Most brutal Somali phenotype pill (ALL BLACKCELS GTFIH!)

UKcel JFL your probably nigerian undesirable. i been London before the Jamaicans settle for fat white girls while the West africancels get no action from any white or muslim girls. Your stuck with your fat sheboons forever

Phutite (so-called Somali) men only get the fat ugly Edomite (so-called White) women when you do get lucky and get one just like your Canaanite brethren from west and central Africa and y’all ugly Phutite men don’t even want your fat, ugly, bald headed, and bamboon looking Phutite women yourselves 😂. No nation of women wants y’all big forehead King Kings.

You probably don't travel, due to media outside of US most blacks are seen as rappers or thugs. JBB only works in the hood

Black americans can't slay white girls in US either as only 7% marry out and BBC is a myth, you are most undesirable race on planet, stick to your sheboon black thots while I slay some arab and Ethio somali women JFL :feelshaha:

“Black” is a crayon color not an identity, Blackcel and Phutite (so-called Somali) men should stick to your ape looking Phutite women 😂. They’re literally hideous, fat, and undesirable just like every other Hamite (so-called African) woman out there.

Your own women don’t even want you ugly ales either. Both genders know the other is ugly, hence why y’all don’t waste any time marrying out when you get the opportunity to.
JFL at this jareer "muh im wealthy":feelshaha: Looks and phenotype is all, and you are west african 4c hair big boned jigaboo, can't compete

Also, notice you mentioned Edomite (so-called White) girls in your last comment, which shows even you know that your ugly ape looking Phutite (so-called Somali) women are undesirable and ugly 😂. You want Edomite women just like your pathetic Canaanite brethren from west and central Aftica. Hamite (so-called African) men are literally the least desired men statistically on earth and has an innumerable amount of blackcels amongst y’all 😆.

Israelite (so-called Negro) men, bastard (mixed) men, Israelite women, and bastard women are ranked ahead of y’all apes. Your Phutite women are King Kings and are fat.

Nobody likes y’all toilet seat Hamite men and Hamite women, especially not you monkey faced Phutite men and fat ugly Phutite women 🤣.

“Burke et al. (2013) built on these findings by asking Japanese and Caucasian participants to rate the masculinity and femininity of Caucasian, Asian, and African men and women. African female faces were judged to be significantly less feminine than Caucasian or Asian females faces. Asian men were also rated as significantly lower in masculinity than Caucasian men.


These findings contribute towards a biological explanation for the poor performance of Asian men and black women in online dating, as masculinity for men and femininity for women are known to form a major part of attractiveness for each gender. These findings have been replicated across several cultures and countries, but further study will help to clarify the degree to which this perception is global or likely evolutionary rather than cultural.

Related to this, East Asian men have around eight time less facial hair mass than Caucasians, which is also a gerontomorphic feature (Maurer 2016). The most significant genetic variant relating to facial hair is on the EDAR gene (rs365060) is also present in 80% of Caucasians, but only ~3% of Asians (source).


  • The Asian male faces were rated as significantly lower than the Caucasian males on masculinity (F(1,141) = 7.32, p = .008).
  • The African female faces were rated significantly lower on femininity than the African males were on masculinity (F(1,141) = 67.36, p < .001)
  • Female African faces were judged to be significantly less feminine than the female Caucasian and Asian faces.
  • Lower perceived femininity is known to correlate with lower attractiveness ratings (e.g., Burke and Sulikowski, 2010). (Burke et al. 2013)
  • The results reported above clearly demonstrate that race, or at least the perception of race, affects a variety of perceived characteristics of faces.
  • Black female faces were perceived as more mature, more masculine and stronger than the White faces.
  • A pattern was found for female faces with Whiteness being associated with attractiveness. (Lewis 2010)”
  • Scientific Blackpill

Nobody wants ape looking Phutite women or any Hamite women for that matter 😆.
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