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18+ / Leanmaxxed Only
The mouth or lip width is the distance between the oral commissures.
1 Philtrum
2 Philtral ridges/columns
3 Cupid’s bow
4 High points of the vermilion (bilateral)
5 White roll
6 Upper lip vermilion
7 Upper lip tubercle
8 Vermilion border (mucocutaneous junction)
9 Lower lip vermilion
10 Oral (labial) commissures
11 Nasolabial groove
12 Mentolabial groove
2 Philtral ridges/columns
3 Cupid’s bow
4 High points of the vermilion (bilateral)
5 White roll
6 Upper lip vermilion
7 Upper lip tubercle
8 Vermilion border (mucocutaneous junction)
9 Lower lip vermilion
10 Oral (labial) commissures
11 Nasolabial groove
12 Mentolabial groove

Obviously, this is to be considered only after having addressed your maxilla (projection & palate width¹), teeth normalization & lip tonicity. (it's all related)
How to tell you need orthognathic and/or orthodontic work for your lips aesthetics
Lip Curvature :
Upper lip curvature (frontal view): the mid-philtrum height and bilateral oral commissure heights should be approximately equal in adults with the lips lightly in contact.

For example :
A significantly shorter mid-philtrum height compared with commissure height in an adult result in upper lip line morphology referred to as an inverted arc.

According to Dr.Naini :
The contour of the upper and lower lips at rest may resemble an inverted arc in a number of conditions, giving the patient the appearance of a frown:
1 - Maxillary or midfacial hypoplasia: The unintentionally aggressive appearance particularly common in ‘ Class III ’ patients is due to this inverted arc, secondary to maxillary hypoplasia. Management requires maxillary advancement.
2- Lowering/drooping of the oral commissures as a result of ageing: Management requires rhytidectomy (facelift).
Lip tonicity :
It refers to the muscular tone of the lips and it is easily predictable by the underlying jaw structure and, subsequently, teeth alignment.
For example :
Class 2 malocclusion will often lead to hyperactivity of the lower lip :

A more severe class 2 will often lead to upper lip hypotonicity :

Bimaxillary protrusion will often lead to limp or flaccid lips :

Correction of the underlying deformity allows normal lip function and often results in the upper lip developing normal tonicity.
Upper lip height (long philtrumcels) :

Don't forget that the skull is a 3D object and that includes lips so a projection and even CCW rotation of the maxilla would lower perceived upper lip height @Clavicular and expose more upper lip vermilion. However, it probably won't help your lip width since the crucial growth period has been missed. I'd need @RealSurgerymax opinion on this since he has actual experience with multipiece Lefort 1's.
With considerations to thick BBC upper lips which tend to be less indicative/more camouflaging of the underlying teeth and jaw structures, so get scans ig

Now that we've ruled out dentofacial deformities which is the reason most of us are ugly

What's an ideal lip width?
This nigga da Vinci thinks it should align with IPD in a well proportioned face

which is correct bro

What are the physiognomical advantages of an ideal lip width / Why bother ?
First of all it's a baby trait² and babyfacedness is negatively correlated with attractiveness, same logic as hollow cheeks : "Particular attention has been paid to facial features which distinguish infants from adults. " B a b y i s h " or infantile facial features include a high and protruding forehead, large eyes placed in the middle of the face, a small nose and mouth, and fat cheeks (Gardner & Wallach, 1965; Hess, 1970)."
i.e. the chérubin look is undesirable for adults, it's what makes us invisible (like actually this is the reason subhumans are invisible)

"As Zebrowitz (1997) noted, ‘‘a baby’s face is disarming’’ (p.64). Decades of research have shown that baby-faced adults are perceived as being more warm, trustworthy, and innocent than mature-faced adults (for a review, see Zebrowitz, 1997). They are also treated with greater patience, sensitivity, and compassion. For example, studies have demonstrated that baby-faced offenders tend to receive more lenient sentences than mature-faced offenders for certain types of crimes (e.g., Berry & Zebrowitz-McArthur, 1988). Studies have also found that baby-faced individuals are more persuasive than mature-faced individuals when trustworthiness is uncertain (Brownlow, 1992), and that corporations with baby-faced spokespeople are trusted more than those with mature-faced spokespeople during a mild public-relations crisis (Gorn, Jiang, & Johar, 2008). However, there are costs to the tenderness that a baby face engenders. Like babies, baby-faced adults are perceived as being incompetent and weak. Consequently, research has suggested that babyfaceness may be a liability for people striving to attain high positions of leadership in government (Zebrowitz & Montepare, 2005) and industry (Rule & Ambady, 2008)."³
Which is fine if you're femboymaxxing I guess
Secondly, it is a sign of physical formidability which then links it to leadership, the current evolutionary hypothesis being that canine tooth size and ICW is positively correlated with a wider mouth and big dimorphic canines (thus mouth) correlate with male physical combat and dominance in primates ⁴˒⁵

Indeed, mouth width positively correlates with perceived leadership ability and actual leadership performance in humans⁶
some cagefuel I stumbled upon in a study analyzing the Facial Anthropometric Data of Korean Pilots for Oxygen Mask Design and pilots mog civilians for some reason
Disproving the usual copes :
JUST GET MSE BRO, first of all, only a few orthos provide it ( https://www.moonmse.com/distributors-1 ), it's expensive af (quoted 16k USD by Dr. Sheri Salartash


like @Angutoid 's

My New Mouth Widening Invention Without Smile Lines
So this is how it looks like: I could make it more complicated but i wanted it to cost less so every narrow mouthcel could benefit. Wear this overnight!!! You need 2 more things (1 if you don't care about smile lines) to use with this: A rubber band (Smaller the size more the pressure is)...
or the ones displayed in @RecessedPrettyboy 's thread

