Mascmaxxing is everything (prettyboy copers keep coping)

That's what I thought, 0 argument to back up your position. Just keep hitting the same 1-note every time buddy, I'm sure you'll get it eventually once you actually become a man.
  • JFL
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That's what I thought, 0 argument to back up your position. Just keep hitting the same 1-note every time buddy, I'm sure you'll get it eventually once you actually become a man.
Have you implemented your suggested strategies? What is your body count?
Have you implemented your suggested strategies? What is your body count?
Yes, its in the low 20s. But this is anecdotal evidence and doesn’t prove much, the concepts and ideas do.
This is the truth. This guy gets it. Unfortunately the OP does not get it (could be low IQ, poor understanding of evo psych) or most likely conflating intersexual competition (how women choose when they have freedom to do so as in our current era) to intrasexual competition (how men fight each other often to death and winner takes all)
But it is better to be an attractive masculine guy vs a feminine attractive guy. These feminine guys can get a lot of pussy but I’m noticing they get cucked more and pushed around in relationships.
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Happy Laugh GIF by Joseph Royal

this mf playing video games too much
  • JFL
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Actually, multiple people do. You know, the guys who tend to leave their mommies basements from time to time and see how real world interaction and power plays (basically every communication ever) between MEN works. And funny how you think other people agreeing or disagreeing gives you any form of validation in the discussion. It's embarassing where you get your validation from lmao. But I guess coping with your smooth skin takes, feminine haircuts and eboy curtains makes you feel better. The first telltale sign of a fallen society is men becoming too much like women. Like I said earlier, you need to go outside and touch some grass.

Agreed, nobody said to ogremaxx, but mascmaxxing is absolutely instrumental for any dude who's balls have dropped. You're supposed to be a man, not a fucking short haired, wide shouldered girl with a 14-step skincare routine. Add a thick, strong healthy beard with top-tier martial arts training and you've hit the nail on the head here.
Pure facts. You can never go wrong with a beard and martial arts. Especially martial arts.

How are you going to be a man not capable of violence? I'm not saying you should go around and beat everyone up for no reason, all I'm saying is that you should be able to do so if you ever wanted to.

These guys are beyond recovery.
  • +1
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Mascmaxxing is everything. This world is cruel, and it abides by one rule and rule only; the strong win.

As a result of the (disastrous) industrial revolution, violent or overt power moves are looked down upon, weak beta males and eboys get the most "likes" and "matches" on instagram, tiktok and tinder etc.

But ask yourself; what kind of men are truly running the world? If the world is like a giant scheming court and we are trapped inside it, there is no use in trying to opt out of the dominance hierachy. That will only render you powerless, and powerlessness will make you miserable. Instead of struggling against the inevitable, instead of arguing and whining and feeling guilty, it is far better to excel at EXUDING POWER.

View attachment 1540409View attachment 1540408

Imagine both of these dudes in the same room. Kratos mogs the guy on the left, and it's not even close. The guy on the left would be shitting his pants at the mere sight of the masculinemaxxed monster on the left. How quickly smooth skin, feminine haircuts and tiktok likes are forgotten in the shadow of REAL power, strength and ability to put forth superiority. Women want to be dominated, it is in their nature. Study after study shows that women desire masculine, dark triad men. They constantly fantasize about being raped. Guys like Maher, Chico etc. appeal only to the virgin autist males on here.

Guy on the left is the epitome of the estrogenized male. For the virgin autists that subscribe to their PSL-cult, he is attractive, but for people who live in the real world he is nothing more than a overgrown little bitch that looks like he needs a good beating. while the man on the right is the epitome of what it means to be a fucking chad. Perfect warrior skull, deep set hunter eyes, literally a greek god body and deep ass voice. I'm talking real life dominance. Not squinting and posting a pic on Instagram while being a bitch irl

The guy on the left is seductive in his own way, but eventually this is why suicide rates among women are so high. They *long* for the real high testosterone filled beasts, but often end up with eboy beta pussies like the guy on the left. The dating market of the western world is nothing short of industrialized warfare. Do not be frivilous in such a critical manner, gentlemen. Exuding power is all that matters in this world. And it will serve you well in every single interaction in your life.

