazi germany is an example of a completely deranged enemy of the west that should never be supported, yet leftists would probably support them by proxy of them being against the "degenerate globalist west", which is ironic since nazis are supposed to be the polar political opposite of leftists/communists.
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I don't have an LTR, so all of my ideas are theoretical. My ONLY focus is looksmaxing and lifemaxing atm. So I don't pursue women for the time being.

But imho there are lot of solutions to getting a happy LTR.

One is religionmaxing. There are many religions around the world such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Religions are clusters of mind-viruses that offer some protection against worse mind viruses that will make women hate men.

For religionmaxing you have to pretend to be that religion, and you have to do so around every one for the rest of your life. But this in theory isn't that hard once you've gotten use to it. Think of it like playing pretend, which you did as a child. Or if you've ever played dungeons and dragons. Pray, Donate to Charity, Donate your time to help the homeless. These things will be appealing to a loving, empathetic woman, that will make a good LTR. Try to gain status in the church/mosque/religiose hierarchy. Things like being a bible study teacher will make you more attractive to religious foids because status is important.

Religion maxing is the best solution but there is also woke-maxing. It would learning be to act extremely convincingly woke. Pretending to fervently believe, and proselytize all extremely woke philosophies and donate your time to work organizations, as well as attend woke protests and marches. This is harder because by being a man, they will be naturally skeptical of you. Being skeptical of men is part of their belief system.

But it's not impossible. It's very important that you look the part. Die your hair a colorful non-natural color. Maybe even spike it. Wear eyeliner and black-lipstick, and demand people call you they/them. You want their intuitive brain to put you in a category that is not "Man", because "Man" is the evil toxic category they are trained to hate. But luckily their belief system allows for non-male categories, you just have to dress, and act like you're in one of those categories convincingly.

As long as you have a good body, and talk in a deep voice there will still be potential for attraction, even though you're dressing like an absolute clown. In fact, that clown outfit may make you more attractive to them, because it signals that you are part of her "tribe" and it's safer biologically for her to be in an LTR with you.

Tribal identity is important to neurotypical people, but especially to most women because their brains are hardwired for it, for their own survival.

There is a big overlap between wokism, and new-age beliefs like astrology, ghosts, and magic. So for those girls, you also want to show you are an adherent to these belief systems. Learn Palm reading, and Tarrot card reading, Aura-reading, and so on. I'm not an expert on this, but it's pretty deep you can get into.

All of this will build more comfort and long term attraction (provide the physical attraction is there). The next step is building empathy. There's a concept in psychology that we like the people that like us. So, when you're in a relationship, you want to genuinely like the girl so that you two can fall deeper in love, and have really long happy relationship. This can be accomplished by focusing on things you like about her everday. Also by meditating and imgagining her being happy. Basically you're training your brain to want to make her happy. She will sense this on you, and recapacitate the vibe to some degree.

Being deceptive feels bad, we have a gut revulsion too it, and women can sometimes (but not always) sense it. But with practice it can become second nature and we can even start to enjoy it and relish in it. Remember, you're being honest about everything except your belief systems. No one can go inside your head and know what you really believe, so it's safe from her or any one ever finding out. Even if some one found out I wrote this in the future, I could claim that I was saved by Jesus/Mohamed or whatever and I genuinely converted into believing whatever bullshit I have to pretend to believe. And if you're talking passionately about your "beliefs" no one is even going to suspect it.

You just have to go all in. When some one is rude to a black person, under wokism that's racist it should bother you. When a baby dies under christanity, at least he's with Jesus, and so on. You have to commit. You know how you can feel emotions for the characters when reading a book? If you fully devote yourself to a belief system that foids have, then you'll be imagining it all the time, and trying to pretend it's real. It will be easier get yourself to feel the emotions you need to feel.

But that's it. Nothing in life comes easy, but you get use to things.
BotB worthy imo
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I don't have an LTR, so all of my ideas are theoretical. My ONLY focus is looksmaxing and lifemaxing atm. So I don't pursue women for the time being.

But imho there are lot of solutions to getting a happy LTR.

