Natty lifters DESTROYED, Roiders proven to be richer, be more educated, and be more competitive than natty copers (GTFIH)

It's all about test my friend, High T = success. More specifically free T, the more floating T you have in body the better you'll function as a man
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Reactions: Skywalker, Deleted member 2268 and Moggable
if ur low iq muh test is best coper then yes
if you are high iq enough to use either sarms or var with hcg then you won't descend
Sarms are cope idiot. Don’t be a bitch and pin test
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker and igbekele007
Sarms are cope idiot. Don’t be a bitch and pin test
sorry I am not planning to go bald bloated and aged for something that won't give me as much gains as sarms can give
  • Ugh..
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Reactions: Skywalker and igbekele007
Because roids are expensive and poor people don't have access to them. So this makes roiders above average overall because the amount of poor people in roiders are way less then natties.
This is a colossal misconception. I explained this in one of my threads. Jon Skywalker even admitted to starting out with 250 mg for like $5 a week.

Money. How the hell are you going to fund your lifestyle? While steroids aren't as expensive as people think, the price really adds up when you factor in drugs to counter side effects, monitoring blood work, etc. Test is dirt cheap and isn't hard to source legit stuff, but we all know your not just gonna cycle only test. Trenbolone isn't too pricey, but is very harsh and anavar and primobolan are often faked and are usually very pricey. Again gym membership + food + roids + stuff to counter roid side effects + constantly getting bloodwork really adds up overtime. Plus what are you going to do if you get in a fight with your deal and he ditches you? Steroids aren't like other drugs once you are on them, you're on for life. You don't keep the gains. Pete Rubish tried to pct his t back to normal and ended at like 38 test. His test before roids was over 800 before. Although I think the actual bank account killer is growth hormone. Roid lifestyle is typically affordable up until hgh gets involved.
  • +1
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sorry I am not planning to go bald bloated and aged for something that won't give me as much gains as sarms can give
Do you guys not know what 5ar inhibitors are goddamn
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker
Do you guys not know what 5ar inhibitors are goddamn
we dont care
we get more gains from sarms and dont care about this shit for redditors
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker and Deleted member 2268
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker
“KHV” JFL at your results
I would be khv no matter which compounds I used because I am one of the lowest nt and most mentally ill on this forum
Wait wtf hes not natty ??! He looks dyel bruh

  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker
TBQH why do people take androgenic roids ? if it ages you ? more muscle potency ?
Male gaze. I’m sure most people using them are aware of their aging effects but they don’t believe that’s a problem
I know a dude that's literally jeff nippards height blasting 900 test 200 tren for a year and still looks like a lanklet who's done calisthenics for a few months.

he posts about his 'journey' actively too, I want to roast him every time he posts a picture.

Then he trains+diets like an absolute idiot. I know multiple people who made mind blowing transformations FAST with sarms and test.
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker
Honestly dick --------> muscles. Fuck roiding. Imma keep on hanging weights from my mushroom tip. BWC reigns supreme.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Skywalker
I know a dude that's literally jeff nippards height blasting 900 test 200 tren for a year and still looks like a lanklet who's done calisthenics for a few months.

he posts about his 'journey' actively too, I want to roast him every time he posts a picture.
Send pic
Obviously (androgenic) roids like test will make you more competitive you mong

Also yes (androgenic) roids will make you wageslave harder due to more motivation obviously

But the trade off is, your looks. Your youthful looks, and your hair.

Is that worth it? It all depends on what you want

If you want to turn into ugly aged ogre you can still slay, you just have to run body game/high masc game and get the girls who like older looking dudes. Mike thurston and chestbrah for example. They’re not ugly tho.

I personally don’t want that. I want to chaundo tan max. And yes chaundo tan is on roids BUT he’s not on the androgenic roids that give you more motivation/more alpha personality

He’s on the anobolic orals, and the sarms. He’s on the anobolic shit. Not the androgenic shit. His test is likely semi low from no test base. He does orals and sarms a couple times a year.
Can I pm you
Alright then niggas, post your income right now and your T levels.

Better not see any trust fund faggots here claiming its cuz they inject lol

Nepotism also don't count

Show me a broke ugly natty nigga who suddenly got wealthy and hot after cycling
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker
Obviously (androgenic) roids like test will make you more competitive you mong

Also yes (androgenic) roids will make you wageslave harder due to more motivation obviously

But the trade off is, your looks. Your youthful looks, and your hair.

