Most people on here are not truly blackpilled

Nigga please leave this site or else you will never have teen love
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I have been on PSL since 2015. and I can't believe that there are still people who believe in this "personality" and "game" theories.
Even when you present them peer-reviewed studies which clearly confirm looks theory.
Yes, looks matter. Personality does in many areas of life but not much in dating.
There is no "game", what you see in GL guys interraction with woman and you think it's because of their "behaviour" is because of their looks, just imagine guy with subChad face trying to pull exactly the same lines. Dosen't work, right?
PUA is based on wrong assumptions, and I mean proven wrong by science.
only game is being normal and not dyslexic / autistic etc. jfl at believing saying a couple of sentences or two and getting laid cuz of that. also looks may carry an autistic chad while your game will not carry your subhuman face or autism. but i wouldn't be an loner incel if i had a normal brain
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Nigga please leave this site or else you will never have teen love
You really think the possibility is still there?
8419B4E0 BF54 468A 94BF D5009CD422F4

Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable
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I don’t think this is true. Looksmaxing is a great idea for black pillers because it literally gives them something to do and worry about. Little dopamine hits every time you progress and see results ect. Looks maxing only won’t work for legit 3/10 and below with deformities. And even if you never end up chad. You’ll be the best version of yourself. You have to be a cuck to not want that.

Anyways it’s good to know the truth but it’s good to distract yourself too. Cope has its place because rope is the only choice
Nigga please leave this site or else you will never have teen love
I won't have teen love either way. I'm from the moggerlands, i'm LTN, a manlet, don't have a sharp jawline, green eyes, can't even approach girls. Also i am too far down the rabbit hole already. Atleast i am white, and have brown hair
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When bitter, angry, depressed and autistic come up with an ideology its not the objective truth.

Its just simply not.

The only objective truth is physics. Everything else is estimations
like i always say non nt=death proven bydozens of fucking essays, research and (inb4 muh how can a basement rotter liner would know ) my personal social observations along with lots of other peoples. mebtally disabled wheelchair chad doest slay. solid number if not lots of socially active ltns are not virgins
I won't have teen love either way. I'm from the moggerlands, i'm LTN, a manlet, don't have a sharp jawline, green eyes, can't even approach girls. Also i am too far down the rabbit hole already. Atleast i am white, and have brown hair
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I won't have teen love either way. I'm from the moggerlands, i'm LTN, a manlet, don't have a sharp jawline, green eyes, can't even approach girls. Also i am too far down the rabbit hole already. Atleast i am white, and have brown hair
Netherlands is hypergamous af I agree on this,
but why did you list green eyes like it would be a bad feature lol
I won't have teen love either way. I'm from the moggerlands, i'm LTN, a manlet, don't have a sharp jawline, green eyes, can't even approach girls. Also i am too far down the rabbit hole already. Atleast i am white, and have brown hair
Retard ur 14 chewing and other shit will work for u. Get a facepuller go to an orthotropist
Get a palate expander
Blast hgh for height
If this all doesnt work go to korea or japan at 17 since ur white
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Netherlands is hypergamous af I agree on this,
but why did you list green eyes like it would be a bad feature lol
Blue eyes mog. In the perfect lighting my eyes look like they are blue and it increases my PSL by 0.25-0.5
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Blue eyes mog. In the perfect lighting my eyes look like they are blue and it increases my PSL by 0.25-0.5
@Erik-Jón beat this fag for me ill get you a gf if you dont let me down
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Blue eyes mog. In the perfect lighting my eyes look like they are blue and it increases my PSL by 0.25-0.5
only light blue eyes mog dark blue eyes are worse then green eyes
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Didn’t you say you see men who you mog irl with good looking girls and you only get ghosted on dating apps?
No, this is insanely rare and only happens in weirdo social circles like alt/goth.
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Why would I want to be 'truly' blackpilled? Nihilism sucks, you gotta sparkle a bit of bluepill in there as well occasionally.
Bluepilled normie cuck
I've written more academic papers at uni (several published) than you have read reddit posts.

Another zoomer dog barking at his 6'5 MENSA-tested 135 IQ owner.
The only papers uve written are on reddit u 5’2 subhuman hindu dindu shitskin baboon.
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No, this is insanely rare and only happens in weirdo social circles like alt/goth.
These are some of nuances I was referring to. Here in Canada it is not rare to see a white 4 - 5/10 dude with a 6/10 girl - in fact, I see more relationships here where the girl mogs the dude than the reverse if I'm being honest. I only know one Chad who consistently dates women below his looksmatch; most Chads here date their looksmatch.
These are some of nuances I was referring to. Here in Canada it is not rare to see a white 4 - 5/10 dude with a 6/10 girl - in fact, I see more relationships here where the girl mogs the dude than the reverse if I'm being honest. I only know one Chad who consistently dates women below his looksmatch; most Chads here date their looksmatch.
in the netherlands, guys date down constantly.

it's extremely common to see healthy-weight men with fat women.
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in the netherlands, guys date down constantly.

it's extremely common to see healthy-weight men with fat women.
It is also common to see healthy weight women dating fat, balding white dudes in Canada, at least where I live.

