

Dec 17, 2020


“Game,” more formally recognized as Pick Up Artistry (PUA), and oftentimes referred to here as “NT (neurotypicality),” has been subject to much controversy within the blackpill sphere. In this dissertation, we will examine the validity of the subject through a perspective bound by lookism and its modern consequences, and apply psycho-sociological paradigms in the process. Before one of you comments “I'm a faggot, dnrd,” hear me out. You do want to read this—trust me.


Now, let’s stop using big words and cut to the chase. I will not be quoting any studies but instead using the information I have assimilated/remember from many studies I have read. If you would like a specific study supporting my claims, I am happy to provide it below—just ask.

Surprisingly, I couldn’t find a formal definition of game that I felt encompassed its totality. The closest I could find, which was on some obscure PUA forum, was the following:

“On a broader level, game is the ability to fulfill one’s potential and live life to the fullest. In this sense, life is a game that we play, and the goal is to win the game, while enjoying the process of playing.”

This is certainly a macro definition of game, but I feel it is mostly applicable to what we will discuss. There is a fallacy of epic proportions on this forum, and that fallacy is: “Just reach 6psl bro, then women will approach you, men will treat you like a deity, and you won’t need to try anymore. All it takes is a good base, a few years of frequent surgeries, LL and lifts, and gymmaxxing.

Now let me tell you why that is completely incorrect:
  1. Most men will NEVER be able to ascend to 6psl. How many people are white, 5’10+, have a full head of hair, good facial bone structure, facial coloring, and a wide clavicle naturally? Not to mention enough money to finance all of their future looksmaxxing, and the time to do this? We’re probably speaking of <5% of you here. Maybe a few of you reading this, at absolute most. Based on my experience here—seeing ratings and the average guy on this forum, and developing a good rating system myself—I suspect the average man can looksmax to about a 6.5/10 IRL, or ~5psl, give or take a quarter-point. Roughly 90th percentile in looks, or just barely cutting into the top 10% of men. This is because the average man does very little to look good, and doesn't have a very good appearance. Such is why he can (generally) only obtain sexual access through LTRs.
  2. The world will not pander to you. There is a well-known psychological phenomenon that has been heavily researched, dubbed the “halo effect.” If you are not familiar with this, research it now. This website has a great beginner explanation for it and explains why it is extremely important in today’s day and age. It mentions that people expect you to be a certain way depending on your looks level. THIS DOES NOT MEAN PEOPLE WILL BOW DOWN AND SERVE YOU. It means you have more leeway to fuck up with them because they view you more favorably. Let us now segway into my formal extension upon looks theory, what I like to call “Congruency” (adopted from the redpill community).
  3. This is a thread by Tyronelite that explains what looks will do. He needs more defense of why game matters though, which is what this current thread will do. Here is another thread of him discussing the importance of game with a bit more depth.

What Is Congruency?​

Congruency, as defined by Merriam-webster (we’ll use congruous as a definer because congruency is an extension of it) is “being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence...conforming to the circumstances or requirements of a situation.” Humans love congruency. Just as we get the feeling of satisfaction when someone draws a perfect circle/square, seeing a beautiful work of art, or appreciate the contrasting colors and aesthetic appearance of well fit/shaped clothes of an outfit, something feels “appropriate” and “pleasing” to us when it behaves congruently because it is predictable and expected. When something happens that is not congruent or expected, it stands out and violates harmony, and energy is consumed analyzing the unexpected situation. Now, let’s take this analysis and apply it to the halo effect. It has been proven (see above) that when a person sees a good-looking person “Chad,” they expect him to have positive attributes and be above average in other categories besides looks. In other words, they expect congruency regarding his appearance and actions. Because he is pleasing aesthetically, they also expect him to be socially pleasing. Now, what if “Chad” isn’t congruent? Well, “Chad” may have a little more leeway to be incongruent, because people want to project an ideal on him based on the halo effect. If, however, he continues to act incongruently, there will be consequences. Since he violates standard laws of congruency, people will be uncomfortable around him. Something in their primal minds will tell them, this guy is weird. He’s unpredictable and therefore unsafe. Be careful around him. This situation is arguably worse than an average guy that is congruent. At least the average guy is harmonious; chad, while good-looking, lacks what all humans crave: harmony and predictability. It’s like a Michelangelo sculpture, but the sculpture is made out of cow shit. Yeah, it looks great, but people are still disgusted because the contents of the statue are disgusting.


