Mascmaxxing is everything (prettyboy copers keep coping)

One of the highest iq things i read on this forum, always knew this as well, prettyboys aren't low T or genetically worse, they are actually the peak look in homo SAPIENS (learned man) because we are on top because of our extremely sophisticated toolmaking, running, socializing, emotional iq, and iq in general
Thank you.
I feel most of the confusion experienced by men regarding how is it possible that women are into prettyboys, when logically it would make sense for them to prefer the most masculine men possible, is rooted in a misconception about how mate selection works.

Most men think in terms of intrasexual selection (Rhinos fighting each other; the biggest and stronger kills the inferior male and gets to mate with the females).
They are obsessed with being stronger than other males, experience mog anxiety, and feel like they need to be dominant to attract female. They think they need to look as masculine as possible, because it's the most masculine male that "wins".

Women think in terms of intersexual selection (Peacocks choosing the male with the most colourful plumage).
Obviously, humans are a special example in the history of planet Earth, and we're so advanced and special that we are a bit outside the natural order of things - for most of human history, women have been unable to truly show what kind of men they liked as they were often married off to men they didn't even choose, and were unable to make their own money and thus choose the men they preferred. Now, after women's liberation, they don't have to rely on men as much for their survival, and thus we see that they don't really care much about whether or not their boyfriend can beat the shit out of other guys as long as he is attractive in ways that SHE considers important.

If OP was correct, women would all collectively be into bald heads, huge beards and gigantic muscular bodies. Turns out that while there are some women who are into that type of hypermasculine men (mostly 40+ women though), most women in the 18-30 age range, which is the most fertile, simply are not preoccupied on the perceived physical dominance of their partner as long as he is attractive.
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"Backed into a corner"

No one here agrees with you.
Wait, I thought you were done here? Lmao

I'm talking about you specifically. Although I find it funny that you think people disagreeing with me gives you personally some sort of authority on the subject. You have provided zero argument for your position, therefore your opinion is invalid buddy.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Korea
Wait, I thought you were done here? Lmao

I'm talking about you specifically. Although I find it funny that you think people disagreeing with me gives you personally some sort of authority on the subject. You have provided zero argument for your position, therefore your opinion is invalid buddy.
I came back cause you tried to say I was taking a moral high ground:lul::lul::lul:.

I don't need to explain it because someone already wrote an enitre paragrpah explaining how this theory will only work in the acient times lol.
  • +1
Reactions: LooksOrDeath
Thank you.
I feel most of the confusion experienced by men regarding how is it possible that women are into prettyboys, when logically it would make sense for them to prefer the most masculine men possible, is rooted in a misconception about how mate selection works.

Most men think in terms of intrasexual selection (Rhinos fighting each other; the biggest and stronger kills the inferior male and gets to mate with the females).
They are obsessed with being stronger than other males, experience mog anxiety, and feel like they need to be dominant to attract female. They think they need to look as masculine as possible, because it's the most masculine male that "wins".

Women think in terms of intersexual selection (Peacocks choosing the male with the most colourful plumage).
Obviously, humans are a special example in the history of planet Earth, and we're so advanced and special that we are a bit outside the natural order of things - for most of human history, women have been unable to truly show what kind of men they liked as they were often married off to men they didn't even choose, and were unable to make their own money and thus choose the men they preferred. Now, after women's liberation, they don't have to rely on men as much for their survival, and thus we see that they don't really care much about whether or not their boyfriend can beat the shit out of other guys as long as he is attractive in ways that SHE considers important.

If OP was correct, women would all collectively be into bald heads, huge beards and gigantic muscular bodies. Turns out that while there are some women who are into that type of hypermasculine men (mostly 40+ women though), most women in the 18-30 age range, which is the most fertile, simply are not preoccupied on the perceived physical dominance of their partner as long as he is attractive.
Mirin your writting patience, i could elab on why it is like this also but too long to explain, but in tldr humans are dominating the planet cause of our super high patern iq and emotional iq, doesn't matter how strong a lion is or a bear is when its outnumbered by 10 smart humans. Prettyboys are most likely preferred because they are the highest peak of human evolution, from humans that have peaked in communication, emotions, empathy, decision making etc. For example there were multiple studies i have read on sperm being examined from men perceived as masculine and men that have a more soft face, and the guys with the softer looking faces had higher total sperm counts. Scientists theorize that its because of those soft looking pretty men being the true genetic elite from milenia of trial and error in human evolution
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I came back cause you tried to say I was taking a moral high ground:lul::lul::lul:.

