My Solution to the TikTok Problem & Forum Privatization @Master

What do You think?

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May 3, 2020

I know my threads and posts often tend to sometimes be a bit hard on the eyes but I'll try to separate each and all of my points into distinct sections.

I also don't want to put too many spoilers since people often just simply don't bother clicking to open them, as they probably assume it'll take up most of the page and require too much effort to read.

So I'll leave everything open and without spoilers but organized, separated, and spaced out clearly enough to be both visible and comfortable to read.​

Hey all,

I have been reading your suggestions and we're thinking of privatizing the forum. The reason why we haven't privatized it before is due to the fact that we get a bunch of low-quality signups when we make the forum private, not only that, but leaving it open keeps the lower quality users away. Advertising is also another reason why we haven't privatized the forum.

The last time we had BOTB private, people registered and spammed 100 posts to get access to the section. I just want to hear your suggestions on how we can best handle it.
Jfl I knew this would happen in fact I've been telling everyone here this, including all staff, for months now because it was only a matter of time tbh.

First and foremost fuck that gay horsefaced plagiarizing bitch ass nigga SyrianPsycho.

Mods ban his account if he has one here asap, and if he doesn't ban his IP from being able to lurk.

Second, ...

Private BoB Immediately.
We can focus on other solutions afterward.​

Third, re-implement the 100 rep requirement on BoB for new users until the exposure dies down and you can plan an appropriate course of action.

Anyway, here's my plan to fix this...​

My Proposed Solution to the Issue of Forum Privatization:
Temporary Rolling Privatization periods for either the forum outright or specific sections critical to its integrity [i.e. BoB and Looksmaxing, or even offtopic if media gets involved and tries to strawman us], akin to "rolling blackouts" or rota load shedding.

This would be a good way to prepare and defend against any incoming threats posed by new trends [involving us], or recent media coverage, or even targeted attack campaigns etc. that seek to jeopardize this forum's future and "expose" our wrongthink.

Ads for users will be turned on to cover the running costs, but if costs are still too high then certain sections may be opened up even during this blackout period.

Selective Privatization of Specific Sections:
That said, certain sections should still remain permanently private to lurkers even outside of these privatized blackout periods when the forum is open like BoB and maybe Looksmaxing, though parts of Looksmaxing may be open to lurkers with some restrictions in order to prevent any potential losses in ad revenue.

BoB and Looksmaxing sections should also both be restricted to users [be they new or otherwise] via a minimum post/rep requirement I'll elaborate more on below, just as had previously been put in place before.

Leaving the offtopic section open or closed depends on how you want the forum to be presented to the outside:
Although it isn't necessarily filled with any critical looks theory or looksmaxing knowledge, it's still very "toxic" and full of spergy aspies [in good fun/just for memes though].

However, this can easily shed a bad light on the forum as a whole in the eyes of normies, perpetuating additional fear and hysteria regarding our very existence which can drive them to try to shut us down just because they [already btw] don't like us or what we say.

That said, Rating section could be a possible example of the opposite, however.

It could shed us in a more positive light:
By showing everyone else outside of the forum how we really are just trying to live up to the true purpose of this forum in helping each other improve.

However, people often post their real faces on there and being associated with this forum even if it's just for a rating might not be a good idea since normies [and their masters telling them where to bark] are more than willing to ostracize us for thoughtcrime.

Then again, people already post their faces here already so it wouldn't really change much to private the Rating Section.

Regarding the looksmaxing section, restrictions should be put in place for lurkers if they're viewing it since it still contains important looksmaxng information.

Although I'm not necessarily in favour of privating it outright since it'll cut into ad revenue, lurkers should only be able see a limited number of pages of the looksmaxxing section, such as more recent threads from within the past month. This would protect essential nigh BoB worthy threads still isolated in Looksmaxing section's archives.

Lurkers can't even use the search bar so they shouldn't be able to see old threads past a certain date either, or rather they shouldn't be able to view a few pages [like 2-3] beyond the first front page itself or earlier than a certain date.

Post vs Rep Requirements for New Users:
I think a FAIR way around newbie greycel users trying shitpost their way to 100 posts would be to simply change the requirement to 100 REP points instead.

You could also put an additional post requirement on top of the 100 rep like 200-500 post minimum, and this will actually make it easier since you wouldn't even need a "perfect" 1:1 post to rep ratio.

Sure, It'll be more difficult to make your way to 100 rep but at the same time it's not exactly impossible per say either, since it can be done in about a week or so if you post consistently.

Also, you wouldn't even necessarily have to post giga high iq/effort guide threads or even any giga aspie Evsicerations to get rep tbh:
Giving basic advice to those who haven't heard it yet, stating [obvious] facts,
Giving personal anecdotes/experience/stories,
Going into blackpill theory,
Non-shitposting memes [with a little effort though since memes are too easy],
or Even just saying things others agree with...

...are all easy ways to get rep tbh.

BoB will be completely restricted until the minimum post/rep requirement mentioned above is met.

Following the onset of the tiktok trend, the Looksmaxing section will still be visible to new greycels registered during this, but access will be limited be it in posting or viewing a certain quota of threads until the minimum post/rep requirement for BoB is achieved.

Additionally, staff needs to ensure these new greycels don't attempt to collaborate with each other to gain rep instead of earning it organically, as being repped by established users is part of the vetting process.

Restriction of Users Past a Certain Date at the Start of TikTok Trend:
Some have suggested the idea of preventing new users from being able to access BoB or even a prevention of registration outright, past the specific date in which this trend first started.

However, I don't support or agree with a broad restriction of access to content or registration based solely on join dates, since new users often provide good content just as they do bad content at times as well.

It's also so broad of an "solution" that it fails to address the key issue of low quality content by only targeting the users themselves instead of correcting their actual content and preventing its prevalence, while also inhibiting new high quality users from joining which can counter the influx of low quality ones.

Ultimately, you also really can't tell for sure who tried to join simply because of tiktok vs who joined organically unless you ask new users on the sign up appeal how they found out about the forum, and even then you'd have to rely on the element of surprise/first guess or them simply not just lying you to begin with.

However, even with all of that said I do still support broad or generalized restrictions on new greycels during their "trial perido", rather than outright prevention of registration or permanent restricted acsess to BoB based solely join date.

Preventing Shitposting and Spam:
Furthermore, greycel users should have to voluntarily enter a "trial phase" in which their first posts to 100 rep, or at the least just threads made by users in during this 100 rep trial period, will be monitored by staff and/or other established users to ensure they don't shitpost their way up.

A distinct marking will be placed on their account to single them out from the rest and denote how they're currently under a "trial period", this will ensure their posts are always held under scrutiny by the userbase while also encouraging other users to help give them reps if they make decent posts.

Posting may also generally be limited to sections where any form of shitposting is banned outright, since it will make the process of vetting your first 100 rep a lot easier for both you and staff- which makes your approval process during this period smoother and more efficient.

I know this might potentially sound "draconian" in some regard but don't worry it's really not though, because there'll be a lot of wiggle room so to speak in that there won't be this overbearing presence constantly looking out for that one time you fuck up.

So you don't have to make sure every post is always 100% high effort.

We're only making sure most of your posts to 100 Rep aren't just dozens of "dnrd" or "Jfl" posts.

Just post normally tbh.

@Lord&Master mentioned something interesting regarding how other forums deal with spam:
There are forums like and (cracking and hack forums)

They require paid membership to view certain content, and also require certain reputation to view content I believe.

They also have a feature that detects spamming and bans you permanently if you do.

The filtering out of both low quality users and content via an automated process would make it a lot easier and realistically feasible, as the only way to monitor spam for new greycels would be to limit the amount coming in and to take a hardline approach to striking out spam to keep up with the amount of posts.

Staff and other users should also be able to easily view the first 100 posts to recieve rep points of every new greycel during their trial period at any time, in order to constantly scan for any potential shitposting or spam and help alleviate some of the effort on part of the staff.

Staff will have free reign and ultimate discretion to strike down any potential spam/shitposting by these new greycel users at any time, and users will be able to report said spam/shitposts of these new greycel users in the "trial period" at any time which will be then be forwarded to staff to investigate.

Punishments can range from anything as simple as not making the post not count for rep, a reduction in rep point(s), or even outright bans for blatant disregard in obeying these very simple rules.

When combined with @Arborist's idea it all really starts to come together quite nicely and seems more realistically manageable.
limit the amount of posts greycels are able to make everyday that should motivate them to make those they have count.

and if they don't and end up with poor ratios you can discontinue their accounts, it's really not that hard to have a positive ratio unless you exclusively post garbage, even if people don't like you here as long as you post useful information or understand the culture a little it's nigh impossible to have a shit ratio.
Post limits for new greycels is also a good idea, I'd combine it with a monitored "trial period" to strike out any shitposts/spam and maybe even that spam filter @Lord&Master mentioned.

@Prettyboy also put forth the idea of limiting new greycels posting areas to those where shitposting isn't allowed.
I would solve the issue of spamming to get to 100 posts by only allowing newly registered users to post in fhe Looksmaxxing & Ratings subforums, where shitposting isn’t allowed anyways. After that amount, both Offtopic and BOTB would be open for them.
This is a good idea, offtopic can be open for greycels to view but they shouldn't post until they meet a minimum requirement, and I'd also argue for monitoring of their posts to filter out spam/shitposts.

However, Looksmaxing section should still be limited for these new greycels to just the first few pages and not earlier than a month just like it is for normies, this restriction can be lifted when the minimum rep/ratio requirement is met following the end of their "trial period".

Ultimately, these measures are only put in place to protect this forum and the knowledge contained in it we all hold dear, and there may possibly come a time where these measures can maybe be rolled back but until then this is just how it goes.

Privatizing of User Content and Deleting Posts:
Users should be allowed to delete their entire post history when deleting their accounts when considering how many users here [especially early on] chase after rep points, though they ultimately get nothing from them in the end and often post things they regret.

I think it'd be a good incentive for users seeking to delete their accounts and leave the forum after using the advice here.

That said, I also worry about any potential high quality posts/threads being deleted along with it so I think sections of their deleted content from users marked as important ought to be preserved or archived.

Users should also to have the discretion to decide which of their content should to be deleted, especially if it could potentially be harmful to their privacy or easily be taken out of context, but full content deletion should only be reserved for those deleting accounts.

However, an exception to full content deletion will be made for content marked as important knowledge, though said content itself can be modified or censored under certain circumstances such as privacy concerns [via consent of the user if still in contact with staff] while still maintaining the main integrity of the content in its original form.

Additionally, Rep thresholds to only allow users of a certain Rep level to view your threads threads is also another excellent idea, as it not only ensures normies can't view your threads, but it also [ideally anyway] helps control the quality of users who post on it.

@0hMan also put forth a good idea regarding the old hideposts option:
This. Also a way to get around spam is to wait until people get a certain amount of reps vs a certain amount of posts to access BOTB. Also, I think now more than ever the hideposts option should come back, so people can choose to not make their threads accesible to lurkers.
Hideposts based on user rep or even outright denial of access to lurkers would be a good idea, as it wouldn't just cover entire threads but specific individual content within the thread itself.

Pay to Enter Sections:
Some have suggest the notion of a payed surgery/harmaxx focused subsection of Looksmaxing section.

This would be a great idea for dedicated users who have the resources available to move onto the next step of seriously improving their looks tbh, and it could potentially end up being another way to help fund the running of this forum.

However, due to the inherently risky nature of the subject matter disclaimers along with measures to vet content on the section need to be put in place to minimize risk and help promote safety.

Although crypto can be pretty secure if you know what you're doing many people still don't trust it, and many more [not just normies btw] can't even figure out how to do it securely themselves either.

Not to mention, most people just simply aren't comfortable with the idea of paying your way in especially for knowledge tbh, and yes before anyone says it- I know you have to go through paywalls sometimes even for scientific publications/journals/databases let alone things like books, documentaries, courses etc.

It's for that reason I think a post/rep requirement for sections of the forum would be a better idea and could work relatively well if done properly, especially if supplemented via other measures such as a monitored "trial period" to filter out low quality users and content.

Stronger Vetting of New User Sign Ups Applications:
A general restriction on the amount of new greycel users [like a certain quota or max threshold for a week] would help slow down the influx of new users to help improve the quality and efficiency of the vetting process as a whole, this would also help staff keep up with the monitoring of these new greycels.

Regarding improved sign up requirements, the entire vetting process must be made more thorough and detailed as it's a basic yet essential preliminary measure necessary to filter out low quality users, since it's the first direct step one takes to becoming a part of this forum.

