Men are becoming really desperate



Aug 5, 2019
There are so many men now who are moving PERMANENTLY to Ukraine with the hope of getting laid. The facebook page "Expats in Kiev" has thousands and thousands of men already there and thousands more looking for a job.
We are talking about a third world country where the average salary is 300โ‚ฌ/month.

Men now are so desperate to get a girl, that they are willing to throw away a career. This is really crazy and scary. Those men aren't uneducated morons, the overwhelming majority of them have master degree but they are depressed in their home country because they can't get laid or get any attention whatsoever from any barely decent looking female because they aren't in the top 20%.

Kiev nowadays is so overcrowded by sex tourists and sexpats that if you walk in the city center, around Arena City, you'll hear more english being spoken than russian/ukrainian. The same is true in every club of the city.

We are witnessing something that never happened in human history. Men forced to move away from their countries because they are sexually starved. Meanwhile we have women keep bullshitting about "male privilege".
This isn't gonna end well. I predict in a decade at most there will be a big uprising against female privilege. Time isn't ripe yet but the more I see it, the more we get closer to it.
Most men are resenting women but they don't externalize it publicly because they are afraid of the consequences in their social life and careers. They suffer in silence, they have their dreams crushed....they are afraid to speak because they don't want to be associated with the "incel movement" since the media already depicted it as a criminal movement. But not liking how this world is turning and how stuck up, privileged and hating females are getting doesn't equal being incels or criminals. It means men don't want to stay oppressed and have their freedom and human rights crushed. It means they are tired of the double standards and hypocrisy.
And history made it clear that when this unexpressed anger comes to the surface all at once, bad events are gonna happen.

I hope it doesn't turn out that way but it's getting scary out there. I've never seen men so desperate. I'm somewhat oldcel and I remember how life was before social media. There were some incels out there but you could still get a nice girlfriend (who wasn't a used up slut) if you weren't in the top 10% or 20%.
Nowadays it's getting increasingly impossible throughout the West. Most men get at most a relationship around high school/college and if that doesn't end up in marriage they are screwed because they won't get anything else and they are realizing it very fast. So they cling to that relationship like it's a priceless treasure and with increasing frequency they put up with any sort of abuse and ass whipping that their girlfriends throw their way because they know if they break up, there is no other girl willing to date them and they'd rather have an abusive girlfriend than a miserable lonely life. But deep down they do resent their girlfriend for it. If they do break up (especially if their gfs leave them) they'll start to cope with plastic surgery, gym and all that but it won't last long. When they realize plastic surgery isn't enough they'll try something else. When more and more men will start reading statistics and realize that their sweetheart girlfriend will probably divorce them and take everything from them they will also try something else. And I'm scared of what that "something else" may be.

Throughout history men weren't used to get walked over and crushed by females, if something doesn't change there will be a revolution especially if they have nothing to lose and most of them really have nothing to lose since girls are only interested in the top 20% at the very most.
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yeah we know this is 100% true but we canโ€™t be fuked typing it all out ngl
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There are as many women as men here. If more men leave, more women will be single. And the chad percantage among men is like 10% maybe? So normies should get gfs imo
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  • JFL
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Chad cant fuck everyone.

Nvm, they will fak 3-4 women then
i hope the male reaction comes soon, because sexual liberation is not good for the majority of people, male or female
@Ritalincel go cry
Most men are resenting women but they don't externalize it publicly because they are afraid of the consequences in their social life and careers. They suffer in silence, they have their dreams crushed....they are afraid to speak because they don't want to be associated with the "incel movement" since the media already depicted it as a criminal movement.
It will be over soon
  • Hmm...
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and i grind so hard for an E90 :((
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meanwhile the average Ukrainian man:
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There are as many women as men here. If more men leave, more women will be single. And the chad percantage among men is like 10% maybe? So normies should get gfs imo
Chad percentage is 5% or less. And this is in a mostly white college town. Itโ€™d be much less anywhere else
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel and LordNorwood
That is precisely what I mean tbh
oh shit thought u meant all this gynocentric society will be removed jfl

i am praying everyday for all men to be redpilled, and to stop giving women all these options but i really doubt it.
  • +1
Reactions: LordNorwood
There are as many women as men here. If more men leave, more women will be single. And the chad percantage among men is like 10% maybe? So normies should get gfs imo
Chad percentage is 5% or less. And this is in a mostly white college town. Itโ€™d be much less anywhere else
Chad percentage is like 2-5% imo, Chadlite is like5-10%ish
Chad percentage is 5% or less. And this is in a mostly white college town. Itโ€™d be much less anywhere else
Yea. Women will NEED to settle with normies or chad lites. Not enough chads for everyone and chad wont fuck women under 5psl if he can get 6-8psl women
  • +1
Reactions: IndianJock
oh shit thought u meant all this gynocentric society will be removed jfl

