My mother took away everything from me, I could’ve been normal

If only I was 6’7 like @freakofnature. :woke:
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how old are you why your mom dont leave you alone?
This shit is fucking rage fuel. I just can't wrap my head around the stupidity and hard head delusion of mothers. They should not be in charge of financial decisions like this. Feeding and nurturing is what a mother does best not fee fees on actual scientific studies.
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Your mom deserves to die. You will have an awful life and it's pretty much over for you just because of your mother. What a bitch. At your height your life will probably end in a suicide now. Say thanks to mommy.
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fuckin hell. you fuckin idiots are so narcisstic you ruin relationship with family over looks, and all you dumbfucks are even supporting him to kys and retaliate against his mother,

face it you are gonna be short, already 16/7 stop trying to debunk it, some guys are just short you are one of them
i know plenty of short guys who fucked bitches and had great fufilling lives,

you think you have shit parents? na you are just a shit son, no wonder your dad wants nothing to do with you
legit ur kind mother wants to get involved with you and asks how your day was and you just attack her cause you cant accept that you werent born a model

grow the fuck up (your only 16 so impossible) but you are gonna look back at yourself in a couple years(unless you are a pussy who kys before then) and cringe so harrd at how much of a little bitch you were
Buddies missing a few chromies it seems
Your mother isnt unique btw. Tons of mothers are so obsessed with making their sons not HATE WAHMINS that they cull any mental maturing their son could have from REAL life experience,
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OP will never feel true love, never feel truly wanted by a female, never develop romantic relationships apart from beta buxxing for a used up roasted with kids who cucks him regularly, doesn't want sex and pushes for "open relationship". All because his mother didn't put him on HGH so his femurs grew taller.

Holy shit, I feel bad for OP. I'd honestly just slit my throat if I was in his position. Not even LL can help at that point.

And I'm not trolling or being mean either, just saying it like it is.

This world is HELL for short men. ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE MODE!
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Buddy if you were/are 5ft 3 at age 16, you never 'could've been normal' outside of blasting pharma grade HGH from an age before your height problems could even be reliably identified. Mk and other crap is good for an inch or two at absolute fucking best, you'd have never been 5ft 10 (actual normal) or even just 'a bit short'. You might have reached 5ft 5 with lots of luck.
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I’m sorry bro
your best hope is to blackpill your mom
show her all the twitter screenshots of Manlets being abused
Just move out as fast as you can and don’t look back
update: just for I know, what AI’s should I buy, I’m going to see if my aunt or grandma cant help me out, my grandma gives me money every once and a while so I’ll buy preloaded debit cards
update: just for I know, what AI’s should I buy, I’m going to see if my aunt or grandma cant help me out, my grandma gives me money every once and a while so I’ll buy preloaded debit cards
save ur money and buy a rope
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6’2+ or death. Especially here in the Netherlands.
I was walking around Tilburg, bergen op zoom, eindhoven and with my 186cm I was mogging 90% of men its not that bad as you tell it is
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Shit like this makes me rage so hard fuckkkk i am also a victim of my so called mother who did not let me gymcel saying i will stunt my height and just wait till you are 18.
Fuaark i wanted to start gymcelling when i was 16 and still in puberty my frame would have improved greatly and my jaw and face would have been more musculare but she stopped me ..
Also i remember asking her do i look good she said you look good fuck this shit
Shit like this makes me rage so hard fuckkkk i am also a victim of my so called mother who did not let me gymcel saying i will stunt my height and just wait till you are 18.
Fuaark i wanted to start gymcelling when i was 16 and still in puberty my frame would have improved greatly and my jaw and face would have been more musculare but she stopped me ..
Also i remember asking her do i look good she said you look good fuck this shit

She might have been right. There are anecdotal reports that gymcelling as youngcel stunts height.

Don't blame your mom for not wanting you to be a manlet.
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I am 5.8"ft which is average in curryland maybe slightly above because girls and guys here are short as fuck..
Also i wish i started then my frame would me much larger.
Also isnt it ironic about how we are naive little boys who listen to thier mithers bluepill and bullshit advice but once turn 18 you realize you are fucked.
I so fucking wish i did not listen to her bluepilled advice tbh ngl
She might have been right. There are anecdotal reports that gymcelling as youngcel stunts height.

Don't blame your mom for not wanting you to be a manlet.
It imporves greatly as you are still young and developing and full if testosterone tbh also gymcelling in teen years can give you a masculine jaw and shit.
Now my only hope is running steroid game also growth is mostl done by 18like 95 percent and ppl say men grow which is bullshit you will at most gain an inch if you were a late bloomer and your frame maybe half an inch
Does your frame really improve if you start gymcelling young? I don't believe that.
Men i feel really feel bad for You, its a fact that being at 5'4 is a really bad position, but your mother is not going to buy You shit, You already tried everithing and at this point You are dragging your mother into a pit hole making her feel bad, change tactic, i used to buy paysafecards to buy Games, or create another PayPal account and link It to another credit card, then at a gas station or a Big store You can find gift cards You can buy with cash, Hope You get better OP cause You got a real obsession with this, and It seems its getting all your energy and hapiness out of You, maybe You Will never reach your desires have always that in mind, but dont let that make You depressed and try to stay in reality always and find ways to cope with It Hope You get better.
and at this point You are dragging your mother into a pit hole making her feel bad
:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:She should feel bad JFL its HIS life shes messing with.
You got a real obsession with this
Ya I wonder why?

it never ends even when it never began
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Dear Mother
Dear Father
What is this hell you have put me through

Pushed onto me what’s wrong or right
Hidden from this thing that they call life

Every thought I’d think you’d disapprove
Always censoring my every move
Children are seen but are not heard
Tear out everything inspired

But damn you for not giving me my chance

You’ve clipped my wings before I learned to fly

Hidden in your world you’ve made for me
I’m seething
I’m bleeding
Ripping wounds in me that never heal
Undying spite I feel for you
Living out this hell you always knew
Edited for relevance

Can you like call her out on it? Like ded srs, ur still 16 so she can’t do shit and kick you out, I mean at this point, a center would be more compassionate.

blast this at full sound on her face


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