My mother took away everything from me, I could’ve been normal

I dont believe you OP. You are making this shit up because any mother whos son is 5'4 at 16 years would take action.
No she wouldn’t, and even if she would do something about it she will postpone it until his growth plates fuse because she lacks basic middle school bio knowledge. I relate extremely well to OP because I”m legit in the same situation but really slightly taller. You would rage if you knew how many parents are fucking bluepilled, it’s insane bro.
  • +1
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No she wouldn’t, and even if she would do something about it she will postpone it until his growth plates fuse because she lacks basic middle school bio knowledge. I relate extremely well to OP because I”m legit in the same situation but really slightly taller. You would rage if you knew how many parents are fucking bluepilled, it’s insane bro.
This, she just keeps delaying my shit, I’ve been talking about going to the endroconogist since december and its fucking June now
  • +1
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posting here for months

idk now I'm getting skeptical. I been here for a few days & almost got a higher score+ the profile limit. Why wouldn't you post this sooner if this has been a problem since December ? First thing I did when I got here was talk about my personal height shit
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how do you not belive me, I’ve been posting here for months and ive been posting on and even r/incels before it got banned

nigga you are fucking stupid, a doctor wont do shit unless mom signs the consent forms
you don't have to get the hormones through the doctor, there are lots of sites on the web selling them and they are easier to get than through the doctor
  • +1
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you don't have to get the hormones through the doctor, there are lots of sites on the web selling them and they are easier to get than through the doctor
I bought MK-677 but my mom found out with her debit card company because my account is managed by her account and she canceled my order before telling me that If I do this again, she would lock down my account because she does not want me to hurt myself
you don't have to get the hormones through the doctor, there are lots of sites on the web selling them and they are easier to get than through the doctor
get the ampules by yourself or die trying, hide them inside books like house did for his vicodin/stash them in protein powder or tape them to the celling of one of the lower shelvs in your wardrobe

tell your mother because of her actions you will not talk to her unless she consencts and actually do it. If youre stubborn enough she will break
I told her a few things about the height thing, I just dont wont to show her the statistics on because she associates the word incel with virgin school shooter. When I show her stuff online she tells me that the statistics were made up before proceeding to tell me about not beliving everything I read online and then telling mehow short women have it even harder. I even blackpilled her about an abusive relationship about how girls dont care how you act if you look good and she got all mad because she was in an abusive relationship, got out of it and went back into it with the same guy in high school.

Ive been going to therapy for the past 3-4 years

A few months ago I knew she would be snooping on my computer so I put Male to female sex change operation in my history to freak her out, when she asked about it I told her I would do this if I dont get the height and she started crying about how thats insulting to real women like her

dad is 5’8-5’9

mom is 5’4
Bro wtf my dad is 5’8 mom is 5’3 and I’m 5’8 1/2 young bro taller than me as well, you might be late bloomer, might be

Bro those statistics are legit and they link it, just take the actual study copy the manipulation of studies incels do then show her it.

Jfl at her returning to that abusive relationship, manipulate her about that tbh.

She’s literally retarded for not believing in a study and tell her then why stop me from buying the mk677 they acquire the knowledge of it being able to have x side effects through the same means, a study and observation.

Good fucking job on that male to female meme, I applaud you greatly

I recommend you win money with dubious ways, tell your mom i ur not getting it for me I’m doing it myself and tell her ur going to scam people or smth ded srs u should ewhore

Tell her why the fuck r u snooping on my computer? Ur literally accepting abuse bro
Legit get support from ur dad

SHe beats you
She’s being a dumbdog and refuses to listen to studies and is biased towards what she sees online
She snoops on all your shit
She doesn’t allow you to leave home and must know where you are at all times
And more

If you don’t do something drastic nothing will occur idk how much or well you argumented with it but never let it go

Shes a mother and will simply blame it on teenage rebellion

Like leave at night, taking the car, something retarded
  • +1
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idk now I'm getting skeptical. I been here for a few days & almost got a higher score+ the profile limit
I dont post here every day, parents really like to monitor what I see online, I even use incognito mode when I use desktop and a vpn on mobile
  • +1
Reactions: The Dude Abides
I dont post here every day, parents really like to monitor what I see online, I even use incognito mode when I use desktop and a vpn on mobile
k thats specific shit- truth. Sorry. Gotta work on the credit card & job.
  • +1
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Bro wtf my dad is 5’8 mom is 5’3 and I’m 5’8 1/2 young bro taller than me as well, you might be late bloomer, might be

Bro those statistics are legit and they link it, just take the actual study copy the manipulation of studies incels do then show her it.