I don't need to explain it because someone already wrote an enitre paragrpah explaining how this theory will only work in the acient times lol.
You keep telling yourself that lmaoo, no need to get salty kid. The adults are having a discussion, one which you're not a part of because you, as we know, have nothing to contribute. Even if you wanted to. You lost this one buddy, take the L and move on.
Mirin your writting patience, i could elab on why it is like this also but too long to explain, but in tldr humans are dominating the planet cause of our super high patern iq and emotional iq, doesn't matter how strong a lion is or a bear is when its outnumbered by 10 smart humans. Prettyboys are most likely preferred because they are the highest peak of human evolution, from humans that have peaked in communication, emotions, empathy, decision making etc. For example there were multiple studies i have read on sperm being examined from men perceived as masculine and men that have a more soft face, and the guys with the softer looking faces had higher total sperm counts. Scientists theorize that its because of those soft looking pretty men being the true genetic elite from milenia of trial and error in human evolution
I would never argue against having some pretty features. My main problem is with the overabundance of complete "prettyboys", with absolutely no masculine redeeming qualities are the problem. Not everyone can or should ogremax, but if you think the ideal male is a low T smooth skinned tiktok boy then you are sadly mistaken.
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Like I said, textbook anti-intellectualism. Can't engang with anything and resorts to name calling and moral highgrounding when backed into a corner.

Would be ideal for some who can't mascmax because of shitty base. If you have naturally soft features you're pretty much doomed in the male dominance hierarchy, but don't try to be something you're not. You can do certain things (grow a beard etc.) but I wouldn't advise drastic measures. For most men a mixture would be ideal, but for anyone who goes 100% the prettyboy route they are doomed to a lifetime of submission.

I think you're willing to look away from several millenia of evolution due to the cope that prettyboys are more attractive than masculine men. If all else is equal, the masculine man mogs in IRL appeal every time. If you have any specific arguments you want to address we can go through them, otherwise I don't feel necessary to regurgitate the talking points from the OP again when all you do here is attack my character...
I watch real life outcomes and rationalize backwards. You do the opposite. You theorize on what should have been, ought to be, what “makes sense” and then project this to how women choose based off of weak interpretations of evo psych literature. Masculine/aesthetic mix has the widest appeal if you wanna cast the widest net possible. Will not argue with your theories since you are conflating intra versus inter sexual competition. Until you resolve this and get a grasp understanding of this, I will not engage you
  • +1
Reactions: justropemaxbro and LooksOrDeath
Thank you.
I feel most of the confusion experienced by men regarding how is it possible that women are into prettyboys, when logically it would make sense for them to prefer the most masculine men possible, is rooted in a misconception about how mate selection works.

Most men think in terms of intrasexual selection (Rhinos fighting each other; the biggest and stronger kills the inferior male and gets to mate with the females).
They are obsessed with being stronger than other males, experience mog anxiety, and feel like they need to be dominant to attract female. They think they need to look as masculine as possible, because it's the most masculine male that "wins".

Women think in terms of intersexual selection (Peacocks choosing the male with the most colourful plumage).
Obviously, humans are a special example in the history of planet Earth, and we're so advanced and special that we are a bit outside the natural order of things - for most of human history, women have been unable to truly show what kind of men they liked as they were often married off to men they didn't even choose, and were unable to make their own money and thus choose the men they preferred. Now, after women's liberation, they don't have to rely on men as much for their survival, and thus we see that they don't really care much about whether or not their boyfriend can beat the shit out of other guys as long as he is attractive in ways that SHE considers important.

