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Aight bros i took over @Toursoverboyos thread
I have studied over the span of 5 month slowly and surely and now will rate the joopill
The absolute dog shit tier:-
The greatest story never told by dennis truth will or out(not a historian)
I am not going to debunk the entire shit you dont have brain span enough for that but i will pick tidbit to raise suspicion on this one
For example: He claims the Treaty of Versailles caused World War 2, and how Germany was severely punished by reparation payments which were impossible to pay, while presenting Germany as an innocent victim in all of this.
In his segment on Versailles, he stole the footage from the BBC documentary, "Make Germany Pay" (1977). Now comes the "lying by omission" part: Compare both and watch him remove any reference to the Dawes-Young Plan of 1924-1929, showing how with investments received from around the world, although largely from the United States via J.P. Morgan & Co, the German economy was recovering! This is also why the German people disliked the NSDAP, which initially received less than 3% of the vote, only until the 1929 stock market crash caused these same investments to shortly end in Germany.
Germany also had no major problems meeting its reparation payments as Dennis Wise falsely claims.
see: "The Myths of Reparations" by Sally Marks, and "American 'Reparations' to Germany, 1919-33" by Stephen Schuker)
Another example of lying by omission is why France was so "harsh" toward Germany in the first place. The background of this is that after Germany's victory in the Franco-Prussian war, Germany had imposed harsher conditions than Versailles against France in 1871.
(see: "The Second World Wars" by Victor Davis Hanson)
CLAIM 2: "Jewish elements tried to overthrow the German government via communist revolution in 1918 (Novemberrevolution)"
Let us first remind ourselves that these revisionists pointing out how utterly traitorous an attempted coup d'état is, are the ones defending Hitler, who however tried to do just this, i.e. overthrow the government in Bavaria in November 1923 (Beer Hall Putsch) and was jailed as a result. Hypocrite, much? What's with Novembers and attempted coups anyway (remember remember, the 5th of November: Guy Fawkes Night, Nov 5th 1605).
The Novemberrevolution in 1918 was NOT started by Jews, but by a German sailor mutiny called the Kiel mutiny[5]. This snowballed into a nationwide revolution that resulted in the Kaiser abdicating and handing over power to the Social Democrats, who in turn were tried to be overthrown by Communists and this failed. The leader of the latter was Karl Liebknecht[6] who was NOT a Jew, no matter how many dumb right wing sites claim (without source) to say otherwise. In any case, the Novemberrevolution did not claim many lives at all, compared to actual bloody revolutions like the French or Russian revolutions.
This documentary also mentions danzing massacre and operation groza bs so automatically out of conversation.
2)Europa last battle
This is quite similar to upper documentary but more toward modern times and more holocaust denialism and op on soviet union
Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union was a pre-emptive strike, unavoidable and necessary, to prevent an imminent full-scale Soviet invasion of Europe. In other words, Stalin was about to back-stab the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Agression Pact and invade, but Hitler and the Wehrmacht's heroic deeds saved Western Europe from Communism."
Dennis Wise attempts to justify Hitler breaking yet another Non-Aggression Pact, of 1939 [German-Soviet] with claims made by bargain-bin novel authors Igor Bunich or Victor Suvorov in, "Icebreaker" where the claim is that Stalin planned to invade Germany so Hitler (even though he has been writing since 1924 about pushing German territories toward the east, see; 'Lebensraum') made a 'pre-emptive strike.' The truth is, at this same time, a completely oblivious Stalin was still sending oil and grains with other resources to Germany and had no reason to break the peace.
Leon Trotsky. Trotsky believed in the spread of Communism by a constant state of expanding "world revolution", however Stalin had opposite views, and followed the doctrine of "Socialism in One Country", believing in a slow acceptance and not by forced revolution.
Stalin also refused to believe his internal reports that Germany was planning to invade in the months leading up to June 1941, that is how 3 million Germans managed to invade and overrun the Red Army on the border who had little resources of defence.
