MAJOR HAPPENING: Italians lock down the WHOLE country after death toll leaps by 97 in one day to 463

dat feel

dat feel

DailyMail Expert
Oct 6, 2019
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God doesn't exist
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So is the world over?
GOD SAVE ROMANS AND a atlanto Mediterranean Italian masterrace
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I am in route to my apocalypse bunker in the mountains. I will monitor virus progression from there. I expect it will peak in 3 weeks, then diminish as warmer temperatures and milder mutated versions become the norm. Lol at you peons in urban areas. The blue state plague of 2020.

Hopefully it will kill the socialist pope.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ChaddeusPeuterschmit, Slayerino, Achathin and 5 others
I am in route to my apocalypse bunker in the mountains. I will monitor virus progression from there. I expect it will peak in 3 weeks, then diminish as warmer temperatures and milder mutated versions become the norm. Lol at you peons in urban areas. The blue state plague of 2020.

Hopefully it will kill the socialist pope.
lol @ your cope you do not have a bunker

you are probably still in new york trying to dodge corona

have you lost any money in the stock market crash? it's gonna fall a lot more
  • JFL
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HappyMa, Here, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
16 million in quarantine, but Europe's borders are all open. Does anyone else think this is odd?
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Fin fact: I was avoiding using the elevator in my condo building by climbing stairs to 7th floor. And I wasn’t the only one doing it
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  • +1
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Italy is almost a 3rd world country, this is why the death toll is so high compared to France and Korea.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: ChaddeusPeuterschmit, Slayerino and Gonthar

Fin fact: I was avoiding using the elevator in my condo building by climbing stairs to 7th floor. And I wasn’t the only one doing it
if you're buying long term just keep holding, market will experience a sharp drop but will recover just as quickly once this whole thing blows over

if you have some cash to play with, buy calls or sell covered puts once a bottom appears. easiest money you've ever made

also don't go out without wearing an N95 respirator or even a full mask

ridicule can't kill you, but corona will
Italy is almost a 3rd world country, this is why the death toll is so high compared to France and Korea.
france is not much different
  • +1
Reactions: SixFootManlet and looksmaxxed
Maybe we can finally get our generations great depression

incels will be the least affected because they have no access to 18-22yo jbs, no families, no wealth, no interests outside of vidya and pornhub, basically no one to leave behind
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  • JFL
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incels will be the least affected because they have no access to 18-22yo jbs, no families, no wealth, no interests outside of vidya and pornhub, basically no one to leave behind
Problem is: i can’t be Tyler Durden if we actually get a great depression
if you're buying long term just keep holding, market will experience a sharp drop but will recover just as quickly once this whole thing blows over

if you have some cash to play with, buy calls or sell covered puts once a bottom appears. easiest money you've ever made

also don't go out without wearing an N95 respirator or even a full mask

ridicule can't kill you, but corona will

france is not much different
I'm pretty sure he knows his shit if he's playing with that kind of money.
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We'll be ok in the UK..

Boris told us all to wash our hands

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  • JFL
Reactions: ChaddeusPeuterschmit, Slayerino and SixFootManlet
I'm pretty sure he knows his shit if he's playing with that kind of money.
what kind of money? do you have any idea how expensive nyc even is? by my estimates, oldrooster's net worth is 5-10 mil including cash stocks and real estate, which is very decent but not extraordinary. keep in mind that a nice 2-bed condo in manhattan goes for 10 mil
  • Woah
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what kind of money? do you have any idea how expensive nyc even is? by my estimates, oldrooster's net worth is 5-10 mil including cash stocks and real estate, which is very decent but not extraordinary. keep in mind that a nice 2-bed condo in manhattan goes for 10 mil
You don't probably have even 100k yourself. 10 million is huge amount of money.
  • +1
Reactions: ChaddeusPeuterschmit
what kind of money? do you have any idea how expensive nyc even is? by my estimates, oldrooster's net worth is 5-10 mil including cash stocks and real estate, which is very decent but not extraordinary. keep in mind that a nice 2-bed condo in manhattan goes for 10 mil
Nyc is gay city, La is nice :feelsez:
if you have some cash to play with, buy calls or sell covered puts once a bottom appears.
?? Why the fuck would you encourage this after you told him to keep holding
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Reactions: BigBiceps
i guess a lot of oldcels in italy? the pope is in lock down, all of those morons still traveling to corona hot zones will run away and they will ignore the 14 day self quarantine period because low iq and spread it to their family, friends, and random people on the street. hopefully this virus kills bernie sanders and other socialist parasite
  • JFL
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@Lorsss stay safe bro
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You don't probably have even 100k yourself. 10 million is huge amount of money.
it's really not. 10 mil will generate 80k/month @10% return, for example, before taxes. it's comfortable but you're not chartering jets or large yachts or living large by any means

