Nardil, Lyrica, and Vorinostat is the Social God Mode Stack

too bad nardil will make you an unathletic, fat fuck
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No one can quite ultimately make it from to yourself to an alternate reality. Believe in yourself.incel.
Low IQ ur fucking retarded. This will never happen if you consistently gymcel.
lol, how long have you actually been using it kid?

I was on it for a couple years at varying doses as a teenager and even while limiting diet and exercising some noticeable amount of fat gain/bloat was inevitable at the dosage range that actually works. It also (independent of the weight gain) seems to fuck with your athleticism and coordination

it's not a good drug if you value looks and physicality
lol, how long have you actually been using it kid?

I was on it for a couple years at varying doses as a teenager and even while limiting diet and exercising some noticeable amount of fat gain/bloat was inevitable at the dosage range that actually works. It also (independent of the weight gain) seems to fuck with your athleticism and coordination

it's not a good drug if you value looks and physicality
I've been on Nardil since last July and haven't had issues with any of this tbh. I follow a strict diet, limit my calories and do IF, and workout pretty often. I'm still very lean atm.

Also Nardil metabolizes into PEA which is a potent stimulant. So if anything it only increases my athletic performance, not decrease it.
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yo how do I get this shit. I'm a social-anxiety cell

Do I just tell a doctor that I'm depressed and suffer from social anxiety and then just tell them to prescribe me this?

yo how do I get this shit. I'm a social-anxiety cell

Do I just tell a doctor that I'm depressed and suffer from social anxiety and then just tell them to prescribe me this?

Yea, also make sure to mention you've been on other meds in the past and say they didn't work. Finding the right psychiatrist is also important. They should be an oldcel and the more curry they are the better.
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Yea it's weird because even though it's very GABAergic if you take it with a stimulant like caffeine it actually makes you feel more energetic, more talkative, and gives you a desire to be around other people.

Moclobemide would be decent, but like I said earlier it's very serotonergic. If Lyrica isn't helping you enough then I would definitely try Nardil. Nardil truly is the gold standard for anxiety, both GAD and social. Because I take both of these drugs, I no longer suffer from anxiety.
My last psychiatric visit went to discuss my symptoms mainly I'm very anxious, stressed, muscles tensioned and once i tense my muscles a nerve pain stikes in my temples.

Note* muscles tension include (lips, chin, neck, shoulders, eyes, forehead, eyebrows, abdomen, toes, even my fucking anus jfl)

anyway the Dr prescribed me BuSpar along with SSRI called Trintellix. I asked for Lyrica but he refused.

I went home and bought only BuSpar for 3 reasons...

1) I would be happy to cure my nerve pain and anxiety depending on one drug.
2) was afraid of drug interactions between BuSpar and Trinitellix.
3) tried an SSRI before and didnt do much for me. So I tried another class of drugs which BuSpar is.

fastfoward today is my 13th day on BuSpar and it did improve my symptoms like 30%. thinking about dropping it because its not effective and potentially capped at 30% improvement.

Increasing the dose wont help much further.

im in this suffering since July 2019.

tried Effexor XR and its the most effective one like 70% but sides were too much and had to quit.

I asked him to prescribe me Lyrica because back in my high school days i used to take it daily. and yes as much as you prescribed it. it gave me socially low inhib most NT days of my life.

had to quit cuz i stuggled with memory issues and had to focus on studying.

but few months ago I tried Gabapentin in hopes for curing the nerve pain... and dosed 600mg daily.. it worked only for like 20 mints after my first dose and i litterly felt the anxiety being vanished. so stopped taking it...

how can Lyrica help or any MAOI when Gabapentine didnt?

you seem pretty much educated on this topic... I need your advice cuz im in a shitty sticky nasty situation.. my days are being robbed from me.
My last psychiatric visit went to discuss my symptoms mainly I'm very anxious, stressed, muscles tensioned and once i tense my muscles a nerve pain stikes in my temples.

Note* muscles tension include (lips, chin, neck, shoulders, eyes, forehead, eyebrows, abdomen, toes, even my fucking anus jfl)

anyway the Dr prescribed me BuSpar along with SSRI called Trintellix. I asked for Lyrica but he refused.

