Low inhib autists, what things do you do to intentionally fuck with people?



Indianapolis: Become Human
Jun 14, 2019
I like to stare random people down in public transport. Whenever I'm talking to some random person (especially foids or beta looking dudes) I start acting all shifty, like I'm getting ready to mug them in broad daylight. In stores I constantly pick up and put down items, and frequently stick my hand in my pocket like I'm a kid shoplifting candy.

The GOAT for me though was inspired by some genius who thought it'd be funny (I mean it kinda was) to sneak up to my family's summer cottage in the middle of the night, and throw a couple of live fish down the drinking water well.

I enjoy swimming in open water so every summer around mid August or whenever I happen to be in town for the past 3 years I've swam to the nearest inhabited island (half a km away) next to our cottage in the night with a little ziploc bag with a piece of paper in it duct taped to my chest (checking with binoculars beforehand to make sure they're home), climbed to the roof of the cottage (wooden ladder and felt roof, I can do it pretty quietly) and dropped a little greeting card consisting of the lyrics to the song "Sommaren är kort" down their chimney, leaving undetected like a poor man's navy seal. Family who lives in that cottage are probably either scared shitless or very confused.

I swear this is not a tale from the basement, I could do a custom message for you guys this summer and film it, forreal. Can anyone else top this autism?
based sociopathic autist.
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Should be added that the first time I did it I was a fatcel who couldn't swim well so I used one of those shitty 20 euro inflatable boats from Lidl that me and my friend bought as a joke, I barely even made landfall on their property and instead had the piece of paper in a rolled up plastic sleeve & tossed it at their front porch from a distance like a paperboy before making my getaway.

But I practiced climbing quietly onto the roof of our firewood storage shed thing and got drunk to make it seem like a good idea before the next time I did it, and just winged it.

I've been observing their patterns and usually in August it's just an older couple and their son visiting the cottage, they slept tight the last two times anyway, (on midsummer it seems they have the whole extended family over, also sun shines through the night so easier to get spotted, also no guarantee they'll all be asleep )
tales from the basement
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I like to stare random people down in public transport.
i do this all the time, does it make you creepy? i did it a girl in school by accident multiple times because she kept looking into my eyes when we crossed by in the hallway.
i do this all the time, does it make you creepy? i did it a girl in school by accident multiple times because she kept looking into my eyes when we crossed by in the hallway.
if u look good its not creepy, if ur ugly u are creep.

also if u constantly look at people, u will get into fights etc. i look people in the eye all the time and i often get situations where someone insults me for no reason or tells me wtf i want etc. i dont even look much or anything but some faggots get mad easily
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if u look good its not creepy, if ur ugly u are creep.
time to bring out the rope

also if u constantly look at people, u will get into fights etc. i look people in the eye all the time and i often get situations where someone insults me for no reason or tells me wtf i want etc. i dont even look much or anything but some faggots get mad easily
interesting, ive never had that happen before. but when i stare down blacks/hispanics once in a while theyll get into a kind of attack position
i do this all the time, does it make you creepy? i did it a girl in school by accident multiple times because she kept looking into my eyes when we crossed by in the hallway.
No that's the key of low inhib. If you're subhuman she won't like you anyway so who cares if you creep her out.

Another classic trick of mine is when you're sitting in a train or bus at around 10AM-2PM when the sun sits high in the sky and you use the shiny chrome plated face of your 7 euro aliexpress digital watch to shine reflected sunlight right in someone's eye to blind and disorient them. Its absolutely hilarious watching their reaction, you gotta keep a straight face when you do it though.
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No that's the key of low inhib. If you're subhuman she won't like you anyway so who cares if you creep her out.

Another classic trick of mine is when you're sitting in a train or bus at around 10AM-2PM when the sun sits high in the sky and you use the shiny chrome plated face of your 7 euro aliexpress digital watch to shine reflected sunlight right in someone's eye to blind and disorient them. Its absolutely hilarious watching their reaction, you gotta keep a straight face when you do it though.
thx bro, and i will try that out next time
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IMG 20181022 140129

I do this unintentionally, but I find it very hard to stop eye contact with people when talking. I'm the opposite of a shy autist because I constantly stare into the other person's eyes and I have to consciously remind myself to look away to not seem like a psychopath. It really intimidates shy people and at the same time attracts foids.

Another thing I love doing is whistling with my mouth closed. I can't explain how I do it, but it's possible. Whenever I'm taking a test in college, I whistle with my mouth closed and a straight face and no one can figure out it's me and it's hilarious.

I also love fucking with random people on my campus and saying "what's up mom, didn't expect to see you here" or "what's up dad" it really confuses people.

Also, this is a pic of some low inhib negro I saw on the train. Truly based. He didn't even look up always kept his head down.
  • JFL
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