Just like cross-path harmony between looks and social skills overall, there exists an elusive term thrown around this forum that needs to be more concrete. “Harmony” is often used to describe pleasing faces here, but nobody can explain exactly what it means. I will make an attempt to. “Harmony” is predictable features of the face, based on other features of the person’s face or body, that create a singular describable image. Examples:
  1. For a bodybuilder, “harmony” would be more masculine features. A bigger nose, brow ridge, darker hair, maybe some tattoos, big muscles across the entire body. Such is the meme of “stick legs”: People with large upper bodies but small lower bodies lack muscular harmony. Bodybuilders with big muscles but a small clavicle lack frame harmony. Bodybuilders that have a soft, babyface but a large frame and muscles lack macroscopic physical harmony. Kind, selfless bodybuilders with tattoos and 6’2 height lack cross-sectional harmony because people expect them to act tougher, or in a more “douchebag” manner than the average person, but they instead act like a gentle giant.
  2. For a person with a great eye area, a big and upturned nose generates a lack of harmony because the eyes are interpreted as a reflection of facial development, and therefore the viewer expects a soft, sharp nose. Not a large and upturned one. It also throws the "triangle of beauty" (made by both eyes and the nose) out of proper alignment. This was an issue I had.
  3. For a man with a good face, one expects him to be tall. If his face developed correctly, his skeleton as a whole should have too, right? When in reality he’s 5’5, and therefore people treat him no differently than an average man.
And the countless examples continue. This could be summarized in one sentence (although it certainly lacks meaning): “Falios do harm more than halos benefit.” What does this mean for you? Pick an image/stereotype you want to fit, and relentlessly pursue it. Whether it be the “Frat boy,” “successful CEO,” or “meathead,” avoid incongruency at all costs. You will have more overall appeal fitting one image people can identify with. This also applies to the face: fix falios so they blend better with the rest of your face. This may mean keeping certain features that aren’t ideal if they “fit” the rest of your face better (by this, I mean features that are more predictable based on the features of your face as a whole; if your skull is big, you don’t want a tiny nose that would normally look good on a smaller skull, even if that nose is ideal according to PSL standards). Don’t be the roided up 5’5 manlet (go for a lean, fit body instead). Don’t be the 6’3 noodle that weighs 140lbs. Don’t be the good-looking guy that always wears shitty, baggy outfits.

This is where stylemaxxing comes in. Your outfit must also be in harmony with your body image and personality, and people here give stylemaxxing less credit than what it deserves. The better looking you are, the better you need to dress so that you fit into the current trend and appear successful/rich/high status. For a guy that is 5psl and decent height that is in college/secondary school, he should be wearing well-fitting V-necks, tighter trendy pants, height boosting shoes, a haircut that best fits his phenotype/face, a watch/bracelet, a chain necklace or two, and stand with decent posture. Yes, "muhhhh," simple “blue-pilled” advice, I know. But it needs to be discussed more here, since as discussed above, HARMONY MATTERS. “Blue-pilled” advice works, IF you are already above average and fairly neurotypical. Otherwise, there is a harmony violation and blue-pilled advice actually harms people more than it does good. You are seen as the guy that is "trying to be something that he is not." THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE MEAN BY THAT.

Now Let's Take A Quick Step Back:​

A quick interjection here—we need to briefly revisit foundational looks theory to clarify a few things before we continue. As the blackpill sphere slowly continues to develop and ideas are refined, principal theories are revised. The current foundational theory of the blackpill states that a “looks threshold” must be crossed for any and all other factors to matter. If you do not cross this threshold, you have zero chance of fucking the girl whose threshold you failed to meet. This is what I believe the “blackpill” reality is in dating. The blackpill is very useful for most people because they are average. It was useful for me for that reason, and has lead to a huge uptick in the quality of my sex life; I can’t thank forums like this enough for their existence. HOWEVER, You DO NOT need to be a 6psl gigachad; you only need to exceed the minimum threshold. This does not mean that being better looking than the minimum won’t help; it certainly will. As discussed above, the “halo effect” gives you more chances to slip up and still succeed. Thus, the closer you are to the minimum threshold (while still above), the more leverage potential you need in other categories (social skills, status, sexual skills, etc.) to compensate. To anyone who says you must be 6psl, my response is the following: We agree that women are as superficial as men regarding looks. We as men would prefer to fuck an 8/10. BUT, this doesn’t mean we wouldn’t fuck a 6/10 if the opportunity presented itself. So why won’t women? Yes, I know they have high standards. But you’re telling me a woman would rather be lesbian than fuck a decent-looking guy who makes good money? “Muh but all women have access to Chad with social media.” Do they though? How many Chads do you see out and about every day? And how many women live in your area? How many Chads are NOT busy fucking Stacy such that they have time to fuck a six or seven?”

What is the minimum threshold? There is no set threshold IRL or online. It varies in both of those settings, and it varies based on the woman. How much does she value looks? How attractive is she? The only generalization I can confidently state is that men will do best in the dating market when going for women 2 points below their own SMV. The higher they date than this the more issues they will have regarding commitment and chances of sex. Such is why "Chad" slays average women but can struggle with Stacies. If men date above their own SMV, the relationship will almost certainly be unstable. It is possible, although difficult, to have a stable relationship/sex with women at your SMV level. This is another reason why game matters.