I went home and bought only BuSpar for 3 reasons...

1) I would be happy to cure my nerve pain and anxiety depending on one drug.
2) was afraid of drug interactions between BuSpar and Trinitellix.
3) tried an SSRI before and didnt do much for me. So I tried another class of drugs which BuSpar is.

fastfoward today is my 13th day on BuSpar and it did improve my symptoms like 30%. thinking about dropping it because its not effective and potentially capped at 30% improvement.

Increasing the dose wont help much further.

im in this suffering since July 2019.

tried Effexor XR and its the most effective one like 70% but sides were too much and had to quit.

I asked him to prescribe me Lyrica because back in my high school days i used to take it daily. and yes as much as you prescribed it. it gave me socially low inhib most NT days of my life.

had to quit cuz i stuggled with memory issues and had to focus on studying.

but few months ago I tried Gabapentin in hopes for curing the nerve pain... and dosed 600mg daily.. it worked only for like 20 mints after my first dose and i litterly felt the anxiety being vanished. so stopped taking it...

how can Lyrica help or any MAOI when Gabapentine didnt?

you seem pretty much educated on this topic... I need your advice cuz im in a shitty sticky nasty situation.. my days are being robbed from me.
what sides did you experience on effexor?
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what sides did you experience on effexor?
Tinnitus and ear pain.
Brain fog, lowered cognitive ability, memory problems.

What do you think about my case? I wanted to PM you tho...
Tinnitus and ear pain.
Brain fog, lowered cognitive ability, memory problems.

What do you think about my case? I wanted to PM you tho...
well im not the guy you responded to but i've been around the block with these

try adding wellbutrin to that stack. should help with those symptoms

too many doctors prescribe ssri only which only focuses on the serotonin side of things then completely ignore dopamine and norepinephrine.
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well im not the guy you responded to but i've been around the block with these

try adding wellbutrin to that stack. should help with those symptoms

too many doctors prescribe ssri only which only focuses on the serotonin side of things then completely ignore dopamine and norepinephrine.
I know I wanted to PM you as asking you too.

Wellbutrin is ototoxic too!! also i heard it increases anxiety.

what stack exactly?
I know I wanted to PM you as asking you too.

Wellbutrin is ototoxic too!! also i heard it increases anxiety.

what stack exactly?
dude i have the worst anxiety ever and it didnt affect me i dont think

by stack i mean ssri + wellbutrin

i personally am taking duloxetine + wellbutrin + recently started lyrica but i was on duloxetine + wellbutrin for a few years

if you take a MAOI though you dont need wellbutrin since MAOIs increase all monoamines
also i feel like i do have ringing in my ears but i usually dont pay attention to it and the alternative is worse
dude i have the worst anxiety ever and it didnt affect me i dont think

by stack i mean ssri + wellbutrin

i personally am taking duloxetine + wellbutrin + recently started lyrica but i was on duloxetine + wellbutrin for a few years

if you take a MAOI though you dont need wellbutrin since MAOIs increase all monoamines
How much do you give this combo of meds effeciency to your state?

If you still have the worst anxiety ever why don't you just try different meds?

Aren't you worried about sexual sides? You seem to be nuking it by SSRI + Lyrica?

At least Wellbutrin increases libido(?)

Then why don't you just stick to Lyrica? And drop Wellbutrin?

Answer all the questions please
How much do you give this combo of meds effeciency to your state?

If you still have the worst anxiety ever why don't you just try different meds?

Aren't you worried about sexual sides? You seem to be nuking it by SSRI + Lyrica?

At least Wellbutrin increases libido(?)

Then why don't you just stick to Lyrica? And drop Wellbutrin?