Grand Delusion; Stalin and the German Invasion of Russia" by Gabriel Gorodetsky
Holocaust denialism is quite standard in this case
Mentions leuchter report,Red cross,swimming pools,Robert Faurisson ("No Holes, no Holocaust"), Arthur Butz ("Hoax of the Twentieth Century"), John C. Ball ("Air Photo Evidence"), Nicholas Kollerstrom, Ernst Zündel (Samisdat publications), Fred Leuchter (Leuchter reports), Walter Lüftl (Lüftl report), Richard Harwood/Verrall ("Did Six Million Really Die?"), Udo Walendy, denierbud ("One Third of the Holocaust"), Gerald Fredrick Töben ("Adelaide Institute"), as well as "on the fence" guys like James Bacque ("Other Losses") or the mysterious individual known as "Thomas Dalton, PhD" and many dead deniers such as Paul Rassinier, Harry Elmer Barnes, David Hoggan, Benjamin Freedman (infamous 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel), Thies Christophersen ("Auschwitzlüge"), Wilhelm Stäglich, Bradley Smith, Henri Roques, Walter Sanning ("Dissolution of European Jewry") and Willis Carto (former head of the Institute for Historical Review);
Fred leutcher bieng the most famous of them
Leuchter, who claims to be an "engineer", was exposed as a liar and a fraud. His only education consists of a BA in history, 1964. He admits to have no formal training in toxicology, biology, chemistry etc.
2) During his testimony at the Zundle trial in Canada, Leuchter not only lied about his professional past, he also ridiculed himself by proving not to have even a vague idea of what he is talking about. For instance, one of the claims Holocaust deniers make again and again is that there are less traces of cyanide compounds in the remains of the gas chambers in Auschwitz than in the "delousing chambers" in which clothes were deloused (using the same gas, hydrogen cyanide). As anyone with some training in toxicology knows, it takes a much higher concentration of the gas to kill lice, bugs etc than to kill humans and other warm blooded creatures (the concentration has to be up to 16,000 Parts Per Million; humans die when exposed to 300 PPM). Furthermore, to kill lice etc an exposure time of many hours is needed, while people die in minutes (like in the execution gas chambers in the US, which use exactly the same gas). Hence, it is obvious that there would be more cyanide traces in the delousing rooms.
When this fact was pointed out to Leuchter during his cross-examination by Mr. Pearson, he made the following pathetic reply:
"I've never killed beetles. I, you know, I don't know. I haven't made computations for killing beetles" [verbatim quote from the trial's transcript].
Furthermore, he claims that it would be dangerous to house the furnaces for cremating the victims in the same building in which the gas chambers were located, because the "gas might explode". Of course, he didn't even bother to check before exposing himself as a complete ignorant; the gas explodes at a minimal concentration of 56,000 PPM - about 200 times more than the lethal concentration (check, for instance, "The Merck Index" or any other text on flammability and toxicity).
However better source on leutcher is paraxen holocaust denial
Now i am going to lay down all of the holocaust denial arguments which i for myself didnt read thorougly because everything is a book long arguments sometime
fat Jew means he did not starve The Auschwitz death book "The Aktion" at Block 11 - one of the first gassings Document listing the names of an Auschwitz execution squad, November 22, 1940 Document listing the names of those executed, November 22, 1940 "Gesondert untergebracht" is code-word for homicidal gassing The hair room Krema I, located at Auschwitz I main camp The sign outside Krema I Holes on Krema I's roof, and their correspondence to the building's interior Wartime aerial photographs of Krema I compared with modern satellite imagery Krema I blueprint and underground chimney flues Krema I ovens Krema I Gas chamber Scratchmarks on the interior of Krema I's gas chamber More "souvenirs" tourists leave behind at Auschwitz-Birkenau Denier infographic about Krema I's "gas chamber door" A denier pic comparing American gas chamber doors to the ones in Auschwitz Those doomed to die "breaking down the gas chamber doors" Outside door of Krema I, rear view Krema I outside door, front view The other entrance of Krema I The other exit of Krema I The Swimming Pool Horse grooming in Babitz, one of the Auschwitz sub camps Greenhouse in the Rajsko subcamp The Stammlager's theater The Angora project Auschwitz football team of 1944 (Allies prisoners of war) Location of the British POW Camp The Brothel Jewish Babies born in a concentration camp Holocaust denier "truth bombs" about Auschwitz summed up in one picture Concluding Auschwitz I Stammlager Auschwitz II Birkenau Auschwitz II Birkenau aerial photos taken on August 23rd, 44, August 25, 44 Guard towers Gas chamber roof of Krema II compared between Aug 25th and May 31st photo David Olere's sketch of Krema III matches with Air photos of 1944 published 30 years later A picture of Krematorium III, taken from the Bauleitung construction album Women standing in front of the Krema III building Birkenau photograph taken on 31st May, 1944 The Krematoria security screen Images from the Auschwitz Album Kremas II and III (background) during construction, February 1943 Defending the Image If the zyklon-b inlets weren't clear enough, here they are once again Another Birkenau aerial photograph, taken approx. 3 weeks later Krematorium V Grisly details around Krematorium IV and V Krema IV Gas-tight window shutters Kremas IV and V had ventilation Krematorium VI was planned Birkenau, December 21, 1944 Birkenau photograph taken 2 weeks before liberation Topf & Sons ovens of Krematorium II and III Birkenau ovens 1943 Zentralbauleitung Document regarding the crematory output (the "Janisch document") A denier pic that tries to mess with your mind 1942 Kurt Prüfer document Another popular anti-crematory capacity image circulated among holocaust deniers Krematorium II Victims entering Krematorium II Ruins of Krematorium II's undressing room (Leichenkeller 2) Ruins of Krematorium II's homicidal gas chamber (Leichenkeller 1), viewing East Ruins of Krematorium II's homicidal gas chamber (Leichenkeller 1), viewing North-West Auschwitz Krema building located in the Birkenau camp, scale model Grisly details of the Krematorium II scale model Auskleideraum A day in the life of a Sonderkommando Cremation The elevators of Kremas II and III So how realistic and achievable is multiple corpse cremation per Topf muffle? Can crematory smokestacks belch smoke and fire? Cremation time sheet from the Gusen camp (Mauthausen-Gusen complex) An overview of the crematoria capacities in some Nazi camps Engineer Fritz Sander's letter to Topf, dated September 14th, 1942 Auschwitz typists can't keep their lies straight Documents and arguments regarding the homicidal nature of the facilities in question Zyklon-B pellets containing HCN poison gas The Prussian Blue argument made by holocaust deniers The American gas chamber strawman Blueprint of Krematorium II Vertical cross section of Krema II's Gas chamber March 6, 1943 Karl Bischoff Letter about heating a "morgue room" More proof of warm air ventilation, April 13th, 1943 Gaskeller Document regarding Krematorium II and III's gas chamber ventilation system's capability Bischoff's "Vergasungskeller" and "Be- und Entlüftungsanlage" If Kremas II and III were air-raid shelters, and Usain Bolt was an SS-guard... Time sheet / Daily report of an Auschwitz worker Krematorium III inventory Gas-tight doors for the Birkenau Crematoria buildings, March 31st 1943 Zyklon-B Outgassing curve presented by holocaust deniers Dr. Johann Paul Kremer's Diary Collage using Sonderkommando Photographs Closeup of Sonderkommando photograph # 282: The undressing women Closeup of Sonderkommando photograph # 280: taken during the 2nd half of August 1944 A closeup of Krema IV and V Image comparison around the "White House" The Auschwitz water table Concluding Auschwitz II Birkenau Concluding Auschwitz II Birkenau
International Red Cross in their holocaust denial Patterns of Prejudice, Vol. 12, p.11 (1978) International Red Cross letter debunking the denier figure in 1975 already 1984 Arolsen document tallying the documented deaths in some German concentration camps Swiss newspaper "Die Tat", Jan 19, 1955 mentioning 300,000 victims in jails & concentration camps Once again, the IRC responds to denier allegations Conflicting numbers of the Babi Yar massacre Another denier picture, this time using "World Jewish Almanacs" as proof Estimate of the American Jewish Committee of Jewish population in the world in 1933 1948/49 "compilation of the latest available data", American Jewish Year Book The Auschwitz numbers claim "What about Rudolf Hoess? Surely he spoke of several million victims?" Debunking the myth about the 6 Million figure already being referenced by newspapers before WW2 Holocaust by country So where did the Jews go? Concluding the Holocaust by numbers
