More Cardio vs. Calorie Deficit



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Mar 20, 2020
I need to lose 4kg/month for the next 4 months but i build pretty solid upper body by gaining muscle so i wonder that
if i should deficit my calorie or just do more cardio sessions?

Cardio is katabolic but calorie deficit means "no muscle gain".

So basically 600 calorie deficit per day or just do 50mins of running extra everyday.

I'm confused.
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More cardio obv
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so no calorie deficit at all you say ? isn't that stressful for muscles too ?
Yeah in my experience its better increase cardio than decrease calories
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if u lose 4 kg per month you'll lose 80% muscle lol
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if u lose 4 kg per month you'll lose 80% muscle lol
i doubt that bro, lots of my friends do that and don't lose much muscle.

although we're all beginners (0-2 years workout)
u mean eating less. eating 3000 cals plus enough cardio to burn 3100 cals a day is a deficit.

nitpicks me
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50 min of running? Bruh you're gonna burn yourself out lol Stick to the calorie deficit so you can maintain your muscle. If you wanna do cardio do it once a week, incline treadmill for 30-40 min
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50 min of running? Bruh you're gonna burn yourself out lol Stick to the calorie deficit so you can maintain your muscle. If you wanna do cardio do it once a week, incline treadmill for 30-40 min
why ? isn't it manageble for like 3~4 months ?
why ? isn't it manageble for like 3~4 months ?
No running is the lowest IQ thing you can do. This isn't a race, 8lb a month is NOT IDEAL. You should be losing 4lb a month ideally
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I need to lose 4kg/month for the next 4 months but i build pretty solid upper body by gaining muscle so i wonder that
if i should deficit my calorie or just do more cardio sessions?

Cardio is katabolic but calorie deficit means "no muscle gain".

So basically 600 calorie deficit per day or just do 50mins of running extra everyday.

I'm confused.
I would suggest getting the right macros. On Youtube EveryDayDamn fitness talks about this
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if u lose 4 kg per month you'll lose 80% muscle lol
4 kg a month is literally 2 pounds A week he’s not gonna lose too much muscle
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Eating+burning a lot of kcal ages you though. I would rather do short intensive cardio for health than longer sessions for energy usage.

Focus on kcal deficit.
  • Hmm...
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Its the opposite. Calorie deficit is much more important and better than cardio for fat loss and muscle gain.
Intense cardio makes you hungrier and too much of it can cause muscle loss.

Just track your food and cut your calories. If you wanna burn more, start walking because that doesnt make you hungry or cause muscle loss.
Dont rush the fat loss. There is a huge correlation between fast fat loss and gaining all the weight back.
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If you want to lose 4kg/month, you have to be very committed and have few cheat days. That's a lot of stress on your body if you're sub-20% body fat. If you're more, then you should have an easier time. If I were you, I would cut calories to a good -500 from your TDEE and supplement that with cardio. You're at least giving your body more energy and nutrients than cutting down 1000 calories/day aka 1kg lost per week.

Now, for muscle gain, eating more than your energy expenditure is a myth for the first few months of a newbie. Get your protein in, maybe 1-1.2g/kg and keep losing weight and you'll definitely add mass. Muscle needs protein as synthesis but your body will be stressed enough to build muscle under composition. After the first few months, it will be much harder to "maingain" because gaining weight is part of adding mass to your body. It's science.
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If you want to lose 4kg/month, you have to be very committed and have few cheat days. That's a lot of stress on your body if you're sub-20% body fat. If you're more, then you should have an easier time. If I were you, I would cut calories to a good -500 from your TDEE and supplement that with cardio. You're at least giving your body more energy and nutrients than cutting down 1000 calories/day aka 1kg lost per week.

Now, for muscle gain, eating more than your energy expenditure is a myth for the first few months of a newbie. Get your protein in, maybe 1-1.2g/kg and keep losing weight and you'll definitely add mass. Muscle needs protein as synthesis but your body will be stressed enough to build muscle under composition. After the first few months, it will be much harder to "maingain" because gaining weight is part of adding mass to your body. It's science.
i'm overweight actually. my back and shoulders expanded a lot and i really really love this so i don't want to lose it.
however i'm 177 and 92kg so i'm fat basically :(
i'm overweight actually. my back and shoulders expanded a lot and i really really love this so i don't want to lose it.
however i'm 177 and 92kg so i'm fat basically :(
Thats fat as hell ngl. Well you can cut more aggressively in the start, but dont go too extreme or anything.

Anyway your calories will be the most important. Running is much more inconsistent. Get your eating habits down
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No running is the lowest IQ thing you can do. This isn't a race, 8lb a month is NOT IDEAL. You should be losing 4lb a month ideally
Running builds actual cardiovascular endurance, now you can do the same with boxing, soccer, football etc.. so i don't understand how is running low iq, yes it fucks up your knees if your running marathons every week, but if you run every 2-3 days a couple miles its good. For a guy who is around 200 pounds if you run at around 7mph for 20 mins you'll burn ≈ 400 which is time efficient af. Jumping rope burns around the same too and fucks ur knees pretty much to same degree.

