Life without religion is great

Ok first off who tf are you? Most irrelevant user ever :lul:

Secondly I never ONCE SAId Jesus was “black” never insinuated this never stated this NOR DO I THINK THIS. Don’t put words in my mouth you irrelevant insect. JESUS WAS PALESTINIAN JEW WHICH WOULD HAD LOOKED LIKE YOUR TYPICAL ARAB (yes he was a Jew but pheno wise he’d look like an “Arab”)

You are not Christian you are a son of your father THE DEVIL

@Underdog9494 @org3cel.RR

If you want any knowledge of Christianity im the one to ask this is literally form knowledge at this point EVEN THE Muslims know this :lul: @Gengar @SecularIslamist @yeeyeeslayer @shia.jihadist you see this is why I want you Muslims to invade the west, these white people are traitors to the highest degree and deserve nothing but to be under sharia law

@PsychoH @Thebuffdon690 i know you 2 are different but the rest of your kind have issues and are “Cooked” as seen in this thread they’d rather listen to @King Solomon the gnostic conspiracy theorist nut job than the most knowledgeable evangelist who debates people irl on religious matters on this site. This is what we have to deal with
Jesus was an Israelite of the tribe of Judah and a Nazarene to be more specific. Jevv is a term created in the 17th century to cover the tracks of the Edomites that converted to Judaism in 150 AD by force and over the last 2,150+ years they have taken on the identity of the Israelites but they're descendants of Esau the brother of Jacob (Caucasians) as they didn't receive the birthright. Esau married 4 Canaanite females and hence they had the curse of Cain (Soil shall not produce food for them and be a vagabond). This is why they have been parasites in Jacob's lands for the last 2,150+ years because they cannot create on their own. They use our genius and the fruits of our labors to survive.

As for Jesus, as stated GOD per the bible made it prohibited for the Adamites to the Israelites from interracial breeding. Per numbers the bastards created from interracial couples are kicked out of the congregation of YAH and are no longer fit to be an Israelite. This is Why the bible has the genealogy from Adam, to Noah, to Shem, to Abraham, to Jacob, to Judah, to King David to Jesus all tracked perfectly. It demonstrates Jesus is 100% Israelite aka Caucasian. Arabs are mixed race by definition and come from Ishmael which is from Abraham's seed but from a non Israelite mother. These bastards cannot carry the seed of GOD.

Scripture justifies my claims therefore you are calling me a conspiracy nut job that means you're calling the word of God to be a conspiracy nut job. Your argument against the word of God has been (retarded, conspiracy theories, etc).

Meanwhile, you have butchered the bible and said Jesus was an Arab which spits on God's word and the genealogy he provided for all of us to easily follow to see Jesus was 100% Israelite (Caucasian) and didn't race mix and is not Arab or have any blood of Ishmael or any other Bastard race in him. Follow your creator, follow the bloodlines and stop coming up with these outlandish conspiracy theories based on nothing. You're simply projecting by calling me a conspiracy theorist. Labeling someone this is normally the works of a liberal and or atheist and not a legitimate born again Christian. I herby revoke your Christian Card.

Feel free to go demonstrate to us that Jesus is an Arab from his genealogy per the bible. If you can't accomplish this task then you must admit you're a bible butcherer.
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Jesus was an Israelite of the tribe of Judah and a Nazarene to be more specific. Jevv is a term created in the 17th century to cover the tracks of the Edomites that converted to Judaism in 150 AD by force and over the last 2,150+ years they have taken on the identity of the Israelites but they're descendants of Esau the brother of Jacob (Caucasians) as they didn't receive the birthright. Esau married 4 Canaanite females and hence they had the curse of Cain (Soil shall not produce food for them and be a vagabond). This is why they have been parasites in Jacob's lands for the last 2,150+ years because they cannot create on their own. They use our genius and the fruits of our labors to survive.

As for Jesus, as stated GOD per the bible made it prohibited for the Adamites to the Israelites from interracial breeding. Per numbers the bastards created from interracial couples are kicked out of the congregation of YAH and are no longer fit to be an Israelite. This is Why the bible has the genealogy from Adam, to Noah, to Shem, to Abraham, to Jacob, to Judah, to King David to Jesus all tracked perfectly. It demonstrates Jesus is 100% Israelite aka Caucasian. Arabs are mixed race by definition and come from Ishmael which is from Abraham's seed but from a non Israelite mother. These bastards cannot carry the seed of GOD.