David Irving Ernst Zündel and Samisdat publishers Fred A. Leuchter - What came first? The chicken (gas chamber expert) or the egg (gas chambers)? Germar Rudolf Carlo Mattogno The Institute for Historical Review Dean Irebodd aka "denierbud" aka "Carto's Cutlass Supreme" (still active) over at CODOH Eric Hunt, psychopath David Cole / David Stein Walter Sanning & Jürgen Graf Aktion Reinhard and other camps Why the transit camp theory is bunk Sketch of Treblinka II Extermination camp (produced during Franz Stangl's 1967 trial in Germany) The horrors of the Treblinka II extermination camp, photo taken 1944 (note ground disturbances) Some maps and models of Treblinka II CG model of the new gas chamber building in Treblinka II Photo of the excavator and old gas chamber building at Treblinka II Dossiers of Aktion Reinhardt Sonderaktion 1005 The Operation Reinhard oath Kurt Gerstein's account Holocaust deniers try to wholly discredit Kurt Gerstein's account How about an anti-denier infographic about Treblinka this time? Friedrich Paul Berg's obsession with diesel engine exhaust being harmless "But German submarines used diesel engines and nobody was killed!" Friedrich Paul Berg's obsession with cherry red corpses (CO poisoning) Fritz Berg and his railway delousing chambers, producer gas vehicles and air-circulation chamber Shipments of hair from Treblinka and Majdanek W. Rutherford's Sketch of the new gas chambers of Belzec The Majdanek controversy Mauthausen's homicidal gas chamber Idiot defacing Mauthausen gas chamber Doors at Mauthausen concentration camp's gas chamber Layout of the homicidal Mauthausen gas chamber and its operation
Thats alot of argument to read so i am gonna focus on other things
Kalergi plan is mentioned so i am going to put a short video here for that
Although there is a mention of louis rothschild so who knows
Some more statistics on replacement theory doubt
http://www.migrationobservatory.ox.ac... http://www.migrationobservatory.ox.ac... https://www.informationliberation.com... https://bolditalics.wordpress.com/201... http://freewestmedia.com/2016/10/23/t... https://www.theguardian.com/world/201... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/artic... http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/3963... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/...
Franfurt school is mentioned
https://konspektikaust.wordpress.com/... https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/po... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture... https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorian... https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/media_fi... https://web.stanford.edu/dept/DLCL/fi...
Tldr for short span
Both these documentaries get 1/5 from me
I have studied over the span of 5 month slowly and surely and now will rate the joopill
The absolute dog shit tier:-
The greatest story never told by dennis truth will or out(not a historian)
I am not going to debunk the entire shit you dont have brain span enough for that but i will pick tidbit to raise suspicion on this one
For example: He claims the Treaty of Versailles caused World War 2, and how Germany was severely punished by reparation payments which were impossible to pay, while presenting Germany as an innocent victim in all of this.
In his segment on Versailles, he stole the footage from the BBC documentary, "Make Germany Pay" (1977). Now comes the "lying by omission" part: Compare both and watch him remove any reference to the Dawes-Young Plan of 1924-1929, showing how with investments received from around the world, although largely from the United States via J.P. Morgan & Co, the German economy was recovering! This is also why the German people disliked the NSDAP, which initially received less than 3% of the vote, only until the 1929 stock market crash caused these same investments to shortly end in Germany.
Germany also had no major problems meeting its reparation payments as Dennis Wise falsely claims.
see: "The Myths of Reparations" by Sally Marks, and "American 'Reparations' to Germany, 1919-33" by Stephen Schuker)
Another example of lying by omission is why France was so "harsh" toward Germany in the first place. The background of this is that after Germany's victory in the Franco-Prussian war, Germany had imposed harsher conditions than Versailles against France in 1871.
(see: "The Second World Wars" by Victor Davis Hanson)
CLAIM 2: "Jewish elements tried to overthrow the German government via communist revolution in 1918 (Novemberrevolution)"
Let us first remind ourselves that these revisionists pointing out how utterly traitorous an attempted coup d'état is, are the ones defending Hitler, who however tried to do just this, i.e. overthrow the government in Bavaria in November 1923 (Beer Hall Putsch) and was jailed as a result. Hypocrite, much? What's with Novembers and attempted coups anyway (remember remember, the 5th of November: Guy Fawkes Night, Nov 5th 1605).
