Manliest trait is confronting people especially men

Do you confront people?

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Were they real adult fights are 12 year old shit fighting over yugioh? Lol

The rest seems like tales too.

And you missed the point of the pro fighter thing, even if someones not a fighter you never know+ the weapon thing. Plus its illegal
I’m talking about shit is see on the street in the city, you see all sorts of shit walking around NYC all day, which is what I’m apt to do nowadays.

You don’t have to believe me, I’m just saying. Loox and Salludon were once on this site remember. This forum isn’t entirely composed of ugly incels who can’t get laid.

That’s why I said it’s dumb to be super confrontational in my original post. I used to be that way because I had an insatiable desire for stimulation but now that I’ve been forced to calm down I realize how much danger I was putting myself in.
I’m talking about shit is see on the street in the city, you see all sorts of shit walking around NYC all day, which is what I’m apt to do nowadays.

You don’t have to believe me, I’m just saying. Loox and Salludon were once on this site remember. This forum isn’t entirely composed of ugly incels who can’t get laid.

That’s why I said it’s dumb to be super confrontational in my original post. I used to be that way because I had an insatiable desire for stimulation but now that I’ve been forced to calm down I realize how much danger I was putting myself in.
Well all my point is the most manly are not tryhards or loud mouths. The most manly are the ones with the receipts, who actually won the conflicts? What do they have to show ?

And nyc i know is like that. But theres a huge difference between the confrontation in being assertive and being loud mouth

My dads from nyc and even tho hes old he confronted the ghetto bbc neighbors and told them to keep it down. Thats not really "confrontational" tho. Thats just bein assertive
  • +1
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Well all my point is the most manly are not tryhards or loud mouths. The most manly are the ones with the receipts, who actually won the conflicts? What do they have to show ?

And nyc i know is like that. But theres a huge difference between the confrontation in being assertive and being loud mouth

My dads from nyc and even tho hes old he confronted the ghetto bbc neighbors and told them to keep it down. Thats not really "confrontational" tho. Thats just bein assertive
Yeah I would agree with that. It’s unusual for a man who is strong to also feel the need to project that to everyone else however I’m only saying this thing isn’t impossible though I doubt you truly think that.
  • +1
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redpill cope
  • +1
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Like someone passes you on the line , would you confront him or just lower your cucked head?

And if you confronted him with a high t face and a big body you would win the duel with just passive aggressive talking

Biggest trait that makes pussies wet and dicks hard
It depends on what the problem is. Something like someone passing a line I wouldn't really care cause its not a big deal

But say I have a roomate , and they play the music a bit loud. I know some normies would internally seethe, so I would call it out. Or a coworker makes some passive aggressive remark, I would ask for clarification on what they mean by that to see if they stand by that. And if they try to re clarify what they said I would say they were out of line.
  • Hmm...
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You're still gonna have stupid kids bumping into you, beggars harassing you for money, old ladies cutting line in front of you and so on...What do you do then?
Damn right beat up those kids mf
  • JFL
  • +1
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yOu HaVe To Be 6’3+ tO be DoMiNaNt

You sound incredibly stupid

I pray you’re atleast 6’3 or else you sucking massive dick with that statement

I’ve seen dudes shorter than me beat up dudes taller than me. That’s kinda the whole point of my post. Go outside. The world isn’t as black and white as this forum makes you think.
And I’ve seen sub 5s with Stacylites . Point is a few exceptions dosent cut the rule. Why do you think most CEOs are over 6 feet tall? Most presidents too etc . Height and physical power and dominance go hand in hand anyone denying that is seriously coping .
I used to be very confrontational and yes it is hyper masculine but it’s also pretty dumb. It feels good but you are playing an extreme reproductive game by behaving that way and something to ask yourself is, is getting pussies wet really worth dying in a street fight?

However I used to do it for the fun of it. I enjoyed dominating other men via eye contact or with my words and if push came to shove with my fists, but it never got that far because I looked too aggressive and physically fit for people to want to fight. That or other people were just smart enough to not fuck with someone who is visibly open to confrontation.

