Mk677 or hgh

Boron is without a doupt one of the best natural supplement for height growth. Not only as an ai but also help bones growth
i take it at 1mg a day no more i need
in this study is also says "E2 almost doubled, increasing from an average of 21.1 pg/mL to 41.4 pg/mL"
"In women on a low-magnesium diet, E2 almost doubled, increasing from an average of 21.1 pg/mL to 41.4 pg/mL."
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"In women on a low-magnesium diet, E2 almost doubled, increasing from an average of 21.1 pg/mL to 41.4 pg/mL."
yes so??? still increases, even with magnesium the effect would be less but it still would increase estrogen, class A retard jesus
yes so??? still increases, even with magnesium the effect would be less but it still would increase estrogen, class A retard jesus
Not gonna debate with you all night. .org user never admit when they are wrong anyway. If you dont want to take boron dont.
Not gonna debate with you all night. .org user never admit when they are wrong anyway. If you dont want to take boron dont.
wasnt wrong lmao your own study you used disproved your claim, your right .org users never admit when their wrong like what you are currently doing, what a fucking hypocrite :forcedsmile:
wasnt wrong lmao your own study you used disproved your claim, your right .org users never admit when their wrong like what you are currently doing, what a fucking hypocrite :forcedsmile:
The studie does not disprove my claim🙏🤣 low iq
The studie does not disprove my claim🙏🤣 low iq
yep top of the notch retard, cant read, you are actually disgusting lmfao, its clear i am getting to you with you putting more emojis how sad :cry:
in this study is also says "E2 almost doubled, increasing from an average of 21.1 pg/mL to 41.4 pg/mL"
doesnt matter if the diet was magnesium deficient if you just magically made them have healthy magnesium levels it wouldnt change much at all, but hey bro nothing against a dumbfuck closing his growth plates early and stunting his growth go for it man!
yep top of the notch retard, cant read, you are actually disgusting lmfao, its clear i am getting to you with you putting more emojis how sad :cry:

doesnt matter if the diet was magnesium deficient if you just magically made them have healthy magnesium levels it wouldnt change much at all, but hey bro nothing against a dumbfuck closing his growth plates early and stunting his growth go for it man!
In "women"on a low-magnesium diet, E2 almost doubled, increasing from an average of 21.1 pg/mL to 41.4 pg/mL. if it said women and not male and women, it may be for a reason hm lil bro🥺?
yep top of the notch retard, cant read, you are actually disgusting lmfao, its clear i am getting to you with you putting more emojis how sad :cry:

doesnt matter if the diet was magnesium deficient if you just magically made them have healthy magnesium levels it wouldnt change much at all, but hey bro nothing against a dumbfuck closing his growth plates early and stunting his growth go for it man!
"After only 1 week of boron supplementation of 6 mg/d, a further study by Naghii et al20 of healthy males (n = 8) found (1) a significant increase in free testosterone, which rose from an average of 11.83 pg/mL to 15.18 pg/mL; and (2) significant decreases in E2, which dropped from 42.33 pg/mL to 25.81 pg/mL" do you still have something to say my boy?
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yep top of the notch retard, cant read, you are actually disgusting lmfao, its clear i am getting to you with you putting more emojis how sad :cry:

doesnt matter if the diet was magnesium deficient if you just magically made them have healthy magnesium levels it wouldnt change much at all, but hey bro nothing against a dumbfuck closing his growth plates early and stunting his growth go for it man!
Low iq nigga
yep top of the notch retard, cant read, you are actually disgusting lmfao, its clear i am getting to you with you putting more emojis how sad :cry:

doesnt matter if the diet was magnesium deficient if you just magically made them have healthy magnesium levels it wouldnt change much at all, but hey bro nothing against a dumbfuck closing his growth plates early and stunting his growth go for it man!
Yh look like you got no more argument😆typicall retarded monkey. hope you will remember this your whole life so you learn to shut your lil ass up
Dude, you're 14 for real? how has youth changed to think straight in hgh?

