Mewing question

You don't even understand what I told you retarded shitskin.

You can't spell uneducated shit. No one is copying your posting style you absolute dogtrash. You're out of insults and copying mine and being so insecure that you have to put the word copying in there to cope.

Said a retarded ethnic. Cope is calling their air inside your stinky skull "brain". Teeth will move with enough forces over time fucktard.

You can't even spell uneducated retarded ethnic. Go clean cows' shit you ethnic coper with your stupid ugly ethnic profile pic

You were born retarded and gay and this profile pic proves it
here is one of your faggy threads

You're also extremely low T asking for solutions about your non existent fertility

Go lick some Asian boots for $1, retarded gay coping moron.
piss weak reply you sound like a wounded animal with every reply

This is what you look like every time you open this website from now on expecting my traumatizing replies
Nervous scared

You've completely abandoned any arguments and phrased your entire reply purely on calling me an "ethnic" and "bad at spelling" complete weirdo
The first theory is from a DOCTOR you absolute brainlet. Rotated maxilla with its back being to high up.
this autist is obsessed with spelling and grammar, so then, what is this? you autistic reject spell checking your forum posts to perfection, how could you make a mistake like this? Imagine being this much of a nut on an incel forum, you pride yourself on something that is completely worthless in this environment and lack the self awareness to even insult others on it :lul::lul:

Its like your autistic brain robbed you of anything sembling a normal life so you cope with IQ and even then, you get mogged on that very forte. What a despicable subhuman life you lead.

how can you look at yourself with a straight face after thinking that it is remotely acceptable to clench your lip and mentalis in order to move the lower incisors? you utter baffoon
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piss weak reply you sound like a wounded animal with every reply

This is what you look like every time you open this website from now on expecting my traumatizing replies
View attachment 2138564
Says the fag that edited his comment minutes later. Goes to show how much you're trying to save face in this thread.
Last edited: Today at 3:42 PM
You've completely abandoned any arguments and phrased your entire reply purely on calling me an "ethnic" and "bad at spelling" complete weirdo

this autist is obsessed with spelling and grammar, so then, what is this? you autistic reject spell checking your forum posts to perfection, how could you make a mistake like this? Imagine being this much of a nut on an incel forum, you pride yourself on something that is completely worthless in this environment and lack the self awareness to even insult others on it :lul::lul:

Its like your autistic brain robbed you of anything sembling a normal life so you cope with IQ and even then, you get mogged on that very forte. What a despicable subhuman life you lead.

how can you look at yourself with a straight face after thinking that it is remotely acceptable to clench your lip and mentalis in order to move the lower incisors? you utter baffoon
Shut up you fridge temperature IQ fart. All your posts are repetitive, stupid, annoying and cringey.

No man will ever want to fuck you (since you're a fag) because you smell like trash and look scary with that deformed tiny asymmetric jaw and Chernobyl mutated like nose.

You'll either push your lower incisors through the lower lip or both the upper and lower lips with mewing otherwise you'll get protruding teeth OB.

No go take a shower. It's been a year, retard
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Do I keep my natural bite while mewing? I have an overbite and jaw is shifted more to one side, and when mewing, I push my lower teeth forward and make contact with just my front teeth, while keeping my tongue on the roof of my mouth. Is this okay/better to do? Or should I do natural bite + mewing. Thanks
Depends on how severe you overbite is imo. If your overbite is mild, then you could try mewing while jutting along with chewing (chewing will bring you more results than mewing from personal experience). However, jutting is not healthy for the jaw over the long run, so if you can, don't do it.

If your overbite is severe enough to impair daily function in the first place, then you're gonna have to forget mewing and you'll have to get surgery.
Looks like my tormented mutt is back for his daily beating like the obedient abused dog he is
Shut up you fridge temperature IQ fart. All your posts are repetitive, stupid, annoying and cringey.
obsessed with iq and muh atheism like the true autist that he is, ironic how you say its repetitive when you've already repeated this statement multiple times :lul:

Last edited: Today at 3:42 PM
post first edit later, so what?
because you smell like trash and look scary with that deformed tiny asymmetric jaw and Chernobyl mutated like nose.
You keep repeating this asymmetric jaw insult like a projecting dementia patient, maybe you should stop drowning in muh booze even though its a crutch for your aspie brain. Must be difficult when its the only thing that provides you with the slightest semblance of social awareness
You'll either push your lower incisors through the lower lip or both the upper and lower lips with mewing otherwise you'll get protruding teeth OB.
yes keep pushing your lower incisors through your lips like a senile grandma on the cusp of receiving her 30 thousandth dose of blood pressure medication
Images 2