Scripture justifies my claims therefore you are calling me a conspiracy nut job that means you're calling the word of God to be a conspiracy nut job. Your argument against the word of God has been (retarded, conspiracy theories, etc).

Meanwhile, you have butchered the bible and said Jesus was an Arab which spits on God's word and the genealogy he provided for all of us to easily follow to see Jesus was 100% Israelite (Caucasian) and didn't race mix and is not Arab or have any blood of Ishmael or any other Bastard race in him. Follow your creator, follow the bloodlines and stop coming up with these outlandish conspiracy theories based on nothing. You're simply projecting by calling me a conspiracy theorist. Labeling someone this is normally the works of a liberal and or atheist and not a legitimate born again Christian. I herby revoke your Christian Card.

Feel free to go demonstrate to us that Jesus is an Arab from his genealogy per the bible. If you can't accomplish this task then you must admit you're a bible butcherer.
Adam to Noah, to Shem to Jacob, to Judah, to Solomon, to Jesus. Clear as day. Ishmael not even relevant after his birth in terms of genealogy.

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View attachment 3308571

The physical description of the appearance of the Nazarene (tribe of JESUS) princes before the attacks by Babylon.

Lamentations 4-7:
Their princes were brighter than snow
and whiter than milk,
their bodies more ruddy than rubies,
their appearance like lapis lazuli.

So a Caucasian man that has rosy red cheeks or shows red in color and has blue veins so, youn healthy Caucasian men.

Apostle John in Revelations 1:14 sees a vision and describes it. Christ is described as his head (face) and hair are white as wool and white as snow and eyes are flames of fire. It’s not saying his hair has a texture of wool, it’s contrasting his whiteness of his head and hair to wool and snow. The Israelite often used parallelisms and symbolism when describing something twice or multiple times in succession to help explain things. It describes his hair and head as white as snow and white as wool. If it was explaining the texture to wool well then it would be saying his texture was like snow as well which makes no logical sense. The next verse you must read carefully. His feet are like fine Brass as if having been burned in a furnace, his voice as a voice of many waters. Brass is a golden like color. However, when brass is burned in a furnace at an incredibly hot temperature, brass turns to a white like color when heated up in a furnace and glows intensely. This is the allegory, John is using here that Christ’s feet are white but glowing. So all his descriptions are description with Christ as a white European looking man. Also the brass is symbolic of strength. Describes the glorified Yahshua as wise, pure and strong.


These descriptions are even more explicit than the descriptions of King David. Song of Solomon 5:10 KJV “ My beloved is white and ruddy, the Chiefest among ten thousand.” As we see here white and ruddy go together. Ruddy means red or rosy cheeks, something only a healthy looking white person would have which signifies good health. Now if we look up the word white in Hebrew translates to tsach and is defined as dazzling, glowing, or clear. In this context when referring to a man or woman, it’s clear the intention is white especially when combined with the word ruddy. Ruddy is Adam, dazzling glowing clear and ruddy meaning white and ruddy.

Another thing we should note is Solomon's wife Naamah was the daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt and this was around 950 BC. So even though this was no longer ancient Egypt, the historical chronicles hold to be true that the Egyptian royalty remained white up until around 755 BC when the Nubians took over after the white Egyptians fled. Song’s of Solomon: 6:10 KJV : “Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners. So she is white like the moon and bright like the sun. So this shows the Egyptians at the time were white. Now the original Egyptians were known as the Mizriam the second son of Ham. Now we do know the Cushites were black, the Canaanites were dark but not quite as dark as current Africans today. What were the Mizriam? Gen 10 and 1 Chronicles 1 speaks of Menes who reined in Egypt as the first king of Egypt for 60 years. Mizriam derived from the plural word meaning double straits perhaps the distinctions between upper and lower Egypt. Babylonian inscriptions refer to Egypt as mursi perhaps deriving from the word Misr meaning land.

Songs of Solomon 7:4 KJV “Thy neck is as a tower of Ivory, thine eyes like fishpools in Heshbon, by the gate of bathrabbim: Thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus.”

So he has a white neck with blue veins. Generally fish pools have a grey or blue like color.