Now for if you should only eat at a deficit purely off caloric restriction or cardio? You should really do cardio. Imagine yourself ripped but have a stamina of a 80 year old grandmother, whats the fucking point? You want to look and be athletic. At the end of the day you'll look the same either way you go, but you want to look good and feel good. Its calories is <--- Calories out ----> Everything else is kinda nit picking. And losing 2lbs per week will get you burnt out af, been there done that. The first 2 weeks are smooth sailing, but then the cravings kick in, and trust me you'll crumble, once i had such big craving that i walked 3 miles to the store and back just to get some pastries, which is kinda a good thing but that tells you the level of the sugar cravings.
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Running builds actual cardiovascular endurance, now you can do the same with boxing, soccer, football etc.. so i don't understand how is running low iq, yes it fucks up your knees if your running marathons every week, but if you run every 2-3 days a couple miles its good. For a guy who is around 200 pounds if you run at around 7mph for 20 mins you'll burn ≈ 400 which is time efficient af. Jumping rope burns around the same too and fucks ur knees pretty much to same degree.

Now for if you should only eat at a deficit purely off caloric restriction or cardio? You should really do cardio. Imagine yourself ripped but have a stamina of a 80 year old grandmother, whats the fucking point? You want to look and be athletic. At the end of the day you'll look the same either way you go, but you want to look good and feel good. Its calories is <--- Calories out ----> Everything else is kinda nit picking. And losing 2lbs per week will get you burnt out af, been there done that. The first 2 weeks are smooth sailing, but then the cravings kick in, and trust me you'll crumble, once i had such big craving that i walked 3 miles to the store and back just to get some pastries, which is kinda a good thing but that tells you the level of the sugar cravings.
I said it's low iq cuz its the WORST type of cardio, especially if he's resistance training, that's a good way to burn yourself out quick. Caloric deficit + resistance training for 6 months is good enough. Obviously once he's at the body he wants then he can add everything else to improve athleticism and stamina. He's better off walking at a fast pace on a high incline treadmill without using his hands on the handles (once or twice per day). That's my opinion
I said it's low iq cuz its the WORST type of cardio, especially if he's resistance training, that's a good way to burn yourself out quick. Caloric deficit + resistance training for 6 months is good enough. Obviously once he's at the body he wants then he can add everything else to improve athleticism and stamina. He's better off walking at a fast pace on a high incline treadmill without using his hands on the handles (once or twice per day). That's my opinion
Thats fat as hell ngl. Well you can cut more aggressively in the start, but dont go too extreme or anything.

Anyway your calories will be the most important. Running is much more inconsistent. Get your eating habits down

my hips are wide thankfully my shoulders are wide too.

so now my shoulder circumference 132,chest 114 and hip 106, waist 96.
back then shoulder was 119 yet the hip was 109.
i wonder how many cms would i lose if i would lose 12kg for the next 3 months?

some people basically says you will lose all the gains but i don't think that's true. what do you think ?
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my hips are wide thankfully my shoulders are wide too.

so now my shoulder circumference 132,chest 114 and hip 106, waist 96.
back then shoulder was 119 yet the hip was 109.
i wonder how many cms would i lose if i would lose 12kg for the next 3 months?

some people basically says you will lose all the gains but i don't think that's true. what do you think ?
As long as you keep up the resistance training you won't lose gains. It takes like 2 weeks of doing LDAR to lose muscle gains anyway. But don't overdo the cardio, focus on getting much muscle as possible first then when you like the body you see do more cardio
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my hips are wide thankfully my shoulders are wide too.

so now my shoulder circumference 132,chest 114 and hip 106, waist 96.
back then shoulder was 119 yet the hip was 109.
i wonder how many cms would i lose if i would lose 12kg for the next 3 months?

some people basically says you will lose all the gains but i don't think that's true. what do you think ?
Calorie deficit, some walking and strength training is all you ever need.
The calorie and tracking your food is 80-90% of the equation.

Anyway if you lose muscle or not depends on how experienced you are in training(how much of your natural limit you have reached)
and how big the deficit is/how much protein you eat.

Do a 500 calorie deficit, eat enough protein. If you are a beginner or under 2 years of training, you will build muscles while losing fat
If you are not losing weight from diet alone, your diet is trash
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I said it's low iq cuz its the WORST type of cardio, especially if he's resistance training, that's a good way to burn yourself out quick. Caloric deficit + resistance training for 6 months is good enough. Obviously once he's at the body he wants then he can add everything else to improve athleticism and stamina. He's better off walking at a fast pace on a high incline treadmill without using his hands on the handles (once or twice per day). That's my opinion
is sprinting good for athlete wh wants to get faster?

what should I do?
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is sprinting good for athlete wh wants to get faster?

what should I do?
Depends what sport are you playing?
He just means weight training with progressive overload(adding weight to the bar)
huh ? i'm already working out 6 days in a week, push pull leg.
so no other exercise for weight loss ?
huh ? i'm already working out 6 days in a week, push pull leg.
so no other exercise for weight loss ?
Walking or a couple small high intensity training or whatever that shit is called
it doesnt matterr
calorie deficit is all you need. there is nothing more to it

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