Jfl at her returning to that abusive relationship, manipulate her about that tbh.

She’s literally retarded for not believing in a study and tell her then why stop me from buying the mk677 they acquire the knowledge of it being able to have x side effects through the same means, a study and observation.

Good fucking job on that male to female meme, I applaud you greatly

I recommend you win money with dubious ways, tell your mom i ur not getting it for me I’m doing it myself and tell her ur going to scam people or smth ded srs u should ewhore

Tell her why the fuck r u snooping on my computer? Ur literally accepting abuse bro
Legit get support from ur dad

SHe beats you
She’s being a dumbdog and refuses to listen to studies and is biased towards what she sees online
She snoops on all your shit
She doesn’t allow you to leave home and must know where you are at all times
And more

If you don’t do something drastic nothing will occur idk how much or well you argumented with it but never let it go

Shes a mother and will simply blame it on teenage rebellion

Like leave at night, taking the car, something retarded
I know the statistics are legit, I post there execpt “TheGreat” is removed from the username and replaced with something else.

Statistics are legit, I showed her one about short women only choosing tall men and she said whoever did the study was a woman hater and single.

doctor told me I am not a late bloomer because I am in stae 4 of puberty and I should finish by the time I turn 17, mom was in the room with me and said “okay”

im thinking I should pretend to hang myself tonight and have my feet bang on the doors really loudly
  • +1
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I dont post here every day, parents really like to monitor what I see online, I even use incognito mode when I use desktop and a vpn on mobile
Did u see the heightmaxxing thread I linked?
What’s ur funds?
I know the statistics are legit, I post there execpt “TheGreat” is removed from the username and replaced with something else.

Statistics are legit, I showed her one about short women only choosing tall men and she said whoever did the study was a woman hater and single.

doctor told me I am not a late bloomer because I am in stae 4 of puberty and I should finish by the time I turn 17, mom was in the room with me and said “okay”

im thinking I should pretend to hang myself tonight and have my feet bang on the doors really loudly
Leave the house, ded srs

Can you like cry to her and stop her from sleeping then leave?

Ur plan is a good one tie a noose, make her feel like this isn’t a joke

Tell her she is literally dooming you to a sad miserable life of self pity and hatred that she would be the last and final reason for why your are short and frustrated, you would hate her etc
  • +1
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Did u see the heightmaxxing thread I linked?
What’s ur funds?
my money was all on my account, I cant do shit now because mom is now closely monitoring my acc, I bought Niacin and Melatonin and was trying to get M but obviously it wasnt that easy

I also cant buy anything that you can take because she now assumes it has to be a steroid and to her steroid=bad
I bought MK-677 but my mom found out with her debit card company because my account is managed by her account and she canceled my order before telling me that If I do this again, she would lock down my account because she does not want me to hurt myself
That sucks. Being serious tho it's not worth it getting from the doctor, he will tell to do lots of exams and it will take months to get the results, every month is precious. Also there is the chance that the doctor won't prescribe you because he thinks you are not small enough.
Just find a way to order the most important products from the heightmaxxing guide without your parents knowing
I told her a few things about the height thing, I just dont wont to show her the statistics on because she associates the word incel with virgin school shooter. When I show her stuff online she tells me that the statistics were made up before proceeding to tell me about not beliving everything I read online and then telling mehow short women have it even harder. I even blackpilled her about an abusive relationship about how girls dont care how you act if you look good and she got all mad because she was in an abusive relationship, got out of it and went back into it with the same guy in high school.