If we take a look at the Greek SEPTIJAIN(original bible translated from the original Hebrew version), this was where the Israelites who translated their bible into Greek. After the conquests of Alexander the great (300 BC) Greek became the common language of commerce and trade. Therefore the Israelites decided to translate their entire bible in Greek as well. So, the word tsach which is translated to white in this verse, in the SEPTIJAIN which is translated to the Greek word Lefkos which means white. So the Israelites themselves translated the Hebrew word tsach as white. So, if people try to say it means something else, when even the Israelites themselves translated it originally to mean white.

Song of Solomon 5:11 KJV “His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven.” Now people may confuse this description and believe he’s Arab or black. However this is describing his golden tan. His locks are bushy could have been better been translated as wavy and his hair is black as a raven. Hector of Troy was said to have raven dark hair as well. So for King Solomon to have a fine goleden head he would’ve had to of been a European to get that golden tan.

Translations for Bushy, all the other translations describe it as wavy hair. Taltallim is the Hebrew translation The Greek Septuagint translates to vostrychos or curly. So the Israelite's describe him as having wavy hair, not bushy hair. Overall, Europeans with jet black hair are more rare than brown or blonde but you can have Europeans with Jet black hair and blue eyes.

Songs of Solomon 5:12: “His eyes are as the doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk and fitly set.” Generally, doves are a gray like color, they can be white but generally gray. They’re contrasting his iris to Grey, surrounded by milk or the white part of the eye the scelera.


Songs of Solomon 5:13: His cheeks are as a bed of Spices, as sweet flowers: his lips are like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh.” This is implying about ruddiness, white with a tan but has some red color around his cheeks. Sometimes tan white people get freckles as well.

Songs of Solomon 5:14: “His hands are as gold rings set with the beryl: his belly is as bright as ivory overlaid with sapphires.” So the hands are tan and glowing. His belly is ivory which is always white. Sapphires are blue, his body is pale with blue veins. So, kept his body covered and it was pale but head and hands being exposed to the sun are golden and tanned. Being able to see blue veins often indicates good health and low body fat percentage.

Songs of Solomon 5:15: “ His legs are as Pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars.” Marble is white with blue like lines like veins so it’s a good allegory for a white man in good physical condition with blue like veins appearing in his legs. The sockets of gold would be a reference to his feet and ankles are also his lower legs which would be tan from the sun. Notice the parts of his body that would normally be exposed to the sun (feet, ankles, hands and head) are all described as gold (tan). His countenance is as Lebanon were tall and straight. So this is saying he is tall and lean in good physical condition. In fact overall it’s very common for whites to gain a farmers tan, retain a pale body under their clothing but their arms and legs exposed to the sun become golden. This all perfectly fits the description of any European looking man. Also, it should be noted that the mountains of Lebanon. They were called Lebanon because they were always snowy at the top so they were white mountains. The root word Laben means white.
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Do you know who the mods are? I've never asked directly to have any of my posts pinned but I wouldn't mind it if they at least pinned one of them. They might be kangz themselves so they may have a bias against this topic.

Do you think it would be beneficial to have a thread just for debunking the Kangz arguments? say eviscerating their top 10 arguments for the Israelites being black? Not to mock or make fun of them but to cut down their illogical and overall erroneous arguments.
I don't know the mods but I think they can't pin a thread that talks bad about kangz because the owner of this site is a kang lol

But yes bro, you should make a thread where you debunk kangz arguments and don't forget to tag me in it:yes:
  • Woah
Reactions: King Solomon
I don't know the mods but I think they can't pin a thread that talks bad about kangz because the owner of this site is a kang lol

But yes bro, you should make a thread where you debunk kangz arguments and don't forget to tag me in it:yes:
I'll probably get banned for life if I debunk the Kangz. I suppose me getting banned is proof by itself. Yes, I'll tag you as soon as it's completed.

Next topics:

1.) Shroud of Turin
2.) Why Apostle Paulus/Saulus is a false apostle
3.) Black Kangz
  • +1
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I'll probably get banned for life if I debunk the Kangz. I suppose me getting banned is proof by itself. Yes, I'll tag you as soon as it's completed.

