My Favorite beginner steroid cycle from experienced roidcel w pics

Damn bro thats a brootal frame ur a lanklet, u can get to atleast 175lb natty tho and still be lean ur borderline anorexic at that weight
Thats right, thats sorta why i’m looking for solutions especially here to fill in my frame so keeping that in mind and this is gonna sound harsh; if you're not interested just let me know then i’ll walk away
Thats right, thats sorta why i’m looking for solutions especially here to fill in my frame so keeping that in mind and this is gonna sound harsh; if you're not interested just let me know then i’ll walk away
Honestly ur retarded and you clearly just have an ED if your that lean, try eating before you take anabolic steroids faggot. Im not gonna tell u to roid when u clearly dont even know how to weight train or eat food.
  • JFL
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Honestly ur retarded and you clearly just have an ED if your that lean, try eating before you take anabolic steroids faggot. Im not gonna tell u to roid when u clearly dont even know how to weight train or eat food.
I’m sorry, forgive me for the arrogance, the last thing i want to do is actually trigger you..

This might sound silly but I know how to weight train and lift, also I know about caloric intakes; I actually eat too so looking at it just like that i’m not new to that

my intentions are to learn more about gear etc, from a guide sorta like this before speculating hopping on them, thats what i’m new to and sorta hoping to expand my horizons so to speak.*

Again sorry for triggering you.
I’m sorry, forgive me for the arrogance, the last thing i want to do is actually trigger you..

This might sound silly but I know how to weight train and lift, also I know about caloric intakes; I actually eat too so looking at it just like that i’m not new to that

my intentions are to learn more about gear etc, from a guide sorta like this before speculating hopping on them, thats what i’m new to ans sorta hoping to expand my horizons so to speak,

Again sorry for triggering you.
Most bluepilled registered account ive ever seen, how about you just watch normie gym videos and copy what they do. Not reading that wall of cope, weight gain is simple AF.
  • JFL
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Most bluepilled registered account ive ever seen, how about you just watch normie gym videos and copy what they do. Not reading that wall of cope, weight gain is simple AF.
Aiight buddy boyo i’ll do that..

Thanks for the post though, I’m definitely saving this post as a future reference whenever somebody teaches me the ins and outs of how gear work (cycles, free testosterone etc.) so i can come back to it and understand you even more without my ignorance.

Appreciate you in advanced. 😁
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Reactions: RTLBbc and Clavicular
ur TikTok's are funny
The absolute best stack ive ran was as follows

  1. Testosterone Enanthate 550 MG Weekly
  2. Masteron Enanthate 200 MG weekly
  3. Aromision when needed, usually like 5 mg every other day
for 16 weeks

The test is gonna be your binding compound and is the most androgenic roid you can get without getting raped with sides, not anabolic, ANDROGENIC

I love testosterone the problem is, you don't feel like your on roids until week 4ish, then you start feeling good
the masteron keeps your E2 levels down so you don't get gyno and also is a good DHT so it keeps you looking dryer, it could make u bald if u have the gene tho

The reason you should take Test as a beginner and not SARMS is because sarms totally rape your liver (I know from experience) and it tanks ur test and E2.
I took test at 16 so it def gave me bone growth and causes me to look older than other kids my age.
I gained about 20lb of lean tissue from this stack over 4 months. I felt incredible and had great sex drive and no side effects.

After the cycle you have to PCT with nolvadex & enclomafine, ideally tapering your dose down for the weeks following end of cycle
You have to wait 5 half lifes before taking post cycle therapy drugs for the roids to clear your system, for test E its a 5 day half life so dont start PCT for 25 days.

your gonna feel shitty after ur cycle but if u have a good protocol after, you will retain 60-75% of your gains

I pinned daily to stop side effects like acne from hormone fluctuations, this is an OG Roidcel tip so use it, I know it sucks pinning daily but save yourself from sides

This cycle will run you 600-700 dollars including needles and all the other shit you will need like alcohol pads for pinning.