Is that worth it? It all depends on what you want

If you want to turn into ugly aged ogre you can still slay, you just have to run body game/high masc game and get the girls who like older looking dudes. Mike thurston and chestbrah for example. They’re not ugly tho.

I personally don’t want that. I want to chaundo tan max. And yes chaundo tan is on roids BUT he’s not on the androgenic roids that give you more motivation/more alpha personality

He’s on the anobolic orals, and the sarms. He’s on the anobolic shit. Not the androgenic shit. His test is likely semi low from no test base. He does orals and sarms a couple times a year.
Muh hair muh youthful looks...why is hair and youthful looks important. Men are supposed to be ugly
  • JFL
Reactions: autistic_tendencies and Skywalker


View attachment 1970160





love it buddy boyo
roiders are smarter and high IQ
followed and watched for this :Comfy:
I would be khv no matter which compounds I used because I am one of the lowest nt and most mentally ill on this forum
its because of Sarms dude aka Chinese rat piss :feelskek:
Cheat your way through everything.
Cheating = lifehack
  • Love it
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I know a dude that's literally jeff nippards height blasting 900 test 200 tren for a year and still looks like a lanklet who's done calisthenics for a few months.

he posts about his 'journey' actively too, I want to roast him every time he posts a picture.

Is he doing everything right and just getting no results due to genetic bad hand?
Is he doing everything right and just getting no results due to genetic bad hand?
even if you do everything wrong at that dosage you'd still grow, think he just has incredibly shitty androgen receptors.
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker
Because roids are expensive and poor people don't have access to them. So this makes roiders above average overall because the amount of poor people in roiders are way less then natties.
Then you have your council estate broke benefits RTT chavs jfl

@Chinacurry @FailedNormieManlet
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker and FailedNormieManlet
I know a dude that's literally jeff nippards height blasting 900 test 200 tren for a year and still looks like a lanklet who's done calisthenics for a few months.

he posts about his 'journey' actively too, I want to roast him every time he posts a picture.
not like he can help being a weak responder and having subhuman androgen receptors anyway
based noble natty and high inhib no injection users in this thread; keep working, keep hoping, keep shooting for your dreams and you'll grow natty :Comfy:
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 19294
Male gaze. I’m sure most people using them are aware of their aging effects but they don’t believe that’s a problem
miles better than your expert PHOTOSHOP gay-ze :feelskek:
Your gonna loose ur looks tho… roids make u bloated face,balding,small dick, small balls and fucked up body system. Once u get on cycle u stay on forever which will descend u to sub5 quick
Also it fucks ur collagen up. Roids make you look old cel.

But If run with tret and collagen supplementation and mk-677 for fertility protection might be worth looking into.

Me personally tho the youth pill is too important . I'd rather old when I'm older . Not to mention even with avg genes you can get a good enough physique while wearing clothes which is what actually counts .

Looking big and lean sub 8% is pointless. If you chew gum and don't have subhuman fat distribution and avoid bloating foods you can look facially lean at 12-15% bodyfat. And that bodyfat looking good in clothes is Easy
  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Moggable, Bonesbonesbonesbone and Skywalker
But taking roids makes you broke if you aren't an Ivy League hedge fund manager kid. So it's a vicious cycle of try what they do and still lose to them because they got the head start.
the only side effects of sarms is temporary decrease in testosterone. They dont induce hairloss, ageing and have no bad impact on health
How can you cope so hard lmaooo
Rad 140 , yk11 cuase insane amounts of hair loss
Health ? They literally rape your liver as they are orals
Equal shutdown as compared to roids + inferior and shit results .
Nobody on the Olympia stage or someone with a really good physique is coping with sarms everyone is on roids . Sarms are for pussies who can't inject .
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker, cmfanel and ItsOverCel
How can you cope so hard lmaooo
Rad 140 , yk11 cuase insane amounts of hair loss
Health ? They literally rape your liver as they are orals
Equal shutdown as compared to roids + inferior and shit results .
Nobody on the Olympia stage or someone with a really good physique is coping with sarms everyone is on roids . Sarms are for pussies who can't inject .
I took rad 140 , and can confirm it caused big hair loss. Myself I was willing to inject but heard that sarms had less side effects. While it did the reasoning imo is flawed. Its mostly due to sarms being weaker rather then more selective and potent. Meaning if you ran a dose of equivalent of test it would be similar effects in terms of net side effects.

Also test has been studied a lot more then sarms so its safety profile is a lot better. Sarms are still relatively new, being sythesized int eh late 90s.