i am praying everyday for all men to be redpilled, and to stop giving women all these options but i really doubt it.
it will go down sooner or later
such a society like this is inherently unstable
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Hopefully things will get better while Iโ€™m still in my 20s
  • JFL
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I would like a honda cbr ngl but how am I gonna drive stacies with a motorcycle??
Nigga they love motorcycles. My friend has one, i think a yamaha r6 and random chicks always ask him about it. Good conversation startet and its hella fun too
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By the way how old are you OP?
a lot of guys are boring as fuck, needy, and have a sloppy appearance. just set your tinder profile to female and you'll see
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Nigga they love motorcycles. My friend has one, i think a yamaha r6 and random chicks always ask him about it. Good conversation startet and its hella fun too
after i get a car then
Yea lookmax as much as you can. I Think 5-6psl is enough to get women easy.
5-6 PSL is enough to get women with ntmaxxing as well
4-5 can even be enough but it will be much harder and you probably can't slay, at 5-6 slaying becomes possible with mentality. Most slayers I know are in the 5-6 range.
at 6-7 slaying becomes easy
at 7+ slaying is probably a joke
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel and .๐Ÿ‘ฝ.
5-6 PSL is enough to get women with ntmaxxing as well
4-5 can even be enough but it will be much harder and you probably can't slay, at 5-6 slaying becomes possible with mentality. Most slayers I know are in the 5-6 range.
at 6-7 slaying becomes easy
at 7+ slaying is probably a joke
Imagine beeing a 6-7 on tinder. Jfl living like hugh heffner
  • +1
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Everyone is insanely desperate irl even my friends who have gf are going insane about a fat-faced, makeupmaxxed whore.

What I noticed IRL is that the slayers rarely talk about girls or slays simply bcs they are used to having it, meanwhile a normie needs to announce to everyone he got laid when it happens.

My chadlite friend is dating a high tier Becky, my normie friend is dating some 3 PSL. Meanwhile, my chadlite friend is very private and rarely talks about her unless someone asks. While on the other hand my normie friend is sending snaps of him laying next to this ugly girl in his bed.
  • +1
Reactions: BonesAndHarmony, HighIQcel, DidntRead and 1 other person
Everyone is insanely desperate irl even my friends who have gf are going insane about a fat-faced, makeupmaxxed whore.

What I noticed IRL is that the slayers rarely talk about girls or slays simply bcs they are used to having it, meanwhile a normie needs to announce to everyone he got laid when it happens.

My chadlite friend is dating a high tier Becky, my normie friend is dating some 3 PSL. Meanwhile, my chadlite friend is very private and rarely talks about her unless someone asks. While on the other hand my normie friend is sending snaps of him laying next to this ugly girl in his bed.
Nothing new. Millionars dont talk about money too. But give me one million and i will tell everyone because i was poor before. Just an example
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel and Aesthetic
Everyone is insanely desperate irl even my friends who have gf are going insane about a fat-faced, makeupmaxxed whore.

What I noticed IRL is that the slayers rarely talk about girls or slays simply bcs they are used to having it, meanwhile a normie needs to announce to everyone he got laid when it happens.

My chadlite friend is dating a high tier Becky, my normie friend is dating some 3 PSL. Meanwhile, my chadlite friend is very private and rarely talks about her unless someone asks. While on the other hand my normie friend is sending snaps of him laying next to this ugly girl in his bed.
low PSLs who get these ugly as sin gfs always have to try and desperately amplify their "catch" because they are so insecure about it, it is so sickening
calmly tell him you don't find his gf attractive next time you talk to him and watch the color drain from his face
  • +1
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Chad percentage is 5% or less. And this is in a mostly white college town. Itโ€™d be much less anywhere else
5% chad 10% chadlite 20% upper tier normie. These three groups fuck 90% of women.
  • +1
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low PSLs who get these ugly as sin gfs always have to try and desperately amplify their "catch" because they are so insecure about it, it is so sickening
calmly tell him you don't find his gf attractive next time you talk to him and watch the color drain from his face
Some guy was being horny about a girl he saw walking by on the street (she was 4 PSL and fakeupmaxxed).

I then told him i dont find her attractive. He literally gave me the surprised Pikachu face and said that i must be gay (he was clearly coping, he knows i go out, date and had previous gfs).

I said yeh dude whatever you want to believe and laughed at him.