Watch a video on how to inject its giga easy, make sure to clean everything tho with rubbing alc.
I draw the oil with a 23 Gauge tip then pin with 25 g, (I recommend 27 I just have high pain tolerance)

use a 1 inch needle and make sure to inject it all the way into your muscle to prevent lumping, if you start spazzing after injecting, take the needle out, you hit a vein.
dont panic just wait until blood stops and pin again in a different spot (I would alternate between left and right buttcheek)


PM me for source idk if im allowed to include that here i'm a greycel

Heres my physique a few months of cycle (17 years old, 6'2 around 200lb)

View attachment 2714622

Heres me before roiding
View attachment 2714633

Sarms are GAY AF don't mess with them you will thank me when you don't have a PIZZA FACE and no TEST

I didn't get that much more size I have average genes but im happy w results being a senior in high school i'm pretty much bigger than everyone else ik

Ik my chest insertions suck btw

anavar winstrol tbol are all better secondary compounds on a first cycle also id run the cycle for 20 weeks
love u tiktok nigger
  • +1
Reactions: Maxxedout1
Sarms are good when scared to pin i have ran 3 sarm cycles without bad sides and enclo as pct
Great post I am thinking about doing a test cycle when I am like twenty, hopefully then I will be fully looksmaxxed and use test to get insanely shredded, I have been bulking for two years gained 50 lbs was going to continue gaining until end of puberty, I am 170 lbs with 85 lbs of muscle I don’t know how good that is tbh
The absolute best stack ive ran was as follows

  1. Testosterone Enanthate 550 MG Weekly
  2. Masteron Enanthate 200 MG weekly
  3. Aromision when needed, usually like 5 mg every other day
for 16 weeks

The test is gonna be your binding compound and is the most androgenic roid you can get without getting raped with sides, not anabolic, ANDROGENIC

I love testosterone the problem is, you don't feel like your on roids until week 4ish, then you start feeling good
the masteron keeps your E2 levels down so you don't get gyno and also is a good DHT so it keeps you looking dryer, it could make u bald if u have the gene tho

The reason you should take Test as a beginner and not SARMS is because sarms totally rape your liver (I know from experience) and it tanks ur test and E2.
I took test at 16 so it def gave me bone growth and causes me to look older than other kids my age.
I gained about 20lb of lean tissue from this stack over 4 months. I felt incredible and had great sex drive and no side effects.

After the cycle you have to PCT with nolvadex & enclomafine, ideally tapering your dose down for the weeks following end of cycle
You have to wait 5 half lifes before taking post cycle therapy drugs for the roids to clear your system, for test E its a 5 day half life so dont start PCT for 25 days.

your gonna feel shitty after ur cycle but if u have a good protocol after, you will retain 60-75% of your gains

I pinned daily to stop side effects like acne from hormone fluctuations, this is an OG Roidcel tip so use it, I know it sucks pinning daily but save yourself from sides

This cycle will run you 600-700 dollars including needles and all the other shit you will need like alcohol pads for pinning.

Watch a video on how to inject its giga easy, make sure to clean everything tho with rubbing alc.
I draw the oil with a 23 Gauge tip then pin with 25 g, (I recommend 27 I just have high pain tolerance)

use a 1 inch needle and make sure to inject it all the way into your muscle to prevent lumping, if you start spazzing after injecting, take the needle out, you hit a vein.
dont panic just wait until blood stops and pin again in a different spot (I would alternate between left and right buttcheek)


PM me for source idk if im allowed to include that here i'm a greycel

Heres my physique a few months of cycle (17 years old, 6'2 around 200lb)

View attachment 2714622

Heres me before roiding
View attachment 2714633

Sarms are GAY AF don't mess with them you will thank me when you don't have a PIZZA FACE and no TEST

I didn't get that much more size I have average genes but im happy w results being a senior in high school i'm pretty much bigger than everyone else ik

Ik my chest insertions suck btw

Mirin frame and height
  • +1
Reactions: Clavicular
The absolute best stack ive ran was as follows

  1. Testosterone Enanthate 550 MG Weekly
  2. Masteron Enanthate 200 MG weekly
  3. Aromision when needed, usually like 5 mg every other day
for 16 weeks