Prompt length, effort, and quality including grammar will all be taken into consideration following the implementation of more stringent vetting measures. However, primary emphasis will be placed on the quality and effort followed by length of the sign up post rather than only focusing on grammar.

It should then be noted to those trying to sign up that improper grammar may hurt their chances to an extant somewhat, but improper grammar in and of itself won't necessarily cause a rejection of a sign up appeal outright.

Exceptions also ought to be made for users who don't speak English as a first language but are still proficient enough in it [@badg96 👀], as saying otherwise would actually negate the purpose of even having foreign language sections on this forum in the first place.

Some have suggested the idea of vulgar language being detrimental to one's sign up post but I disagree.

Vulgar language can actually [sometimes at least] help add greater impact to one's pleas when done correctly as it's meant to be from the heart, that said the point I'm making here is that although use of it would be discouraged and/or limited, singling it out just because someone said "fuck" one too many times doesn't really make sense as like I said emphasis needs to be placed on the quality and effort put into it.


You don't have to read these since I already included some of the important parts in my main points above, but I'd still include them since I'm still responding to your concerns after all.

Just close it till this tiktok trend is over
Why not disable signups and make the forum private while waiting for the tiktok trend to die down? If people really want to join the forum after that, they can wait until the privatization is over.
Privatized periods to wait until recent coverage of the form dies down would be a good idea since it isn't necessarily a hardline measure, and even if it were it's still not permanent either.

just private the forum
if people get 100 (or more) posts then give him acces to BOTB

if they spam or shitpost then don"t give them acces (the staff can check that)

if people post guide"s and advice on the rating section = more chance he will get acces to BOTB
100 posts were the old requirement put in place before BoB [regretably] opened up.

However, I don't think shitposting is avoidable when the end goal is just to reach that number, so I think a REP requirement would be a better idea instead.

I also think staff checking for spam or shitposting is still a good idea though.

Posting guides and advice are the best ways to get rep tbh since they provide constructive opinion.

And posting on Rating section is underrated since it's an easy way to do both and establish yourself as a reputable user, it also isn't nearly as bloated with users as offtopic so getting your opinion heard as a greycel newbie isn't nearly as difficult.

I hate the tiktok wave but making the forum private isn't really necessary, the tiktokcels don't have any interest in reading long forum posts and aren't accustomed to this kind of a platform. They might join but they sure as shit won't stay
Although you very well could be right in that this whole trend will inevitably just pass, you still really can't tell for sure nor can you be sure that doing so [leaving the forum open during this time] won't have any long term detrimental effects by burning this forum and it's memes into their minds long term.

They could very easily just associate the forum with looksmaxing advice and/or just edgy memes, either of which will draw them back here since normies eat that shit up like pigs eating shit.

Not to mention this forum's name isn't even that difficult to remember either, and considering how more centralized the surface web normie web is becoming [into a just a handful of sites normie are now clustered around] it'll leave more people potentially seeing this place as another option to interact with people outsider of the [normie] internet monopoly.

Then again, with everything becoming centralized and censored online it may also actually serve to our own benefit by helping to keep us out of the spotlight so much.

Lastly, you say they won't stay but you really can't be so sure, especially when considering how mainstream the blackpill is becoming due to the sheer scope of the loneliness epidemic and hypergamy are getting with each and every passing year.

Besides, how many users here do you think could honestly say they successfully "left" this forum after using the advice looksmax after saying they would?

Jfl it always starts with a "Bye I'm leaving the forum" and then ends with a 'see you tomorrow' posted right under it.

No need to privatize it, just don't make any retard join so casually or just wait a couple of weeks before letting anyone join.
If this forum makes its money via ads, privatizing it kills the very little revenue it does get
Aside from trying to wait out the recent coverage due to the tiktok trend [which is a good but ultimately temporary solution], a general waiting period for new users to join wouldn't change anything.

It won't stop the influx of low quality greycel shitposting nor will it even curb any of the repeat exposure this forum regularly gets on occasion.

Waiting periods themselves also wouldn't necessarily change or impact how said potential new users might post, and it won't stop normies from discovering this forum or uncovering its looksmaxing secrets.

Again aside from waiting out this tiktok trend, a better solution would be to directly target the manner in which new users both post and join outright via something more permanent like a minimum post or rep requirement.

An old rep requirement was put in place for BoB before but staff removed it for some reason.

Honestly, combining a post requirement along with a monitored trial period for new users would help siphon out any low quality users or potential infiltrators and saboteurs, while also discouraging any lazy normies just trying to steal our shit [advice].

Also, I doubt most users here really mind the ads since they're not that noticeable and most can probably appreciate [or at the very least understand] how they're necessary to keep this forum up and running.

So I think ads should be visible in place for users as well, or at the very least low post/rep users until a certain quota or colour level is reached.

I don't know whether it's too early to do it. One of the reasons to do it I guess is keeping away high amouns of people coming from social media who potentially could turn this site into a bluepilled space similar to r/selfimprovement for example.

There will most likely be a moment when privatization will be needed in order to to keep the forum's essence, but it's hard to tell if now is the moment.
This is a good point brought up tbh, since it was this very problem which had actually diluted the old o.g. [social dominance hierarchy manipulation based] redpill back in the day before the "just be alpha bro" and puas infiltrated it.

Sure, the original redpill might not have necessarily put that great of an importance on looks [assuming it even addressed it to begin with], but it was still [and still is] useful in some regard especially when it comes to managing or dominating your way through social relationships and hierarchies, which is something that goes beyond just being "NT" [bro].

If anything though, I not only think privatization of the forum is necessary now but even for the future as well. However, with that said I'm not necessarily arguing for a permanent privatization but rather rolling privatization periods when necessary to go dark and protect this forum.

If you privatized the entire forum without implementing section restrictions based on post-count there would be no incentive for greycels to spam 100 shit posts directly after sign up to access BOTB
There are ways around shitposting and spamming your way to 100 posts can be prevented from something as simple as switching the requirement from 100 posts to 100 Rep instead tbh.

Additionally, things such as a 200-500 post requirement and monitored trial period for new users to watch out for and prevent shitposting would also help prevent its prevalence.

Privatizing the entire forum isn't feasible, at least not permanently that is, as both new users and even lurkers are essential to this forums survival, success and longevity due to running costs covered by advertising and new high quality users filling in the void made by old high quality users leaving.

The 100 rep BoB requirement isn't put in place merely because "it needs to be earned" but also because it's simply a decent way to filter out low quality users from good ones.

its not gonna get privatized forever. i think privatizing until the tiktok trend dies down would be the best move to make sure the forum keeps the essence without a bunch of unknowledgable tiktokkers making bad posts. after a few months it would be back up
Yes, a permanent privatization wouldn't be feasible long term as ad revenue necessary to cover costs to run the forum probably won't be able to keep up with the dip since lurkers make a significant part of the forum even before this new recent trend.

However, a potential way this temporary solution could be made more feasible long term would be to implement a rolling privatization type feature where the forum is privated on occasions when deemed necessary like traffic or exposure getting too high, which could pose a risk to the forum getting down.

Also give graycels a much shorter leash than older posters
I propose a monitored "trial period" up to a certain post/rep rank to ensure they're not bad users.

Let's privatize the best of the best section until a user achieves a certain number of reps. This measure can last for a few months until the trend dies down. The rating section should also be privatized since valuable information is shared there from the best of the best section. The offtopic and other sections don't need to be privatized as they are not crucial for looksmaxing. Those genuinely interested in being part of the forum will easily reach the reps goal, while those seeking to benefit without contributing will be filtered out.

Furthermore, we should prevent new users from repping each other, as they might collaborate to reach the rep threshold. Instead, new users should only be allowed to receive reps from established, long-time users here.
That was the measure put in place before and it ought to be a more permanent one at that too.

The Rating section doesn't have nearly as much looksmaxing information as say Looksmaxing section let alone BoB, as it's just full of ratings and basic advice given on an individual case by case basis.

Offtopic isn't nearly as valuable [or really even just in general tbh] but it is still full of the worst this forum has to offer in typical autism and spergy "toxicity".

This gives credence to the perception of this forum being nothing but the worst of the Offtopic section, which then validates the preconceived normies already have of us and further perpetuates their hatred and desire to shut us down for wrongthink.

That last point you made about preventing new greycel insider collaboration was also an important point I think we need to watch out for and implement.

all they do is just lurk anyway prying eyes hidden in the darkness
Prying eyes can still see and pose a threat especially when hidden in the darkness to where no one can see them or is even aware of their presence.

All it takes are a few prying eyes able to see and take what we say out of context to form an organized witch hunt esque campaign to shut us down for the sin of thoughtcrime, and the more we're unaware of this fact the more likely it is for us to be caught off guard by it assuming we even have a way to prevent [let alone defend] against it.

Master i think you long ago prioritized quantity of posts over quality of posts.

If people view this forum as a means to entertainment then it becomes a circus, because circuses are entertaining.

Anyone actually improving themselves wouldn't be on here much. In the same way that someone trying to build muscle should spend more time working out than reading about working out.

This forum quality hasn't been great in a long time. I used to really try to make quality posts but stopped months ago because this forum is filled with retards.

It makes no difference if you make it private or not. The forum has been and still is filled with retards and making it private doesn't help. It's not possible to have a wide scale high quality community for one reason: most people aren't high quality. And the ones that are got the information and left. So it makes no difference if it's private or not. However for privacy reasons you should let people entirely delete their posts.

You bring up a very good point on the worsening quality of not only the quality of information and content available here but also the users posting them here as well.

Many have left and taken the true purpose of this forum [self-improvement] to heart while many have either chosen to stay for some reason or gotten roped up in this forum's addictive nature.

Whatever the case may be, not all of the users still left here are bad since they serve as a means to maintain said quality information and ensure it's properly passed onto new users to perpetuate both it's existence and prevalence amongst all the muddy noise in the background.

However, making the forum private [at least for a little while] can help solve this problem by ensuring no more new low quality users are able to corrupt the established pool of users [along with their knowledge] we already have.

Furthermore, putting in place additional measures such as a monitored "trial period", post/rep requirements for sections etc. can help aid in filtering out poor quality users from high quality ones.

The last point you made about allowing users to delete their entire post history really makes a lot of sense when considering how many users here [especially early on] chase after rep points, though they ultimately get nothing from them in the end and often post things they regret.

I think it'd be a good incentive for users seeking to delete their accounts and leave the forum after using the advice here. That said, I also worry about any potential high quality posts/threads being deleted along with it so I think sections of their deleted content from users marked as important ought to be preserved or archived.

Users also ought to have the discretion to decide which of their content ought to be deleted, especially if it could potentially be harmful to their privacy or easily be taken out of context, but I think full content deletion should only be reserved for those deleting accounts.

However, an exception to full content deletion will be made for content marked as important knowledge, though said content itself can be modified or censored under certain circumstances such as privacy concerns [via consent of the user if still in contact with staff] while still maintaining the main integrity of the content in its original form.

My idea would be to split the looksmaxxing section into 2 different sections: one for softmaxxing and one for surgerymaxxing. The surgerymaxxing forum would be application only for users who came in after a certain date. Let’s be honest, the only real fear is for surgery prices to be driven up, everything else is negligible
Splitting the looksmaxing section into 2 different sections isn't a bad idea in general.

However, when it specifically comes to this issue in particular [the tiktok trend putting us on blast rn] it honestly won't do much.

The fear everyone has here [whether they realize it or not- let alone even merely admit it to themselves outright] is normies stealing all or any of our looksmaxing advice be they softmaxxing or hard/surgerymaxxing, as any competition from them is bad competition and makes our already overinflated hypergamous dating market even more difficult.

Not to mention, they ultimately don't deserve to know any of this while they willingly stay bluepilled themselves, and gaslight/ostracize us into isolation due to the way we look and/or merely having wrongthink.

So fuck them.

Please make a surgery sub-forum. That would improve the website a lot.

Jawsurgeryforum makes you pay to sign up in crypto. Keep the retarded broke tik-tokers out. Once they pay no need for them to spam 100 posts or anythign to get access to BOTB or surgerymax sub-forum.
i've been thinking about this too. a surgery subforum which requires you to pay to enter would be very useful. it would also filter out the broke people who cant afford to pay for access.

A surgery/harmaxx focused subsection of Looksmaxing section would be a great idea for dedicated users who have the resources available to move onto the next step of seriously improving their looks tbh.

However, due to the inherently risky nature of the subject matter disclaimers along with vetting of content on the section need to be put in place to minimize risk and help promote saftey.