Next topics:

1.) Shroud of Turin
2.) Why Apostle Paulus/Saulus is a false apostle
3.) Black Kangz
Yeah the Black Kangz thread will probably be your last thread on this forum, but me and other based users would consider you a martyr ❤️‍🔥

The Shroud of Turin is an interesting topic. Something interesting that's related to the Shroud happened to me last summer when I was in Kosovo. I started to research the Shroud of Turin but I don't remember why exactly, this was during the period when I was following David Wood, watching his videos everyday. One time I wondered if DW ever talked about the Shroud in the past, but I didn't find any video of him talking about it, a few days later (I don't remember exactly how many days) I received a notification of a new video of DW talking about the Shroud. In the video I think he said he's 50/50 or smth sure that the Shroud is the real deal, but still I think God showed me a sign and I'm thankful for that.
God has established some rules so that you can behave like a civilized and rational person. Look, those Western women who deny God have become succubi of the devil. We are subjects of God, obey him and everything will go well in your life.
Women are wenches not because theyre not religious. They are wenches because thats the creature their biology implores them to be
No it’s not you massive coper it’s horrible that’s why non religious people kill themselves
and the moment you become a nihilist it could either mean the end of you, or the best era of your life
was the end of me ngl i can never actually be happy again
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As someone who went from christian to agnostic, i can say 100% it was one of the best decisions for my mental health.
When I was a christian, i feel like I was restricted to doing things I love doing. the question of "Is this a sin" or "am i going to hell for doing this" weighed me down heavily. After sinning I felt like shit and I would constantly question whether if im good enough or if im not taking my faith serious enough. The constant fear of going to hell and about immortality really took a toll on me, I was scared of living practically. I finally ended up giving in and leaving a set religion. And living life without religion is great. I feel like the whole thought of religion is too complicated, people dedicate their whole lives to being one set religion when I believe their is more to life then that. Imagine being born just to dedicate your whole life to the person who created you. Sounds a bit overkill don't you think? I feel as if now religion is all about who sins the less even though sinning is a natural human element.
I still believe in a God though, or one atleast. I believe there are too many coincidences that have happened in our existence and too many unsolved questions about our existence

Add on- I also feel as if the idea of the closer human to God. ETC a priest is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. I do not believe a single human being is closer to God. I do not believe their should be ranks in the church. I do not believe a single human has more authority over another or religion rite.
So you're a retard who left a religion cuz there are consequences for ur actions? 😹
  • JFL
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As someone who went from christian to agnostic, i can say 100% it was one of the best decisions for my mental health.
When I was a christian, i feel like I was restricted to doing things I love doing. the question of "Is this a sin" or "am i going to hell for doing this" weighed me down heavily. After sinning I felt like shit and I would constantly question whether if im good enough or if im not taking my faith serious enough. The constant fear of going to hell and about immortality really took a toll on me, I was scared of living practically. I finally ended up giving in and leaving a set religion. And living life without religion is great. I feel like the whole thought of religion is too complicated, people dedicate their whole lives to being one set religion when I believe their is more to life then that. Imagine being born just to dedicate your whole life to the person who created you. Sounds a bit overkill don't you think? I feel as if now religion is all about who sins the less even though sinning is a natural human element.
I still believe in a God though, or one atleast. I believe there are too many coincidences that have happened in our existence and too many unsolved questions about our existence

Add on- I also feel as if the idea of the closer human to God. ETC a priest is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. I do not believe a single human being is closer to God. I do not believe their should be ranks in the church. I do not believe a single human has more authority over another or religion rite.
Life with u blowin ma dick daily is better
  • JFL
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Your post:rep ratio represents your iq
Not one of ur "reasons" for leaving Christianity is valid. And what does org rep have to do with knowing about Christianity u fucking retard
Not one of ur "reasons" for leaving Christianity is valid. And what does org rep have to do with knowing about Christianity u fucking retard
stop bumping this month old thread u autist
Religion is a cope used by incels
"Muh waiting for marriage to have sex" :lul:
  • JFL
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there is no God but God

Muhammad is His messenger
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Kids with this tiktok avi would like to have a word with you
Images 1 7
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Is it so hard not to whore around lmao
Explain to me why so many rapes happen in the middle east then, where you have "religion"
Imagine being a slave to yahweh
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Hindu philosophy has heavy roots in spiritual practices. Meanwhile abrahamic religions are about being a slave to rabbi yeshua and muhammed.
  • Woah
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Hindu philosophy has heavy roots in spiritual practices. Meanwhile abrahamic religions are about being a slave to rabbi yeshua and muhammed.
@notsocommonthumb and @PrinceLuenLeoncur have said anyone who rejects Jesus will burn forever
  • JFL
Reactions: Stewart.Belgrade
Adam to Noah, to Shem to Jacob, to Judah, to Solomon, to Jesus. Clear as day. Ishmael not even relevant after his birth in terms of genealogy.