I didn’t care if I died in a street fight, I thought the excitement of dominance was worth it but it’s a dangerous game to play because people can carry weapons and no matter how fit you are, you can slip up and die. I never thought it would happen to me but now that I’m no longer like that (not my choice, I have a musculoskeletal injury that prevents me from being as dominant as I used to be due to being in constant discomfort.) I realize that it is kind of a stupid game to play. It’s fun but it’s dumb. I score very high in trait sensation seeking so I got my kicks out of pushing the boundaries and testing people.

Women love it though. AMOGGING is a real phenomenon. I can’t tell you how many women who were with their significant others gave me googly eyes because I looked and acted like I could beat the shit of their boyfriends or husbands. Confrontational behavior is both an honest and costly signal of fitness. You can’t be confrontational if you’re fucked up like I am now. So women, being driven primarily by the reproductive drive find such overt displays of fitness incredibly attractive.

I’m also very good looking and masculine in appearance so results may vary. People were hesitant to challenge me because I had both the halo effect and the dominance aspect bundled into one.

It is truly a shame that I’m injured in the way I am because I had all the trappings of hegemonic masculinity. Handsome, big dick, ENTJ, good with women due to learning game in high school, 5’11 so 6’0 with lifts or good shoes, dominant and aggressive, charismatic, mesomorphic body, deep voice, strong and put on muscle easily, fast metabolism, incredibly vascular, 2.0 fwhr, athletic, etc.

Although with the way I was acting before, there was a strong possibility I would die a meaningless death for testing the wrong person or end up in jail for doing something stupid.

Impressing random chicks through your sheer force of masculinity is fun, and so is the wild uninhibited sex, but most and I mean most women are truly not worth your time. When you have enough sex you begin to realize this.
I wasn’t just AMOGGING dudes smaller than me. There’s no fun in that, I was taking risks like I said.

Not every man can live like that. It’s stressful. You have to be wired for a high stress lifestyle.

For example, if I saw a dude mogged me it would bug me to the core. The only thought in my mind was if I had a girl with me, he would be more dominant and she would notice. Not everyone takes life so personally.
This hit home.

This but I'm a case of living both extremes. Got mugged and fought off attackers when I was 18 but it almost cost me my life. I've had severe PTSD since. This is as bad as fights can be, excluding weapons or death, by being near death experience. It was me vs 4-6. Had a double fractured skull and broken front incisors from being stomped to the concrete by them after constantly gaining and losing consciousness, not knowing how I was back up, down. I don't even remember vividly my walk back home or how the police and ambulance suddenly were in front of me. This was not a normal fight.

Got recently diagnosed with autism at such a late age, coming to terms with it. Had varying degrees of anxiety in the past involving confrontations. Perhaps after such extremity I faced, this would be normal? As flight response became more apparent. Instead of slaying 50 women, I instead remained with one girl for 10 years.

Got a mixed relationship with my dad ever since the beginning which corrupted my way of decision making. General intimidation etc. I hit him last year and everything changed after having mental difficulties prior. Hopefully for the better.

Last night after the club as I was leaving and walking across the path to find the two guys I was talking to who left before me this bitch comments about me "side eyeing" her back on the dancefloor, I said something like "no idea what you're talking about" then leave. Several steps later her boyfriend whose an inch taller asks the same I said "no" and something else, can't remember walking on. I don't let him stop me walking. When he steps past he says some passive aggressive "I thought not you xyz" crap JFL instead when I did gaze at him first. I made my walking appear to look like I don't care (was drinking during daytime about several high quality coffees, 5 large wines, some rum, shots and several double whiskys). I was on my own. Giving "side eyes" sounds like the most degenerate form of tiktok zoomer slang.

I look back to last night as being a pussy ignoring passive / aggressive comments but it's difficult to suddenly flip the switch and put that mindset on. Bear in mind surrounding normies none of them look like me at all and I got ingrained to condition snide remarks because of how I look niche and different. ( You've clearly had more social outgoings as far as I can tell. With me I feel I'm at both extremes trying to come to terms with dealing with social shit head on because I've experienced the worst and it can fuck with you, like anyone facing near death experiences and having PTSD from it.