I didn't even know jawsurgeryforum did that tbh but then again the last time I went there was quite a while ago too ngl.

That said, while it would also be a good way to vet the right people, I don't think paying your way into sections would be a very popular idea here for various reasons.

Although crypto can be pretty secure if you know what you're doing many people still don't trust it, and many more [not just normies btw] can't even figure out how to do it securely themselves either.

Not to mention, most people just simply aren't comfortable with the idea of paying your way in especially for knowledge tbh, and yes before anyone says it- I know you have to go through paywalls sometimes even for scientific publishications/journals/datatbases let alone things like books, documentaries, courses etc.

It's for that reason I think a post/rep requirement for sections of the forum would be a better idea and could work relatively well if done properly, especially if supplemented via other measures such as a monitored "trial period" to filter out low quality users and content.

i say close botb for exclusive access like account made before certain date/rep
It should be based on post/rep not locked behind a certain date since good new users can still come in tbh.

The latter [date rather than the former/Rep] is so broad of an answer it fails to address the key issue of low quality content by only targeting users themselves instead of correcting their content, while also inhibiting new high quality users from joining which can counter the influx of low quality ones.

Make it so that you require at least 50 words or more to explain why you want to sign up and reject sign ups that contain grammatical errors or vulgar language so you don't get low quality sign ups. This would help keep out 80iq tiktok normies. Oh and private every section except for the rules and announcement.
We already have a similar requirement established at the moment but I get what you're saying tbh, and I think making the entire process more thorough and detailed will aid in what you're proposing.

Rather than specifically or only focusing on grammar or vulgar language I think primary emphasis needs to be placed on the quality and effort of the sign up post.

It should be noted to those trying to sign up that improper grammar and/or vulgar language may actually hurt their chances to an extant somewhat, but those two things in and of themselves won't necessarily cause a rejection of your appeal outright.

Exceptions also ought to be made for users who don't speak English as a first language but are still proficient enough in it [@badg96 👀], as saying otherwise would actually negate the purpose of even having foreign language sections on this forum in the first place.

Vulgar language can actually [sometimes at least] help add greater impact to one's pleas when done correctly as it's meant to be from the heart, that said the point I'm making here is that use of it would be discouraged and/or limited, but singling it out just because someone said "fuck" one too many times doesn't really make sense as like I said emphasis needs to be placed on the quality and effort put into it.

Finally, we shouldn't have to private all sections except essential and/or necessary ones like BoB, Looksmaxing, Money & Success tbh.

However, offtopic might need to be closed off to normies since a lot of what's posted on there can very give normies more fuel to take out of context and make us look bad with.

Also, Rating section isn't too essential or too valuable to keep closed compared to BoB or Looksmaxing since a lot of the advice can easily just be construed as mere conjecture or based on anecdote.

Make BOTB access rep-based, increase the post requirement a lot, or a combination of the two (best option).

For example, 1000 posts and 1000 reps.
No one can spam their way to that. It'd take a while anyways, and only the dedicated people (incels) will be able to access it. As it's supposed to be.

It solves the problem because it doesn't completely remove attention to the site but also blocks most tiktok normies from getting the info.

Also, as @MongolTurk suggested, upping the sign up requirements. Proper grammar and a long text would help combat the lazy sign up problem

BoB access was already rep-based before and it never should've been removed tbh.

However, many are concerned new greycel users will simply try to spam their way to the top when it comes to post requirements [though this is less so the case with rep requirements since they dependent on the discretion of other users] so simply increasing the numerical requirement itself wouldn't be enough on it's own.

What you propose, a combination requirement of both post and rep would be the more feasible solution in my opinion, but an equal 1000 rep and posts would be very unpopular and discourage many users [be the new or old] from being here.

A requirement like necessitates you dedicate hours worth of time posting increasingly higher and higher quality content just to reach that 1000 benchmark like some video game rat race or gambling addict-esque rep chaser/addict, which many would assume to not be worth the effort especially if we're meant to use this forum and it's advice to eventually one day leave it.

I understand the purpose of this is inherently meant to siphon out only the most dedicated of users to grant access of BoB to, but this is still too much and will never go anywhere even assuming if staff themselves were willing to humour the idea.

That said, I think a slight modification of the numbers could [and would] work far better, say a 100 rep requirement combined with a 200-500 post [this is more fair tbh and gives more leeway instead of focusing on a perfect 1:1 post/rep ratio] requirement alongside a monitored "trial period" to make sure new users don't just shitpost or spam their way to the benchmark.

This would solve the problem of low quality users, not the main issue stemming from the recent influx of prying normie eyes on the forum.
That would require outright privatization of the form at least temporarily until the heat dies down a bit.

Regarding improved sign up requirements, I think making the entire process more thorough is a basic necessary measure to filter out low quality users since it's the first direct step one takes to becoming a part of this forum.

However, rather than specifically or only focusing on grammar I think primary emphasis needs to be placed on the quality and effort of the sign up post itself along with the length tbh.

It should then be noted to those trying to sign up that improper grammar may hurt their chances to an extant somewhat, but improper grammar in and of itself won't necessarily cause a rejection of a sign up appeal outright.

Exceptions also ought to be made for users who don't speak English as a first language but are still proficient enough in it [@badg96 👀], as saying otherwise would actually negate the purpose of even having foreign language sections on this forum in the first place.

Have them name 3 PSL gods, 2 users and a previous incel forum. That should keep out 90%+ of normies.
mfs gonna post guides online to get in 😭
Niggas will make a quizlet on post the answers on it just like how we cheat in school tests/hw
It might sound funny, and yes I get it's a joke, but users here still might try unironically to do that due to either being coerced, fooled, bribed or guilt tripped by a greycel(s), or even just due to a selfish [yet utterly pointless] pursuit of chasing rep.

However, this brings a good point @emeraldglass just made too:
Furthermore, we should prevent new users from repping each other, as they might collaborate to reach the rep threshold. Instead, new users should only be allowed to receive reps from established, long-time users here.
I think it'd be a good way to prevent it though.

This would also work.

@Master act fast, up to you to either put it behind a paywall, or private the whole forum. Either way it will benefit everyone in the long run.
@drop made a very good point here in that he addressed a possible [and probable] solution in a temporary privatization and the flaws of a permanent one:

its not gonna get privatized forever. i think privatizing until the tiktok trend dies down would be the best move to make sure the forum keeps the essence without a bunch of unknowledgable tiktokkers making bad posts. after a few months it would be back up

However, I think a way to improve upon this would be to implement a rolling privatization feature [akin to a "rolling blackout"] when exposure gets too high and puts the forum in jeopardy.

While I don't think either the last two measures you suggested will ever be feasible here, I also think we need to act fast as the longer we wait the worse things will get, as we're constantly running the risk of being subject to any organized campaign set out against us since we're so vulnerable right now.

Privating BOTB is pointless without also privating the Looksmaxxing section as it contains infinitely more knowledge and content that will draw them here as it's exclusive to this site. Moneymaking, Off-Topic, Ratings etc is useless generic shit that you can find on most other forums so they dont need to be privated
This is just common sense tbh since BoB is merely an extension of Looksmaxing section's best threads tbh.

Make it so they can only see up to a number of pages of the looksmaxxing forum (like only the past month). Wouldn't make it so they can't access it at all, but would make it so they can't see the useful threads.
This is actually a really good idea tbh.

Lurkers can't even use the search bar so they shouldn't be able to see old threads past a certain date either, or rather they shouldn't be able to view a few pages [like 2-3] beyond the first front page itself.

be LOW INHIB and totally privatize the forum until 2024, no sign-ups until then either. tiktok obsession should die off by then (If not then we will figure it out)
Once it's 2024 you should implement some of the other features people are talking about for sure though

Edit: I forgot 2024 is only like 5 months away so I'd say to wait it out even longer tbh
I propose we implement rolling privatization periods for an indeterminate amount of time every time the forum experiences too much exposure.

I don't see why we can't [or rather shouldn't] do it if even subreddits can do it whenever things get too hot for them tbh.

half the niggas campaigning against muh tiktokcels joined like 2 months ago
you might as well ban them too if thats a concern

It's not simply just about new users it's about normies and low quality users infiltrating our ranks, stealing our knowledge, and/or trying to get us shutdown by taking what we say out of context to ostracize and organize witch hunts against us for thoughtcrime.

That's also true. But some of them are actually High IQ who were just lurking though.

There's gotta be a better solution
Oh but there is in the form of better vetting, rolling temporary forum privatization periods, and monitored trial periods for new users to reach a certain post/rep requirement.

There are forums like and (cracking and hack forums)

They require paid membership to view certain content, and also require certain reputation to view content I believe.

They also have a feature that detects spamming and bans you permanently if you do.
I'm not necessarily against paying for certain content access, but I don't think the idea will be very popular even when considering we already have VIP upgrades, as I can only imagine how most users here will react if there's a dedicated VIP section or even if BoB becomes VIP only Jfl.

The feature you mentioned about detecting spam sounds interesting though and would make the filtering out of both low quality users and content [during the "trial period" I mentioned before for new users] a lot easier.

ideally we would ban all members who joined after like 7/15 but privatizing would be good enough right now. i just think it should happen asap before more low-quality posters sign up.
Banning by date would be a drastic and overreaching measure, as it's no replacement for proper vetting of new users and their sign up appeals and filtering out low quality content itself.

There are other more feasible solutions available, but I agree that urgency is our greatest concern at the moment.

I'd say best thing to do is private the forum for the time until the storm passes like @drop says.

In the future, maybe Users can have the option to only allow other users of a certain threshold of REP to view their threads. (Not Profile, I already know this is a feature)

The High IQ users wouldn't allow greycels or people who don't have an account to view any of their threads for example.
A temporary privatization seems to be the common consensus most have here.

Rep thresholds to view threads being under the discretion of users who made the content themselves is an excellent idea as it not only ensures normies can't view your threads, but it also [ideally anyway] helps guarantee that only high quality users post on it.

This next is slightly offtopic and might even be a bit uncomfortable for some to hear since it kind of opens up a can of worms no one's really talked about before [at least not to my knowledge that is] regarding ownership and/or rights of users over their own content while also maybe getting into the realm of potential copyright.

However, with that said I'm not really sure how much of that would really apply here since this isn't exactly a place like YouTube where you upload your own content that you actually own.

I'm not even sure if something like copyright [or something similar too it anyway] would even apply to a forum like Reddit or ours for that matter- regardless of how high quality/effort your content is or how much of a claim you think you have to it, and I'm sure there's probably something either in the terms of service or rules here detailing how we don't actually own any IP's regarding our own generated content here anyway.

In fact I started thinking about this whole thing after reading @Yuno_howitez's Looksmax manga tbh.

I agree with the restriction until you get a certain amount of reputation that some threads have talked about. Since reputation usually does define the quality and usefulness of a user.

I think privatization would be best, or to at least restrict the amount of registrations specially in these times with high influx of normies.
Most people concerned with post requirements and spamming/shitposting would probably find a rep requirement to be a better solution instead tbh, as it's ultimately up to our own discretion to give rep out.

Privatization would have to be temporary as lurkers cover the costs to run the forum via ads, I wouldn't be against adds showing up for users so long as they aren't annoying or noticeable but I'm not sure how most users would react.

I, like many others already, also proposed stronger vetting for new user sign up appeals but I think a general restriction on the amount of new users coming in on top of more vetting could help too tbh.

I made the best case for privatizing the forum, and actually put data/statistics for it instead of random tiktoks. If this happens, should get an honorary pass.
We're not against the idea of new users joining in general as you yourself are the prime example of why I don't support or agree with a braod restriction of access based solely on join dates, since new users often provide good content just as they do bad content as well.

Wouldn't be easier to just restrict access to users who joined after a certain date, before TikTok trend started?

That way no matter how much they shitpost, they don't get the privilege to information, ofc this would be permanent change, just until the trend dies down
The issue lies in the difficulty of pinpointing precisely when this trend began, and there might be individuals interested in signing up here who didn't discover the forum through TikTok or social media.
Exactly, you can't really tell for sure who tried to join simply because of tiktok vs who joined organically unless you ask new users on the sign up appeal how they found about the forum, and even then you'd have to rely on them wanting to be honest with you to begin with.

I would second the opinions of those who wanted it based upon REP count. Like 1000 reps. That can't be faked easily. If someone gets 1000 reps, then they've EARNED the right to access what we got.
Private the entire forum, set a rep requirement for botb/looksmaxing (e.g. 1,000 reps)
Rep should be prioritized over mere post count but I'd argue for both as a requirement, say 100 rep during a monitored trial period to prevent or filter out spam/shitposts and at least a 200-500 post minimum.

