Men are no more able than women to separate feelings from facts



Jan 2, 2019
"Males as the rational gender" is a bullshit myth and a cope. My father is a huge fucking idiot whom is driven only by his ego and would never ever look at anything purely logically, let alone something as brutal as the blackpill. Most normie men are every bit as emotionally driven as women are. In some ways they are even worse since their ego often makes them unable to accurately assess risk resulting in reckless behavior.
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I'm not your dad.
Your father is a cuck, we are not.
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get raped
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Your father is a cuck, we are not.

He is just like most men are. Most men are not rational and do not have a good understanding of their own standing in the world. They are also much more likely than women to buy into the "pull yourself up" narrative despite overwhelming evidence that it's bullshit. They are also more likely to fall for bullshit like nationalism despite not typically benefiting much from it.
He is just like most men are. Most men are not rational and do not have a good understanding of their own standing in the world. They are also much more likely than women to buy into the "pull yourself up" narrative despite overwhelming evidence that it's bullshit. They are also more likely to fall for bullshit like nationalism despite not typically benefiting much from it.
Go outside
"Males as the rational gender" is a bullshit myth and a cope.
we need to cope with being born into the subhuman gender somehow. but yeah men aren't rational, men are dumb savages. this thread will get lots of hate of course. denial is a hell of a drug I wish i was born a girl. fuck being male. its a curse
Why? To see what?
To see reality m8. Literally experience any difficult discussion in social groups etc and you'll noticing the high estrogen emotional women using their feelings and man talking by logic.
Just because your ignorant dad is like this doesn't mean the majority of grown up men are, maybe if your dad was one like them, you wouldn't be posting shitty contradicting threads every day on an online internet forum as a late 20s male.
He is just like most men are. Most men are not rational and do not have a good understanding of their own standing in the world. They are also much more likely than women to buy into the "pull yourself up" narrative despite overwhelming evidence that it's bullshit.
To see reality m8. Literally experience any difficult discussion in social groups etc and you'll noticing the high estrogen emotional women using their feelings and man talking by logic.
Just because your ignorant dad is like this doesn't mean the majority of grown up men are, maybe if your dad was one like them, you wouldn't be posting shitty contradicting threads every day on an online internet forum as a late 20s male.
stop living in denial buddy. men are retards and you know are slow witted and gullible. men are naive and easily manipulated by women, who are more socially advanced then we are emotional and riven by their egos. if men are so rational then why are are thde vast majority of men bluepulled fucktards, even within the incel community most guys refuse to fully swallow the blackpill. why do men keep simping for women and giving them privileges and treating them like their sweet innocent angels when their obviously not? men are pathetic dumb fucks. end of story. being proud of being male is like being obese
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stop living in denial buddy. men are retards and you know are slow witted and gullible. men are naive and easily manipulated by women, who are more socially advanced then we are emotional and riven by their egos. if men are so rational then why are are thde vast majority of men bluepulled fucktards, even within the incel community most guys refuse to fully swallow the blackpill. why do men keep simping for women and giving them privileges and treating them like their sweet innocent angels when their obviously not? men are pathetic dumb fucks. end of story. being proud of being male is like being obese
Was this post sarcastic?
your so in denial that you can't fathom this being serious.
LOL this has to be a joke. You couldn't even simply answer yes or no. Are you OK?
LOL this has to be a joke. You couldn't even simply answer yes or no. Are you OK?
if you were a woman you woudn't be rotting your life away on a forum like this. you'd have friends and validation and you could score moire foids as a foid than you ever could as a dude.
if you were a woman you woudn't be rotting your life away on a forum like this. you'd have friends and validation and you could score moire foids as a foid than you ever could as a dude.
How is that in any way relevant to anything I said.
if you were a woman you woudn't be rotting your life away on a forum like this. you'd have friends and validation and you could score moire foids as a foid than you ever could as a dude.
Also not rotting my life away, simply go on here whenever I'm bored or have nothing to do
controversial disillusioned thread number 4780215334
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Was this post sarcastic?
you know everything I aid was true. but you can';t accept it so you use insults as a red hearing to change the topic. swallow the blackpill, realize that being male is shit and that we lost at life because we were born as the subhuman gender.
  • Ugh..
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Yeah I think he's just trolling at this point. Or a female lol
There's a reason men are those who create history. Has there ever been any female president in the USA, has any female done anything remarkable in the world.
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you know everything I aid was true. but you can';t accept it so you use insults as a red hearing to change the topic. swallow the blackpill, realize that being male is shit and that we lost at life because we were born as the subhuman gender.
WHERE THE FUCK DID I USE INSULTS?! LOL. Also getting pumped and dumped by chads isn't much better either
refute what I aid. you can't so you resort to low IQ guys are actually proving my point.
No you just come over mentally retarded. You couldn't even answer normally
refute what I aid. you can't so you resort to low IQ guys are actually proving my point.
I don't want to bother replying to your evidence-lacking statements which hold no weight.
There's a reason men are those who create history. Has there ever been any female president in the USA, has any female done anything remarkable in the world.
ah the "muh men created and built everything" cope. the average man is a retard who hasn't contributed anything. unless you count physical labor but by that logic blacks are superior to whites because they historically did more back breaking labor.
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Women having higher estrogen levels = more emotions and more emotionally charged decisions = less rationality and more feelings

Men having lower estrogen levels = less emotional and More rational in decisions = better at separating feelings from facts.