Women desire one thing; winners. And the number one maxim of mother nature is that the STRONG win. Evolution has, for millions of years, shoved women in the direction of the strong man, the powerful man. The one who can protect, hunt, exude strength and power when need be, and let her tap into her feminine side. You idiots have forgotten this. No wonder we live in a world where dudes jackoff to femdom porn and sit on their ass watching movies all day. A world where men and women are interchangeable terms (LMAO).

Just imagining Kratos and this blonde guy in a room made me cage. He'll start acting like a hamster femboy. Ask yourself, which one of these two here would win in a fight? In a hunter scenario? In battle? In even a simple staring match? These are the only things that matter to evolution. Eboys on Tinder are roughly a million years behind evolution.

The answer is simple.

View attachment 1540469View attachment 1540467

TLDR: if you deny the mascmaxxing pill you're retarded and seriously need to get your estrogen levels checked
this post is retarded lmao. the only good reason as to why masculine men > prettyboys is because they age way better and have a longer peak. masc men can peak from 18-40 easily where most prettyboys fall off after age 25
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Ngl, came into this thread expecting guys discussing the use of mascara as a dude, lmao. Then saw the fucking von Braun name with the corresponding von Braun profile picture combined with fucking videogame characters on and knew by an instant, that I have indeed entered the true neckbeard depths of this website. :feelskek:
Let me guess OP, you binge watch "reject modernity, embrace masculinity" and Fashwave tier videos, right?
I tip my fedora to you my fellow sir :hnghn:
  • JFL
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Happy Laugh GIF by Joseph Royal

this mf playing video games too much
I don't play video games ever but it's fine, keep coping.
this post is retarded lmao. the only good reason as to why masculine men > prettyboys is because they age way better and have a longer peak. masc men can peak from 18-40 easily where most prettyboys fall off after age 25
If the guy on the left ever encountered the guy on the right in real life he would shit in his prettyboy pants. Wake up and realize the game of power goes beyond looking like a smooth skinned faggot with long curtains and pouty lips. The real world belongs to men of greatness, who can project strength, power and masculinity. The fake tiktok world belongs to estrogenized boys. Decide which you want to be.
Ngl, came into this thread expecting guys discussing the use of mascara as a dude, lmao. Then saw the fucking von Braun name with the corresponding von Braun profile picture combined with fucking videogame characters on and knew by an instant, that I have indeed entered the true neckbeard depths of this website. :feelskek:
Let me guess OP, you binge watch "reject modernity, embrace masculinity" and Fashwave tier videos, right?
I tip my fedora to you my fellow sir :hnghn:
Just as I expected, zero counterargument to a single sentence of what was said in the OP. You have provided no case for your opinion therefore your viewpoint is invalid. Once you encounter a real masculine man in IRL you will know exactly what I'm talking about. Hopefully that happens within a year the 1-2 times you leave your mommys basement and realize that instagram and tiktok is as far removed from reality as your skinny little ass is from pussy.
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OP is overcompentsating for lack of actual masculinity :feelskek::feelsuhh:
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I don't play video games ever but it's fine, keep coping.

If the guy on the left ever encountered the guy on the right in real life he would shit in his prettyboy pants. Wake up and realize the game of power goes beyond looking like a smooth skinned faggot with long curtains and pouty lips. The real world belongs to men of greatness, who can project strength, power and masculinity. The fake tiktok world belongs to estrogenized boys. Decide which you want to be.

Just as I expected, zero counterargument to a single sentence of what was said in the OP. You have provided no case for your opinion therefore your viewpoint is invalid. Once you encounter a real masculine man in IRL you will know exactly what I'm talking about. Hopefully that happens within a year the 1-2 times you leave your mommys basement and realize that instagram and tiktok is as far removed from reality as your skinny little ass is from pussy.
I am not particularly masculine (probably mix masc/fem overall). Body count = 89. Care to explain why?
OP is overcompentsating for lack of actual masculinity :feelskek::feelsuhh:
Good one buddy.
I am not particularly masculine (probably mix masc/fem overall). Body count = 89. Care to explain why?
Body count should not be the only requisite for success. 1 successful, happy relationship LTR with a high quality woman who nurtures your masculinity and aids your goals in life, physically and mentally >>>>> 100 shitty body counts.
Good one buddy.