If OP was correct, women would all collectively be into bald heads, huge beards and gigantic muscular bodies. Turns out that while there are some women who are into that type of hypermasculine men (mostly 40+ women though), most women in the 18-30 age range, which is the most fertile, simply are not preoccupied on the perceived physical dominance of their partner as long as he is attractive.
Intelligent guy. OP should read this and understand it. Admirable patience to actually type this. My personality is way different. I simply insult the OP and don’t engage
  • JFL
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I watch real life outcomes and rationalize backwards. You do the opposite. You theorize on what should have been, ought to be, what “makes sense” and then project this to how women choose based off of weak interpretations of evo psych literature. Masculine/aesthetic mix has the widest appeal if you wanna cast the widest net possible. Will not argue with your theories since you are conflating intra versus inter sexual competition. Until you resolve this and get a grasp understanding of this, I will not engage you
What real life outcomes are you referring to? The real life outcome is that the prettyboy ekid gets brutally mogged by the traditionally masculine man. Not once have I said that ogremaxxing is ideal, but rather that going for a prettyboy aesthetic is idiotic, and the overwhelming majority of men would have better results by going for a mainly masculine look that projects power/strength, with some "pretty" features only to create harmony, like the guy in the right in the OP. The burden of proof is on you to show how the inter sexual competition hypothesis disproves this.
@VeryFuglyNiyguhs alt
  • JFL
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When prettyboy moggers fuck jbs, you will be fucking faggots. (Not even roasties prefer ogres lol)
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personally I support the Dom Masc look, but unfortunately everywhere I look it seems most guys arw trying very hard to Prettyboymaxx, so that must be because it's more in demand.
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There is no point in masc-maxxing if you're under 6ft
some of us are doomed to prettyboy max
imagine a 5'4 kratos

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  • JFL
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When prettyboy moggers fuck jbs, you will be fucking faggots. (Not even roasties prefer ogres lol)
Tell me you didn’t read the thread without telling me you didn’t read the thread.

But good job contributing jack shit to the discussion. Keep regurgitating the same 2-3 PSL talking points all year in the massive low IQ prettyboy circlejerk that goes on in this site. If you can’t tell the difference between mascmaxxing and ogremaxxing you need to rope.
There is no point in masc-maxxing if you're under 6ft
some of us are doomed to prettyboy max
imagine a 5'4 kratos

View attachment 1541389
This is true, but there’s no point in doing ANYTHING if you’re under 5’4. At that point it’s basically over, whatever copemaxx you choose to do, so I don’t see why you brought this up at all.
This is true, but there’s no point in doing ANYTHING if you’re under 5’4. At that point it’s basically over, whatever copemaxx you choose to do, so I don’t see why you brought this up at all.

At 5'4", you could atleast twinkmaxx and pick up pedo milfs, but a 5'4" masc man has no appeal to anybody
At 5'4", you could atleast twinkmaxx and pick up pedo milfs, but a 5'4" masc man has no appeal to anybody
Hard disagree, at 5’4 it’s over bro, sorry to break it to you like this. Only redeemer is if you can compensate with a fuckton of money (financial strength).
I never planned to make an account on here. I usually just come here every few months to check botb to see if there's anything new/interesting. But seeing myself being compared to a fucking video game character I wanted to respond. I can tell you that if I would go for a masc haircut and beard I would get less attention in real life and that's a fact. Doesn't matter what you think girls my age (18-24) want, you're coping too hard. After I made my trm post for fun I get these kinds of dms from girls on reddit. High effort thread regardless, was a fun read.

Also, regarding my frame, I agree my skull looks small but I think it's the angle and the shirt making it appear wide. My actual measurements are, 22.5" bideltoid, 29" waist and 6'4" in height.


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I can tell you that if I would go for a masc haircut and beard I would get less attention in real life and that's a fact. Doesn't matter what you think girls my age (18-24) want, you're coping too hard. After I made my trm post for fun I get these kinds of dms from girls on reddit. High effort thread regardless, was a fun read.
How do you know that’s a fact? By wide regard and acclammation men have been judged by women for their ability to exude power (includes intellectual, financial, mental power etc) since the dawn of mankind. It would serve you well to mascmaxx, the lack of masculinity in this world is astounding.

Everyone in this forum has a way to feminine approach to this stuff, but forget that power, strength and industriousness are the main factors of attractiveness in men for women past the age of 20 ((ie., girls that are actually starting to mature past their Justin Bieber fanboy phase and start growing into actual women you want to share a life with).

As for the girls who dmed you, whos to say they are attractive themselves? Even if they are, This is just pure anecdotal evidence. Besides, nobody in their right mind would say you are not attractive, but people here fail to realize that’s not the right question. The right question is how much MORE attractive could you potentially be.