Answer all the questions please
this is the best combo ive come across FOR ME. i feel about 80% normal

my anxiety used to be so much worse before any meds. i would have panic attacks every day. ive tried most meds possible lol. there arent many left to try. i do want to try a MAOI now to see if that will be any different

my dick works great actually. it takes me longer to cum but thats a good thing for me since i used to cum too quickly. my sex drive is good too (imo)

supposedly wellbutrin does raise libido but i dont feel like my libido was affected much (if at all) when i was only using an ssri vs ssri + wellbutrin

lyrica is for my pain mainly (im 99% sure i have fibromyalgia) but also anxiety and wellbutrin is to make me "happy"/give me motivation/etc (dopamine) and focus/attention/energy/etc (norepinephrine)
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My last psychiatric visit went to discuss my symptoms mainly I'm very anxious, stressed, muscles tensioned and once i tense my muscles a nerve pain stikes in my temples.

Note* muscles tension include (lips, chin, neck, shoulders, eyes, forehead, eyebrows, abdomen, toes, even my fucking anus jfl)

anyway the Dr prescribed me BuSpar along with SSRI called Trintellix. I asked for Lyrica but he refused.

I went home and bought only BuSpar for 3 reasons...

1) I would be happy to cure my nerve pain and anxiety depending on one drug.
2) was afraid of drug interactions between BuSpar and Trinitellix.
3) tried an SSRI before and didnt do much for me. So I tried another class of drugs which BuSpar is.

fastfoward today is my 13th day on BuSpar and it did improve my symptoms like 30%. thinking about dropping it because its not effective and potentially capped at 30% improvement.

Increasing the dose wont help much further.

im in this suffering since July 2019.

tried Effexor XR and its the most effective one like 70% but sides were too much and had to quit.

I asked him to prescribe me Lyrica because back in my high school days i used to take it daily. and yes as much as you prescribed it. it gave me socially low inhib most NT days of my life.

had to quit cuz i stuggled with memory issues and had to focus on studying.

but few months ago I tried Gabapentin in hopes for curing the nerve pain... and dosed 600mg daily.. it worked only for like 20 mints after my first dose and i litterly felt the anxiety being vanished. so stopped taking it...

how can Lyrica help or any MAOI when Gabapentine didnt?

you seem pretty much educated on this topic... I need your advice cuz im in a shitty sticky nasty situation.. my days are being robbed from me.
Lyrica is superior to Gabapentin, far more powerful per dose and will actually give you a noticeable effect every time you take it. Gabapentin is a hit or miss, if you take it with a high fat meal and a carbonated drink it does boost it's potency. But the desired effect isn't always guaranteed, whereas with Lyrica, taking it on an empty stomach with some caffeine will always give you a noticeable GABAergic boost.

Effexor always did the same thing for me, worked well but also made feel extremely edgy and uncomfortable. Maybe look into Bupropion, but that will do nothing compared to a potent MAOI like Nardil or Parnate. You'll just be stuck chasing a higher and higher dose and ultimately achieve nothing even close to what MAOIs can do for you psychologically, especially if anxiety is already an underlying issue for you.

I know I wanted to PM you as asking you too.

Wellbutrin is ototoxic too!! also i heard it increases anxiety.

what stack exactly?
Everyone's individual neurochemistry is different, but considering that Bupropion (Wellbutrin) increases norepinephrine, it will make you more anxious. Nardil also increases norepinephrine, but if you dose it properly, you won't experience any anxiety due to the powerful GABA-T inhibition that the drug causes. Ideally you want to maximize every neurotransmitter, but being on a substance that is also very GABAergic allows you to tackle both anxiety and depression and completely change you into a person capable of accomplishing things you could never dream of before. At least that is what it's done for me.
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@Kroker You can also go down the dopamine route. Bromantane is probably the best option, take an SSRI + Bromantane + Lyrica/Gabapentin would work great for anyone. But you would always have to take these three substances daily and try to figure what dosage would work best for you and then have to adjust it on a daily basis. MAOIs build up in your system, so I don't have to consider what daily dosage would be best. If I feel on edge due to Nardil metabolizing into PEA, which causes a powerful norepinephrine effect, all I have to do is take one pill and it goes away.
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@Kroker You can also go down the dopamine route. Bromantane is probably the best option, take an SSRI + Bromantane + Lyrica/Gabapentin would work great for anyone. But you would always have to take these three substances daily and try to figure what dosage would work best for you and then have to adjust it on a daily basis. MAOIs build up in your system, so I don't have to consider what daily dosage would be best. If I feel on edge due to Nardil metabolizing into PEA, which causes a powerful norepinephrine effect, all I have to do is take one pill and it goes away.