1000 Reps seems a bit too high and would take too long even for most users, which is why many would be against the idea tbh.

Lock the forums thro a passkey prompt and send a personalized passkey to each member thro mail and that is it. This is a necessary step to take now to discourage mfs from tiktok from signing up and make content around psl on their tiktoks using info on forums.

Once thats done we could then discuss it further in a much quieter state of mind.
That's just privatization of the forum which staff could very easily do right now if they wanted to.

However, I agree that it should be our first priority until heat dies down for at least critical sections, while also limiting the influx of new users and keeping some sections open until we figure this out.

We also need a steroid/supplement/peptide section so that serious lifters can get advice on those.
Why not just a bodybuilding section?

Sounds funny now that I say that considering how it was kind of the opposite on back in the day with misc.

I'd also like to see nattymaxxing threads and longevity advice too ngl so you wouldn't need to go on trt to be fit as you age

a) stop saying privatizing. It's privating

b) don't listen to your userbase they are retarded. Keeping it open gives you more ad money and helps prevent echo chambers because users with fresh perspectives aren't immediately turned away by a lack of access
Assuming most probably don't know the difference, I think rest [myself included] only kept privatizing simply for convenience's sake since everyone else already is.

While I agree that keeping it open, or rather more specifically allowing new users to fill in the forum offers some benefit in the form of fresh perspectives, we are currently under siege and fully exposed to any form of organized attack normies or their masters would try to lobby against us.

We need the heat to die down first before considering the former.

You can probably generate more money from forcing people to buy into the website or to buy access to BOTB or surgery-sub forum than by advertising. Also where the fuck are the ads I have never seen a single one on here.

And it's not about shutting people out it's about regulating the quality of users. Having older and more thoughtful users will lead to higher quality insights and more mature conversations while preserving diversity of opinion.
Ads are for lurkers I think, but I'm not sure about low post/repcels though.

Aside from the fact that we're very vulnerable during a time in which we're also very exposed right now, user and content quality is by far the greatest concern regarding this forum's future.

Private the BOTB and looksmaxxing section right now because tiktok content on it is peaking rn. Tiktokers like SyrianPsycho make guides ripped off word for word from BOTB. I think making those private rn as an initial move would be nice, and we‘ll see what happens next when the looksmaxxing trends on tiktok die down (from yesrteday, average vid on this topic gained like 70k likes which is quite a lot)
The fact that this is currently happening right now and BoB of all places so exposed for everyone to see is insulting.

It should've at least been closed to lurkers from the start because something like this was bound to happen.


I totally agree, the forum has ALREADY been a circus since summer 2022 with a lot of the recent high quality posters like @AscendingHero @Korea prettyboy loox and many other quality posters either leaving entirely, not being as active, or falling into shitposts. I think Korea said it in an old post that making high quality posts like @enchanted_elixir style effort isn’t worth it because it’s met with people literally writing 2 second meme responses for reps. The most important thing is to ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING instead of lingering on “how to privatize” and never doing anything. The most important thing rn is trying things out instead of waiting for some really perfect idea. Again, the goal should be to prioritize old and experienced users while keeping out the absolute wave of tiktokcels coming in who do nothing but make the forum worse
While agree with pretty everything you just said and understand how it's an every growing problem on our forum, we need to deal with the immediate issue at hand.

The forum or at the very least BoB needs to be privated to lurkers and new greycels until this trend dies down, then we can focus on other issues like this.

The rep/ratio is a good requirement because would repel shit posters.
However 90% of the forum, even OGs wouldn't get access with 2+ r/r. I'd say 1+ r/r and 1000+ post is fair.
Maybe for the forum finances it would be beneficial to put a paywall to skip the requirements.
2.0 ratio is insanely difficult

I'd argue for a 100 rep and 200-500 post requirement during a monitored trial period for new users to prevent shitposts/spam combined with stronger vetting.

limit the amount of posts greycels are able to make everyday that should motivate them to make those they have count.

and if they don't and end up with poor ratios you can discontinue their accounts, it's really not that hard to have a positive ratio unless you exclusively post garbage, even if people don't like you here as long as you post useful information or understand the culture a little it's nigh impossible to have a shit ratio.
Post limit for greycels is also a good idea, I'd combine it with a monitored "trial period" to strike out any shitposts/spam and that spam filter @Lord&Master mentioned wasn't a bad idea either.

1k post requirement is absurd. Have been an active user since 2021 & 1 of the few who actually went into surgery. Many actual surgerymaxxers here have not been posting a lot either & it would be absurd to lock those out.

Also "privatize till the trend dies down" - what if it doesn't?
I propose a saner solution via 100 rep and 200-500 posts excluding shitposts witch won't count and will be strikes against new greycels during a monitored "trial period".

I would solve the issue of spamming to get to 100 posts by only allowing newly registered users to post in fhe Looksmaxxing & Ratings subforums, where shitposting isn’t allowed anyways. After that amount, both Offtopic and BOTB would be open for them.
This is a good idea, offtopic can be open for greycels to view but they shouldn't post until they meet a minimum requirement, and I'd also argue for monitoring of their posts to filter out spam/shitposts.

The influx of new greycels should be curbed via more stringent vetting and more detailed applications on the sign up prompt.

Other forums also spam filters for new users too.

Means nothing with people existing who use the knowledge to make video on more popular platforms, like youtube
True, but we can stop its spread or at the very least slow it down, normies have pretty shitty memories afterall.
I think forum should be private. If anyone spreads the information on tiktok/youtube/other social media, they should be permabanned. If they can be found at all. Also, ban alts. Every member should be unique.

The point you just mentioned about keeping a lid on forum info is a good idea but I think it should only extend to the point of promoting forum itself rather than just some basic looksmaxing info.

Alts are already a bannable offense.

the only important post here.
a wave of tiktok "looksmaxxers" with 0 self discipline will not increase competition to the point that the male looks standard will rise to a todays rating of 7/10 or higher.

way more important is the availability and affordability of the things and procedures needed to ascend.

just look how not even plastic surgeons, but just usually functionaly operating maxillofacial surgeons have increased their prices in comparison to 2019/2020, when this forum "started"
More eyes on the forum is bad either way, be it due to normies stealing any of our knowledge [thereby increasing competition/hypergamy] or organized efforts to shut us down for thoughtcrime by misconstruing what we say.

This. Also a way to get around spam is to wait until people get a certain amount of reps vs a certain amount of posts to access BOTB. Also, I think now more than ever the hideposts option should come back, so people can choose to not make their threads accesible to lurkers.
Hideposts based on user rep or even outright denial of access to lurkers would be a good idea too.

Exactly. I have so many good guides in my docs that I haven't posted due to tards. If we can get shit underway, I could bring a lot of stuff to the table.
You bring up an important issue but we can deal with it once we settle this tiktok trend bullshit first since we're too vulnerable and exposed like this, especially with all of BoB up for anyone to see and grab.

You have to privatize BOTB, there's no other way around it. You mentioned people would spam 100 posts to gain access but this is easily avoidable by requiring rep and letting your moderators know they're free to give warnings to any new users blatantly spamming to bypass access requirements. 500 posts + 500 rep will for the most part filter out bad actors. Looksmaxxing section should have some level of requirements but ofcourse this will put new users off and i know you need them for advertisement purposes.

One thing you didn't mention which in my opinion is the most important is the fact that there are thousands of lurkers. People who don't register, they take the information and run away with it. You also have the users who register but never post anything. These two groups of people should be filtered out from having access to valuable information. It's easily done by the above mentioned restrictions. Making the ratings section private aswell is pretty obvious so thousands of lurkers aren't seeing pictures of members here.
Tiktok kids won't bother doing the 500 post+rep process to gain access.

It's difficult because if you want to truly preserve the info, you make both botb and looksmaxxing private but it would have an effect on your advertising. Best thing would be private botb and make mods ban spammers.
Agree with most if not all

I'd suggest a similar post rep requirement around 100 rep and 200-500 posts while new greycels are monitored and vetted during a trial period, new greycel registration will also be more limited during this time.

I'd suggest privating BoB and Looksmaxing sections, but opening up only Looksmaxing section to lurkers while still limiting it is a good idea too.

I think bringing back ads for users would be a good idea to fight off any dip in ad revenue too.

Fuck no, this is a terrible idea, I’m pretty sure I wrote some half assed shit on there and ended up contributing more to the forum than any of the cringe tryhards that typed an essay, also not to mention that they could just get AI to write it for them, so a minimum character requirement would be useless and just a nuisance for users who actually care about becoming part of this community, if they can write a somehow coherent sentence let them in

@Master @Alexanderr if you guys really care about “muh forum quality” you should crack down on the useless spam some users do and be way less lenient with shitposting instead, probably like half of the guys campaigning against “tiktok npcs” are the same ones bloating up the forum by shitting out the same repetitive unfunny one liners in any and every topic they come across.
It's not terrible idea because it merely provides another one of the many roadblocks meant to stop or at the very least slow down normies trying to squirm their way in here.

I agree that a crackdown on spam and shitposts should also apply to both established users and new ones too as that will help improve the worsening quality of the forum.

Make the forum invitation-based. You need 1k reputation to invite someone and must be on the site for longer than 1 month.

Make the "best of the best" section accessible only to people with 500 reputation or more.

Filter people through the sign-up process. Also, ask where they come from: Google search, Reddit, YouTube, TikTok. Ask them some basic questions related to the blackpill.
If we're talking about new users and not necessarily just lurkers, an "invitation" based system may slow down the spread but it poses a slight privacy risk that some users might not be comfortable with.

Also, asking where people came from won't really help since they can just lie, but most probably won't know we'll deny them based on what they say so that might work to our benefit as well.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: sb23, Funnyunenjoyer1, Ultimate Subhuman™ and 41 others

I know my threads and posts often tend to sometimes be a bit hard on the eyes but I'll try to separate each and all of my points into distinct sections.

I also don't want to put too many spoilers since people often just simply don't bother clicking to open them, as they probably assume it'll take up most of the page and require too much effort to read.

So I'll leave everything open and without spoilers but organized, separated, and spaced out clearly enough to be both visible and comfortable to read.​

Jfl I knew this would happen in fact I've been telling everyone here this, including all staff, for months now because it was only a matter of time tbh.

First and foremost fuck that gay horsefaced plagiarizing bitch ass nigga SyrianPsycho.

Mods ban his account if he has one here asap, and if he doesn't ban his IP from being able to lurk.

Second, ...

Private BoB Immediately.
We can focus on other solutions afterward.​

Third, re-implement the 100 rep requirement on BoB for new users until the exposure dies down and you can plan an appropriate course of action.

Anyway, here's my plan to fix this...​

My Proposed Solution to the Issue of Forum Privatization:
Temporary Rolling Privatization periods for either the forum outright or specific sections critical to its integrity [i.e. BoB and Looksmaxing, or even offtopic if media gets involved and tries to strawman us], akin to "rolling blackouts" or rota load shedding.

This would be a good way to prepare and defend against any incoming threats posed by new trends [involving us], or recent media coverage, or even targeted attack campaigns etc. that seek to jeopardize this forum's future and "expose" our wrongthink.

Ads for users will be turned on to cover the running costs, but if costs are still too high then certain sections may be opened up even during this blackout period.

Selective Privatization of Specific Sections:
That said, certain sections should still remain permanently private to lurkers even outside of these privatized blackout periods when the forum is open like BoB and maybe Looksmaxing, though parts of Looksmaxing may be open to lurkers with some restrictions in order to prevent any potential losses in ad revenue.

BoB and Looksmaxing sections should also both be restricted to users [be they new or otherwise] via a minimum post/rep requirement I'll elaborate more on below, just as had previously been put in place before.

Leaving the offtopic section open or closed depends on how you want the forum to be presented to the outside:
Although it isn't necessarily filled with any critical looks theory or looksmaxing knowledge, it's still very "toxic" and full of spergy aspies [in good fun/just for memes though].

However, this can easily shed a bad light on the forum as a whole in the eyes of normies, perpetuating additional fear and hysteria regarding our very existence which can drive them to try to shut us down just because they [already btw] don't like us or what we say.

That said, Rating section could be a possible example of the opposite, however.

It could shed us in a more positive light:
By showing everyone else outside of the forum how we really are just trying to live up to the true purpose of this forum in helping each other improve.