?? Why the fuck would you encourage this after you told him to keep holding
took me a while to understand why you were confused

when you sell puts you're selling options, which means you make money, and that money is yours as long as they expire in your favor

just read about options, like
  • +1
Reactions: SixFootManlet
it's really not. 10 mil will generate 80k/month @10% return, for example, before taxes. it's comfortable but you're not chartering jets or large yachts or living large by any means

took me a while to understand why you were confused

when you sell puts you're selling options, which means you make money, and that money is yours as long as they expire in your favor

just read about options, like
Lol I know what options are, I’m the one that introduced it on lookism and here. I’m saying if oldrooster is a long term investor, as in a true LONG TERM investor, telling him to sell covered puts is a terrible advice, considering his style of investment and the fact that he could lose more money because the market is in a sentimental driven state with volatile swings similar to 2008 and finding the true bottom will be difficult unless it already happen and passed
Options are traditionally used to hedge existing positions, which in this case for oldrooster it would be to buy puts not sell. But hedging is usually used by short term investor, he should just buy more of his positions in increments
Or maybe he shouldnt listen to us since he’s probably richer than us and obviously knows what he’s doing since he’s been in the game longer. His account should be fine 3-5 years from now anyways
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Lol I know what options are, I’m the one that introduced it on lookism and here. I’m saying if oldrooster is a long term investor, as in a true LONG TERM investor, telling him to sell covered puts is a terrible advice, considering his style of investment and the fact that he could lose more money because the market is in a sentimental driven state with volatile swings similar to 2008 and finding the true bottom will be difficult unless it already happen and passed
Options are traditionally used to hedge existing positions, which in this case for oldrooster it would be to buy puts not sell. But hedging is usually used by short term investor, he should just buy more of his positions in increments
Or maybe he shouldnt listen to us since he’s probably richer than us and obviously knows what he’s doing since he’s been in the game longer. His account should be fine 3-5 years from now anyways
you must have missed the part where i said "if you have some cash to play with"

this has nothing to do with his long-term objectives. it can be fun to take a few thousand dollars and call a bottom and see if you can snowball it with options

this is in large part an event-driven recession. if they announce a cure/vaccine tomorrow, the market will snap back. so the bottom will appear close to those developments
  • +1
Reactions: SixFootManlet
@Lorsss time to refugeemax and move to Berlin, pastaboi :feelscry:
all u had to do was listen
I am in route to my apocalypse bunker in the mountains. I will monitor virus progression from there. I expect it will peak in 3 weeks, then diminish as warmer temperatures and milder mutated versions become the norm. Lol at you peons in urban areas. The blue state plague of 2020.

Hopefully it will kill the socialist pope.
honestly it will get worse then get better, but first this will get worse yeah
2020 03 10 115923

we are obliged to make a queue outside every store and postal office
  • +1
Reactions: DidntRead, onnysk and stuckneworleans
Exponential growth.

It'll increase to 2000 the next day
  • +1
Reactions: stuckneworleans
The media , as usual, are spreading the panick...
  • +1
Reactions: ChaddeusPeuterschmit
you must have missed the part where i said "if you have some cash to play with"

this has nothing to do with his long-term objectives. it can be fun to take a few thousand dollars and call a bottom and see if you can snowball it with options

this is in large part an event-driven recession. if they announce a cure/vaccine tomorrow, the market will snap back. so the bottom will appear close to those developments
See but the problem is if they ever announce a cure or vaccine, the likelihood of them coming up with such in the next 18 months is super low.