I'm not entirely proud with all of this. Yes back in the day I stood up for myself but have no control of anger. Now I feel that I'm lacking in properties because of letting insecure passive casual comments slide. So overall not happy but totally beaten by it. Not sure what to do on certain psychological, mental social times.

Idk coming to this straight after made me wonder what I am lacking. The action to make when you're suddenly having a great time turn to getting threat tested. This thread made me realise the importance of keeping mind to surroundings and people, which naturally will be harder when your drunk or high as fuck.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: emeraldglass and LampPostPrime
This hit home.

This but I'm a case of living both extremes. Got mugged and fought off attackers when I was 18 but it almost cost me my life. I've had severe PTSD since. This is as bad as fights can be, excluding weapons or death, by being near death experience. It was me vs 4-6. Had a double fractured skull and broken front incisors from being stomped to the concrete by them after constantly gaining and losing consciousness, not knowing how I was back up, down. I don't even remember vividly my walk back home or how the police and ambulance suddenly were in front of me. This was not a normal fight.

Got recently diagnosed with autism at such a late age, coming to terms with it. Had varying degrees of anxiety in the past involving confrontations. Perhaps after such extremity I faced, this would be normal? As flight response became more apparent. Instead of slaying 50 women, I instead remained with one girl for 10 years.

Got a mixed relationship with my dad ever since the beginning which corrupted my way of decision making. General intimidation etc. I hit him last year and everything changed after having mental difficulties prior. Hopefully for the better.

Last night after the club as I was leaving and walking across the path to find the two guys I was talking to who left before me this bitch comments about me "side eyeing" her back on the dancefloor, I said something like "no idea what you're talking about" then leave. Several steps later her boyfriend whose an inch taller asks the same I said "no" and something else, can't remember walking on. I don't let him stop me walking. When he steps past he says some passive aggressive "I thought not you xyz" crap JFL instead when I did gaze at him first. I made my walking appear to look like I don't care (was drinking during daytime about several high quality coffees, 5 large wines, some rum, shots and several double whiskys). I was on my own. Giving "side eyes" sounds like the most degenerate form of tiktok zoomer slang.

I look back to last night as being a pussy ignoring passive / aggressive comments but it's difficult to suddenly flip the switch and put that mindset on. Bear in mind surrounding normies none of them look like me at all and I got ingrained to condition snide remarks because of how I look niche and different. ( You've clearly had more social outgoings as far as I can tell. With me I feel I'm at both extremes trying to come to terms with dealing with social shit head on because I've experienced the worst and it can fuck with you, like anyone facing near death experiences and having PTSD from it.

I'm not entirely proud with all of this. Yes back in the day I stood up for myself but have no control of anger. Now I feel that I'm lacking in properties because of letting insecure passive casual comments slide. So overall not happy but totally beaten by it. Not sure what to do on certain psychological, mental social times.

Idk coming to this straight after made me wonder what I am lacking. The action to make when you're suddenly having a great time turn to getting threat tested. This thread made me realise the importance of keeping mind to surroundings and people, which naturally will be harder when your drunk or high as fuck.
You good?
You good?
I'm alright, I guess. Might go back again tonight. Spoke with a brexit geezer-type guy after upon walking back and his advice was to attack them first like Varg even if it gets them to jail jfl.
I mean this only works if the other party is afraid and backs down. If not. You have to be in a physical confrontation everyday, sometimes with armed people. And you can’t win every fight
  • +1
Reactions: LampPostPrime

I've read the whole thread and I agree with you upon everything. Most incels can't understand what are you propagating. You have to posses similar traits and attributes. I predict you are also an 8w7 Enneagram, most likely?

Since I've discovered this place, I became aware of my presence more than ever. As a kid (especially elementary education), I wasn't nearly as confrontational, but realizing that the outside world is one hell of a battlefield made me switch up some things.
Whoever tries to cross my path has to be obliterated. Since they do feel dominated by my aura, most of my "peers" or coworkers at job or uni sometimes (although rarely) try to sneak in shit test in a form of silly comments or a slight provocation. I am non-stop aware of stuff like this and immediately become ultra aggressive wherever it happens. No one so far wanted to add oil to the fire. Most start backing up with comments such as

"Come on dude, why take everything seriously?"
"Hey bro, I was just messin around"
"Chill, I didn't mean it in that context"

Not to mention girls are nonstop spectating this. If you do make a wrong move, your image can easily be destroyed no matter how good you look.