However, people often post their real faces on there and being associated with this forum even if it's just for a rating might not be a good idea since normies [and their masters telling them where to bark] are more than willing to ostracize us for thoughtcrime.

Then again, people already post their faces here already so it wouldn't really change much to private the Rating Section.

Regarding the looksmaxing section, restrictions should be put in place for lurkers if they're viewing it since it still contains important looksmaxng information.

Although I'm not necessarily in favour of privating it outright since it'll cut into ad revenue, lurkers should only be able see a limited number of pages of the looksmaxxing section, such as more recent threads from within the past month. This would protect essential nigh BoB worthy threads still isolated in Looksmaxing section's archives.

Lurkers can't even use the search bar so they shouldn't be able to see old threads past a certain date either, or rather they shouldn't be able to view a few pages [like 2-3] beyond the first front page itself or earlier than a certain date.

Post vs Rep Requirements for New Users:
I think a FAIR way around newbie greycel users trying shitpost their way to 100 posts would be to simply change the requirement to 100 REP points instead.

You could also put an additional post requirement on top of the 100 rep like 200-500 post minimum, and this will actually make it easier since you wouldn't even need a "perfect" 1:1 post to rep ratio.

Sure, It'll be more difficult to make your way to 100 rep but at the same time it's not exactly impossible per say either, since it can be done in about a week or so if you post consistently.

Also, you wouldn't even necessarily have to post giga high iq/effort guide threads or even any giga aspie Evsicerations to get rep tbh:
Giving basic advice to those who haven't heard it yet, stating [obvious] facts,
Giving personal anecdotes/experience/stories,
Going into blackpill theory,
Non-shitposting memes [with a little effort though since memes are too easy],
or Even just saying things others agree with...

...are all easy ways to get rep tbh.

BoB will be completely restricted until the minimum post/rep requirement mentioned above is met.

Following the onset of the tiktok trend, the Looksmaxing section will still be visible to new greycels registered during this, but access will be limited be it in posting or viewing a certain quota of threads until the minimum post/rep requirement for BoB is achieved.

Additionally, staff needs to ensure these new greycels don't attempt to collaborate with each other to gain rep instead of earning it organically, as being repped by established users is part of the vetting process.

Restriction of Users Past a Certain Date at the Start of TikTok Trend:
Some have suggested the idea of preventing new users from being able to access BoB or even a prevention of registration outright, past the specific date in which this trend first started.

However, I don't support or agree with a broad restriction of access to content or registration based solely on join dates, since new users often provide good content just as they do bad content at times as well.

It's also so broad of an "solution" that it fails to address the key issue of low quality content by only targeting the users themselves instead of correcting their actual content and preventing its prevalence, while also inhibiting new high quality users from joining which can counter the influx of low quality ones.

Ultimately, you also really can't tell for sure who tried to join simply because of tiktok vs who joined organically unless you ask new users on the sign up appeal how they found out about the forum, and even then you'd have to rely on the element of surprise/first guess or them simply not just lying you to begin with.

However, even with all of that said I do still support broad or generalized restrictions on new greycels during their "trial perido", rather than outright prevention of registration or permanent restricted acsess to BoB based solely join date.

Preventing Shitposting and Spam:
Furthermore, greycel users should have to voluntarily enter a "trial phase" in which their first posts to 100 rep, or at the least just threads made by users in during this 100 rep trial period, will be monitored by staff and/or other established users to ensure they don't shitpost their way up.

A distinct marking will be placed on their account to single them out from the rest and denote how they're currently under a "trial period", this will ensure their posts are always held under scrutiny by the userbase while also encouraging other users to help give them reps if they make decent posts.

Posting may also generally be limited to sections where any form of shitposting is banned outright, since it will make the process of vetting your first 100 rep a lot easier for both you and staff- which makes your approval process during this period smoother and more efficient.

I know this might potentially sound "draconian" in some regard but don't worry it's really not though, because there'll be a lot of wiggle room so to speak in that there won't be this overbearing presence constantly looking out for that one time you fuck up.

So you don't have to make sure every post is always 100% high effort.

We're only making sure most of your posts to 100 Rep aren't just dozens of "dnrd" or "Jfl" posts.

Just post normally tbh.

@Lord&Master mentioned something interesting regarding how other forums deal with spam:

The filtering out of both low quality users and content via an automated process would make it a lot easier and realistically feasible, as the only way to monitor spam for new greycels would be to limit the amount coming in and to take a hardline approach to striking out spam to keep up with the amount of posts.

Staff and other users should also be able to easily view the first 100 posts to recieve rep points of every new greycel during their trial period at any time, in order to constantly scan for any potential shitposting or spam and help alleviate some of the effort on part of the staff.

Staff will have free reign and ultimate discretion to strike down any potential spam/shitposting by these new greycel users at any time, and users will be able to report said spam/shitposts of these new greycel users in the "trial period" at any time which will be then be forwarded to staff to investigate.

Punishments can range from anything as simple as not making the post not count for rep, a reduction in rep point(s), or even outright bans for blatant disregard in obeying these very simple rules.

When combined with @Arborist's idea it all really starts to come together quite nicely and seems more realistically manageable.

Post limits for new greycels is also a good idea, I'd combine it with a monitored "trial period" to strike out any shitposts/spam and maybe even that spam filter @Lord&Master mentioned.

@Prettyboy also put forth the idea of limiting new greycels posting areas to those where shitposting isn't allowed.

This is a good idea, offtopic can be open for greycels to view but they shouldn't post until they meet a minimum requirement, and I'd also argue for monitoring of their posts to filter out spam/shitposts.

However, Looksmaxing section should still be limited for these new greycels to just the first few pages and not earlier than a month just like it is for normies, this restriction can be lifted when the minimum rep/ratio requirement is met following the end of their "trial period".

Ultimately, these measures are only put in place to protect this forum and the knowledge contained in it we all hold dear, and there may possibly come a time where these measures can maybe be rolled back but until then this is just how it goes.

Privatizing of User Content and Deleting Posts:
Users should be allowed to delete their entire post history when deleting their accounts when considering how many users here [especially early on] chase after rep points, though they ultimately get nothing from them in the end and often post things they regret.

I think it'd be a good incentive for users seeking to delete their accounts and leave the forum after using the advice here.

That said, I also worry about any potential high quality posts/threads being deleted along with it so I think sections of their deleted content from users marked as important ought to be preserved or archived.

Users should also to have the discretion to decide which of their content should to be deleted, especially if it could potentially be harmful to their privacy or easily be taken out of context, but full content deletion should only be reserved for those deleting accounts.

However, an exception to full content deletion will be made for content marked as important knowledge, though said content itself can be modified or censored under certain circumstances such as privacy concerns [via consent of the user if still in contact with staff] while still maintaining the main integrity of the content in its original form.

Additionally, Rep thresholds to only allow users of a certain Rep level to view your threads threads is also another excellent idea, as it not only ensures normies can't view your threads, but it also [ideally anyway] helps control the quality of users who post on it.

@0hMan also put forth a good idea regarding the old hideposts option:

Hideposts based on user rep or even outright denial of access to lurkers would be a good idea, as it wouldn't just cover entire threads but specific individual content within the thread itself.

Pay to Enter Sections:
Some have suggest the notion of a payed surgery/harmaxx focused subsection of Looksmaxing section.

This would be a great idea for dedicated users who have the resources available to move onto the next step of seriously improving their looks tbh, and it could potentially end up being another way to help fund the running of this forum.

However, due to the inherently risky nature of the subject matter disclaimers along with measures to vet content on the section need to be put in place to minimize risk and help promote safety.

Although crypto can be pretty secure if you know what you're doing many people still don't trust it, and many more [not just normies btw] can't even figure out how to do it securely themselves either.

Not to mention, most people just simply aren't comfortable with the idea of paying your way in especially for knowledge tbh, and yes before anyone says it- I know you have to go through paywalls sometimes even for scientific publications/journals/databases let alone things like books, documentaries, courses etc.

It's for that reason I think a post/rep requirement for sections of the forum would be a better idea and could work relatively well if done properly, especially if supplemented via other measures such as a monitored "trial period" to filter out low quality users and content.

Stronger Vetting of New User Sign Ups Applications:
A general restriction on the amount of new greycel users [like a certain quota or max threshold for a week] would help slow down the influx of new users to help improve the quality and efficiency of the vetting process as a whole, this would also help staff keep up with the monitoring of these new greycels.

Regarding improved sign up requirements, the entire vetting process must be made more thorough and detailed as it's a basic yet essential preliminary measure necessary to filter out low quality users, since it's the first direct step one takes to becoming a part of this forum.

Prompt length, effort, and quality including grammar will all be taken into consideration following the implementation of more stringent vetting measures. However, primary emphasis will be placed on the quality and effort followed by length of the sign up post rather than only focusing on grammar.

It should then be noted to those trying to sign up that improper grammar may hurt their chances to an extant somewhat, but improper grammar in and of itself won't necessarily cause a rejection of a sign up appeal outright.

Exceptions also ought to be made for users who don't speak English as a first language but are still proficient enough in it [@badg96 👀], as saying otherwise would actually negate the purpose of even having foreign language sections on this forum in the first place.

Some have suggested the idea of vulgar language being detrimental to one's sign up post but I disagree.

Vulgar language can actually [sometimes at least] help add greater impact to one's pleas when done correctly as it's meant to be from the heart, that said the point I'm making here is that although use of it would be discouraged and/or limited, singling it out just because someone said "fuck" one too many times doesn't really make sense as like I said emphasis needs to be placed on the quality and effort put into it.


You don't have to read these since I already included some of the important parts in my main points above, but I'd still include them since I'm still responding to your concerns after all.

It's not about denying. It is generally to see which way the forum is found more.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 20399
Good thread
  • +1
Reactions: majesticincel, nigkook, justinzayn and 3 others
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  • JFL
  • +1
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What he said
it's not that deep tbh

More stringent vetting of new greycel sign ups
Reintroduction of Restrictions on BoB based on Rep
Limited access on Looksmaxing section based on rep but not an outright restriction like BoB
Temp private of most OR all of the forum during periods of extreme exposure or media hysteria


Just look at the big yellow letters I put tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Codeinlover, TeenAscender, Marsiere214 and 3 others

Private the forum for the time being, let the heat die down, then implement several policies that prioritize QUALITY of users. Instead of a broad solution, which is probably a better idea. We still NEED new members, but not these low IQ Greycels polluting our ideologies with crap threads and useless info. Run new users through a filter, weed out the low quality ones. Pretty high IQ ideas here.
  • +1
Reactions: nigkook, PrinceofDarkness, Zonar and 10 others
we need looksmax merch
I'm not even opposed to the idea

and I unironically think plenty here would be willing to buy merch just like VIP tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 14262, aspiringexcel and Deleted member 19766
it's not that deep tbh
You need to think about the butterfly effect. Our small niche group of ideologies when exposed to mainstream can cause a lot more competition, raise surgery prices, criticism of men's physical attractiveness more socially acceptable, Females are likely to become more hypergamous than they already are because of increased awareness of how subhuman most men are.
  • +1
Reactions: iisbarret, godisdead, Deleted member 41006 and 6 others
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  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214, aspiringexcel and Deleted member 19766
A lot of people are opposed to the idea of having to "Pay" or put in any effort in general for certain content on this site.

Look, as long as it's nothing ridiculous, is it really that unreasonable to pay a small amount of money for information to potentially ascend and change your life?

Users will pay for a bunch of skincare/hair products/Supplements but they draw the line at this.

No such thing as a free lunch. Remember this, appreciate the free information while you can
  • +1
Reactions: Informationcapitali and Deleted member 19766
no yea I want it to go private
but that 50 page essay is a bit much innit?

And remember the jew Master hasn't even done anything

He's discussing it with the other Admins.
  • +1
Reactions: aspiringexcel, Deleted member 19766 and chaddyboi66
And remember the jew Master hasn't even done anything
A distinct marking will be placed on their account to single them out from the rest and denote how they're currently under a "trial period", this will ensure their posts are always held under scrutiny by the userbase while also encouraging other users to help give them reps if they make decent posts.
Paint Logo GIF - Paint Logo Star - Discover & Share GIFs

This was just a joke btw
  • JFL
Reactions: TsarTsar444, aspiringexcel, Deleted member 19766 and 1 other person
A lot of people are opposed to the idea of having to "Pay" or put in any effort in general for certain content on this site.

Look, as long as it's nothing ridiculous, is it really that unreasonable to pay a small amount of money for information to potentially ascend and change your life?