Thanks for proving my point LMAO
Thanks for proving my point LMAO
How did I prove your point?

You are extremely retarded. Alone the fact that you think Maher is a pretty boy is hilarious
BD2EB673 C272 4439 A09D ACA2A5E1B3FE

This whole thread is bullshit.
While I agree that pretty boys are in general overhyped and too feminine I also disagree with your claim that hypermasc is ideal.
No girl would find a man like Kratos attractive.

Ideal is a mix between masculine and pretty features (maesthetic)
And these maesthetics are men like Cavill, Maher, Bomer, Pitt, Gandy etc.

They look more masculine then a pretty boy but still as good looking. This is ideal in every aspect. Your ogres don’t have appeal at all
  • +1
  • Woah
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How did I prove your point?

You are extremely retarded. Alone the fact that you think Maher is a pretty boy is hilarious
View attachment 1541615

This whole thread is bullshit.
While I agree that pretty boys are in general overhyped and too feminine I also disagree with your claim that hypermasc is ideal.
No girl would find a man like Kratos attractive.

Ideal is a mix between masculine and pretty features (maesthetic)
And these maesthetics are men like Cavill, Maher, Bomer, Pitt, Gandy etc.

They look more masculine then a pretty boy but still as good looking. This is ideal in every aspect. Your ogres don’t have appeal at all
If you think no woman would find a man like Kratos attractive you’ve clearly hung out on the internet far to much. In real life the mere presence of a man like that gets pussy wet wherever he goes. Real life is nok tiktok and tinder, men like that dominate the earth and have since the beginning of time. On internet forums only the high E low T prettyboys get likes and matches, because they have nothing to offer in the real world we live in.

As for your point on Maher, my only contention is that he has a great base (unlike the overwhelming majority of prettyboy faggots this forum likes to glorify), but that he would look even better and more mascmaxxed with a thick, strong and healthy beard and some more muscle. He would be the best of both worlds. I’ve never said that ogremaxxing is ideal, only that mascmaxxing, ie. manifesting your natural masculinity is sorely missed in the western world. You’ll be like an oasis in the desert in a culture where people can hardly differentiate between men and women. Half this forum legit think that men should basically look like women only with short hair, wide shoulders and hunter eyes lmao.
Last edited:
  • +1
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If you think no woman would find a man like Kratos attractive you’ve clearly hung out on the internet far to much. In real life the mere presence of a man like that gets pussy wet wherever he goes.
Most women don’t like bald men.
Most women don’t like big beards.

Alone these two points make Kratos unattractive. If he had a full head of hair and just a stubble he maybe would appeal to some women who really are into extremely masculine men.
As for your point on Maher, my only contention is that he has a great base (unlike the overwhelming majority of prettyboy faggots this forum likes to glorify), but that he would look even better and more mascmaxxed with a thick, strong and healthy beard and some more muscle.
you are beyond delusional if you think Maher would look better with a beard jfl.
5EC105BC 8B07 4920 8354 EA27F82B8D2C

This would hide his insane lower third and make him much more unattractive and not more masculine.
His bones alone are more masculine than 99.9% of men so he needs to show them off.

A beard is not attractive get that in your skull. Attractive is a defined jaw which is either clean shaven or with a stubble beard.
worlds. I’ve never said that ogremaxxing is ideal, only that mascmaxxing, ie. manifesting your natural masculinity is sorely missed in the western world. You’ll be like an oasis in the desert in a culture where people can hardly differentiate between men and women (LMAO).
the problem is your definition of pretty boys and masculine men is completely off.
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His "peanut skull" makes his body look heroic you negative iq fucker. Stop coping with peanut skull
Your opinion man, it is definitely a peanut when it can’t even fit through his fucking zipper. Call me that again you little subhuman, go die in a car crash
  • +1
  • JFL
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Your opinion man, it is definitely a peanut when it can’t even fit through his fucking zipper. Call me that again you little subhuman, go die in a car crash
have you thought for a second that he has a big body ?
have you thought for a second that he has a big body ?
Nobody denies that you retard. In relation to his skull it makes him look like a peanut head, which is the whole point,..
Nobody denies that you retard. In relation to his skull it makes him look like a peanut head, which is the whole point,..
but looking like you have peanut skull is good you absolute retard
wrong and redpilled logic
first, what healthy women find attractive is ideal