It is fun now after being black pilled that you can clearly see who is coping irl and who isn't.
When they are coping, you already know you have won the mental game
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Nothing will change

Men will accept their defeat without resistence

This will be most men in 10 years

20200125 024712
  • JFL
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Some guy was being horny about a girl he saw walking by on the street (she was 4 PSL and fakeupmaxxed).

I then told him i dont find her attractive. He literally gave me the surprised Pikachu face and said that i must be gay (he was clearly coping, he knows i go out, date and had previous gfs).

I said yeh dude whatever you want to believe and laughed at him.

It is fun now after being black pilled that you can clearly see who is coping irl and who isn't.
When they are coping, you already know you have won the mental game
I had a similar situation a couple years ago, before the blackpill when my friend was dating a 4 to 5/10 and I said I didn't find her attractive
the look on his face was unreal. I was dating this 7/10 latina at the time and he told me "m-maybe you only like ethnics girls"
it was hard not to laugh ngl
  • JFL
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I had a similar situation a couple years ago, before the blackpill when my friend was dating a 4 to 5/10 and I said I didn't find her attractive
the look on his face was unreal. I was dating this 7/10 latina at the time and he told me "m-maybe you only like ethnics girls"
it was hard not to laugh ngl
I realized that men who looks max, try to improve themselves and have standards get a lot of shit of normies.

They dont want you to get above their level bcs they couldnt achieve it themselves, hence why they try to drag you down

>You go to the gym
Lmao dude why would you go to the gym? Your body is fine like this

>You have a sixpack
Idk dude you just seem skinny, i liked you better before.

>You are dating a girl that mogs his gf
Idk dude you guys dont seem compatible, you sure you like her?

>You want to get a nice car
Idk man why not just get a Cabrio or fiat? Much cheaper.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Griffith and LordNorwood
Just wait for fully Ai sex robots boyss. The roles will be changed then. Less desperate men, more desperate women.
I realized that men who looks max, try to improve themselves and have standards get a lot of shit of normies.

They dont want you to get above their level bcs they couldnt achieve it themselves, hence why they try to drag you down

>You go to the gym
Lmao dude why would you go to the gym? Your body is fine like this

>You have a sixpack
Idk dude you just seem skinny, i liked you better before.

>You are dating a girl that mogs his gf
Idk dude you guys dont seem compatible, you sure you like her?

>You want to get a nice car
Idk man why not just get a Cabrio or fiat? Much cheaper.
Yeah its classic crab bucket mentality
I had a friend trying to talk me out of fin and I calmly explained the lookspill to him (I basically said that my hair mattered and it would benefit me to keep it) and he gave me a defeated look and said alright
whenever I bring up my hair to others they're like oh nooooooo dude what its fine I can't notice anything J F L
>Just shave it bro girls love it
>dude girls don't like muscles man the dad bod is in
>dude just trust her bro
normies are so retarded
  • +1
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Readnt but tbh
I realized that men who looks max, try to improve themselves and have standards get a lot of shit of normies.

They dont want you to get above their level bcs they couldnt achieve it themselves, hence why they try to drag you down

>You go to the gym
Lmao dude why would you go to the gym? Your body is fine like this

>You have a sixpack
Idk dude you just seem skinny, i liked you better before.

>You are dating a girl that mogs his gf
Idk dude you guys dont seem compatible, you sure you like her?

>You want to get a nice car
Idk man why not just get a Cabrio or fiat? Much cheaper.

You will love this thread
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meanwhile the average Ukrainian man:
View attachment 241600
@Gudru I hope you didn't imagine this picture when you were typing "slava ukraini" in my profile :feelskek:
There are so many men now who are moving PERMANENTLY to Ukraine with the hope of getting laid. The facebook page "Expats in Kiev" has thousands and thousands of men already there and thousands more looking for a job.
We are talking about a third world country where the average salary is 300โ‚ฌ/month.

Kiev nowadays is so overcrowded by sex tourists and sexpats that if you walk in the city center, around Arena City, you'll hear more english being spoken than russian/ukrainian. The same is true in every club of the city.

Literally these are 50 yo balding small dick austists getting scammed by golddiggers
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@Gudru I hope you didn't imagine this picture when you were typing "slava ukraini" in my profile :feelskek:

Literally these are 50 yo balding small dick austists getting scammed by golddiggers
Why not? Aren't you ukrainian? It's from a NSBM band Dub buk
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There are as many women as men here. If more men leave, more women will be single. And the chad percantage among men is like 10% maybe? So normies should get gfs imo
10% of people are not chads brah. Chadlite is 5% and chad is 1%. Think bout it one chadlite on average for every 20 guys in a class for example but only one true chad out of 5 20 guys classes
idk if i know any "true" chad irl tbh, Def no one above 6 psl maybe someone chad cause of height and frame
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