King Solomon
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Jesus was an Israelite of the tribe of Judah and a Nazarene to be more specific. Jevv is a term created in the 17th century to cover the tracks of the Edomites that converted to Judaism in 150 AD by force and over the last 2,150+ years they have taken on the identity of the Israelites but they're descendants of Esau the brother of Jacob (Caucasians) as they didn't receive the birthright. Esau married 4 Canaanite females and hence they had the curse of Cain (Soil shall not produce food for them and be a vagabond). This is why they have been parasites in Jacob's lands for the last 2,150+ years because they cannot create on their own. They use our genius and the fruits of our labors to survive.Ok first off who tf are you? Most irrelevant user ever
Secondly I never ONCE SAId Jesus was “black” never insinuated this never stated this NOR DO I THINK THIS. Don’t put words in my mouth you irrelevant insect. JESUS WAS PALESTINIAN JEW WHICH WOULD HAD LOOKED LIKE YOUR TYPICAL ARAB (yes he was a Jew but pheno wise he’d look like an “Arab”)
You are not Christian you are a son of your father THE DEVIL
@Underdog9494 @org3cel.RR
If you want any knowledge of Christianity im the one to ask this is literally form knowledge at this point EVEN THE Muslims know this @Gengar @SecularIslamist @yeeyeeslayer @shia.jihadist you see this is why I want you Muslims to invade the west, these white people are traitors to the highest degree and deserve nothing but to be under sharia law
@PsychoH @Thebuffdon690 i know you 2 are different but the rest of your kind have issues and are “Cooked” as seen in this thread they’d rather listen to @King Solomon the gnostic conspiracy theorist nut job than the most knowledgeable evangelist who debates people irl on religious matters on this site. This is what we have to deal with
As for Jesus, as stated GOD per the bible made it prohibited for the Adamites to the Israelites from interracial breeding. Per numbers the bastards created from interracial couples are kicked out of the congregation of YAH and are no longer fit to be an Israelite. This is Why the bible has the genealogy from Adam, to Noah, to Shem, to Abraham, to Jacob, to Judah, to King David to Jesus all tracked perfectly. It demonstrates Jesus is 100% Israelite aka Caucasian. Arabs are mixed race by definition and come from Ishmael which is from Abraham's seed but from a non Israelite mother. These bastards cannot carry the seed of GOD.
Scripture justifies my claims therefore you are calling me a conspiracy nut job that means you're calling the word of God to be a conspiracy nut job. Your argument against the word of God has been (retarded, conspiracy theories, etc).
Meanwhile, you have butchered the bible and said Jesus was an Arab which spits on God's word and the genealogy he provided for all of us to easily follow to see Jesus was 100% Israelite (Caucasian) and didn't race mix and is not Arab or have any blood of Ishmael or any other Bastard race in him. Follow your creator, follow the bloodlines and stop coming up with these outlandish conspiracy theories based on nothing. You're simply projecting by calling me a conspiracy theorist. Labeling someone this is normally the works of a liberal and or atheist and not a legitimate born again Christian. I herby revoke your Christian Card.
Feel free to go demonstrate to us that Jesus is an Arab from his genealogy per the bible. If you can't accomplish this task then you must admit you're a bible butcherer.