Body count should not be the only requisite for success. 1 successful, happy relationship LTR with a high quality woman who nurtures your masculinity and aids your goals in life, physically and mentally >>>>> 100 shitty body counts.
There is something to be said if you get continually selected by hypergamous women. It should be a huge metric of success. LTRs only make sense if you want children and the only avenue for most men to not have massive dry spells. You explained nothing yet again. The extremes of either masculinity or feminist will harm you. That is the truth. There is a sweet spot if you want to cast the widest net possible.
If the guy on the left ever encountered the guy on the right in real life he would shit in his prettyboy pants. Wake up and realize the game of power goes beyond looking like a smooth skinned faggot with long curtains and pouty lips. The real world belongs to men of greatness, who can project strength, power and masculinity. The fake tiktok world belongs to estrogenized boys. Decide which you want to be.
bro its not that deep, and the example of the prettyboy you used is bad. the guy is tall with a good physique and good skull shape. I can bet if he grew out his beard and got a buzzcut you would say "OMG WHAT A MASCMAXXED ALPHA HIGH TESTOSTERONE DOM :soy:"
There is something to be said if you get continually selected by hypergamous women. It should be a huge metric of success. LTRs only make sense if you want children and the only avenue for most men to not have massive dry spells. You explained nothing yet again. The extremes of either masculinity or feminist will harm you. That is the truth. There is a sweet spot if you want to cast the widest net possible.
Getting selected by low value, insecure thots online is no indicator of success. All these tinder girls are total whores and automatically low value. My point about a high quality LTR being infinitely more valuable still stands. It will change your life and elevate you above the battlefield of life, instead of going from one dogshit hoe to another. Also nobody said to be on the "extreme" end of masculinity. The best is a heavy focus on mascmaxxing with some neutral features to balance it out. My point is that all these prettyboy copers are 2 days from roping on their grave when they realize that there is nothing to save them from physical and psychological annihilation once their smooth skin and fringe curtains fade.
bro its not that deep, and the example of the prettyboy you used is bad. the guy is tall with a good physique and good skull shape. I can bet if he grew out his beard and got a buzzcut you would say "OMG WHAT A MASCMAXXED ALPHA HIGH TESTOSTERONE DOM :soy:"
That's like saying "if the average incel grew 2 inches taller and had massive muscles he would be a chad. The guy is skinny asf and looks like a prettboy twink, and his skull is literally smaller than his zipper lmao.
Getting selected by low value, insecure thots online is no indicator of success. All these tinder girls are total whores and automatically low value. My point about a high quality LTR being infinitely more valuable still stands. It will change your life and elevate you above the battlefield of life, instead of going from one dogshit hoe to another. Also nobody said to be on the "extreme" end of masculinity. The best is a heavy focus on mascmaxxing with some neutral features to balance it out. My point is that all these prettyboy copers are 2 days from roping on their grave when they realize that there is nothing to save them from physical and psychological annihilation once their smooth skin and fringe curtains fade.

That's like saying "if the average incel grew 2 inches taller and had massive muscles he would be a chad. The guy is skinny asf and looks like a prettboy twink, and his skull is literally smaller than his zipper lmao.
What do you mean low value? You mean ugly? Poor? High body counts? Conservative values? Liberal values?

I cringe at the term “high value” it’s an arbitrary catch all term propagated by red pill copers. These women come from all walks of life btw.
Getting selected by low value, insecure thots online is no indicator of success. All these tinder girls are total whores and automatically low value. My point about a high quality LTR being infinitely more valuable still stands. It will change your life and elevate you above the battlefield of life, instead of going from one dogshit hoe to another. Also nobody said to be on the "extreme" end of masculinity. The best is a heavy focus on mascmaxxing with some neutral features to balance it out. My point is that all these prettyboy copers are 2 days from roping on their grave when they realize that there is nothing to save them from physical and psychological annihilation once their smooth skin and fringe curtains fade.

That's like saying "if the average incel grew 2 inches taller and had massive muscles he would be a chad. The guy is skinny asf and looks like a prettboy twink, and his skull is literally smaller than his zipper lmao.
his skull is normal sized his frame is just huge lmao. and its typical of high T men to have small looking skulls in comparison to their body
Mascmaxxing is everything. This world is cruel, and it abides by one rule and rule only; the strong win.

As a result of the (disastrous) industrial revolution, violent or overt power moves are looked down upon, weak beta males and eboys get the most "likes" and "matches" on instagram, tiktok and tinder etc.