Either way its not some magic thing that has no side effects. I would never run rad 140. It doesn't give you anywhere near the gains of lgd 4033, and causes a lot of hair loss. I managed to however get rid of hair loss completely with mk-677 which was amazing. My skin quality also improved so in terms of the collagen effects I feel it managed to prevent the negative effects of the sarms on collagen.

LGD 4033 had very little hair loss for me when run solo . And far more strength and size gains. Yes you do get bloat but with a good diet you can miniminize that and myself I never noticed it much, but to be fair in my general life I have never been prone to bloating besides when drinking alcohol( and even then its not that bad tbh).

Overall I would recommend everyone to stick to test. Start off with a trt level dose of 100mg. Take your relevant AI to prevent gyro, and take clomid on cycle to reduce overall pct time needed and maintain fertility on cycle. And then your minimum ideal break would be the same number of weeks you did the cycle. So if you did 12 weeks of steroids, then 12 weeks off. Ideally twice the length, but its dose dependent. Its important to let the body recover
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Start off with a trt level dose of 100mg.
Not at all , you won't even feel that you are on test on 100mg
Minimum 400mg to begin with and 500mg is the best beginner dose
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker
Not at all , you won't even feel that you are on test on 100mg
Minimum 400mg to begin with and 500mg is the best beginner dose
Its better to start low then start high. Play the long game. Not to mention a lot of them juice heads are able to maintain a solid amount of mass on trt dose. TRT dose would give you more test levels then a high test chad would have , so with good diet and nutrition can do great.

If you want to go more later then its personal choice at that point. Get a feel for things and then go up
  • +1
Reactions: 5.5psl
How can you cope so hard lmaooo
Rad 140 , yk11 cuase insane amounts of hair loss
Health ? They literally rape your liver as they are orals
Equal shutdown as compared to roids + inferior and shit results .
Nobody on the Olympia stage or someone with a really good physique is coping with sarms everyone is on roids . Sarms are for pussies who can't inject .
imagine taking ROIDS
girls can tell if ure not natty and are repulsed; same goes with surgeries ofc
SHAME on you blud
Embarrassed Shame GIF
  • So Sad
Reactions: 5.5psl
imagine taking ROIDS
girls can tell if ure not natty and are repulsed
SHAME on you blud
Embarrassed Shame GIF
Just tell them your a genetic freak. Those dumb roasties are gonna believe it .
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Roids target lazy sub-humans who were raised by a single mom.
Good luck for your testies after that.
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Smaller balls though would make your dick look bigger
It looks ridiculous but the most important thing is that you will probably never recover from it.
Testosterone issues can be easily solved without that crap that has been made to poison our youth.
ofc, it requires manly characteristics such as temperance, endurance, etc.
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I'll wait until 25 when the body fully develops
  • JFL
Reactions: Moggable
I'll wait until 25 when the body fully develops
Yh breoooo just wait until your subhuman bone structure permanently ossifies and won’t change any more then roid brooooo.

Nooo don’t do it when you will be able to experience greater body and face changes along with enjoying mogging as a roider at a younger age broooo nooooo
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Roids target lazy sub-humans who were raised by a single mom.
Good luck for your testies after that.
View attachment 2244360
Testosterone issues can be easily solved without that crap that has been made to poison our youth.
ofc, it requires manly characteristics such as temperance, endurance, etc.
you see boyos there's still hope in the zoomer generation , the best ever :love:
if you just have 1925-era MANLY characteristics like temperance
you too will make it buddy boyo, without being a pussy and injecting POISON :Comfy:

wall of shame poison artists : @5.5psl @Maesthetics=King @Blackgymmax @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Arborist

more incoming
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  • JFL
Reactions: Usum, 5.5psl and Deleted member 27472
you see boyos there's still hope in the zoomer generation , the best ever :love:
if you just have 1925-era MANLY characteristics like temperance
you too will make it buddy boyo, without being a pussy and injecting POISON :Comfy:

wall of shame poison artists : @5.5psl @Maesthetics=King @Blackgymmax @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Arborist
Just use ashwaganda bro
  • WTF
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  • JFL
Reactions: 5.5psl, Skywalker and Deleted member 28904
  • JFL
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Thats crap. Most roiders I know are typically blue collar dudes. This is probably a poop study
Alright then niggas, post your income right now and your T levels.

Better not see any trust fund faggots here claiming its cuz they inject lol

Nepotism also don't count

Show me a broke ugly natty nigga who suddenly got wealthy and hot after cycling
"deleted member"

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