for some reason you think being bald and having a beard is how a man should look like and that women get instantly wet when they see a specimen like that
social media proves it wrong

every woman wants a man with a good looking beautiful face
what you cannot comprehend is that this doesn't mean they want femboys
every good looking men has some levels of facial dimorphism

nobody says that lesbian looking 5'8 men with a 17 inch bideltoid are attractive
women love dimorphic traits
they love big hands, tall height, wide square shoulders, big penises etc.
but they also love a beautiful dimorphic face

idk if you understand what i mean
  • +1
Reactions: Mewton, Deleted member 11758, LooksOrDeath and 1 other person
the state of your thread itself lmao:lul:
Lmao you have the biggest hardon for peanut skulls and it's so pathetic it almost makes me feel bad for you. Grow up kid.
Not like the guy in op. That looks too comical
Let that guy jerk off to his peanut skulls, meanwhile the great dominant men who exude testosterone, power and strength continue to dominate the world.
wrong and redpilled logic
first, what healthy women find attractive is ideal

for some reason you think being bald and having a beard is how a man should look like and that women get instantly wet when they see a specimen like that
social media proves it wrong

every woman wants a man with a good looking beautiful face
what you cannot comprehend is that this doesn't mean they want femboys
every good looking men has some levels of facial dimorphism

nobody says that lesbian looking 5'8 men with a 17 inch bideltoid are attractive
women love dimorphic traits
they love big hands, tall height, wide square shoulders, big penises etc.
but they also love a beautiful dimorphic face

idk if you understand what i mean
My point is that all men should mascmaxx, but not ogremaxx. I don't know where people get this idea that I'm pro ogremaxxing from. What I'm saying is that we should all try to project strength, confidence and power. These come not only in physicality, but also through intellect, financial strength (wealth) and social strength (status). Big hands, tall height, hunter eyes, thick robust skulls, thick defined beards, high cheekbones, wide square shoulders and big dicks are a part of this. If you think social media is comparable to real life interaction amongst peers you need to go outside and eat some grass. The world is dominated by men who look like the guy on the right, not the smooth skinned tiktok-haired pretty boy on the left, that's the whole point.
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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Lmao you have the biggest hardon for peanut skulls and it's so pathetic it almost makes me feel bad for you. Grow up kid.

Let that guy jerk off to his peanut skulls, meanwhile the great dominant men who exude testosterone, power and strength continue to dominate the world.

My point is that all men should mascmaxx, but not ogremaxx. I don't know where people get this idea that I'm pro ogremaxxing from. What I'm saying is that we should all try to project strength, confidence and power. These come not only in physicality, but also through intellect, financial strength (wealth) and social strength (status). Big hands, tall height, hunter eyes, thick robust skulls, thick defined beards, high cheekbones, wide square shoulders and big dicks are a part of this. If you think social media is comparable to real life interaction amongst peers you need to go outside and eat some grass. The world is dominated by men who look like the guy on the right, not the smooth skinned tiktok-haired pretty boy on the left, that's the whole point.
you can barely mascmax
your facial dimorphism, height, frame etc. depends on your genes, unless you have some serious enviromental problem
Not like the guy in op. That looks too comical
it doesn't look comical, it looks good + he 100% gets top tier females so you're wrong
  • +1
Reactions: LooksOrDeath
Lmao you have the biggest hardon for peanut skulls and it's so pathetic it almost makes me feel bad for you. Grow up kid.

Let that guy jerk off to his peanut skulls, meanwhile the great dominant men who exude testosterone, power and strength continue to dominate the world.

My point is that all men should mascmaxx, but not ogremaxx. I don't know where people get this idea that I'm pro ogremaxxing from. What I'm saying is that we should all try to project strength, confidence and power. These come not only in physicality, but also through intellect, financial strength (wealth) and social strength (status). Big hands, tall height, hunter eyes, thick robust skulls, thick defined beards, high cheekbones, wide square shoulders and big dicks are a part of this. If you think social media is comparable to real life interaction amongst peers you need to go outside and eat some grass. The world is dominated by men who look like the guy on the right, not the smooth skinned tiktok-haired pretty boy on the left, that's the whole point.
You're the type of delusional retard to say superman has peanut skull
2680705 STAS marquee 618b236a4bd63650877521

No dumbass it's his huge frame that mogs. His head is normal size, you're literally not accepting the truth while writing paragraphs of autism
  • +1
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we see that they don't really care much about whether or not their boyfriend can beat the shit out of other guys
Not true.