The test is gonna be your binding compound and is the most androgenic roid you can get without getting raped with sides, not anabolic, ANDROGENIC

I love testosterone the problem is, you don't feel like your on roids until week 4ish, then you start feeling good
the masteron keeps your E2 levels down so you don't get gyno and also is a good DHT so it keeps you looking dryer, it could make u bald if u have the gene tho

The reason you should take Test as a beginner and not SARMS is because sarms totally rape your liver (I know from experience) and it tanks ur test and E2.
I took test at 16 so it def gave me bone growth and causes me to look older than other kids my age.
I gained about 20lb of lean tissue from this stack over 4 months. I felt incredible and had great sex drive and no side effects.

After the cycle you have to PCT with nolvadex & enclomafine, ideally tapering your dose down for the weeks following end of cycle
You have to wait 5 half lifes before taking post cycle therapy drugs for the roids to clear your system, for test E its a 5 day half life so dont start PCT for 25 days.

your gonna feel shitty after ur cycle but if u have a good protocol after, you will retain 60-75% of your gains

I pinned daily to stop side effects like acne from hormone fluctuations, this is an OG Roidcel tip so use it, I know it sucks pinning daily but save yourself from sides

This cycle will run you 600-700 dollars including needles and all the other shit you will need like alcohol pads for pinning.

Watch a video on how to inject its giga easy, make sure to clean everything tho with rubbing alc.
I draw the oil with a 23 Gauge tip then pin with 25 g, (I recommend 27 I just have high pain tolerance)

use a 1 inch needle and make sure to inject it all the way into your muscle to prevent lumping, if you start spazzing after injecting, take the needle out, you hit a vein.
dont panic just wait until blood stops and pin again in a different spot (I would alternate between left and right buttcheek)


PM me for source idk if im allowed to include that here i'm a greycel

Heres my physique a few months of cycle (17 years old, 6'2 around 200lb)

View attachment 2714622

Heres me before roiding
View attachment 2714633

Sarms are GAY AF don't mess with them you will thank me when you don't have a PIZZA FACE and no TEST

I didn't get that much more size I have average genes but im happy w results being a senior in high school i'm pretty much bigger than everyone else ik

Ik my chest insertions suck btw

bro you cycled at age 17???????

LMAOOO this guy is the king of low inhib behavior holy shit
bro you cycled at age 17???????

LMAOOO this guy is the king of low inhib behavior holy shit
I started at 14 nigga put some respect on muh name
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Reactions: LegitUser, futuregigamogger and highT
i would be fully bald tomorrow if i take this today. i am already still norwooding even though im on fin for over a year even tried dut.
dmed you btw mirin ur results
masteron not needed for beginner cycle just stick to test, and lower dosage too, not even cbum did that high test for first cycle then again he didnt have to cope with higher dosages due to better genetics.

use masteron for upcoming cycles if anything not for first one, also aromasin is good to have on hand but for me i havent even had to start using any after a good while of cycle and have had 0 sides
masteron not needed for beginner cycle just stick to test, and lower dosage too, not even cbum did that high test for first cycle then again he didnt have to cope with higher dosages due to better genetics.

use masteron for upcoming cycles if anything not for first one, also aromasin is good to have on hand but for me i havent even had to start using any after a good while of cycle and have had 0 sides
Masteron is good dht for mandible growth and dickmaxxing since i was in puberty, it also lowers e2
Masteron is good dht for mandible growth and dickmaxxing since i was in puberty, it also lowers e2

fair, i meant general beginner cycle but in the scope of roidmaxxing for puberty/teenage gains then yeah.

id personally prefer adding primo though instead of masteron
fair, i meant general beginner cycle but in the scope of roidmaxxing for puberty/teenage gains then yeah.

id personally prefer adding primo though instead of masteron
Primo is always fake and no teenager can afford it
Cope, its gonna be mast e. Primo is always just masteron relabled

you can get it sent to lab first to get it tested lol, he does this with everything he orders on incognito, including blow, benzos etc

its expensive but not unaffordable for someone of his income
The absolute best stack ive ran was as follows