so ive been trying to solve this unique problem ive had for years. its taken over a huge part of my life and mental state. i was wondering if you might have any insight

so randomly my body will go through waves of states of normalcy lets call it and widespread pain and anxiety. i think its also anxiety because the worse the pain gets, the tighter my throat gets (globus sensation) and the tighter my muscles get. i dont have particularly anxious thoughts during these times though.

i seriously dont know whats wrong with me and ive never seen someone with the same thing i have.
so ive been trying to solve this unique problem ive had for years. its taken over a huge part of my life and mental state. i was wondering if you might have any insight

so randomly my body will go through waves of states of normalcy lets call it and widespread pain and anxiety. i think its also anxiety because the worse the pain gets, the tighter my throat gets (globus sensation) and the tighter my muscles get. i dont have particularly anxious thoughts during these times though.

i seriously dont know whats wrong with me and ive never seen someone with the same thing i have.
Anxiety is a very tricky emotion. I used to get very anxious and overwhelmed with paranoia for no apparent reason. From a physical standpoint, I always used to watched what I ate, especially before working out, because if I ate the wrong food and ate too soon prior to working out, I thought I would puke at every given second.

This has completely changed with Nardil, any negative physical sensation you get due to anxiety will completely change. This is because due to the drug's MoA and my own self-introspection, you eventually learn that every negative feeling you experience is just an excuse for why you can't accomplish what any other person is capable of doing. Emotions can seem very powerful and debilitating, but once I started Nardil I realized just how much I let "anxiety" control my life. Now that I'm so NT due to Nardil and Lyrica, all anxiety feels like is an excuse for why I'm not capable of accomplishing what any other human is capable of doing.

This is the ultimate blackpill, becoming extremely NT and lowinhib will change any human being's perspective. This is why so many ppl here continue to cope with muh looks because they've never experienced what pure NTness is capable of. With this mentality, you can literally accomplish anything. Nardil turns all your dreams into reality.
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Anxiety is a very tricky emotion. I used to get very anxious and overwhelmed with paranoia for no apparent reason. From a physical standpoint, I always used to watched what I ate, especially before working out, because if I ate the wrong food and ate too soon prior to working out, I thought I would puke at every given second.

This has completely changed with Nardil, any negative physical sensation you get due to anxiety will completely change. This is because due to the drug's MoA and my own self-introspection, you eventually learn that every negative feeling you experience is just an excuse for why you can't accomplish what any other person is capable of doing. Emotions can seem very powerful and debilitating, but once I started Nardil I realized just how much I let "anxiety" control my life. Now that I'm so NT due to Nardil and Lyrica, all anxiety feels like is an excuse for why I'm not capable of accomplishing what any other human is capable of doing.

This is the ultimate blackpill, becoming extremely NT and lowinhib will change any human being's perspective. This is why so many ppl here continue to cope with muh looks because they've never experienced what pure NTness is capable of. With this mentality, you can literally accomplish anything. Nardil turns all your dreams into reality.
thank you for the insight, i really appreciate it

i dont know if you mentioned it earlier but did you ever take an ssri/wellbutrin or both at the same time?
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thank you for the insight, i really appreciate it