Better try to play basketball, volleyball, always kids who get into those sports develop a good stature.
But I thought that was cope
Yh look like you got no more argument😆typicall retarded monkey. hope you will remember this your whole life so you learn to shut your lil ass up
No more argument I disproved you again bring a hypocrite says I have no more argument when I won, but it’s okay keep lying to your self, you lied about being right you also lied to yourself when you said you weren’t going to argue with me the whole night but here you were having the last word, you are truly disgusting 🤢
"After only 1 week of boron supplementation of 6 mg/d, a further study by Naghii et al20 of healthy males (n = 8) found (1) a significant increase in free testosterone, which rose from an average of 11.83 pg/mL to 15.18 pg/mL; and (2) significant decreases in E2, which dropped from 42.33 pg/mL to 25.81 pg/mL" do you still have something to say my boy?
Boron won’t drop your estrong in half it would be stronger than a aromatase inhibitor with less side effects, clearly the effect was not important enough to actually heightmax and your also ignoring the fact that in that same study it also says it doubled estrogen so it seems to be all over the place and not reliable
No more argument I disproved you again bring a hypocrite says I have no more argument when I won, but it’s okay keep lying to your self, you lied about being right you also lied to yourself when you said you weren’t going to argue with me the whole night but here you were having the last word, you are truly disgusting 🤢
" significant decreases in E2, which dropped from 42.33 pg/mL to 25.81 pg/mL" but cope r-right🥺🥺 boron is definitly NOT an ai yea🤣
  • Hmm...
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in this study is also says "E2 almost doubled, increasing from an average of 21.1 pg/mL to 41.4 pg/mL"
@mathis okay keep ignoring facts
In WOMEN lil bro. In WOMEN.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29747
" significant decreases in E2, which dropped from 42.33 pg/mL to 25.81 pg/mL" but cope r-right🥺🥺 boron is definitly NOT an ai yea🤣
Keep crying for me
In WOMEN lil bro. In WOMEN.
So, boron doesn’t randomly do opposite things based on gender, you are actually a retard
So, boron doesn’t randomly do opposite things based on gender, you are actually a retard
It does lil bro. IT DOES. Lowest iq i hqve never seen.
Also jfl what is your response time lmao, literally not even five minutes after, I expect to see you here in 5 years still
It does lil bro. IT DOES. Lowest iq i hqve never seen.
Got any proof for it or you just saying it like everything else, grow up man snd stop making stuff up it doesn’t work like that
Also jfl what is your response time lmao, literally not even five minutes after, I expect to see you here in 5 years still
Bro got no argument so now he need to insult me 🙏
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29747
Got any proof for it or you just saying it like everything else, grow up man snd stop making stuff up it doesn’t work like that
"Increased levels of sex steroids have been demonstrated in both men and women after boron supplementation.1,20 In 1987, Nielsen et al1 reported that dietary boron repletion in postmenopausal women (n = 13), who were previously on a low-boron diet, significantly increased their serum estradiol (E2) and testosterone levels, particularly for those women whose dietary intake of magnesium was low. In women on a low-magnesium diet, E2 almost doubled, increasing from an average of 21.1 pg/mL to 41.4 pg/mL. Testosterone more than doubled, rising from an average of 0.31 ng/mL to 0.83 ng/mL. Similar increases were seen in the women on an adequate-magnesium diet: E2 rose from an average of 15.5 pg/mL to 38.0 pg/mL, and testosterone increased from 0.38 ng/mL to 0.65 ng/mL. In 1997, Naghii et al21 published findings of a similar increase in serum levels of E2 in healthy males (n = 18) after 4 weeks of dietary supplementation with boron.

After only 1 week of boron supplementation of 6 mg/d, a further study by Naghii et al20 of healthy males (n = 8) found (1) a significant increase in free testosterone, which rose from an average of 11.83 pg/mL to 15.18 pg/mL; and (2) significant decreases in E2, which dropped from 42.33 pg/mL to 25.81 pg/mL. All of the inflammatory biomarkers that were measured also decreased: (1) interleukin (IL) 6, from 1.55 pg/mL to 0.87 pg/mL; (2) high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) by approximately 50%, a remarkable decrease, from 1460 ng/mL to 795 ng/mL; and (3) tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) by approximately 30%, from 12.32 to 9.97 pg/mL. Levels of dihydrotestosterone, cortisol, and vitamin D increased slightly." READ lil bro. READ
do you care about results or about muh needles

obviously hgh is gonna be much more advantageous than mk677

hgh is better in everything so the only con for you is having to pin it, if ur that afraid then idk man it wasnt for you
How about the fact it increases the size of your organs, increased risk of cancer etc 😂
"Increased levels of sex steroids have been demonstrated in both men and women after boron supplementation.1,20 In 1987, Nielsen et al1 reported that dietary boron repletion in postmenopausal women (n = 13), who were previously on a low-boron diet, significantly increased their serum estradiol (E2) and testosterone levels, particularly for those women whose dietary intake of magnesium was low. In women on a low-magnesium diet, E2 almost doubled, increasing from an average of 21.1 pg/mL to 41.4 pg/mL. Testosterone more than doubled, rising from an average of 0.31 ng/mL to 0.83 ng/mL. Similar increases were seen in the women on an adequate-magnesium diet: E2 rose from an average of 15.5 pg/mL to 38.0 pg/mL, and testosterone increased from 0.38 ng/mL to 0.65 ng/mL. In 1997, Naghii et al21 published findings of a similar increase in serum levels of E2 in healthy males (n = 18) after 4 weeks of dietary supplementation with boron.

