Makeupmaxxing, where to find info?



Jul 19, 2020
So it seems makeup such as concealer, bronzers and eyebrow pens have gotten a lot of talk recently. However all the tutorials on youtube done my males about male makeup is so fucking bad and will make you look insanely weird and lose all your irl sex appeal. Therefore the only possible way has to be to go to foid tutorials, because at least some of them make themselves appear ten times more attractive by applying makeup. However I'm not sure what parts of their routines to copy and to what degree. Any of you guys who's been trying to get into this stuff know any good sources? I remember the "ascend the ginger pheno"-guy who used bronzer every day and started looking insane amounts better from it.

Everything appreciated as always
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James Charles, sis
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I don't think he'll run again but if he ran again in 2024 and actually won I will probably jfl to my grave
He is a symbol of a rejection to the liberal mainstream ideals shoved down our throats. A rejection of the vast majority trying to make me feel white guilt. Bitch, fuck you. Im not even american.

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