Ive been going to therapy for the past 3-4 years

A few months ago I knew she would be snooping on my computer so I put Male to female sex change operation in my history to freak her out, when she asked about it I told her I would do this if I dont get the height and she started crying about how thats insulting to real women like her

dad is 5’8-5’9

mom is 5’4
my money was all on my account, I cant do shit now because mom is now closely monitoring my acc, I bought Niacin and Melatonin and was trying to get M but obviously it wasnt that easy

I also cant buy anything that you can take because she now assumes it has to be a steroid and to her steroid=bad
Extract it all or progressively send it to another account like btc or some PayPal

Op ur not raging at her
Rage at her
  • +1
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Extract it all or progressively send it to another account like btc or some PayPal

Op ur not raging at her
Rage at her

I do, she often comes into my room at night asking hiw my day goes and I start going into an emotional rage and she’ll tell me its not my looks making me depressed but my personality and pessemistic outlook on life making me depressed before telling me eventually after a few more therapy sessions, the depression will go away
  • So Sad
Reactions: The Dude Abides
I do, she often comes into my room at night asking hiw my day goes and I start going into an emotional rage and she’ll tell me its not my looks making me depressed but my personality and pessemistic outlook on life making me depressed before telling me eventually after a few more therapy sessions, the depression will go away
Choose a path of convincing and stick to it

You can permarott and tell refuse to go anywhere and claim ur life is already over, like ded srs don’t get out of room no school no nothing, be prepared for boredom

Rampage more at her
Tell her she’s retarded at any chance you get, I do it, works efficiently

If you don’t delve into this “pemisimism” and “outlook on like” debunking it well she’s going to keep thinking she is right.

Also seems like these jew sessions of therapy are utterly useless if they don’t make you reach your goal then just don’t go bro

At therapy tell them the only fix is height no way around it stay close minded and simply argue from your position

This is beyond tragic, environment is truly a deterministic factor. You have a problem being height and hair, you have a solution right there in front of you, yet no means to achieve since mommy is inhibiting it

Also display weirder and weirder behaviours tbh

Some people here are telling you to stop being dependant but don’t realize ur in a catch 22 where if you do age and get money u won’t be able to grow and now u can’t grow cuz u can’t get the goodies bro
Like man the fuck up type
Don’t work

I do recommend getting an AI, you can then wait a bit longer and prolong the growth phase maybe an opportunity will bestow itself upon you during that time
  • +1
Reactions: SikKunt
fuck u, fucking cuck. this kids life is on the line and you're siding with his bluepilled, whore of a mom (no offense, op). just take a 12 gauge to your skull now. fucking normie scum.

go jump off a cliff you autistic green mutilated smurf,

his mother cares for him, all he has to do is get AI until he's old enough to purchase mad scientist shit like mk677. Although it can be argued that persuading his mom to get AI would also be a problem, it's still easier to achieve than than getting mk677, just make the argument that you want to "decrease your estrogen."

@op don't listen to retards like this and end up doing crazy bad things to your mom who loves you
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  • WTF
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@TheGreatGaminggod Bro get a 50$ Vanilla MasterCard prepaid card from a local shop and order it online with a VPN and all the shit. I hope this thing actually exist in the US doe.
  • +1
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go jump off a cliff you autistic green mutilated smurf,

his mother cares for him, all he has to do is get AI until he's old enough to purchase mad scientist shit like mk677. Although it can be argued that persuading his mom to get AI would also be a problem, it's still easier to achieve than than getting mk677, just make the argument that you want to "decrease your estrogen."

@op don't listen to retards like this and end up doing crazy bad things to your mom who loves you
He isn’t out to kill her bro
I just want him to show his desperation to her.
You’re right his mother does love him but that’s the inhibiting factor

Every heard of being overcompassionate? Overloving?

The AI won’t prolong it enough bro....
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 245, The Dude Abides and SikKunt
Choose a path of convincing and stick to it

You can permarott and tell refuse to go anywhere and claim ur life is already over, like ded srs don’t get out of room no school no nothing, be prepared for boredom

Rampage more at her
Tell her she’s retarded at any chance you get, I do it, works efficiently

If you don’t delve into this “pemisimism” and “outlook on like” debunking it well she’s going to keep thinking she is right.

