Looks doesn't matter and all you niggas just ignore basic facts tbh

@vinn98 i'm so sorry you are no where near chad you literally slay because you live in Prague and idk why everyone doesn't realise this :/

Prague is a legit tourist hotspot and most of your slays are tourists i.e. Russian, French etc. Legit anyone can slay in places like this so stop bragging. When i was 18 and a virgin I went to Spain to a tourist hotspot and fucked a very hot Dutch girl and had a threesome with two girls from Denmark 2 days later. It was like so easy it was ridiculous.

@Clavicular literally slays because he lives in NYC and is a bouncer. I'm not saying he is not good looking btw, he has a great physique, good height and his face is above average for sure but his slaying is not everything to do with his looks at all. He is extremely low inhib. So, low inhib + bouncer + NYC = easy (then add in his looks and it's terra easy bro has legit everything to slay tbh. Looks, location and job it's impossible to outslay him even if chad for this reason).

@Pneumocyotis is giga NT and clubs a lot and is popular in his uni etc. He is also very good looking but i saw and i've made a post about a guy i saw that looked exactly like him in the club with no social status get blown out all night.

There is a reason why people like @the BULL rot while people like @vinn98 slay and it has nothing and I mean literally nothing to do with looks.

Literally, if @the BULL went out clubbing in a tourist hotspot (i suspect he lives in the countryside) and was low inhib instead of high inhib then he would be a slayer even if he is 5'8 or whatever tbh, it doesn't even matter that much.

Legit every single reason here for slaying is 'chad' 'mogger' NO. It's honestly not.

The reason you're not a slayer is legit probably because you are either not in a good location (like Prague, Madrid, NYC) etc. don't have an ideal job to slay i.e. a bouncer or the most likely one...

You do not have NT friends that are social who go out a lot. Legit the most reasons people here are not slayers or have a good sex live is because they are extremely high inhib, autistic and do not have a good social life or a non existent one. That's literally the only reason tbh.

You actually do not need to even be that good looking to slay at all tbh.

Honestly, a lot of people could legit go out to a club and look mogger but act high inhib and do shit. And they could go out looksminned and act low inhib and slay, you'd be surprised tbh.

Most guys that are slaying the most are just NT maxxed MTN's. And most guys that will be slaying from the club tonight are probably MTN's that don't workout, have never heard of looksmaxxing but are just social. If they posted here they'd be told 'rope subhuman' yet they are fucking hotter girls from clubs etc. than people than objectively mog them.

Mogging only matters for dating apps in clubs and they are a meme (which is why mogging matters).

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