Likewise, I am not afraid to die in a fight either. If I saw a dude that mogged me and was more aggressive than me, I'd never back up from a challenge, everyone is made out of flesh and blood end of the day. AMMOGING is a slayer mindset and not everyone can posses it.
And I’ve seen sub 5s with Stacylites . Point is a few exceptions dosent cut the rule. Why do you think most CEOs are over 6 feet tall? Most presidents too etc . Height and physical power and dominance go hand in hand anyone denying that is seriously coping .
The world isn’t black and white. 5’9 is average height. You are delusional and chronically online if you think everyone above 6’0 is dominant, aggressive and able to beat the shit out of anyone shorter than 6’0
  • +1
Reactions: LampPostPrime
This hit home.

This but I'm a case of living both extremes. Got mugged and fought off attackers when I was 18 but it almost cost me my life. I've had severe PTSD since. This is as bad as fights can be, excluding weapons or death, by being near death experience. It was me vs 4-6. Had a double fractured skull and broken front incisors from being stomped to the concrete by them after constantly gaining and losing consciousness, not knowing how I was back up, down. I don't even remember vividly my walk back home or how the police and ambulance suddenly were in front of me. This was not a normal fight.

Got recently diagnosed with autism at such a late age, coming to terms with it. Had varying degrees of anxiety in the past involving confrontations. Perhaps after such extremity I faced, this would be normal? As flight response became more apparent. Instead of slaying 50 women, I instead remained with one girl for 10 years.

Got a mixed relationship with my dad ever since the beginning which corrupted my way of decision making. General intimidation etc. I hit him last year and everything changed after having mental difficulties prior. Hopefully for the better.

Last night after the club as I was leaving and walking across the path to find the two guys I was talking to who left before me this bitch comments about me "side eyeing" her back on the dancefloor, I said something like "no idea what you're talking about" then leave. Several steps later her boyfriend whose an inch taller asks the same I said "no" and something else, can't remember walking on. I don't let him stop me walking. When he steps past he says some passive aggressive "I thought not you xyz" crap JFL instead when I did gaze at him first. I made my walking appear to look like I don't care (was drinking during daytime about several high quality coffees, 5 large wines, some rum, shots and several double whiskys). I was on my own. Giving "side eyes" sounds like the most degenerate form of tiktok zoomer slang.

I look back to last night as being a pussy ignoring passive / aggressive comments but it's difficult to suddenly flip the switch and put that mindset on. Bear in mind surrounding normies none of them look like me at all and I got ingrained to condition snide remarks because of how I look niche and different. ( You've clearly had more social outgoings as far as I can tell. With me I feel I'm at both extremes trying to come to terms with dealing with social shit head on because I've experienced the worst and it can fuck with you, like anyone facing near death experiences and having PTSD from it.

I'm not entirely proud with all of this. Yes back in the day I stood up for myself but have no control of anger. Now I feel that I'm lacking in properties because of letting insecure passive casual comments slide. So overall not happy but totally beaten by it. Not sure what to do on certain psychological, mental social times.

Idk coming to this straight after made me wonder what I am lacking. The action to make when you're suddenly having a great time turn to getting threat tested. This thread made me realise the importance of keeping mind to surroundings and people, which naturally will be harder when your drunk or high as fuck.
You have PTSD surrounding getting jumped again and this makes it so you’re less aggressive if I’m understanding correctly?
Looksmaxing has made me low T. I avoid fights like the plague now so I don’t lose PSL from scar tissue and swelling.
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: infini, LampPostPrime, MoggerGaston and 1 other person
You have PTSD surrounding getting jumped again and this makes it so you’re less aggressive if I’m understanding correctly?
That and the autism. Lacking what to say in the heated moment, a haze. From having a laugh, to a sudden change of heart, 0-60. Talking faster, fighting to remain calm verbally for example.