@Biggdink @Blackgymmax can confirm this
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Most users here aren't truly blackpilled. They still believe in muh socialcirclepill and muh looksmaxxing. There are some truly blackpilled users like @disillusioned and @softlysoftly though, however most of this forum, especially the lookscoping section still believes in bluepill theories like how friendships are based on personality and how socialcirclemaxxing is benefitial for attracting femoids etc. But the truth is is that woman care about looks more than everything. A NT 5'7 currycel with 30 friends would get no pussy while a aspie 6'4 white brown haired, blue eyed low t chad would slay every other day.
im a aspie 6ft2 brown hair blue eye white chad and 0 slay
It is also common to see healthy weight women dating fat, balding white dudes in Canada, at least where I live.

@Biggdink @Blackgymmax can confirm this
Eh it depends on the city. I dont see that in toronto much but if its anywhere in the lower populated cities, yes
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Yeah but a 24 year old subhuman who can barely read a pier review study has more credit.
I've written more academic papers at uni (several published) than you have read reddit posts.
then why is it so hard for you post evidence to refute what I said regarding pufas???????????????
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No friends Chad = Basement life Chad. Basement life Chad
there is no such thing you idiot you wouldn't even know because you are like not even close to chad

chad can actually sit in his basement and swipe on tinder and get girls to come over his house a normie with all the social circle in the world wouldn't be able get that success maybe a pity fuck after being in the friendzone for ages

chad can also easily enter social circles and make friends you moron
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there is no such thing you idiot

chad can actually sit in his basement and swipe on tinder and get girls to come over his house a normie with all the social circle in the world wouldn't be able get that success maybe a pity fuck after being in the friendzone for ages

chad can also easily enter social circles and make friends you moron
No he can't. :feelshehe:

A normie 5/10 would be way more successful in both dating and at making friends than your example Chad incel :feelsokman:
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No he can't. :feelshehe:

A normie 5/10 would be way more successful in both dating and at making friends than your example Chad incel :feelsokman:
you must be trolling if not just what I descirbed literally happens but I know that is too hard of a pill for you to swallow
and I am not like against having a social circle but if you think that is what is keeping you from getting laid you are retarded and not goodlooking
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you must be trolling if not just what I descirbed literally happens
STDs also happen, and normies getting to date Stacies also happens. But it is neither a rule nor common enough to make generalizations like you did. :feelshehe:
but I know that is too hard of a pill for you to swallow
and I am not like against having a social circle but if you think that is what is keeping you from getting laid you are retarded and not goodlooking
What do i have to do anything here... im just an average oldcel :fuk:

But still Social circle >>> incel Chad. :feelshehe:
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then why is it so hard for you post evidence to refute what I said regarding pufas???????????????
hes lower than his dog, its worthless because he dosent care about the truth.
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STDs also happen, and normies getting to date Stacies also happens. But it is neither a rule nor common enough to make generalizations like you did. :feelshehe:

What do i have to do anything here... im just an average oldcel :fuk:

But still Social circle >>> incel Chad. :feelshehe:
it is common for every CHAD
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Actually laughed while reading the title and the fact that you are 14 :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

At 14 you don't have the coordination and self awareness to walk straight, let alone have any street credit to say who is blackpilled or not.
mods need to start banning anyone under 16-17 on here. They have no life experience. Imagine wasting your youth ranting on a looksmax forum lol
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mods need to start banning anyone under 16-17 on here. They have no life experience. Imagine wasting your youth ranting on a looksmax forum lol
Well, the good side is:

Even though their life is very sad, due to looksmax Rating section it is thankfully very short :feelsrope:

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according to this forum, being blackpilled is believing the jews are responsible for your shit life

im a bluepiller!!!!
Just be more neuro-typical, bro. The whole usage of that NT bullshit is flawed because none of .org dalits use it properly. By NT they mean be a NPC cuck that uses NigNog and etc. Actual non - NTs are the ones that can't wipe their arse or faint whenever some stranger tries to strike a conversation with them. TL; DR it's genetics more precisely LOOKS.
View attachment 1914416
no you retard, NT is being able to live a normal life, not being an NPC cuck.

