Male breeding fixation is an evolutionary response to suboptimal attractiveness

I'm going to pay to have kids through IVF and no one can stop me.


Dont make me do it eric cartman
It's a correlation with intelligence. And the questions are designed to test problem-solving, which is a critical component of intelligence when comparing species. The largest issue with IQ tests is that they don't intentionally test memorization well (except they ironically indirectly test memorization because memorization of patterns in the questions can be done before taking the tests, which arguably defeats their intended purpose).

Thanks for the study. That's still a positive correlation for a very arbitrary measurement, and you somehow conveniently excluded:
no I don't accept IQ as a measure of anything. Since EA causes IQ, EA is the pure measurement that should be looked at. A piss correlation of 0.12 proves brain size doesn't cause anything
no I don't accept IQ as a measure of anything. Since EA causes IQ, EA is the pure measurement that should be looked at. A piss correlation of 0.12 proves brain size doesn't cause anything
What is EA? It seems arguably more arbitrary than IQ and far more difficult to control for if it's simply a measurement of academic performance.

A shallow correlation suggests a lot of overlap but it is still a notable trend in this case, as brain size isn't the only predictor of intelligence.
"IQ" is a proxy of the real outcome, educational attianment.
Education and IQ correlation went from 0.8 to 0.4 in population vs within family

"These attenuations indicate that genetic correlations between educational attainment and these phenotypes from population estimates may be inflated by demographic and indirect genetic effects (Fig. 6 and Supplementary Table 7)."

Fig. 6: LDSC rg estimates between educational attainment and 20 phenotypes using population and within-sibship meta-analysis data with corresponding 95% CIs.

0.12 piss correlation -_-? Literally could mean brain size is zero percent causal and unrelated
Sexually attractive males reproduce without having to conceptualize reproduction because females easily reciprocate reproductive sex.

Sexually unattractive males generally have to fixate on reproductive strategies in order to reproduce. Sexually unattractive males that do not fixate on reproductive strategies generally end up as genetic deadends.

In other words, if you think about reproducing then you likely descend from a lineage of sexually unattractive males (which likely means that you are sexually unattractive).

In other words, if you think about reproducing then you likely descend from a lineage of sexually unattractive males
My dad was a 5'10 (tall for 70's-80's india) lightskin chadpreet that married 3 times and has 7 children. The only reason im ugly is because of my skin color and my coarse abo hair, all which i inherit from my moms side of the family. If i had my dads side lightskin and straight hair, i'd be normie, if not HTN, cause im 6ft as well.
20230604 003418
such a chill correlation. So chill
"IQ" is a proxy of the real outcome, educational attianment.
Education and IQ correlation went from 0.8 to 0.4 in population vs within family

"These attenuations indicate that genetic correlations between educational attainment and these phenotypes from population estimates may be inflated by demographic and indirect genetic effects (Fig. 6 and Supplementary Table 7)."

Fig. 6: LDSC rg estimates between educational attainment and 20 phenotypes using population and within-sibship meta-analysis data with corresponding 95% CIs.

0.12 piss correlation -_-? Literally could mean brain size is zero percent causal and unrelated
View attachment 2256628such a chill correlation. So chill
I think breeding fetish is a high-T thing. I have seen guys start taking T and say they suddenly are interested in it.
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I think breeding fetish is a high-T thing. I have seen guys start taking T and say they suddenly are interested in it.
Do you discuss these fantasies with fellow Redditors?
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Do you discuss these fantasies with fellow Redditors?
No, this is something that I've read numerous times from guys talking about taking testosterone and testosterone-derived substances in large doses. A lot of them say they had no interest in that fetish (breeding, stuff like that) until they took it.

It's a little strange to get such a snarky response from someone accusing me of being a Redditor. Maybe you're frustrated I didn't support your broscience hypothesis.
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With your broscience anecdotes?
It's not a broscience anecdote, but simply an anecdote. There is not much substance to your hypothesis, so there's not much to argue with. You've got your little idea, that's fine. You have not substantiated it well, so people will criticize. you don't have to act so touchy about it.
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It's not a broscience anecdote, but simply an anecdote.
You can't apply this same logic to my hypothesis?

There is not much substance to your hypothesis, so there's not much to argue with.
Is there substance in your anecdote?

You've got your little idea, that's fine.
Clearly, you have some as well.

You have not substantiated it well, so people will criticize.
Increased testosterone is correlated with increased sex drive. The anecdote you provided could simply be a byproduct of an increased desire to have sex among individuals who were already predisposed to conceptualize breeding (with sufficient testosterone).
  • Hmm...
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