  1. Testosterone Enanthate 550 MG Weekly
  2. Masteron Enanthate 200 MG weekly
  3. Aromision when needed, usually like 5 mg every other day
for 16 weeks

The test is gonna be your binding compound and is the most androgenic roid you can get without getting raped with sides, not anabolic, ANDROGENIC

I love testosterone the problem is, you don't feel like your on roids until week 4ish, then you start feeling good
the masteron keeps your E2 levels down so you don't get gyno and also is a good DHT so it keeps you looking dryer, it could make u bald if u have the gene tho

The reason you should take Test as a beginner and not SARMS is because sarms totally rape your liver (I know from experience) and it tanks ur test and E2.
I took test at 16 so it def gave me bone growth and causes me to look older than other kids my age.
I gained about 20lb of lean tissue from this stack over 4 months. I felt incredible and had great sex drive and no side effects.

After the cycle you have to PCT with nolvadex & enclomafine, ideally tapering your dose down for the weeks following end of cycle
You have to wait 5 half lifes before taking post cycle therapy drugs for the roids to clear your system, for test E its a 5 day half life so dont start PCT for 25 days.

your gonna feel shitty after ur cycle but if u have a good protocol after, you will retain 60-75% of your gains

I pinned daily to stop side effects like acne from hormone fluctuations, this is an OG Roidcel tip so use it, I know it sucks pinning daily but save yourself from sides

This cycle will run you 600-700 dollars including needles and all the other shit you will need like alcohol pads for pinning.

Watch a video on how to inject its giga easy, make sure to clean everything tho with rubbing alc.
I draw the oil with a 23 Gauge tip then pin with 25 g, (I recommend 27 I just have high pain tolerance)

use a 1 inch needle and make sure to inject it all the way into your muscle to prevent lumping, if you start spazzing after injecting, take the needle out, you hit a vein.
dont panic just wait until blood stops and pin again in a different spot (I would alternate between left and right buttcheek)


PM me for source idk if im allowed to include that here i'm a greycel

Heres my physique a few months of cycle (17 years old, 6'2 around 200lb)

View attachment 2714622

Heres me before roiding
View attachment 2714633

Sarms are GAY AF don't mess with them you will thank me when you don't have a PIZZA FACE and no TEST

I didn't get that much more size I have average genes but im happy w results being a senior in high school i'm pretty much bigger than everyone else ik

Ik my chest insertions suck btw

Did you eat in a calorie deficit or surplus ?
The absolute best stack ive ran was as follows

  1. Testosterone Enanthate 550 MG Weekly
  2. Masteron Enanthate 200 MG weekly
  3. Aromision when needed, usually like 5 mg every other day
for 16 weeks

The test is gonna be your binding compound and is the most androgenic roid you can get without getting raped with sides, not anabolic, ANDROGENIC

I love testosterone the problem is, you don't feel like your on roids until week 4ish, then you start feeling good
the masteron keeps your E2 levels down so you don't get gyno and also is a good DHT so it keeps you looking dryer, it could make u bald if u have the gene tho

The reason you should take Test as a beginner and not SARMS is because sarms totally rape your liver (I know from experience) and it tanks ur test and E2.
I took test at 16 so it def gave me bone growth and causes me to look older than other kids my age.
I gained about 20lb of lean tissue from this stack over 4 months. I felt incredible and had great sex drive and no side effects.

After the cycle you have to PCT with nolvadex & enclomafine, ideally tapering your dose down for the weeks following end of cycle
You have to wait 5 half lifes before taking post cycle therapy drugs for the roids to clear your system, for test E its a 5 day half life so dont start PCT for 25 days.

your gonna feel shitty after ur cycle but if u have a good protocol after, you will retain 60-75% of your gains

I pinned daily to stop side effects like acne from hormone fluctuations, this is an OG Roidcel tip so use it, I know it sucks pinning daily but save yourself from sides

This cycle will run you 600-700 dollars including needles and all the other shit you will need like alcohol pads for pinning.