Saw this comment again just and @MoggerGaston said it best (obviously generalizing but same logic for psychos/socios):
most slayers I know IRL have the IQ of a brick.
They just live their life day to day without any introspection or thoughts. Living in the moment, never thinking about anything.

and thats the ideal life tbh. Thinking is for incels
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston

I've read the whole thread and I agree with you upon everything. Most incels can't understand what are you propagating. You have to posses similar traits and attributes. I predict you are also an 8w7 Enneagram, most likely?

Since I've discovered this place, I became aware of my presence more than ever. As a kid (especially elementary education), I wasn't nearly as confrontational, but realizing that the outside world is one hell of a battlefield made me switch up some things.
Whoever tries to cross my path has to be obliterated. Since they do feel dominated by my aura, most of my "peers" or coworkers at job or uni sometimes (although rarely) try to sneak in shit test in a form of silly comments or a slight provocation. I am non-stop aware of stuff like this and immediately become ultra aggressive wherever it happens. No one so far wanted to add oil to the fire. Most start backing up with comments such as

"Come on dude, why take everything seriously?"
"Hey bro, I was just messin around"
"Chill, I didn't mean it in that context"

Not to mention girls are nonstop spectating this. If you do make a wrong move, your image can easily be destroyed no matter how good you look.

Likewise, I am not afraid to die in a fight either. If I saw a dude that mogged me and was more aggressive than me, I'd never back up from a challenge, everyone is made out of flesh and blood end of the day. AMMOGING is a slayer mindset and not everyone can posses it.
AMOGGING is one of the best feelings in the world.

Where I would point out is I’m very socially calibrated and aware so I never get remarks that make people defensive, at most people feel embarrassed because I’m witty and can shoot back and talk circles around people. When people challenge me, they usually just back off when they realize I’m comfortably with returning that energy.

If you get comments like the ones you have then you may be coming off too aggressive which is bad because it shows a lack of social calibration. Anyone can respond aggressively to a slight at their character and so doing this can make people see you as sensitive, which lowers your value in their eyes. By responding with “I was only joking man” they are reframing the situation as if you’re overreacting. When we know they are the ones who tested your dominance in the first place out of insecurity. They just didn’t expect you to actually respond. Ideally you don’t want to give them that opportunity. just embarrass them with your words so they can’t retort with anything or reframe the situation as if you’re the one in the wrong.

You gotta make people look dumb for attempting to dominate you and they will stop doing it. Idk how to explain how to do this aside from just being very good with your words.
  • +1
Reactions: LampPostPrime
That and the autism. Lacking what to say in the heated moment, a haze. From having a laugh, to a sudden change of heart, 0-60. Talking faster, fighting to remain calm verbally for example.

Saw this comment again just and @MoggerGaston said it best (obviously generalizing but same logic for psychos/socios):
The autism is whack because it can make you nervous which is very bad for mogging and dominating other men. To mog you really have to have a psychopathically low level of reactivity to stress.

I got that way by repeatedly putting myself in high stress situations and mediating every day for 6 years until I could control my heart rate at will.

Autism will throw a stick in the spokes though because that probably is coupled with a high level of stress reactivity which may be innate. I’m innately low stress.

I agree with that quote. I know plenty of slayers from modeling and none of them are what you would call “deep” they really do just enjoy every moment as it comes. I think a lot but I know how to live in the moment and just enjoy myself to almost a dangerous extent. But I think it’s my way of balancing, with as much as I think I can do the opposite and just not think at all or care about consequences of my actions.
  • Woah
Reactions: infini
This hit home.

This but I'm a case of living both extremes. Got mugged and fought off attackers when I was 18 but it almost cost me my life. I've had severe PTSD since. This is as bad as fights can be, excluding weapons or death, by being near death experience. It was me vs 4-6. Had a double fractured skull and broken front incisors from being stomped to the concrete by them after constantly gaining and losing consciousness, not knowing how I was back up, down. I don't even remember vividly my walk back home or how the police and ambulance suddenly were in front of me. This was not a normal fight.

Got recently diagnosed with autism at such a late age, coming to terms with it. Had varying degrees of anxiety in the past involving confrontations. Perhaps after such extremity I faced, this would be normal? As flight response became more apparent. Instead of slaying 50 women, I instead remained with one girl for 10 years.