Users will pay for a bunch of skincare/hair products/Supplements but they draw the line at this.

No such thing as a free lunch. Remember this, appreciate the free information while you can
The pay to enter option was merely just that- an option

As I'm not actually advocating for that since I know it'd be incredibly unpopular
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19766
The Looksmax Merch:

$29.99: "It's Over" T-shirt

$9.99: Francisco Lachowski Anime Body Pillow

$49.99: David Gandy Halloween Mask

$15.99: Sunglasses with Hunter Eyes painted on the lenses
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: godisdead, Asxender, PrinceofDarkness and 15 others
making the forum a subscription would be good cause would filter at all the broke ass poor teens who are the people and competition we don't want on this site
  • WTF
  • +1
Reactions: Bars, LooksThinker and aspiringexcel
What the fuck is that massive wall of text? Tl dr
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 20399
Privatizing is wrong and sounds retarded btw

We need more normies and fresh perspectives tbh. If anything we should do a cull of current users because they are mostly dogshit.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: TiktokUser, Bars, godisdead and 1 other person
Agreed. I think any real solution will take trial and error but change needs to happen.
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214
admins right now:
cats dogs GIF
  • JFL
Reactions: Codeinlover
I agree but just want to emphasize the point that there needs to be a HARD daily/weekly cap on posts by greycels.
As an exception they can pay to remove the lock with a seemingly excessive amount of money (hundreds) or a pay per extra forum post system.
If they abuse it by spamming they get permanently banned.

If lookmax values its freedom from greycel autism then the cap should be: 1 new point a day. (Therefore 500 days of shitposts before they get unlimited powers LOL).
If one is to be liberal and lenient then perhaps a limit to 2-5 posts a day is tolerable. (~150 days of lurking).

A hard cap on greycel posts will force users to lurk and assimilate into lookism culture, avoid shitting up the board with their incoherent autism while also contributing, albeit likely minutely, to server costs.
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  • +1
Reactions: LooksThinker and chaddyboi66
I agree but just want to emphasize the point that there needs to be a HARD daily/weekly cap on posts by greycels.
As an exception they can pay to remove the lock with a seemingly excessive amount of money (hundreds) or a pay per extra forum post system.
If they abuse it by spamming they get permanently banned.

If lookmax values its freedom from greycel autism then the cap should be: 1 new point a day. (Therefore 500 days of shitposts before they get unlimited powers LOL).
If one is to be liberal and lenient then perhaps a limit to 2-5 posts a day is tolerable. (~150 days of lurking).

A hard cap on greycel posts will force users to lurk and assimilate into lookism culture, avoid shitting up the board with their incoherent autism while also contributing, albeit likely minutely, to server costs.
This tbh.

A daily/weekly limit on new greycel postings will also help staff monitor their activity for potential spam/shitposting.

In combination with stronger vetting during the sign up process, a general limit on the amount of new users able to register would also help slow the process down a bit further, while still not outright preventing new users from joining altogether.

In addition to the complete restriction on BoB, limits on the ability to view all of Looksmax section's content should also be put in place to ensure they aren't able to go past the first 3 pages/last month of recent threads.

This limit on Looksmaxing section's content will last at least until their monitored period of 100 rep/200-500 posts is over, to which BoB will also be available to view for them.

Staff should also debate whether greycels can post on offtopic or not, since some users are afraid of greycels trying to shitpost in offtopic due to shitposting being allowed in that section unlike unlike the Rating or Looksmaxing sections etc.

However, I think that if the other methods I've listed previously are used in combination together, a restriction on the ability to post on offtopic wouldn't be necessary- since new greycel posting ability will have already been slowed down to the point where staff can accurately monitor their activity.
Lost me at pay to enter
Just private the bludclart server
  • +1
Reactions: majesticincel and godisdead
Lost me at pay to enter
Just private the bludclart server
It was merely a suggestion and not one I'm advocating for at all.

I only put it forth on behalf of the ones who did, so that I could get everyone else's opinions on the matter.
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214 and try2beme
Came up with an idea. We all know it’s not just BotB threads - it is many many more. I honestly believe that 90% of the useful information on this site is not in BotB. My idea is essentially a BotB “light version”. Long term high quality users have the option to “certify” certain threads & for example more than 10 certifications would also make the thread private & accessible for users with a certain amount of rep/posts only.
Despite not directly addressing the main issue at hand, this is a very good idea and one I think staff really ought to look into once the current threat we're facing passes.

on the other side hes feeding normies with mewing and other bs information. We need to organize a disinformation campaign.
I agree, a disinfo campaign will be our first line of degense against the enemy currently storming our gates, as directing their attention away from their true prize will buy us more time to formulate greater retaliatory counterattack strategy.

I considered this idea as well, but I realized that limiting the number of posts new users can make each day might discourage their engagement. It wouldn't be fair for them. Instead, allowing only established users to rep their posts would create a fairer system and encourage new users to strive for higher reputation by posting quality content.
Good, that is the point after all. Only those dedicated enough to the point where they're willing to intelligently engage with us first should be able to have a place here.

The idea I put forth, of a minimum 100 rep and 200-500 post requirement during a monitored "trial period" with a daily post cap, is more than fair enough to guarantee new greycel user engagement. This will also aid in slowing down the influx of said new users to the point where both we and staff will be able to properly vet them before granting access to our knowledge.

However, the idea you put forth about only allowing established users to rep them is pretty good tbh, as it'll address the concern you and I both raised regarding new greycel insider collaboration to cheat their way past the vetting system during the monitored "trial period".

I will Not Like any graycel Posts on purpose
Understandable, you don't have to.

Others will do so for you, as it's necessary to properly vet new high quality users vs low quality ones, and staff will never back the idea of preventing new users from joining.

Jesus christ how much adderall do they feed you
Not enough to stop my ever spiraling downward path into autism apparently.

Bro what the shit lmao. Im 100% hope they private the forum but that long ass message must have taken hours to write LMAO

...I try not to think about it [so much].
  • +1
Reactions: StrangerDanger, emeraldglass and Marsiere214
Despite not directly addressing the main issue at hand, this is a very good idea and one I think staff really ought to look into once the current threat we're facing passes.

I agree, a disinfo campaign will be our first line of degense against the enemy currently storming our gates, as directing their attention away from their true prize will buy us more time to formulate greater retaliatory counterattack strategy.

Good, that is the point after all. Only those dedicated enough to the point where they're willing to intelligently engage with us first should be able to have a place here.

The idea I put forth, of a minimum 100 rep and 200-500 post requirement during a monitored "trial period" with a daily post cap, is more than fair enough to guarantee new greycel user engagement. This will also aid in slowing down the influx of said new users to the point where both we and staff will be able to properly vet them before granting access to our knowledge.

However, the idea you put forth about only allowing established users to rep them is pretty good tbh, as it'll address the concern you and I both raised regarding new greycel insider collaboration to cheat their way past the vetting system during the monitored "trial period".

Understandable, you don't have to.

Others will do so for you, as it's necessary to properly vet new high quality users vs low quality ones, and staff will never back the idea of preventing new users from joining.

Not enough to stop my ever spiraling downward path into autism apparently.


...I try not to think about it
[so much].
i checked the comments underneath those tiktok videos and it appears that the majority of them were commented by femcels or normoloids. If they were blackpilling people they wouldve shown statistics and would try to prove that lookism is real, i think they are just trying to mock us by using our slang and therefore we should just ignore them and stop giving them attention.(no shit sherlock) Just wait until the wave passes might be legit. Eitherway most zoomers on there have very low attention span and iq i highly doubt they would take a second to read long walls of text ur giga high iq for hiding our plans in plain sight by writing essays.
  • +1
Reactions: chaddyboi66
i checked the comments underneath those tiktok videos and it appears that the majority of them were commented by femcels or normoloids. If they were blackpilling people they wouldve shown statistics and would try to prove that lookism is real, i think they are just trying to mock us by using our slang and therefore we should just ignore them and stop giving them attention.(no shit sherlock) Just wait until the wave passes might be legit. Eitherway most zoomers on there have very low attention span and iq i highly doubt they would take a second to read long walls of text ur giga high iq for hiding our plans in plain sight by writing essays.
I could care less about them getting blackpilled so much as I do about them coming here and stealing our looskmaxing advice. I know what you mean though, but I still want to make sure all of our knowledge is secure from their prying eyes. Not only do they just not deserve it, but letting normies increase their SMV is simply counterproductive to our goal of improving our looks in the first place, because then the base level requirement for looks will only be pushed even further to the extreme due to ever-worsening hypergamy and increased competition.
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214
I could care less about them getting blackpilled so much as I do about them coming here and stealing our looskmaxing advice. I know what you mean though, but I still want to make sure all of our knowledge is secure from their prying eyes. Not only do they just not deserve it, but letting normies increase their SMV is simply counterproductive to our goal of improving our looks in the first place, because then the base level requirement for looks will only be pushed even further to the extreme due to ever-worsening hypergamy and increased competition.
if they are not blackpilled then they would not looksmax.
  • +1
Reactions: chaddyboi66
if they are not blackpilled then they would not looksmax.
True, but some can still be blackpilled enough to the point where they actually even view looksmaxing itself as being no more than just another pointless cope in the end, just as many both here and on .is already have. Like us, normies are also being affected by the disastrous effects of hypergamy and are getting more blackpilled by the day. However, unlike us they're currently undergoing a very unique phenomenon where they might already be blackpilled without even realizing it, but exactly can't figure out why they really feel that way to begin with. Their blissful ignorance will only take them so far in the end, as even they themselves will inevitably be forced to face the true ramifications of said ignorance as a result of it.
  • +1
Reactions: Patient A and Marsiere214
IMG 9619

Nice thread, like your plan, would let you experiment

But master never takes structural action, just rides everything out.

Also still need to allow VPN signup for paying accounts is a must. Just something that one can request during the sign up process.
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  • +1
Reactions: chaddyboi66
i checked the comments underneath those tiktok videos and it appears that the majority of them were commented by femcels or normoloids. If they were blackpilling people they wouldve shown statistics and would try to prove that lookism is real, i think they are just trying to mock us by using our slang and therefore we should just ignore them and stop giving them attention.(no shit sherlock) Just wait until the wave passes might be legit. Eitherway most zoomers on there have very low attention span and iq i highly doubt they would take a second to read long walls of text ur giga high iq for hiding our plans in plain sight by writing essays.
Who is the girl in your signature?
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214 and chaddyboi66
True, but some can still be blackpilled enough to the point where they actually even view looksmaxing itself as being no more than just another pointless cope in the end, just as many both here and on .is already have. Like us, normies are also being affected by the disastrous effects of hypergamy and are getting more blackpilled by the day. However, unlike us they're currently undergoing a very unique phenomenon where they might already be blackpilled without even realizing it, but exactly can't figure out why they really feel that way to begin with. Their blissful ignorance will only take them so far in the end, as even they themselves will inevitably be forced to face the true ramifications of said ignorance as a result of it.
What if we add incel to the forum name?
What if we change our lingo to make it more difficult for normoloids to find the forum?
What if we add incel to the forum name?
What if we change our lingo to make it more difficult for normoloids to find the forum?
is that marsi i see? what a sight!
  • Love it
Reactions: Marsiere214
already everyone forgot about this lol
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 65576 and chaddyboi66
Tbf looksmaxxing isnt that mainstream, its still very niche, a lot of "views" on tiktok for example could be just bots or people watching the content on loop, also the people who actually are doing something with this knowledge is very few ngl
No needs to worry, you mfs be having lots of autistic cortisol spikes over random algorithim stuff and meme culture lol
Go outside quit being so aspie.
  • +1
Reactions: Bars and chaddyboi66
Tbf looksmaxxing isnt that mainstream, its still very niche, a lot of "views" on tiktok for example could be just bots or people watching the content on loop, also the people who actually are doing something with this knowledge is very few ngl
No needs to worry, you mfs be having lots of autistic cortisol spikes over random algorithim stuff and meme culture lol
Go outside quit being so aspie.
  • +1
Reactions: chaddyboi66

I know my threads and posts often tend to sometimes be a bit hard on the eyes but I'll try to separate each and all of my points into distinct sections.

I also don't want to put too many spoilers since people often just simply don't bother clicking to open them, as they probably assume it'll take up most of the page and require too much effort to read.

So I'll leave everything open and without spoilers but organized, separated, and spaced out clearly enough to be both visible and comfortable to read.​

Jfl I knew this would happen in fact I've been telling everyone here this, including all staff, for months now because it was only a matter of time tbh.