And I get what you’re saying, but like @BigBiceps said he probably knows what he’s doing. Selling options isn’t that simple, it all fun collecting those premiums till the unexpected happens and they get exercise. This is coming from a person who made five figures in option trading so far this year alone, most people whowrite options usually use a spread to avoid losses by the unpredictable and are very familiar with the various types of spread and which would best be appropriate that person in a given market. And if oldrooster isn’t familiar with spreads I highly do not recommend him to touch selling option, covered or naked.
  • +1
Reactions: BigBiceps

italy is full of old fags with broken immune systems so their numbers will continue to increase. Same shit will happen in canada. But usa should be fine. Might be alot of infant deaths tho
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See but the problem is if they ever announce a cure or vaccine, the likelihood of them coming up with such in the next 18 months is super low.

And I get what you’re saying, but like @BigBiceps said he probably knows what he’s doing. Selling options isn’t that simple, it all fun collecting those premiums till the unexpected happens and they get exercise. This is coming from a person who made five figures in option trading so far this year alone, most people whowrite options usually use a spread to avoid losses by the unpredictable and are very familiar with the various types of spread and which would best be appropriate that person in a given market. And if oldrooster isn’t familiar with spreads I highly do not recommend him to touch selling option, covered or naked.
what "unexpected happens"

a stock's price cannot go below zero. you losses literally are limited to the shares you're covering your ass with when you sell puts

read up on options and use a practice account to get familiar with them. better yet, never touch them. even better, never touch the stock market and invest in other assets that give you more control
what "unexpected happens"

a stock's price cannot go below zero. you losses literally are limited to the shares you're covering your ass with when you sell puts

read up on options and use a practice account to get familiar with them. better yet, never touch them. even better, never touch the stock market and invest in other assets that give you more control
??? Nigga tf are you telling me to get familiar with something I already know. Do you even sell options? Why tf should I have a practice account when I'm already doing live trading and actually have success in it.

”Unexpected” as in when it goes the opposite direction that you wanted, as in the market or whatever sector you selling puts in plummets more and it get exercise. Yes you have your shares covering you but guess what, you're given it away for a loss which would be a major if you were selling OTM. You don't know shit about how the market can react.
And what do you mean a stock can't go below zero? No shit Sherlock, they don't have strike prices for zero, and if your intent was to have him sell OTM options with strikes prices that low, you will have him
1) troubled getting them filled because of the lack of demand and competition from other writers

2) since the strikes will be low the premium would be shit and for a person with a networth in millions it wouldn't even be worth his time

Question: do you even do option trading? Why tf are you strongly recommending it to a guy that probably doesn't understand it
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again, i said it was in case he had a few thousand dollars to play with

we're talking about a tiny volume, tiny number of shares he can afford to lose

you sound like someone who just recently got into "trading" and riding high off early success

i recommend you quit "trading" because you will inevitably lose

if you don't, don't worry, the market will humble you. it's called paying tuition
again, i said it was in case he had a few thousand dollars to play with

we're talking about a tiny volume, tiny number of shares he can afford to lose

you sound like someone who just recently got into "trading" and riding high off early success

i recommend you quit "trading" because you will inevitably lose

if you don't, don't worry, the market will humble you. it's called paying tuition
Lol at not mentioning or quoting me. Pussy move

But time out, you recommend me to quit trading, but recommending another person to start trading? Are you ok bud?

I've been trading for three years, I have strict risk management to not blow 10% of my capital in a short period of time, I don't even cross 5% majority of times. I don't day trade except forex and that's only if certain financial events are occurring like Brexit for instance. I mostly swing trade or hold.

The best thing for him is to just hold his positions and buy more if bullish signs start to occur. Telling him to get into something that takes a lot of time to learn and understand and that might not be worth his time to begin with considering his net worth is not a good idea
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Lol at not mentioning or quoting me. Pussy move

But time out, you recommend me to quit trading, but recommending another person to start trading? Are you ok bud?

I've been trading for three years, I have strict risk management to not blow 10% of my capital in a short period of time, I don't even cross 5% majority of times. I don't day trade except forex and that's only if certain financial events are occurring like Brexit for instance. I mostly swing trade or hold.

