Meaning of life explained in the most non-philosophical way possible (Pure Reality Pill)

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TLDR; wait for the video to come out.

Basic requirements to understand this thread, if you miss any, bye:
1-there is no God
2-basic evolution understanding
4-fimilar to reality

There is no god, yet.
People and humanity often view the world and existence as if there is a beginning and there is an end. how did we even come up with the idea of start and end in the first place? we saw people born and then die, that's how we got the idea. so people asked themselves, when humans did start? who give birth to the first human? these stupid questions got them thinking there must be a god who created the first humans.

Many people came up with different answers to this stupid question and that's how religions were invented. meanwhile, no one bothered to doubt if the question itself is correct or not. you can't answer a wrong question. The concept of beginning and the end don't exist, everything is always part of something ongoing. one human is a result of thousands other humans who lived before him. when one dies, it's not the end, other alternations of their DNA still exist and live. when a human reproduces, they make alternations of themselves.

in fact, we are not really individuals, we are alternations of alternations of alternations of ..... of alternations of one being who is also result of another chain of alternations. this being called life achieved immortality already. the way it works is that it keeps altering to be synced with it's habitat.

we are immortal through reproduction but where are we going? we can't just over populate the earth and why do we keep reproducing anyway? what's the reason?

Reason is immortality and to be immortal we need to survive, we can't survive if we just keep breeding and over populate the earth, that's why we created a big arena to fight so that stronger alternations survive and weaklings die. This arena is called humanity, and there is a lot of fights happening. war, mog, rape, capitalism, education, money, looks, etc. everything is just a from of fighting so that weaklings die and strong survive.

strong DNAs who survive will alter together to make stronger DNAs and this cycle repeats and repeats for unknown time. eventually we would have to leave earth behind and live in stronger habitats and environments. And so begins a new cycle and arenas and we keep getting stronger.

Goal is obvious, this entity which we are, wants to become a God. meaning, an entity that has complete power over the world it's living in. when we get there, we figure there are other gods living in the universe, so the cycle of fighting and breeding begins again, this time between gods. it will lead to create super gods, which then super gods fight and breed until they make ultra super gods, and this goes on forever and if this goes for ever, then the concept of goal is meaningless.

There is no goal, there is just immortality.

That's why there is no end and there is no beginning either, since we don't know how many cycles of fight and breed has been before us.

What should i do?
just reproduce ffs, are you even listening? stop crying about your pathetic meaningless individual experience which has 0 impact on the entity called life. all you have to do is reproducing and this entity doesn't care about anything else, you are a epsilon part of the entity and if you choose to die without breeding it means you are a weak alternation.
lips love GIF by Benjamin Siksou

using Condoms means you don't want to contribute to the Entity, you are mocking life. abortion? don't let me start on that one.

How to check if i'm a weak alternation of the entity?
if you lost your balls or your vagina got super dry and you can't make babies, you are a weak alternation. basically if you managed to breed, you have done your job. you subscribed to life for another generation, make sure your new alternation ( your child ) is going to subscribe too before dying.

What if my new alternation dies without breeding after i died?
then you and your stupid kid wasted the entity's infinite time, to make sure something like this doesn't happen. stop being a faggot and have lots of babies from different alternations. basically just alter your DNA as much as you can, more alternations means more chance of remaining immortal. get rich, marry multiply wives, if it's not allowed in your country, then marry one, make babies and divorce and get a new one. spread your genes.

What if i want to kill myself?
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understanding of evolution and what's good for the Entity is beyond your understanding, you never know if your contribution to the Entity is a good and strong one or a weak one. no matter how subhuman you are, no matter how bad looking you are, if you breed it means you are a strong contribution.

for example, if Indians decided they are subhuman and bad looking and mass suicided. we wouldn't have Microsoft support right now to help us recover our Minecraft server.
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Should i kill all other humans so that only my alternation remains?
if you can do it, go for it. in fact, Entity encourages you to do this. If you managed to kill all humans, it means you are the strongest alternation and Entity have more chance of immortality with your new alternations (your Childs and descenders).
Lord Of The Rings Orcs GIF by Amazon Prime Video

if you don't have this much of a ambitious, at least try suppressing other weaklings, make the cycle of fight and breed for other alternations harder. get rich like the way Elon musk is getting rich, make living harder for everyone be a Hitler, you don't need to win for sure. retard didn't reproduce much, maybe he did we don't know.

Only Maher deserve to have alternations, we are all subhumans!
based on what? looks? slay count? well yes, but he is probably mainstreampilled into having 2-4 kids at most and he is wasting his protentional. you can outrun him by having 16-32 kids in the long run.

How can i find a strong DNA to alter myself with her/him?
[this is my personal opinion, no one really knows what is truly a strong and survival DNA]

first of all, make sure your partner(s) is capable of breeding and is the opposite gender (lol at fag's existence). then make sure they are good looking, looks matter. good looks means they have stronger DNA. attractiveness comes from success of survival. bone structure and height. you know better than me in this matter so i move on.
make sure they have high IQ aka a good brain functionality. educated people have better income and therefore better chance of survival.

last and most important, they should not be bicurious/faggot. you don't want your offspring to end up gay and end your alter line.

What was the meaning of life anyway?
you must be low IQ if you haven't figured it out by yourself, after everything i just said. life means immortality and sentience together. whole reason we exist.

there is immortal non sentient things in the world, like stars, black holes, electrons and the fabric of the universe. we exist so that we can be a sentient version of immortals. we are trapped in time, only way out is to be immortal, only then we can outrun time. so we are immortal because we are life and life cheated time.
also wdym whats the meaning of life? in what context we are meaning the life? life is an immortal Entity and we are all parts of it. Life is god itself.
can you say what's the meaning of a tree? it's a stupid question like the one i mentioned at the beginning. what do i mean saying beginning? there is no beginning, this is just a part of my thoughts which i inherited 99% of it from the alternations before me.

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Christ is King
there goes that huh

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