The Novemberrevolution in 1918 was NOT started by Jews, but by a German sailor mutiny called the Kiel mutiny[5]. This snowballed into a nationwide revolution that resulted in the Kaiser abdicating and handing over power to the Social Democrats, who in turn were tried to be overthrown by Communists and this failed. The leader of the latter was Karl Liebknecht[6] who was NOT a Jew, no matter how many dumb right wing sites claim (without source) to say otherwise. In any case, the Novemberrevolution did not claim many lives at all, compared to actual bloody revolutions like the French or Russian revolutions.
This documentary also mentions danzing massacre and operation groza bs so automatically out of conversation.
2)Europa last battle
This is quite similar to upper documentary but more toward modern times and more holocaust denialism and op on soviet union
Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union was a pre-emptive strike, unavoidable and necessary, to prevent an imminent full-scale Soviet invasion of Europe. In other words, Stalin was about to back-stab the Molotov-Ribbentrop Non-Agression Pact and invade, but Hitler and the Wehrmacht's heroic deeds saved Western Europe from Communism."
Dennis Wise attempts to justify Hitler breaking yet another Non-Aggression Pact, of 1939 [German-Soviet] with claims made by bargain-bin novel authors Igor Bunich or Victor Suvorov in, "Icebreaker" where the claim is that Stalin planned to invade Germany so Hitler (even though he has been writing since 1924 about pushing German territories toward the east, see; 'Lebensraum') made a 'pre-emptive strike.' The truth is, at this same time, a completely oblivious Stalin was still sending oil and grains with other resources to Germany and had no reason to break the peace.
Leon Trotsky. Trotsky believed in the spread of Communism by a constant state of expanding "world revolution", however Stalin had opposite views, and followed the doctrine of "Socialism in One Country", believing in a slow acceptance and not by forced revolution.
Stalin also refused to believe his internal reports that Germany was planning to invade in the months leading up to June 1941, that is how 3 million Germans managed to invade and overrun the Red Army on the border who had little resources of defence.
Grand Delusion; Stalin and the German Invasion of Russia" by Gabriel Gorodetsky
Holocaust denialism is quite standard in this case
Mentions leuchter report,Red cross,swimming pools,Robert Faurisson ("No Holes, no Holocaust"), Arthur Butz ("Hoax of the Twentieth Century"), John C. Ball ("Air Photo Evidence"), Nicholas Kollerstrom, Ernst Zündel (Samisdat publications), Fred Leuchter (Leuchter reports), Walter Lüftl (Lüftl report), Richard Harwood/Verrall ("Did Six Million Really Die?"), Udo Walendy, denierbud ("One Third of the Holocaust"), Gerald Fredrick Töben ("Adelaide Institute"), as well as "on the fence" guys like James Bacque ("Other Losses") or the mysterious individual known as "Thomas Dalton, PhD" and many dead deniers such as Paul Rassinier, Harry Elmer Barnes, David Hoggan, Benjamin Freedman (infamous 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel), Thies Christophersen ("Auschwitzlüge"), Wilhelm Stäglich, Bradley Smith, Henri Roques, Walter Sanning ("Dissolution of European Jewry") and Willis Carto (former head of the Institute for Historical Review);
Fred leutcher bieng the most famous of them
Leuchter, who claims to be an "engineer", was exposed as a liar and a fraud. His only education consists of a BA in history, 1964. He admits to have no formal training in toxicology, biology, chemistry etc.
2) During his testimony at the Zundle trial in Canada, Leuchter not only lied about his professional past, he also ridiculed himself by proving not to have even a vague idea of what he is talking about. For instance, one of the claims Holocaust deniers make again and again is that there are less traces of cyanide compounds in the remains of the gas chambers in Auschwitz than in the "delousing chambers" in which clothes were deloused (using the same gas, hydrogen cyanide). As anyone with some training in toxicology knows, it takes a much higher concentration of the gas to kill lice, bugs etc than to kill humans and other warm blooded creatures (the concentration has to be up to 16,000 Parts Per Million; humans die when exposed to 300 PPM). Furthermore, to kill lice etc an exposure time of many hours is needed, while people die in minutes (like in the execution gas chambers in the US, which use exactly the same gas). Hence, it is obvious that there would be more cyanide traces in the delousing rooms.
When this fact was pointed out to Leuchter during his cross-examination by Mr. Pearson, he made the following pathetic reply:
"I've never killed beetles. I, you know, I don't know. I haven't made computations for killing beetles" [verbatim quote from the trial's transcript].