Also seems like these jew sessions of therapy are utterly useless if they don’t make you reach your goal then just don’t go bro

At therapy tell them the only fix is height no way around it stay close minded and simply argue from your position

This is beyond tragic, environment is truly a deterministic factor. You have a problem being height and hair, you have a solution right there in front of you, yet no means to achieve since mommy is inhibiting it

Also display weirder and weirder behaviours tbh

Some people here are telling you to stop being dependant but don’t realize ur in a catch 22 where if you do age and get money u won’t be able to grow and now u can’t grow cuz u can’t get the goodies bro
Like man the fuck up type
Don’t work

I do recommend getting an AI, you can then wait a bit longer and prolong the growth phase maybe an opportunity will bestow itself upon you during that time
my newest therapist is partially understanding why, my mom forces me to go
I keep telling my mother im a realist bjt she tries to debunk any blackpill I bring up and tells me that whoever made that is wrong and is objectyfying women.

I tell her that it’s over and she keeps saying that people on the internet keep making me depressed
He isn’t out to kill her bro
I just want him to show his desperation to her.
You’re right his mother does love him but that’s the inhibiting factor

Every heard of being overcompassionate? Overloving?

The AI won’t prolong it enough bro....
i understand man,

it seem op can't do anything to persuade his mom, he doesn't have to depend on her at all to buy the mk677,

what he needs to do is to get a job and purchase the ingredients nesc for heightmaxxing

and do this without your mom knowing too
i understand man,

it seem op can't do anything to persuade his mom, he doesn't have to depend on her at all to buy the mk677,

what he needs to do is to get a job and purchase the ingredients nesc for heightmaxxing

and do this without your mom knowing too
by the time I get a job, it’ll be too late
  • +1
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you're turning 17 in a few months child

you can definitely get a job right now too, it's the summer
i’ve applied to a bunch of places, they all never called me back
  • +1
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Come on, anyone can work at a fast food place if they really put their mind to it.
ive applied, they never replied
Come on, anyone can work at a fast food place if they really put their mind to it.
They never called me back
He isn’t out to kill her bro
I just want him to show his desperation to her.
You’re right his mother does love him but that’s the inhibiting factor

Every heard of being overcompassionate? Overloving?

The AI won’t prolong it enough bro....
I showed my desperation to her by opening up to her and showing her that I was depressed since middle school
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Find any way to gain leverage so she does what you demand, do some stupid protest like stopping eating. Not eating for 2 days are whatever shit you need to endure to get the growth hormone will never match the life long misery of being a manlet. Just find a way, you don't have a choice.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 439 and AspiringChad
Find any way to gain leverage so she does what you demand, do some stupid protest like stopping eating. Not eating for 2 days are whatever shit you need to endure to get the growth hormone will never match the life long misery of being a manlet. Just find a way, you don't have a choice.
i once stopped eating for a week and she didnt do shit
  • So Sad
Reactions: Soulsmaxx
Damm bro.
I dont know what to do, she thinks she knows all the answers about how I so short when she told me i would stop growing in my twenties
  • +1
Reactions: Soulsmaxx
I dont know what to do, she thinks she knows all the answers about how I so short when she told me i would stop growing in my twenties
Honestly there's no changing her mind at this point. It's best to separate yourself from her emotionally or physically if you can, and then to work on yourself. People trash on being happy here a lot but it's definitely worth noting I'd rather die happy ugly rather than sad ugly. Probably the most bluepilled shit I said on this site tbh.
Honestly there's no changing her mind at this point. It's best to separate yourself from her emotionally or physically if you can, and then to work on yourself. People trash on being happy here a lot but it's definitely worth noting I'd rather die happy ugly rather than sad ugly. Probably the most bluepilled shit I said on this site tbh.
the thing is that it is much much easier to be happy living as a good looking person than an ugly, so even from that logic he should do whatever is needed not to be a manlet.

"Height and suicide in men
A research report published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found a strong inverse association between height and suicide in Swedish men which may signify the importance of childhood exposure in the etiology of adult mental disorder or reflect stigmatization or discrimination encountered by short men in their adult lives. A record linkage study of the birth, conscription, mortality, family, and census register data of 1,299,177 Swedish men followed from age 18 to a maximum of age 49 was performed and it was found that a 5-cm (2-inch) increase in height was associated with a 9% decrease in suicide risk."
  • +1
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the thing is that it is much much easier to be happy living as a good looking person than an ugly
Yeah, which us the whole reason we're all on this site. Some things you really can't change though. I pray for OP
the thing is that it is much much easier to be happy living as a good looking person than an ugly, so even from that logic he should do whatever is needed not to be a manlet.