The best thing for him is to just hold his positions and buy more if bullish signs start to occur. Telling him to get into something that takes a lot of time to learn and understand and that might not be worth his time to begin with considering his net worth is not a good idea
you aren't like him, that's why my recommendation is different

oldrooster is a lot older than you, he is a lot richer and his stock holdings probably account for less than a third of his wealth. he's building the bulk of his wealth and cash flow through real estate equity and income

given these factors, he can afford to play the game i mentioned

you're a povertycel (no offense) who scraped together $25k or $50k and feel bolstered by the highly unusual gains in the market for the last three years. quit while you're ahead, or you will inevitably get cleaned out by the pros. millions of people like you have tried to play the market before. all have failed

your gains so far were due to a rising tide, not to any particular aptitude to trade stocks. quit and spend your time learning more productive things

just my two cents
you aren't like him, that's why my recommendation is different

oldrooster is a lot older than you, he is a lot richer and his stock holdings probably account for less than a third of his wealth. he's building the bulk of his wealth and cash flow through real estate equity and income

given these factors, he can afford to play the game i mentioned

you're a povertycel (no offense) who scraped together $25k or $50k and feel bolstered by the highly unusual gains in the market for the last three years. quit while you're ahead, or you will inevitably get cleaned out by the pros. millions of people like you have tried to play the market before. all have failed

your gains so far were due to a rising tide, not to any particular aptitude to trade stocks. quit and spend your time learning more productive things

just my two cents
Do you not read my posts? You talking as if I actively day trade when I told you I swing trade and hold. I will get clean out by the pros for holding?? Imagine going in an estrogenic out of character way and being assumptious without knowing me. Trading is one of my passive income, I ALSO DO REAL ESTATE, specifically flipping, wholesaling, and leads generating subscriptions.

Your two cents are crap. ”due to a rising tide, not a particular aptitude” just lol. You don't know me or how I move. I don't know you or how you move. All Im just saying he considering the thing oldrooster has done and claims it's not a question of if he can afford it, it's a question of why he should take your suggestion over simply just buying more stocks in increments. And here you are offended and questioning my capabilities for giving a counter advice that any reasonable person in the field will tell you.

This is literally you: ”hey bro just sell options bro, easy money.” No matter how rich you are you do need to understand the process if you're planning in making a profit at the end. And you are encouraging him to do that without knowing if he's familiar with it.

5k, 50k, 100k if doesn't matter the size of your capital you will get wipe if you don't have a consistent margin of risks. You come up with the notion that I will blow my account like other because you assume I lack margin of risks despite saying otherwise. Like if you're not going to read my posts and assume characteristics about me just don't bother replying to avoid embarrassing yourself lol
haha my bad then, tbh i didn't read very closely i thought you were daytrading and trying to beat the market

i've see so many people trying to do that as soon as they put together 5k, that i assume that as soon as someone starts talking about the market

i've lost $0 in this downturn because i exited the market entirely a few years ago

buying the dips is fine but imho looking for opportunities in real estate in a buyer's market can be very good if you have the skills to navigate that field
  • +1
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The media , as usual, are spreading the panick...
the media is full of estrogenic liberals
you aren't like him, that's why my recommendation is different

oldrooster is a lot older than you, he is a lot richer and his stock holdings probably account for less than a third of his wealth. he's building the bulk of his wealth and cash flow through real estate equity and income

given these factors, he can afford to play the game i mentioned

you're a povertycel (no offense) who scraped together $25k or $50k and feel bolstered by the highly unusual gains in the market for the last three years. quit while you're ahead, or you will inevitably get cleaned out by the pros. millions of people like you have tried to play the market before. all have failed

your gains so far were due to a rising tide, not to any particular aptitude to trade stocks. quit and spend your time learning more productive things

just my two cents
how can you can you get cleaned out by pros if you do the trade yourself?
im low iq
the media is full of estrogenic liberals

how can you can you get cleaned out by pros if you do the trade yourself?
im low iq
what retail traders do:
- buy high
- sell low
- drown in cortisol
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