Let’s also recap some statements we can all (hopefully) agree on once this looks threshold is crossed. Game matters because:
  1. Women want to know their man can handle problems and be successful in interactions with other people.
  2. Women need emotional support, and game brings social status, which brings resources, and resources matter.
  3. Game is a display of higher value in which women are fooled into thinking other women want you, and thus they want you.
  4. We know women are inherently emotional and psychological, yet we dismiss them as being rational and logical in accordance with PSL and “muh bro nothing else matters because of looks.” However, this is LOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE because women are by nature emotional, and thus your presence, and not just your physicality, matters.
So when you first meet a girl and you’re a decent-looking guy that crosses the looks threshold (say white, ~5psl facially and 6’ tall in shoes), the girl expects you to have some experience in dating because of congruency and the halo effect. She thinks “He’s decent looking, he should act pretty neurotypical as well. He’ll probably approach me and ask for my number.” Normally, this is what SHOULD HAPPEN. But what do you autists here do (as well as many unconfident guys IRL)? Hover around the girl, expecting her to approach you. Awkwardly start a conversation and then fail to engage the girl emotionally, all in less than a minute. “Uhh, um, so what’s your number? Uhh actually do you have a Snapchat? Uhh…” Do you see WHY this is wrong? The girl expects you to do the work because you are the dominant sex. Sure, if you’re at the looks tier of Amnesia you may have drunk girls at a party come up to you. But IRL? Very unlikely. They may be more open to a conversation/initiate small talk, but YOU must do the heavy lifting as the dominant sex. Very rarely will a girl do all the work for you, unless you are exceptionally good looking/harmonious in LMS categories AND she is extroverted and bold (most women are not). Women expect men to approach them because of the truckloads of validation they receive on the daily. Why should they put in effort when so many men are simping in their DMs, on dating apps, and acting as their emotional tampon IRL in hopes for a lick of their pussy?

Using Amnesia as an example (since he is considered the “forum Chad” and I know the autists here will listen to me if I use him as one), ask yourself: How many threads does he make where he complains of a girl flaking on him? Do you know WHY so many girls flake on him? Factoring in the high flake rate on online dating, his flake rate is STILL much higher than expected given his looks level. His body is harmonious (the only thing he lacks is height, but at 6 feet in elevator shoes he is close enough to ideal for it to not detract from his overall superb physical appearance). Well, his flake rate is so goddamn high because he lacks congruency. When girls ask for his social media, they expect him to have a large social media outlet (say, an Instagram with a few thousand follower at the minimum given his physical appearance) out of congruency given his looks level. Instead, they are met with “I don’t have one,” and their suspicion meter redlines. When a girl gets near Amnesia in real life and he starts nervously shuffling around and responds with “uhh, umm, (insert boring small talk here),” the girl thinks to herself, “this guy looks like a model? Why doesn’t he act like it (confident, egotistical)? That's weird... (he lacks harmony).” For Amnesia, being non-NT is a major falio for this reason. Even more so than for an ugly man, because he is expected to act in a bold, confident manner and he doesn’t. I sympathize with him because I share the same personality (INTJ, as it’s coined) and have the same tendencies as him—I prefer routines, preparation, and predictability rather than the constant uncertainty that women throw at you while you interact with them. I think many of us here are this way, and that is what lead us to finding the blackpill.

Now, Game

Speaking of that, being able to deal with the uncertainty and shit women throw at you is an important skill. Extrapolating from the above discussion regarding the halo effect, the better looking you are, the less women will shit test you. You are EXPECTED to have good game, and if you don’t it can be a major falio. You have more strikes on count, but if you use them up and strike out, there will be no recovery from it.

Here are some good resources for game fundamentals, if you are interested:

This website teaches all the concepts of game. If you want them even more in depth, search them individually. It provides a great summary of the fundamentals.

This website was recommended to me by trendouche a few days ago. I've spent a few hours reading it and can already tell it's a great resource. It combines amateur blackpill knowledge with red-pill strategies and some PUA techniques.

Read these while inserting looks theory into the places where it belongs, and these sources become hugely beneficial. You learn HOW to behave, which acts as an insurance policy for your looks. This is why “ascension” on here is largely a myth and there is a caveat to it: You must also “ascend” your mindset and personality with your looks, otherwise you will be incongruent and still fail.

Here are the four embedded links (in order) if for some reason you are afraid I am trying to grab your IP (which I'm not):

PSL Is Overrated - Critique & Analyisis | Looksmax.org - Men's Self-Improvement & Aesthetics

Yep.. another :bluepill::bluepill: thread that's going to trigger a lot of virgin expert basement dwellers. Only niggas who actually go out & have experience will understand what I'm saying.. All you have to do is not be repulsive looking & meet the minimum facial requirements to the specific...

Best PUA Training - Pick Up Artist Training Guides

The best PUA training resources for new and aspiring pick up artists. We provide free pua guides covering all aspects of the game including approaching, opening, mid game and inner game.