This is why women tend to be more left wing politically than men. This is why women virtue signal more than men. End of story. Your argument is dusted
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I don't want to bother replying to your evidence-lacking statements which hold no weight.
lol reality is evidence. the state of men today and throughout time is evidence. your just in denial.
WHERE THE FUCK DID I USE INSULTS?! LOL. Also getting pumped and dumped by chads isn't much better either

No you just come over mentally retarded. You couldn't even answer normally
lol your the one who can't answer normally. all you have is immature ad hominems. you yourself are an example of what I'm talking about. male rationality is just another pathetic incel cope. men are dumb stupid animals.
ah the "muh men created and built everything" cope. the average man is a retard who hasn't contributed anything. unless you count physical labor but by that logic blacks are superior to whites because they historically did more back breaking labor.
You didn't refute any argument but contradicted yourself, nobody was claiming physical work equals efficiency. You retarded whore, men made the phone your using atm, men created the internet. Women were at home cleaning up and taking care of the child, just like you should be. Women should be fucked and be in the kitchen and making food, that's their entire purpose in this world.
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lol reality is evidence. the state of men today and throughout time is evidence. your just in denial.

lol your the one who can't answer normally. all you have is immature ad hominems. you yourself are an example of what I'm talking about. male rationality is just another pathetic incel cope. men are dumb stupid animals.
I'm genuinely convinced you're a female at this point.
nobody was claiming physical work equals efficiency.
then you admit that the average man is a retard who has contributed no more to civilization than women. and just lol at more ad hominem accusing me of being a foid just because I'm blackpilled on the curse of being born into this shit gender.
lol reality is evidence. the state of men today and throughout time is evidence. your just in denial.

lol your the one who can't answer normally. all you have is immature ad hominems. you yourself are an example of what I'm talking about. male rationality is just another pathetic incel cope. men are dumb stupid animals.
''muh ad hominems'' LMAO. Stop trying to come over so smart mate, I was unironicaly surprised at your comment and thought it was sarcastic. Stop taking everything so personal like a little bitch and come back when you have actual evidence and stop incelshaming to prove your point.
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then you admit that the average man is a retard who has contributed no more to civilization than women. and just lol at more ad hominem accusing me of being a foid just because I'm blackpilled on the curse of being born into this shit gender.
Read my entire post, slut. You shouldn't be on this forum. @Framletgod
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I'm genuinely convinced you're a female at this point.
more low IQ ad hominem. the fact is, if men weren't retards then foids wouldn't be in the privileged position they are now and men wouldn't be 2nd class citizens in the western world.
then you admit that the average man is a retard who has contributed no more to civilization than women. and just lol at more ad hominem accusing me of being a foid just because I'm blackpilled on the curse of being born into this shit gender.
Because physical work doesn't direclty equal efficiency? Really? That alone makes a man a retard?
Many men, man.
''muh ad hominems'' LMAO. Stop trying to come over so smart mate, I was unironicaly surprised at your comment and thought it was sarcastic. Stop taking everything so personal like a little bitch and come back when you have actual evidence and stop incelshaming to prove your point.
"incelshaming" lol wut. dude all you've been doing is ad homienms "your retarded, your a foid" "your trolling" blah blah blah none of this has refuted anything I've said.
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more low IQ ad hominem. the fact is, if men weren't retards then foids wouldn't be in the privileged position they are now and men wouldn't be 2nd class citizens in the western world.
Social engineering retard, could happen at pretty much any group and women are even more influenced by it when you take into consideration that it's usually the men that come up with ideologies/out of the box mindsets
Because physical work doesn't direclty equal efficiency? Really? That alone makes a man a retard?
She took a little slip out of my entire post without using it in its context, obvious victim complex = emotional = female.
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"incelshaming" lol wut. dude all you've been doing is ad homienms "your retarded, your a foid" "your trolling" blah blah blah none of this has refuted anything I've said.
I wasn't even the one to say you were retarded, are you on pills? Maybe ritalin could explain why you type with the speed of a bot.
She took a little slip out of my entire post without using it in its context, obvious victim complex = emotional = female.
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"incelshaming" lol wut. dude all you've been doing is ad homienms "your retarded, your a foid" "your trolling" blah blah blah none of this has refuted anything I've said.
So you're asking me to refute things when you couldn't even come up with actual evidence which I COULD refute in the first place, and instead decided to incelshame?
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retarded thread kys
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@Robert01 overdosed on the blackpill and went clinically insane, so the blackpill gods had to remove him from the forum.

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