Lowest T poster on site


Deleted member 483

it is what it is
Oct 30, 2018
Who is it? @badromance and @FatmanO comes to mind. Who else?
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ZyzzReincarnate, dogtown, Bur_01 and 5 others
sad thing is that they both are under 20 lmao
  • +1
Reactions: Autist, Deleted member 483 and kobecel
Who is it? @badromance and @FatmanO comes to mind. Who else?
you are literally braindead if you think im low T
I can fuck your whore mother for hours and hours with peak erection

Making this post proves you are low t
keep crying for me and @FatmanO
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7560, Autist, Blitz and 5 others
Anyone with an anime avatar.
  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: Ritalincel, Autist, xz90 and 13 others
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Autist, normcore and androidcel
you are literally braindead if you think im low T
I can fuck your whore mother for hours and hours with peak erection

Making this post proves you are low t
keep crying for me and @FatmanO
View attachment 30398

You don't fuck shit JFL, can't even fuck an escort or talk to girls


Also High T wouldn't have gotten defensive :feelshehe:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Autist, SeiGun, dogtown and 2 others
Low T posters? Yeah ones that constantly run around calling other low t for not being legit crazy.
  • +1
Reactions: RedPilledStemcel, Gengar and Deleted member 483
Low T posters? Yeah ones that constantly run around calling other low t for not being legit crazy.
t. soy cuck
Feminist Shaming Tactics
Shaming tactics are emotional devices meant to play on a man's insecurities and shut down debate. They are meant to elicit sympathy for women and to demonize men who ask hard questions. Feminist shaming tactics are argumentum ad hominem.

Shaming tactics are used against men whenever a discussion arises about feminism, men's issues, divorce, romance, marriage, domestic violence, child support, visitation, false accusations, workplace benefits, false imprisonment, over-criminalization, and more.
Charge of Irascibility: The man is accused of having anger management issues. Whatever negative emotions he has are assumed to be unjustifiable. "You're bitter.", "You need to get over your anger at women.", or "You are so negative."

Charge of Cowardice: The man is accused of having an unjustifiable fear of interaction with women. "You need to get over your fear.", "Step up and take a chance like a man.", or "You're afraid of a strong woman."

Charge of Hypersensitivity: The man is accused of being hysterical or exaggerating the problems of men. "Stop whining.", "Get over it.", "Suck it up like a man.", "You guys don't have it as nearly as bad as us women.", "You're just afraid of losing your male privileges." "Your fragile male ego...", or "Wow. You guys need to get a grip."

Charge of Puerility: The man is accused of being immature and or irresponsible in some manner that reflects badly on his status as an adult male. "Grow up.", "You are so immature.", "Do you live with your mother?", "I'm not interested in boys. I'm interested in real men.", "Men are shirking their God-given responsibility to marry and bear children."

Charge of Endangerment: The man is accused of being a menace in some undefined manner. "You guys are scary." or "You make me feel afraid."

Charge of Rationalization: The man is accused of explaining away his own failures and or dissatisfaction by blaming women for his problems. "You are just bitter because you can't get laid."

Charge of Fanaticism: The man is accused of subscribing to an intolerant, extremist ideology or of being devoted to an ignorant viewpoint. "You're one of those right-wing wackos.", "You're an extremist", "You sound like the KKK/Hitler Youth/racist." or "... more anti-feminist zaniness"

Charge of Invirility: The target's sexual orientation or masculinity is called into question. "Are you gay?", "I need a real man, not a sissy." or "You're such a wimp."

Charge of Overgeneralization: The target is accused of making generalizations or supporting unwarranted stereotypes about women. "I'm not like that.", "Stop generalizing.", "That's a sexist stereotype."

Charge of Misogyny: The target is accused of displaying some form of unwarranted malice to a particular woman or to women in general. "You misogynist creep.", "Why do you hate women?", "Do you love your mother?", "You are insensitive to the plight of women.", "You are mean-spirited.", "You view women as doormats.", "You want to roll back the rights of women.", "You are going to make me cry."

Charge of Instability: The target is accused of being emotionally or mentally unstable. "You're unstable.", "You have issues.", "You need therapy.", "Weirdo."

Charge of Unattractiveness: The target is accused of having no romantic potential as far as women are concerned. "I bet you are fat and ugly.", "You can't get laid!", "Creep!", "Loser!", "Have you thought about the problem being you?"

Threat of Withheld Affection: The man is admonished that his viewpoints or behavior will cause women to reject him as a mate. "No woman will marry you with that attitude." or "You will never get laid!"

The facts did not favor the feminist position so (s)he used Feminist Shaming Tactic(s).

by menforjustice.net June 14, 2009
  • +1
Reactions: Trilogy, Autist, Extra Chromosome and 3 others

gays on average tend to be more feminine. this is science.
  • +1
Reactions: Autist, kobecel, dogtown and 3 others
You are legit delusioned srs close this thread down

Thats why I hear guys talking in high pitched voice like gays imo

I only have a slightly high pitched voice due to late blooming. though legit, I only like tits and pussy. have had tits and pussy, still not worth trying anymore. women will be disloyal at the slightest sense of vunerability. case in point, saw my ex today and she didn't even want to notice me. doesn't help she has a fat negress trying to run her life as a "friend".

black women ruin everything. hell, miscegenation was caused by them and their inability to detect a jew from a white guy.
You are legit delusioned srs close this thread down

Thats why I hear guys talking in high pitched voice like gays imo

So given your estrogenic body, man boobs, female like fat storage distribution, constant validation-seeking behaviour, inability to handle criticism, lack of self respect and confidence, inability to build muscle like a person with avg. test levels, trying to befriend everyone like a little puppy on a leash(constantly trying to befriend undisputed given that he publicly humiliates you), are you claiming ur not low T? Probably 200 ng/dl.

Also JFL calling me delusional when ur the most delusional person on the entire forum(literally)
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: dodt, kobecel, Lumbersexual and 1 other person
I have more t than all you subhumans combined
  • +1
Reactions: Autist, kobecel, Deleted member 483 and 3 others
I have more t than all you subhumans combined

I don't doubt that. Probably more than the whole psl communities across combined
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 483
Tests me
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel and Deleted member 483
Daily reminder it's over for @badromance with his test levels equal to a scrawny prepubescent sub Saharan girl with ebola

  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Autist, kobecel, hebbewem and 3 others
  • Love it
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Autist, SeiGun and Coping
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Autist, Extra Chromosome, Bur_01 and 5 others

sorry bro
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Autist, ZyzzReincarnate, Extra Chromosome and 6 others
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Autist, ZyzzReincarnate, Extra Chromosome and 5 others
you are literally braindead if you think im low T
I can fuck your whore mother for hours and hours with peak erection

Making this post proves you are low t
keep crying for me and @FatmanO
View attachment 30398
more autists copying undisputed
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel and Deleted member 656
definitely @ZUZZCEL
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel, Deleted member 656 and androidcel
  • +1
Reactions: Autist, rockndogs, kobecel and 3 others

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