Before I go, I would like to mention that the “game” we have discussed in this thread mostly applies to women and how you act around them to increase your chances of sex. I truly believe that “Game” can and SHOULD BE extended to all interactions in your life. Game is a social method of getting what you want in situations you find yourself in. Men and women, in all venues. Game will vary based on the context, person, and setting. There is no one “game” that fits all. Game is different in a club than it is cold approaching. Game is different talking to your friend than it is at a job interview/talking with your boss. You should research methods on your own based on these specific circumstances.

I can give one quick example of game as it applies to a party/club setting. It's a raw game template I use for large parties. Obviously, it isn’t followed to a T, but it's a general template I follow. If you would like to see it, PM me.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading. Let me know what you think about my ideas below. Anything I should clarify? Am I wrong? Any feedback is appreciated.
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PSL Is Overrated - Critique & Analyisis | Looksmax.org - Men's Self-Improvement & Aesthetics

Yep.. another :bluepill::bluepill: thread that's going to trigger a lot of virgin expert basement dwellers. Only niggas who actually go out & have experience will understand what I'm saying.. All you have to do is not be repulsive looking & meet the minimum facial requirements to the specific...

Best PUA Training - Pick Up Artist Training Guides

The best PUA training resources for new and aspiring pick up artists. We provide free pua guides covering all aspects of the game including approaching, opening, mid game and inner game.
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yo can i ask you somin?
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is this copypasta?
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Nice thread bro I can tell you put alot of effort into this write up. Well done
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I agree that congruency is important. I have a brutal story. One day i went to the skating ring with my cousin (female) and her children. So there was no one my age that i was familiar with there with me and im not extroverted enough to make friends on the spot. If her younger brother was there i wouldve been st8. So i walk into the building with my spine tall, chest out, head tilted up, slow movements (alpha body language) but inside i was terribly insecure for reasons it would take too long to explain. We walk up to the counter to get our shoes and these two gurls approach me. One on each side. They were decent looking but no real foggers. They immediately could tell i was not the alpha guy i was displaying myself to be. They didn’t even say anything and just walked away. I guess they were expecting me to say hey whats up and be nt. But i wasnt and I honestly wanted to leave/ die at that moment after they left. You cant just look good you have to also act “good”. You cant just display alpha body language and not actually be an alpha. Women will test you.
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thats a very good read.
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So you believe 5 psl is 90th percentile among men, and what would 6+ be? Also can you be more specific on what you deem as being a 6 psl+ face, assuming good height and body. Prominent cheekbones, hunter eyes and jaw?
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So you believe 5 psl is 90th percentile among men, and what would 6+ be? Also can you be more specific on what you deem as being a 6 psl+ face, assuming good height and body. Prominent cheekbones, hunter eyes and jaw?
5 psl is about 84 th percentile, 6 psl is 99th percentile a 6 psl face to me has to have hear ideal ratios with good averageness and harmony combined with above average features all around, a 7 psl face would have all of those features u mentioned
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I think you put too much value into congruency

For example, a socially autistic chad is 1000 times better off than a socially autistic average guy or ugly guy simply because people make assumptions - and the assumptions will be entirely different if you look good

For example a woman might assume that the chad is not interested and that she's boring, but with an average guy she would assume that he's being autistic
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I disagree
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How tall is amnesia
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Unironically based
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I agree, largely on the essay.

I agree also, that being congruent helps. Which basically means, advertising clearly what you are about. It's imo kinda cope that it has to be such limited as you said here:

The better looking you are, the better you need to dress so that you fit into the current trend and appear successful/rich/high status. For a guy that is 5psl and decent height that is in college/secondary school, he should be wearing well-fitting V-necks, tighter trendy pants, height boosting shoes, a haircut that best fits his phenotype/face, a watch/bracelet, a chain necklace or two, and stand with decent posture.

Women like more variety types of men, in my observation. So you don't need to pick perse the successfull, rich businessman "niche" in what on advertses.
I seen good looking men that advertise "i'm the fun surfer guy" for example, do good also. They obviously broke, and so on. But they fit the perfect stereotype of being a blast and gigafun to hang out with. Chillingmaxxing near the beach, having a drink/smoke, regular chill beach party, fun stories, doing dumb but fun shit. etc..

I agree mroe, when you mentioned the wide variety of options one can chose from
Pick an image/stereotype you want to fit, and relentlessly pursue it. Whether it be the “Frat boy,” “successful CEO,” or “meathead,” avoid incongruency at all costs.

I would like, to add.
"Game" concept, gets over-complicated, in the essay. imo.

Game = (in order of importance imo)
1. Looks attractiveness.
2. Advertising clearly what type of man you are (by the way chosing no clear "niche" meassage;is also advertising oneself. in that case as a: bland person).
3. Where on the: introversion - extraversion scale one is and behaves. More extraversion = meeting more people and thus better odds.
4. Communication skills (verbal and non-verbal). Ability to talk with (new) people, be social, portrait what one wants in a suiteable way, being able to make the other feel good or something in convo, etc..
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High effort but still very wrong in many ways. Lets unpack this:


“Game,” more formally recognized as Pick Up Artistry (PUA), and oftentimes referred to here as “NT (neurotypicality),” has been subject to much controversy within the blackpill sphere. In this dissertation, we will examine the validity of the subject through a perspective bound by lookism and its modern consequences, and apply psycho-sociological paradigms in the process. Before one of you comments “I'm a faggot, dnrd,” hear me out. You do want to read this—trust me.