Furthermore, he claims that it would be dangerous to house the furnaces for cremating the victims in the same building in which the gas chambers were located, because the "gas might explode". Of course, he didn't even bother to check before exposing himself as a complete ignorant; the gas explodes at a minimal concentration of 56,000 PPM - about 200 times more than the lethal concentration (check, for instance, "The Merck Index" or any other text on flammability and toxicity).
However better source on leutcher is paraxen holocaust denial
Now i am going to lay down all of the holocaust denial arguments which i for myself didnt read thorougly because everything is a book long arguments sometime
fat Jew means he did not starve The Auschwitz death book "The Aktion" at Block 11 - one of the first gassings Document listing the names of an Auschwitz execution squad, November 22, 1940 Document listing the names of those executed, November 22, 1940 "Gesondert untergebracht" is code-word for homicidal gassing The hair room Krema I, located at Auschwitz I main camp The sign outside Krema I Holes on Krema I's roof, and their correspondence to the building's interior Wartime aerial photographs of Krema I compared with modern satellite imagery Krema I blueprint and underground chimney flues Krema I ovens Krema I Gas chamber Scratchmarks on the interior of Krema I's gas chamber More "souvenirs" tourists leave behind at Auschwitz-Birkenau Denier infographic about Krema I's "gas chamber door" A denier pic comparing American gas chamber doors to the ones in Auschwitz Those doomed to die "breaking down the gas chamber doors" Outside door of Krema I, rear view Krema I outside door, front view The other entrance of Krema I The other exit of Krema I The Swimming Pool Horse grooming in Babitz, one of the Auschwitz sub camps Greenhouse in the Rajsko subcamp The Stammlager's theater The Angora project Auschwitz football team of 1944 (Allies prisoners of war) Location of the British POW Camp The Brothel Jewish Babies born in a concentration camp Holocaust denier "truth bombs" about Auschwitz summed up in one picture Concluding Auschwitz I Stammlager Auschwitz II Birkenau Auschwitz II Birkenau aerial photos taken on August 23rd, 44, August 25, 44 Guard towers Gas chamber roof of Krema II compared between Aug 25th and May 31st photo David Olere's sketch of Krema III matches with Air photos of 1944 published 30 years later A picture of Krematorium III, taken from the Bauleitung construction album Women standing in front of the Krema III building Birkenau photograph taken on 31st May, 1944 The Krematoria security screen Images from the Auschwitz Album Kremas II and III (background) during construction, February 1943 Defending the Image If the zyklon-b inlets weren't clear enough, here they are once again Another Birkenau aerial photograph, taken approx. 3 weeks later Krematorium V Grisly details around Krematorium IV and V Krema IV Gas-tight window shutters Kremas IV and V had ventilation Krematorium VI was planned Birkenau, December 21, 1944 Birkenau photograph taken 2 weeks before liberation Topf & Sons ovens of Krematorium II and III Birkenau ovens 1943 Zentralbauleitung Document regarding the crematory output (the "Janisch document") A denier pic that tries to mess with your mind 1942 Kurt Prüfer document Another popular anti-crematory capacity image circulated among holocaust deniers Krematorium II Victims entering Krematorium II Ruins of Krematorium II's undressing room (Leichenkeller 2) Ruins of Krematorium II's homicidal gas chamber (Leichenkeller 1), viewing East Ruins of Krematorium II's homicidal gas chamber (Leichenkeller 1), viewing North-West Auschwitz Krema building located in the Birkenau camp, scale model Grisly details of the Krematorium II scale model Auskleideraum A day in the life of a Sonderkommando Cremation The elevators of Kremas II and III So how realistic and achievable is multiple corpse cremation per Topf muffle? Can crematory smokestacks belch smoke and fire? Cremation time sheet from the Gusen camp (Mauthausen-Gusen complex) An overview of the crematoria capacities in some Nazi camps Engineer Fritz Sander's letter to Topf, dated September 14th, 1942 Auschwitz typists can't keep their lies straight Documents and arguments regarding the homicidal nature of the facilities in question Zyklon-B pellets containing HCN poison gas The Prussian Blue argument made by holocaust deniers The American gas chamber strawman Blueprint of Krematorium II Vertical cross section of Krema II's Gas chamber March 6, 1943 Karl Bischoff Letter about heating a "morgue room" More proof of warm