After only 1 week of boron supplementation of 6 mg/d, a further study by Naghii et al20 of healthy males (n = 8) found (1) a significant increase in free testosterone, which rose from an average of 11.83 pg/mL to 15.18 pg/mL; and (2) significant decreases in E2, which dropped from 42.33 pg/mL to 25.81 pg/mL. All of the inflammatory biomarkers that were measured also decreased: (1) interleukin (IL) 6, from 1.55 pg/mL to 0.87 pg/mL; (2) high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) by approximately 50%, a remarkable decrease, from 1460 ng/mL to 795 ng/mL; and (3) tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) by approximately 30%, from 12.32 to 9.97 pg/mL. Levels of dihydrotestosterone, cortisol, and vitamin D increased slightly." READ lil bro. READ
E2 rose from an average of 15.5 pg/mL to 38.0 pg/mL, and testosterone increased from 0.38 ng/mL to 0.65 ng/mL. In 1997, Naghii et al21 published findings of a similar increase in serum levels of E2 in healthy males (n = 18) after 4 weeks of dietary supplementation with boron.

You read this dumbass in healthy males 😂
E2 rose from an average of 15.5 pg/mL to 38.0 pg/mL, and testosterone increased from 0.38 ng/mL to 0.65 ng/mL. In 1997, Naghii et al21 published findings of a similar increase in serum levels of E2 in healthy males (n = 18) after 4 weeks of dietary supplementation with boron.

You read this dumbass in healthy males 😂
No way🙏😭 it say male for the next paragraph god damn its insane💀
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Ignoring facts again
You said no fact. There is a graph on women, one on male. You choose to ignore the one showing a drastic E2 diminution( the one talking abt healthy man and not women) because you dont want to be wrong
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 29747
You said no fact. There is a graph on women, one on male. You choose to ignore the one showing a drastic E2 diminution( the one talking abt healthy man and not women) because you dont want to be wrong
E2 rose from an average of 15.5 pg/mL to 38.0 pg/mL, and testosterone increased from 0.38 ng/mL to 0.65 ng/mL. In 1997, Naghii et al21 published findings of a similar increase in serum levels of E2 in healthy males (n = 18) after 4 weeks of dietary supplementation with boron

Sure it says it decreases estrogen but it also says its increase it in HEALTHY MALES
Learn to read dumbass
Clearly it’s not a reliable substance but go ahead
You dont even know how to read a studie even tho it’s extremly simple. Sad
Here you lost the argument now you insult, everything you say is making you a hipocritye
Doing everything that you say I do your so stupid
E2 rose from an average of 15.5 pg/mL to 38.0 pg/mL, and testosterone increased from 0.38 ng/mL to 0.65 ng/mL. In 1997, Naghii et al21 published findings of a similar increase in serum levels of E2 in healthy males (n = 18) after 4 weeks of dietary supplementation with boron

Sure it says it decreases estrogen but it also says its increase it in HEALTHY MALES
Learn to read dumbass
Clearly it’s not a reliable substance but go ahead
Here they are talking abt the test part. Not the E2. And even if you were right they say just after that in a FURTHER studie( a bettet one ) , it showed a completly different result
Here you lost the argument now you insult, everything you say is making you a hipocritye
Doing everything that you say I do your so stupid
Its not an insult. Just the truth. You dont know how to read a simple graph
  • Hmm...
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Here they are talking abt the test part. Not the E2. And even if you were right they say just after that in a FURTHER studie( a bettet one ) , it showed a completly different result
I can’t argue with someone who ignores facts and goes off only what they want but hey we all know who is really correct (me)
Its not an insult. Just the truth. You dont know how to read a simple graph
Just looked over the study not one single graph about boron, what are you talking about you fucking retard
I can’t argue with someone who ignores facts and goes off only what they want but hey we all know who is really correct (me)
If you dont want to trust studies just ask ai like chat gpt👍
How about the fact it increases the size of your organs, increased risk of cancer etc 😂
i was assuming he was hgh deficient had had it prescribed
Just looked over the study not one single graph about boron, what are you talking about you fucking retard
Traduction :
Boron may reduce estradiol (E2) levels in men by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme


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Just looked over the study not one single graph about boron, what are you talking about you fucking retard
I even did it in english for you lil bro


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How about the fact it increases the size of your organs, increased risk of cancer etc 😂
i’m somewhat uneducated on this topic but wouldn’t mk677 do the same, if it actually works?
i’m somewhat uneducated on this topic but wouldn’t mk677 do the same, if it actually works?
Don’t think so it’s weak asf
  • JFL
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