Now, let’s stop using big words and cut to the chase. I will not be quoting any studies but instead using the information I have assimilated/remember from many studies I have read. If you would like a specific study supporting my claims, I am happy to provide it below—just ask.

Surprisingly, I couldn’t find a formal definition of game that I felt encompassed its totality. The closest I could find, which was on some obscure PUA forum, was the following:

“On a broader level, game is the ability to fulfill one’s potential and live life to the fullest. In this sense, life is a game that we play, and the goal is to win the game, while enjoying the process of playing.”

This is certainly a macro definition of game, but I feel it is mostly applicable to what we will discuss. There is a fallacy of epic proportions on this forum, and that fallacy is: “Just reach 6psl bro, then women will approach you, men will treat you like a deity, and you won’t need to try anymore. All it takes is a good base, a few years of frequent surgeries, LL and lifts, and gymmaxxing.

Now let me tell you why that is completely incorrect:
  1. Most men will NEVER be able to ascend to 6psl. How many people are white, 5’10+, have a full head of hair, good facial bone structure, facial coloring, and a wide clavicle naturally? Not to mention enough money to finance all of their future looksmaxxing, and the time to do this? We’re probably speaking of <5% of you here. Maybe a few of you reading this, at absolute most. Based on my experience here—seeing ratings and the average guy on this forum, and developing a good rating system myself—I suspect the average man can looksmax to about a 6.5/10 IRL, or ~5psl, give or take a quarter-point. Roughly 90th percentile in looks, or just barely cutting into the top 10% of men. This is because the average man does very little to look good, and doesn't have a very good appearance. Such is why he can (generally) only obtain sexual access through LTRs.
  2. The world will not pander to you. There is a well-known psychological phenomenon that has been heavily researched, dubbed the “halo effect.” If you are not familiar with this, research it now. This website has a great beginner explanation for it and explains why it is extremely important in today’s day and age. It mentions that people expect you to be a certain way depending on your looks level. THIS DOES NOT MEAN PEOPLE WILL BOW DOWN AND SERVE YOU. It means you have more leeway to fuck up with them because they view you more favorably. Let us now segway into my formal extension upon looks theory, what I like to call “Congruency” (adopted from the redpill community).

Yes people literally bow down and serve gl people. Bluepilled if you think otherwise
  1. This is a thread by Tyronelite that explains what looks will do. He needs more defense of why game matters though, which is what this current thread will do. Here is another thread of him discussing the importance of game with a bit more depth.

What Is Congruency?​

Congruency, as defined by Merriam-webster (we’ll use congruous as a definer because congruency is an extension of it) is “being in agreement, harmony, or correspondence...conforming to the circumstances or requirements of a situation.” Humans love congruency. Just as we get the feeling of satisfaction when someone draws a perfect circle/square, seeing a beautiful work of art, or appreciate the contrasting colors and aesthetic appearance of well fit/shaped clothes of an outfit, something feels “appropriate” and “pleasing” to us when it behaves congruently because it is predictable and expected. When something happens that is not congruent or expected, it stands out and violates harmony, and energy is consumed analyzing the unexpected situation. Now, let’s take this analysis and apply it to the halo effect. It has been proven (see above) that when a person sees a good-looking person “Chad,” they expect him to have positive attributes and be above average in other categories besides looks. In other words, they expect congruency regarding his appearance and actions. Because he is pleasing aesthetically, they also expect him to be socially pleasing. Now, what if “Chad” isn’t congruent? Well, “Chad” may have a little more leeway to be incongruent, because people want to project an ideal on him based on the halo effect. If, however, he continues to act incongruently, there will be consequences. Since he violates standard laws of congruency, people will be uncomfortable around him. Something in their primal minds will tell them, this guy is weird. He’s unpredictable and therefore unsafe. Be careful around him. This situation is arguably worse than an average guy that is congruent. At least the average guy is harmonious; chad, while good-looking, lacks what all humans crave: harmony and predictability. It’s like a Michelangelo sculpture, but the sculpture is made out of cow shit. Yeah, it looks great, but people are still disgusted because the contents of the statue are disgusting.