How many hours have you hard mewed today?
2155217 staceylol
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Looks like my tormented mutt is back for his daily beating like the obedient abused dog he is
Shut the fuck up you brown skin deformed joke
obsessed with iq and muh atheism like the true autist that he is, ironic how you say its repetitive when you've already repeated this statement multiple times :lul:
So you are a religious sheep with 0 IQ. Stop being a stinky trash. Stop being
Last edited: Today at 3:42 PM
post first edit later, so what?
You're so afraid that you're ridiculing yourself that's why spending minutes editing your retarded comments after having posted them.
You keep repeating this asymmetric jaw insult like a projecting dementia patient, maybe you should stop drowning in muh booze even though its a crutch for your aspie brain. Must be difficult when its the only thing that provides you with the slightest semblance of social awareness
Keep coping you retarded asymmetric jawed shitskin.
yes keep pushing your lower incisors through your lips like a senile grandma on the cusp of receiving her 30 thousandth dose of blood pressure medication
View attachment 2138857
You in 30 years.

And that's not lip pushing you subversive moron.
How many hours have you hard mewed today?
View attachment 2138865
As many hours I hard fucked your mother this week.
  • Ugh..
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Shut the fuck up you brown skin deformed joke

So you are a religious sheep with 0 IQ. Stop being a stinky trash. Stop being

You're so afraid that you're ridiculing yourself that's why spending minutes editing your retarded comments after having posted them.

Keep coping you retarded asymmetric jawed shitskin.

You in 30 years.

And that's not lip pushing you subversive moron.

As many hours I hard fucked your mother this week.
pissweak reply reads like frantic desperation from a reject on the verge of tears
Scared afraid

You got so completely bodied to the point of resorting to baseless racial slurs and mom jokes, the equivalent of flinging shit and hoping one of them would stick.

go back to bumping my threads barking for your master, for indeed you are my abused dog on a leash
pissweak reply reads like frantic desperation from a reject on the verge of tears
View attachment 2138996
You got so completely bodied to the point of resorting to baseless racial slurs and mom jokes, the equivalent of flinging shit and hoping one of them would stick.

go back to bumping my threads barking for your master, for indeed you are my abused dog on a leash
Tell your mom I'll fuck her double the hours this week I need to sharpen up my zygos, you delusional retarded ethnic rat piece of shit
  • Ugh..
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And that's not lip pushing you subversive moron.
he calls it lip pushing

Is that the cope you invented to fight back your recessed filthy jaw? instead of face pulling you should pull that disgusting cock out of your mouth before typing to me
he calls it lip pushing
View attachment 2139006
Is that the cope you invented to fight back your recessed filthy jaw? instead of face pulling you should pull that disgusting cock out of your mouth before typing to me
My cock is at your mom's mouth. Keep coping for me with your tiny asymmetric jaw, you stinky joke.
  • Ugh..
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you call people low iq but look at your replies when backed into a corner and bullied to submission
You'll either push your lower incisors through the lower lip or both the upper and lower lips with mewing otherwise you'll get protruding teeth OB.
This autist is pulling his nose, zygos and hard mewing in order to reconcile his miserable past

the level of buffoonery you would go through to stop being an abused mutt, suck your lips harder fag
you call people low iq but look at your replies when backed into a corner and bullied to submission

This autist is pulling his nose, zygos and hard mewing in order to reconcile his miserable past

the level of buffoonery you would go through to stop being an abused mutt, suck your lips harder fag
Said a retarded ethnic that doesn't even know what overbite is.

Facepulling works.

You're such an idiot and ugly that not even rope pulling can save you. Don't forget to edit your idiotic comments 5 minutes later, insecure 50kg cuck.

Go back to your shithole, walking joke.
  • Ugh..
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Said a retarded ethnic that doesn't even know what overbite is.
Copies my posting style, and now copying the very first insult i victimized him with. Either you are severely retarded or its your way of asking for my abuse, you stockholme syndrome ridden victim.
Facepulling works.

Comparing orthodontic treatment to using your fetal alcohol fingers is completely different
Copies my posting style, and now copying the very first insult i victimized him with. Either you are severely retarded or its your way of asking for my abuse, you stockholme syndrome ridden victim.

Comparing orthodontic treatment to using your fetal alcohol fingers is completely different
You are the one copying me, you absolute trash. The difference is that you're a coward cuck, editing your comments minutes later.