most people here are incels because of their looks but there are users who are incels because of their mental illnesses. if you truly think that a HTN is incel because of his looks and not their Aspergers then you are a low-IQ nigger
Most users here aren't truly blackpilled. They still believe in muh socialcirclepill and muh looksmaxxing. There are some truly blackpilled users like @disillusioned and @softlysoftly though, however most of this forum, especially the lookscoping section still believes in bluepill theories like how friendships are based on personality and how socialcirclemaxxing is benefitial for attracting femoids etc. But the truth is is that woman care about looks more than everything. A NT 5'7 currycel with 30 friends would get no pussy while a aspie 6'4 white brown haired, blue eyed low t chad would slay every other day.
Youré lucky to be here at 14. If I was blackpiiled at 14 I would have saved so much embarrassment.
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Why are extremes always pushed to support your arguments? 6’4 Aspy Chad vs 5’7 Bubbly Curry. 80% of men don’t fall into those, they are more in the middle.

That “bluepill advice” is helpful for average men imo. Average meaning 5/10, 5’10, avg frame/weight, ambiverted
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Also this thread is utter retarded. You would have roped if you were "truly" blackpilled yet still cope on this site. True blackpillers dont exist
Based, our brains have to compel us in someway to be bluepilled to keep us sane
OP you're fucking 14 and dont have the life experience to make any conclusions on dating

Looks matter for initial attraction and the more attractive you are to a girl the more shit you can get away with, that doesn't mean you can be a chadlite aspie and get every girl

Women are repulsed by timid and unconfident guys, it's their number 1 turnoff, there are tons of ugly guys with a lot of confidence and 'game' that are able to hook up a HTB, I can link you tons of video off it

The biggest thing to remember is that the world and especially dating isn't black and white, there are nuances to this shit

Some women will be more shallow and dont care about shyness, others don't care as much about looks but need a confident man, other girls need both etc.

My big brother doesnt look as good as me and probably would get rated as a LTN here, still he gets more play than me and has a ONS almost every time he goes out because he is more charming and less inhibited than me

Everyone who takes the blackpill literally and to a 100% is coping because deep down they know their personality is utter over-Tier and they can't fathom that it's not all about their looks, even though they see 100's of succesful guys out there who are uglier than them
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Everyone who takes the blackpill literally and to a 100% is coping because deep down they know their personality is utter over-Tier and they can't fathom that it's not all about their looks, even though they see 100's of succesful guys out there who are uglier than them
Quite the opposite, everyone who copes with personality theory is mostly recessed subhuman who deeps down knows his looks is reason he's incel.
I've been here since 2015. Most of guys here are recessed compared to normies let alone Chads.
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Just be more neuro-typical, bro. The whole usage of that NT bullshit is flawed because none of .org dalits use it properly. By NT they mean be a NPC cuck that uses NigNog and etc. Actual non - NTs are the ones that can't wipe their arse or faint whenever some stranger tries to strike a conversation with them. TL; DR it's genetics more precisely LOOKS.
View attachment 1914416
Just LOL @ the notion that most of people here have very rare condition called autism and that autism is the only reason why someone is incel.
People who preach this are either recessed copers or very missinformed and know nothing about psychology.
They don't even know what actual autism is.
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Quite the opposite, everyone who copes with personality theory is mostly recessed subhuman who deeps down knows his looks is reason he's incel.
I've been here since 2015. Most of guys here are recessed compared to normies let alone Chads.
do you ever leave the house? most of the people who post on the ratings section look better than normies

my anectodal experience and eyes show me that normie looking people can still slay
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do you ever leave the house? most of the people who post on the ratings section look better than normies

my anectodal experience and eyes show me that normie looking people can still slay
Yes, I am normalfag with huge social circle and experience.
No, most don't look better than normies, you know that there is something off about them the moment you see them, and no it's not their "microexpresions".
Most users here aren't truly blackpilled. They still believe in muh socialcirclepill and muh looksmaxxing. There are some truly blackpilled users like @disillusioned and @softlysoftly though, however most of this forum, especially the lookscoping section still believes in bluepill theories like how friendships are based on personality and how socialcirclemaxxing is benefitial for attracting femoids etc. But the truth is is that woman care about looks more than everything. A NT 5'7 currycel with 30 friends would get no pussy while a aspie 6'4 white brown haired, blue eyed low t chad would slay every other day.
Two extreme…two extreme…
Why are extremes always pushed to support your arguments? 6’4 Aspy Chad vs 5’7 Bubbly Curry. 80% of men don’t fall into those, they are more in the middle.

That “bluepill advice” is helpful for average men imo. Average meaning 5/10, 5’10, avg frame/weight, ambiverted

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