One is religionmaxing. There are many religions around the world such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Religions are clusters of mind-viruses that offer some protection against worse mind viruses that will make women hate men.

For religionmaxing you have to pretend to be that religion, and you have to do so around every one for the rest of your life. But this in theory isn't that hard once you've gotten use to it. Think of it like playing pretend, which you did as a child. Or if you've ever played dungeons and dragons. Pray, Donate to Charity, Donate your time to help the homeless. These things will be appealing to a loving, empathetic woman, that will make a good LTR. Try to gain status in the church/mosque/religiose hierarchy. Things like being a bible study teacher will make you more attractive to religious foids because status is important.

Religion maxing is the best solution but there is also woke-maxing. It would learning be to act extremely convincingly woke. Pretending to fervently believe, and proselytize all extremely woke philosophies and donate your time to work organizations, as well as attend woke protests and marches. This is harder because by being a man, they will be naturally skeptical of you. Being skeptical of men is part of their belief system.

But it's not impossible. It's very important that you look the part. Die your hair a colorful non-natural color. Maybe even spike it. Wear eyeliner and black-lipstick, and demand people call you they/them. You want their intuitive brain to put you in a category that is not "Man", because "Man" is the evil toxic category they are trained to hate. But luckily their belief system allows for non-male categories, you just have to dress, and act like you're in one of those categories convincingly.

As long as you have a good body, and talk in a deep voice there will still be potential for attraction, even though you're dressing like an absolute clown. In fact, that clown outfit may make you more attractive to them, because it signals that you are part of her "tribe" and it's safer biologically for her to be in an LTR with you.

Tribal identity is important to neurotypical people, but especially to most women because their brains are hardwired for it, for their own survival.

There is a big overlap between wokism, and new-age beliefs like astrology, ghosts, and magic. So for those girls, you also want to show you are an adherent to these belief systems. Learn Palm reading, and Tarrot card reading, Aura-reading, and so on. I'm not an expert on this, but it's pretty deep you can get into.

All of this will build more comfort and long term attraction (provide the physical attraction is there). The next step is building empathy. There's a concept in psychology that we like the people that like us. So, when you're in a relationship, you want to genuinely like the girl so that you two can fall deeper in love, and have really long happy relationship. This can be accomplished by focusing on things you like about her everday. Also by meditating and imgagining her being happy. Basically you're training your brain to want to make her happy. She will sense this on you, and recapacitate the vibe to some degree.

Being deceptive feels bad, we have a gut revulsion too it, and women can sometimes (but not always) sense it. But with practice it can become second nature and we can even start to enjoy it and relish in it. Remember, you're being honest about everything except your belief systems. No one can go inside your head and know what you really believe, so it's safe from her or any one ever finding out. Even if some one found out I wrote this in the future, I could claim that I was saved by Jesus/Mohamed or whatever and I genuinely converted into believing whatever bullshit I have to pretend to believe. And if you're talking passionately about your "beliefs" no one is even going to suspect it.

You just have to go all in. When some one is rude to a black person, under wokism that's racist it should bother you. When a baby dies under christanity, at least he's with Jesus, and so on. You have to commit. You know how you can feel emotions for the characters when reading a book? If you fully devote yourself to a belief system that foids have, then you'll be imagining it all the time, and trying to pretend it's real. It will be easier get yourself to feel the emotions you need to feel.

But that's it. Nothing in life comes easy, but you get use to things.
I actually visited jw.org irl plenty of times for those reasons but wasting my weekends with them lifelong just to keep a a foid scares me:feelscry:
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That guy has no clue what he's talking about, what i meant in my original comment is that "leftists" are willing to side with anyone and everyone, as long as theyre against the west. Even if they're genocidal islamist terrorists (hamas). Nazi germany is an example of a completely deranged enemy of the west that should never be supported, yet leftists would probably support them by proxy of them being against the "degenerate globalist west", which is ironic since nazis are supposed to be the polar political opposite of leftists/communists.
The West not only created Nazism

and supported Mussolini

but is also beyond modern day Islamic terrorism.