Many men report getting fucked up infront of their girls destroyed their relationships, a lot of women admit this aswell.

I agree with pretty much everything else doe.
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero and wernhervonbraun
Good thread kinda exageratted but i know your point

Kratos mogs that cuck to oblivion he is 11/10

Keep spreading KRatos pill
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, wernhervonbraun and Birdcell
Best post I've ever read on this, or any other looksmaxing forum, ever - hands down. You win brother. You're a great essayist.
  • JFL
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"Backed into a corner"

No one here agrees with you.
I completely agree with him and I think all of you guys are almost delusional in certain aspects.

He made a good point about you guys not having the slightest idea of how things actually function in the real world, where people actually meet up and talk face-to-face. You don't understand how being in the immediate presence of real, actual, authentic masculine power feels, regardless of looks.
  • Ugh..
  • +1
Reactions: Constantin Denis, wernhervonbraun and Korea
I completely agree with him and I think all of you guys are almost delusional in certain aspects.

He made a good point about you guys not having the slightest idea of how things actually function in the real world, where people actually meet up and talk face-to-face. You don't understand how being in the immediate presence of real, actual, authentic masculine power feels, regardless of looks.
death note japan GIF

Sad shit.
  • Ugh..
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Take your time and read this story. It's quite interesting, written by Plato himself many, many years ago.

Good luck brother.
"Many years ago".

Year written.

380 BCE.

This nigga jesus wan't even alive yet.

I might read it, but what this proves and what everyone else has been saying.

"Many years ago".

Year written.

380 BCE.

This nigga jesus wan't even alive yet.

I might read it, but what this proves and what everyone else has been saying.

Oh, but how valid Plato's thinking remains, even today -- especially today.
  • +1
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  • Ugh..
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The king of coping diverts when he's backed into a corner yet again. Who would have thought.
Nigga, only one other person in the entire thread agrees with you.

  • +1
Reactions: justropemaxbro, Deleted member 16834, LooksOrDeath and 1 other person
being manly and dominant is important but you don't need to be a bulking ogre for that, you will be a social outcast and girls will be disgusted by you

voice, lean face, ripped body, behaviour = manliness
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Nigga, only one other person in the entire thread agrees with you.

Actually, multiple people do. You know, the guys who tend to leave their mommies basements from time to time and see how real world interaction and power plays (basically every communication ever) between MEN works. And funny how you think other people agreeing or disagreeing gives you any form of validation in the discussion. It's embarassing where you get your validation from lmao. But I guess coping with your smooth skin takes, feminine haircuts and eboy curtains makes you feel better. The first telltale sign of a fallen society is men becoming too much like women. Like I said earlier, you need to go outside and touch some grass.
being manly and dominant is important but you don't need to be a bulking ogre for that, you will be a social outcast and girls will be disgusted by you

voice, lean face, ripped body, behaviour = manliness
View attachment 1542898
Agreed, nobody said to ogremaxx, but mascmaxxing is absolutely instrumental for any dude who's balls have dropped. You're supposed to be a man, not a fucking short haired, wide shouldered girl with a 14-step skincare routine. Add a thick, strong healthy beard with top-tier martial arts training and you've hit the nail on the head here.
  • Ugh..
  • +1
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Actually, multiple people do. And funny how you think other people agreeing or disagreeing gives you any form of validation in the discussion. It's embarassing where you get your validation from lmao. But I guess coping with your smooth skin takes, feminine haircuts and eboy curtains makes you feel better. The first telltale sign of a fallen society is men becoming too much like women. Like I said earlier, you need to go outside and touch some grass.

Agreed, nobody said to ogremaxx, but mascmaxxing is absolutely instrumental for any dude who's balls have dropped. You're supposed to be a man, not a fucking short haired, wide shouldered girl with a 14-step skincare routine. Add a thick, strong healthy beard with top-tier martial arts training and you've hit the nail on the head here.
  • +1
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That's what I thought, 0 argument to back up your position. Just keep hitting the same 1-note every time buddy, I'm sure you'll get it eventually once you actually become a man.

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