Just like cross-path harmony between looks and social skills overall, there exists an elusive term thrown around this forum that needs to be more concrete. “Harmony” is often used to describe pleasing faces here, but nobody can explain exactly what it means. I will make an attempt to. “Harmony” is predictable features of the face, based on other features of the person’s face or body, that create a singular describable image. Examples:
  1. For a bodybuilder, “harmony” would be more masculine features. A bigger nose, brow ridge, darker hair, maybe some tattoos, big muscles across the entire body. Such is the meme of “stick legs”: People with large upper bodies but small lower bodies lack muscular harmony. Bodybuilders with big muscles but a small clavicle lack frame harmony. Bodybuilders that have a soft, babyface but a large frame and muscles lack macroscopic physical harmony. Kind, selfless bodybuilders with tattoos and 6’2 height lack cross-sectional harmony because people expect them to act tougher, or in a more “douchebag” manner than the average person, but they instead act like a gentle giant.
  2. For a person with a great eye area, a big and upturned nose generates a lack of harmony because the eyes are interpreted as a reflection of facial development, and therefore the viewer expects a soft, sharp nose. Not a large and upturned one. It also throws the "triangle of beauty" (made by both eyes and the nose) out of proper alignment. This was an issue I had.
  3. For a man with a good face, one expects him to be tall. If his face developed correctly, his skeleton as a whole should have too, right? When in reality he’s 5’5, and therefore people treat him no differently than an average man.
Even when you're tall a lean athletic body is preferable to a roided artificial body. It has nothing to do with height. You're saying if i am recessed babayface i have to become FAT to increase Harmony? Ape tier IQ
And the countless examples continue. This could be summarized in one sentence (although it certainly lacks meaning): “Falios do harm more than halos benefit.” What does this mean for you? Pick an image/stereotype you want to fit, and relentlessly pursue it. Whether it be the “Frat boy,” “successful CEO,” or “meathead,” avoid incongruency at all costs. You will have more overall appeal fitting one image people can identify with. This also applies to the face: fix falios so they blend better with the rest of your face. This may mean keeping certain features that aren’t ideal if they “fit” the rest of your face better (by this, I mean features that are more predictable based on the features of your face as a whole; if your skull is big, you don’t want a tiny nose that would normally look good on a smaller skull, even if that nose is ideal according to PSL standards). Don’t be the roided up 5’5 manlet (go for a lean, fit body instead). Don’t be the 6’3 noodle that weighs 140lbs. Don’t be the good-looking guy that always wears shitty, baggy outfits.
Or Just Have the right facial ratios, good BMI while being lean, dress Normal JFL. By your logic subhumans should dress shitty to increase the harmony.
This is where stylemaxxing comes in. Your outfit must also be in harmony with your body image and personality, and people here give stylemaxxing less credit than what it deserves. The better looking you are, the better you need to dress so that you fit into the current trend and appear successful/rich/high status. For a guy that is 5psl and decent height that is in college/secondary school, he should be wearing well-fitting V-necks, tighter trendy pants, height boosting shoes, a haircut that best fits his phenotype/face, a watch/bracelet, a chain necklace or two, and stand with decent posture. Yes, "muhhhh," simple “blue-pilled” advice, I know. But it needs to be discussed more here, since as discussed above, HARMONY MATTERS. “Blue-pilled” advice works, IF you are already above average and fairly neurotypical. Otherwise, there is a harmony violation and blue-pilled advice actually harms people more than it does good. You are seen as the guy that is "trying to be something that he is not." THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE MEAN BY THAT.
You're writing so much WITHOUT saying anything of value

Now Let's Take A Quick Step Back:​

A quick interjection here—we need to briefly revisit foundational looks theory to clarify a few things before we continue. As the blackpill sphere slowly continues to develop and ideas are refined, principal theories are revised. The current foundational theory of the blackpill states that a “looks threshold” must be crossed for any and all other factors to matter. If you do not cross this threshold, you have zero chance of fucking the girl whose threshold you failed to meet. This is what I believe the “blackpill” reality is in dating. The blackpill is very useful for most people because they are average. It was useful for me for that reason, and has lead to a huge uptick in the quality of my sex life; I can’t thank forums like this enough for their existence. HOWEVER, You DO NOT need to be a 6psl gigachad; you only need to exceed the minimum threshold. This does not mean that being better looking than the minimum won’t help; it certainly will.
Bluepilled. WOMEN are BOMBARDED with offers. Why would any women chose a 7/10 doctor when she can easily get 10/10 chad on Tinder.
As discussed above, the “halo effect” gives you more chances to slip up and still succeed. Thus, the closer you are to the minimum threshold (while still above), the more leverage potential you need in other categories (social skills, status, sexual skills, etc.) to compensate.
LMS matter. Sexual skills only begin to matter when you have LMS
To anyone who says you must be 6psl, my response is the following: We agree that women are as superficial as men regarding looks. We as men would prefer to fuck an 8/10. BUT, this doesn’t mean we wouldn’t fuck a 6/10 if the opportunity presented itself. So why won’t women? Yes, I know they have high standards. But you’re telling me a woman would rather be lesbian than fuck a decent-looking guy who makes good money? “Muh but all women have access to Chad with social media.” Do they though? How many Chads do you see out and about every day? And how many women live in your area?
Bluepilled af. If you live anywhere that's not in siberia or Mongolia like England, Netherlands, Germany, California Women can just take the train and are at chads house in 2 hours.
How many Chads are NOT busy fucking Stacy such that they have time to fuck a six or seven?”