"Height and suicide in men
A research report published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found a strong inverse association between height and suicide in Swedish men which may signify the importance of childhood exposure in the etiology of adult mental disorder or reflect stigmatization or discrimination encountered by short men in their adult lives. A record linkage study of the birth, conscription, mortality, family, and census register data of 1,299,177 Swedish men followed from age 18 to a maximum of age 49 was performed and it was found that a 5-cm (2-inch) increase in height was associated with a 9% decrease in suicide risk."
i showed her suicide statistics and she either says fake or women have it worse
  • WTF
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Balding indian janitor max
  • JFL
  • Woah
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i once stopped eating for a week and she didnt do shit
im only 94 lbs
Your mother cares about your health to the point of preventing you from using MK-677 because of some presumed minimal risk sides effects, if not unfounded, but she wouldn't care enough to stop you from starving yourself to death after a week or two. Sure. You are just not ready to do whatever it takes to do what is most important. Just cheat a bit by hiding when eating some shits but never eat her plates or whatever, you just not thinking about finding ways. And like I said, you could find other ways than starvation to gain leverage, this is only one option. Being a manlet is a miserable condition. I would rather have diabetes and be bald than being a manlet, you will receive no respect and no attraction from females all your existence by virtue of being a manlet, that's the reality.
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Show her face and lms
What country do you live in?
  • +1
Reactions: Alexanderr and androidcel
fuckin hell. you fuckin idiots are so narcisstic you ruin relationship with family over looks, and all you dumbfucks are even supporting him to kys and retaliate against his mother,

face it you are gonna be short, already 16/7 stop trying to debunk it, some guys are just short you are one of them
i know plenty of short guys who fucked bitches and had great fufilling lives,

I do, she often comes into my room at night asking hiw my day goes and I start going into an emotional rage and she’ll tell me its not my looks making me depressed but my personality and pessemistic outlook on life making me depressed before telling me eventually after a few more therapy sessions, the depression will go away

you think you have shit parents? na you are just a shit son, no wonder your dad wants nothing to do with you
legit ur kind mother wants to get involved with you and asks how your day was and you just attack her cause you cant accept that you werent born a model

grow the fuck up (your only 16 so impossible) but you are gonna look back at yourself in a couple years(unless you are a pussy who kys before then) and cringe so harrd at how much of a little bitch you were
  • +1
Reactions: Stare
fuckin hell. you fuckin idiots are so narcisstic you ruin relationship with family over looks, and all you dumbfucks are even supporting him to kys and retaliate against his mother,

face it you are gonna be short, already 16/7 stop trying to debunk it, some guys are just short you are one of them
i know plenty of short guys who fucked bitches and had great fufilling lives,

you think you have shit parents? na you are just a shit son, no wonder your dad wants nothing to do with you
legit ur kind mother wants to get involved with you and asks how your day was and you just attack her cause you cant accept that you werent born a model

grow the fuck up (your only 16 so impossible) but you are gonna look back at yourself in a couple years(unless you are a pussy who kys before then) and cringe so harrd at how much of a little bitch you were
t. soycuck kys :soy::soy::soy::bluepill:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 245, AspiringChad, retard and 3 others
fuckin hell. you fuckin idiots are so narcisstic you ruin relationship with family over looks, and all you dumbfucks are even supporting him to kys and retaliate against his mother,

face it you are gonna be short, already 16/7 stop trying to debunk it, some guys are just short you are one of them
i know plenty of short guys who fucked bitches and had great fufilling lives,

you think you have shit parents? na you are just a shit son, no wonder your dad wants nothing to do with you
legit ur kind mother wants to get involved with you and asks how your day was and you just attack her cause you cant accept that you werent born a model

grow the fuck up (your only 16 so impossible) but you are gonna look back at yourself in a couple years(unless you are a pussy who kys before then) and cringe so harrd at how much of a little bitch you were

Most short guys dont do well sexualy. And his mother is helping him doing bad sexualy because she is narcissist who belives she knows everything
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