air ventilation, April 13th, 1943 Gaskeller Document regarding Krematorium II and III's gas chamber ventilation system's capability Bischoff's "Vergasungskeller" and "Be- und Entlüftungsanlage" If Kremas II and III were air-raid shelters, and Usain Bolt was an SS-guard... Time sheet / Daily report of an Auschwitz worker Krematorium III inventory Gas-tight doors for the Birkenau Crematoria buildings, March 31st 1943 Zyklon-B Outgassing curve presented by holocaust deniers Dr. Johann Paul Kremer's Diary Collage using Sonderkommando Photographs Closeup of Sonderkommando photograph # 282: The undressing women Closeup of Sonderkommando photograph # 280: taken during the 2nd half of August 1944 A closeup of Krema IV and V Image comparison around the "White House" The Auschwitz water table Concluding Auschwitz II Birkenau Concluding Auschwitz II Birkenau
International Red Cross in their holocaust denial Patterns of Prejudice, Vol. 12, p.11 (1978) International Red Cross letter debunking the denier figure in 1975 already 1984 Arolsen document tallying the documented deaths in some German concentration camps Swiss newspaper "Die Tat", Jan 19, 1955 mentioning 300,000 victims in jails & concentration camps Once again, the IRC responds to denier allegations Conflicting numbers of the Babi Yar massacre Another denier picture, this time using "World Jewish Almanacs" as proof Estimate of the American Jewish Committee of Jewish population in the world in 1933 1948/49 "compilation of the latest available data", American Jewish Year Book The Auschwitz numbers claim "What about Rudolf Hoess? Surely he spoke of several million victims?" Debunking the myth about the 6 Million figure already being referenced by newspapers before WW2 Holocaust by country So where did the Jews go? Concluding the Holocaust by numbers
David Irving Ernst Zündel and Samisdat publishers Fred A. Leuchter - What came first? The chicken (gas chamber expert) or the egg (gas chambers)? Germar Rudolf Carlo Mattogno The Institute for Historical Review Dean Irebodd aka "denierbud" aka "Carto's Cutlass Supreme" (still active) over at CODOH Eric Hunt, psychopath David Cole / David Stein Walter Sanning & Jürgen Graf Aktion Reinhard and other camps Why the transit camp theory is bunk Sketch of Treblinka II Extermination camp (produced during Franz Stangl's 1967 trial in Germany) The horrors of the Treblinka II extermination camp, photo taken 1944 (note ground disturbances) Some maps and models of Treblinka II CG model of the new gas chamber building in Treblinka II Photo of the excavator and old gas chamber building at Treblinka II Dossiers of Aktion Reinhardt Sonderaktion 1005 The Operation Reinhard oath Kurt Gerstein's account Holocaust deniers try to wholly discredit Kurt Gerstein's account How about an anti-denier infographic about Treblinka this time? Friedrich Paul Berg's obsession with diesel engine exhaust being harmless "But German submarines used diesel engines and nobody was killed!" Friedrich Paul Berg's obsession with cherry red corpses (CO poisoning) Fritz Berg and his railway delousing chambers, producer gas vehicles and air-circulation chamber Shipments of hair from Treblinka and Majdanek W. Rutherford's Sketch of the new gas chambers of Belzec The Majdanek controversy Mauthausen's homicidal gas chamber Idiot defacing Mauthausen gas chamber Doors at Mauthausen concentration camp's gas chamber Layout of the homicidal Mauthausen gas chamber and its operation
Thats alot of argument to read so i am gonna focus on other things
Kalergi plan is mentioned so i am going to put a short video here for that
Although there is a mention of louis rothschild so who knows
Some more statistics on replacement theory doubt
http://www.migrationobservatory.ox.ac... http://www.migrationobservatory.ox.ac... https://www.informationliberation.com... https://bolditalics.wordpress.com/201... http://freewestmedia.com/2016/10/23/t... https://www.theguardian.com/world/201... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/artic... http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/3963... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/...
Franfurt school is mentioned
https://konspektikaust.wordpress.com/... https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/po... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture... https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorian... https://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/media_fi... https://web.stanford.edu/dept/DLCL/fi...
Tldr for short span
Both these documentaries get 1/5 from me
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