First and foremost fuck that gay horsefaced plagiarizing bitch ass nigga SyrianPsycho.

Mods ban his account if he has one here asap, and if he doesn't ban his IP from being able to lurk.

Second, ...

Private BoB Immediately.
We can focus on other solutions afterward.​

Third, re-implement the 100 rep requirement on BoB for new users until the exposure dies down and you can plan an appropriate course of action.

Anyway, here's my plan to fix this...​

My Proposed Solution to the Issue of Forum Privatization:
Temporary Rolling Privatization periods for either the forum outright or specific sections critical to its integrity [i.e. BoB and Looksmaxing, or even offtopic if media gets involved and tries to strawman us], akin to "rolling blackouts" or rota load shedding.

This would be a good way to prepare and defend against any incoming threats posed by new trends [involving us], or recent media coverage, or even targeted attack campaigns etc. that seek to jeopardize this forum's future and "expose" our wrongthink.

Ads for users will be turned on to cover the running costs, but if costs are still too high then certain sections may be opened up even during this blackout period.

Selective Privatization of Specific Sections:
That said, certain sections should still remain permanently private to lurkers even outside of these privatized blackout periods when the forum is open like BoB and maybe Looksmaxing, though parts of Looksmaxing may be open to lurkers with some restrictions in order to prevent any potential losses in ad revenue.

BoB and Looksmaxing sections should also both be restricted to users [be they new or otherwise] via a minimum post/rep requirement I'll elaborate more on below, just as had previously been put in place before.

Leaving the offtopic section open or closed depends on how you want the forum to be presented to the outside:
Although it isn't necessarily filled with any critical looks theory or looksmaxing knowledge, it's still very "toxic" and full of spergy aspies [in good fun/just for memes though].

However, this can easily shed a bad light on the forum as a whole in the eyes of normies, perpetuating additional fear and hysteria regarding our very existence which can drive them to try to shut us down just because they [already btw] don't like us or what we say.

That said, Rating section could be a possible example of the opposite, however.

It could shed us in a more positive light:
By showing everyone else outside of the forum how we really are just trying to live up to the true purpose of this forum in helping each other improve.

However, people often post their real faces on there and being associated with this forum even if it's just for a rating might not be a good idea since normies [and their masters telling them where to bark] are more than willing to ostracize us for thoughtcrime.

Then again, people already post their faces here already so it wouldn't really change much to private the Rating Section.

Regarding the looksmaxing section, restrictions should be put in place for lurkers if they're viewing it since it still contains important looksmaxng information.

Although I'm not necessarily in favour of privating it outright since it'll cut into ad revenue, lurkers should only be able see a limited number of pages of the looksmaxxing section, such as more recent threads from within the past month. This would protect essential nigh BoB worthy threads still isolated in Looksmaxing section's archives.

Lurkers can't even use the search bar so they shouldn't be able to see old threads past a certain date either, or rather they shouldn't be able to view a few pages [like 2-3] beyond the first front page itself or earlier than a certain date.

Post vs Rep Requirements for New Users:
I think a FAIR way around newbie greycel users trying shitpost their way to 100 posts would be to simply change the requirement to 100 REP points instead.

You could also put an additional post requirement on top of the 100 rep like 200-500 post minimum, and this will actually make it easier since you wouldn't even need a "perfect" 1:1 post to rep ratio.

Sure, It'll be more difficult to make your way to 100 rep but at the same time it's not exactly impossible per say either, since it can be done in about a week or so if you post consistently.

Also, you wouldn't even necessarily have to post giga high iq/effort guide threads or even any giga aspie Evsicerations to get rep tbh:
Giving basic advice to those who haven't heard it yet, stating [obvious] facts,
Giving personal anecdotes/experience/stories,
Going into blackpill theory,
Non-shitposting memes [with a little effort though since memes are too easy],
or Even just saying things others agree with...

...are all easy ways to get rep tbh.

BoB will be completely restricted until the minimum post/rep requirement mentioned above is met.

Following the onset of the tiktok trend, the Looksmaxing section will still be visible to new greycels registered during this, but access will be limited be it in posting or viewing a certain quota of threads until the minimum post/rep requirement for BoB is achieved.

Additionally, staff needs to ensure these new greycels don't attempt to collaborate with each other to gain rep instead of earning it organically, as being repped by established users is part of the vetting process.

Restriction of Users Past a Certain Date at the Start of TikTok Trend:
Some have suggested the idea of preventing new users from being able to access BoB or even a prevention of registration outright, past the specific date in which this trend first started.

However, I don't support or agree with a broad restriction of access to content or registration based solely on join dates, since new users often provide good content just as they do bad content at times as well.

It's also so broad of an "solution" that it fails to address the key issue of low quality content by only targeting the users themselves instead of correcting their actual content and preventing its prevalence, while also inhibiting new high quality users from joining which can counter the influx of low quality ones.

Ultimately, you also really can't tell for sure who tried to join simply because of tiktok vs who joined organically unless you ask new users on the sign up appeal how they found out about the forum, and even then you'd have to rely on the element of surprise/first guess or them simply not just lying you to begin with.

However, even with all of that said I do still support broad or generalized restrictions on new greycels during their "trial perido", rather than outright prevention of registration or permanent restricted acsess to BoB based solely join date.

Preventing Shitposting and Spam:
Furthermore, greycel users should have to voluntarily enter a "trial phase" in which their first posts to 100 rep, or at the least just threads made by users in during this 100 rep trial period, will be monitored by staff and/or other established users to ensure they don't shitpost their way up.

A distinct marking will be placed on their account to single them out from the rest and denote how they're currently under a "trial period", this will ensure their posts are always held under scrutiny by the userbase while also encouraging other users to help give them reps if they make decent posts.

Posting may also generally be limited to sections where any form of shitposting is banned outright, since it will make the process of vetting your first 100 rep a lot easier for both you and staff- which makes your approval process during this period smoother and more efficient.

I know this might potentially sound "draconian" in some regard but don't worry it's really not though, because there'll be a lot of wiggle room so to speak in that there won't be this overbearing presence constantly looking out for that one time you fuck up.

So you don't have to make sure every post is always 100% high effort.

We're only making sure most of your posts to 100 Rep aren't just dozens of "dnrd" or "Jfl" posts.

Just post normally tbh.

@Lord&Master mentioned something interesting regarding how other forums deal with spam:

The filtering out of both low quality users and content via an automated process would make it a lot easier and realistically feasible, as the only way to monitor spam for new greycels would be to limit the amount coming in and to take a hardline approach to striking out spam to keep up with the amount of posts.

Staff and other users should also be able to easily view the first 100 posts to recieve rep points of every new greycel during their trial period at any time, in order to constantly scan for any potential shitposting or spam and help alleviate some of the effort on part of the staff.

Staff will have free reign and ultimate discretion to strike down any potential spam/shitposting by these new greycel users at any time, and users will be able to report said spam/shitposts of these new greycel users in the "trial period" at any time which will be then be forwarded to staff to investigate.

Punishments can range from anything as simple as not making the post not count for rep, a reduction in rep point(s), or even outright bans for blatant disregard in obeying these very simple rules.

When combined with @Arborist's idea it all really starts to come together quite nicely and seems more realistically manageable.

Post limits for new greycels is also a good idea, I'd combine it with a monitored "trial period" to strike out any shitposts/spam and maybe even that spam filter @Lord&Master mentioned.

@Prettyboy also put forth the idea of limiting new greycels posting areas to those where shitposting isn't allowed.

This is a good idea, offtopic can be open for greycels to view but they shouldn't post until they meet a minimum requirement, and I'd also argue for monitoring of their posts to filter out spam/shitposts.

However, Looksmaxing section should still be limited for these new greycels to just the first few pages and not earlier than a month just like it is for normies, this restriction can be lifted when the minimum rep/ratio requirement is met following the end of their "trial period".

Ultimately, these measures are only put in place to protect this forum and the knowledge contained in it we all hold dear, and there may possibly come a time where these measures can maybe be rolled back but until then this is just how it goes.

Privatizing of User Content and Deleting Posts:
Users should be allowed to delete their entire post history when deleting their accounts when considering how many users here [especially early on] chase after rep points, though they ultimately get nothing from them in the end and often post things they regret.

I think it'd be a good incentive for users seeking to delete their accounts and leave the forum after using the advice here.

That said, I also worry about any potential high quality posts/threads being deleted along with it so I think sections of their deleted content from users marked as important ought to be preserved or archived.

Users should also to have the discretion to decide which of their content should to be deleted, especially if it could potentially be harmful to their privacy or easily be taken out of context, but full content deletion should only be reserved for those deleting accounts.

However, an exception to full content deletion will be made for content marked as important knowledge, though said content itself can be modified or censored under certain circumstances such as privacy concerns [via consent of the user if still in contact with staff] while still maintaining the main integrity of the content in its original form.

Additionally, Rep thresholds to only allow users of a certain Rep level to view your threads threads is also another excellent idea, as it not only ensures normies can't view your threads, but it also [ideally anyway] helps control the quality of users who post on it.

@0hMan also put forth a good idea regarding the old hideposts option:

Hideposts based on user rep or even outright denial of access to lurkers would be a good idea, as it wouldn't just cover entire threads but specific individual content within the thread itself.

Pay to Enter Sections:
Some have suggest the notion of a payed surgery/harmaxx focused subsection of Looksmaxing section.

This would be a great idea for dedicated users who have the resources available to move onto the next step of seriously improving their looks tbh, and it could potentially end up being another way to help fund the running of this forum.

However, due to the inherently risky nature of the subject matter disclaimers along with measures to vet content on the section need to be put in place to minimize risk and help promote safety.

Although crypto can be pretty secure if you know what you're doing many people still don't trust it, and many more [not just normies btw] can't even figure out how to do it securely themselves either.

Not to mention, most people just simply aren't comfortable with the idea of paying your way in especially for knowledge tbh, and yes before anyone says it- I know you have to go through paywalls sometimes even for scientific publications/journals/databases let alone things like books, documentaries, courses etc.

It's for that reason I think a post/rep requirement for sections of the forum would be a better idea and could work relatively well if done properly, especially if supplemented via other measures such as a monitored "trial period" to filter out low quality users and content.

Stronger Vetting of New User Sign Ups Applications:
A general restriction on the amount of new greycel users [like a certain quota or max threshold for a week] would help slow down the influx of new users to help improve the quality and efficiency of the vetting process as a whole, this would also help staff keep up with the monitoring of these new greycels.

Regarding improved sign up requirements, the entire vetting process must be made more thorough and detailed as it's a basic yet essential preliminary measure necessary to filter out low quality users, since it's the first direct step one takes to becoming a part of this forum.

Prompt length, effort, and quality including grammar will all be taken into consideration following the implementation of more stringent vetting measures. However, primary emphasis will be placed on the quality and effort followed by length of the sign up post rather than only focusing on grammar.

It should then be noted to those trying to sign up that improper grammar may hurt their chances to an extant somewhat, but improper grammar in and of itself won't necessarily cause a rejection of a sign up appeal outright.

Exceptions also ought to be made for users who don't speak English as a first language but are still proficient enough in it [@badg96 👀], as saying otherwise would actually negate the purpose of even having foreign language sections on this forum in the first place.

Some have suggested the idea of vulgar language being detrimental to one's sign up post but I disagree.

Vulgar language can actually [sometimes at least] help add greater impact to one's pleas when done correctly as it's meant to be from the heart, that said the point I'm making here is that although use of it would be discouraged and/or limited, singling it out just because someone said "fuck" one too many times doesn't really make sense as like I said emphasis needs to be placed on the quality and effort put into it.


You don't have to read these since I already included some of the important parts in my main points above, but I'd still include them since I'm still responding to your concerns after all.

imagine caring so much if some guys will have information to "knowledge" that will change nothing. fucking narcies
  • Hmm...
Reactions: chaddyboi66
Seem like a good thread but I will read later
  • JFL
Reactions: chaddyboi66
Bro ive been on looksmaxx since 2018 lmao, shit its ok no need to panic
This world is alredy shit to make it more shit with our negative thoughts and feelings
Positive nihilism💪, live and if you dont like to live rope thats abt it, thats just being a man.
Last edited:
I'm not even opposed to the idea

and I unironically think plenty here would be willing to buy merch just like VIP tbh
And then buy the march and get doxxed cause of your payment details. Crypto payments might work but bitcoin sure as hell ain't secure. Monero is a good steep but nothing digital is fool proof.
  • +1
Reactions: chaddyboi66
I don't think anyone is surprised @Master did absolutely nothing that was suggested. Typical money grubbing negro.
I don't think anyone is surprised @Master did absolutely nothing that was suggested. Typical money grubbing negro.
He needs shekels for his mortgages boyo

I know my threads and posts often tend to sometimes be a bit hard on the eyes but I'll try to separate each and all of my points into distinct sections.