But ask yourself; what kind of men are truly running the world? If the world is like a giant scheming court and we are trapped inside it, there is no use in trying to opt out of the dominance hierachy. That will only render you powerless, and powerlessness will make you miserable. Instead of struggling against the inevitable, instead of arguing and whining and feeling guilty, it is far better to excel at EXUDING POWER.

View attachment 1540409View attachment 1540408

Imagine both of these dudes in the same room. Kratos mogs the guy on the left, and it's not even close. The guy on the left would be shitting his pants at the mere sight of the masculinemaxxed monster on the left. How quickly smooth skin, feminine haircuts and tiktok likes are forgotten in the shadow of REAL power, strength and ability to put forth superiority. Women want to be dominated, it is in their nature. Study after study shows that women desire masculine, dark triad men. They constantly fantasize about being raped. Guys like Maher, Chico etc. appeal only to the virgin autist males on here.

Guy on the left is the epitome of the estrogenized male. For the virgin autists that subscribe to their PSL-cult, he is attractive, but for people who live in the real world he is nothing more than a overgrown little bitch that looks like he needs a good beating. while the man on the right is the epitome of what it means to be a fucking chad. Perfect warrior skull, deep set hunter eyes, literally a greek god body and deep ass voice. I'm talking real life dominance. Not squinting and posting a pic on Instagram while being a bitch irl

The guy on the left is seductive in his own way, but eventually this is why suicide rates among women are so high. They *long* for the real high testosterone filled beasts, but often end up with eboy beta pussies like the guy on the left. The dating market of the western world is nothing short of industrialized warfare. Do not be frivilous in such a critical manner, gentlemen. Exuding power is all that matters in this world. And it will serve you well in every single interaction in your life.

Women desire one thing; winners. And the number one maxim of mother nature is that the STRONG win. Evolution has, for millions of years, shoved women in the direction of the strong man, the powerful man. The one who can protect, hunt, exude strength and power when need be, and let her tap into her feminine side. You idiots have forgotten this. No wonder we live in a world where dudes jackoff to femdom porn and sit on their ass watching movies all day. A world where men and women are interchangeable terms (LMAO).

Just imagining Kratos and this blonde guy in a room made me cage. He'll start acting like a hamster femboy. Ask yourself, which one of these two here would win in a fight? In a hunter scenario? In battle? In even a simple staring match? These are the only things that matter to evolution. Eboys on Tinder are roughly a million years behind evolution.

The answer is simple.

View attachment 1540469View attachment 1540467

TLDR: if you deny the mascmaxxing pill you're retarded and seriously need to get your estrogen levels checked
Notice all the cucked comments under this thread. Masculinity has truly been feminised. Originally men weren't supposed to care about looking "pretty" or being "desired". The strongest Man would rape a woman and hold her hostage to raise the offspring. The woman would fall in love through Stockholm Syndrome. We were never supposed to care about how attractive we looked. Men were judged on honour,combat ability, strength etc. Jfl at all the cucked estrogen filled soyboys who deny raw masculinity. Looking beautiful is for women, wanting to be desired is a feminine trait. I would rather be like kratos than a white eboy with "Muh fAce rAtiO".
  • +1
Reactions: wernhervonbraun
Your entire post boils down to "Being physically strong and acting dominant is the only metric that matters for attractiveness".

Attraction stems from evolutionary psychology.
Traits that are attractive are so because they indicate good genetic quality; what is genetic quality? Things that make it easier for the human species to triumph in nature; women prefer the men who display certain specific characteristics because evolution equipped their brain with the neural patterns that lead them to pass on those traits.

Now let's have a look at two specimens.
Ogre: 6'5, Wide and powerful frame, High Bodyfat, Unattractive Face.
Prettyboy: 6'0, Slender and lean frame, Low Bodyfat, Attractive Face.

What do those specimens signify? Ogre's size and strength makes him good at lifting heavy things and fighting smaller male specimens. However, do you think early humans really needed all that? No. You can't fight a bear no matter how strong you are. You can't get your family food by beating up other human males, not on the long run. Prettyboy's physique allows him to hunt, run, swim and chase prey. His face signifies good breathing, strong healthy teeth, a lack of imbalance in his genetic makeup.

You can see why women prefer the latter. It's not about who beats up who. It's about what the two men's appearance signifies from an evolutionary standpoint, and in evolution, it is not the STRONG who succeed, it is the ADAPTABLE. Humankind's strength does not lie in brute force because we simply have not evolved that way.