That is the point. The USSR was propping up progressive leaders all throughout the middle east while the west kept paying Islamic extremist terrorists and in reality the neutrality pact was in no way an alliance with Hitler. The idea that "leftists" supported terrorists & Hitler to spite the freedom based west is a libtard narrative in no way corresponding to what actually took place.

The same way today. Both Russia and Palestine are the ones defending themselves but the propaganda machine is trying to convince everyone of the opposite.
I actually visited jw.org irl plenty of times for those reasons but wasting my weekends with them fifelong just to keep a a foid scares me:feelscry:
Yah. It's a last resort.

Though, I had a friend that invited me to church (I grew up Christian but figured out it's all B.S.). So I went to church a few times, and men's bible study a few times, and even went on a mission's trip all as an atheist. I only told people, if they asked me directly if I believed. Though they told other people, so it WAS a mistake to be honest about not believing any of it. I pretended I was "praying and trying to believe" but that's not enough you have to go all in. And I didn't have the mentally energy to pretend I had some religious conversion.

Anyways, it was all fun as hell. I stopped going because it was too awkward once they knew I didn't believe, and I also have other goals atm. But it was funny, because I knew more about the bible, than pretty much all of them.

But my point is, it's actually really fun and you can have great long term friendships. You have to talk about god sometimes. But you're also talking about girls, drama, other fun stuff. And religious dude's just use god to get girls, like asking to pray with girls and stuff. You will legit meet religious players in church.

The men's bible study and the missionary trip was a great time too. The guys were mostly really cool. One could do magic tricks, a few were wrestlers and foot ball players. We played games and stuff, and had fun running activities and stuff for kids.

Religion done right is something between summer camp and a road trip for adults, you can have fun with.

There are boring religious groups and fun ones. You have to find one (preferable with young people) that does things like bowling, potlucks, hiking and stuff like that. And if they don't, there's your chance to lead (remember to come off as a leader and attract a pretty lady), and organize something you'd find fun.

Religion is also a hack to male friendship too because of tribal identity.

I didn't really get into the Wiccan/Witch belief system but I had heard of a guy that claimed to be werewolf, and a different guy that claimed to be a vampire, and both started harem's of witches. Like multiple hot women that have sex with you and you do rituals and stuff. If they believe in magic it would super easy to control them, just tell them you did a spell that has some effect. You could do basic cold reading, or hot reading and they'll think you have magic powers. To be honest having hot girls be in awe of you, thinking you have magic powers would be a trip.

I could be wrong but I believe Jehovah witnesses have to go door to door to spread "the word". I did door to door sales once, and it was brutal. I don't know how similar the experience is. But stopping to get food, or whatever with the person you're with is nice. And it might not be as bad as it sounds.

As far as church service, singing in a group is fun, as well as listening to the preacher if you have an entertaining preacher. They're basically story tellers, and even though the myth they're telling isn't true, there's some primal enjoyment in huddling around the campfire with your tribe listening to the village elder tell tales, which is essentially what church is. Especially once you've formed bonds with the other guys and gals in your church.

Different churches have different vibes and personality types too.

Granted, I should be clear... you won't meet girls at church. Churches are full of good looking, young, lonely men who are thinking they can meet a girl at church. Churches have essentially become Tinder 2.0, and the odds are stacked against men. There'd probably be like 1 or 2 girls who were single, being competed over by like 6 dudes in any given church.

You meet the girls at bars, or coffee shops or out and about. None of this is an excuse not to learn game. But being fully immersed in the same tribal identity and belief system of the girl, is also a part of how you keep the girl long term. Once you start going to the same church together, you start forming mutual friends and having shared experiences and stuff.
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  • +1
Reactions: FutureSlayer
Tjats why they hate israel and support actually anti jews.

They support russia even justfing it with ethno nationalism
Ppl that Anti west but pro non western imperialism are called tankies not leftist
Tjats why they hate israel and support actually anti jews.