View attachment 3308570
View attachment 3308569

View attachment 3308571

The physical description of the appearance of the Nazarene (tribe of JESUS) princes before the attacks by Babylon.

Lamentations 4-7:
Their princes were brighter than snow
and whiter than milk,
their bodies more ruddy than rubies,
their appearance like lapis lazuli.

So a Caucasian man that has rosy red cheeks or shows red in color and has blue veins so, youn healthy Caucasian men.

Apostle John in Revelations 1:14 sees a vision and describes it. Christ is described as his head (face) and hair are white as wool and white as snow and eyes are flames of fire. It’s not saying his hair has a texture of wool, it’s contrasting his whiteness of his head and hair to wool and snow. The Israelite often used parallelisms and symbolism when describing something twice or multiple times in succession to help explain things. It describes his hair and head as white as snow and white as wool. If it was explaining the texture to wool well then it would be saying his texture was like snow as well which makes no logical sense. The next verse you must read carefully. His feet are like fine Brass as if having been burned in a furnace, his voice as a voice of many waters. Brass is a golden like color. However, when brass is burned in a furnace at an incredibly hot temperature, brass turns to a white like color when heated up in a furnace and glows intensely. This is the allegory, John is using here that Christ’s feet are white but glowing. So all his descriptions are description with Christ as a white European looking man. Also the brass is symbolic of strength. Describes the glorified Yahshua as wise, pure and strong.


These descriptions are even more explicit than the descriptions of King David. Song of Solomon 5:10 KJV “ My beloved is white and ruddy, the Chiefest among ten thousand.” As we see here white and ruddy go together. Ruddy means red or rosy cheeks, something only a healthy looking white person would have which signifies good health. Now if we look up the word white in Hebrew translates to tsach and is defined as dazzling, glowing, or clear. In this context when referring to a man or woman, it’s clear the intention is white especially when combined with the word ruddy. Ruddy is Adam, dazzling glowing clear and ruddy meaning white and ruddy.

Another thing we should note is Solomon's wife Naamah was the daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt and this was around 950 BC. So even though this was no longer ancient Egypt, the historical chronicles hold to be true that the Egyptian royalty remained white up until around 755 BC when the Nubians took over after the white Egyptians fled. Song’s of Solomon: 6:10 KJV : “Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners. So she is white like the moon and bright like the sun. So this shows the Egyptians at the time were white. Now the original Egyptians were known as the Mizriam the second son of Ham. Now we do know the Cushites were black, the Canaanites were dark but not quite as dark as current Africans today. What were the Mizriam? Gen 10 and 1 Chronicles 1 speaks of Menes who reined in Egypt as the first king of Egypt for 60 years. Mizriam derived from the plural word meaning double straits perhaps the distinctions between upper and lower Egypt. Babylonian inscriptions refer to Egypt as mursi perhaps deriving from the word Misr meaning land.

Songs of Solomon 7:4 KJV “Thy neck is as a tower of Ivory, thine eyes like fishpools in Heshbon, by the gate of bathrabbim: Thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus.”

So he has a white neck with blue veins. Generally fish pools have a grey or blue like color.

If we take a look at the Greek SEPTIJAIN(original bible translated from the original Hebrew version), this was where the Israelites who translated their bible into Greek. After the conquests of Alexander the great (300 BC) Greek became the common language of commerce and trade. Therefore the Israelites decided to translate their entire bible in Greek as well. So, the word tsach which is translated to white in this verse, in the SEPTIJAIN which is translated to the Greek word Lefkos which means white. So the Israelites themselves translated the Hebrew word tsach as white. So, if people try to say it means something else, when even the Israelites themselves translated it originally to mean white.

Song of Solomon 5:11 KJV “His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven.” Now people may confuse this description and believe he’s Arab or black. However this is describing his golden tan. His locks are bushy could have been better been translated as wavy and his hair is black as a raven. Hector of Troy was said to have raven dark hair as well. So for King Solomon to have a fine goleden head he would’ve had to of been a European to get that golden tan.