Reality itself proves you wrong: most women simply are not that into mascmaxxed ogres as you seem to think. As a matter of fact, women have never been more free to choose their mate as they are in the 21st century since they can make their own money and don't have to rely on a man to survive.
This is because women have been given too much freedom in today's world where they don't rely on men for protection and resources. Strip foids of their rights away and they would give two fucks about "muh mAxIllA". But instead a strong man who can protect and provide resources. Pretty boy only wins today in this cucked world. But wait until everything goes to shit and women wil be crawling towards strong men for protection again. Female nature should be controlled by masculine man
  • +1
Reactions: wernhervonbraun
Notice all the cucked comments under this thread. Masculinity has truly been feminised. Originally men weren't supposed to care about looking "pretty" or being "desired". The strongest Man would rape a woman and hold her hostage to raise the offspring. The woman would fall in love through Stockholm Syndrome. We were never supposed to care about how attractive we looked. Men were judged on honour,combat ability, strength etc. Jfl at all the cucked estrogen filled soyboys who deny raw masculinity. Looking beautiful is for women, wanting to be desired is a feminine trait. I would rather be like kratos than a white eboy with "Muh fAce rAtiO".
Couldn't have said it better myself brother. People here probably think the women of Ukraine are looking for estrogenized boys to protect them right now. The idea of this forum is great but the amount of low-iq dwellers with 0 testosterone are horrendously ruining it and pushing men to emasculating horrors.
I'd like to hear you explain why all the girls in my school cheer whenever the school prettyboy comes on stage.
  • +1
Reactions: Constantin Denis
Literal binary thinking 1 0 autism where prettyboys will always get mogged by masc ogres no matter what the circumstances.
The blonde guy he used in the OP is more masc than 90-95% of men, this nigga has foid level standards.
  • +1
Reactions: Constantin Denis
While I agree that pretty boys are in general overhyped and too feminine I also disagree with your claim that hypermasc is ideal.
No girl would find a man like Kratos attractive.
while maesthetic defo has the most appeal I think hypermasc also has appeal.

i think more than 50% of foids would find kratos attractive, especially when they're ovulating
  • +1
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I'd like to hear you explain why all the girls in my school cheer whenever the school prettyboy comes on stage.
yeah I agree in school, but past the age of 19-20 it changes
  • +1
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yeah I agree in school, but past the age of 19-20 it changes
Ofc, but Point is, if this guy is right, then the girls should have been much more attracted to the masc and NT guy who plays multiple sports over the guitar playing prettyboy.
  • +1
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while maesthetic defo has the most appeal I think hypermasc also has appeal.

i think more than 50% of foids would find kratos attractive, especially when they're ovulating
Hypermasc Chads also have appeal because they are dimorphic and better looking than most men. But too ogre for ideal appeal.

Basically someone like Randy orton is a great example for a masc chad
FFE89A6D A32C 4F73 9D8B D531FB1E00DF
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Hypermasc Chads also have appeal because they are dimorphic and better looking than most men. But too ogre for ideal appeal.

Basically someone like Randy orton is a great example for a masc chad
What type would you consider John Cena and The Rock to be ? masc hypermasc etc
  • +1
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  • JFL
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  • +1
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  • So Sad
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You look better tbh.
He looks just too intimidating and masc
I don't get how guys like this are considered the epitomy of masculinity. The real masc guys are the gl CEOs who run all the stuff. Meanwhile these guys have zero influence on the world beyond their immediate surroundings. What is masculinity if not changing the environment as you wish.
  • +1
Reactions: Constantin Denis and germanlooks
Would literally shit on OPs face irl for his utterly incorrect and delusional shit takes

Dn rd faggot also kys
  • JFL
Reactions: LooksOrDeath
Would literally shit on OPs face irl for his utterly incorrect and delusional shit takes

Dn rd faggot also kys
A perfect example of the low-T keyboard warrior that modern industrial society creates right here.
Bruh nigga this „prettyboy“ has more testosterone than 95% of men

EFFD7D28 8EAB 45B7 B02E 41A1BB60AA24
Who tf is this masc-prettyboy gigamogger?
But wait until everything goes to shit and women wil be crawling towards strong men for protection again. Female nature should be controlled by masculine man
I absolutely agree with your point. But what do you mean until everything goes to shit? U have some predictions of the world in 10-20 years?
i honestly didn't expect to see high iq arguments in a stupid post.
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