What is the minimum threshold? There is no set threshold IRL or online. It varies in both of those settings, and it varies based on the woman. How much does she value looks? How attractive is she? The only generalization I can confidently state is that men will do best in the dating market when going for women 2 points below their own SMV. The higher they date than this the more issues they will have regarding commitment and chances of sex. Such is why "Chad" slays average women but can struggle with Stacies. If men date above their own SMV, the relationship will almost certainly be unstable. It is possible, although difficult, to have a stable relationship/sex with women at your SMV level. This is another reason why game matters.

Let’s also recap some statements we can all (hopefully) agree on once this looks threshold is crossed. Game matters because:
  1. Women want to know their man can handle problems and be successful in interactions with other people.
  2. Women need emotional support, and game brings social status, which brings resources, and resources matter.
Money is Resources. Money is obtained by high IQ, not " Game".
Status is intrinsic and tied to Looks. A famous Tiktok Chad has higher status than a neurosurgeon.
  1. Game is a display of higher value in which women are fooled into thinking other women want you, and thus they want you.
  2. We know women are inherently emotional and psychological, yet we dismiss them as being rational and logical in accordance with PSL and “muh bro nothing else matters because of looks.” However, this is LOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE because women are by nature emotional, and thus your presence, and not just your physicality, matters.
So when you first meet a girl and you’re a decent-looking guy that crosses the looks threshold (say white, ~5psl facially and 6’ tall in shoes), the girl expects you to have some experience in dating because of congruency and the halo effect. She thinks “He’s decent looking, he should act pretty neurotypical as well. He’ll probably approach me and ask for my number.” Normally, this is what SHOULD HAPPEN. But what do you autists here do (as well as many unconfident guys IRL)? Hover around the girl, expecting her to approach you. Awkwardly start a conversation and then fail to engage the girl emotionally, all in less than a minute. “Uhh, um, so what’s your number? Uhh actually do you have a Snapchat? Uhh…” Do you see WHY this is wrong? The girl expects you to do the work because you are the dominant sex. Sure, if you’re at the looks tier of Amnesia you may have drunk girls at a party come up to you. But IRL? Very unlikely. They may be more open to a conversation/initiate small talk, but YOU must do the heavy lifting as the dominant sex. Very rarely will a girl do all the work for you, unless you are exceptionally good looking/harmonious in LMS categories AND she is extroverted and bold (most women are not). Women expect men to approach them because of the truckloads of validation they receive on the daily. Why should they put in effort when so many men are simping in their DMs, on dating apps, and acting as their emotional tampon IRL in hopes for a lick of their pussy?

Using Amnesia as an example (since he is considered the “forum Chad” and I know the autists here will listen to me if I use him as one), ask yourself: How many threads does he make where he complains of a girl flaking on him? Do you know WHY so many girls flake on him? Factoring in the high flake rate on online dating, his flake rate is STILL much higher than expected given his looks level. His body is harmonious (the only thing he lacks is height, but at 6 feet in elevator shoes he is close enough to ideal for it to not detract from his overall superb physical appearance). Well, his flake rate is so goddamn high because he lacks congruency. When girls ask for his social media, they expect him to have a large social media outlet (say, an Instagram with a few thousand follower at the minimum given his physical appearance) out of congruency given his looks level. Instead, they are met with “I don’t have one,” and their suspicion meter redlines. When a girl gets near Amnesia in real life and he starts nervously shuffling around and responds with “uhh, umm, (insert boring small talk here),” the girl thinks to herself, “this guy looks like a model? Why doesn’t he act like it (confident, egotistical)? That's weird... (he lacks harmony).” For Amnesia, being non-NT is a major falio for this reason. Even more so than for an ugly man, because he is expected to act in a bold, confident manner and he doesn’t. I sympathize with him because I share the same personality (INTJ, as it’s coined) and have the same tendencies as him—I prefer routines, preparation, and predictability rather than the constant uncertainty that women throw at you while you interact with them. I think many of us here are this way, and that is what lead us to finding the blackpill.

Now, Game

Speaking of that, being able to deal with the uncertainty and shit women throw at you is an important skill. Extrapolating from the above discussion regarding the halo effect, the better looking you are, the less women will shit test you. You are EXPECTED to have good game, and if you don’t it can be a major falio. You have more strikes on count, but if you use them up and strike out, there will be no recovery from it.

Here are some good resources for game fundamentals, if you are interested:

This website teaches all the concepts of game. If you want them even more in depth, search them individually. It provides a great summary of the fundamentals.

This website was recommended to me by trendouche a few days ago. I've spent a few hours reading it and can already tell it's a great resource. It combines amateur blackpill knowledge with red-pill strategies and some PUA techniques.

Read these while inserting looks theory into the places where it belongs, and these sources become hugely beneficial. You learn HOW to behave, which acts as an insurance policy for your looks. This is why “ascension” on here is largely a myth and there is a caveat to it: You must also “ascend” your mindset and personality with your looks, otherwise you will be incongruent and still fail.