Mouth Widening Appliances
Mouth Widening Appliance 3d models for 3d printing Now before someone asks How do I print it if I dont have a 3d printer? Just go to a 3d printing service store and print it. simple and shoudnt be expensive at all Here are the different sizes: 7cm: https://www.tinkercad.com/things/2ZfCaY9upiy...
or FacialFlex's https://www.craniorehab.com/Facial-Flex-Adult-Microstomia-Prevention-Appliance.html
Well, first of all, none of them are arguing for their efficacy
Potential argument 1 : Lip tribe bro

Well that's what ends up happening

Potential argument 2 : Facial Flex
Well that one is specifically designed to prevent and manage microstomia i.e. we're talking about scarring or fibrosis here (= for it not to relapse) not to expand normal healthy tissue @Pendejo
Potential argument 3 : Anecdotal
People believe many things like iris color changes due to a raw meat diet @slavicpsycho, carbohydrate abstinence leading to optical superpowers @Never Get Up , mewing to increase lefort 3 area projection but these are "relatively" harmless except Bonesmashing
A too strong or improper lip expansion session could cause damage to the delicate tissues of the lips, tearing of the fragile mucous membranes which could lead to infections, muscle strain which would cause chronic fatigue or spasms, nerve irritation, it could have an impact on the alignment of the teeth, the health of gums, etc. So many unkown and very undesirable consequences that simple anecdotes can't logically outweigh.
What the fuck to do then ?
I'm sure you're already vaguely familiar with this procedure, the main goal of this procedure is to maintain lip competence, it's a very quick and effective surgery though : it doesn't need complexe techniques.
You can do it in 2 ways⁸ :
The simplest being : Buccal mucosal advancement
The alternative being : Myomucosal advancement flap
SPAIN : https://mallorcamedicalgroup.com/en/procedures/plastic-surgery/facial-surgery/comisuroplasty/
Price : 1k€ to 2k€
TEXAS : https://planoplasticsurgery.com/lip-commissuroplasty/
Price : Get a quote yourself lil bro
I know Eppley used to perform it, he wrote on it extensively on his blog but he stopped doing it, he would be charging 800k USD anyway
I couldn't find any makeup tutorial that does this specifically, JFL at foids btw, muh looksmax gender, they always just increase lip vertical size like some retards actual

Just imagine for me that you're doing a commissuroplasty but with makeup
You're gonna need first concelear for two reasons :
1- to blur the actual natural edges of your mouth
2- to create a fake new vermillion border
An eyeshadow brush :
to blend-in the concealer
Lip liner :
You're gonna overline your lips slightly past the natural commissure and extend the line just beyoned the natural edge but don't do overdo it to avoid pufferfishmaxxing
Lipstick as cherry chapstick wouldn't be able to fill :
You're gonna fill in your newly accquired vermillion with a matching lipstick, matte lipstick would work better since it'll make it look sharper, you want lighter in the center and darker in the outer corners to give a gradient effect, that will enhance the width visually, you'll understand easily if you have any drawing/coloring background
Optional : Highlighter on the cupid's bow and just below the upper lip to draw the attention to the center en enhance that gradient effect.
Contouring to further accentuate the shadow you setup with the concealer
Follow some "HOW TO GET BIGGER LIPS" tutorials on youtube to get the gist but only apply it to lateral commissures since they all jsut increase the height of the vermillions.
OR Moustache obviously :
¹Stephan, C.N., & Henneberg, M. (2003). Predicting mouth width from inter-canine width — a 75% rule. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 48, 725–727.
²Hildebrandt, K.A., & Fitzgerald, H.E. (1979). Facial feature determinants of perceived infant attractiveness. Infant Behavior & Development, 2, 329–339.
³Livingston, R.W., & Pearce, N.A. (2009). The teddy-bear effect does having a baby face benefit black chief executive officers? Psychological Science, 20, 1229–1236.
⁴Harvey, P.H., Kavanagh, M., & Clutton-Brock, T.H. (1978). Sexual dimorphism in primate teeth. Journal of Zoology, 186, 475–485.
⁵Plavcan, J.M., & van Schaik, C.P. (1992). Intrasexual competition and canine dimorphism in anthropoid primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 87, 461–477.
⁶Re, D. E., & Rule, N. O. (2016). The big man has a big mouth: Mouth width correlates with perceived leadership ability and actual leadership performance.
⁸Parsel, S. M., & Winters, R. D. (2020). Commissuroplasty. Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology, 31(1), 33–37.
@Clavicular @Alexanderr @TechnoBoss @Jason Voorhees @truthhurts @greycel @sb23 @Haseeb @truthhurts @PeakIncels @UZB_Strebl @MA_ascender @SubhumanForever @kaligula567 @enchanted_elixir @Blackgymmax @Rea @HarrierDuBois
Quick edit : the 1.6 with alar base is a shit measurement for ideal lip width cause ala size isn't a key feature in aesthetic cause then you would just get alarplasty with a shit mouth width but that will look like pure dogshit
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