Got a mixed relationship with my dad ever since the beginning which corrupted my way of decision making. General intimidation etc. I hit him last year and everything changed after having mental difficulties prior. Hopefully for the better.

Last night after the club as I was leaving and walking across the path to find the two guys I was talking to who left before me this bitch comments about me "side eyeing" her back on the dancefloor, I said something like "no idea what you're talking about" then leave. Several steps later her boyfriend whose an inch taller asks the same I said "no" and something else, can't remember walking on. I don't let him stop me walking. When he steps past he says some passive aggressive "I thought not you xyz" crap JFL instead when I did gaze at him first. I made my walking appear to look like I don't care (was drinking during daytime about several high quality coffees, 5 large wines, some rum, shots and several double whiskys). I was on my own. Giving "side eyes" sounds like the most degenerate form of tiktok zoomer slang.

I look back to last night as being a pussy ignoring passive / aggressive comments but it's difficult to suddenly flip the switch and put that mindset on. Bear in mind surrounding normies none of them look like me at all and I got ingrained to condition snide remarks because of how I look niche and different. ( You've clearly had more social outgoings as far as I can tell. With me I feel I'm at both extremes trying to come to terms with dealing with social shit head on because I've experienced the worst and it can fuck with you, like anyone facing near death experiences and having PTSD from it.

I'm not entirely proud with all of this. Yes back in the day I stood up for myself but have no control of anger. Now I feel that I'm lacking in properties because of letting insecure passive casual comments slide. So overall not happy but totally beaten by it. Not sure what to do on certain psychological, mental social times.

Idk coming to this straight after made me wonder what I am lacking. The action to make when you're suddenly having a great time turn to getting threat tested. This thread made me realise the importance of keeping mind to surroundings and people, which naturally will be harder when your drunk or high as fuck.
And this people is why the incel fantasy of "durr imma go around mogging" is retarded lol. I mean leaving aside the fact that basement chuds are the ones saying that this is just one of a number of things that cud happen

No clue why im even having to say this super obvious water is wet shit lol. Total lack of common sense on this shithole forum
  • Hmm...
Reactions: infini
The autism is whack because it can make you nervous which is very bad for mogging and dominating other men. To mog you really have to have a psychopathically low level of reactivity to stress.

I got that way by repeatedly putting myself in high stress situations and mediating every day for 6 years until I could control my heart rate at will.

Autism will throw a stick in the spokes though because that probably is coupled with a high level of stress reactivity which may be innate. I’m innately low stress.

I agree with that quote. I know plenty of slayers from modeling and none of them are what you would call “deep” they really do just enjoy every moment as it comes. I think a lot but I know how to live in the moment and just enjoy myself to almost a dangerous extent. But I think it’s my way of balancing, with as much as I think I can do the opposite and just not think at all or care about consequences of my actions.
Just turn thinking off theory? Don't get me wrong I appreciate your input about meditation and practice. However, one recurring fact I've come to is that all of my social-related confrontations have got a taller person than me core to them. They automatically dictate approval by their stance alone. The trauma was one reason for why I became sheltered, however, that's also my fault in how I think sadly too. The wit too in times where everything gets something I don't. I don't have any problems anymore asking for someone to repeat what I don't hear. I get that social counter-confrontation requires a repertoire of things to say at your disposal imo. Another thing that would be nice would be to logically analyse what worked and what doesn't on treks back home but JFL at functioning after drinking said amount. However, I learned this from the night-out reports made here which are some of the best things done on here.

And this people is why the incel fantasy of "durr imma go around mogging" is retarded lol. I mean leaving aside the fact that basement chuds are the ones saying that this is just one of a number of things that cud happen

No clue why im even having to say this super obvious water is wet shit lol. Total lack of common sense on this shithole forum
Mogging on the face value is probably my least of concerns when I'm out on Britain's chav/zoomer/liberal holes. Autism is the worst and not sticking out in a bad way. Yes looks too but you get my idea. And lol, my real-life examples weren't indoors. I do envy and value mogging but it tends to go against me based on my rough experiences. But the main objective issue of them was socialising skills first then looks or mindfulness second.
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