Here are the four embedded links (in order) if for some reason you are afraid I am trying to grab your IP (which I'm not):

PSL Is Overrated - Critique & Analyisis | Looksmax.org - Men's Self-Improvement & Aesthetics

Yep.. another :bluepill::bluepill: thread that's going to trigger a lot of virgin expert basement dwellers. Only niggas who actually go out & have experience will understand what I'm saying.. All you have to do is not be repulsive looking & meet the minimum facial requirements to the specific...

Best PUA Training - Pick Up Artist Training Guides

The best PUA training resources for new and aspiring pick up artists. We provide free pua guides covering all aspects of the game including approaching, opening, mid game and inner game.

Before I go, I would like to mention that the “game” we have discussed in this thread mostly applies to women and how you act around them to increase your chances of sex. I truly believe that “Game” can and SHOULD BE extended to all interactions in your life. Game is a social method of getting what you want in situations you find yourself in. Men and women, in all venues. Game will vary based on the context, person, and setting. There is no one “game” that fits all. Game is different in a club than it is cold approaching. Game is different talking to your friend than it is at a job interview/talking with your boss. You should research methods on your own based on these specific circumstances.

I can give one quick example of game as it applies to a party/club setting. It's a raw game template I use for large parties. Obviously, it isn’t followed to a T, but it's a general template I follow. If you would like to see it, PM me.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading. Let me know what you think about my ideas below. Anything I should clarify? Am I wrong? Any feedback is appreciated.

Looks = Everything

Keep coping with PUA :

PUA = RAPE ( in the female view)
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Reactions: noodlelover, brianxx, oldcelloser and 1 other person
High effort but still very wrong in many ways. Lets unpack this:

Yes people literally bow down and serve gl people. Bluepilled if you think otherwise

Even when you're tall a lean athletic body is preferable to a roided artificial body. It has nothing to do with height. You're saying if i am recessed babayface i have to become FAT to increase Harmony? Ape tier IQ

Or Just Have the right facial ratios, good BMI while being lean, dress Normal JFL. By your logic subhumans should dress shitty to increase the harmony.

You're writing so much WITHOUT saying anything of value

Bluepilled. WOMEN are BOMBARDED with offers. Why would any women chose a 7/10 doctor when she can easily get 10/10 chad on Tinder.

LMS matter. Sexual skills only begin to matter when you have LMS

Bluepilled af. If you live anywhere that's not in siberia or Mongolia like England, Netherlands, Germany, California Women can just take the train and are at chads house in 2 hours.

Money is Resources. Money is obtained by high IQ, not " Game".
Status is intrinsic and tied to Looks. A famous Tiktok Chad has higher status than a neurosurgeon.

Looks = Everything

Keep coping with PUA :

PUA = RAPE ( in the female view)

Thx for debunking my copypasta bro
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Did not have time to read, of course
Learn to put TL DR s my troll brother :forcedsmile:
Game is overrated, looks are too to a certain extent.

Even when I had a type 3.5 underbite and a very skinny body at a weight of 150 lbs at 6 foot 4 and low self confidence, after I gained the motivation to talk to women and did so 2 times, I succeeded every single time in getting the woman's contact info to go on a date. I never went further than that because I didn't know how I would do it at the time and I thought I needed to be perfect.

The main problem with game is that it makes you think that you need to learn special techniques to get good at talking to women when in reality, you really just have to be yourself, introduce yourself and do some small talk, find a good subject that you can talk about and focus on that, then get her number, then go on a date, then bring her back to your place and get laid. Then you can have whatever relationship you desire or simply repeat the process to have sex with many different women.

Getting laid really isn't as difficult as we think, especially in today's world of pussified men who are unable to talk to women.
In fact, you don't even need to be confident, as long as you don't stutter too much and you're in a good mood, you will succeed if you approach enough women. Only men who are fat or men who pick bad locations will have trouble getting phone numbers from cold approaching (a mall, a supermarket, or a park is better than a library or a gym because women are more open to talking to you).

But if you still don't believe me, and you're not willing to try it yourself, then just wait until the end of the year. I will start cold approaching women before winter starts and when I succeed in getting laid from that without stupid PUA techniques, I will make a post about it and show proof, and then you guys will finally have the necessary motivation to try it yourselves and you'll see that it's way better than online dating. I just hope that if I succeed, you won't just find a way to justify your beliefs by claiming that it's just because of my height, because there are men that I know (personally and through a friend of a friend) who managed to do it while being short or average height.
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Reactions: Tallooksmaxxer, BrazilianLooksmaxxer and TrestIsBest
WHAT is this monstrosity? GIGA COPE. OP, you need to recognize that game is bullshit. Looks are everything.
  • JFL
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women exhibit predictable emotionality
High iq writing. Congruency pill brutal af :feelscry:
Bla bla bla, didn't read.:fuk:
Im 5'5 so should i act like a weak person because of that?

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