Translations for Bushy, all the other translations describe it as wavy hair. Taltallim is the Hebrew translation The Greek Septuagint translates to vostrychos or curly. So the Israelite's describe him as having wavy hair, not bushy hair. Overall, Europeans with jet black hair are more rare than brown or blonde but you can have Europeans with Jet black hair and blue eyes.

Songs of Solomon 5:12: “His eyes are as the doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk and fitly set.” Generally, doves are a gray like color, they can be white but generally gray. They’re contrasting his iris to Grey, surrounded by milk or the white part of the eye the scelera.


Songs of Solomon 5:13: His cheeks are as a bed of Spices, as sweet flowers: his lips are like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh.” This is implying about ruddiness, white with a tan but has some red color around his cheeks. Sometimes tan white people get freckles as well.

Songs of Solomon 5:14: “His hands are as gold rings set with the beryl: his belly is as bright as ivory overlaid with sapphires.” So the hands are tan and glowing. His belly is ivory which is always white. Sapphires are blue, his body is pale with blue veins. So, kept his body covered and it was pale but head and hands being exposed to the sun are golden and tanned. Being able to see blue veins often indicates good health and low body fat percentage.

Songs of Solomon 5:15: “ His legs are as Pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars.” Marble is white with blue like lines like veins so it’s a good allegory for a white man in good physical condition with blue like veins appearing in his legs. The sockets of gold would be a reference to his feet and ankles are also his lower legs which would be tan from the sun. Notice the parts of his body that would normally be exposed to the sun (feet, ankles, hands and head) are all described as gold (tan). His countenance is as Lebanon were tall and straight. So this is saying he is tall and lean in good physical condition. In fact overall it’s very common for whites to gain a farmers tan, retain a pale body under their clothing but their arms and legs exposed to the sun become golden. This all perfectly fits the description of any European looking man. Also, it should be noted that the mountains of Lebanon. They were called Lebanon because they were always snowy at the top so they were white mountains. The root word Laben means white.
is it true that modern "jews" are nephilims?
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is it true that modern "jews" are nephilims?
They are the remnants of what's left of the Nepheliam.

Basically God killed the male seed of the Nepheliam with the flood. Ham married a female nepheliam. He has Canaan where's nearly all the Giants came from. Esau married four Canaanite females creating the EDOMITEs. The EDOMITEs converted to Judaism in 125AD . THEY took on the identity of Judah and were called Idumeans until the 17th century where they changed their name to Jews and they are now the AshkeNAZI Jews but are really just the EDOMITEs. Their blood has been analyzed to carry 50 percent of the Canaanite blood.

However the specific Giant traits like being 10 to 20 Feet tall, having six fingers and six toes and 2 rows of teeth along with the elongated domes has been nearly all but erased from their gene pool.
  • Woah
Reactions: notsocommonthumb
They are the remnants of what's left of the Nepheliam.

Basically God killed the male seed of the Nepheliam with the flood. Ham married a female nepheliam. He has Canaan where's nearly all the Giants came from. Esau married four Canaanite females creating the EDOMITEs. The EDOMITEs converted to Judaism in 125AD . THEY took on the identity of Judah and were called Idumeans until the 17th century where they changed their name to Jews and they are now the AshkeNAZI Jews but are really just the EDOMITEs. Their blood has been analyzed to carry 50 percent of the Canaanite blood.

However the specific Giant traits like being 10 to 20 Feet tall, having six fingers and six toes and 2 rows of teeth along with the elongated domes has been nearly all but erased from their gene pool.
what is the true branch of christianity? orthodox, catholic, protestant etc?
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what is the true branch of christianity? orthodox, catholic, protestant etc?
Christianity is a man made term. Jesus never said anything about being or becoming a Christian.
All chapter 304 churches on earth are not teaching the gospel not Jesus. They are teaching some of Jesus and mostly the false apostle Paul and some other false doctrine.

If you can find an online non denominational Church like the uncensored church eun by Dustin Nemos then you are closer to the Truth
  • Woah
Reactions: notsocommonthumb
Christianity is a man made term. Jesus never said anything about being or becoming a Christian.
All chapter 304 churches on earth are not teaching the gospel not Jesus. They are teaching some of Jesus and mostly the false apostle Paul and some other false doctrine.

If you can find an online non denominational Church like the uncensored church eun by Dustin Nemos then you are closer to the Truth
i was once told John the apostle wasn't a real person is this true? also weren't John and Paul the first to say Jesus claimed to be god?

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