i dont know if you mentioned it earlier but did you ever take an ssri/wellbutrin or both at the same time?
Yea I've taken both and at the same time as well. Never experienced any positive noticeable difference from either of these drugs. All Wellbutrin did was make me more anxious, and SSRIs just made me indifferent and complacent. It's been very apparent to me now that you have to increase every neurotransmitter, that's the only way you truly ascend.
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Yea I've taken both and at the same time as well. Never experienced any positive noticeable difference from either of these drugs. All Wellbutrin did was make me more anxious, and SSRIs just made me indifferent and complacent. It's been very apparent to me now that you have to increase every neurotransmitter, that's the only way you truly ascend.
but thats the thing doesnt the combo do that? or you mean increase it from the source i.e. preventing it from breaking down with a MAOI
but thats the thing doesnt the combo do that? or you mean increase it from the source i.e. preventing it from breaking down with a MAOI
No because Nardil doesn't just act on every main neurotransmitter, but also trace amine modulators, specifically phenethylamine (PEA). This increase in PEA induces the hypomanic effect, which causes you to become hyper NT, but at the same time it can be difficult to hareness the effect and such a powerful PEA effect can cause some very uncomfortable emotions.This is why what time you dose and how much you take at once is very important because you need to inhibit GABA-T enough to keep up with the PEA effect. But this is quite easy since Nardil builds up in your system over time, so all you have to do is take one pill whenever you begin to feel uncomfortable.
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im interested in the pharmacology of NT drugs but i cant be fucked to read the literature as of right now. whats the best stack for a roidcel, I actually care about my looks and physicality, just need to be more NT OP?
im interested in the pharmacology of NT drugs but i cant be fucked to read the literature as of right now. whats the best stack for a roidcel, I actually care about my looks and physicality, just need to be more NT OP?
Honestly if you hopped on either Nardil or Parnate, the most potent MAOIs, being NT would be a breeze. Especially with roiding. I plan on stacking Test with Nardil in the near future because whoever got on those two drugs at the same time would never struggle with getting girls for the rest of his life. I truly mean that, the level of low inhibition would be incomprehensible.
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Honestly if you hopped on either Nardil or Parnate, the most potent MAOIs, being NT would be a breeze. Especially with roiding. I plan on stacking Test with Nardil in the near future because whoever got on those two drugs at the same time would never struggle with getting girls for the rest of his life. I truly mean that, the level of low inhibition would be incomprehensible.
just read that nardil takes from gains? this true? and to what extent
just read that nardil takes from gains? this true? and to what extent
Muscle gains? I know that ppl do deal with weight gain as an issue. But this happens because they don't watch their diet and don't eat in a caloric deficit. If you follow a strict diet already it shouldn't be an issue.

Because Nardil metabolizes into PEA, I'm naturally stimulated before going to the gym and get a better pump. It works better than any pre-workout if I'm being quite honest.
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I’m going to see if I can get a Nardil prescription first from my psychiatrist.

How has your energy levels and motivation changed on Nardil? My main problem I’m trying to fix now is that I’m lazy and procrastinate a lot, which I’ve found out is caused by low mood , anxiety, and low self esteem.

How soon after starting nardil did you see positive effects? Any negative sides you report still or did they go away?

are you able to drink alcohol while on Nardil?

thx bro
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I unironically have bipolar and it is not some low inhib cure.
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I’m going to see if I can get a Nardil prescription first from my psychiatrist.

How has your energy levels and motivation changed on Nardil? My main problem I’m trying to fix now is that I’m lazy and procrastinate a lot, which I’ve found out is caused by low mood , anxiety, and low self esteem.

How soon after starting nardil did you see positive effects? Any negative sides you report still or did they go away?

are you able to drink alcohol while on Nardil?

thx bro
You'll start to notice the positive effects pretty rapidly, it'll take about a week or two. Nardil may cause daytime fatigue when you first start it out. This may precipitate those negative emotions and thoughts at first, but trust me the amount of hypomania and euphoria you will experience will make any depression or anxiety you had previously seem like a non-factor.

And yea, you drink alcohol on it just fine. I would wait awhile though to let Nardil fully take it's effect.

