mum got the doctor to prescribe me tret, it’s working well tbh


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@HerpDerpson would bimax ccw fix my short face syndrome and my somewhat crooked nose? also if the maxilla tilts upwards a tiny bit would that fix my sceleral show? I have positive orbital vector and my mum has hunter eyes
  • JFL
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wait until your meibomians are damaged and your life becomes misery and pain @Mongrelcel @PURE ARYAN GENETICS
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all u need is eyebrow styling
  • JFL
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strange looking individual
  • JFL
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strange looking individual
D2B72601 D7FF 40F7 AB67 D718984C1034
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How long have you been using tret?
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would bimax ccw fix my short face syndrome and my somewhat crooked nose?
People with sfs can get CW, if I understand this correctly, because it makes you maxilla visually longer. For nose, ccw usually helps with a crooked nose because the nose gets rotated together with the maxilla.

also if the maxilla tilts upwards a tiny bit would that fix my sceleral show?
Lower maxilla no. Only if you advance the upper maxilla with Lefort 2.
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People with sfs can get CW, if I understand this correctly, because it makes you maxilla visually longer. For nose, ccw usually helps with a crooked nose because the nose gets rotated together with the maxilla.

Lower maxilla no. Only if you advance the upper maxilla with Lefort 2.
can bimax ccw be done with widening of the maxilla? Would that expand the cheekbones out more? my eye area should been pct hunter but my maxilla is a bit downswung. What to do tbh?
View attachment 1839760

bro I’m not ramirez to pull that off
ramirwz has shit eyebrows tbh
i can’t cope getting mogged by him
i put my photo side by side with his and think about how many girls have told me he’s hot and 10/10 and i. just can’t take it bro
  • JFL
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831C7536 D85C 4AE1 AFC6 8B2AF5DBCB4A

Bro dafuq is that:lul:
Never smile again for the rest of your life tbh
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
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biggest punchable face on the forum
Hop on MSE asap. Narrow palate.
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moralcuck cope, ur gf would leave you for me in an instant faggot
my gf wouldnt even look at ur shitty pheno jfl. she hates sandniggers and everything that looks like them
I know my palate is shit, and I wouldn’t mind wider cheekbones. But I have an overbite and I thought mse causes more asymmetry?
Get SARPE+IMDO for ur overbite and ur set.
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my gf wouldnt even look at ur shitty pheno jfl. she hates sandniggers and everything that looks like them
my pheno mogs hard, I’m always told by girls that I’m Italian or Spanish, but keep coping
  • JFL
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U saw what I looked like tho and u said I have to get my ears pinned back
Get palatal widening now aswell. Dont underestimate the power of a wide palate.
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Get palatal widening now aswell. Dont underestimate the power of a wide palate.
I had braces and now I kinda have a 12 tooth symmetrical smile which girls compliment irl I think it improved my situation
I have a narrow jaw tho
should I get that before or after bimax? and how much does that shit cost. Does it cause asymmetry?
IMDO replaces BSSO, which is lower part of bimax. Just get SARPE instead of Lefort 1, since u have an overbite i dont think the traditional bimax route is ur best solution. Maybe CCW lefort in addition to SARPE if needed.
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I had braces and now I kinda have a 12 tooth symmetrical smile which girls compliment irl I think it improved my situation
I have a narrow jaw tho
How can u have a narrow palate with a 12 tooth smile? Did u have extractions?
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should I get that before or after bimax? and how much does that shit cost. Does it cause asymmetry?
SARPE is basically surgical MSE. No assymmetry if with a skilled surgeon. More expensive though. Thats why most opt for MSE
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my pheno mogs hard, I’m always told by girls that I’m Italian or Spanish, but keep coping
you look nothing like an italian or spanish guy jfl

u literally look like some random arab street shitter who took a little care of himself by washing his face and plugging his eyebrows
you look nothing like an italian or spanish guy jfl

u literally look like some random arab street shitter who took a little care of himself by washing his face and plugging his eyebrows
yea I’ll definitely believe you over what girls say face to face bru :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
yea I’ll definitely believe you over what girls say face to face bru :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
did the girls let you fuck them?

girls also say ryan gosling is hot just saying
How can u have a narrow palate with a 12 tooth smile? Did u have extractions?
Yes I did
Maybe my palate it`s not narrow then Ig just not Giga wide tier
did the girls let you fuck them?

girls also say ryan gosling is hot just saying
some of them did, celebs don’t count. Hollywood halo makes them all desirable

I’m broke and have 0 status
ramirwz has shit eyebrows tbh
i can’t cope getting mogged by him
i put my photo side by side with his and think about how many girls have told me he’s hot and 10/10 and i. just can’t take it bro
bone and frame mogger by using drugs all day since childhood :feelswhat:
you can't cope with this genetic freak :feelswhy:
  • JFL
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