MBTI based on Black pill


and incel af
what's the best personality type in ur opinion
I think all types are equally necessary for society but my personal favorite is INFJ since it's the one making up the majority of world changing people. Jesus, Muhammed, Buddha, Hitler, MLK, Mandela. Despite it being the rarest type it makes up like 4/5 of the most famous people of all time.
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idk about any of this shit bro
ESTP is a good one for creating a good life for oneself, it will rarely change the world for others. But great to become some millionaire slayer.
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ESTP is a good one for creating a good life for oneself, it will rarely change the world for others. But great to become some millionaire slayer.
yep i only care about myself anyway
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INTP, over
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Good post overall, but using just MBTI to divide people is quite problematic, not totally inaccurate, but just 16 groups is not nearly enough for reliable results. I recommend adding the enneagram or temperaments coupled with MBTI for a more detailed conclusion.
You are ENFP.

And you ISFJ.
This is like opposite of me:
What is this shit?
He said random shit on mine too that doesn't relate to my personality neither, OP was wrong about the things he said.
I´m not sociable at all irl or disciplined lmao.
You are such an ISFJ larping INTP geez.
Guy is either 50 IQ INTP like Patrick from spongebob that lacks sentience or ISFJ who got abused in childhood for being dumb and developed an inferior complex about his intelligence by his parents so hes compensating with smarts while it its not natural for him. judging by his name 'looksthinker' and his threads its obvious which it is
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I'm 99% I'm ENTP

I'm extroverted and "NT" but I am way too annoying so people can't stand me jfl, pretty much why i still rot on these forums. Not even autists on blackpilld discords relate to me when I show my true personality.
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Actually. I try to be ENTJ because it helps with adhd but I'm still ENTP jfl.
Incel tier
(At this point, your personality is a flaw and is probably the main reason why you don't get sex.)
This one is pretty clear, most here have this type of personality.

Why is it the worst personality ever?
Too introverted, with interests not NT like random and obscure theories, in addition to disorganized and procrastinators, has autistic behavior by nature, has difficulty understanding the feelings of others.
But not everything is bad, they are very intelligent and can be successful if they are disciplined.

Melancholy and passive, they have almost all kinds of mental disorders such as daydreams and depression.
It's similar to the INTP, except that their interests are more oriented towards social issues, so they can still be charismatic and won't be seen as heartless robots.
They are very disorganized and passive, unlike the intp, they hardly succeed financially.
It's also the most common type on reddit.

Low tier normie
(At this point, your personality relies on external factors to be good.)
It is a superior version of INTP, they are more organized and disciplined, they are also less autistic.
But they are still stereotypes of nerds and very introverted.
In the short term it's horrible, in the long term it's a good personality, because they have relative financial success.

This is the most overrated type of all.
They are super disorganized, perhaps the least disciplined type, have a debater complex, overly argumentative, strange interests.
It's the type of personality that would start debating the black pill with some random person on the street just for fun.
But they can be incredibly charismatic if healthy.
It's a very 8 or 80 personality, can be annoying nerds or really charismatic people

Unlike INFP, their interests are more practical, they are usually good artists, many famous musicians are ISFP.
But they are still disorganized and passive. If they don't develop an artistic talent like playing an instrument or singing, they have virtually no strengths.

Not exactly a bad personality, they are very disciplined and sociable.
However, they are very passive and tend to be cucks. almost an incel tier personality, but they will have normal lives and relative dating success.

Normie tier
(His personality is normal,you will probably have a normal sex life.No significant failos, but no big hailos either.)
It's the most normal type of all, They are disciplined and hardworking.
Unlike ISFJ, they are not passive.
Disadvantage is that they are too routine and not creative, so many tend to be boring.

It's the mbti of Hitler and Jesus Christ lol.
It is an improved version of INFP and ISFJ.
Unlike the INFP, they are more sociable and disciplined.
And unlike the ISFJ, they are less passive because they are more independent.But still quite introverted.

Also one of the most overrated, but still an improved version of intp.
Their interests are focused on more practical things like sports, so they are more disciplined.
Almost Chad-lite,but not have so good social skills.

Chad-lite tier
(At this point your personality is a hailo, and will help you have a good sex life, usually because they are very outgoing.)
Perhaps the most extroverted type,are the stereotypical clowns.
Disavantage are generally dumb, and tend not to be financially successful.
In the short term he is a good personality, he is the type of person who loses his virginity at 15 because he is extremely extroverted.

An improved version of Entp and esfp, it is basically a combination of both without major defects.
Rather than focusing on autistic debates and theories, they focus on social issues, so they are less weird and mostly enjoyable.
Unlike the ESFP, they are more intelligent and can be financially successful in areas that require creativity and good social skills.
It's almost a Chad personality, but they're still incredibly disorganized,and little masculine.

One of the most outgoing and very disciplined types.
But still a little masculine and passive.

An improved version of ESFJ.
While the esfj would be like a nurse, the esfj would be like a teacher or a counselor.
They are charismatic leaders,But it has the same flaws as the ESFJ.

Chad tier
(A perfect personality, is the maximum stereotype of a man, dominant, masculine, dark triad and extroverted.)
It is the definition of Chad personality, they live in the moment, are interested in practical things, and have good social skills.
Connor McGregor and Mike Tyson are examples.

They are usually abusive, they are the personality of bullies. they usually occupy managerial positions. They are disciplined and active.
The disadvantage is that they are too authoritarian, they can get hurt at some point


An improved version of the ESTJ, the difference is that they are more intelligent, so they are more financially successful.
dnr - mbti is pseudo autistic trash
Guy is either 50 IQ INTP like Patrick from spongebob that lacks sentience or ISFJ who got abused in childhood for being dumb and developed an inferior complex about his intelligence by his parents so hes compensating with smarts while it its not natural for him. judging by his name 'looksthinker' and his threads its obvious which it is
Great deduction, I'm betting on option 2 due to how much he feels the need to prove he is INTP, which a real INTP never would. Most INxx are fine with being unorthodox, misunderstood, and not fitting in. They rarely feel the need to gain the approval of public opinion.
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What is this bluepill bullshit
initially thought i was entp, then intp. now coming closer to IEI- infp/enfp. 4w5. long story short over for being a cuck mediator.

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