Watch a video on how to inject its giga easy, make sure to clean everything tho with rubbing alc.
I draw the oil with a 23 Gauge tip then pin with 25 g, (I recommend 27 I just have high pain tolerance)

use a 1 inch needle and make sure to inject it all the way into your muscle to prevent lumping, if you start spazzing after injecting, take the needle out, you hit a vein.
dont panic just wait until blood stops and pin again in a different spot (I would alternate between left and right buttcheek)


PM me for source idk if im allowed to include that here i'm a greycel

Heres my physique a few months of cycle (17 years old, 6'2 around 200lb)

View attachment 2714622

Heres me before roiding
View attachment 2714633

Sarms are GAY AF don't mess with them you will thank me when you don't have a PIZZA FACE and no TEST

I didn't get that much more size I have average genes but im happy w results being a senior in high school i'm pretty much bigger than everyone else ik

Ik my chest insertions suck btw

when i get on test ill do 500mg subq pin everyday shit mogs fr
when i get on test ill do 500mg subq pin everyday shit mogs fr
good advice for new users to follow, dw abt the huge lump under ur skin it means its working.
Im on my first cycle of test and I dont feel shit and I've just finished my 4th week of injecting. I also got bloods done and my test is sky high. When will I feel it? 😭
  • +1
Reactions: Clavicular
Im on my first cycle of test and I dont feel shit and I've just finished my 4th week of injecting. I also got bloods done and my test is sky high. When will I feel it? 😭
week 5
  • +1
Reactions: Typhon
my fav greycel right now
The absolute best stack ive ran was as follows

  1. Testosterone Enanthate 550 MG Weekly
  2. Masteron Enanthate 200 MG weekly
  3. Aromision when needed, usually like 5 mg every other day
for 16 weeks

The test is gonna be your binding compound and is the most androgenic roid you can get without getting raped with sides, not anabolic, ANDROGENIC

I love testosterone the problem is, you don't feel like your on roids until week 4ish, then you start feeling good
the masteron keeps your E2 levels down so you don't get gyno and also is a good DHT so it keeps you looking dryer, it could make u bald if u have the gene tho

The reason you should take Test as a beginner and not SARMS is because sarms totally rape your liver (I know from experience) and it tanks ur test and E2.
I took test at 16 so it def gave me bone growth and causes me to look older than other kids my age.
I gained about 20lb of lean tissue from this stack over 4 months. I felt incredible and had great sex drive and no side effects.

After the cycle you have to PCT with nolvadex & enclomafine, ideally tapering your dose down for the weeks following end of cycle
You have to wait 5 half lifes before taking post cycle therapy drugs for the roids to clear your system, for test E its a 5 day half life so dont start PCT for 25 days.

your gonna feel shitty after ur cycle but if u have a good protocol after, you will retain 60-75% of your gains

I pinned daily to stop side effects like acne from hormone fluctuations, this is an OG Roidcel tip so use it, I know it sucks pinning daily but save yourself from sides

This cycle will run you 600-700 dollars including needles and all the other shit you will need like alcohol pads for pinning.

Watch a video on how to inject its giga easy, make sure to clean everything tho with rubbing alc.
I draw the oil with a 23 Gauge tip then pin with 25 g, (I recommend 27 I just have high pain tolerance)

use a 1 inch needle and make sure to inject it all the way into your muscle to prevent lumping, if you start spazzing after injecting, take the needle out, you hit a vein.
dont panic just wait until blood stops and pin again in a different spot (I would alternate between left and right buttcheek)


PM me for source idk if im allowed to include that here i'm a greycel

Heres my physique a few months of cycle (17 years old, 6'2 around 200lb)

View attachment 2714622

Heres me before roiding
View attachment 2714633

Sarms are GAY AF don't mess with them you will thank me when you don't have a PIZZA FACE and no TEST

I didn't get that much more size I have average genes but im happy w results being a senior in high school i'm pretty much bigger than everyone else ik

Ik my chest insertions suck btw

Will this help in growing taller
Looking good but you could have got there natty.

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