I unironically have bipolar and it is not some low inhib cure.
lol You think having a legit mental illness equates to the effects an MAOI has on your brain? Hypomania is just a way of me describing one way the drug works. That isn't the only effect it's capable of. Plus it's very easy to control and harness unlike mentally illcels such as yourself, no bipolarcel can just decide to be manic when they want. With Nardil, you can and can decide far you want to take it. But yea, I'm sure your untreated bipolar disorder is just as beneficial.
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You'll start to notice the positive effects pretty rapidly, it'll take about a week or two. Nardil may cause daytime fatigue when you first start it out. This may precipitate those negative emotions and thoughts at first, but trust me the amount of hypomania and euphoria you will experience will make any depression or anxiety you had previously seem like a non-factor.

lol You think having a legit mental illness equates to the effects an MAOI has on your brain? Hypomania is just a way of me describing one way the drug works. That isn't the only effect it's capable of. Plus it's very easy to control and harness unlike mentally illcels such as yourself, no bipolarcel can just decide to be manic when they want. With Nardil, you can and can decide far you want to take it. But yea, I'm sure your untreated bipolar disorder is just as beneficial.
Bipolar is definitively advantageous in some ways but in other ways it is not.
Bipolar is definitively advantageous in some ways but in other ways it is not.
Exactly, but with Nardil you can control being bipolar simply by taking a pill once it starts to feel out-of-hand.
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What's your daily Lyrica dose?

Won't it build tolerance over a period of time? Then you have to increase the dose accordingly?
It wasn't really sporadic, it was leading up to the moment. I walked off after this and everyone was drop-dead silent in utter disbelief.

I will do more lowinhib later today and fill you in.

Vorinostat isn't an MAOI though. Here's a more thorough post if you want to read more about it:

I really can't help but think Vorinostat is too good to be true. Even after reading some papers explaining its biochemical mechanisms and several anecdotes on longecity. It really does seem like a miracle drug.
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Bump, hey Op. I’m getting Nardil and Lyrica soon from my psychiatrist since he’s a family friend. And I’m also gonna be taking 400mg test for mood and physique. Do you think I’d still need Vorinostat?

I’ve been really researching your threads and definitely want this social god, low inhib effect that nardil and lyrica give.

I used to get on adderall phenibut combos but those were too ínstense

Anyways, I want to start with 45mg nardil and lyrica 150mg morning and 150mg in the afternoon, what do you think?
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Bump, hey Op. I’m getting Nardil and Lyrica soon from my psychiatrist since he’s a family friend. And I’m also gonna be taking 400mg test for mood and physique. Do you think I’d still need Vorinostat?

I’ve been really researching your threads and definitely want this social god, low inhib effect that nardil and lyrica give.

I used to get on adderall phenibut combos but those were too ínstense

Anyways, I want to start with 45mg nardil and lyrica 150mg morning and 150mg in the afternoon, what do you think?
Lyrica will make you dumber the test plus some phenibut when you go out on a date should be enough. Have a study supply of l theanine that you can dose daily, it’s pro cognition plus kills anxiety
Honestly if you hopped on either Nardil or Parnate, the most potent MAOIs, being NT would be a breeze. Especially with roiding. I plan on stacking Test with Nardil in the near future because whoever got on those two drugs at the same time would never struggle with getting girls for the rest of his life. I truly mean that, the level of low inhibition would be incomprehensible.
@Prince88 maybe get on test boyo
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do you use greenstone or pfizer nardil? if you're in the us
Lyrica will make you dumber the test plus some phenibut when you go out on a date should be enough. Have a study supply of l theanine that you can dose daily, it’s pro cognition plus kills anxiety
What about nardil and Vorinostat will it make one dumber? Im too lazy to look at the studies and mechanisms
do you use greenstone or pfizer nardil? if you're in the us
Greenstone is complete ass. Lupin made the best Nardil available in the US but they discontinued. If it ever comes back, I will try it again.
Greenstone is complete ass. Lupin made the best Nardil available in the US but they discontinued. If it ever comes back, I will try it again.
apparently a different company bought the patent/formula from lupin and is in a very long process of bringing it back sometime, i'm praying it drops while i'm still taking nardil

What about nardil and Vorinostat will it make one dumber? Im too lazy to look at the studies and mechanisms
nardil is neuroprotective and antioxidative, if anything it would have the opposite effect
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apparently a different company bought the patent/formula from lupin and is in a very long process of bringing it back sometime, i'm praying it drops while i'm still taking nardil
Oh wow, where did you here that?

I was on the phone with Lupin customer service last week. They had no idea whether or not it would be coming back but said that I should call back periodically to ask.

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