It's not "orthodontic treatment", it's facepulling, I didn't say pull with your fingers you hollow headed Asian APE.
  • Ugh..
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hollow headed Asian APE.
called me brown and now asian, you schizophrenic patient loser
You are the one copying me, you absolute trash.
copying what exactly? every theory you have across including your lip/dick sucking method has already been debunked and now new to this sphere like a 3 month old fetus you are scrambling to find solutions for your deformed disgusting face. Even willing to subject yourself to this absolute loony theory
I didn't say pull with your fingers you hollow headed Asian APE.
There is no way you're getting professional face pulling you lying rodent. And, just like contact sports, you are not an mma fighter you are just punching yourself in the face and calling it muh "bone smashing"
called me brown and now asian, you schizophrenic patient loser
Are Bangladesh or Sri Lankan people European? MORON.
copying what exactly? every theory you have across including your lip/dick sucking method has already been debunked and now new to this sphere like a 3 month old fetus you are scrambling to find solutions for your deformed disgusting face. Even willing to subject yourself to this absolute loony theory
Debunked by who you stupid trash? Go lick an Asian boot you tiny jawed mutated accident.
There is no way you're getting professional face pulling you lying rodent. And, just like contact sports, you are not an mma fighter you are just punching yourself in the face and calling it muh "bone smashing"
Never said I will get professional face pulling. I never mentioned thumbs yet you did, because you are retarded.

Just rope pull your tiny asymmetric jaw

you hollow head stinky monkey.

You are the polar opposite of Gandy. Scary looking asymmetric jawed shit.
  • Ugh..
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you hollow head stinky monkey.

You are the polar opposite of Gandy. Scary looking asymmetric jawed shit.
incredible you worship and idolize male models fitting for a bully victim with an inferiority complex
Are Bangladesh or Sri Lankan people European? MORON.
people mean arab with this term but regardless a completely baseless insult. Keep flinging shit hoping one of them sticks praying for the attention of your abuser
Never said I will get professional face pulling. I never mentioned thumbs yet you did, because you are retarded.
You speak of face pulling, bone smashing and lip sucking all loony theories, of course it is expected from an imbecile like you who is willing to botch themselves for the sake of his idols

makes fun of religious people but then worships "men" you autistic faggot
incredible you worship and idolize male models fitting for a bully victim with an inferiority complex
Says the fucktard with this profile pic

people mean arab with this term but regardless a completely baseless insult. Keep flinging shit hoping one of them sticks praying for the attention of your abuser
You're asian and shitskin. No cope will save you, brainless ape.
You speak of face pulling, bone smashing and lip sucking all loony theories, of course it is expected from an imbecile like you who is willing to botch themselves for the sake of his idols

makes fun of religious people but then worships "men" you autistic faggot
View attachment 2139078
Where did I worship men, Gandy was used to illustrate the rope a subhuman like you needs.

Close your mouth and go clean toilets in the shithole you live.
Says the fucktard with this profile pic

You're asian and shitskin. No cope will save you, brainless ape.

Where did I worship men, Gandy was used to illustrate the rope a subhuman like you needs.

Close your mouth and go clean toilets in the shithole you live.
pissweak reply

I live in your head rent free, go back to your lip/dick sucking training my autistic bully victim
pissweak reply

I live in your head rent free, go back to your lip/dick sucking training my autistic bully victim
Copying me again.

As I said. Go lick some toilets shitskin.
Copying me again.

As I said. Go lick some toilets shitskin.
he trademarked the phrase "go back"

you copied my entire posting style you schizo autist, your hard mewing is used to fit more dicks in your mouth my stockholme syndrome ridden victim
he trademarked the phrase "go back"

you copied my entire posting style you schizo autist, your hard mewing is used to fit more dicks in your mouth my stockholme syndrome ridden victim
I fuck your mom's mouth. Go clean some toilets you copying tard shitskin.
Go clean some toilets you copying tard shitskin.
"copying tard" what a fucking autist

did you suck your lips too while typing this to me? muh suck your lips for gandy bro trust bro the alveolar ridge believe me please
Adln6eXy o
"copying tard" what a fucking autist

did you suck your lips too while typing this to me? muh suck your lips for gandy bro trust bro the alveolar ridge believe me please
View attachment 2139131
No, your mom sucked my dick while I was typing this. Braindead ape.
No, your mom sucked my dick while I was typing this. Braindead ape.
you trained your lips for dicksucking and framed it as fixing your filthy jaw, keep barking for me
you trained your lips for dicksucking and framed it as fixing your filthy jaw, keep barking for me
Shut the fuck up you scary looking asymmetric jawed hollow head shitskin.
ask on tbh

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