They support russia even justfing it with ethno nationalism
funnily enough lefties in italy (lgbtqia, feminists etc) support hamas but NOT Russia… I wonder why they push the propaganda differently between nations
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The West not only created Nazism
View attachment 2853973

and supported Mussolini

but is also beyond modern day Islamic terrorism.
View attachment 2853971

That is the point. The USSR was propping up progressive leaders all throughout the middle east while the west kept paying Islamic extremist terrorists and in reality the neutrality pact was in no way an alliance with Hitler. The idea that "leftists" supported terrorists & Hitler to spite the freedom based west is a libtard narrative in no way corresponding to what actually took place.

The same way today. Both Russia and Palestine are the ones defending themselves but the propaganda machine is trying to convince everyone of the opposite.
80 years ago but they divided uo europe together.

Russia is invading Ukraine to take terroity nobody have made an good argument that nato expansion is a threat.

And leftists do defend Islamic terrorists like hamas btw wanna ethnic cleansed jews, hate lgbt and treat women likr shit. Compared to israel thats better on lgbt, better with womrn
And treat the non jews good and tjat include arabs.

And leftist support houtis and iran and btw are the same as hamas
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Tjats why they hate israel and support actually anti jews.

They support russia even justfing it with ethno nationalism
I'm just about as right as can be. And I love the Jews, support Russia, and hate the West. Don't get me wrong. That doesn't mean I want to see the West fail per se. I just hate what it's become.
I'm just about as right as can be. And I love the Jews, support Russia, and hate the West. Don't get me wrong. That doesn't mean I want to see the West fail per se. I just hate what it's become.
Hating the west as lefty dosent make sense.

Russia invaded Ukraine to take terroity so textbook imperialism.
It can be great. Has been at times. Cannot sustain though. Not for too many generations.
Imperlism is sustainable whats israel and russia is doing works their own population settle. The argument from the rest world by this war goes by you need to exterminate or ethnic cleansed your ethnic minority otherwise a country can invade
Imperlism is sustainable whats israel and russia is doing works their own population settle. The argument from the rest world by this war goes by you need to exterminate or ethnic cleansed your ethnic minority otherwise a country can invade
Forgive me, I'm thinking of imperialism in the historical sense.

Screenshot 2024 04 12 16 08 03

Anyways Palestine was never a State. Israel has been more generous over the years than they ever should have been with the former citizens of Egypt and Jordan who live in their land. Way way way more generous.
80 years ago but they divided uo europe together.

Russia is invading Ukraine to take terroity nobody have made an good argument that nato expansion is a threat.

And leftists do defend Islamic terrorists like hamas btw wanna ethnic cleansed jews, hate lgbt and treat women likr shit. Compared to israel thats better on lgbt, better with womrn
And treat the non jews good and tjat include arabs.

And leftist support houtis and iran and btw are the same as hamas
Actually braindead. Muh mean to LGBT and women. :ROFLMAO:

Russia asked for neutrality. Ukraine refused and kept blocking water to Crimea and bombing Donbass. Ukraine started the war. Russia tried avoiding it. Of course they are gonna take territory now that Ukraine has been turned into a terrorist anti-Russian stronghold.

Cry me a river angloid. :lul:
Actually braindead. Muh mean to LGBT and women. :ROFLMAO:

Russia asked for neutrality. Ukraine refused and kept blocking water to Crimea and bombing Donbass. Ukraine started the war. Russia tried avoiding it. Of course they are gonna take territory now that Ukraine has been turned into a terrorist anti-Russian stronghold.

Cry me a river angloid. :lul:
Yeah leftist are siding with far right groups tjat hate jews ,lgbt and womrn because tht are against the west.

Russia took crimea and sent troops and aided seprarist. If Ukraine is in nato they can't take terroity obviously they wanr neutrality .

Russia started the war by taking crimea and send troops and aid to seprarist.

They take terroity because why they invaded
Yeah leftist are siding with far right groups tjat hate jews ,lgbt and womrn because tht are against the west.

Russia took crimea and sent troops and aided seprarist. If Ukraine is in nato they can't take terroity obviously they wanr neutrality .

Russia started the war by taking crimea and send troops and aid to seprarist.

They take terroity because why they invaded
the conflict started with Maidan

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