I also don't want to put too many spoilers since people often just simply don't bother clicking to open them, as they probably assume it'll take up most of the page and require too much effort to read.

So I'll leave everything open and without spoilers but organized, separated, and spaced out clearly enough to be both visible and comfortable to read.​

Jfl I knew this would happen in fact I've been telling everyone here this, including all staff, for months now because it was only a matter of time tbh.

First and foremost fuck that gay horsefaced plagiarizing bitch ass nigga SyrianPsycho.

Mods ban his account if he has one here asap, and if he doesn't ban his IP from being able to lurk.

Second, ...

Private BoB Immediately.
We can focus on other solutions afterward.​

Third, re-implement the 100 rep requirement on BoB for new users until the exposure dies down and you can plan an appropriate course of action.

Anyway, here's my plan to fix this...​

My Proposed Solution to the Issue of Forum Privatization:
Temporary Rolling Privatization periods for either the forum outright or specific sections critical to its integrity [i.e. BoB and Looksmaxing, or even offtopic if media gets involved and tries to strawman us], akin to "rolling blackouts" or rota load shedding.

This would be a good way to prepare and defend against any incoming threats posed by new trends [involving us], or recent media coverage, or even targeted attack campaigns etc. that seek to jeopardize this forum's future and "expose" our wrongthink.

Ads for users will be turned on to cover the running costs, but if costs are still too high then certain sections may be opened up even during this blackout period.

Selective Privatization of Specific Sections:
That said, certain sections should still remain permanently private to lurkers even outside of these privatized blackout periods when the forum is open like BoB and maybe Looksmaxing, though parts of Looksmaxing may be open to lurkers with some restrictions in order to prevent any potential losses in ad revenue.

BoB and Looksmaxing sections should also both be restricted to users [be they new or otherwise] via a minimum post/rep requirement I'll elaborate more on below, just as had previously been put in place before.

Leaving the offtopic section open or closed depends on how you want the forum to be presented to the outside:
Although it isn't necessarily filled with any critical looks theory or looksmaxing knowledge, it's still very "toxic" and full of spergy aspies [in good fun/just for memes though].

However, this can easily shed a bad light on the forum as a whole in the eyes of normies, perpetuating additional fear and hysteria regarding our very existence which can drive them to try to shut us down just because they [already btw] don't like us or what we say.

That said, Rating section could be a possible example of the opposite, however.

It could shed us in a more positive light:
By showing everyone else outside of the forum how we really are just trying to live up to the true purpose of this forum in helping each other improve.

However, people often post their real faces on there and being associated with this forum even if it's just for a rating might not be a good idea since normies [and their masters telling them where to bark] are more than willing to ostracize us for thoughtcrime.

Then again, people already post their faces here already so it wouldn't really change much to private the Rating Section.

Regarding the looksmaxing section, restrictions should be put in place for lurkers if they're viewing it since it still contains important looksmaxng information.

Although I'm not necessarily in favour of privating it outright since it'll cut into ad revenue, lurkers should only be able see a limited number of pages of the looksmaxxing section, such as more recent threads from within the past month. This would protect essential nigh BoB worthy threads still isolated in Looksmaxing section's archives.

Lurkers can't even use the search bar so they shouldn't be able to see old threads past a certain date either, or rather they shouldn't be able to view a few pages [like 2-3] beyond the first front page itself or earlier than a certain date.

Post vs Rep Requirements for New Users:
I think a FAIR way around newbie greycel users trying shitpost their way to 100 posts would be to simply change the requirement to 100 REP points instead.

You could also put an additional post requirement on top of the 100 rep like 200-500 post minimum, and this will actually make it easier since you wouldn't even need a "perfect" 1:1 post to rep ratio.

Sure, It'll be more difficult to make your way to 100 rep but at the same time it's not exactly impossible per say either, since it can be done in about a week or so if you post consistently.

Also, you wouldn't even necessarily have to post giga high iq/effort guide threads or even any giga aspie Evsicerations to get rep tbh:
Giving basic advice to those who haven't heard it yet, stating [obvious] facts,
Giving personal anecdotes/experience/stories,
Going into blackpill theory,
Non-shitposting memes [with a little effort though since memes are too easy],
or Even just saying things others agree with...

...are all easy ways to get rep tbh.

BoB will be completely restricted until the minimum post/rep requirement mentioned above is met.

Following the onset of the tiktok trend, the Looksmaxing section will still be visible to new greycels registered during this, but access will be limited be it in posting or viewing a certain quota of threads until the minimum post/rep requirement for BoB is achieved.

Additionally, staff needs to ensure these new greycels don't attempt to collaborate with each other to gain rep instead of earning it organically, as being repped by established users is part of the vetting process.

Restriction of Users Past a Certain Date at the Start of TikTok Trend:
Some have suggested the idea of preventing new users from being able to access BoB or even a prevention of registration outright, past the specific date in which this trend first started.

However, I don't support or agree with a broad restriction of access to content or registration based solely on join dates, since new users often provide good content just as they do bad content at times as well.

It's also so broad of an "solution" that it fails to address the key issue of low quality content by only targeting the users themselves instead of correcting their actual content and preventing its prevalence, while also inhibiting new high quality users from joining which can counter the influx of low quality ones.

Ultimately, you also really can't tell for sure who tried to join simply because of tiktok vs who joined organically unless you ask new users on the sign up appeal how they found out about the forum, and even then you'd have to rely on the element of surprise/first guess or them simply not just lying you to begin with.

However, even with all of that said I do still support broad or generalized restrictions on new greycels during their "trial perido", rather than outright prevention of registration or permanent restricted acsess to BoB based solely join date.

Preventing Shitposting and Spam:
Furthermore, greycel users should have to voluntarily enter a "trial phase" in which their first posts to 100 rep, or at the least just threads made by users in during this 100 rep trial period, will be monitored by staff and/or other established users to ensure they don't shitpost their way up.

A distinct marking will be placed on their account to single them out from the rest and denote how they're currently under a "trial period", this will ensure their posts are always held under scrutiny by the userbase while also encouraging other users to help give them reps if they make decent posts.

Posting may also generally be limited to sections where any form of shitposting is banned outright, since it will make the process of vetting your first 100 rep a lot easier for both you and staff- which makes your approval process during this period smoother and more efficient.

I know this might potentially sound "draconian" in some regard but don't worry it's really not though, because there'll be a lot of wiggle room so to speak in that there won't be this overbearing presence constantly looking out for that one time you fuck up.

So you don't have to make sure every post is always 100% high effort.

We're only making sure most of your posts to 100 Rep aren't just dozens of "dnrd" or "Jfl" posts.

Just post normally tbh.

@Lord&Master mentioned something interesting regarding how other forums deal with spam:

The filtering out of both low quality users and content via an automated process would make it a lot easier and realistically feasible, as the only way to monitor spam for new greycels would be to limit the amount coming in and to take a hardline approach to striking out spam to keep up with the amount of posts.

Staff and other users should also be able to easily view the first 100 posts to recieve rep points of every new greycel during their trial period at any time, in order to constantly scan for any potential shitposting or spam and help alleviate some of the effort on part of the staff.

Staff will have free reign and ultimate discretion to strike down any potential spam/shitposting by these new greycel users at any time, and users will be able to report said spam/shitposts of these new greycel users in the "trial period" at any time which will be then be forwarded to staff to investigate.

Punishments can range from anything as simple as not making the post not count for rep, a reduction in rep point(s), or even outright bans for blatant disregard in obeying these very simple rules.

When combined with @Arborist's idea it all really starts to come together quite nicely and seems more realistically manageable.

Post limits for new greycels is also a good idea, I'd combine it with a monitored "trial period" to strike out any shitposts/spam and maybe even that spam filter @Lord&Master mentioned.

@Prettyboy also put forth the idea of limiting new greycels posting areas to those where shitposting isn't allowed.

This is a good idea, offtopic can be open for greycels to view but they shouldn't post until they meet a minimum requirement, and I'd also argue for monitoring of their posts to filter out spam/shitposts.

However, Looksmaxing section should still be limited for these new greycels to just the first few pages and not earlier than a month just like it is for normies, this restriction can be lifted when the minimum rep/ratio requirement is met following the end of their "trial period".

Ultimately, these measures are only put in place to protect this forum and the knowledge contained in it we all hold dear, and there may possibly come a time where these measures can maybe be rolled back but until then this is just how it goes.

Privatizing of User Content and Deleting Posts:
Users should be allowed to delete their entire post history when deleting their accounts when considering how many users here [especially early on] chase after rep points, though they ultimately get nothing from them in the end and often post things they regret.

I think it'd be a good incentive for users seeking to delete their accounts and leave the forum after using the advice here.

That said, I also worry about any potential high quality posts/threads being deleted along with it so I think sections of their deleted content from users marked as important ought to be preserved or archived.

Users should also to have the discretion to decide which of their content should to be deleted, especially if it could potentially be harmful to their privacy or easily be taken out of context, but full content deletion should only be reserved for those deleting accounts.

However, an exception to full content deletion will be made for content marked as important knowledge, though said content itself can be modified or censored under certain circumstances such as privacy concerns [via consent of the user if still in contact with staff] while still maintaining the main integrity of the content in its original form.

Additionally, Rep thresholds to only allow users of a certain Rep level to view your threads threads is also another excellent idea, as it not only ensures normies can't view your threads, but it also [ideally anyway] helps control the quality of users who post on it.

@0hMan also put forth a good idea regarding the old hideposts option:

Hideposts based on user rep or even outright denial of access to lurkers would be a good idea, as it wouldn't just cover entire threads but specific individual content within the thread itself.

Pay to Enter Sections:
Some have suggest the notion of a payed surgery/harmaxx focused subsection of Looksmaxing section.

This would be a great idea for dedicated users who have the resources available to move onto the next step of seriously improving their looks tbh, and it could potentially end up being another way to help fund the running of this forum.

However, due to the inherently risky nature of the subject matter disclaimers along with measures to vet content on the section need to be put in place to minimize risk and help promote safety.

Although crypto can be pretty secure if you know what you're doing many people still don't trust it, and many more [not just normies btw] can't even figure out how to do it securely themselves either.

Not to mention, most people just simply aren't comfortable with the idea of paying your way in especially for knowledge tbh, and yes before anyone says it- I know you have to go through paywalls sometimes even for scientific publications/journals/databases let alone things like books, documentaries, courses etc.

It's for that reason I think a post/rep requirement for sections of the forum would be a better idea and could work relatively well if done properly, especially if supplemented via other measures such as a monitored "trial period" to filter out low quality users and content.

Stronger Vetting of New User Sign Ups Applications:
A general restriction on the amount of new greycel users [like a certain quota or max threshold for a week] would help slow down the influx of new users to help improve the quality and efficiency of the vetting process as a whole, this would also help staff keep up with the monitoring of these new greycels.

Regarding improved sign up requirements, the entire vetting process must be made more thorough and detailed as it's a basic yet essential preliminary measure necessary to filter out low quality users, since it's the first direct step one takes to becoming a part of this forum.

Prompt length, effort, and quality including grammar will all be taken into consideration following the implementation of more stringent vetting measures. However, primary emphasis will be placed on the quality and effort followed by length of the sign up post rather than only focusing on grammar.

It should then be noted to those trying to sign up that improper grammar may hurt their chances to an extant somewhat, but improper grammar in and of itself won't necessarily cause a rejection of a sign up appeal outright.

Exceptions also ought to be made for users who don't speak English as a first language but are still proficient enough in it [@badg96 👀], as saying otherwise would actually negate the purpose of even having foreign language sections on this forum in the first place.

Some have suggested the idea of vulgar language being detrimental to one's sign up post but I disagree.

Vulgar language can actually [sometimes at least] help add greater impact to one's pleas when done correctly as it's meant to be from the heart, that said the point I'm making here is that although use of it would be discouraged and/or limited, singling it out just because someone said "fuck" one too many times doesn't really make sense as like I said emphasis needs to be placed on the quality and effort put into it.


You don't have to read these since I already included some of the important parts in my main points above, but I'd still include them since I'm still responding to your concerns after all.

keep normies out
  • +1
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